I’m 19 years old, it’s so hard to be a Christian teenager and many teenagers don’t believe in Jesus but i want them to believe in Jesus I’ll pray for them everyday and I’ll keep my faith forever 💗💗🙌🙌
Hold on and keep the faith. Stay prayed up at all times. Remember, Jesus said you will have trials and tribulations, but he has already overcome the world. Guess what? We have overcome too. I agreement with you
im 26 and only a couple years ago committed my life to Christ. It def feels like it's hard for my generation and I can totally see that being the case for yours too (prob even harder tbh). At 19 you are an inspiration and I'm so grateful that the Lord is doing a great work in you. I think it is awesome that you have such a big heart for prayer. Stay plugged in to the vine (Jesus) and you will bear much fruit (see John 15:5). It's hard but the Lord promised to never leave us. We are sealed by the Holy Spirit. He is teaching us to be more and more like Him each day. "Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the LORD holds them by the hand" Psalm 37:24 (NLT)
Iam currently a victim of demonic harassment and demonic oppression 24 hrs a day. I lost my way with god three yrs ago fell into hard drugs. This is real! I'm currently under construction and building my relationship with god. This sermon has taught me not to conversate with these snakes.... Pray for me in the name of mighty jesus I will get threw this!!!
I will be praying for you and your immediate family in Jesus name. Ask for the blood of Jesus to cover you. Addiction says you need Soul healing. I pray your healing comes
Believing for deliverance for my son Jacob from drug addictions. He's 28, and started using drugs at the age of 12. Please pray for him. Thank you in advance. Amen
Hi! I’m 30. I just received my deliverance from my addiction to alcohol. Only God can do something as effortless as that. I was going through the motions of going to church while suffering in silence. This last Sunday I went to the altar and admitted my sin in front of the church. God is near to a contrite and broken heart. He took it from me because I got tired of trying on my own. I wanted out but I couldn’t do it. God had to deliver me from that spirit. I literally felt it leave !!! Keep hanging on mama ! Praying for your strength and his ! 🙏🏽❤️
I received Jesus when I was 18. I am now 64. Thank you Jesus. Read the Bible stay in a great spirit filled church find a little bit older friend who's been through some trials marry a Christian who is strong in their faith and Never give up. It's worth it.
Thank you for sharing!! I needed to hear this as being 33 I feel the need to reach back to the youth those just coming of age went through many trials at that age I had those who shared wisdom and knowledge with me helped me get right
@@xenotsu- Masturbating in itself is not a sin. However, it can and will lead up to sinful thoughts and behaviour. And thoughts can be sin. Jesus said that if you look at a woman with lust, you've already committed adultery with her in your heart. If you are burning with lust, pray to the Lord for strength, maybe a wife, and he will provide you with the best solution. Trust God. I know it's hard, but nobody ever said it will be easy to follow God. Especially not today when women are dressing provocatively and unlimited pornography is easily available. Stay strong in Christ, feast on His word and pray, pray, pray. Jesus loves you. God bless you, my dear friend.
Jesus and Satan are just creations from something we can’t see. Even “god” is a relative term. We are ALL equal in essence, even to the so called “god”.
Currently overcoming lust, porn, and masterbation. The enemy tries to use loneliness to cause me to alter my faith but the devil is a lie. Thank you for your message doc. Keep me in your prayers and I’ll do the same ✊🏾
God is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless from your enemy with exceeding joy! Anytime you even think of a woman just command your mind to praise the lord command your body to be use by the glory of God and tell the devil he is a liar! Your body is worth it and you will wait for your wife to be., in Jesus name 🙏🏾❣️
Lust was mine but I cut off every single lover in my life and lust left with them. I now wait for my godly spouse. Lust will pop up from time to time but it's easier for me to refuse it
@@codychilders8280 It starts with the heart Christ said if you look at a woman to lust after her you already commited adultery with her in your heart change your inner man first by reading the Word til you can reply to the temptation with the Word of God like Christ did when he was tempted by the Devil. Christ had a scripture for every temptation the Devil threw at Him even when the Devil tried to use scripture against Him but you have to have faith and most of all you have to love God with all your heart, soul, and might but when you do fall remember we have an Advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the Righteous and He is the propitiation for our sins.remember a just man falls 7 times and rises up again keep fighting you already have the victory in Christ.
I ask that every Christian who reads my message will pray for me and my husband, Jerry and Blair Anding! We are under attack, we are working our way back to God, to live for God. Pray for us to conquer over evil and bring holiness back into our lives and our home! In Jesus name, Amen, thank you!
2 For 5:17 If anyone be in Christ he is a new creation; old things have passed away ALL things have become NEW! Both you and your husband HAVE conquered because our Lord and Savior HAS conquered...we fight FROM Victory, not for Victory! Move, live and have your being in our Risen Savior Jesus Christ!
To go along with the previous reply I will pray that you and your husband learn to use your authority given to us by Christ over the enemy 🙏in Luke 10:19 KJV
Hello, my son wasn’t talking anything and he had speech problems. So I started teaching him words from bible like Jesus, God, Hallelujah,,bible, and guess what he has improved his leaning and speech at exponential speed. Thank you lord.
Mental manipulation is one of the devil's main weapons I know because the evils of satan have been attacking my mind constantly...this is for anyone out there going through what I am Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded. James 4:8
My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, nor be weary when reproved by Him. For the Lord disciplines the one He loves, and chastised every son whom He receives. HEB 12:5-6
I am currently under an attack of the enemy. Every month since jan 2023 there has been something that has rocked my faith...my stepmother passedin January in February my sister had a medical emergency that i had to become involved with, April my dog was stolen, May my father passed away.. i am struggling...please pray for me😢 i am trying to hear from God
I have been under the same circumstances but I have learned that the closer you get to God, the harder the devil will try to lead you away. He will try to demolish any and all faith you have in God and we have to be strong and keep nourishing ourselves in Gods word. His word will protect us and nourish us so that we will be covered in impenetrable armour against the devils attack. If you need anyone to talk to I’d be happy to share info ! I’m looking for more sisters in Christ to hold each other accountable and help each other through these attacks. God bless you sister !
It's definitely an attack on you but attacks will not cease. Nor does God's love and favor. There's a message in the Bible where the devil makes plans to throw us off our path. God will allow it just to see which way you will choose. Always Trust God. Give him praise regardless. And in those moments, ask God what he wants to you to focus on and learn from it. People need you, even when they don't tell u. And sometimes that can be looked at as, oh my gosh, why me. But, Why not you though. ❤ take care
God is always with you, even in the storm. Jesus is not unsympathetic to your suffering. Look to the cross. He knows everything you are going through and more. Read your bible. Study it, meditate on it, and pray deeply and consistently. He who began a good work in you will finish it.
Revealation 13:7-8 7 Also it was allowed zto make war on the saints and to conquer them.2 And authority was given it over every tribe and people and language and nation, 8 and all awho dwell on earth will worship it, everyone whose name has not been written before the foundation of the world in bthe book of life of cthe Lamb dwho was slain. CORONA means CROWN, CORONA added up like Revelations tells us to Calculate the number 666 In the WORD CORONA There are 6 letters, and the individual letters add up to 66 so Hence 6 and 66. In this math the first number is the total Number of letters. A is 1st letter of the alphabet, and C is the 3rd letter of the alpha Bet, so: C=3 O=15 R=18 O=15 N=14 A=1 Sub total 66 Total (total number of letters is the first 6) _________________________ 666 2 Thessalonians 2:9-11 9 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan(A) works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders(B) that serve the lie, 10 and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing.(C) They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.(D) 11 For this reason God sends them(E) a powerful delusion(F) so that they will believe the lie(G) Revelation 14:7-10 NIV He said in a loud voice, “Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come. Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water.” A second angel followed and said, “ ‘Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great,’ which made all the nations drink the maddening wine of her adulteries.” A third angel followed them and said in a loud voice: “If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives its mark on their forehead or on their hand, they, too, will drink the wine of God’s fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. They will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb.
I’m also under spiritual attack I’ve strayed away from the Lord and slowly finding my way but I’m being attacked from every snake family friends and strangers please pray for me my name is Omar 🙏🏾
@@rochelleperry2242 Humans are all imperfect, even when we feel as if we are not worth it God will always accept us no matter what I believe as long as you don’t take advantage of knowing that he is forever with you. I recommend reading the bible daily and making time for God
Reality Transurfing by Vadim zeland ...this is one of those books revealing secret info which everyone must read.Very motivating and inspiring especially in times like this.
Well now hold on there....even though we are children if God... Satan goes at us double hard. We can still be tempted.I believe many pastors don't speak on that enough and are the WORST in their private life,till what they're doing comes to light.
@@evysteffens-faulkner9722 very true, we are still on trial even if are saved or born again anyone can sin, as said in revelations many fall even hardcore Christian, don't boast about being christain as well saved even you can be deceived. just look how many thinking the rapture is a true thing when reality it just satan telling them false lies. there is no rapture as well jesus comes after tribulation . there only 2 times jesus comes to earth one he is born and 2 the second coming of christ. remember satan like to come in like a angel of light, also remember never boast about being a christian be humble and just follow the lord jesus and share his gospel so others can wake up and not burn in the lake of father. we all can sin we are not perfect. but we are perfect in jesus aka god. if you say we christain can't sin then your calling jesus a liar. read the commandments of jesus there alot stuff there that even I did not know. there more then 10. but just stay with christ as well have faith only jesus can remove you from sins you your self can't only through jesus ya can, am speaking through the holy spirit along my spirit, to say only trust jesus and ask him what information you get on ya spiritual journey with the lord. always test the spirit. be strong with the lord always confess and repent as well cleanse through the blood of jesus. we are getting closer to the end, the devil knows he running out of time. I pray for you all to stay safe out there, as well stay close to christ amen.
Hi guys let me tell y'all the truth about churches the truth church of Jesus Christ is the church of Christ is really true church of GOD Jesus Christ pay it all with he blood is the bible📖↩ thanks Tony love y'all hope to see y'all in HEVEN one day God bless y'all people 📖😇💕💕
Dr. Tony Evans is one of best preachers I’ve ever heard. This is my absolute favorite message of his. He breaks it all the way down. His ministry has blessed my life and helped me become a mature Christian.
I came to know Christ in jail in 2013 by reading a book, "Overcoming spiritual blindness" by James P. Gills MD. The veil was taken off my eyes. Heaven came through for me in my finances too, getting $25,000 monthly. I can support God's work and give back to my community. God is absolutely more than enough!
Isaiah 45:3 speaks of a transference of riches from the heathen to the righteous... I will give you the treasures of darkness and the riches hidden in secret... I receive this for my household in Jesus' name. Amen!
I started pretty low though, $2000 thereabouts. The returns came massive. Joey is in school doing well, telling me of new friends he's meeting in school. Thank you Cathie Wood, you're a miracle
My husband claimed to be a Christian, but I am growing, he is not, I’m afraid he is not who I thought he was. I don’t want to be around him anymore or be exposed to His self righteousness. Covid and trump and Fox News made him change. I want to leave
I had a horrible weekend, filled with horrible choices. I am now suffering. This is EXACTLY what I needed. I need God and I know this pattern is going to continue to leave me lost if I don’t correct it.
Be gracious to yourself! You can rise up and be eagle to spread the wings.. Don't think how many times you have done horrible choices or fallen. But just focus that you rise up in the name of jesus! There is hope and cling to God's grace!
In 2018 while in prison serving a 130 years to life,I surrendered my life to Christ as Lord. From that day on my life has never been the same. There has been a change on the inside and their continues to be. It's only because of God's grace that I've been saved and have been released from prison. The Lord held on to my wife and sons for me. So I no longer live for the gang, but for Christ Jesus my Lord. All glory be to God!!
That is the mighty Allah, hope you pray for guidance to the truth, which there is only one God, Your story moved me, so I really pray for you to find the truth. To live the full experience. ❤
SMEN!! Praise THE LORD JESUS, prayers keep on ,Praying Praising HIM ( JESUS) you ,I and every Born again Child of GOD in CHRist , we're being free ,on The inside 🙏🤗♥️😊
I’m 21 years old and I’ve been battling a porn addiction since I was 10. I am nearing 22. Please righteous souls pray for me. Jesus is restoring me and as He does this journey gets harder and harder. I have been attacked in my waking and unconscious life. I once was hit on the top of my head in a dream and awoke with a pain on top of my head that has continued since that dream. I need you Jesus. I need you to be a fence around me.
Prayer for you. I'm going through the same thing but God is good I'm battling through it. God always gives me a way out and I'm using it praise be to my Lord and Savior.🙏🙏
"The devil can't make you sin." Very awesome message. Also, I have learned that the devil doesn't have the authority to kill you. Either he influences another human to commit murder or mislead humans to commit suicide. The same God that created Jesus has created you. Even though satan has downgraded to the devil, it had free will just like humans to choose wisely. People through Jesus we are stronger and wiser.
You know that Jesus is Word of God who took flesh to redem us and show as the way to life... right. There is no = equal sign between them. One is the creator , the other one is a creature. Read the chapter one of the Gospel according to John..
Praying for you. Read psalm 107 it's a chapter about when the people preyed God answere. So everyday use that chapter for a point of reference. Don't Stop and read John chapter 15 daily. Dont give up know matter what.
My name is DONYEL DELMAR please pray for me. I'm in a season of renewal of spirit soul and body and marriage and family in Christ. I Declare and Decree the enemy flee as I take back everything that was stolen from me
Wow I needed to hear this! Was married to a beautiful woman with a Jezebel spirit that eventually tried to destroy me but Praise God he took me out of that mess!
You only fell for her because of lack of wisdom..Your not the first and you wont be the last shes everywhere looking for victims..Shes a perverse spirit..
The enemy always attacks when something begins. God gave me a personal revelation of my salvation and he’s layed desires upon my heart to accomplish a mission and I’m being attacked constantly in my mind getting me to doubt and to fear etc. he uses any kind of slip up to accuse you with. I say, ignore him, don’t talk to him, don’t let him influence you in any way: give him no power at all and focus on Jesus, the word and prayer. Amen 🙏 ❤
The old religion and Greek figures are all controlling our bodies and are the voices. They are getting in our bodies to rape, murder and speak thoughts that are not our own. The old religious/Greek figures are arranging the marriages/relationships of the populace without consent. The psychic rapes are from old religious/Greek figures not a human person. It’s not kundalini as well. They left things in the bible to trick you, control your morality, and bring you to fearful place about heaven/hell.
I love Tony Evans because he breaks it all the way down. He puts everything in to perspective and he makes you really think about the word and living right. Thank you Jesus for a true man of God.
The Sabbath is calculated by God's Time in Genesis 1:14, the sun, moon and stars. Please research this important subject before the false Sabbath decree is enforced!
Please everyone pray for me I am struggling with a huge personal problem, and I have been for 25 yrs, God have mercy and please help me do you’re will in Jesus name
Hang in there Mel, keep praying I promise HE hears you! Your healing and deliverance is done. No matter the challenge, big or small God is the master of them all. Fight by praying, praising God and remaining obedience! God's got you!
I know how you feel and I wish you nothing but the best...My own problem has consumed me to the point where I’m having a difficult time to CHOOSE to repent. I’m terrified of God! I live everyday in fear and struggle with anxiety bc I know at some point God will execute his wrath on me! That’s not a good feeling! Lord help! 😥
I love Him .He Gets me thru my day listening him every morning .if you dont have a church home or if you Do .wow his preaching is Excellent and Soul cleansing
I learned the hard way. I didnt trust the bible. I was deceived and Jesus showed me the truth. I now trust the bible with my very life and soul. . Praise the Lord.
I started listening to pastor Evan's about 2 years ago when by accident I switched over to the a.m station and I that day felt that I needed to listen to something that would change my whole life, in other words it was getting me prepared to the great storm that was coming my way..today my baby girl is fighting a.t.r.t cancer a very aggressive cancer plz pray for us things are not looking good there's no cure.. and I believe that our creator jesus is between this war of mine Amerie left us on September 14 2019. I called her daddys vessel of God. Today i have felt the holy spirit comforting me. i wil remain on my knees for my lord and savior jesus..blessings to all. and thank you
God has her, no matter what you see. It's hard to see in the natural world, but the spiritual world if you have the faith of a mustard seed you HAVE faith, and you will be protected. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ our Saviour!
Thank you for this. I'm going through the biggest storm of my life right now. So big that it can tear my life apart and I am walking on eggshells right now. The devil has used my personal "game film" to destroy my life and I know for fact that Im gonna come out of this stronger and more spiritually connected with God so the devil already lost this one, pray for me to continue following our God and use his gift of peace to get through this.
I had a dream where this cord or rope was in the way but ended up over it outside around other people then auntie come out so we got to fighting. She come fussing with someone name terrell I don't know him.
Yes true. But some people you can’t tell them anything. First of all they don’t believe it is a snake. They say a snake, naw that is my girl, my wife, my friend, my whomever. They don’t see it sometimes until they are so caught up with the demon snakes that most people will avoid them because these satanic fools can transfer to other folks because they might have 5 demonic snakes in them,
Beloved, I don't know you in person but God know you. God ministered to me in a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding onto them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay in your life, with an evil mirror, and with motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford or give to these motherless foundation (Twins Alive Foundation) in Edo state Nigeria before Two days with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on +2349150335948) tell him I sent you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you in Jesus name
I've started my spiritual journey and trying to focus on leaning into the Word consistently. I now recognize the endless distractions that keep me from reading my bible, understanding the scriptures, and involving myself with my church. It was weighing on me, so I made it a point tonight to reach out and I chose to select a Sermon. I chose this one. I am convinced Lord God directed me to this. It was like this was for me. Thank you, Jesus, for that gentle nudge and this message. I am so grateful for everything you always do and have done for me and my family. I love you. Keep me close to you.
I like to pray for everyone In The comments we all are being attacked by the enemy of God which is an enemy of ours cause we are God's creation. At some point we are to acknowledge and stand on the Fact that the enemy attacks us because God has chosen Us and we accepted and chose to follow him as well and that alone is enough for the enemy to be jealous of so he attacks us because he had to realize he had chosen the wrong side by disobeying and challenging God and has been cast down because of his choice. So like a mad child he rebels and tries to destroy because he is mad at himself because of the choice he made. Please do not be discouraged and give him the satisfaction continue to throw God's words at him and embrace your faith and stay choosing God's words and promises to your life ( as a servant of God )and he will do just as he said he would in your life. Remember the enemy will continue to attack but don't break the more he attack thats confirmation that you are closer to your breakthrough and that you are favored by God. Why else would he be attacking our lives . So know that the enemy 's attack on your life is confirmation that you are blessed and favored by God. I love you all and continue to fight, ask God to Protect and shield you with is armor of protection. We are blessed by the Most high through Jesus Christ. Amen? Amen.
Good day everyone please pray for me to grow and start being my true self, speaking from authenticity. And also to be the man the Lord wants me to be, I’ve made many mistakes and just trying to do better and stay alive, In Jesus name.. its been really tough but I’ll make it by faith🙏🏾 I’ll pray for you too
Satan is a figment of humanity’s imagination that is meant to be blamed for everything bad one might do. Stop blaming imaginary goaties and deal with the fact that everything you do is your and your choice only.
There are so many other videos you can spend your time watching instead, but you found/chose this one and took the time to comment. It’s not by chance you are here, God loves you.
@@Ukogas Read these 2 books...A DIVINE REVELATION OF HELL by Mary Kathryn Baxter and HE CAME TO SET THE CAPTIVES FREE by Dr Rebecca Brown. ..Read them, powerful accounts about Satan and Hell, then you will understand fully what you deny. God Bless You.
I needed this. Because In waiting on God you will get weary if you aren’t careful, and in comes Satan with all kind of suggestions. But God always bring a scripture to mind, when I’m doubtful Isaiah 43:19 “Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness” that’s why it’s important to read the living word of God frfr.
The devil has deceived my wife of 26 years of marriage. And now it’s caused all kinds of havoc on our family. She has filed for divorce and is running from a good marriage to this deceptive independence. Please pray for restoration of our marriage, keeping our covenant with Godand letting our family be blessed again. I love my wife dearly, is God’s will for us to be together and for this marriage to thrive.
@@carmenvljn without you knowing the truth or our situation, you can’t say that. It’s like saying Anne Frank was part at fault with Hitler having her sent to the chamber. I listen to a marriage restoration story where the woman had an affair. Both husband and wife were in ministry together,and were heavily involved in the church, but the woman had an affair. After the affair and the restoration, she admitted that her husband didn’t do anything wrong. He was a good father and a good husband, it was her own weaknesses that the devil worked on. She literally said her husband did nothing to her to push her in the arms of another man, it was her own fault. I’m not claiming that I’m perfect, nor that there aren’t areas that I can work on. Our problems are normal - Men are from Mars and women are from Venus. Not any toxic behaviors. There is clearly spiritual warfare going on in my marriage and family. Ephesians 6 talks about this. Now, if you don’t believe the Bible is the word of God or the truth, that is your right to believe that. But I know it is the truth, and now I really have a better understanding of what God is talking about, now that I’m in the battle. I do agree that both husband and wife have part in problems but I also believe that we have a covenant with God, not just a certificate of marriage with the government. I will honor that commitment and that covenant. I am working on myself. Your statement is basically saying, there is never no mental illness, there is never no hormonal imbalances, there is never demonic influence, all problems and all tragic events took two parties to make it happen. There are situations in history where one party didn’t deserve what another party did and the devil had part in it. If this wasn’t the case, the Bible wouldn’t have lots of warnings about it.
Life is so so hard-!!! After being saved and giving life to Jesus life gets even harder because now you have a real enemy-! Sometimes I have no more energy to fight and want to give up.... but His Spirit gives me strength to breathe another day. Sometimes I wonder if I can endure any more of this life...but He reminds me all is well with my soul. I was married unsaved and got saved later in marriage. So I am now currently unequally yoked. It is sooo hard cause the serpent uses him daily to wear me down. I mean daily-! I dont know how much more I can endure. Pray hard and seek His Word daily.
Fast and pray fasting and gives you endurance ... When I feel anger laziness excetra come upon me even depression I'll fast for about 7 hours in a day try to drink water for only 7 hours in a day and the next day I feel brand new!
Since the devil cant harm anyone directly ,he selects ppl who can do so indirectly.U need to be so tough , participate but stay detached, not get too much involved with any event or anyone cause it cud affect u too. Reality Transurfing by Vadim zeland, one of great book to read, very motivating.
Don't be weary in well doing.. All things work together for good for those who love the Lord.. Have faith in God and declare His whole armor as living and active and without faith. Pull down strongholds mightily in Jesus name and know that the fullness of the work of His crucifixion, resurrection and ascension is alive in and through you. In Jesus name. Amen
Hello my friend blessing in the name of Christ Jesus ,.. May I point you to another teacher by the name of Voddie Baucham 😊 please tell me what you think ,. Check out a sermon by him titled The World the flesh and the devil.
When I started listening to this message, I was posting on my Facebook, as God led me to. One of my posts read- [Do not buy into something off of first appearance and perception. Find out what it really is. #Discernment #RighteousJudgment] You ended this message saying the same thing. That's God pressing out the Truth to those who will receive it.
Love Pastor Tony Evans. This Powerful Man of GOD , im bless, and ,Always intrieved, at His Teaching ,From GOD , ,in JESUS Christ ,and holy Spirit Halleujah!! Glory to GOD JAH ,Thank You JESUS !! Always will Pray ,for this Man of GOD and ,His GOD Gifted Anointed Ministry ,❤❤❤
We walk blind in this life whether sighted or born blind. This is called a tedious journey! Some people opt out with suicide, but we still know right from wrong. My mom use to say, "These are training grounds, train well in The Lord!" - Psalm 32:5-8 🔥 📖 👏🏽
Dear Jesus, I understand I have sinned and I’ll never be perfect but I am asking you to forgive me for everything that I have done and will ever do. I now give my life to you, let every decision I make be guided by you. I believe your son died to give me freedom from sin and also grace for every mistake. And I believe He rose on the third day to provide me with this freedom and grace.I understand times will get hard, but I will continue to put my trust in you. I pray also that you will help any unbelief that is within my heart. In Jesus name amen. CONFESS WITH YOUR MOUTH AND BELIVE IN YOUR HEART AND YOU WILL be saved: "If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." -Romans 10:9 NIV
Thank you lord for always been there for i and my family, Most times it amazes me greatly how I moved from an average lifestyle to earning over $63k per month, Utter shock is the word. I have understood a lot in the past few years that there are lots of opportunities in the financial market. The only thing is to know where to invest.
I agree with you and I believe that the secret to financial stability is having the right investment ideas to enable you earn more money, I don’t know who agrees with me but either way I recommend either real estate or bitcoin and stocks.
@@izagdlife That won't bother you if you trade with a professional like *Mr Gary Mason Brooks* my coach, you may have come across him on interviews relating to bitcoin and stocks. He trades, manage trading account and offer mentorship program for clients who wish to become professional investors.
Wow I can't believe you guys are discussing about Gary Mason Brooks , I once met him at a conference in California 2019, just before the pandemic. I can testify that he’s very good in trading..Highly recommended.
I has no clue who this man was until I stumbled into this video. He is spitting straight fire the whole sermon. Amen to this teaching and may God bless those who receive this message.
I'm confused with myself.. Why have I allowed myself to act in such ways and play into the traps of the enemy.. God please move this confusion from me. 🙌🏾❤🙏🏾
Because you're not rooted and grounded in Gods word..the bible. Never too late tho! Start today, pick up your bible, read and study it, pick out 3 scriptures daily , write them down,study them and speak them over your life, this will set you onto a great path and direction in your Christian walk, you got this! Be blessed! Stay in the Word it is Life and Healing to us all!
@@robertpierre7841 read the whole book of Ephesiasn, then read it again. Keep on reading it until you know it really well. God will talk to you through his living word. Ephesians has themes for our victory, one is the armor of God.
I heard this sermon just over a year ago and stumbled on it a little over a year later. My trial is still ongoing, but it’s almost over. Satan has tried like the devil to discourage me and think I should just give up, things aren’t going to get better. But the devil is a liar, not crafty enough to distract me. Jesus is my rock. God isn’t holding out, he’s preparing me for the blessing He has in store…once I’m fully restored. Amen! Thank you Father!!!!🙏🙏🙏
Than you Rev Tony. I listen most ever night at bedtime. I love how God uses you to speak to all kinds of people from all different cultures and backgrounds. I am in a dark season since my husband abandoned me in May 2023 with no backwards look. But God sent me to your sermons. Thank you. U speak in everyone’s vocabulary.
There are 1K people who gave this message a thumbs down. Why?! Dr. Evans, keep teaching us/the devil doesn’t like it, but keep giving him a hard time!😊
Because Satan is the God of this world and many people serve him, the fact that they've taken the time to listen to a sermon is good tho, the seeds have been planted, remember the ultimate goal of God is to draw his children to him and meet him in Heaven for eternity, lift people's lives up to the Lord, everybody needs God whether they realise it yet or not. Be Blessed .
The 😈uses individuals who ARE foolish enough to entertain his LIES & DECEPTION. to be weak mentally? Give the jealous evil one reign to tamper with EASILY LEAD individuals.if u Decide to challenge GOD? HIS WORDS? & DONT BELIEVE? THE 😈COMING IN TO WRECK HAVOC. IF U LET HIM CAST HIM DOWN WITH THE WHOLE ARMOR OF GOD & WALK IN YA INTEGRITY. IN JESUS NAME AMEN.
Some gave a thumbs down, Why? The World is full of people, and some don't think Jesus, Yahweh, or as it is called in the Bible: The Holy Spirit, has the right "map" they follow another Religion's "map" or a "map" based on Secular Law, experience, and morality training from parents. Not everybody is a Christian.
devils work is quite evident and though its not visible it sure numbs the mind of innocent individuals and make them say or do things which they normally wudnt. But even when with all the occult rituals which they carry out secretly to target Gods children ,it does backfire them mostly all the time.And still it annoys them and yet they do.
Dig into the word, we are not moved by sight, write scriptures down, speak them over your life, God will move in your life! Do the work sis, you got this! God requires commitment and time, its a real relationship, give your time to God and he will elevate you, he sees you and your children, lay hands on your children when they're asleep and decree and declare over their lives what you desire God to do in their lives, its time to get to work sis meaning you have to put effort in to yield results! You got this and I know you do, your love of God and your children will carry you until you strengthen, put the effort in , the time, praise God, the deliverance comes in the praises AND get Into the word of God, his word is POWER....Be Blessed ! You are covered by the Blood of Jesus, God is waiting on you! He wants to teach you and take you into a newness and a level of Annointed Power!
Your comment reminded me of Revelation 7:9-10 KJV, After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands; And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb.
This is the first time to hear you preach. Well done! I will be watching regularly, thank you. My dad was a minister as well. He is reaping his reward as of August 2nd, 2021. RIP❤ I love and miss you dad. Sir, excellent sermon.
God is the answer no way around it I am currently winging down from methadone have had addiction to pills for 20+yrs. But no longer the devil has his way with me! I have been sober from opiates for 6 years and 6 weeks from Benzodiazepines. God has still delivering me I can’t go a day without pastor Evans word thank you!!!!🙌🏻💪🏼
Ive been off track for the past year... just complacent... been dealing with depression and anxiety... I been praying and I felt the spirit say God is shaking things up to get you back on TRACK!! Thank you Lord God
You will get thru this!! "TRUST" in God!!! Stay focus, know the He is the Soverign God, keep praying, read the Word. You will win because the battle is Lord's .
If this lesson has not made it to print yet...it should be in the making of a book! So many of us need to understand the tricks of our enemy and his imps.
I'm going through this trying my best to strengthen my relationship with God only for Satan to constantly cause me to think wrong and be negative about everything. Handling circumstances in the wrong way. This sermon has so much meaning to my life and my outlook on life and how to approach people and situations. Please brother and sister in Christ please pray for me
Well, the devil can't use the argument that you are worthless. If you were truly worthless, he wouldn't be spending all this time with you. Clearly you have value and you are a threat to him.
If you’re reading this, stay strong ❤️ Jesus has saved me from demonic oppression. I am here to tell you that God is AMAZING and truly does make miracles happen. We have already won through the blood of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the answer. Build a close relationship and completely accept the Holy Spirit. Stay away from sin and most importantly don’t lose your faith. Fear nothing but God. Amen
Tony Evans sermons has helped me get through many tests and trials. His sermons helps me to stay focused and get closer to God everyday. I thank God for keeping me and my family and friends. I share these videos and pray they open more ppl hearts eyes and ears to what Gods plans are for us And to always remember that Gods plans are ordained and are best for all that love trust and have faith in him 🙏🏾❤️
Im gonna be hones i do lack discernment so please just pray for me its not myself that can't fully grasp it but the ability of comprehension so if someone can pray for me that i can get better at that,that would be awsome❤
Proverbs 9:10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the Holy is understanding Thank you so much, may God bless guide and keep you
When you hear the word of God and your souls desire to serve the Lord with everything, BUT your consumed by the world which you know is not good for you.
I’m 19 years old, it’s so hard to be a Christian teenager and many teenagers don’t believe in Jesus but i want them to believe in Jesus I’ll pray for them everyday and I’ll keep my faith forever 💗💗🙌🙌
Keep the fight of Faith young teen! The Lord will be your strength, and will always be with you. No matter what. In Jesus name I pray... Amen
Hold on and keep the faith. Stay prayed up at all times. Remember, Jesus said you will have trials and tribulations, but he has already overcome the world. Guess what? We have overcome too. I agreement with you
im 26 and only a couple years ago committed my life to Christ. It def feels like it's hard for my generation and I can totally see that being the case for yours too (prob even harder tbh). At 19 you are an inspiration and I'm so grateful that the Lord is doing a great work in you. I think it is awesome that you have such a big heart for prayer. Stay plugged in to the vine (Jesus) and you will bear much fruit (see John 15:5).
It's hard but the Lord promised to never leave us. We are sealed by the Holy Spirit. He is teaching us to be more and more like Him each day.
"Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the LORD holds them by the hand" Psalm 37:24 (NLT)
Iam currently a victim of demonic harassment and demonic oppression 24 hrs a day. I lost my way with god three yrs ago fell into hard drugs. This is real! I'm currently under construction and building my relationship with god. This sermon has taught me not to conversate with these snakes.... Pray for me in the name of mighty jesus I will get threw this!!!
You will get through it in Jesus name.
Praying for you. Keep seeking God. He is your help and hope. He can and will deliver you. The safest place on Earth is in God's presence.
I’m going through this journey right now and I’m in a hole I can’t get out. I hope I can get back up 😭😣😔
I will be praying for you and your immediate family in Jesus name. Ask for the blood of Jesus to cover you. Addiction says you need Soul healing. I pray your healing comes
Please 🙏 for me. I'm praying love, peace and prosperity over everyone here.
Believing for deliverance for my son Jacob from drug addictions. He's 28, and started using drugs at the age of 12. Please pray for him. Thank you in advance. Amen
Hi! I’m 30. I just received my deliverance from my addiction to alcohol. Only God can do something as effortless as that. I was going through the motions of going to church while suffering in silence. This last Sunday I went to the altar and admitted my sin in front of the church. God is near to a contrite and broken heart. He took it from me because I got tired of trying on my own. I wanted out but I couldn’t do it. God had to deliver me from that spirit. I literally felt it leave !!! Keep hanging on mama ! Praying for your strength and his ! 🙏🏽❤️
I’m 30 too just received diliverence praying for your beautiful son he will be ok ❤
I started at 12 too he will be ok trust in the lord I believe he will help him in Jesus name I pray amen
Jacob well be led from this I pray for him in God's name
@@PrincessJasmineW Praise God for yr deliverance from bondage!! I had a about 11 yrs of opiate dependence
Been 10 years,3 months since used.
I received Jesus when I was 18. I am now 64. Thank you Jesus. Read the Bible stay in a great spirit filled church find a little bit older friend who's been through some trials marry a Christian who is strong in their faith and Never give up. It's worth it.
Thank you for sharing!! I needed to hear this as being 33 I feel the need to reach back to the youth those just coming of age went through many trials at that age I had those who shared wisdom and knowledge with me helped me get right
Is masterbating bad?
@@xenotsu-lmao everything is bad and life sucks if you follow Santa Claus but just don’t tell anybody, it’s what these weirdos do
@@xenotsu- Masturbating in itself is not a sin. However, it can and will lead up to sinful thoughts and behaviour. And thoughts can be sin. Jesus said that if you look at a woman with lust, you've already committed adultery with her in your heart. If you are burning with lust, pray to the Lord for strength, maybe a wife, and he will provide you with the best solution. Trust God.
I know it's hard, but nobody ever said it will be easy to follow God. Especially not today when women are dressing provocatively and unlimited pornography is easily available. Stay strong in Christ, feast on His word and pray, pray, pray.
Jesus loves you. God bless you, my dear friend.
Don't give up on GOD he won't give up on you never ever..keep fighting
Jesus and Satan are just creations from something we can’t see. Even “god” is a relative term. We are ALL equal in essence, even to the so called “god”.
@@sadiedelmoral8414 he doesn't am a living witness
Hi, better yet,just keep trusting. God will do the fighting. Keep believing Jesus is faith. 😅
Currently overcoming lust, porn, and masterbation. The enemy tries to use loneliness to cause me to alter my faith but the devil is a lie. Thank you for your message doc. Keep me in your prayers and I’ll do the same ✊🏾
I'm struggling with lust and constant masturbation too. If you have any tips to stop let me know on here
God is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless from your enemy with exceeding joy! Anytime you even think of a woman just command your mind to praise the lord command your body to be use by the glory of God and tell the devil he is a liar! Your body is worth it and you will wait for your wife to be., in Jesus name 🙏🏾❣️
Lust was mine but I cut off every single lover in my life and lust left with them. I now wait for my godly spouse. Lust will pop up from time to time but it's easier for me to refuse it
@@codychilders8280 It starts with the heart Christ said if you look at a woman to lust after her you already commited adultery with her in your heart change your inner man first by reading the Word til you can reply to the temptation with the Word of God like Christ did when he was tempted by the Devil. Christ had a scripture for every temptation the Devil threw at Him even when the Devil tried to use scripture against Him but you have to have faith and most of all you have to love God with all your heart, soul, and might but when you do fall remember we have an Advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the Righteous and He is the propitiation for our sins.remember a just man falls 7 times and rises up again keep fighting you already have the victory in Christ.
A practical thing to do also is when you have those urges do something else you enjoy doing.
You gotta pray, pray, pray about everything and everyone.
Amen sister!!
Because jesus in control . We as people dont have control power come from jesus Deceriment from the holy spirit.
I ask that every Christian who reads my message will pray for me and my husband, Jerry and Blair Anding! We are under attack, we are working our way back to God, to live for God. Pray for us to conquer over evil and bring holiness back into our lives and our home! In Jesus name, Amen, thank you!
I pray that all is well with you and your husband🙏🏾
In Christ you are more than a conqueror! Keep your Faith in Jesus and walk in Truth Amen 🙏
2 For 5:17 If anyone be in Christ he is a new creation; old things have passed away ALL things have become NEW! Both you and your husband HAVE conquered because our Lord and Savior HAS conquered...we fight FROM Victory, not for Victory! Move, live and have your being in our Risen Savior Jesus Christ!
To go along with the previous reply I will pray that you and your husband learn to use your authority given to us by Christ over the enemy 🙏in Luke 10:19 KJV
Know in your heart that what you pray for has already been received when Jesus is Lord of your heart. Make sure you and your husband don’t sin.
Hello, my son wasn’t talking anything and he had speech problems. So I started teaching him words from bible like Jesus, God, Hallelujah,,bible, and guess what he has improved his leaning and speech at exponential speed. Thank you lord.
Thanks for the testimony! It helps and reminds us of how powerful God still is. May the good Lord bless you and your family.
"God's word does not return void."
Look at God! Hallelujah.
Praise God
Accepted Christ at 10 and now Im 12 it’s very hard because this generation is lost but KEEP FAITH IN GOD AMEN ❤🙏🏾
Never lose faith!! You’re doing great at such a young age!!
so proud, keep going
@@B3N0T4FR4ID thank you!!
@@kimmonekaykimmone478 i will!! 😊
Only what we do for Christ will last!
Mental manipulation is one of the devil's main weapons I know because the evils of satan have been attacking my mind constantly...this is for anyone out there going through what I am
Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.
James 4:8
RLV-TV I felt attacked today big time I just drove home from church sobbing 😔 Please pray for me.
My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, nor be weary when reproved by Him. For the Lord disciplines the one He loves, and chastised every son whom He receives. HEB 12:5-6
Ask for the Holy Spirit!
@@Christina_320 I will pray for you!
I am currently under an attack of the enemy. Every month since jan 2023 there has been something that has rocked my faith...my stepmother passedin January in February my sister had a medical emergency that i had to become involved with, April my dog was stolen, May my father passed away.. i am struggling...please pray for me😢 i am trying to hear from God
I have been under the same circumstances but I have learned that the closer you get to God, the harder the devil will try to lead you away. He will try to demolish any and all faith you have in God and we have to be strong and keep nourishing ourselves in Gods word. His word will protect us and nourish us so that we will be covered in impenetrable armour against the devils attack. If you need anyone to talk to I’d be happy to share info ! I’m looking for more sisters in Christ to hold each other accountable and help each other through these attacks. God bless you sister !
It's definitely an attack on you but attacks will not cease. Nor does God's love and favor. There's a message in the Bible where the devil makes plans to throw us off our path. God will allow it just to see which way you will choose. Always Trust God. Give him praise regardless. And in those moments, ask God what he wants to you to focus on and learn from it. People need you, even when they don't tell u. And sometimes that can be looked at as, oh my gosh, why me. But, Why not you though. ❤ take care
Yh there’s an attack start casting the attacks away in the name of Jesus
God is always with you, even in the storm. Jesus is not unsympathetic to your suffering. Look to the cross. He knows everything you are going through and more. Read your bible. Study it, meditate on it, and pray deeply and consistently. He who began a good work in you will finish it.
We just have to keep our minds and eyes fixed upon Jesus and try not to let the mess all around us get us down. God bless you!
I will not be oppressed.
I will not continue to suffer
I am changing the play
I am free, The Lord my God has my attention 🙏🏽
Amen 🙏🏾
Amen 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Trust me if you aren't already out, you will come out of this. Keep going!
Revealation 13:7-8
7 Also it was allowed zto make war on the saints and to conquer them.2 And authority was given it over every tribe and people and language and nation, 8 and all awho dwell on earth will worship it, everyone whose name has not been written before the foundation of the world in bthe book of life of cthe Lamb dwho was slain.
CORONA means CROWN, CORONA added up like Revelations tells us to
Calculate the number 666
There are 6 letters, and the individual letters add up to 66 so
Hence 6 and 66. In this math the first number is the total
Number of letters.
A is 1st letter of the alphabet, and C is the 3rd letter of the alpha
Bet, so:
Sub total 66
Total (total number of letters is the first 6)
2 Thessalonians 2:9-11
9 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan(A) works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders(B) that serve the lie, 10 and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing.(C) They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.(D) 11 For this reason God sends them(E) a powerful delusion(F) so that they will believe the lie(G)
Revelation 14:7-10 NIV
He said in a loud voice, “Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come. Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water.” A second angel followed and said, “ ‘Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great,’ which made all the nations drink the maddening wine of her adulteries.” A third angel followed them and said in a loud voice: “If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives its mark on their forehead or on their hand, they, too, will drink the wine of God’s fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. They will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb.
The beginning of all wisdom is the fear of THE LORD
The beginning of all KNOWLEDGE, not wisdom
MISC it’s both. Proverbs 9:10
@classyt20f7 everything is possible through Christian. Don’t quit and keep fighting
"When we play with sin then sin winds up playing with us" This touched my soul.
Well yes now!
Sin will take u longer then u want to stay and keep u longer then u want to stay heis the father of all lies about
I’m also under spiritual attack I’ve strayed away from the Lord and slowly finding my way but I’m being attacked from every snake family friends and strangers please pray for me my name is Omar 🙏🏾
The Lord Jesus God almighty is with you and will protect you 🤗
How. I got tricked back and sifted. I used hear from God and had the Holy ghost but gave into flesh and GREIVE THE HOLY GHOST
@@rochelleperry2242 Humans are all imperfect, even when we feel as if we are not worth it God will always accept us no matter what I believe as long as you don’t take advantage of knowing that he is forever with you. I recommend reading the bible daily and making time for God
Reality Transurfing by Vadim zeland ...this is one of those books revealing secret info which everyone must read.Very motivating and inspiring especially in times like this.
No matter how long ago this Sermon was recorded, it's still a relevant message for each of our lives.
You speak truth and so does pastor Evans! This is the sermon I NEEDED today, and, I’m sure I’ll need it again tomorrow!
@@christiemaldonado974 Amen!!!
Motivation video
Tony Evan's and Charles Stanley, best teachers!!!
Charles is my favorite let’s talk Jesus 4043869055
I like Charles Stanley, let me check this guy out.
Yes, I agree!
Zac Poonen is great also.
Add Joseph Prince!
Me too
damn really? good luck
Amen Amen it's plenty of snakes in this world and they will come for ya, great teaching
The devil WON'T mess with you, unless, YOU BELONG TO GOD...
Count it all joy...
Then they are his satan the devil's children and are in danger of going In The Lake Of Fire. I'd rather be walking with GOD than burn.
So whst kinda people satan dont mess with?
@@falsefactsandtruelies1301 can you read????
Well now hold on there....even though we are children if God... Satan goes at us double hard.
We can still be tempted.I believe many pastors don't speak on that enough and are the WORST in their private life,till what they're doing comes to light.
@@evysteffens-faulkner9722 very true, we are still on trial even if are saved or born again anyone can sin, as said in revelations many fall even hardcore Christian, don't boast about being christain as well saved even you can be deceived. just look how many thinking the rapture is a true thing when reality it just satan telling them false lies. there is no rapture as well jesus comes after tribulation . there only 2 times jesus comes to earth one he is born and 2 the second coming of christ. remember satan like to come in like a angel of light, also remember never boast about being a christian be humble and just follow the lord jesus and share his gospel so others can wake up and not burn in the lake of father. we all can sin we are not perfect. but we are perfect in jesus aka god. if you say we christain can't sin then your calling jesus a liar. read the commandments of jesus there alot stuff there that even I did not know. there more then 10. but just stay with christ as well have faith only jesus can remove you from sins you your self can't only through jesus ya can, am speaking through the holy spirit along my spirit, to say only trust jesus and ask him what information you get on ya spiritual journey with the lord. always test the spirit. be strong with the lord always confess and repent as well cleanse through the blood of jesus. we are getting closer to the end, the devil knows he running out of time. I pray for you all to stay safe out there, as well stay close to christ amen.
Good to hear a sermon on Satan. A lot of churches really don't touch this subject.
How about, most "Churches" don't touch on this topic at all? LOL..
@Yasharrah Chazaq777... So true!!
@@ronblack2700 It's certainly a crying shame.
@Yasharrah Chazaq777 ... yes it is.
Hi guys let me tell y'all the truth about churches the truth church of Jesus Christ is the church of Christ is really true church of GOD Jesus Christ pay it all with he blood is the bible📖↩ thanks Tony love y'all hope to see y'all in HEVEN one day God bless y'all people 📖😇💕💕
Dr. Tony Evans is one of best preachers I’ve ever heard. This is my absolute favorite message of his. He breaks it all the way down. His ministry has blessed my life and helped me become a mature Christian.
Amen sis we gotta keep growing in CHRIST
That's so awesome. Your message inspired me to listen!
Amen!! Let us all keep growing 👍🏽
Amen Alice 💜
Yes he is
I came to know Christ in jail in 2013 by reading a book, "Overcoming spiritual blindness" by James P. Gills MD. The veil was taken off my eyes. Heaven came through for me in my finances too, getting $25,000 monthly. I can support God's work and give back to my community. God is absolutely more than enough!
Isaiah 45:3 speaks of a transference of riches from the heathen to the righteous... I will give you the treasures of darkness and the riches hidden in secret... I receive this for my household in Jesus' name. Amen!
I started pretty low though, $2000 thereabouts. The returns came massive. Joey is in school doing well, telling me of new friends he's meeting in school. Thank you Cathie Wood, you're a miracle
will leave her info below this comment
Amen 🙌🏼 I am single and full of peace. I am enjoying my life with Christ!!!
I am right there with you!
My younger self never saw me at 39 being this full of joy and not being a romantic relationship.
So grateful....
@@aprilberney4472 yesss!!!! Saved, Single and Celibate 🙌🏼
Teach me how to get that peace in a terrible marriage
My husband claimed to be a Christian, but I am growing, he is not, I’m afraid he is not who I thought he was. I don’t want to be around him anymore or be exposed to
His self righteousness. Covid and trump and Fox News made him change. I want to leave
Hallelujah!!!!!!!!!!! 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
I had a horrible weekend, filled with horrible choices. I am now suffering. This is EXACTLY what I needed. I need God and I know this pattern is going to continue to leave me lost if I don’t correct it.
Be gracious to yourself! You can rise up and be eagle to spread the wings.. Don't think how many times you have done horrible choices or fallen. But just focus that you rise up in the name of jesus! There is hope and cling to God's grace!
It's just a part of growing with God he is maturing you 😇
Think before you do - look before you leap. Evaluate each of your choices!
In 2018 while in prison serving a 130 years to life,I surrendered my life to Christ as Lord. From that day on my life has never been the same. There has been a change on the inside and their continues to be. It's only because of God's grace that I've been saved and have been released from prison. The Lord held on to my wife and sons for me. So I no longer live for the gang, but for Christ Jesus my Lord. All glory be to God!!
Gods is so good! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ I love you homeboy! Thank you for sharing!
That is the mighty Allah, hope you pray for guidance to the truth, which there is only one God,
Your story moved me, so I really pray for you to find the truth. To live the full experience. ❤
Hallelujah thank you father!!! That’s great man it’s power in the name of Jesus Christ our lord and savior!!!!
Praise God!!
SMEN!! Praise THE LORD JESUS, prayers keep on ,Praying Praising HIM ( JESUS) you ,I and every Born again Child of GOD in CHRist , we're being free ,on The inside 🙏🤗♥️😊
I’m 21 years old and I’ve been battling a porn addiction since I was 10. I am nearing 22. Please righteous souls pray for me. Jesus is restoring me and as He does this journey gets harder and harder. I have been attacked in my waking and unconscious life. I once was hit on the top of my head in a dream and awoke with a pain on top of my head that has continued since that dream. I need you Jesus. I need you to be a fence around me.
I'm praying for you brother. Jesus is stronger than our flesh.
Prayer for you. I'm going through the same thing but God is good I'm battling through it. God always gives me a way out and I'm using it praise be to my Lord and Savior.🙏🙏
Prayed for your freedom and deliverance from the porn addiction in JESUS’ healing name amen!
You are delivered in Jesus Name. Push through my child His Grace is sufficient for you
Praying for you! God will honor your efforts and your prayers❤
I love how God uses Doctor Pastor Tony Evans. Every sermon that he preaches is meat to the soul.
Me too
I LOVE his teaching
Pastor Evans teaching is thought provoking
"The devil can't make you sin." Very awesome message.
Also, I have learned that the devil doesn't have the authority to kill you.
Either he influences another human to commit murder or mislead humans to commit suicide.
The same God that created Jesus has created you. Even though satan has downgraded to the devil, it had free will just like humans to choose wisely.
People through Jesus we are stronger and wiser.
What a beautiful message. God be exhalted and honored.
You know that Jesus is Word of God who took flesh to redem us and show as the way to life... right. There is no = equal sign between them. One is the creator , the other one is a creature. Read the chapter one of the Gospel according to John..
@Jeremiah you’re right, in Genesis 1: starts with God Jesus (WE). In the beginning!
Jesus was begotten not made. Satan was created. Jesus is part of the holy Trinity.
Please pray for me everyone I need your intercession I’ve been oppressed and suffering
Father help this person with what ever they are dealing with. YOU know all things Father. We trust and believe in you. IN JESUS NAME .AMEN
@@ms.blessed2784 +q+qq. )
Praying for you. Read psalm 107 it's a chapter about when the people preyed God answere. So everyday use that chapter for a point of reference. Don't Stop and read John chapter 15 daily. Dont give up know matter what.
I got you 💪 n prayer waking God will bring you out into a new place in him, in his word, and renew your strength in Jesus name it is so.
Will do
No weapon formed against me shall prosper.
My name is DONYEL DELMAR please pray for me. I'm in a season of renewal of spirit soul and body and marriage and family in Christ. I Declare and Decree the enemy flee as I take back everything that was stolen from me
Amen. Speak(James 4:7), and Ephesians 6:10), everyday and see what God will do, and (Psalm 46:10)Amen.
💥✝️!AMEN!✝️💥.. May God bless..protect..promote..prosper you and your family..in Jesus name.. ✝️
My brother in CHRIST, do not lost hope, GOD IS IN CONTROL, JUST PRAY CONTINUOUSLY.
My brother in CHRIST, do not lost hope, GOD IS IN CONTROL, JUST PRAY CONTINUOUSLY.
May God bless you and keep you.
Wow I needed to hear this! Was married to a beautiful woman with a Jezebel spirit that eventually tried to destroy me but Praise God he took me out of that mess!
Going through that now!!!
Been there.
your blessed brother.
You only fell for her because of lack of wisdom..Your not the first and you wont be the last shes everywhere looking for victims..Shes a perverse spirit..
Can't get another another tho.. you may not marry unless she is dead
The enemy always attacks when something begins. God gave me a personal revelation of my salvation and he’s layed desires upon my heart to accomplish a mission and I’m being attacked constantly in my mind getting me to doubt and to fear etc. he uses any kind of slip up to accuse you with. I say, ignore him, don’t talk to him, don’t let him influence you in any way: give him no power at all and focus on Jesus, the word and prayer. Amen 🙏 ❤
God bless you ❣️
The old religion and Greek figures are all controlling our bodies and are the voices. They are getting in our bodies to rape, murder and speak thoughts that are not our own.
The old religious/Greek figures are arranging the marriages/relationships of the populace without consent. The psychic rapes are from old religious/Greek figures not a human person. It’s not kundalini as well.
They left things in the bible to trick you, control your morality, and bring you to fearful place about heaven/hell.
They r jealous........
I love Tony Evans because he breaks it all the way down. He puts everything in to perspective and he makes you really think about the word and living right. Thank you Jesus for a true man of God.
Thanks be to God for this Man of God he is a great teacher and I love him so much for his way
The Sabbath is calculated by God's Time in Genesis 1:14, the sun, moon and stars.
Please research this important subject before the false Sabbath decree is enforced!
yes, yes, yes!
Please everyone pray for me I am struggling with a huge personal problem, and I have been for 25 yrs, God have mercy and please help me do you’re will in Jesus name
Something's happen through fasting and praying submit to God all your natural desires and problems! You are more than a conquer in Jesus Christ!
Hang in there Mel, keep praying I promise HE hears you! Your healing and deliverance is done. No matter the challenge, big or small God is the master of them all. Fight by praying, praising God and remaining obedience! God's got you!
I know how you feel and I wish you nothing but the best...My own problem has consumed me to the point where I’m having a difficult time to CHOOSE to repent. I’m terrified of God! I live everyday in fear and struggle with anxiety bc I know at some point God will execute his wrath on me! That’s not a good feeling! Lord help! 😥
Prayed for you today. May God bless your socks off today
Be healed delivered and set free in the mighty name of Jesus!
Tony evans looks like steve harvey and danny glover mixed.... love this man.. hes a strong black man that walks as a father figure
I love Him .He Gets me thru my day listening him every morning .if you dont have a church home or if you Do .wow his preaching is Excellent and Soul cleansing
He sure does.
I learned the hard way. I didnt trust the bible. I was deceived and Jesus showed me the truth. I now trust the bible with my very life and soul. . Praise the Lord.
God bless you all 🙏
Yes, you're correct on that!
Amen, such a beautiful testimony.
Same, and Amen! 🙏🏼
If you don't take care of that sin, it will sure take care of you.
Transfiguration Yah ABSOLUTELY
Yours is the best comment on this thread for my life!!!
Check out 'Forrest Valkai'. I would love to hear Christian Opinion
about him and all his videos.
Especially Theist-Teens!
That is true sin lingers until it gives birth
I started listening to pastor Evan's about 2 years ago when by accident I switched over to the a.m station and I that day felt that I needed to listen to something that would change my whole life, in other words it was getting me prepared to the great storm that was coming my way..today my baby girl is fighting a.t.r.t cancer a very aggressive cancer plz pray for us things are not looking good there's no cure.. and I believe that our creator jesus is between this war of mine
Amerie left us on September 14 2019. I called her daddys vessel of God. Today i have felt the holy spirit comforting me. i wil remain on my knees for my lord and savior jesus..blessings to all. and thank you
Prayers for you in Jesus' name, amen.
You do mean there is no cure from man
@@marcusvillamar8277 thank you.
@@valpeck4328 only God has the cure for this problem.
God has her, no matter what you see. It's hard to see in the natural world, but the spiritual world if you have the faith of a mustard seed you HAVE faith, and you will be protected. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ our Saviour!
Thank you for this. I'm going through the biggest storm of my life right now. So big that it can tear my life apart and I am walking on eggshells right now. The devil has used my personal "game film" to destroy my life and I know for fact that Im gonna come out of this stronger and more spiritually connected with God so the devil already lost this one, pray for me to continue following our God and use his gift of peace to get through this.
praying for you
God please give this brother the strength to make it🙏🏻🙏🏻
Please jesus provide him with strength and courage
Praying for you 🙏🏻. God is with you.
Bless you brother
"When you recognize a trap you don't just keep walking over the trap!"
Yes and Amen
I had a dream where this cord or rope was in the way but ended up over it outside around other people then auntie come out so we got to fighting. She come fussing with someone name terrell I don't know him.
U should pray to God to reveal to u the meaning behind ur dream.
Yes true. But some people you can’t tell them anything. First of all they don’t believe it is a snake. They say a snake, naw that is my girl, my wife, my friend, my whomever. They don’t see it sometimes until they are so caught up with the demon snakes that most people will avoid them because these satanic fools can transfer to other folks because they might have 5 demonic snakes in them,
Tired of consequences; ready for God's abundant grace! Praying💖
Beloved, I don't know you in person but God know you. God ministered to me in a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding onto them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay in your life, with an evil mirror, and with motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford or give to these motherless foundation (Twins Alive Foundation) in Edo state Nigeria before Two days with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on +2349150335948) tell him I sent you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you in Jesus name
No such thing as consequences. But learning lessons from God.
Its expected in "long suffering" that is life's lessons.
If you’re tired of consequences, you qualify for God’s abundant grace.
If you are tired of consequences, you qualify for God’s abundant grace.
God's no is so we can enjoy His YES!
I've started my spiritual journey and trying to focus on leaning into the Word consistently. I now recognize the endless distractions that keep me from reading my bible, understanding the scriptures, and involving myself with my church. It was weighing on me, so I made it a point tonight to reach out and I chose to select a Sermon. I chose this one. I am convinced Lord God directed me to this. It was like this was for me. Thank you, Jesus, for that gentle nudge and this message. I am so grateful for everything you always do and have done for me and my family. I love you. Keep me close to you.
I like to pray for everyone In The comments we all are being attacked by the enemy of God which is an enemy of ours cause we are God's creation. At some point we are to acknowledge and stand on the Fact that the enemy attacks us because God has chosen Us and we accepted and chose to follow him as well and that alone is enough for the enemy to be jealous of so he attacks us because he had to realize he had chosen the wrong side by disobeying and challenging God and has been cast down because of his choice. So like a mad child he rebels and tries to destroy because he is mad at himself because of the choice he made. Please do not be discouraged and give him the satisfaction continue to throw God's words at him and embrace your faith and stay choosing God's words and promises to your life ( as a servant of God )and he will do just as he said he would in your life. Remember the enemy will continue to attack but don't break the more he attack thats confirmation that you are closer to your breakthrough and that you are favored by God. Why else would he be attacking our lives . So know that the enemy 's attack on your life is confirmation that you are blessed and favored by God. I love you all and continue to fight, ask God to Protect and shield you with is armor of protection. We are blessed by the Most high through Jesus Christ. Amen?
Amen 🙏🏽!
Good day everyone please pray for me to grow and start being my true self, speaking from authenticity. And also to be the man the Lord wants me to be, I’ve made many mistakes and just trying to do better and stay alive, In Jesus name.. its been really tough but I’ll make it by faith🙏🏾 I’ll pray for you too
I agree, Good Word. I don't like waiting on God either But I have learned I Better Wait!. Been there done that. God knows.
"Satan Outta Control" comedy skit produced by Down To Earth.
Amen.lesson learned. Better to wait on God
Very true
Amen! Satan can't impose sin, he's just a manipulator-the serpent of old from the beginning.
No Debt But Love
The father of lies
Satan is a figment of humanity’s imagination that is meant to be blamed for everything bad one might do. Stop blaming imaginary goaties and deal with the fact that everything you do is your and your choice only.
There are so many other videos you can spend your time watching instead, but you found/chose this one and took the time to comment. It’s not by chance you are here, God loves you.
@@Ukogas Read these 2 books...A DIVINE REVELATION OF HELL by Mary Kathryn Baxter and HE CAME TO SET THE CAPTIVES FREE by Dr Rebecca Brown. ..Read them, powerful accounts about Satan and Hell, then you will understand fully what you deny. God Bless You.
I needed this. Because In waiting on God you will get weary if you aren’t careful, and in comes Satan with all kind of suggestions. But God always bring a scripture to mind, when I’m doubtful Isaiah 43:19 “Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness” that’s why it’s important to read the living word of God frfr.
Amen !!
I REALLY needed this scripture this morning! Isaiah 43: 19..Thanks for being obedient to Gods word and lifting others up, so grateful🙏🥲🙂 Be blessed!
Encouraging verse thank you.
@@alliea9272 Be blessed… I love you with the love of God. It’ll all work out!
@@Brianna-yh7iy ♥️ 🙏🏾
The devil has deceived my wife of 26 years of marriage. And now it’s caused all kinds of havoc on our family. She has filed for divorce and is running from a good marriage to this deceptive independence. Please pray for restoration of our marriage, keeping our covenant with Godand letting our family be blessed again. I love my wife dearly, is God’s will for us to be together and for this marriage to thrive.
It takes two to tango... don't blame the devil
@@carmenvljn without you knowing the truth or our situation, you can’t say that. It’s like saying Anne Frank was part at fault with Hitler having her sent to the chamber. I listen to a marriage restoration story where the woman had an affair. Both husband and wife were in ministry together,and were heavily involved in the church, but the woman had an affair. After the affair and the restoration, she admitted that her husband didn’t do anything wrong. He was a good father and a good husband, it was her own weaknesses that the devil worked on. She literally said her husband did nothing to her to push her in the arms of another man, it was her own fault. I’m not claiming that I’m perfect, nor that there aren’t areas that I can work on. Our problems are normal - Men are from Mars and women are from Venus. Not any toxic behaviors. There is clearly spiritual warfare going on in my marriage and family. Ephesians 6 talks about this. Now, if you don’t believe the Bible is the word of God or the truth, that is your right to believe that. But I know it is the truth, and now I really have a better understanding of what God is talking about, now that I’m in the battle. I do agree that both husband and wife have part in problems but I also believe that we have a covenant with God, not just a certificate of marriage with the government. I will honor that commitment and that covenant. I am working on myself. Your statement is basically saying, there is never no mental illness, there is never no hormonal imbalances, there is never demonic influence, all problems and all tragic events took two parties to make it happen. There are situations in history where one party didn’t deserve what another party did and the devil had part in it. If this wasn’t the case, the Bible wouldn’t have lots of warnings about it.
Trusting God for my daughter to be delivered from evil attacks. I am claiming her life back to God in Jesus Christ name🙏
"First you play with sin, and then, sin plays with you!. For days, weeks, years!" wow-that puts it in perspective in a hurry....
Amen ❤
@@shawnettahenderson7011 ❤
A lot of those “sin” curses your talking about are made by “god”and wouldn’t exist otherwise
Life is so so hard-!!! After being saved and giving life to Jesus life gets even harder because now you have a real enemy-! Sometimes I have no more energy to fight and want to give up.... but His Spirit gives me strength to breathe another day. Sometimes I wonder if I can endure any more of this life...but He reminds me all is well with my soul. I was married unsaved and got saved later in marriage. So I am now currently unequally yoked. It is sooo hard cause the serpent uses him daily to wear me down. I mean daily-! I dont know how much more I can endure. Pray hard and seek His Word daily.
Fast and pray fasting and gives you endurance ... When I feel anger laziness excetra come upon me even depression I'll fast for about 7 hours in a day try to drink water for only 7 hours in a day and the next day I feel brand new!
Minister to ur significant other. Tell them abt the Lord and his love and grace and then love ur significant other like Jesus loves us
Since the devil cant harm anyone directly ,he selects ppl who can do so indirectly.U need to be so tough , participate but stay detached, not get too much involved with any event or anyone cause it cud affect u too. Reality Transurfing by Vadim zeland, one of great book to read, very motivating.
Don't be weary in well doing.. All things work together for good for those who love the Lord.. Have faith in God and declare His whole armor as living and active and without faith. Pull down strongholds mightily in Jesus name and know that the fullness of the work of His crucifixion, resurrection and ascension is alive in and through you. In Jesus name.
Before my mama passed she would point me to Tony Evans. This man's an amazing preacher. I'm gonna visit his church
Hello my friend blessing in the name of Christ Jesus ,.. May I point you to another teacher by the name of Voddie Baucham 😊 please tell me what you think ,. Check out a sermon by him titled The World the flesh and the devil.
I really like voddie, recently discovered him and Paul washer.
Love both those men
@@boondogglers9512 Praise God they’re both excellent expositors of Gods Word ! May Christ continue to bless you on your journey my friend !
When I started listening to this message, I was posting on my Facebook, as God led me to. One of my posts read-
[Do not buy into something off of first appearance and perception. Find out what it really is.
You ended this message saying the same thing. That's God pressing out the Truth to those who will receive it.
Amen....that's confirmation.
I've been getting attacked since 1st June this year. Just all sides that I wanted to give up but God has reminded me who he is today. Glory!
Please don't give up on Him its worth it He's worth it 🙏
Love Pastor Tony Evans. This Powerful Man of GOD , im bless, and ,Always intrieved, at His Teaching ,From GOD , ,in JESUS Christ ,and holy Spirit Halleujah!! Glory to GOD JAH ,Thank You JESUS !! Always will Pray ,for this Man of GOD and ,His GOD Gifted Anointed Ministry ,❤❤❤
Hallelujah 🙏🤗❤️ I'm blessed,and my Fam Love You LORD JESUS 🙏🤗❤️❤️
My brothers and sisters,in CHRIST be Encourage love y'all 🙏🤗❤️😊
Satan comes to us as an angel of light. In know I have seen it.
Seen it also, kept distance but realised the trap, I pray for the youth, I was once just like them.
Rebuke even foul thoughts and avoid fools, especially fools who "claim" to be Christian and are Far from the Lord in their hearts~!
We walk blind in this life whether sighted or born blind. This is called a tedious journey!
Some people opt out with suicide, but we still know right from wrong.
My mom use to say, "These are training grounds, train well in The Lord!"
- Psalm 32:5-8 🔥 📖 👏🏽
I miss him so much we love you always Dr Tony Evans
Dear Jesus,
I understand I have sinned and I’ll never be perfect but I am asking you to forgive me for everything that I have done and will ever do. I now give my life to you, let every decision I make be guided by you. I believe your son died to give me freedom from sin and also grace for every mistake. And I believe He rose on the third day to provide me with this freedom and grace.I understand times will get hard, but I will continue to put my trust in you. I pray also that you will help any unbelief that is within my heart. In Jesus name amen.
"If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."
-Romans 10:9 NIV
Thank you lord for always been there for i and my family, Most times it amazes me greatly how I moved from an average lifestyle to earning over $63k per month, Utter shock is the word. I have understood a lot in the past few years that there are lots of opportunities in the financial market. The only thing is to know where to invest.
I agree with you and I believe that the secret to financial stability is having the right investment ideas to enable you earn more money, I don’t know who agrees with me but either way I recommend either real estate or bitcoin and stocks.
I keep wondering how people earn money in financial markets, i tried trading bitcoin on my own made a huge loss and now I'm scared of investing more.
@@izagdlife That won't bother you if you trade with a professional like *Mr Gary Mason Brooks* my coach, you may have come across him on interviews relating to bitcoin and stocks. He trades, manage trading account and offer mentorship program for clients who wish to become professional investors.
@@Florencecoxx You allow people to trade for you? that's interesting, I would love to learn, hope it’s safe?
Wow I can't believe you guys are discussing about Gary Mason Brooks , I once met him at a conference in California 2019, just before the pandemic. I can testify that he’s very good in trading..Highly recommended.
I needed this so much this morning! Lord help me to get back on the right track. Pray for me. 🙏❤
This message is for me Lord give me streght to hold on to Your Word Father
Me Too 🙌🏼 🙌🏼 🙌🏼 🙌🏼 🙌🏼
Right here with you! Ms.smith👊🏾🙏🏾
Amen ❤
Me also
Glory Hallelujah
The more I seek out Jesus, the more obvious this message becomes. Praise God.
I has no clue who this man was until I stumbled into this video. He is spitting straight fire the whole sermon. Amen to this teaching and may God bless those who receive this message.
I'm confused with myself.. Why have I allowed myself to act in such ways and play into the traps of the enemy..
God please move this confusion from me. 🙌🏾❤🙏🏾
Because you're not rooted and grounded in Gods word..the bible. Never too late tho! Start today, pick up your bible, read and study it, pick out 3 scriptures daily , write them down,study them and speak them over your life, this will set you onto a great path and direction in your Christian walk, you got this! Be blessed! Stay in the Word it is Life and Healing to us all!
Amen. I feel the same way. God bless you. 🙏💕
I'm favoured, $230K every 4weeks! I can now afford anything and also support God's work and the church.
The Bible literally says the way to get rid of Satan is to first put on the full armour of God after that rebuke Satan and he will flee
You weak
How to put on the full armor of god? I'm dealing with evil in my personal life and in my home, please enlighten me on this and may god bless you.
@@robertpierre7841 read the whole book of Ephesiasn, then read it again. Keep on reading it until you know it really well. God will talk to you through his living word. Ephesians has themes for our victory, one is the armor of God.
@@karenp144 ok thanks May God bless you and your family
I heard this sermon just over a year ago and stumbled on it a little over a year later. My trial is still ongoing, but it’s almost over. Satan has tried like the devil to discourage me and think I should just give up, things aren’t going to get better. But the devil is a liar, not crafty enough to distract me. Jesus is my rock. God isn’t holding out, he’s preparing me for the blessing He has in store…once I’m fully restored. Amen! Thank you Father!!!!🙏🙏🙏
I CAN LISTEN TO THIS SERMON FOREVER, FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE. We ALL need to hear it regularly to keep us in check.🙏
and if you are right you will hear the same sermon for eternity.... isn't that depressing for you???
Than you Rev Tony. I listen most ever night at bedtime. I love how God uses you to speak to all kinds of people from all different cultures and backgrounds. I am in a dark season since my husband abandoned me in May 2023 with no backwards look. But God sent me to your sermons. Thank you. U speak in everyone’s vocabulary.
There are 1K people who gave this message a thumbs down. Why?! Dr. Evans, keep teaching us/the devil doesn’t like it, but keep giving him a hard time!😊
Because Satan is the God of this world and many people serve him, the fact that they've taken the time to listen to a sermon is good tho, the seeds have been planted, remember the ultimate goal of God is to draw his children to him and meet him in Heaven for eternity, lift people's lives up to the Lord, everybody needs God whether they realise it yet or not. Be Blessed .
The 😈uses individuals who ARE foolish enough to entertain his LIES & DECEPTION. to be weak mentally? Give the jealous evil one reign to tamper with EASILY LEAD individuals.if u Decide to challenge GOD? HIS WORDS? & DONT BELIEVE? THE 😈COMING IN TO WRECK HAVOC. IF U LET HIM CAST HIM DOWN WITH THE WHOLE ARMOR OF GOD & WALK IN YA INTEGRITY. IN JESUS NAME AMEN.
Some gave a thumbs down, Why? The World is full of people, and some don't think Jesus, Yahweh, or as it is called in the Bible: The Holy Spirit, has the right "map" they follow another Religion's "map" or a "map" based on Secular Law, experience, and morality training from parents. Not everybody is a Christian.
Doesn't show thumb down number
Those are the puppets of the devil
The devil tries to distract us But he won’t win.
devils work is quite evident and though its not visible it sure numbs the mind of innocent individuals and make them say or do things which they normally wudnt. But even when with all the occult rituals which they carry out secretly to target Gods children ,it does backfire them mostly all the time.And still it annoys them and yet they do.
I'm lost pray for me please.. I'm a single mom of 3 and have lost my way.. I need GOD!
I'm praying for you! Keep faith, get the word in as much as you can, be encouraged-
Dig into the word, we are not moved by sight, write scriptures down, speak them over your life, God will move in your life! Do the work sis, you got this! God requires commitment and time, its a real relationship, give your time to God and he will elevate you, he sees you and your children, lay hands on your children when they're asleep and decree and declare over their lives what you desire God to do in their lives, its time to get to work sis meaning you have to put effort in to yield results! You got this and I know you do, your love of God and your children will carry you until you strengthen, put the effort in , the time, praise God, the deliverance comes in the praises AND get Into the word of God, his word is POWER....Be Blessed ! You are covered by the Blood of Jesus, God is waiting on you! He wants to teach you and take you into a newness and a level of Annointed Power!
I'm praying for you right now, are ebony perfect father God
Our heavenly perfect father God that I pray you God her back
Your comment reminded me of Revelation 7:9-10 KJV,
After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;
And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb.
Please pray that I find my way back to the lord and hear him once again!
I DO pray for ya,and I AM SORRYFUL for ya
@ thank you
This is the first time to hear you preach. Well done! I will be watching regularly, thank you. My dad was a minister as well. He is reaping his reward as of August 2nd,
2021. RIP❤ I love and miss you dad.
Sir, excellent sermon.
God is the answer no way around it I am currently winging down from methadone have had addiction to pills for 20+yrs. But no longer the devil has his way with me! I have been sober from opiates for 6 years and 6 weeks from Benzodiazepines. God has still delivering me I can’t go a day without pastor Evans word thank you!!!!🙌🏻💪🏼
No Weapons Formed Against Shall Prosper ❤❤ I love you too
God's NOs is for us to enjoy His YESes
Love it
Amen 🙏🏾
That makes a whole lot of sense as to why we don't have an image of God.
I’m confused. I actually think their is something greater than us. Maybe something within idk
Ive been off track for the past year... just complacent... been dealing with depression and anxiety... I been praying and I felt the spirit say God is shaking things up to get you back on TRACK!! Thank you Lord God
That's fire That's fire
❤❤❤❤❤I feel this for all man kind kind word name off god
You will get thru this!! "TRUST" in God!!! Stay focus, know the He is the Soverign God, keep praying, read the Word. You will win because the battle is Lord's .
I'm not worrying about no hater are nothing because I serve a mighty God 🙏 who loves me 🙌 I sleep 😴 good at night 🌉
May everyone listening to this video or making it get everything they truly deserve ✨️ 💗 💖 ❤️ 💛 💓 ✨️ 💗 💖
Thank you, you too!
If this lesson has not made it to print yet...it should be in the making of a book! So many of us need to understand the tricks of our enemy and his imps.
I'm going through this trying my best to strengthen my relationship with God only for Satan to constantly cause me to think wrong and be negative about everything. Handling circumstances in the wrong way. This sermon has so much meaning to my life and my outlook on life and how to approach people and situations. Please brother and sister in Christ please pray for me
God got it
Satan cannot affect your thoughts, but you can! Remember, you are the captain of your ship.
Rebuke him, resist him and he will flee.
@@snirks8635 Clearly, you have never fought the devil.
Well, the devil can't use the argument that you are worthless. If you were truly worthless, he wouldn't be spending all this time with you. Clearly you have value and you are a threat to him.
If you’re reading this, stay strong ❤️ Jesus has saved me from demonic oppression. I am here to tell you that God is AMAZING and truly does make miracles happen. We have already won through the blood of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the answer. Build a close relationship and completely accept the Holy Spirit. Stay away from sin and most importantly don’t lose your faith. Fear nothing but God. Amen
Tony Evans sermons has helped me get through many tests and trials. His sermons helps me to stay focused and get closer to God everyday. I thank God for keeping me and my family and friends. I share these videos and pray they open more ppl hearts eyes and ears to what Gods plans are for us And to always remember that Gods plans are ordained and are best for all that love trust and have faith in him 🙏🏾❤️
this guy is worth $12 million...so keep sharing...he thanks you
he probably started as a stand-up comedian but then realised he could get an audience and he didn't need to be funny...just insincere...
Im gonna be hones i do lack discernment so please just pray for me its not myself that can't fully grasp it but the ability of comprehension so if someone can pray for me that i can get better at that,that would be awsome❤
Proverbs 9:10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the Holy is understanding
Thank you so much, may God bless guide and keep you
When you hear the word of God and your souls desire to serve the Lord with everything, BUT your consumed by the world which you know is not good for you.
Prayers for all on here seeking and loving God. Keep your eyes on the prize. Amen