Very nice, it’s even faster to work back from the right hand side of the graph. Spot that it is +ve for large x, then the root at 60 is a local minimum as the root is repeated an even number of times, then crosses the axis at 2 as that root is repeated an odd number of times etc. so no need to sub values in
If you are doing this in a pre-calculus class, the you don't yet know what that means. But if you have calculus under your belt, give it t try! (Actually, do give it a try for the example given.)
Very nice, it’s even faster to work back from the right hand side of the graph. Spot that it is +ve for large x, then the root at 60 is a local minimum as the root is repeated an even number of times, then crosses the axis at 2 as that root is repeated an odd number of times etc. so no need to sub values in
Nice video!
Keep up the good work!
why not differentiate to find out the turning points?
If you are doing this in a pre-calculus class, the you don't yet know what that means. But if you have calculus under your belt, give it t try! (Actually, do give it a try for the example given.)