"Without the generator the city died" This line already lost all weight it had when you did the no generator run. Now that we literally run a city without it until we build one, seriously, what the hell, why would it even be a game over?
The no generator run could only be sustained with immigration, since the -100 2-day storm killed many people each time. Without a generator, I imagine it would be tough to convince people to move there.
The generator explosion overloaded and destroyed everything connected to it. Steam hub? Boom. Heaters? Boom. Steam cores? Boom. Good luck recovering from that.
@@YourLocalMairaaboo Ahhh. But they've already recovered once from it. Also steam cores don't need to be a part of a working gen. You can have steam core buildings in builder mode without the generator.
Since most of the parts found by scouts came from the Mainland, you could do a Made in London run when you cannot make any supplies but can only use parts for the generator found in the map.
Sad to hear thats the last one for now. I was looking foward to a No safty run (and no rushing) but i guess we have to wait until your frostpunk addiction kicks in.
So, rushing construction that first time is akin to human sacrifice: You hit that button, a worker dies, and the devil will speed up your progress afterwards, but with a catch every time. =^[.]~=
Hey Jake, as the dude said, who posted the link I followed to this video, you make the game look too easy^^ I love your funny comments and it’s really nice to watch you play. I think I’ll definitely watch more of your stuff. Now here comes one of my dreaded enormous comments, I mostly wrote along while watching and edited at some points. Since this lengthy comment contains scores of interesting and useful information for less proficient players, but all strewn across and few will have the patience to read this giant text, I added the nutshell of the longer sections as headlines in capitals, so you guys can quickly find what might interest you. I even added warnings of the bizarre black humour stories I have a knack for to digress into. 😆 1) Pretty sure he says "hear me" but I like "fear me" better. Definitely more appropriate for certain laws^^ Despite you were nice this time and didn’t apply them so ppl didn’t have to fear you. 2) SAWDUST = SICKNESS. WHY SOUP IS BETTER IMHO. I reckon you use sawdust because you thought w/o gen (overdrive!) the discontent from soup+overcrowding wouldn’t be managable? (But for you? Don’t think so!) Never used sawdust because it’s making ppl sick. My last builder run is quite a while ago, I’m not a big fan of it, tbh. How many of those sick are due to the hearty sawdust burgers? (Oh and where did they get the sawdust from before the woodcutters were built? xD) Since those loads of sick are barely manageable even with infirmaries and definitely wouldn’t be w/o overcrowding, they’re a major source of discontent. Sawdust burdens you with even more sick so I can hardly see it as an advantage over the direct disc from soup. On the contrary, you get more disc either way, but also wind up with completely avoidable sick on top with sawdust. Why bother with double trouble? Particularly since those additional sick might break your neck: due to their massive amount they’re more likely to go gravely and might even die. BOOZE HELPS. AT LEAST IN FROSTPUNK: Rather take twice the food only with direct disc, especially since soup’s negative effect can be mitigated by moonshine (as Jake later notes), which strangely doesn’t seem to have any negative effects (probably because 11bit is a Polish studio 😆) other than one drunk guy being a singular annoyance and even allowing you to raise hope a little bit by sending him home to sober up. Edit: 2:39:30 there he is. 3) 22:32 Medical workers DO get sick. Why wouldn’t they? 4) 24h SHIFT DEATH AVOIDANCE TRICK 49:18 There is a way to use 24h deathless, but you need to sacrifice work time as a trade-off. There’s a critical timespan where the deaths occur. On Extreme that’s after 3h (I think I had a case after 2h once but I believe that was on Survivor). Within the next 4-5h ppl can die. (Again, I think 5h is true for Survivor or a very low chance on Extreme. Anybody who knows for sure pls feel free to correct me.) However, I usually assigned them back after 4h, then no one would die. Obviously, that means 24h is actually 20h and only makes sense to hit at evening/nighttime, otherwise the forced pause hours fall into regular work shifts. 5) MASSES OF SICK SURVIVORS 50:51 Nooo of course not^^ But I actually never noticed that to happen, too. Of course I’m usually nice and tend to escort them. Possibly I just didn’t pay attention? Or it’s a specific balancing mechanic of builder mode, as a trade-off for the abolished "homeless w/o gen at night"-penalty.
From my understanding the medic apprentice law will make every 5 children in a child shelter effect 1 building, so you don't have enough children in the shelters to effect all your medical buildings. It works the same way for engineer apprentices
This mode is insane! I kinda always wanted to have it, but only as a joke. I never wouldve imagined someone created that scenario and now I just spend all night battling PTSD from all my failed The Rifts Builder Mode attempts…
6) CANNIBALISM 55:43 Never let it get that far... now I’m curious. Even with normal food production there are hints at cannibalism storywise as well: Once when I just barely completed a mismanaged mess at Winterhome I just crammed them into that Dreadnought with whatever food I could grab. One cabin was practically foodless. In the end there was a hint at cannibalism saying "starvation forced us to do the unthinkable". Yeah, how about food rationing, guys? Never heard about that? - No, let’s just have a hearty human thigh instead! Chorus: Yaaay! REALITYCHECK: Actually the whole food prod in FP (particularly early on) is ridiculously small and waaaaay to little to survive under arctic conditions. Roughly half of the calories we ingest go into sustaining our body temp - under NORMAL conditions - so in the arctic frost that’s considerably more. You really need a lot of high calorie food (like 2-3 times your normal supply) to remain able to even just walk, let alone work, under this harsh conditions. Otherwise you’d simply grow weaker and weaker within very short time and finally lie down in apathy and die, which is what happened to several early explorers who didn’t take that into account or even know it. But ok, in a game that plays in the ARCTIC during a GLOBAL FROST CATASTROPHE (because let’s just go to an EVEN COLDER place!), building around a giant generator, with lots of supplies miraculously just lying around in the middle of nowhere, cutting frozen trees (yeah... how did they even grow there in the first place?), surviving in flimsy tents at -50 and lower, surviving at all at a temp that would instantly freeze anything (they actually walk around outside at -120 O.o) and with suddenly insane insulation in houses that look like the most energy-inefficient flimsy board constructions ever, yet somehow totally hold the warmth in, or giant robots which can do absolutely anything including work in medical facilities and even teching... not to mention several other things... realism is probably not exactly a question, I admit it. 😂 7) APPRENTICESHIPS = WASTE. PIT+ORGANS: ALWAYS ADVISABLE If you want to bring maths into it, a guy on Reddit made it quite clear that both apprenticeships are a ridiculously inefficient waste, because even just with safe jobs kids are a lot more efficient than the little bonus from shelters (though this guy was wrong about their work efficiency equaling adults). With house of healing they can completely replace eng and free them up for more important work. For that one scripted death? Oh well. Never got why ppl are so obsessed with deathless anyway. In the end pit+organs is much "nicer" than all this suffering from inefficient laws. (Besides, this ill old guy dies by his own wish.) Don’t forget you’re also forced to go for carehouse and prosthetics and do it very quickly (which might turn over your plans and bring you in even greater trouble) as soon as you get any amputees, because of the scripted suicide. Dunno if it’s a glitch or a timeout, but at least once that guy still shot himself even after I had both laws signed AND built a care-house on time. Plus all the steel waste for the prostheses. (I mean those amputees could be avoided by faster healing thanks to organs.) So I’d always go for the pit and organs. My favourite law to mitigate sickness because it gives a REALLY noticeable continuous 24h perk on healing even w/o ANY dead - wherever they get those organs anyway, don’t really wanna think about it, another logic thing to add above to the reality-check. Together with the medical history anachronism of transplanting organs in the Victorian age altogether, but - as I said, that’s not the central problem with realism in FP. 😆 However, organs is one of the best and most powerful laws in the game as it’s better to avoid deaths and gravely ill in the first place and it REALLY helps with that. Cemetery on the other hand is a completely useless law. At 2:01:00 Jake explains it himself. You still need ceremonies to mitigate hope loss from deaths, which is only a short-termed perk but eats up hours for burials that make more ppl sick in the cold at nighttime (who might well die then, prompting still more hope loss) and could much better be used for work during daytime. And when you go deathless it’s even more useless because it doesn’t give you any perks, precludes them for the whole run, eats law cool down time and on top of all those detriments serves no purpose whatsoever. Oh and the hope bonus from the law Jake mentions almost 2h into the video when he builds it* is only temporary for a day or two. *(Won’t the bodies cause sickness when it’s heated, the cemetery being so close to the tents? Or does that only happen with the body pit? As I said, I never use it. Or doesn’t it matter anyway because there’s only that token grave from the genny victim?) Considering all that, the only times I went for cemetery were my clueless first tries and maybe GP... Don’t remember if it was required although you had to go deathless anyway. Remember wondering about that when I read it in a guide. Otherwise I’d never even consider cemetery. Help ppl get better asap is much nicer than proper burials for avoidable dead. 8) MED FACILITIES DON’T HAVE TO BE FULLY STAFFED FOR 100% EFFICIENCY! MORE TREAT MORE! 1:14:40 Why don’t you spread your eng over several med posts? Often 2-3 are enough for them to work at 100% efficiency and even if they don’t, at daytime they heal slower, yet you could fully staff (micromanage) them at nighttime to get some faster healing. Better more med posts with less eng than less med posts with more. The sick get treated, even if slower, and don’t go gravely ill. Although, of course, I too like infirmaries MUCH more. Particularly with organs they just burn through the sick, even gravely ill become quite trivial. 9) NEW+REBUILT COOKHOUSES: SOUP/SAWDUST OFF BY DEFAULT! 1:17:35 Never forget to switch soup/sawdust back on after migrating the cookhouse. 😉 That’s why food was depleting so fast. 10) INFIRMARIES AT DIFFERENT SPOTS HELP AVOID LITERAL "WALKING DEAD" (or rather: to death) Migrating infirmaries is actually not a very good idea. Not only due to kicked out gravely ill who might run around and die on the way unnecessarily. Precisely for this reason infirmaries at different spots in your city (preferably in 3-4 directions or more on a normal map) are great because then they’ll go to the nearest one. (Usually, if possible.) There’s a reason why in reality hospitals are scattered throughout the town and not all bundled in one quarter - which would be great for its inhabitants but quite bad for anyone else, and worse still with increasing distance. 2:12:30 And you realised it yourself then, Jake. (I was writing my comments along while watching.) If there are more infirmaries operational than sick on average, ppl generally do indeed go to the nearest, as there’s space then. If not, they go dut-da-dut-da-dut-da-tuttu-tut-aaand-dead as you said, Jake. Which is why it’s not so good to turn them off (particularly at a different spot) once there are less sick. Rather keep 1-2 eng there at all times unless they’re REALLY needed elsewhere. And then it’s still better to scoop up a few here and there but keep the facilities open (see point 8). Btw, if there’s only 1-2 eng at a med post or infirmary, it still counts as open even if they’re absent to eat, pray (tried to demolish-stop the church like the cookhouse, didn’t help though, apparently once started the action is carried out no matter what. Outrageous! Go pray in your free time, irresponsible, callous bigots!) and even if they’re sick themselves (see point 3). 11) CLEAR MED POST SPACES: USE SICK SCOUTS! JUST DON’T DISBAND THEM. Those uselessly waiting scouts might’ve worked for quite a while. E.g. get that coal at 12 o’clock out of the way. But they’re sick of course. Gotta be careful that they don’t die. I regularly use this trick in the beginning on purpose, sending away my sick to clear up space in the med post but it can backfire later when they return. One needs to keep that in mind. During the storm they don’t have to be disbanded? But that’s great! Makes sending sick to expeditions all the more efficient! Just don’t disband them then, EVER. Now I’ll never need to worry about that ever again. Didn’t they, however, die in the past unless disbanded in the storm? 12) CRUMMY GEN AFFECTS HUBS TOO. 1:32:50 It will. They’ll have a smaller range then. Like in Winterhome. It depends on what exactly you screw up. There are guides listing the consequences for rushing each single building phase. I don’t like that you see only afterwards what will be broken and cannot decide beforehand whether it’s worth the consequences (iirc). However, as the challenge here is to get EVERYTHING about the gen crummy (btw, you’ll also get an achievement for that, as you apparently never did it before), obviously the hub range will be affected as well. Among several other problems, including smaller range, less heat and permanently increased gen stress level (much shorter overdrive time).
I think for this endless mode they should give you the ability to have Braziers, not as effective as steam hubs but at least doesn't require the generator. Once you have the generator, you could upgrade them into steam hubs.
@@DDRJake TRUE! but certainly adds options, again, your coal usage wasn't an issue until MUCH later due to not having the generator, this in itself could cause an issue on the Coal front.
In regards to 11 bit talking about struggling to implement mod tools. I remember reading from a dev that the game engine is a pain in the arse to work with, so that's likely the technical difficulties they are referring to.
@@aturchomicz821 I don't even think the game necessarily needs full on mod support, even just a scenario editor/builder will give the game a huge amount of extra longevity as the community could then create additional scenarios indefinitely (that could easily translate into more sales). It's such a shame a game like Frostpunk will inevitably fade from interest due to a lack of new content.
Hopefully one of your future Builder runs is cannibal. As seeing the top bar, its full on resource types once prosthetics are enabled. So I wonder how it will place the corpse counter.
DDRJake, I had an idea for a challenge for Frostpunk. Haven Challenge. Victory conditions as follows: Stay in balance or in surplus for each resource for a full cycle (hazard plus storm, in either order) Have no human working during that time. For preference, no Faith and not extreme Order. Education for children. Extended shift or 24 hour shift are allowed but the goal is 100% unemployment. Medical - no USE of overcrowding during the hazard or storm, though passing the law and use of it before the final cycle is fine. Prosthetics are fine. Intended goal is a haven so no cannibalism and keep deaths low in general.
Love your videos. Just started watching them yesterday and I'm already like 11 hours in. You keep everyone very engaged with your voicing of everything, I didnt even realize so much time had passed. Very well done sir. Very well done!
Finally got to play frostpunk recently. I was planning on starting the game on easy, because I had heard that it had a pretty steep learning curve. Unfortunately, I didn't realize how to do that, so I just clicked "new game" and went with it. Managed to make it on my first try (just read a few guides that recommended a workshop immediately & avoiding dueling). Being paranoid at running out of coal, seeing how that generator & steam hubs were chugging away THOUSANDS of coal per day, I think I started the storm with some 50k Coal stored in large resource depots :)). It's amazing how flexible the game is when you know what you're doing. I didn't dare have discontent high or hope low (what a kick in the balls winterhome & the storm were... I had read that i'd get a hope drop when discovering winterhome, but holy hope, 75% drop? wtf!)
hello jake i 've watched every frostpunk video of yours but i still can't get enough. if you still take challenges, i have one for you.. it's the techfreak challenge: in order to proceed to the next tier of research, you will have to complete the previous one.all of it. whichever map or purpose you want, although i think the arks with order would be fitting. also if you wanna spice it up, i would suggest that at least one workshop never stops working (meaning 24h shifts all the time). thats it, i hope you find it challenging/interesting enough..
I'm not sure how realistic it is, but since you can get generator components from scouts, do you think it'd be possible (not necessarily on extreme) to build the generator with only discovered components?
18) 11BIT: WHY THERE’S STORAGE IN 1st RING?! PLS REMOVE! 2:19:08 But you’re gonna need that space for gen buildings! Also later there was no point to tear up stuff to the bottom left, particularly behind the storage building, as there’s no space for those big buildings anyway. And I REALLY have no idea why the heck 11bit thought it was a good idea to place a building that require absolutely NO heating whatsoever right into the vital first ring around the genny w/o the possibility to reasonably replace it later. That was... not their brightest idea and is sth they should really, really change for once. 19) EXT. SHIFTS ARE FANTASTIC, DISCONTENT IS A RSS 2:22:50 Why don’t you get Extended Shifts then? I wondered all the time why you wouldn’t get them early on. It’s always one of my earliest laws. Huuuge efficiency bonus and great for the discontent pump. 20) 2:24:42 You can never start early enough 😂 21) 2:26:17 Again: 🤫 (And this time I’m not joking) DON’T give 11bit bad ideas!!! They already have a fatal tendency to cater primarily to the wishes of a few-%-elite like you who wish the game to be ever harder. Everyone else is pretty happy with that temp, you know. For most ppl FP is actually pretty hard - often too hard - as difficult as you may find it to believe, Jake! 22) 2:27:49 Huh? Why do you automatically assume the guards are innocent? 23) WHY CAMPAIGN MECHANICS ARE HARDLY COMBINABLE WITH SANDBOX/ENDLESS. WISH LIST FOR 11BIT: MODDING TOOLS AND MP! 2:43:35 Modding tools would be great indeed though personally, I don’t feel FP needs more difficulty, rather more variety, particularly on endless. Once you’re stabilised endless modes (even Endurance) are just super boring. I kept fast forwarding on Extreme Endurance (marathon achi) after like, the 3rd storm and was bored to death because it keeps all the same and is super easy with a solid start (yes, really! Even I could do it and I’m a mess at micromanagement). That’s why I don’t like endless mode. But I’d love more player-made scenarios or some variations or challenges or reasonable tasks (not just Christmas and Archives for the umpteenth time). Don’t like strategy/building games when there’s nothing to work towards. That just doesn’t make much sense. Sandbox and mere city construction isn’t for me - unless it’s actually a CORE mechanic of a game - particularly since that’s not really what FP is about. It’s NOT Frostpunks core mechanic and not the game’s real strength. That’s actually it’s gripping story, the laws, the tasks and the scenarios with their beautifully gloomy atmosphere - for me at least. Once you’ve understood the mechanics, w/o a scenario with clear tasks (and even that would get old so 11bit was very wise to implement new mechanics like gen build) it sadly just gets too repetitive and boring. Which is why I assert building in itself is NOT a core mechanic, though it might superficially appear so and why endless is not well-made, doesn’t really fit FP and feels quickly stitched together on fan demand even by the first time, making its various achievements tedious and annoying, particularly the marathons. Although many ppl seem to enjoy it somehow. Probably only because they’re making up their own tasks and challenges every time, which makes it closer to a scenario and then the whole thing makes sense again. I’m not saying endless mode is atrociously bad, no. The first phase is still enjoyable. It just wears out too quickly, there’s no actual stand-alone idea behind it, no mechanic adjustment suitable for long-term runs. Endless games without set goals are only enjoyable for me when they’re like Sims, for example. And that’s because I can make up my own stories and design what I build, there’s an enormous variety of combinations, it’s so much more creative and thus never gets old. This is the difference why no end works so well with Sims (where goalless endless play is an actual core element), but not with primarily campaign-oriented strategy games like FP, Avven Colony, Anno etc.: they tend to stack once the build is done and start troubles are overcome and get too easy and tedious, and there’s no real long-term sustainable creativity on the side of the player, no variety, just raw mechanics that are designed for campaigning. Random (and in the long run also repetitive) hazards CANNOT pull it out of the tedious zone. But what would be really lovely for FP would be a multiplayer mode. Normally I’m not a big multiplayer fan but after that settlement update it just cries for MP. That would be so great, building each a settlement with your friends, trading and helping each other out, possibly in player-made scenarios, too. It would be sooo cool! Please add THAT, 11bit! When they’ll fix endless slave driver and constructor, with a couple of Survivor achievements more left and as soon as I’ll figure out how to keep only workers for that one achi in TLA, I’ll be done with FP and it will be a sad farewell. Don’t wanna let this wonderful game go yet... Please add some variety by modding tools, MP and possibly some new studio scenarios! I want to linger in the frozen wilds some more! 24) 3:25:27 Keep engineers operational would be quite helpful, too. Oh someone noticed it finally. I was already wondering, when will someone see they’re not at work? 25) 3:32:39 😂😂😂 at "the holy trinity" 26) PUB: SLIGHTLY GREATER EFFECT FULLY STAFFED 3:59:40 I’ve noticed more ppl have actually more effect on a pub though, as more go there and it lowers disc a bit more. However, the effect is quite slim and limited to such a short time window - even shorter if you give in to the demands of religious bigots to run it for a shorter time (the pub is already operating only a few hours in the evening, what the hell do they want?!) - that it doesn’t really matter. 27) DON’T RISK FAITHKEEPERS TO BE UNDERSTAFFED. EVER. 4:00:20 Yep, I’d never risk that. With excess ppl unemployed anyway I always keep faithkeepers fully staffed, otherwise at least 5 or so. Particularly when it gets cold and ppl start to get sick in masses it’s very important to keep an eye on them to make sure there are always enough faithkeepers at hand. Though it’s actually pretty funny to imagine how exactly even the fully staffed ridiculous 10 FK keep a furious, revolting mass of a few hundred ppl under control. Those dudes must indeed have superpowers! 😂 28) Other buildings that don’t need full staffing are all med facilities. Since they work 24h, they work in shifts by default so there are usually not all ppl present anyway, which is why they work at 100% efficiency with fewer staff as well, and even over 100% with shrines. See point 8. 29) KNOW NEED FOR GENNY PARTS: 4:11:45 You can look up what exactly you need for each phase in advance in the generator build menu. Astonishingly, there seem to be things even pros like Jake don’t know. Well, there’s always something to discover in this game. 30) Wanna finish on a nice even number, so now, after watching this, I somehow feel tempted to try a builder run on that rock map again. But only on hard, no need to sour my life excessively, though I feel I might actually do it now on extreme. Gosh, my first attempt was so long ago and back then it was completely chaotic, mismanaged and disorganised. I had no idea what I was doing at the time and didn’t know a lot of the things I mentioned above. Plus I was an even worse mess at micromanagement, which is vital in FP, particularly on the harder difficulties. Gnaaah I still have to do 2-3 scenarios on survivor, and I think OtE was the last left on hard. But I rather like this scenario. Certainly a LOT more than Winterhome! Dunno why you have such an aversion for scenarios, Jake. I don’t like when I don’t have clear goals and tasks, but then such challenges aren’t my thing. As I said, I like fairly stressless endless games like Sims, but that’s because I can make up my own stories. I’m the typical story-player, love campaigns, scenarios and all such, yet quickly feel bored and annoyed when I just have to do the usual stuff in a survival/build game w/o a clear mission. I guess building a genny is the closest that comes to this and hence probably the best endless type, as it keeps fun and challenging for quite a while. Thank you for this entertaining video!
omg I was watching this when I came up with a great challenge idea: use child labor and hurried construction to build the generator by just 1-5 children at the construction site (that only counts for installing the parts, you can use workers at factories)
ive recently found your channel and i love your frostpunk vids, did you ever get the golden path trophy i've only seen one guy get it and it was a speed run on normal. would of loved to see how you would do it. keep up the great work you have brought me hours and hours of laughs.
what about a proud architect run? no dismantle or upgrade building(except coal mine and steelworks). Any other building that you want to upgrade you need to put somewhere else and disable the older one(if needed). Example: from hunters lodge to hunters hangar you would take all the workers away from lodge, build hangars and put them there but both buildings would have to stay where they are till the game finishes
He has done that! Kinda. He did the Brexit challenge, which is the same, but on generic Endless instead of on Builder. I think on Builder it would be significantly harder, but then again, I havent tried it yet
13) SCRIPTED SURVIVOR DEATHS 1:38:25 Yeah I had him die that way, too. Thankfully, I’m done with Arks but if someone still needs to do Man of Steel or Survivor: where exactly does he spawn? Maybe build a med post right there (only temporary of course) so he can quickly get there and survives? Better still would be to scoop him up underway. I believe he won’t be sick or at least not gravely sick when he’s brought in then, or will he? Anyway, who has time for that when there are so many precious rss to collect out there and workforce is desperately needed? But it is an option if per chance scouts are anywhere near to get him in time. Or they could be planned to be there as his arrival is scripted. SOME LORE (SPOILERS AHEAD!) AND SCENARIO DIGRESSION. Same goes for the Winterhome survivor. Who’s storywise probably the only surviving scout of those who vanish in the hidden event at the end of Winterhome in case the scientists (not the meteorologists, the other 20) are left where they are until the very end and iirc also a steam core is used to buy another day and IF the random hidden event pops up (SPOILER: they discover smoke from New London). Only it’s better not to pick up this guy, or discover the remains of Winterhome earlier than you have to because it triggers Londoners and you don’t want to deal with that until you’re well prepared since ANH is smooth sailing after you overcame the difficulties of the first days with a good tactic, which makes dealing with those deluded fear-mongering idiots sooo much easier. 14) 1:40:00 Or their ears, or fingers, toes, noses... That’s what freezes off most often. LONG RANDOMLY ASSOCIATED BIZARRE BLACK HUMOUR STORY DIGRESSION We’ll rather not guess what exactly froze off... particularly not the dudes. Might as well have been his 5th limb... And I know your facial expression now, guys. Looks like the one most men in the audience had when Charlotte Roche (a German author of some quite explicit novels) toured the talkshows with a Munich-based urologist’s (Theimuras M. Alschibaja) dissertation, which is titled "Penisverletzungen durch Masturbation mit Staubsaugern" ("Penis Injuries Inflicted By Masturbation With Vacuum Cleaners"). No kidding. That’s a real, actually accepted dissertation by a real doctor. It can still be found on the internet. This er... technique was a thing in the 70s, when one of the most commonly used vacuum cleaners in German households was the "Kobold" (literally: leprechaun) from the Vorwerk company. It was a hand hoover with motor rotors installed 11cm into the aspiration hole which accounted for the severe penis injuries because it got sucked in, couldn’t be pulled out anymore and... got kinda massacred. At the time Alschibaja wrote his dissertation he notified the company of the abuse and autoerotical dangers of their hoover, so they thanked him, provided him with detailed schemes and info on the construction and afterwards redesigned it for more safety. Later the firm forgot about this (or chose to forget) and actually sued the poor doctor for defamation. No one, afaik, ever got the idea to sue them though. Just imagine such a thing happened in the US - those brainless half-castrates would all be multimillionaires! However, the paper got very popular suddenly a few years ago because of the wildly preposterous excuses those dudes made up in the clinics. One supposedly fell of a table and landed with his dick on a broken glass, another claimed he’d vacuumed his car with no pants on... But the unquestionably best story was a tragicomic tale of hereditary stupidity. Victims were father and son. First the son supposedly vacuumed his flat while wifey was absent (in the 70s! I’d rather find that was the least believable story of all!) and then, as he explained to the doc, got this very stupid idea when his thoughts wandered from sucking like vacuuming to... another kind of sucking. The rest was painful history. And then daddy wouldn’t believe such injuries could come from sticking it into the aspiration hole of a hoover and getting it caught into motor rotors. He thought his son had cheated on his DiL and got half his dick bitten off by some chick. So... detective daddy decided to empirically test - yep, like seriously - if it was actually possible to hurt yourself in such a way with that hungry leprechaun hoover. Yep. He found out it was very well possible. And also very, very painful. Imho that takes DADPOI (domestic accident due to patient’s own idiocy) to a whole new level. In his paper, Alschibaja MD attributed those... er, accidents to low education and intelligence. Quite a convincing explanation, I’d say. So that’s why Ms. Roche (the writer who’d salvaged the paper from the depths of the internet and started to read it on talkshows) decided it would be quite entertaining for the general public. Oh and if you have a delicate stomach, just had a meal or generally are a guy, I’d recommend you refrain from looking at the photos in the paper. 15) ARENA EFFECT BY PROPER SPACING 2:06:50 No, can’t agree with that, they do affect disc (particularly in the long run the effect gets quite noticeable), even on Survivor, but only if spaced efficiently. I usually pack them in the third row, 4 tent-units apart each. Like 3-5 altogether. Then they normally cover every single home. Obviously, that’s difficult in the cramped Rift map. You’d need to tear down some tents to place them in between. 2:07:30 Shhh 🤫 do you want to give 11bit bad ideas? 16) 2:09:00 😆 At least you’re one of the few who can actually afford this attitude. 17) 2:17:20 O.o what about the steam cores to the left?!
I made few attempt on this. Usually i have 1-2 amputees after early storms, but it happend to me two times already that I had 70 after second storm. Is this bug? there is no middle ground, is either 1-3 or 70 in same conditions.
in the beginning you said that you did a few frostpunk challenges, but I am pretty sure that you have not uploaded them to the channel, is there a chance for us youtube plebs to see it?
Here's a playlist of all my Extreme and challenge runs: th-cam.com/play/PLm0MDLKuRDrm4cnTNARZMDHF-nviVfDQj.html I've done quite a lot of challenges, and all my Frostpunk runs are here on TH-cam.
Is anyone having trouble building generator with all of the flaws. By that i mean is it just rushing every part of the generator enough or something more
yeah I was trying to get the steam achievement but even after the generator finish and having the extra generator flaws as hazards and after seeing 100 day achivement is still not unlocked.
@@DDRJake Yea I noticed the second time I watched it. And made the unfortunate discovery that having Bunkhouses makes zero difference compared to tents during the storm...
How about doing a very hard walktrough on last autumn map where you try to really fast race the generator without death ??its a very challenging one but i think that on youtube you're the only capable of doing this
Every Workshop after the 3rd one adds 10% research rate, so those workshops do contribute, but not much. 1st workshop is 100% research rate 2nd adds 30% 3rd adds 20% all others add 10%
It actually is played easier than normal extreme. You get more resources and more hand for work. They should make it more extreme for extra challenge because since you had shown us the no generator run is possible on extreme it would be better if raise the challenge for the this modern as well
I'd say the incredibly mild weather is a big part of what makes this so easy. The only challenge in my eyes is getting functional healthcare in time for the first storm, but even that's no biggie.
@@DDRJake yeah also the survivors of frostland are coming in high numbers as well. I could get over 700 before the third storm easily. In my playthrought after the first storm, I always easily get to house and house rearragement before the second storm (interestingly I got he same hazard with you here "brittel steel" in my first playthrought) which lets me easily crush throught the game without any challenge. Well I also exploit the save load for getting over of scripted death from overwork. I was wondering when are you going to try refugees survivor?
Possible challenge:) Assuming that you don't straight lose at day 50 with no genny, what about building the genny exclusively from scavenged parts from your scouts?
Disassembling a coal gathering post to not spend 1 wood and building another one close by during brittle steel was very unlike Jake. Also I dont understand why you didnt consider investing on kilns when you had access to that drill.
In my view, Kilns are almost never worth it., and the very few situations where I can imagine it being useful are situations that I don't think I would ever be in. On top of that, they require their own research, which is a considerable opportunity cost.
@@DDRJake Hey Jake! Howdy? Nice of you to reply to comments of your old videos. I still believe a kiln would have been the most logical choice in your circumstances. Here are my reasons. 1) You had access to drill and spare wood. 2) You were restricted in space. 3) You were restricted in manpower. 4) Kilns have better inherant heating. 5) Thumpers would have been bad for ecomony considering you also would have to build several posts during brittle steel. 6) A kiln would have sufficed until you built your coal mines. Been following you since eu4 days. Have watched all your frostpunk videos lately. Relaxing before sleep. Cheers!
My challange I made for myself and beat it: Last Autumn all exteme, no Safty massures at all(nothing thatgives you a svty level bonus) , no overcharge to speed up the progress no flaws on the genny. Really fun, made it on day 36. Im not sure if its possible on builder endless. but who knows. The game mechanics on story mode make some things possible (and fun) you dont have in endless. I think you would like it.If you find a way to do it in endless, id be impressed., but i doubt that you will find enough Flesh for the Meatgrinder.(Thats what i called my genny for obvious reasons.).
well, you can try it on endless. No savetymassures, no speeding up like overcharge or rushing, and a flawless genny. Im still not sure how to pull that off, but i will try
Glad I didn't catch the stream, Someone said they were working for EA I would of gotten banned from chat. Got some choice words for that company and its employees. Great game though ;)
"Without the generator the city died"
This line already lost all weight it had when you did the no generator run. Now that we literally run a city without it until we build one, seriously, what the hell, why would it even be a game over?
The no generator run could only be sustained with immigration, since the -100 2-day storm killed many people each time. Without a generator, I imagine it would be tough to convince people to move there.
@@DDRJake Run out of people eventually.
@@RobotsEverywhereVideos People spawn infinitely in the frostlands, until you have a population of over 600.
The generator explosion overloaded and destroyed everything connected to it. Steam hub? Boom. Heaters? Boom. Steam cores? Boom. Good luck recovering from that.
@@YourLocalMairaaboo Ahhh. But they've already recovered once from it. Also steam cores don't need to be a part of a working gen. You can have steam core buildings in builder mode without the generator.
Since most of the parts found by scouts came from the Mainland, you could do a Made in London run when you cannot make any supplies but can only use parts for the generator found in the map.
I think it would be too difficult. After a while, you would have -100 storms, and perpetual problems.
Matthew Hodge Jake did a no generator run, it sounds like it’s up his wheelhouse.
Sad to hear thats the last one for now. I was looking foward to a No safty run (and no rushing) but i guess we have to wait until your frostpunk addiction kicks in.
So, rushing construction that first time is akin to human sacrifice: You hit that button, a worker dies, and the devil will speed up your progress afterwards, but with a catch every time. =^[.]~=
Hey Jake, as the dude said, who posted the link I followed to this video, you make the game look too easy^^
I love your funny comments and it’s really nice to watch you play. I think I’ll definitely watch more of your stuff.
Now here comes one of my dreaded enormous comments, I mostly wrote along while watching and edited at some points.
Since this lengthy comment contains scores of interesting and useful information for less proficient players, but all strewn across and few will have the patience to read this giant text, I added the nutshell of the longer sections as headlines in capitals, so you guys can quickly find what might interest you.
I even added warnings of the bizarre black humour stories I have a knack for to digress into. 😆
1) Pretty sure he says "hear me" but I like "fear me" better. Definitely more appropriate for certain laws^^
Despite you were nice this time and didn’t apply them so ppl didn’t have to fear you.
I reckon you use sawdust because you thought w/o gen (overdrive!) the discontent from soup+overcrowding wouldn’t be managable? (But for you? Don’t think so!)
Never used sawdust because it’s making ppl sick. My last builder run is quite a while ago, I’m not a big fan of it, tbh. How many of those sick are due to the hearty sawdust burgers? (Oh and where did they get the sawdust from before the woodcutters were built? xD)
Since those loads of sick are barely manageable even with infirmaries and definitely wouldn’t be w/o overcrowding, they’re a major source of discontent. Sawdust burdens you with even more sick so I can hardly see it as an advantage over the direct disc from soup. On the contrary, you get more disc either way, but also wind up with completely avoidable sick on top with sawdust.
Why bother with double trouble? Particularly since those additional sick might break your neck: due to their massive amount they’re more likely to go gravely and might even die.
Rather take twice the food only with direct disc, especially since soup’s negative effect can be mitigated by moonshine (as Jake later notes), which strangely doesn’t seem to have any negative effects (probably because 11bit is a Polish studio 😆) other than one drunk guy being a singular annoyance and even allowing you to raise hope a little bit by sending him home to sober up.
Edit: 2:39:30 there he is.
3) 22:32 Medical workers DO get sick. Why wouldn’t they?
49:18 There is a way to use 24h deathless, but you need to sacrifice work time as a trade-off.
There’s a critical timespan where the deaths occur. On Extreme that’s after 3h (I think I had a case after 2h once but I believe that was on Survivor). Within the next 4-5h ppl can die.
(Again, I think 5h is true for Survivor or a very low chance on Extreme. Anybody who knows for sure pls feel free to correct me.)
However, I usually assigned them back after 4h, then no one would die. Obviously, that means 24h is actually 20h and only makes sense to hit at evening/nighttime, otherwise the forced pause hours fall into regular work shifts.
50:51 Nooo of course not^^ But I actually never noticed that to happen, too. Of course I’m usually nice and tend to escort them. Possibly I just didn’t pay attention?
Or it’s a specific balancing mechanic of builder mode, as a trade-off for the abolished "homeless w/o gen at night"-penalty.
Hach, just came back to feel this chilly atmosphere before sleeping😴🥶
Really relaxing☺️
I've been trying to beat this all week. Thank you for showing its possible without people having to die!
If the generator blows, they should just let you try to rebuild it through the blizzard instead of ending the game. It'd be brutal.
Considering that the generator blowing up sets the city on fire, they still might be screwed anyways.
Judging from how the game starts, you'd lose alot of people
From my understanding the medic apprentice law will make every 5 children in a child shelter effect 1 building, so you don't have enough children in the shelters to effect all your medical buildings. It works the same way for engineer apprentices
This mode is insane! I kinda always wanted to have it, but only as a joke. I never wouldve imagined someone created that scenario and now I just spend all night battling PTSD from all my failed The Rifts Builder Mode attempts…
Another one down. Thanks Captain!
Anyone else realize that cève-neige translates to snow puncture in french, as in snowpiercer. God I love this game even more now
55:43 Never let it get that far... now I’m curious.
Even with normal food production there are hints at cannibalism storywise as well: Once when I just barely completed a mismanaged mess at Winterhome I just crammed them into that Dreadnought with whatever food I could grab. One cabin was practically foodless. In the end there was a hint at cannibalism saying "starvation forced us to do the unthinkable".
Yeah, how about food rationing, guys? Never heard about that?
- No, let’s just have a hearty human thigh instead!
Chorus: Yaaay!
Actually the whole food prod in FP (particularly early on) is ridiculously small and waaaaay to little to survive under arctic conditions.
Roughly half of the calories we ingest go into sustaining our body temp - under NORMAL conditions - so in the arctic frost that’s considerably more. You really need a lot of high calorie food (like 2-3 times your normal supply) to remain able to even just walk, let alone work, under this harsh conditions. Otherwise you’d simply grow weaker and weaker within very short time and finally lie down in apathy and die, which is what happened to several early explorers who didn’t take that into account or even know it.
But ok, in a game that plays in the ARCTIC during a GLOBAL FROST CATASTROPHE (because let’s just go to an EVEN COLDER place!), building around a giant generator, with lots of supplies miraculously just lying around in the middle of nowhere, cutting frozen trees (yeah... how did they even grow there in the first place?), surviving in flimsy tents at -50 and lower, surviving at all at a temp that would instantly freeze anything (they actually walk around outside at -120 O.o) and with suddenly insane insulation in houses that look like the most energy-inefficient flimsy board constructions ever, yet somehow totally hold the warmth in, or giant robots which can do absolutely anything including work in medical facilities and even teching... not to mention several other things... realism is probably not exactly a question, I admit it. 😂
If you want to bring maths into it, a guy on Reddit made it quite clear that both apprenticeships are a ridiculously inefficient waste, because even just with safe jobs kids are a lot more efficient than the little bonus from shelters (though this guy was wrong about their work efficiency equaling adults).
With house of healing they can completely replace eng and free them up for more important work. For that one scripted death? Oh well. Never got why ppl are so obsessed with deathless anyway.
In the end pit+organs is much "nicer" than all this suffering from inefficient laws.
(Besides, this ill old guy dies by his own wish.)
Don’t forget you’re also forced to go for carehouse and prosthetics and do it very quickly (which might turn over your plans and bring you in even greater trouble) as soon as you get any amputees, because of the scripted suicide. Dunno if it’s a glitch or a timeout, but at least once that guy still shot himself even after I had both laws signed AND built a care-house on time. Plus all the steel waste for the prostheses. (I mean those amputees could be avoided by faster healing thanks to organs.)
So I’d always go for the pit and organs.
My favourite law to mitigate sickness because it gives a REALLY noticeable continuous 24h perk on healing even w/o ANY dead - wherever they get those organs anyway, don’t really wanna think about it, another logic thing to add above to the reality-check. Together with the medical history anachronism of transplanting organs in the Victorian age altogether, but - as I said, that’s not the central problem with realism in FP. 😆
However, organs is one of the best and most powerful laws in the game as it’s better to avoid deaths and gravely ill in the first place and it REALLY helps with that.
Cemetery on the other hand is a completely useless law.
At 2:01:00 Jake explains it himself.
You still need ceremonies to mitigate hope loss from deaths, which is only a short-termed perk but eats up hours for burials that make more ppl sick in the cold at nighttime (who might well die then, prompting still more hope loss) and could much better be used for work during daytime. And when you go deathless it’s even more useless because it doesn’t give you any perks, precludes them for the whole run, eats law cool down time and on top of all those detriments serves no purpose whatsoever. Oh and the hope bonus from the law Jake mentions almost 2h into the video when he builds it* is only temporary for a day or two.
*(Won’t the bodies cause sickness when it’s heated, the cemetery being so close to the tents? Or does that only happen with the body pit? As I said, I never use it. Or doesn’t it matter anyway because there’s only that token grave from the genny victim?)
Considering all that, the only times I went for cemetery were my clueless first tries and maybe GP... Don’t remember if it was required although you had to go deathless anyway. Remember wondering about that when I read it in a guide.
Otherwise I’d never even consider cemetery. Help ppl get better asap is much nicer than proper burials for avoidable dead.
1:14:40 Why don’t you spread your eng over several med posts? Often 2-3 are enough for them to work at 100% efficiency and even if they don’t, at daytime they heal slower, yet you could fully staff (micromanage) them at nighttime to get some faster healing.
Better more med posts with less eng than less med posts with more. The sick get treated, even if slower, and don’t go gravely ill. Although, of course, I too like infirmaries MUCH more. Particularly with organs they just burn through the sick, even gravely ill become quite trivial.
1:17:35 Never forget to switch soup/sawdust back on after migrating the cookhouse. 😉 That’s why food was depleting so fast.
Migrating infirmaries is actually not a very good idea. Not only due to kicked out gravely ill who might run around and die on the way unnecessarily.
Precisely for this reason infirmaries at different spots in your city (preferably in 3-4 directions or more on a normal map) are great because then they’ll go to the nearest one. (Usually, if possible.)
There’s a reason why in reality hospitals are scattered throughout the town and not all bundled in one quarter - which would be great for its inhabitants but quite bad for anyone else, and worse still with increasing distance.
2:12:30 And you realised it yourself then, Jake. (I was writing my comments along while watching.)
If there are more infirmaries operational than sick on average, ppl generally do indeed go to the nearest, as there’s space then. If not, they go dut-da-dut-da-dut-da-tuttu-tut-aaand-dead as you said, Jake. Which is why it’s not so good to turn them off (particularly at a different spot) once there are less sick. Rather keep 1-2 eng there at all times unless they’re REALLY needed elsewhere. And then it’s still better to scoop up a few here and there but keep the facilities open (see point 8).
Btw, if there’s only 1-2 eng at a med post or infirmary, it still counts as open even if they’re absent to eat, pray (tried to demolish-stop the church like the cookhouse, didn’t help though, apparently once started the action is carried out no matter what. Outrageous! Go pray in your free time, irresponsible, callous bigots!) and even if they’re sick themselves (see point 3).
Those uselessly waiting scouts might’ve worked for quite a while. E.g. get that coal at 12 o’clock out of the way.
But they’re sick of course. Gotta be careful that they don’t die.
I regularly use this trick in the beginning on purpose, sending away my sick to clear up space in the med post but it can backfire later when they return. One needs to keep that in mind.
During the storm they don’t have to be disbanded? But that’s great! Makes sending sick to expeditions all the more efficient! Just don’t disband them then, EVER. Now I’ll never need to worry about that ever again.
Didn’t they, however, die in the past unless disbanded in the storm?
1:32:50 It will. They’ll have a smaller range then. Like in Winterhome.
It depends on what exactly you screw up. There are guides listing the consequences for rushing each single building phase.
I don’t like that you see only afterwards what will be broken and cannot decide beforehand whether it’s worth the consequences (iirc).
However, as the challenge here is to get EVERYTHING about the gen crummy (btw, you’ll also get an achievement for that, as you apparently never did it before), obviously the hub range will be affected as well. Among several other problems, including smaller range, less heat and permanently increased gen stress level (much shorter overdrive time).
I think for this endless mode they should give you the ability to have Braziers, not as effective as steam hubs but at least doesn't require the generator. Once you have the generator, you could upgrade them into steam hubs.
sort of degrades from the pressure and challenge if you do that though.
@@DDRJake TRUE! but certainly adds options, again, your coal usage wasn't an issue until MUCH later due to not having the generator, this in itself could cause an issue on the Coal front.
In regards to 11 bit talking about struggling to implement mod tools. I remember reading from a dev that the game engine is a pain in the arse to work with, so that's likely the technical difficulties they are referring to.
Ahh well that sucks...
That's a pretty terrible excuse given they made the engine for the game.
@@AOEOt31os yup the true Fans feel scammed now...
@@aturchomicz821 I don't even think the game necessarily needs full on mod support, even just a scenario editor/builder will give the game a huge amount of extra longevity as the community could then create additional scenarios indefinitely (that could easily translate into more sales). It's such a shame a game like Frostpunk will inevitably fade from interest due to a lack of new content.
@@AOEOt31os Well its seems like they are working on a diffent game in the same Universe soooo yeah...
I decided to do a Rifts, Builders, Settlements, Extreme mode and got the busiest cluster of ruined buildings I wanna scream.
Hopefully one of your future Builder runs is cannibal.
As seeing the top bar, its full on resource types once prosthetics are enabled. So I wonder how it will place the corpse counter.
DDRJake, I had an idea for a challenge for Frostpunk.
Haven Challenge.
Victory conditions as follows:
Stay in balance or in surplus for each resource for a full cycle (hazard plus storm, in either order)
Have no human working during that time.
For preference, no Faith and not extreme Order.
Education for children.
Extended shift or 24 hour shift are allowed but the goal is 100% unemployment.
Medical - no USE of overcrowding during the hazard or storm, though passing the law and use of it before the final cycle is fine.
Prosthetics are fine.
Intended goal is a haven so no cannibalism and keep deaths low in general.
Love your videos. Just started watching them yesterday and I'm already like 11 hours in. You keep everyone very engaged with your voicing of everything, I didnt even realize so much time had passed. Very well done sir. Very well done!
Finally got to play frostpunk recently. I was planning on starting the game on easy, because I had heard that it had a pretty steep learning curve. Unfortunately, I didn't realize how to do that, so I just clicked "new game" and went with it. Managed to make it on my first try (just read a few guides that recommended a workshop immediately & avoiding dueling). Being paranoid at running out of coal, seeing how that generator & steam hubs were chugging away THOUSANDS of coal per day, I think I started the storm with some 50k Coal stored in large resource depots :)).
It's amazing how flexible the game is when you know what you're doing. I didn't dare have discontent high or hope low (what a kick in the balls winterhome & the storm were... I had read that i'd get a hope drop when discovering winterhome, but holy hope, 75% drop? wtf!)
hello jake
i 've watched every frostpunk video of yours but i still can't get enough.
if you still take challenges, i have one for you..
it's the techfreak challenge: in order to proceed to the next tier of research, you will have to complete the previous one.all of it.
whichever map or purpose you want, although i think the arks with order would be fitting.
also if you wanna spice it up, i would suggest that at least one workshop never stops working (meaning 24h shifts all the time).
thats it, i hope you find it challenging/interesting enough..
It's spicy, but too mild.
I'm not sure how realistic it is, but since you can get generator components from scouts, do you think it'd be possible (not necessarily on extreme) to build the generator with only discovered components?
eat the forbidden meat. The dark craving comes... we must partake... we must feed... for once one tries it... they like it...
2:19:08 But you’re gonna need that space for gen buildings! Also later there was no point to tear up stuff to the bottom left, particularly behind the storage building, as there’s no space for those big buildings anyway.
And I REALLY have no idea why the heck 11bit thought it was a good idea to place a building that require absolutely NO heating whatsoever right into the vital first ring around the genny w/o the possibility to reasonably replace it later. That was... not their brightest idea and is sth they should really, really change for once.
2:22:50 Why don’t you get Extended Shifts then?
I wondered all the time why you wouldn’t get them early on. It’s always one of my earliest laws. Huuuge efficiency bonus and great for the discontent pump.
20) 2:24:42 You can never start early enough 😂
21) 2:26:17 Again: 🤫 (And this time I’m not joking) DON’T give 11bit bad ideas!!! They already have a fatal tendency to cater primarily to the wishes of a few-%-elite like you who wish the game to be ever harder.
Everyone else is pretty happy with that temp, you know. For most ppl FP is actually pretty hard - often too hard - as difficult as you may find it to believe, Jake!
22) 2:27:49 Huh? Why do you automatically assume the guards are innocent?
2:43:35 Modding tools would be great indeed though personally, I don’t feel FP needs more difficulty, rather more variety, particularly on endless.
Once you’re stabilised endless modes (even Endurance) are just super boring. I kept fast forwarding on Extreme Endurance (marathon achi) after like, the 3rd storm and was bored to death because it keeps all the same and is super easy with a solid start (yes, really! Even I could do it and I’m a mess at micromanagement). That’s why I don’t like endless mode.
But I’d love more player-made scenarios or some variations or challenges or reasonable tasks (not just Christmas and Archives for the umpteenth time).
Don’t like strategy/building games when there’s nothing to work towards. That just doesn’t make much sense.
Sandbox and mere city construction isn’t for me - unless it’s actually a CORE mechanic of a game - particularly since that’s not really what FP is about.
It’s NOT Frostpunks core mechanic and not the game’s real strength. That’s actually it’s gripping story, the laws, the tasks and the scenarios with their beautifully gloomy atmosphere - for me at least.
Once you’ve understood the mechanics, w/o a scenario with clear tasks (and even that would get old so 11bit was very wise to implement new mechanics like gen build) it sadly just gets too repetitive and boring. Which is why I assert building in itself is NOT a core mechanic, though it might superficially appear so and why endless is not well-made, doesn’t really fit FP and feels quickly stitched together on fan demand even by the first time, making its various achievements tedious and annoying, particularly the marathons.
Although many ppl seem to enjoy it somehow. Probably only because they’re making up their own tasks and challenges every time, which makes it closer to a scenario and then the whole thing makes sense again.
I’m not saying endless mode is atrociously bad, no. The first phase is still enjoyable. It just wears out too quickly, there’s no actual stand-alone idea behind it, no mechanic adjustment suitable for long-term runs.
Endless games without set goals are only enjoyable for me when they’re like Sims, for example. And that’s because I can make up my own stories and design what I build, there’s an enormous variety of combinations, it’s so much more creative and thus never gets old.
This is the difference why no end works so well with Sims (where goalless endless play is an actual core element), but not with primarily campaign-oriented strategy games like FP, Avven Colony, Anno etc.: they tend to stack once the build is done and start troubles are overcome and get too easy and tedious, and there’s no real long-term sustainable creativity on the side of the player, no variety, just raw mechanics that are designed for campaigning. Random (and in the long run also repetitive) hazards CANNOT pull it out of the tedious zone.
But what would be really lovely for FP would be a multiplayer mode. Normally I’m not a big multiplayer fan but after that settlement update it just cries for MP. That would be so great, building each a settlement with your friends, trading and helping each other out, possibly in player-made scenarios, too. It would be sooo cool! Please add THAT, 11bit!
When they’ll fix endless slave driver and constructor, with a couple of Survivor achievements more left and as soon as I’ll figure out how to keep only workers for that one achi in TLA, I’ll be done with FP and it will be a sad farewell. Don’t wanna let this wonderful game go yet... Please add some variety by modding tools, MP and possibly some new studio scenarios! I want to linger in the frozen wilds some more!
24) 3:25:27 Keep engineers operational would be quite helpful, too.
Oh someone noticed it finally. I was already wondering, when will someone see they’re not at work?
25) 3:32:39 😂😂😂 at "the holy trinity"
3:59:40 I’ve noticed more ppl have actually more effect on a pub though, as more go there and it lowers disc a bit more.
However, the effect is quite slim and limited to such a short time window - even shorter if you give in to the demands of religious bigots to run it for a shorter time (the pub is already operating only a few hours in the evening, what the hell do they want?!) - that it doesn’t really matter.
4:00:20 Yep, I’d never risk that. With excess ppl unemployed anyway I always keep faithkeepers fully staffed, otherwise at least 5 or so. Particularly when it gets cold and ppl start to get sick in masses it’s very important to keep an eye on them to make sure there are always enough faithkeepers at hand.
Though it’s actually pretty funny to imagine how exactly even the fully staffed ridiculous 10 FK keep a furious, revolting mass of a few hundred ppl under control.
Those dudes must indeed have superpowers! 😂
28) Other buildings that don’t need full staffing are all med facilities. Since they work 24h, they work in shifts by default so there are usually not all ppl present anyway, which is why they work at 100% efficiency with fewer staff as well, and even over 100% with shrines. See point 8.
4:11:45 You can look up what exactly you need for each phase in advance in the generator build menu.
Astonishingly, there seem to be things even pros like Jake don’t know. Well, there’s always something to discover in this game.
30) Wanna finish on a nice even number, so now, after watching this, I somehow feel tempted to try a builder run on that rock map again. But only on hard, no need to sour my life excessively, though I feel I might actually do it now on extreme.
Gosh, my first attempt was so long ago and back then it was completely chaotic, mismanaged and disorganised. I had no idea what I was doing at the time and didn’t know a lot of the things I mentioned above. Plus I was an even worse mess at micromanagement, which is vital in FP, particularly on the harder difficulties.
Gnaaah I still have to do 2-3 scenarios on survivor, and I think OtE was the last left on hard. But I rather like this scenario. Certainly a LOT more than Winterhome!
Dunno why you have such an aversion for scenarios, Jake. I don’t like when I don’t have clear goals and tasks, but then such challenges aren’t my thing. As I said, I like fairly stressless endless games like Sims, but that’s because I can make up my own stories. I’m the typical story-player, love campaigns, scenarios and all such, yet quickly feel bored and annoyed when I just have to do the usual stuff in a survival/build game w/o a clear mission.
I guess building a genny is the closest that comes to this and hence probably the best endless type, as it keeps fun and challenging for quite a while.
Thank you for this entertaining video!
You're so good at this game
Thank you for doing this challenge!
It's very much my pleasure.
Imagine this exact same setup, but the Brexit challenge... oh my. At least you can fund your NHS and successfully crowdsource the Big Ben Bong?
anyone else find it funny and cute when he goes "oeh crombs"
i do
i really want 2 shift law in builder mode.... the best law ever
Oooooooo what an unexpected treat!
Hopefully Jake does a video or two on "Endzone - A world apart" as it is frostpunkish, also should have some good options for challenges.
omg I was watching this when I came up with a great challenge idea: use child labor and hurried construction to build the generator by just 1-5 children at the construction site (that only counts for installing the parts, you can use workers at factories)
ive recently found your channel and i love your frostpunk vids, did you ever get the golden path trophy i've only seen one guy get it and it was a speed run on normal. would of loved to see how you would do it. keep up the great work you have brought me hours and hours of laughs.
Freelancer run (probably non-Last Autumn):
Only one employee allowed per building
No Soup / Sawdust burgers
No micro for eating/building
I'm done with FP until there is new content.
what about a proud architect run? no dismantle or upgrade building(except coal mine and steelworks). Any other building that you want to upgrade you need to put somewhere else and disable the older one(if needed). Example: from hunters lodge to hunters hangar you would take all the workers away from lodge, build hangars and put them there but both buildings would have to stay where they are till the game finishes
Released when I got to work.. this will be a good day.
Is Jake going to teach us all to be a socipathic bastards today?
If that's what you call saving hundreds of lives, then gladly.
Your comment about relying on scouts gave me an idea fora challenge: Rifts, builder, no bridges.
He has done that! Kinda. He did the Brexit challenge, which is the same, but on generic Endless instead of on Builder.
I think on Builder it would be significantly harder, but then again, I havent tried it yet
"Damn that Dr. Fred!" Hey, you know the Edison family motto!
Someone had to get it!
1:38:25 Yeah I had him die that way, too. Thankfully, I’m done with Arks but if someone still needs to do Man of Steel or Survivor: where exactly does he spawn? Maybe build a med post right there (only temporary of course) so he can quickly get there and survives? Better still would be to scoop him up underway. I believe he won’t be sick or at least not gravely sick when he’s brought in then, or will he? Anyway, who has time for that when there are so many precious rss to collect out there and workforce is desperately needed? But it is an option if per chance scouts are anywhere near to get him in time. Or they could be planned to be there as his arrival is scripted.
Same goes for the Winterhome survivor. Who’s storywise probably the only surviving scout of those who vanish in the hidden event at the end of Winterhome in case the scientists (not the meteorologists, the other 20) are left where they are until the very end and iirc also a steam core is used to buy another day and IF the random hidden event pops up (SPOILER: they discover smoke from New London).
Only it’s better not to pick up this guy, or discover the remains of Winterhome earlier than you have to because it triggers Londoners and you don’t want to deal with that until you’re well prepared since ANH is smooth sailing after you overcame the difficulties of the first days with a good tactic, which makes dealing with those deluded fear-mongering idiots sooo much easier.
14) 1:40:00 Or their ears, or fingers, toes, noses... That’s what freezes off most often.
We’ll rather not guess what exactly froze off... particularly not the dudes. Might as well have been his 5th limb... And I know your facial expression now, guys. Looks like the one most men in the audience had when Charlotte Roche (a German author of some quite explicit novels) toured the talkshows with a Munich-based urologist’s (Theimuras M. Alschibaja) dissertation, which is titled "Penisverletzungen durch Masturbation mit Staubsaugern" ("Penis Injuries Inflicted By Masturbation With Vacuum Cleaners").
No kidding. That’s a real, actually accepted dissertation by a real doctor. It can still be found on the internet.
This er... technique was a thing in the 70s, when one of the most commonly used vacuum cleaners in German households was the "Kobold" (literally: leprechaun) from the Vorwerk company. It was a hand hoover with motor rotors installed 11cm into the aspiration hole which accounted for the severe penis injuries because it got sucked in, couldn’t be pulled out anymore and... got kinda massacred.
At the time Alschibaja wrote his dissertation he notified the company of the abuse and autoerotical dangers of their hoover, so they thanked him, provided him with detailed schemes and info on the construction and afterwards redesigned it for more safety. Later the firm forgot about this (or chose to forget) and actually sued the poor doctor for defamation.
No one, afaik, ever got the idea to sue them though. Just imagine such a thing happened in the US - those brainless half-castrates would all be multimillionaires!
However, the paper got very popular suddenly a few years ago because of the wildly preposterous excuses those dudes made up in the clinics. One supposedly fell of a table and landed with his dick on a broken glass, another claimed he’d vacuumed his car with no pants on...
But the unquestionably best story was a tragicomic tale of hereditary stupidity. Victims were father and son. First the son supposedly vacuumed his flat while wifey was absent (in the 70s! I’d rather find that was the least believable story of all!) and then, as he explained to the doc, got this very stupid idea when his thoughts wandered from sucking like vacuuming to... another kind of sucking. The rest was painful history.
And then daddy wouldn’t believe such injuries could come from sticking it into the aspiration hole of a hoover and getting it caught into motor rotors. He thought his son had cheated on his DiL and got half his dick bitten off by some chick. So... detective daddy decided to empirically test - yep, like seriously - if it was actually possible to hurt yourself in such a way with that hungry leprechaun hoover. Yep. He found out it was very well possible. And also very, very painful.
Imho that takes DADPOI (domestic accident due to patient’s own idiocy) to a whole new level. In his paper, Alschibaja MD attributed those... er, accidents to low education and intelligence. Quite a convincing explanation, I’d say.
So that’s why Ms. Roche (the writer who’d salvaged the paper from the depths of the internet and started to read it on talkshows) decided it would be quite entertaining for the general public.
Oh and if you have a delicate stomach, just had a meal or generally are a guy, I’d recommend you refrain from looking at the photos in the paper.
2:06:50 No, can’t agree with that, they do affect disc (particularly in the long run the effect gets quite noticeable), even on Survivor, but only if spaced efficiently.
I usually pack them in the third row, 4 tent-units apart each. Like 3-5 altogether. Then they normally cover every single home. Obviously, that’s difficult in the cramped Rift map. You’d need to tear down some tents to place them in between.
2:07:30 Shhh 🤫 do you want to give 11bit bad ideas?
16) 2:09:00 😆 At least you’re one of the few who can actually afford this attitude.
17) 2:17:20 O.o what about the steam cores to the left?!
You've done the Last Autumn scenario with both engineers and labors union. But what about making it a Penal colony?
I have to leave something for people to buy the game and try for themselves.
@@DDRJake Any tips on how to do the Penal colony route? Having a hard time keeping the deadline.. It's usually what gets me.
@@whitelessII try harder
Can you save all the people ? DDRJake
I found the hidden law =)
something about soylent white or "hearty" meal as I call it.
I made few attempt on this. Usually i have 1-2 amputees after early storms, but it happend to me two times already that I had 70 after second storm. Is this bug? there is no middle ground, is either 1-3 or 70 in same conditions.
in the beginning you said that you did a few frostpunk challenges, but I am pretty sure that you have not uploaded them to the channel, is there a chance for us youtube plebs to see it?
Here's a playlist of all my Extreme and challenge runs: th-cam.com/play/PLm0MDLKuRDrm4cnTNARZMDHF-nviVfDQj.html
I've done quite a lot of challenges, and all my Frostpunk runs are here on TH-cam.
Is anyone having trouble building generator with all of the flaws.
By that i mean is it just rushing every part of the generator enough or something more
yeah I was trying to get the steam achievement but even after the generator finish and having the extra generator flaws as hazards and after seeing 100 day achivement is still not unlocked.
How does Jake get through the first storm so flawlessly? I was absolutely drowned in the sick. And had better housing than him too!
Half my people got sick, I just made sure to have plenty of infirmaries.
@@DDRJake Yea I noticed the second time I watched it. And made the unfortunate discovery that having Bunkhouses makes zero difference compared to tents during the storm...
I kinda wish he used the last autumn scenario map.
It's unavailable for endless mode unfortunately
When the last dlc comes out for this game will you do a vid on it?
100% yes. And it's coming this summer.
I think I noticed the Children's med/eng bonus is only applied between 1200 and 1800, so 6 hours a day.
PS: Or was it 1000 and 1600
The only thing this generator is efficient at is burning coal 🤣
I just tried this with not crummy generator..... I could not do it.
Oooooo, what about a Lazy Workers run? Workers do not work, only Engineers and Children. :) (may need to make an exception for scouts)
This could be the one for you: th-cam.com/video/1IgTLJrc1_Q/w-d-xo.html
How about doing a very hard walktrough on last autumn map where you try to really fast race the generator without death ??its a very challenging one but i think that on youtube you're the only capable of doing this
I think I could, but I'm not interested in replaying story scenarios.
Is there any reason to have more than 4 workshops?4 gives thr max research rate but i see you get more than that.whats the reason?
Every Workshop after the 3rd one adds 10% research rate, so those workshops do contribute, but not much.
1st workshop is 100% research rate
2nd adds 30%
3rd adds 20%
all others add 10%
What about frostpunk challenge "The Arks without Automotons" ?
Do you just not think of the logistical issues in this premise or what?
The arks will straight up give you a game over I'd you don't build automatons.
DDRJake oh , sorry , I don't know about this fact
It actually is played easier than normal extreme. You get more resources and more hand for work. They should make it more extreme for extra challenge because since you had shown us the no generator run is possible on extreme it would be better if raise the challenge for the this modern as well
I'd say the incredibly mild weather is a big part of what makes this so easy. The only challenge in my eyes is getting functional healthcare in time for the first storm, but even that's no biggie.
@@DDRJake yeah also the survivors of frostland are coming in high numbers as well. I could get over 700 before the third storm easily. In my playthrought after the first storm, I always easily get to house and house rearragement before the second storm (interestingly I got he same hazard with you here "brittel steel" in my first playthrought) which lets me easily crush throught the game without any challenge. Well I also exploit the save load for getting over of scripted death from overwork.
I was wondering when are you going to try refugees survivor?
Possible challenge:)
Assuming that you don't straight lose at day 50 with no genny, what about building the genny exclusively from scavenged parts from your scouts?
try to speedrun the generator on easy mode, how quick can you get? (it can be crummy)
Dang it...missed the stream 😅
Disassembling a coal gathering post to not spend 1 wood and building another one close by during brittle steel was very unlike Jake.
Also I dont understand why you didnt consider investing on kilns when you had access to that drill.
In my view, Kilns are almost never worth it., and the very few situations where I can imagine it being useful are situations that I don't think I would ever be in. On top of that, they require their own research, which is a considerable opportunity cost.
@@DDRJake Hey Jake! Howdy? Nice of you to reply to comments of your old videos. I still believe a kiln would have been the most logical choice in your circumstances. Here are my reasons.
1) You had access to drill and spare wood.
2) You were restricted in space.
3) You were restricted in manpower.
4) Kilns have better inherant heating.
5) Thumpers would have been bad for ecomony considering you also would have to build several posts during brittle steel.
6) A kiln would have sufficed until you built your coal mines.
Been following you since eu4 days. Have watched all your frostpunk videos lately. Relaxing before sleep. Cheers!
My challange I made for myself and beat it: Last Autumn all exteme, no Safty massures at all(nothing thatgives you a svty level bonus) , no overcharge to speed up the progress no flaws on the genny. Really fun, made it on day 36. Im not sure if its possible on builder endless. but who knows. The game mechanics on story mode make some things possible (and fun) you dont have in endless. I think you would like it.If you find a way to do it in endless, id be impressed., but i doubt that you will find enough Flesh for the Meatgrinder.(Thats what i called my genny for obvious reasons.).
sounds decent, but I'm not terribly interested in replaying the story scenarios.
well, you can try it on endless. No savetymassures, no speeding up like overcharge or rushing, and a flawless genny. Im still not sure how to pull that off, but i will try
There should be a new option when you find survivors, to hunt/eat them.
Scout team is 5 people and surviver he found was never less than 20 people and can range up to 100+
Chinese construction effort visualised xd
Glad I didn't catch the stream, Someone said they were working for EA I would of gotten banned from chat. Got some choice words for that company and its employees. Great game though ;)
EA's a big company, with a lot of people wanting to do good. I've met said people, but as a company, well, it's the hand of evil.
Crummy Generator KreyGasm
What drives a man to type like this?
@@DDRJake internet meme addiction
@@DDRJake Kappa Dansgame ZULUL
I think I just acquired stage 4 pancreatic cancer from typing that.
1st :) love your vids, great job Jake :)
really love these challenge runs :) would you consider playing surviving the aftermath? i have some cool challenge ideas for it !