One of the best wow movies I have ever seen, and I just saw your partners vid and thought that was fucking amazing. Dreamteam. Nextgen-wow ---> Spectator mode next!:P
Good but we didnt do real arenas yet, so i cant say that its the best server i have ever played on atm. There are still tons of bugs to fix before we can try real arenas to test the "PWP" feeling of it.
A natáčíš něco? Koukal jsem na tvůj channel máš tam jen toto video. Ty arény se dobře sledujou jak je to na TBC tak to netrvá ani tak moc dlouho, aspoň ne tak dlouho jak jsem zvyklej z WoD. Celej den po zhlédnutí tohohle videa mám chuť si stáhnout TBCčko ...
Přes 4 roky není za prvé KDE (samy bugged shit servery) točit a za druhé proti KOMU (samý randomy). Takže tak... Až releasne Netherwing tak se snad bude dát a určitě něco natočím :) ... Na TBC ty arény dlouho trvají, pokud hraješ heal+dmg combo...
Evolve, what's the addon that shows the debuff timers on enemies applied from friendly players? Like you can see blind ( cripplin debufftimer on target
BuffLib I believe, although I think it was enabled like that by default on the server, cant remember now.
+Evolve how good is blazw compared to others that you met? Gsex bizzle etc, seems he is extremely good, ofc he looks good when u only have videos of you winning but still:)
I cant compare him to others because I didnt play with them. I only really played with Blazw and Teddys. Teddys is better, has way more exp and also better mechanic-wise, but Blazw also wasnt that bad in his good days, we had a good synergy without using any voice communication etc., unfortunately these days are long time gone. Its not like there arent many other competent rogues. Its just that I enjoyed to play the most with them, known them almost personally since they live in the same country and knew them from the beggining from other servers before.
Man, you've done something so right with this movie i dont know what lol.. I watch this movie like atleast once a week, probably because the clean interface, no shitty addons etc, just straight up and good clean music :D I still play spr/rogue on warmane and struggle at 1700 but i find it easily the funniest combo
I don't play tbc myself but I play Cata at high level and I can see these teams making tons of mistakes as positioning and tactic wise, cases in which they should easily win the matches.
U cant probably watch it on phone cuz it contains several copyrighted songs so youtube disabled it... U might be able to watch it at with WCM stream link on phone, idk if that works, but it has way worse quality.
Guys, if u want to ask something, write a comment on WCM(link in description). With this google+ shits around i cant do a single answer :/ also some comments are hiding. Thx
HD is almost the same as WD but with 0% chance of reseting match. Its probably the most annoying comb ever.. thats why noone like hunters -.- SPM is rly hard to beat as SPR, it depends on mistakes of SPM and gear but without them its like 10% win ratio.
yes we had like 35-40% win ratio against them. we lost tons of matches... its not rly hard to play it as SPM. just let your mage brainlessly spam all possible CDs and profit. Also the priest has full stamina gems and enchants -.- ... nobrain2win
No zatim se nic netoci, vsichni uz jsme dost "stari" a uz to tak neumime jako tenkrat :D Ale treba jeste neni vsem dnum konec :D Btw byl bych rad i za koment/rating na WCM(link v popisu videa) Dik :)
In full high-end S4 gear, I had around 471-493 resil, 1156 shadow spell dmg, +- 12200 HP 10500 mana, you dont need hit rating because of Shadow Focus talent, but 4% is really nice for dispels and as much spell pene as possible. 16% Hit rating is only for PVE(6% from gear, 10% from Shadow Focus). It also depends on server... If you are playing on a server that enables hit talents to penetrate resist talent, you should get as much hit as possible BUT... spell dmg gems are still number 1 priority.
Spell pene only from 2 rings(48), but I recommend as much as possible(if u can). Meta either 14 spell dmg + 5% stun resist or 14 spell dmg +2% intel. (or 12 intel + 300mana chance on bugged server) talents: on bugged servers: on working servers:
Because on server where its working properly , it reduces talents such as Unbreakable Will.. So you need as much spell hit + shadow focus as possible.... but again... this is only for servers where its working correctly...
idk, it is available for me, but you cannot open it on mobile or if u are from USA due to music copyrights :/ its retarded.. there is a WCM link in video description, try that
Evolve Ok man gl. Was just wondering. Thinking about playing something other than warrior, I'm getting really bored. How complicated is spri compared to warr?
tWist yao teddys iz just sum lfg 1490 blood elf rogue show cloak m9 ye rog sux hard :D give me a decent server with decent players and we might make another vid -.- RIP TBC
y im on smolderforge atm and sometimes deathside but smolderforge is bugged and DS is... u know russian and also bugged :D so rip tbc :/ btw teddys was one of the top rogs on old at -.-
Awesome movie , awesome editting , but... c'mon , srsly , shadow priest + rogue ? ;[ there are bazillions movies out there , and every good wow player knows ,that this comp is extremely powerful and you can even call it OP in TBC ... you don't even need that much insane skill to be good at it , and the comp scales with your skill makes it more OP , but saw some shitty opponents as hell... also a lot of buggs , Spriest Talent Stun procks from Silence ? Srsly? Silence isn't a damage , it's a harmful effect lol + mage iceblocking it ;D when priest can click dispel silence? meehh... but I did enjoyed the editting ,awesome choice of music also .
First of all, SPR isnt OP comp since end of season 4 on retail. OP are: PR,RD,LD cuz of their high rng resists etc... SPR is very weak comb nowadays because everyone know how to play vs it.. and btw blocking silence is the best way how u can help to dying priest which has a lot of better to do then dispeling your silence when u can simply block it. Its about CD, how much fast u spent all CDs etc. This SPM (especially mage) was extremely fast out of CD but it was their playstyle. We lost like 10 times vs them only because mage used all CDS so fcking fast and we werent able to do something vs his haste/dmg opporunities... (if u check 2.4.3. 2v2 ladder, SPR isnt there , wasnt there and probably wont be there)
Ravager70 Hm okey , but about that Stun , it's a bug , shadow priest Stun Shouldn't Prock from SILENCE , that stuns must prock only from damage , not from silence.
This was bugged on season 1 on retail too :D but u are right, it should not proc from that. But as u can see on free servers there is a lot of resists, fears to fear wards and so on, so this isnt that much OP. Blackout there had a lot lower chance to proc from any spell then on retail as i remember. Pets are keeping their owners in combat(warlocks, hunters) so there isnt way to resap them after cc etc... retail is retail :D but they atleast try to do best as they can.
Ravager70 I see :P Yeah true that maybe , but like I said the movie is fucking awesome 5+/5 , liked it and enjoyed a lot , editting insanely awesome , playlist also is great!Still listening to the music ;d
Zdar ted jsem narazil na toto video no pohoda sice si vše odmaka rogue a ty jen dobře dáš silence ale jak řikám slušně zahrane dobrej teamwork no otázka zní hral/zkoušel jsi hellground server hraju ted na offiku ale jak kok*ti dodrbali pvp to není možný chcu se vrátit na stare dobre tbc... Popřípadě jaký je dobrý/hratelný tbc server klidně i vysoké raty xp
SPR je z 80-85% o rogovi. Je to tak se všema 2s rogue combama. Priest je jen takový support. Hellground je shit... 2012 level server no. Jestli chceš opravdu hned teď hrát TBC, tak je to nejlepší(ale bohužel zároveň jediná) volba. TBC teď není hratelný žádný. Do konce roku 2017 by měl releasnout Netherwing, na kterým se podílím a nebo pak asi ještě burning crusade project v USA... ale o tom nevím víc informací, než co je volně dostupné. TBC je na tom celkově hodně špatně co se týče aktuálních serverů...
Hmm díky protože nemám už náladu co si zas blizzard vymyslí pro děcka Demon hunter bylo poslední co jsem ještě nějak vzal, ale co se tam ted s pvp děje to je cirkus ... Takže hledám tbc server, ale pokud je situace taková tak se podívám po wotlk serveru.
No divám se na ten Netherwing a vypadá to slibně... Doufám že se to podaří. BTW Ještě by mě zajímalo jak jste hrali proti combu Affli lock + resto druid.
New Arena Video is OUT!! -->
Thank you for keeping these up, Evolve. All these names and memories! I am so hyped for Warmane!
, just brilliant!
Oh man, i love your vid! I find TBC arenas much more amusing than the new retail shit, TBC and WotLK was the peak of arena gameplay imo. Keep it up!
i have never seen a movie with ppl this skilled... wow this is amazing!!!!!
Loved the "Hank Williams solo" buff
I lol'd
Whisper at 4:48 is awesome
One of the best wow movies I have ever seen, and I just saw your partners vid and thought that was fucking amazing.
Nextgen-wow ---> Spectator mode next!:P
BEST PVP VIDEO, had i ever seen!
Best priest and rogue ever! I'm enjoyed :)
Ruslan Madaminov Thx, we appreciate it :)
U are good player and moovie maker ^^
Staré dobré časy na TBC :)
multiglad rogue mage with backpedal ?
its only the mage multiglad xd
it is smolderforge server? are you still playing?
no, it was next-gen (arena tournement)... Im playing few arenas per week on random servers, waiting for Netherwing currently...
2:31 i love the mage moving around he doesnt know what to do thats hilarious
@@xenoh52 He's silenced...
hey mate, trying to figure it out. what you use after inner focus in 9:40? btw, great skills - gratz
devo. plague?
devouring plague
Full of undeads !
obv carried by the rogue. awesome movie overall, you can see a lot of effort has been put into making it. gj
mage just getting sap multi RM btw xD let's find invis on action bar)
This druid on WD did not use his medallion trinket ? ??
17:01 trinketed kidney shot
GREAT vid man ur talanted
Nika Kurtanidze thx, its very old tho
how does atlantiss look so far?
Good but we didnt do real arenas yet, so i cant say that its the best server i have ever played on atm. There are still tons of bugs to fix before we can try real arenas to test the "PWP" feeling of it.
Did they say when it's gonna be playable give or take ?
Trochu TryHard, máš to hodně dobře sestříhaný + ty timelapsy fakt dobrý.. Btw. Hrajete pořád ?
Jj sem tam, ale není kde... občas někoho boostnem na feenixu nebo tak :D Hráli jsme na L4G, ale je to dead.
A natáčíš něco? Koukal jsem na tvůj channel máš tam jen toto video. Ty arény se dobře sledujou jak je to na TBC tak to netrvá ani tak moc dlouho, aspoň ne tak dlouho jak jsem zvyklej z WoD. Celej den po zhlédnutí tohohle videa mám chuť si stáhnout TBCčko ...
Přes 4 roky není za prvé KDE (samy bugged shit servery) točit a za druhé proti KOMU (samý randomy). Takže tak... Až releasne Netherwing tak se snad bude dát a určitě něco natočím :) ...
Na TBC ty arény dlouho trvají, pokud hraješ heal+dmg combo...
To jo, ale zase dmg+dmg netrvají ani minutu některý co jsem viděl. Snad to bude brzo těším se na dobrý pvp ;)
How much about retail pvp do you know?
Wheres evolve 4 vídeo?
there isnt any in that sense, just random vids here and there
jestli se můžu zeptat, kde hraješ lolko já mám platinu na westu, takže kdyby něco duoQ
Na Eastu, ale nehraju ted nejak 24/7.. mam dost věcí IRL :D
Jinak obcas Cata a nostalgické badass 2s na Nextgenu :D
last song ???
Evolve, what's the addon that shows the debuff timers on enemies applied from friendly players? Like you can see blind ( cripplin debufftimer on target
BuffLib I believe, although I think it was enabled like that by default on the server, cant remember now.
Thanks for fast answer. I found the addon in Schaka's github. Thanks anyway tho. Pretty useful!
name of the song?
Calvin Harris feat. Example - We'll Be Coming Back (Killsonik Remix)
sorry, im going to edit it
6 song in information...and I counted 7 song x))
Hi, whats the name of the addon with you can set focus like in wotlk. I have shearched everywhere but i didnt get it.
+Nagy Gergely Focus Frame
12:48, why do you get out of sap? :o or am i completely blind?
trinket of shame
ooh! didnt even notice that u trinketed xD
+Evolve how good is blazw compared to others that you met? Gsex bizzle etc, seems he is extremely good, ofc he looks good when u only have videos of you winning but still:)
I cant compare him to others because I didnt play with them. I only really played with Blazw and Teddys. Teddys is better, has way more exp and also better mechanic-wise, but Blazw also wasnt that bad in his good days, we had a good synergy without using any voice communication etc., unfortunately these days are long time gone.
Its not like there arent many other competent rogues. Its just that I enjoyed to play the most with them, known them almost personally since they live in the same country and knew them from the beggining from other servers before.
Man, you've done something so right with this movie i dont know what lol.. I watch this movie like atleast once a week, probably because the clean interface, no shitty addons etc, just straight up and good clean music :D
I still play spr/rogue on warmane and struggle at 1700 but i find it easily the funniest combo
I don't play tbc myself but I play Cata at high level and I can see these teams making tons of mistakes as positioning and tactic wise, cases in which they should easily win the matches.
It's a different game. Every expansion the game expands so much. You could, as stated earlier. Call this an entirely different game
why i can't watch video? can u reupload, would be nice.
U cant probably watch it on phone cuz it contains several copyrighted songs so youtube disabled it...
U might be able to watch it at with WCM stream link on phone, idk if that works, but it has way worse quality.
Great movie :)
Guys, if u want to ask something, write a comment on WCM(link in description). With this google+ shits around i cant do a single answer :/ also some comments are hiding. Thx
still playing at next-gen ?
i have broken shoulder and i cant move with left hand so.. nop
ah okej :(
HD is almost the same as WD but with 0% chance of reseting match. Its probably the most annoying comb ever.. thats why noone like hunters -.- SPM is rly hard to beat as SPR, it depends on mistakes of SPM and gear but without them its like 10% win ratio.
yes we had like 35-40% win ratio against them. we lost tons of matches... its not rly hard to play it as SPM. just let your mage brainlessly spam all possible CDs and profit. Also the priest has full stamina gems and enchants -.- ... nobrain2win
No zatim se nic netoci, vsichni uz jsme dost "stari" a uz to tak neumime jako tenkrat :D
Ale treba jeste neni vsem dnum konec :D
Btw byl bych rad i za koment/rating na WCM(link v popisu videa) Dik :)
rly awesome.
Hi man. U seems good) Tell me plz smth about stats/ how much res and spd i need? and what about 16%hit? try to make it or no?
In full high-end S4 gear, I had around 471-493 resil, 1156 shadow spell dmg, +- 12200 HP 10500 mana, you dont need hit rating because of Shadow Focus talent, but 4% is really nice for dispels and as much spell pene as possible. 16% Hit rating is only for PVE(6% from gear, 10% from Shadow Focus).
It also depends on server... If you are playing on a server that enables hit talents to penetrate resist talent, you should get as much hit as possible BUT... spell dmg gems are still number 1 priority.
can u link u takent build? and how much spell penetr. u have? and what about meta socket?)
Spell pene only from 2 rings(48), but I recommend as much as possible(if u can). Meta either 14 spell dmg + 5% stun resist or 14 spell dmg +2% intel. (or 12 intel + 300mana chance on bugged server)
on bugged servers:
on working servers:
why u need 5 poitns in the Shadow focus? 3 not enough?
Because on server where its working properly , it reduces talents such as Unbreakable Will.. So you need as much spell hit + shadow focus as possible.... but again... this is only for servers where its working correctly...
Bro ur mate rogue is so good, btw.
hollywood undead automatic like
List of addons?
Playlist please ?
+Kiko Dimi Everything is here: Playlist, addons etc
why vid unavailable?
idk, it is available for me, but you cannot open it on mobile or if u are from USA due to music copyrights :/ its retarded..
there is a WCM link in video description, try that
Are you in excalibur now? I see an Evolve around (disc). Is it you or a cheap knockoff?
No its not me, im playing only Shadow.
Im playing on L4G now, but its dead as fuck, Im currently testing the Netherwing project of Atlantiss.
Evolve Ok man gl. Was just wondering. Thinking about playing something other than warrior, I'm getting really bored. How complicated is spri compared to warr?
i dont have answer since im not playing warrior... sp is not top rank spec, it doesnt allow u to make mistakes as disc spec does
Evolve i suck as a healer tho... I want to play a caster tbh, dunno what. Maybe i'll try mage.
qt :>
all informations are at WCM(link is in description)
Doufám,že ješttě budeš natáčet :))
Martin Majer není kde
Thx guys, today it finally reached awesome 100k+ views at WCM( )
3) Blackmill - The Drift (full version)
its in description
go one more vidoe pls
Gsex has the best backpedal eu
server friend who is this ??
+N Blanco it was at(nextgen) which doesnt exist anymore
co vy a corecraft?
Čau, hraješ někde ještě TBC? Nebo už jsou všechny pvp servery mrtvý?
Mrtvý, už od konce roku 2012. Ale za pár měsíců snad bude Netherwing, který bude asi nejhratelnější TBC, co jsi kdy mohl hrát :D
9:22 Multiglad RM ? kek backpedal till africa
Andromediens dodge chance is only from front
Andromediens the rogue was pmuch a random from lfg and the mage got glad one time in 3v3 getting carried by me and andrux:D
prosteteddys and who are you ? ingame
tWist yao teddys iz just sum lfg 1490 blood elf rogue show cloak m9
ye rog sux hard :D give me a decent server with decent players and we might make another vid -.- RIP TBC
y im on smolderforge atm and sometimes deathside but smolderforge is bugged and DS is... u know russian and also bugged :D
so rip tbc :/
btw teddys was one of the top rogs on old at -.-
wow you keep playing men ??
+fefo corella there are no playable servers atm, just 10games/week
All informations are at WCM(link is in the description)
oh, no problem :)
předposlední pisnicka? nebo pred dní ještě :-D dík :)
Já poslední dobou hraju uz jen LoLko a na WoWko sem dost rezignoval, Blazw hraje jednou za tyden, takze to moc nevidim :D
Awesome movie , awesome editting , but... c'mon , srsly , shadow priest + rogue ? ;[ there are bazillions movies out there , and every good wow player knows ,that this comp is extremely powerful and you can even call it OP in TBC ... you don't even need that much insane skill to be good at it , and the comp scales with your skill makes it more OP , but saw some shitty opponents as hell... also a lot of buggs , Spriest Talent Stun procks from Silence ? Srsly? Silence isn't a damage , it's a harmful effect lol + mage iceblocking it ;D when priest can click dispel silence? meehh... but I did enjoyed the editting ,awesome choice of music also .
First of all, SPR isnt OP comp since end of season 4 on retail. OP are: PR,RD,LD cuz of their high rng resists etc... SPR is very weak comb nowadays because everyone know how to play vs it.. and btw blocking silence is the best way how u can help to dying priest which has a lot of better to do then dispeling your silence when u can simply block it. Its about CD, how much fast u spent all CDs etc. This SPM (especially mage) was extremely fast out of CD but it was their playstyle. We lost like 10 times vs them only because mage used all CDS so fcking fast and we werent able to do something vs his haste/dmg opporunities...
(if u check 2.4.3. 2v2 ladder, SPR isnt there , wasnt there and probably wont be there)
Ravager70 Hm okey , but about that Stun , it's a bug , shadow priest Stun Shouldn't Prock from SILENCE , that stuns must prock only from damage , not from silence.
This was bugged on season 1 on retail too :D but u are right, it should not proc from that. But as u can see on free servers there is a lot of resists, fears to fear wards and so on, so this isnt that much OP. Blackout there had a lot lower chance to proc from any spell then on retail as i remember. Pets are keeping their owners in combat(warlocks, hunters) so there isnt way to resap them after cc etc... retail is retail :D but they atleast try to do best as they can.
Ravager70 I see :P Yeah true that maybe , but like I said the movie is fucking awesome 5+/5 , liked it and enjoyed a lot , editting insanely awesome , playlist also is great!Still listening to the music ;d
Thx :) i will be glad if u comment it on WCM too(and set there rating etc.) --> im not looking on youtube so much...
U are wlcome :D
Hey, Jovankabroz here! Nice vid
You can find all informations about movies at warcraftmovies (link is in description)
ty :))
5:07 LoL
number of affli or SLSL locks defeated: 0
they did beat Andruxx + offrange?
lol that glad pri rog was soo bad.. the rog fucked it up every single time
+Slibz shady it was called an epic fail arena for a reason
Zdar ted jsem narazil na toto video no pohoda sice si vše odmaka rogue a ty jen dobře dáš silence ale jak řikám slušně zahrane dobrej teamwork no otázka zní hral/zkoušel jsi hellground server hraju ted na offiku ale jak kok*ti dodrbali pvp to není možný chcu se vrátit na stare dobre tbc... Popřípadě jaký je dobrý/hratelný tbc server klidně i vysoké raty xp
SPR je z 80-85% o rogovi. Je to tak se všema 2s rogue combama. Priest je jen takový support. Hellground je shit... 2012 level server no. Jestli chceš opravdu hned teď hrát TBC, tak je to nejlepší(ale bohužel zároveň jediná) volba. TBC teď není hratelný žádný. Do konce roku 2017 by měl releasnout Netherwing, na kterým se podílím a nebo pak asi ještě burning crusade project v USA... ale o tom nevím víc informací, než co je volně dostupné. TBC je na tom celkově hodně špatně co se týče aktuálních serverů...
Hmm díky protože nemám už náladu co si zas blizzard vymyslí pro děcka Demon hunter bylo poslední co jsem ještě nějak vzal, ale co se tam ted s pvp děje to je cirkus ... Takže hledám tbc server, ale pokud je situace taková tak se podívám po wotlk serveru.
retail je už dávno úplně jiná hra, s wowkem to už nemá nic společnýho
No divám se na ten Netherwing a vypadá to slibně... Doufám že se to podaří. BTW Ještě by mě zajímalo jak jste hrali proti combu Affli lock + resto druid.
affli se většinou nehraje, pokud ano, zergne se většinou lock... prostě full tunel dmg. pokud nemáš gear, tak musíš druida jako u SLSL+druid
Ten priest s tím mágem, totál chudáci v tom blades :D
Lol, I was playint at AT like 3 years ago.
The top of the server is still the same.
Get a life.
P.S. Haj Billy :D
si čech?:D jestli ne tak: when I grow up I wanna be just lke you:)
to nechces :D
/use [target=Yolo Swagsson] Facepalm(Rank 1)
best ShPR in the world at TBC! commend guys!
faster player but clicker :x
Haha this is so bad... "Try to fake psychic scream", who the fuck would pop wotf before fear hits? :|
Cuz mechanic playing
Erich von Manstein ure obv not a tbc player