Hello from NYC. I own the black mini leather tote bag and the medium Argan oil leather tote. I’m concerned with the canvas material picking up lint quite often. This is not a low price. Lol. Can you please tell me about this. It’s actually nicer looking in your review! She has that edgy look that I like. ❤🫶😍😍🤩🤩
OMG LOVE IT! 🤩 I haven't seen this style before, but it really is SO YOU! 😎🖤🤘🏻 YES BABE! 💕
I know me neither, thats why I was so confused as to what collection it was from! Also comes in a sand beige color 😉😉
This is chef 💋 - do you happen to know a link to find it?
That’s a cool bag! 🖤
What color are the studs?
They are black but slightly faded on the edges which make them look extra cool! 😍
Hello from NYC. I own the black mini leather tote bag and the medium Argan oil leather tote. I’m concerned with the canvas material picking up lint quite often. This is not a low price. Lol. Can you please tell me about this. It’s actually nicer looking in your review! She has that edgy look that I like. ❤🫶😍😍🤩🤩