"The endocannabinoid system responds to singing and dancing." This makes me wonder about ancient cultures, Native Americans, and their harmony with plants and nature. Methinks humans need more connection to the plant world to live a happy and fulfilling life!
the better you feel the more endocanabinoids are metabolized to keep good feelings flowing... th ecannabinoids are bliss compound that determine how we feel via constant modulatory cellular maintenance of intracellular signalling of them
Of course we grew in tandem in this biosphere we must respect the powers of photosynthesis. How many plants carry the terpine profile cannabis does??? Amazing plant
I can say with confidence after 7 years of smoking that when I go without weed I DO INDEED become more irritable, easily stressed, less positive and just overall don’t feel very good until I give my body time to upregulate my receptors again. Dude, this lady isn’t “bashing weed” or saying its bad she is simply clarifying the potential negatives along with the positives by allowing the viewers to see the WHOLE picture on cannabis use, short term AND long term. “FDA brain washer” not even close bro 😂😂😂 those people run wild for sure but this lady just spitting facts. 🤷🏽♂️
I’ve been using cannabis off and on since i was 15. 36 now. Never had an issue when stopping, never had an issue to stop, and never experienced any negative side effects. Memory is great, 3.6 GPA in high school 3.4 in college. I’m rarely sick, especially when i’m using cannabis. Most people won’t experience negative side effects. Remember, cannabis is the second most used drug behind caffeine.
Chris Nicassio Just because one person doesn’t does not account or justify the fact that alot of others do indeed experience negative effects coming off of it.
@@DontCancelMeBro I've been drinking coffee since I was 18 and I don't get withdrawal symptoms. Never had issues stopping coffee. GPA 3.98 in college. Terrible in highschool. Must be that coffee made my whole life Better.
The power of the endocannabinoid system and how it relates to all relevant health systems is amazing. We have to convince medical schools to teach this system to the doctors of the future. It’s the reason why I created a whole education video series around CBD. Just make sure you do your homework and know what to look for in a high quality and safe product. Great talk.
I swear to God I have no incentive, but I use Genesis Pure Botanicals and I've tried about 10 other options and even run a test kit, and their product is the best quality by FAR. I hope this saves someone getting ripped off.
Sorry but I’m not, I quit a month ago because I developed cannabis hyperemesis syndrome, lost 20 pounds and I almost died from organ failure due to vomiting 8 times a day
@@flowstate9716 yeah isn’t that crazy, CHS for short. Look it up. It was the worst pain I’ve ever felt in my life, it had something to do with the stomach and an excess build Up of cannabis there.. the only think that sort of helped was pressing something hot to my stomach actually. It cleared up after I quit smoking and I’m fine now but those months were so bad looking back
It has worked miracles for my uncles who, 3, have MS. Myself for addiction to opiates, clean over six years now, and more importantly attacking the root issue, ptsd. It’s helped me with my issues when needed as well. now, it is amazing to see the positive view by the population, which is long over due. I cannot believe we are finally seeing the gov appreciate their citizens wish, hopefully legitimate. Now If only they would finish the idea of removing it from S1.
Big pharma, the alcohol and tobacco industry will always be opposed to the cheaper and more effective alternative that is cannabis. Its all about profit to the governments and mega corps. Morals and affordable medicine are somewhere at the bottom of their list of priorities.
@@larrytate1657 trump didn’t have anything to do with that but sign it. It’s been in the works for years. My local gov felt the need to use it to continue allowing big ag, who are terrible people in small towns, destroy our lands here. Literally and fiscally. We had a multi million lawsuit about to hit from our law firm to the big ag here, they secretly went into that farmers bill and changed, for georgia, the statute of limitations by half in which someone can sue a farming op. For every good there is a bad. But I think most can agree to include almost all farmers, the farmers right to farm is allowing big ag to ruin and finally kill small to medium farming practices. But what it did for delta 8 is great. As I use it every day.
endocannabinoid has been a study for a long time, and there is a good reason why people are now becoming interested in it. There is a lot of good benefits on using it.
She lost me at the 9:30 mark. "For CBD we still have a lot of questions about how it works." So, I guess were just going to dismiss the 20+ years of studies done by the Israeli doctors that discovered the ECS...ok then!
almost all research thus far has been THC research and most of that was NIDA smoke harm research that denies any positive attributes, like phytocannabinoids supporting our cellular homeostasis or preventing oxidative insults... the Gov made this patent = #6630507... and then what ?
@@mcozy333 not true. Take a look at Prof. Raphael Mechoular. Hes the Israeli scientist that discovered the endocannabinoid system and grandfathered CBD research 30+ years ago. Just because the US holds a patent doesn't mean the rest of the world isn't researching.
Re: Dependence and a down regulation of the endocannabinoid system. I use cannabis to regulate my emotions and deal with stress. For 42 years, I didn’t need to do this. When I turned 43, my underlying depression became impossible to manage on my own without meds. SSRI’s didn’t work for me. I didn’t like how numb they made me. Cannabis puts me right back on track though. Could it be that age, stress, or genetics makes some people’s endocanniboid system malfunction? And in this case wouldn’t cannabis be seen as a reasonable solution? Like any other medication? And it’s not synthetic?
It’s hard to say, but it can at least be said that the endocanebanoid system helps to make more solid neural pathways in the brain of important memories and helps to fizzle out one’s no longer needed. This paired with therapy could be extremely beneficial to those who have been struggling with anxiety and depression for sure. I do look forward to further research in the field.
Ive experienced the same except im 16, mindful use of cannabis seems reap so many benefits especially for physically painful diseases and in our cases depression from deep rooted trauma as seen in ptsd
But she would have dinner and a bottle of wine or a few beers without a second thought. Why is alcohol which has no medicinal value and is processed and causes illness and deaths be allowed but we are denied cannabis which saves lives? This is twisted. Money money money. Money matters more than lives. Money rules.
EspressoYourself some US states have made it possible to possess and use recreationally making it far easier for more users to have access in a medical sense as much as a recreational sense. Still a pain if you don’t plan on moving though.
Money spare one the necessity of having to get change in potatoes when buying a chicken. Standard of exchange. Your teachers never used that term? No surprise. Teachers rarely discuss how much they're paid to babysit.
Alcohol has been used to extract medicine from plants (including cannabis)for thousands of years. People are responsible for abusing all substances.... including cannabis
The levels of stress people experience overwhelms the endocannabinoid system. That's why we have so much inflammation and stress-related diseases. Why don't doctors talk this negatively about Xanax, or Valium, or Klonopin, or any of the drugs prescribed for depression and anxiety? I've known several people whose lives were totally disrupted by these drugs.
Phoebe Lablonde Thank you so much! You just made my day. Unfortunately, the ungodly stress (good ole’ boy judge let ex husband walk for abusing our kids) has led to inflammation so high that it started shutting my organs down. My dr at Mayo mentioned marijuana reducing the stress and inflammation, but I live in Texas. As it is now, he gave me less than 2 years. At least I have a good excuse for not going to the gym. 😉
For just over 20 years I had been taking Paxil and Klonopin daily so I could function dealing with C-PTSD for about 3 years I was on Oxycontin for arthritis pain. One of my doctor visits I was asked if I would be willing to give cannabis a try, I did not think it would help all that much I have smoked it many times before. I studied it got my card and now I do not use any prescriptions, just cannabis and it is doing me wonders. Losing the side effects alone from prescriptions was fantastic. With that said I found this talk very interesting but if a person is living in a constant state of fight, fight, or flight (used fight twice on purpose) would THC be the perfect key? Not only did she dismiss CBD she did not mention all the other cannabinoids and terpenes, cannabis is far from being all about THC and CBD but people are stuck there.
Indeed they found a new compound called CBG and another which I don’t remember but it’s CBsomething and found out CBG is pretty good at fighting insomnia and pain
Also, she said there are many unknowns about cbd...what?!? There is just as much research on cbd as the. This wasn’t as informative as I thought it would be.
Because in a few cases there with THC, she wasn't telling the scientifically/evidence based information, but rather speaking on assumptions and opinion. For example schizophrenia - there is zero evidence it increases one's chance of having it, but rather bringing forth an episode from an "existing schizophrenic" is correlated, not caused.
I know nobody wants to hear this, but she's right. One of my friends used to smoke a lot for a long time. He told me about how he never learned healthy mechanisms for dealing with stress, and how it's even affected him physically.
This was not only interesting to get an idea of the very unknown ECS, but also why the "face your fear" approach to anxiety for many might be the correct approach if it truly learns how to compensate for the stress over time and make it a far less mentally challenging experience for people
Like I quit smoking 2 years ago, mentally i was complete wreck. Here I am still putting this mess all together, and its finally starting to make sense.
This is brilliant! I'm a second-year medical student, and we get to write a 5000 word literature review on a topic of our choice - mine is the upcoming use and opportunities for use of cannabinoids in medicine. Some of the information you've given here is going to be invaluable in setting a foundation for my literature scavenge. I'm not sure if Dr Ross will actually be reading these comments, but, if you are, thank you!
This is absolutely NOT brilliant! If you want brilliant, there are numerous sources today which you can go to for peer reviewed science which is devoid of propaganda and bias. This talk was on the edge of being useful but absolutely did not cross that threshold. It contained numerous lies of omission and other interpretations of facts based on the previous ignorance of one particular culture rather than the knowledge which has been gained about this system for literally several thousand years in both traditional Chinese and traditional Vedic (Indian) medicine. Talks such as this one take people backwards rather than forwards, if they have been paying attention at all. I hope you do a substantially greater amount of research because citing this source as brilliant shows me that you have a great deal of learning left to do.
Cannabis has been around for years and used in this country for hundreds of years. This sounded more like a Pharmaceutical talk for drugs not the plant and its well founded medicinal benefits. Granted research is scant here in the US but we have been funding Israel for years and they have tons of research on cannabis benefits as well as Spain!
@@TheClarkchern we identified ECS because of cannabis... canabis creating the phytocanabinoiods provided a structural platform for us to metabolically follow, trace and identify,... we came up with ECS... an entire physiological system in man
The hardest task for a TED- speaker is to separate the real valuable facts and knowledge, from the manipulated information and fake news... If you watch this one carefully, you will realize what I'm talking about...
9:05 , THC is not actually in cannabis plant. THC is an oxidized / decarboxylated form of THC-a ( carbon active THC/ acidic form ) which exists on living cannabis plant as glandular resin located in the trichome of the flowering cannabis plant. when the plant completely matures into fruition, it dies and dries and the carboxylic acids then melt away from the molecule exposing the active forms of the compounds ( Hi Grazing nature !) ... that exposed compound molecule form is the active version of the compound ( THC) .
Doesn't the chemical reaction of burning hence smoking this plant also cause this reaction? Or does it just amplify the transformation of what is already there?
@@luissoto1491 to exist in a viscous environment ( living plant) the phytocannabinoids contain an enzyme shield consisting of a carboxylic acid, known as carbon active cannabinoids / acidic form cannabinoids. Heat/ time / oxidation will remove that carboxyl grouping from the carbon structure of the molecule thereby making it a compound molecule... the molecular structure then compounds in upon itself making it more biologically active so in that way it is an amplified version of what is already there. an example of the size / increase / decrease... THCa ( tetrahydrocannabinolic acid ) is 347 g/mol... decarboxylated THC ( tetrahydrocannabinol) is 314.14 g / mol..... lipophillic / terpenophillic compounds in the C18 - C22 carbon range that are 100 to 500 nano moles in size will be biologically active, capable of passing blood brain barrier , causing a confirmation of change ( bio-activity)... Edit - new research is showing carbon active phytocannabinoids to have psycho-activity as well... the acidic forms in amn/woman act as Reverse Agonist agents not directly binding to cannabinoid receptors but increasing Epoxides and Amides in the endocananbinoid system that biodegrade poly unsaturated fatty acids into endocannabinoids... I've got a ton of research I could present , not sure where you are in all this but let me know
you can produce it yourself with meditaion and breathing. no need to consume it. its like creatin, if you tske it from outside the body will stop producing it. just do Wim Hof method
@@danieldias859 thank you for sharing this, had heard of the iceman before but never realized he was wim hof, love his personality and advices and hope to one day be able to regulate my own endocannabinoid system from within for good health and wellbeing-know a friend who did it
@@danieldias859 ther is no way to produce cannabis metabolites via breathing or meditation ... you will create similar lipid metabolites but not exactly like cannabis ingestion ... just saying
Great elegant talk! For me the gist is this: Honeymoon with weed legalization is over and now we should figure out what this stuff really does to our bodies. So basically we are in a middle of a massive social experiment. And as ever since runs behind the giant Cannabis industry.
This talk is actually not about the effects of cannabis but about the isolated effects of THC. Her views here about the effects of THC on the endocannabinoid system may be very interesting to the pharmaceutical industry, but to those of us wanting to understand the effect of THC when You use the plant naturally it is almost irrelevant.
When I stopped taking an SSRI, it threw me into the worst depression, because my natural serotonin production had been horribly down regulated. Nicotine has a similar effect in how powerfully it down regulates serotonin. That's why people struggle to such a degree quitting smoking. Nicotine is very addictive. Quitting SSRIs was a nightmare that ended in a hospital emergency room. THC doesn't do anything like that. It doesn't down regulate to the same extent in most people; so it's not considered very addictive. It's my personal belief that I have never produced enough endocanabanoids. Microdoses of medical marijuana have helped me tremendously over a long period of time. Moreover I skip days with no ill effects.
I been exercising massively for last 6 months. I had a operation and almost lost my left hand. They said it depends on my health. After 6 months of it I have so much energy people think I'm on drugs. I think it's the endocannabinoid system.
Pretty disappointing if I'm honest. This is just the typical UK government 'yes man' doctor scared to death of going against the government's unjust policy against cannabis.
'This talk is actually not about the effects of cannabis but about the isolated effects of THC. Her views here about the effects of THC on the endocannabinoid system may be very interesting to the pharmaceutical industry, but to those of us wanting to understand the effect of THC when you use the plant naturally it is almost irrelevant'
THIS IS NOT A LECTURE ABOUT CANNABIS! Your comment is totally wrong. Re-read the title of the video. It’s a discussion about the EC system within the human body. It’s meant to demystify this misunderstood system in our body!!!!! As the title clearly states. And in the last few minutes she mentions THC. THIS IS NOT an in-depth video about cannabis. So when you call this short 18 minute TED talk “woefully incomplete at best” you are dead wrong.
Thanks for this clear breakdown of the ECS. Would love to hear the talk re: CBD that you said would be an entire other talk. The information out there is extremely confusing and limited re: how CBD actually interacts with our ECS. In turn, there is a lot of misinformation being shared everywhere by all kinds of publishers and companies.
I've smoked my entire life. Not as much as some but I was a daily user for sure. At about 50 I cut back quite a lot and enjoyed not being high all the time which was refreshing. I'm a shy person by nature and weed made it worse which probably closed some doors. Regrets? No , I raised four great kids , quit alcohol , which would have and should have killed me , so all in all pot didn't ruin my life but I'm sure it changed it. I started having anxiety when I smoked (when the weed we grew exceeded twenty percent , lol ) so I pretty much quit. No withdrawls or issues there. Now at almost 63 I microdose a puff or two no and then. I told my kids , don't try pot! You might like it.
THC replaces anandamide and disturbs it's natural production. Anandamide seems rather important for managing mental illnesses. Which is why it makes Schizophrenia worse. Cannabidiol almost has opposite effect. And is all around a good guy molecule. Also exercising on THC is probably a good idea and easier than you might think. It would like having a runner's high before you run.
THC does not replace anandamide. Anandamide is not even regularly produced, it can only happen when the body needs it. The cannabinoids also naturally down regulate, and if there was excess THC in the body it will not oversaturate the receptors but eliminate itself via plasma. THC cannot damage the mind as people say to put it. Regarding anxiety and more, depending on the dose and mindset is what affects it. The feelings people said about feeling unreal, depersonalization, and just blissed out from general living, is mentioned in Eastern philosophy and quantum physics. They make it clear, that this reality is only as real as it's perceiver.
up to 50% of prescribed drugs are made to target humans G protein-couple receptors . phytocannabinoids in " the cannabis" are biologically active in the G protein receptors. so, cannabis competes with 50% of meds, or cannabis is active where 50% of meds are
@@Amy623 every cell in your body is a powerhouse of drugs ( biochemical signals)... just examine the biological goings on in every cell in your body... you can start via examining the endocannabinoid system ( where cannabis metabolism occurs)
@CG Jung there are also up to 300 cannabinoid receptors while we have only really researched two ( cb1 / cb2) and speculated @ a third .... G protein-coupled receptors are in the 7 trans membrane super family of receptors, the largest grouping of cellular receptors in our bodies ... each depolarized Gi protein touches interior of cell 7 times before finalizing that signal with DAGL / FAAH ... a lot of the metabolic expression of cannabis also has to do with increasing / decreasing Epoxides and fatty acid binding proteins and TRPV1 .... basically activating the mechanisms that functionally drive the enzyme production that biodegrades lipids into signals ( biochemicals) ....
THC too is a tri-cyclic Terpene ....... THC effects 5HT1 and other NADA/NMDA receptors ... THC bio-mimics Anandamide quite well so our bodies recognize it in that way
And yes, the downstream effects of receptors and of cell permeability is very important. Second messengers are the future of understanding neurochemistry. It does get a little crazy when you're trying to understand receptorivity, cellular permarability (as in ionophores), second messengers, neuro-anatomy, and how all that relates to behavior.
the endocannabinoids are the only neurotransmitters to signal backwards post depolarization induced retrograde signals for the homeostasis pro adjustments /augmentation/ hydrolitic cavitation of cells' inner workings ( cannabinoid receptors) . predicted we have around 300 cannabinoid cell receptors each capable of being toggled by extracellular lipids/ligands formed in a multitude of efferent shapes and structures . the Endocannabinoid system is our pro homeostasis lipid buffer to the world via lipid signaling ... I'd love to see what research you have been doing on the subject, most likely the same I'm looking at but each seeing different things there ... Peace out
Cannabis has been used for thousands of years (probably 10.000+ even) and the only ones complaining about it are the ones that ISN`T using it.. what´s up with that ey ;/? Also, what you call "dependence" I call "preference", as in; "I prefer to feel free enough to choose to take a delicious (imo) health-supplement if I feel like it, aslong as it doesn´t harm anyone."
Now I can finally explain the psychoactive reaction! It's basically just you timing and dosing it wrongly! As a healthy person it can lead to wonderfull things but in case something is wrong the overcharging can pinpoint the problems which then have to be resolved with a perfect combo of THC and CBD. If only the pharma industry would have never stopped the researches early 1900's many of my family members would be still alive. Thanks for your work Dr. Ruth Ross you saved so many people and hopefully make them aware of the pharmaceutical scam THEY are trying to pull through the last 100 years 🙏🙏🙏🙏
cannabis tends to make up for a lack of essential fatty acids we do not consume ... the phytocannabinoids act as EFAs with more bio-activity. anandamide and 1-ag require EFAS to build up enough lipids to make and form them ... exogenous cannabinoids supplement that process
"Fun Facts" 6:21 Singing and Dancing - ie art activities - activate the endocannabaninoid system. As one of the first plants cultivated by humans and disseminated along the silk trail it has been studied for millenia and its effects and positive and negative qualities documented.
How sad to have so much excellent information about the ECS and so little understanding of cannabis and it’s compounds. Probability? Are we serious woman? More propaganda. Learn about terpenes already.
Terpenes vary from cultivar to cultivar. And they can be found in many plants. Such as Rosemary, Lavender and Lemon Balm. And they do have subtle effects on mood. But nothing major.
more tax payer money to disprove that the plant is not waht the establishment has said all these years ... it is so in our face and people still think that 1937 politicians had no personal agenda and that still effects how we view the law now LOL... take the most healthy pklant you can find and ban it outright and watch all the confused faces wanting tro ingest it
I'm impressed by how reluctant are people to accept facts, just because they confront or contradict their personal believes. People would rather select just bits of information and dismiss the truth just because it looks unpleasant or confronts them in a personal level.
also = people lied to are not the trusting type... all the lies spewed about cannabis plant the last 80- years have to much political demands and deceits
Low binding affinity matters less in high concentration. A hit of weed is a blast to your brain, higher concentrations could easily affect the ECS and, most certainly, *over time* the ECS will be downregulated.
@@WeatherStationZ41 the purpose of ECS is down regulation ( post to pre synaptic retrograde signaling messages ) ( depolarization induced suppressed inhibition of neurotransmitter release ) ... Exogenous cannabinoids introduced that cannot be metabolized would then up regulate ECS ... how much up regulation that happens is determined by the persons endocananbinoid tone . Plus, we are comparing phytocannabinods to anandamide and 2-AG.... both of which are selective dual agonists / antagonists at both cb1 and cb2 . an exogenous form will compete for pathways up to a point but selective agonists / antagonists overrides that action potential all day long
@@Giatros89 the role of cannabinoids is to provide bio-feedback signalling ( post to pre ) . the pathways of the cannabinoids in the intracellular channels ( cb receptors) will not take an up regulatory pathway unless to many exogenous extracellular ligands are present ... this is termed Bi-phasic where the action potential reverses... the action potential too is determined by the tone of the persons endocananbinoid system . the up regulation would not last long as that is not the purpose of the pathways and they would revert back to base line quite quickly... Edit - instead of up regulating .... generally, the phytocannabinoids that do not metabolize directly are not stored ETC but sent into waste elimination
Interesting in that she postulates that Cannabis affects the endocannabinoid system by chance, saying it is a question of probability only. I'm not so sure.
our ECS is sustained on essential fatty acids we consume in diet... with a lack of EFAs our endocannabinoid tone decreases and less signalling metabolites occur ( cannabinoids)... here is th epathways... EFAS via eicosanoids / prostaglandins / leukotrienes metabolize into PUFAs. oxygenated / phosphorylated PUFAs are endocannabionoids . our cell' phospholilipid bi-layer cleaves off those lipids in order to form them into signalling cannabinoids ( pro resolving mediators) . C-18 to C-22 lipophilic compounds in the 100 to 500g/mol range will be used fr signalling purposes in ECS...
That's not what she said though. She said because we have a large amount of receptors that each fit with certain molecular shapes, chances are that similarly shaped molecules (e.g. THC) can fit into the receptors also. And because a cannabis plant has many cannabinoids, chances are some of them fit into our cannabinoid receptors, which they do (again, e.g. THC). She isn't saying that it is random that cannabis affects us, she just explains how it can be that outside molecules work in our bodies.
What a disappointing lecture. 17 minutes to tell us that endocannabinoids regulate stress. Is that the summation of your PhD? A very condescending lecture. Nothing has been demystified. ‘Regulate’ tell us nothing about the molecular mechanism behind how it works. A lock and key analogy tell us nothing. Was her PhD the term ‘lock and key’ repeated thousands of times? Tell us something! I find it extremely condescending when scientists keep any info that is remotely scientific from us because they think we can’t handle it. All it achieves is an overly simplistic explanation that answers nothing.
phytocannabinoids bio-mimic endocannabinoids - non selectively... we form endocannabinoids from the cell' bi-layer where the essential fatty acids from the diet are stored . phytocannabinoids are termed free flow/ free form cannabinoids already structured to signal as full formed cannabinoids so no need to displace phosphatydilcholine / Sterine from the bi-layer when exogenous plant cannabinoids are in circulation ... plant cannabinoids are anti oxidant compounds taking the same exact pathways in our cells that omega three fatty acids take ... this seems to explain way more and I've not even touched or scratched the surface of endocannaqbinoid system knowledge here
It is very interesting to hear this..., but I live in Europe and here THC is not allowed. So we have very good Quality from CBD and this is so helpful for People, without intoxicant or psychological change...! For me would not possible to become healthy without it! I love it!
She’s missing the point just like the government funded research has all this time. Researching single compound the plant does not come with just thc and we should not use just thc
Douglas Ross not at all. He is quite right, in almost every chemical activity there is a catalyst and an active component which performs the function. The catalyst opens the door, the active ingredient goes in and does the job. With just the catalyst used you have an open door and nothing to go in. And leaving an open door could be dangerous too
What's the effects on endocannabinoids after quitting thc? Do they come back to their original power or are they permanently damaged? Also, what is the timeframe if they come back?
THC cannot cause any damwage to begin with ... it is impossible for that size and shape of a compound to be toxic . check out the research of Dr Raphael Mechoulam . he is the most notable researcher in all this and claims since 1964 that THC is non toxic / incapable of causing toxic response
@@mcozy333 Down regulation is not a toxic response. It is simply how neurotransmitters communicate. During brain development "the critical period (ages 12 to 21) it is recommended to avoid exposure to neurotransmitter disruptors such as marijuana due to the likely hood of pruning neural connections that help manage and cope naturally to environmental inputs.
@@councilsepapreventiondepar7814 all endocannabinoid system messages and signaling is down regulatory , down regulation depolarization induced second messaging acting in retrograde. adding exogenous forms of that from nature ( cannabis/cannabimimetics) is simply bolstering how all of that works . actives in cannabis are non selective lipid metabolites
@@councilsepapreventiondepar7814 down regulation is how ECS works ... you cannot up regulate it at all . the pathways are not set up for that type of signaling irregardless how many plant cannabinoids the person ingests
The understanding of , the where and how used , the side effects or affects the entire intake of the hole being before ie. Other drugs that are still in the body producing effect that affects the metabolism of the hole of the plant . What of the carbon monoxide produce when burnt or vaporized, when inhaled bonds with the erythrocyte platelets impairing oxygen use , absorption and distribution, so many variables. But the plant does work.
when vaporized there are no aromatic hydrocarbons being created ... also, the phytocannabinoids themselves act as bronchodilators as we metabolize them ... we turn the Terpenes into terpinopids via metabolic reactions . COX/ LOX and many more enzymes used to do such
Context makes the poison, as with any drug. Personally, I find cannabis to be quite useful to help me gain an appreciation for things I might normally find stressful. Especially with excercise, learning new ideas or practicing skills, all of which I can find quite tiring and frustrating, cannabis helps me focus on thr task. What's nice about this is that I can still train grit sober, which counteracts a lot of the stressors elsewhere. That being said, she is right that cannabis is not always completely benign. Some of the worst anxiety episodes I've had have been while I'm high, and can last for days after I clear up. Still, I am aware of the situations which cue them and have been getting better at avoiding those cues. The dependency issue is also quite real, and I have taken fasts from cannabis on a number of occasions to mitigate it, but it still can be very sticky if I'm not careful. Still, I think that with the right practices and knowledge, the benefits can easily outweigh the risks for me. I'll be interested to see what else they learn in the future
endocannabinoid tone determines it for everyone ... generally what the biochemistry shows is that ingesting exogenous C-21 Terpenophenolic moieties creates cellular plasticity in our cells ... this equates to learning and adaptation ... ECS is toggled by a variant of efficacious external lipids and terpenes from the diet ... as we are capable of moving around the world and experiencing all the lipids therein so does the ECS recognize al of those and transport them into lipid signaling sequences in the ECS ..ECS purpose is to maintain all cells that are part of metabolically active tissues via cellular homeostasis ( retrograde lipid signaling) ... I can present reports / links to this info if you are interested. 70 trillion cells each expressing around 15k biochemical cannabinoids a second per cell is ECS in action ... ECS connects all cells via lipid rafts / cellular back cross talk ( TRPV1)
there are so many cannabinoid drugs on the market starting with Marinol back in 1985 .... lots of Epoxide / fatty acid binding protein drugs now too based on cannabinoid sciences ... even more crazy and making no sense whatsoever is th estory of Epidiolex ... a real plant botanical drug formulated from alcohol and cannabis plant ... it is solvent extracted and made back into a tincture ... the wierd part - FDA approved Epidiolex ! DEA took it completely off drug schedule a month or so ago ! But!! real cannabis that anybody can grow is schedule one drug , no medical value whatsoever... anybody can grow the plant and soak it in everclear and make their own Epidiolex type tinctures... known collectively as Green dragon tincture
Asprin from willow bark is better inbibed. By body cells compared to pharma grade asprin, so plant medicine should be sane people's right to use it from plants grown in their backyard kitchen garden
I’d like to learn more about the connection of the endocannabinoid system with the cannabis plant and the cannabinoid‘s in it. I propose there is a lock and key connection here. Creating a cannabis plant that has the perfect levels of each cannabinoid the will most benefit an individual’s endocannabinoid system.
Endocannabinoids are made in your body, phytocannabinoids are in plants. They both act the same way. Example: "Anandimide" is the endocannabinoid version of the phytocannabinoid "THC delta 9"
I use (ok am addicted to) snuff tobacco (no longer smoke, use cannabis & alcohol) & I think tobacco must have some kind similar cannabinoidic effect, though milder? It's effect flutters between calmness and anxiety, depending like she says on what's going on, i.e. time, situation etc. I think smoking is similar also. Hoping to quit snuff soon so my system will have to become normalised. I expect it will be difficult.
I liked the initial explanation of the endocannabinoid but when she was talking about using Cannabis it seemed like her presentation was more skewed to present the drawbacks and downside of Cannabis. She only briefly said that it may help with some symptoms and then quickly added that it may relieve some symptoms in the short term but make them worse in the long run and followed that by saying that scientists are developing medicines to target the endocannabinoid system. Hmmm... pharmaceutical companies can make lots of money off of medications.
I plan on mixing THC concentrate with CBD CBG and CBN distillate I'm not sure if it will have any effect seeing how I am going to mix them all together
She says it's nothing to do with cannabis but there clearly is a connection. Cannabis wouldn't be on the earth if it wasn't to do with our body's specifically.
Great presentation. Thank you. These are very insightful findings. I'd like to see studies that compare medications/herbal interventions with lifestyle support changes that enhance the body's ability to self-sooth and self-regulate such as exercises or stimulating pressure points. Comparing it between no intervention and medication/herbal intervention doesn't give an accurate depiction of our choices. If we discount the help our own body provides for us when given the opportunity, we set ourselves up for dependences and further complications.
Dan Heil me neither the reason is the pressure of government funded research from years back people are still studying separated compounds from the plant remember no plant grows with just thc ever!! Nobody smokes or eats thc the reason is scientists want to patten which they almost did with sativex and Marinol study the dam plant and stop manipulating and dismantling its chemical composition and then calling it bad
Lots of emotion and very little science in the commentary. The problem is the assumption or belief that an auto-regulating system (the endocannabinoid system is an auto regulating system that is part of a much larger auto regulating system called our entire body) can be used to fix problems. It can only be used if it is out of balance and the thing(s) you add specifically put it back into balance - otherwise you make the imbalance worse. It requires precision because counter-regulation means not enough or too much of something even if it is the right thing is as bad as or worse than the wrong thing. This system tells our brain where to make connections when it is developing and that happens a lot before we are born, for our first 5 years,and during puberty and out into our 20s. If you mess up the chemical balance or signalling connections end up malfunctioning or in the wrong places. These wiring problems are the genesis of mental health problems including schizophrenia. We know physical and mental stresses increase risks because they upset the balance. THC upsets the balance because it can't act like our own cannabinoid signallers because it can do different things at the same switch, sticks to it too long and sticks around too long (our own cannabinoids are "on demand") and gets in the way of our own signals trying to regulate themselves. The Big Pharma is a straw man argument. Our human physiology is designed to survive but it is imperfect. Illness is an imbalance of a signalling system because when signalling works it fixes itself. If we are going to take over that job with cannabinoids, or any other chemical regardless of its source, we need to understand it a lot better than we do, and recognize just because something affects a system doesn't mean it is always good. There is also plenty of evidence of harm. Even those who choose not to believe it cannot show evidence of safety because it has not been systematically measured in the broad population. It doesn't mean we can't find a way to use things that work on this system effectively and safely but we are still far from that understanding and design and testing of any manipulation of the cannabinoid system. This basic understanding of pharmacology started thousands of years ago with systematic assessments and measurement and refinement and purification and isolation og the ingredient that was the key to the balance. What is happening with cannabis is a dangerous shortcut with our population as the phase one study.
our cells contain way way more than just cb1 and cb2... there are at least 300 cannabinoid receptors capable of metabolically signalling a multitude of fatty acid type compounds... ECS is non selective because it is based off diet somewhat ( PUFAS/ HUFAs) and can be activated , modulated by a variety of biological ligands that we as upright beings come in contact with via consumption or diet... the references to cannabis being helpful ETC is usually noted when the person had failed to receive treatment from mainstream sources and cannabis is last resort... so many people being treated for the good and helping their lipid metabolism by supplementing with exogenous phytocannabinoids. Edit- a work around for mainstream info on cannabinoids = pro resolving lipid mediators scientists to pompous to identify with cannabinoids becasue of relation to cannabis plant... well, they know what a resolving mediator is and cannabinoids are that
another thing too = endocannabinoid system is the buffer to the fats we eat... it literally buffers via signalling the fatty acids in our diets and creates signalling toggle switches with those fatty acids... ECS is non selective because of that and will signal any lipid compound with correct mass and formula... we have predicted there are around 300 cannabinoid receptors per cell not just the two we have found so far...
And, of course, cannabinoids are known to suppress glutamatergic activity in the hippocampus. Meaning that cannabinoids can suppress, or bring to the surface (in a beneficial way), salient memories.
Scottish against cannabis , what about the toxin called alcohol? She says we need to see the effects of thc but thc is being used studied for centuries , and many things you said not correct
I mean, it's a 20 minutes presentation on a somewhat complicated part of our bodies, there's not much you're gonna learn besides the highlights. You can try to read their papers if you want, but they're usually tough to read if you're not versed in the subject matter as they're directed towards other experts.
Simple fact, you can become mentally dependent upon anything above and beyond the basic needs for survival, much like some people become addicted to eating. No particular foods, just to be eating.
I've even smoking for years now, but I micro dose off of concentrate oils. I usually take a puff or two and I'm good for around 3 hours. Everything in moderation is good, even opiates.
@@drewmichael4014 Well morphine is an opiate that is administered daily in hospitals, and in moderation it can help relieve severe pain, but when you pass that amount, you can become addicted/dependent
It takes years to down regulate the endo. system. Even-dough my tolerance is very high, I do not feel bad when I do not smoke THC. THC is NOT addictive. Some Human personalities ARE addictive.
people who are grounded in their bodies do not Grasp outwardly in blindness and confusion reaching for anything is sight ETC... people not grounded do such acts and continue forever thinking the outward is the source
"The endocannabinoid system responds to singing and dancing." This makes me wonder about ancient cultures, Native Americans, and their harmony with plants and nature. Methinks humans need more connection to the plant world to live a happy and fulfilling life!
the better you feel the more endocanabinoids are metabolized to keep good feelings flowing... th ecannabinoids are bliss compound that determine how we feel via constant modulatory cellular maintenance of intracellular signalling of them
Of course we grew in tandem in this biosphere we must respect the powers of photosynthesis. How many plants carry the terpine profile cannabis does??? Amazing plant
Its why RSO does work ..Cured my brother's prostate cancer
@@Jiggs2u2 Hey, wow and which strain do you use for RSO? help please. thanks. Indoor or Outdoor?
Doestheuniversehaveanedge?, I've been singing and whistling a lot lately, hummm, wonder if it is the pot?
As a medical student, I could only dream of having a professor explain medical conceps in such an understandable way
It says nothing about the quality of information...
if only endocananbinoid system were taught in medical schools .........................
You know what? I am going tobmake that my job.
I can say with confidence after 7 years of smoking that when I go without weed I DO INDEED become more irritable, easily stressed, less positive and just overall don’t feel very good until I give my body time to upregulate my receptors again.
Dude, this lady isn’t “bashing weed” or saying its bad she is simply clarifying the potential negatives along with the positives by allowing the viewers to see the WHOLE picture on cannabis use, short term AND long term. “FDA brain washer” not even close bro 😂😂😂 those people run wild for sure but this lady just spitting facts. 🤷🏽♂️
I’ve been using cannabis off and on since i was 15. 36 now. Never had an issue when stopping, never had an issue to stop, and never experienced any negative side effects. Memory is great, 3.6 GPA in high school 3.4 in college. I’m rarely sick, especially when i’m using cannabis. Most people won’t experience negative side effects. Remember, cannabis is the second most used drug behind caffeine.
Chris Nicassio Just because one person doesn’t does not account or justify the fact that alot of others do indeed experience negative effects coming off of it.
@@lethalhazard2285 Indeed. Cannabis use disorder is treated frequently in the U.S.
Most people won’t experience this. Less people will experience withdrawal from cannabis than caffeine.
@@DontCancelMeBro I've been drinking coffee since I was 18 and I don't get withdrawal symptoms. Never had issues stopping coffee. GPA 3.98 in college. Terrible in highschool. Must be that coffee made my whole life Better.
The power of the endocannabinoid system and how it relates to all relevant health systems is amazing. We have to convince medical schools to teach this system to the doctors of the future. It’s the reason why I created a whole education video series around CBD. Just make sure you do your homework and know what to look for in a high quality and safe product. Great talk.
I swear to God I have no incentive, but I use Genesis Pure Botanicals and I've tried about 10 other options and even run a test kit, and their product is the best quality by FAR. I hope this saves someone getting ripped off.
Where can I find your videos and what are they called?
@@JBorg-fb3un lel
🗣No money in a cure tho 😅
I smoke 2 1/2oz a month and can eat 100mg and no high effect. Also it’s all really super duper high quality marijuana. Yay!!🥴💨
You know you're high at home watching this. We both know.
Sorry but I’m not, I quit a month ago because I developed cannabis hyperemesis syndrome, lost 20 pounds and I almost died from organ failure due to vomiting 8 times a day
Half right. I'm outside hehe.
@@SolidSiren proud of you!!
@@zaneaustin22 omg! What is that??
@@flowstate9716 yeah isn’t that crazy, CHS for short. Look it up. It was the worst pain I’ve ever felt in my life, it had something to do with the stomach and an excess build Up of cannabis there.. the only think that sort of helped was pressing something hot to my stomach actually. It cleared up after I quit smoking and I’m fine now but those months were so bad looking back
It has worked miracles for my uncles who, 3, have MS. Myself for addiction to opiates, clean over six years now, and more importantly attacking the root issue, ptsd. It’s helped me with my issues when needed as well. now, it is amazing to see the positive view by the population, which is long over due. I cannot believe we are finally seeing the gov appreciate their citizens wish, hopefully legitimate. Now If only they would finish the idea of removing it from S1.
Big pharma, the alcohol and tobacco industry will always be opposed to the cheaper and more effective alternative that is cannabis.
Its all about profit to the governments and mega corps. Morals and affordable medicine are somewhere at the bottom of their list of priorities.
2018 farm bill was a great thing Trump did. Will Biden continue on it and make thc legal federally.
Otherwise CBD and delta 8 THC would still be illegal right now if not for that 2018 farm bill.
@@larrytate1657 trump didn’t have anything to do with that but sign it. It’s been in the works for years. My local gov felt the need to use it to continue allowing big ag, who are terrible people in small towns, destroy our lands here. Literally and fiscally. We had a multi million lawsuit about to hit from our law firm to the big ag here, they secretly went into that farmers bill and changed, for georgia, the statute of limitations by half in which someone can sue a farming op. For every good there is a bad. But I think most can agree to include almost all farmers, the farmers right to farm is allowing big ag to ruin and finally kill small to medium farming practices. But what it did for delta 8 is great. As I use it every day.
Good job! Same here almost 3 yrs! If it wasn't for God, 2 wks of subs & weed, i wouldn't be here.
Good concise talk. I am not pot user but strong supporter of decriminalization and appreciate good unbiased information... knowledge is power.
endocannabinoid has been a study for a long time, and there is a good reason why people are now becoming interested in it. There is a lot of good benefits on using it.
I may or may not have experienced some cognitive dissonance while viewing this presentation.
She explains it so eloquently. Definitely one of the better TED talks I’ve seen.
She lost me at the 9:30 mark. "For CBD we still have a lot of questions about how it works." So, I guess were just going to dismiss the 20+ years of studies done by the Israeli doctors that discovered the ECS...ok then!
almost all research thus far has been THC research and most of that was NIDA smoke harm research that denies any positive attributes, like phytocannabinoids supporting our cellular homeostasis or preventing oxidative insults... the Gov made this patent = #6630507... and then what ?
@@mcozy333 not true. Take a look at Prof. Raphael Mechoular. Hes the Israeli scientist that discovered the endocannabinoid system and grandfathered CBD research 30+ years ago. Just because the US holds a patent doesn't mean the rest of the world isn't researching.
The US does not hold a patent anymore. It used to, but that patent expired.
@@skinnybuddha74 the patent actually expired today, so at this point, you are correct.
Thank you for the value of your time I wish people could see more truth in cannabis can treat cancer related illnesses.
Re: Dependence and a down regulation of the endocannabinoid system. I use cannabis to regulate my emotions and deal with stress. For 42 years, I didn’t need to do this. When I turned 43, my underlying depression became impossible to manage on my own without meds. SSRI’s didn’t work for me. I didn’t like how numb they made me. Cannabis puts me right back on track though. Could it be that age, stress, or genetics makes some people’s endocanniboid system malfunction? And in this case wouldn’t cannabis be seen as a reasonable solution? Like any other medication? And it’s not synthetic?
The endocannabinoids get depleted and cannabis consumption restores the system, from what little I know, and God knows best 😉
@@ItsBenRoyboy lol
Which ssri’s did you try that made you numb?
It’s hard to say, but it can at least be said that the endocanebanoid system helps to make more solid neural pathways in the brain of important memories and helps to fizzle out one’s no longer needed. This paired with therapy could be extremely beneficial to those who have been struggling with anxiety and depression for sure. I do look forward to further research in the field.
Ive experienced the same except im 16, mindful use of cannabis seems reap so many benefits especially for physically painful diseases and in our cases depression from deep rooted trauma as seen in ptsd
But she would have dinner and a bottle of wine or a few beers without a second thought. Why is alcohol which has no medicinal value and is processed and causes illness and deaths be allowed but we are denied cannabis which saves lives? This is twisted. Money money money. Money matters more than lives. Money rules.
EspressoYourself some US states have made it possible to possess and use recreationally making it far easier for more users to have access in a medical sense as much as a recreational sense. Still a pain if you don’t plan on moving though.
Money spare one the necessity of having to get change in potatoes when buying a chicken. Standard of exchange. Your teachers never used that term? No surprise. Teachers rarely discuss how much they're paid to babysit.
Alcohol has been used to extract medicine from plants (including cannabis)for thousands of years. People are responsible for abusing all substances.... including cannabis
EspressoYourself, Alcohol is legal and kills people, Weed is still illegal in the governments eye's but does not kill you, go figure?
@@harrygearhart4520 It's legal in Canada
The levels of stress people experience overwhelms the endocannabinoid system. That's why we have so much inflammation and stress-related diseases. Why don't doctors talk this negatively about Xanax, or Valium, or Klonopin, or any of the drugs prescribed for depression and anxiety? I've known several people whose lives were totally disrupted by these drugs.
Betsarama Xanax helps with my C-PTSD. Marijuana is illegal, so if not Xanax, then what?
Phoebe Lablonde Thank you so much! You just made my day. Unfortunately, the ungodly stress (good ole’ boy judge let ex husband walk for abusing our kids) has led to inflammation so high that it started shutting my organs down.
My dr at Mayo mentioned marijuana reducing the stress and inflammation, but I live in Texas. As it is now, he gave me less than 2 years.
At least I have a good excuse for not going to the gym. 😉
Brandy Moore legalize!!
Medicine is a monopoly. All members scientists or practitioners are brainwashed by the monopoly.
@@theswiftschoolofselfhealing maybe even more so - American Medicine ... there, fixed that for you
For just over 20 years I had been taking Paxil and Klonopin daily so I could function dealing with C-PTSD for about 3 years I was on Oxycontin for arthritis pain. One of my doctor visits I was asked if I would be willing to give cannabis a try, I did not think it would help all that much I have smoked it many times before. I studied it got my card and now I do not use any prescriptions, just cannabis and it is doing me wonders. Losing the side effects alone from prescriptions was fantastic. With that said I found this talk very interesting but if a person is living in a constant state of fight, fight, or flight (used fight twice on purpose) would THC be the perfect key? Not only did she dismiss CBD she did not mention all the other cannabinoids and terpenes, cannabis is far from being all about THC and CBD but people are stuck there.
I totally agree been taking xanax 4 20 years and tapering and cannabis has really helped. Big Pharma just wants you to get addicted.
@@sirgucci452 420 years, damn Ann talk about getting high.
Indeed they found a new compound called CBG and another which I don’t remember but it’s CBsomething and found out CBG is pretty good at fighting insomnia and pain
Write it down, re-read it then burn the paper. 🔥 Also, download Tetris and play away.
Yep she still a pharma schill .. period .
She did a great explanation on the endocannabinoid system but when she talked about cannabis THC i felt like she wasn't as confident as before
I felt that too
Perhaps she needed another joint...
She nows she had no proof for what she says about THC
Also, she said there are many unknowns about cbd...what?!? There is just as much research on cbd as the. This wasn’t as informative as I thought it would be.
Because in a few cases there with THC, she wasn't telling the scientifically/evidence based information, but rather speaking on assumptions and opinion. For example schizophrenia - there is zero evidence it increases one's chance of having it, but rather bringing forth an episode from an "existing schizophrenic" is correlated, not caused.
I know nobody wants to hear this, but she's right. One of my friends used to smoke a lot for a long time. He told me about how he never learned healthy mechanisms for dealing with stress, and how it's even affected him physically.
Thank you. Wise words. All the best to you.
really appreciate her delivery of thought.
This was not only interesting to get an idea of the very unknown ECS, but also why the "face your fear" approach to anxiety for many might be the correct approach if it truly learns how to compensate for the stress over time and make it a far less mentally challenging experience for people
After stopping smoking weed I feel like this actually makes a lot of sense for me in particular
Dogbert, I agree. For me it's necessary to stop. But I can't hahahahahahhhhahah
Like I quit smoking 2 years ago, mentally i was complete wreck. Here I am still putting this mess all together, and its finally starting to make sense.
This is brilliant! I'm a second-year medical student, and we get to write a 5000 word literature review on a topic of our choice - mine is the upcoming use and opportunities for use of cannabinoids in medicine. Some of the information you've given here is going to be invaluable in setting a foundation for my literature scavenge. I'm not sure if Dr Ross will actually be reading these comments, but, if you are, thank you!
Start with Raphael Mechoulam then Alexandros Makriyannis then move along to Ethan Rousseau.
Vinny Murphy right on! We need docs aware and ready to step up to safely help people use cannabis as medicine. It saved my life.
This is absolutely NOT brilliant! If you want brilliant, there are numerous sources today which you can go to for peer reviewed science which is devoid of propaganda and bias. This talk was on the edge of being useful but absolutely did not cross that threshold. It contained numerous lies of omission and other interpretations of facts based on the previous ignorance of one particular culture rather than the knowledge which has been gained about this system for literally several thousand years in both traditional Chinese and traditional Vedic (Indian) medicine. Talks such as this one take people backwards rather than forwards, if they have been paying attention at all. I hope you do a substantially greater amount of research because citing this source as brilliant shows me that you have a great deal of learning left to do.
@@Peter_S_ can you be more specific on the lies of omission etc. Where this talk fails?
@@Peter_S_ I agree with Vinny Murrphy, you write a lot but say very little. Which are the brilliant sources? What were the omissions?
Cannabis has been around for years and used in this country for hundreds of years. This sounded more like a Pharmaceutical talk for drugs not the plant and its well founded medicinal benefits. Granted research is scant here in the US but we have been funding Israel for years and they have tons of research on cannabis benefits as well as Spain!
007jjb the title is the endocannabinoid system. Not the great uses of the plant
I think you might be missing the point of the talk.
@@TheClarkchern we identified ECS because of cannabis... canabis creating the phytocanabinoiods provided a structural platform for us to metabolically follow, trace and identify,... we came up with ECS... an entire physiological system in man
The hardest task for a TED- speaker is to separate the real valuable facts and knowledge, from the manipulated information and fake news... If you watch this one carefully, you will realize what I'm talking about...
what do you think was manipulated/fake?
@CG Jung It's the money from the industries that play the rules. The scientists are good but have no power to change the law.
@CG Jung I don't think, I know. As said, scientists are not the people to blame, but the industry behind.
This presentation is all over the place! She is either high or needs to be.
I thought it was just me. Either the presentation lacked Clarity and direction or she needs to practice articulating more concisely. 😊
9:05 , THC is not actually in cannabis plant. THC is an oxidized / decarboxylated form of THC-a ( carbon active THC/ acidic form ) which exists on living cannabis plant as glandular resin located in the trichome of the flowering cannabis plant. when the plant completely matures into fruition, it dies and dries and the carboxylic acids then melt away from the molecule exposing the active forms of the compounds ( Hi Grazing nature !) ... that exposed compound molecule form is the active version of the compound ( THC) .
Doesn't the chemical reaction of burning hence smoking this plant also cause this reaction? Or does it just amplify the transformation of what is already there?
@@luissoto1491 to exist in a viscous environment ( living plant) the phytocannabinoids contain an enzyme shield consisting of a carboxylic acid, known as carbon active cannabinoids / acidic form cannabinoids. Heat/ time / oxidation will remove that carboxyl grouping from the carbon structure of the molecule thereby making it a compound molecule... the molecular structure then compounds in upon itself making it more biologically active so in that way it is an amplified version of what is already there.
an example of the size / increase / decrease... THCa ( tetrahydrocannabinolic acid ) is 347 g/mol... decarboxylated THC ( tetrahydrocannabinol) is 314.14 g / mol.....
lipophillic / terpenophillic compounds in the C18 - C22 carbon range that are 100 to 500 nano moles in size will be biologically active, capable of passing blood brain barrier , causing a confirmation of change ( bio-activity)...
Edit - new research is showing carbon active phytocannabinoids to have psycho-activity as well... the acidic forms in amn/woman act as Reverse Agonist agents not directly binding to cannabinoid receptors but increasing Epoxides and Amides in the endocananbinoid system that biodegrade poly unsaturated fatty acids into endocannabinoids... I've got a ton of research I could present , not sure where you are in all this but let me know
@@mcozy333 Still very interesting to learn about terpenes !
@@traaavistraaavis8348 Y the short sentence structure ?
There is 6000 years of research
Stop trying to monetise Gods gift 70 years ago it was legal and used throughout the world.
you can produce it yourself with meditaion and breathing. no need to consume it. its like creatin, if you tske it from outside the body will stop producing it. just do Wim Hof method
@@danieldias859 thank you for sharing this, had heard of the iceman before but never realized he was wim hof, love his personality and advices and hope to one day be able to regulate my own endocannabinoid system from within for good health and wellbeing-know a friend who did it
@@danieldias859 ther is no way to produce cannabis metabolites via breathing or meditation ... you will create similar lipid metabolites but not exactly like cannabis ingestion ... just saying
Great elegant talk!
For me the gist is this: Honeymoon with weed legalization is over and now we should figure out what this stuff really does to our bodies. So basically we are in a middle of a massive social experiment. And as ever since runs behind the giant Cannabis industry.
This talk is actually not about the effects of cannabis but about the isolated effects of THC. Her views here about the effects of THC on the endocannabinoid system may be very interesting to the pharmaceutical industry, but to those of us wanting to understand the effect of THC when You use the plant naturally it is almost irrelevant.
I agree 100%
Very true
When I stopped taking an SSRI, it threw me into the worst depression, because my natural serotonin production had been horribly down regulated. Nicotine has a similar effect in how powerfully it down regulates serotonin. That's why people struggle to such a degree quitting smoking. Nicotine is very addictive. Quitting SSRIs was a nightmare that ended in a hospital emergency room. THC doesn't do anything like that. It doesn't down regulate to the same extent in most people; so it's not considered very addictive. It's my personal belief that I have never produced enough endocanabanoids. Microdoses of medical marijuana have helped me tremendously over a long period of time. Moreover I skip days with no ill effects.
I been exercising massively for last 6 months. I had a operation and almost lost my left hand. They said it depends on my health. After 6 months of it I have so much energy people think I'm on drugs. I think it's the endocannabinoid system.
She TOTALLY left out the Terpenes and Flavonoids that are important in the "entourage effect"....her lecture is woefully incomplete at best. Grade D
Pretty disappointing if I'm honest. This is just the typical UK government 'yes man' doctor scared to death of going against the government's unjust policy against cannabis.
That was sad. I kept yelling “Terpenes people! Terpenes!” More propaganda.
'This talk is actually not about the effects of cannabis but about the isolated effects of THC. Her views here about the effects of THC on the endocannabinoid system may be very interesting to the pharmaceutical industry, but to those of us wanting to understand the effect of THC when you use the plant naturally it is almost irrelevant'
@@johnf.hebert1409 THC is a terpene - a monoterpene
THIS IS NOT A LECTURE ABOUT CANNABIS! Your comment is totally wrong. Re-read the title of the video. It’s a discussion about the EC system within the human body. It’s meant to demystify this misunderstood system in our body!!!!! As the title clearly states. And in the last few minutes she mentions THC. THIS IS NOT an in-depth video about cannabis. So when you call this short 18 minute TED talk “woefully incomplete at best” you are dead wrong.
Anyone who uses any kind of cannabis please come forward and help with this research! Simple!
Thanks for this clear breakdown of the ECS. Would love to hear the talk re: CBD that you said would be an entire other talk. The information out there is extremely confusing and limited re: how CBD actually interacts with our ECS. In turn, there is a lot of misinformation being shared everywhere by all kinds of publishers and companies.
I've smoked my entire life. Not as much as some but I was a daily user for sure. At about 50 I cut back quite a lot and enjoyed not being high all the time which was refreshing. I'm a shy person by nature and weed made it worse which probably closed some doors. Regrets? No , I raised four great kids , quit alcohol , which would have and should have killed me , so all in all pot didn't ruin my life but I'm sure it changed it. I started having anxiety when I smoked (when the weed we grew exceeded twenty percent , lol ) so I pretty much quit. No withdrawls or issues there. Now at almost 63 I microdose a puff or two no and then. I told my kids , don't try pot! You might like it.
Incredibly informative. Great job.
It is also about dosage, quantity, frequency, set and setting...
amazing tedx talks
THC replaces anandamide and disturbs it's natural production. Anandamide seems rather important for managing mental illnesses. Which is why it makes Schizophrenia worse. Cannabidiol almost has opposite effect. And is all around a good guy molecule.
Also exercising on THC is probably a good idea and easier than you might think. It would like having a runner's high before you run.
I use a puff or too before any exercise. I works.
THC does not replace anandamide. Anandamide is not even regularly produced, it can only happen when the body needs it. The cannabinoids also naturally down regulate, and if there was excess THC in the body it will not oversaturate the receptors but eliminate itself via plasma. THC cannot damage the mind as people say to put it. Regarding anxiety and more, depending on the dose and mindset is what affects it. The feelings people said about feeling unreal, depersonalization, and just blissed out from general living, is mentioned in Eastern philosophy and quantum physics. They make it clear, that this reality is only as real as it's perceiver.
So what’s the alternative pharmacy drugs. I’ll stick with cannibus
up to 50% of prescribed drugs are made to target humans G protein-couple receptors . phytocannabinoids in " the cannabis" are biologically active in the G protein receptors. so, cannabis competes with 50% of meds, or cannabis is active where 50% of meds are
There is no need for any drug.
@@Amy623 every cell in your body is a powerhouse of drugs ( biochemical signals)... just examine the biological goings on in every cell in your body... you can start via examining the endocannabinoid system ( where cannabis metabolism occurs)
Amra Nuric i mean there kinda is, without pain relievers or medicines (drugs) many people would die
@CG Jung there are also up to 300 cannabinoid receptors while we have only really researched two ( cb1 / cb2) and speculated @ a third .... G protein-coupled receptors are in the 7 trans membrane super family of receptors, the largest grouping of cellular receptors in our bodies ... each depolarized Gi protein touches interior of cell 7 times before finalizing that signal with DAGL / FAAH ... a lot of the metabolic expression of cannabis also has to do with increasing / decreasing Epoxides and fatty acid binding proteins and TRPV1 .... basically activating the mechanisms that functionally drive the enzyme production that biodegrades lipids into signals ( biochemicals) ....
The serotonin down-regulation by SSRI antidepressants results in a range of symptoms on discontinuation much more dramatic than THC discontinuation.
THC too is a tri-cyclic Terpene ....... THC effects 5HT1 and other NADA/NMDA receptors ... THC bio-mimics Anandamide quite well so our bodies recognize it in that way
Such excellent explanation, but leaving the topic on a negative note I though. Little emphasis on the benefits. Great overall
And yes, the downstream effects of receptors and of cell permeability is very important. Second messengers are the future of understanding neurochemistry.
It does get a little crazy when you're trying to understand receptorivity, cellular permarability (as in ionophores), second messengers, neuro-anatomy, and how all that relates to behavior.
At the end of the day, what has meaning is, "How does it make our lives better?"
the endocannabinoids are the only neurotransmitters to signal backwards post depolarization induced retrograde signals for the homeostasis pro adjustments /augmentation/ hydrolitic cavitation of cells' inner workings ( cannabinoid receptors) .
predicted we have around 300 cannabinoid cell receptors each capable of being toggled by extracellular lipids/ligands formed in a multitude of efferent shapes and structures . the Endocannabinoid system is our pro homeostasis lipid buffer to the world via lipid signaling ...
I'd love to see what research you have been doing on the subject, most likely the same I'm looking at but each seeing different things there ... Peace out
I've been asked to demystify scientists. Well, as seriously intelligent as I am, I just can't do it. Scientists are the modern duffases.
This video reminds me that a medical dispensary recently opened less than 2 blocks from my house and I have no medical card and no buds... :(
She told the story, the insight was good, she gave it a shot, it was ok!
Cannabis has been used for thousands of years (probably 10.000+ even) and the only ones complaining about it are the ones that ISN`T using it.. what´s up with that ey ;/? Also, what you call "dependence" I call "preference", as in; "I prefer to feel free enough to choose to take a delicious (imo) health-supplement if I feel like it, aslong as it doesn´t harm anyone."
🔵 THANK YOU for this content 💪💪💪
Now I can finally explain the psychoactive reaction! It's basically just you timing and dosing it wrongly! As a healthy person it can lead to wonderfull things but in case something is wrong the overcharging can pinpoint the problems which then have to be resolved with a perfect combo of THC and CBD. If only the pharma industry would have never stopped the researches early 1900's many of my family members would be still alive. Thanks for your work Dr. Ruth Ross you saved so many people and hopefully make them aware of the pharmaceutical scam THEY are trying to pull through the last 100 years 🙏🙏🙏🙏
cannabis tends to make up for a lack of essential fatty acids we do not consume ... the phytocannabinoids act as EFAs with more bio-activity. anandamide and 1-ag require EFAS to build up enough lipids to make and form them ... exogenous cannabinoids supplement that process
oops - 2-AG , a arachidonoylglycerol , not really 1-ag lke my other post ... that guy was wrong LOL
"Fun Facts" 6:21 Singing and Dancing - ie art activities - activate the endocannabaninoid system. As one of the first plants cultivated by humans and disseminated along the silk trail it has been studied for millenia and its effects and positive and negative qualities documented.
How sad to have so much excellent information about the ECS and so little understanding of cannabis and it’s compounds. Probability? Are we serious woman? More propaganda. Learn about terpenes already.
Terpenes vary from cultivar to cultivar. And they can be found in many plants. Such as Rosemary, Lavender and Lemon Balm. And they do have subtle effects on mood.
But nothing major.
phytocannabinoids ( THC/ CBD ) are terpenes too... they are monoterpenes
There should be research into why cannabis is helping me with physical therapy.
Thanks for a great educational talk. I learned a lot.
Was going to down vote because this was nothing new and not the best presentation, BUT the down votes are exactly 420 so let's keep them that way
Wow, so disappointing to see a TedTalk with a guest that is giving BAD information. I have to wonder who is paying for her "research"....
This was very helpful, thank you
Cbd oil helps me. That's all I care about.
CBD is one phytocannabinoid out of 147... cannabis is much more than CBD
@@mcozy333 ok
Problem with this Ted Talk - she was dishing out negatives about THC. Then with CBD or the other cannabinoids m she's like 'nah not relevant'.
June Kirri it’s helped my whole family with a variety of issues. We’ll continue using it.
Same. Makes me much more positive and stable.
Awesome lecture!! Love It!!
I think the important thing here is that we need to do more studies.
more tax payer money to disprove that the plant is not waht the establishment has said all these years ... it is so in our face and people still think that 1937 politicians had no personal agenda and that still effects how we view the law now LOL... take the most healthy pklant you can find and ban it outright and watch all the confused faces wanting tro ingest it
I'm impressed by how reluctant are people to accept facts, just because they confront or contradict their personal believes. People would rather select just bits of information and dismiss the truth just because it looks unpleasant or confronts them in a personal level.
also = people lied to are not the trusting type... all the lies spewed about cannabis plant the last 80- years have to much political demands and deceits
Is it a separate body system like digestive system and neurological
If you didn't know her amazing accomplishments she would gladly go over them with you.
I want to know more about this. Are there any updates on the topic since then? Thanks in advance
13:15 - THC is a non selective weak agonist with Low binding affinity... ECS still works fine with THC present
Low binding affinity matters less in high concentration. A hit of weed is a blast to your brain, higher concentrations could easily affect the ECS and, most certainly, *over time* the ECS will be downregulated.
@@WeatherStationZ41 the purpose of ECS is down regulation ( post to pre synaptic retrograde signaling messages ) ( depolarization induced suppressed inhibition of neurotransmitter release ) ...
Exogenous cannabinoids introduced that cannot be metabolized would then up regulate ECS ... how much up regulation that happens is determined by the persons endocananbinoid tone .
Plus, we are comparing phytocannabinods to anandamide and 2-AG.... both of which are selective dual agonists / antagonists at both cb1 and cb2 . an exogenous form will compete for pathways up to a point but selective agonists / antagonists overrides that action potential all day long
@@mcozy333 So you're saying that using exogenous cannabinoids like THC will upregulate the baseline system?
@@Giatros89 the role of cannabinoids is to provide bio-feedback signalling ( post to pre ) . the pathways of the cannabinoids in the intracellular channels ( cb receptors) will not take an up regulatory pathway unless to many exogenous extracellular ligands are present ... this is termed Bi-phasic where the action potential reverses... the action potential too is determined by the tone of the persons endocananbinoid system . the up regulation would not last long as that is not the purpose of the pathways and they would revert back to base line quite quickly...
Edit - instead of up regulating .... generally, the phytocannabinoids that do not metabolize directly are not stored ETC but sent into waste elimination
mcozy333 🤙 what he said ;)
Interesting in that she postulates that Cannabis affects the endocannabinoid system by chance, saying it is a question of probability only.
I'm not so sure.
our ECS is sustained on essential fatty acids we consume in diet... with a lack of EFAs our endocannabinoid tone decreases and less signalling metabolites occur ( cannabinoids)... here is th epathways... EFAS via eicosanoids / prostaglandins / leukotrienes metabolize into PUFAs. oxygenated / phosphorylated PUFAs are endocannabionoids . our cell' phospholilipid bi-layer cleaves off those lipids in order to form them into signalling cannabinoids ( pro resolving mediators) . C-18 to C-22 lipophilic compounds in the 100 to 500g/mol range will be used fr signalling purposes in ECS...
Sea Squirt was the first vertebrae to synthesize cannabinoids and form an endocannabinoid system... 5 billion years ago
Yeah that's where she lost me.
That's not what she said though. She said because we have a large amount of receptors that each fit with certain molecular shapes, chances are that similarly shaped molecules (e.g. THC) can fit into the receptors also. And because a cannabis plant has many cannabinoids, chances are some of them fit into our cannabinoid receptors, which they do (again, e.g. THC).
She isn't saying that it is random that cannabis affects us, she just explains how it can be that outside molecules work in our bodies.
As opposed to...?
What a disappointing lecture. 17 minutes to tell us that endocannabinoids regulate stress. Is that the summation of your PhD? A very condescending lecture. Nothing has been demystified. ‘Regulate’ tell us nothing about the molecular mechanism behind how it works. A lock and key analogy tell us nothing. Was her PhD the term ‘lock and key’ repeated thousands of times? Tell us something! I find it extremely condescending when scientists keep any info that is remotely scientific from us because they think we can’t handle it. All it achieves is an overly simplistic explanation that answers nothing.
phytocannabinoids bio-mimic endocannabinoids - non selectively... we form endocannabinoids from the cell' bi-layer where the essential fatty acids from the diet are stored . phytocannabinoids are termed free flow/ free form cannabinoids already structured to signal as full formed cannabinoids so no need to displace phosphatydilcholine / Sterine from the bi-layer when exogenous plant cannabinoids are in circulation ... plant cannabinoids are anti oxidant compounds taking the same exact pathways in our cells that omega three fatty acids take ... this seems to explain way more and I've not even touched or scratched the surface of endocannaqbinoid system knowledge here
Very Educational, thank you!
The psychosis question is for me related with what the environment do to the person.
Facing THC is like being interrogated: you have to be prepared.
We absolutely love cannabis education! THANK YOU!
2:00 Flight, flight or freeze response.
Much respect, an unbiased presentation.
unbiased ? the way she talked about THC was very biased
I totally promote my quality cbd product 🌱
It is very interesting to hear this..., but I live in Europe and here THC is not allowed. So we have very good Quality from CBD and this is so helpful for People, without intoxicant or psychological change...! For me would not possible to become healthy without it! I love it!
The powers-that-be always try to steer you away from thc, just like this talk. I'm not buying into her speech.
Thus is unbiased scientific data 😂
She’s missing the point just like the government funded research has all this time. Researching single compound the plant does not come with just thc and we should not use just thc
That is like saying you can only study natural philosophy not physics or biology
Or like saying humans would breathe better if we extracted the hydrogen and discarded the pesky psycho active oxygen...
Especially if we were fish dum de dum
Douglas Ross not at all. He is quite right, in almost every chemical activity there is a catalyst and an active component which performs the function. The catalyst opens the door, the active ingredient goes in and does the job. With just the catalyst used you have an open door and nothing to go in. And leaving an open door could be dangerous too
@@traaavistraaavis8348 totally
What's the effects on endocannabinoids after quitting thc? Do they come back to their original power or are they permanently damaged? Also, what is the timeframe if they come back?
THC cannot cause any damwage to begin with ... it is impossible for that size and shape of a compound to be toxic . check out the research of Dr Raphael Mechoulam . he is the most notable researcher in all this and claims since 1964 that THC is non toxic / incapable of causing toxic response
@@mcozy333 Down regulation is not a toxic response. It is simply how neurotransmitters communicate. During brain development "the critical period (ages 12 to 21) it is recommended to avoid exposure to neurotransmitter disruptors such as marijuana due to the likely hood of pruning neural connections that help manage and cope naturally to environmental inputs.
Yes, it is called up-regulation, can take anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 years....depending on how chronic the use was.
@@councilsepapreventiondepar7814 all endocannabinoid system messages and signaling is down regulatory , down regulation depolarization induced second messaging acting in retrograde. adding exogenous forms of that from nature ( cannabis/cannabimimetics) is simply bolstering how all of that works . actives in cannabis are non selective lipid metabolites
@@councilsepapreventiondepar7814 down regulation is how ECS works ... you cannot up regulate it at all . the pathways are not set up for that type of signaling irregardless how many plant cannabinoids the person ingests
im regulating my receptors now
The understanding of , the where and how used , the side effects or affects the entire intake of the hole being before ie. Other drugs that are still in the body producing effect that affects the metabolism of the hole of the plant . What of the carbon monoxide produce when burnt or vaporized, when inhaled bonds with the erythrocyte platelets impairing oxygen use , absorption and distribution, so many variables. But the plant does work.
when vaporized there are no aromatic hydrocarbons being created ... also, the phytocannabinoids themselves act as bronchodilators as we metabolize them ... we turn the Terpenes into terpinopids via metabolic reactions . COX/ LOX and many more enzymes used to do such
Context makes the poison, as with any drug. Personally, I find cannabis to be quite useful to help me gain an appreciation for things I might normally find stressful. Especially with excercise, learning new ideas or practicing skills, all of which I can find quite tiring and frustrating, cannabis helps me focus on thr task. What's nice about this is that I can still train grit sober, which counteracts a lot of the stressors elsewhere.
That being said, she is right that cannabis is not always completely benign. Some of the worst anxiety episodes I've had have been while I'm high, and can last for days after I clear up. Still, I am aware of the situations which cue them and have been getting better at avoiding those cues.
The dependency issue is also quite real, and I have taken fasts from cannabis on a number of occasions to mitigate it, but it still can be very sticky if I'm not careful.
Still, I think that with the right practices and knowledge, the benefits can easily outweigh the risks for me. I'll be interested to see what else they learn in the future
endocannabinoid tone determines it for everyone ... generally what the biochemistry shows is that ingesting exogenous C-21 Terpenophenolic moieties creates cellular plasticity in our cells ... this equates to learning and adaptation ... ECS is toggled by a variant of efficacious external lipids and terpenes from the diet ... as we are capable of moving around the world and experiencing all the lipids therein so does the ECS recognize al of those and transport them into lipid signaling sequences in the ECS ..ECS purpose is to maintain all cells that are part of metabolically active tissues via cellular homeostasis ( retrograde lipid signaling) ... I can present reports / links to this info if you are interested.
70 trillion cells each expressing around 15k biochemical cannabinoids a second per cell is ECS in action ... ECS connects all cells via lipid rafts / cellular back cross talk ( TRPV1)
@@mcozy333 Sure, send those links over. I'm always happy to learn some new science
Links ! wow ! the days before youtube decided to censor YAY!!!! links
@@mcozy333 just scramble them
@@Okkoson what does that mean ??
Sounds like a great medication. How long will it be before you can patient it and make it into a tablet ?
there are so many cannabinoid drugs on the market starting with Marinol back in 1985 .... lots of Epoxide / fatty acid binding protein drugs now too based on cannabinoid sciences ... even more crazy and making no sense whatsoever is th estory of Epidiolex ... a real plant botanical drug formulated from alcohol and cannabis plant ... it is solvent extracted and made back into a tincture ... the wierd part - FDA approved Epidiolex ! DEA took it completely off drug schedule a month or so ago ! But!! real cannabis that anybody can grow is schedule one drug , no medical value whatsoever... anybody can grow the plant and soak it in everclear and make their own Epidiolex type tinctures... known collectively as Green dragon tincture
Asprin from willow bark is better inbibed. By body cells compared to pharma grade asprin, so plant medicine should be sane people's right to use it from plants grown in their backyard kitchen garden
12:05 any link to studies for this ?
I’d like to learn more about the connection of the endocannabinoid system with the cannabis plant and the cannabinoid‘s in it. I propose there is a lock and key connection here. Creating a cannabis plant that has the perfect levels of each cannabinoid the will most benefit an individual’s endocannabinoid system.
adding spit to a seedling will offer it your DNA profile ... it will grown in accordance
Endocannabinoids are made in your body, phytocannabinoids are in plants. They both act the same way.
Example: "Anandimide" is the endocannabinoid version of the phytocannabinoid "THC delta 9"
@@mcozy333 That's the best stoner science I've ever read.
I use (ok am addicted to) snuff tobacco (no longer smoke, use cannabis & alcohol) & I think tobacco must have some kind similar cannabinoidic effect, though milder? It's effect flutters between calmness and anxiety, depending like she says on what's going on, i.e. time, situation etc. I think smoking is similar also. Hoping to quit snuff soon so my system will have to become normalised. I expect it will be difficult.
How can I contact her?
I liked the initial explanation of the endocannabinoid but when she was talking about using Cannabis it seemed like her presentation was more skewed to present the drawbacks and downside of Cannabis. She only briefly said that it may help with some symptoms and then quickly added that it may relieve some symptoms in the short term but make them worse in the long run and followed that by saying that scientists are developing medicines to target the endocannabinoid system. Hmmm... pharmaceutical companies can make lots of money off of medications.
real plants are no good , only ingest man made formulas that mimic real plants or real cre4ations = synthetic living on the Grid!
I plan on mixing THC concentrate with CBD CBG and CBN distillate I'm not sure if it will have any effect seeing how I am going to mix them all together
you will be pleasantly surprised.
She says it's nothing to do with cannabis but there clearly is a connection. Cannabis wouldn't be on the earth if it wasn't to do with our body's specifically.
cannabis creates lipids similar to essential fatty acids .... that is how cannabis is medicine for people
Great presentation. Thank you. These are very insightful findings.
I'd like to see studies that compare medications/herbal interventions with lifestyle support changes that enhance the body's ability to self-sooth and self-regulate such as exercises or stimulating pressure points. Comparing it between no intervention and medication/herbal intervention doesn't give an accurate depiction of our choices.
If we discount the help our own body provides for us when given the opportunity, we set ourselves up for dependences and further complications.
Felt like she was walking a fine line and did not want to be seen as endorsing cannabis. I get it but didn't really get much out of this talk.
Dan Heil me neither the reason is the pressure of government funded research from years back people are still studying separated compounds from the plant remember no plant grows with just thc ever!! Nobody smokes or eats thc the reason is scientists want to patten which they almost did with sativex and Marinol study the dam plant and stop manipulating and dismantling its chemical composition and then calling it bad
No she was not. She was batting for synthetic drugs to be used to enhance ECS. Look carefully at the last slide.
So helpful!!!
I was hitting my bowl as I watched this 😆😆😆
How long does cbd block the faah enzyme?
Lots of emotion and very little science in the commentary. The problem is the assumption or belief that an auto-regulating system (the endocannabinoid system is an auto regulating system that is part of a much larger auto regulating system called our entire body) can be used to fix problems. It can only be used if it is out of balance and the thing(s) you add specifically put it back into balance - otherwise you make the imbalance worse. It requires precision because counter-regulation means not enough or too much of something even if it is the right thing is as bad as or worse than the wrong thing. This system tells our brain where to make connections when it is developing and that happens a lot before we are born, for our first 5 years,and during puberty and out into our 20s. If you mess up the chemical balance or signalling connections end up malfunctioning or in the wrong places. These wiring problems are the genesis of mental health problems including schizophrenia. We know physical and mental stresses increase risks because they upset the balance. THC upsets the balance because it can't act like our own cannabinoid signallers because it can do different things at the same switch, sticks to it too long and sticks around too long (our own cannabinoids are "on demand") and gets in the way of our own signals trying to regulate themselves. The Big Pharma is a straw man argument. Our human physiology is designed to survive but it is imperfect. Illness is an imbalance of a signalling system because when signalling works it fixes itself. If we are going to take over that job with cannabinoids, or any other chemical regardless of its source, we need to understand it a lot better than we do, and recognize just because something affects a system doesn't mean it is always good.
There is also plenty of evidence of harm. Even those who choose not to believe it cannot show evidence of safety because it has not been systematically measured in the broad population. It doesn't mean we can't find a way to use things that work on this system effectively and safely but we are still far from that understanding and design and testing of any manipulation of the cannabinoid system. This basic understanding of pharmacology started thousands of years ago with systematic assessments and measurement and refinement and purification and isolation og the ingredient that was the key to the balance. What is happening with cannabis is a dangerous shortcut with our population as the phase one study.
our cells contain way way more than just cb1 and cb2... there are at least 300 cannabinoid receptors capable of metabolically signalling a multitude of fatty acid type compounds... ECS is non selective because it is based off diet somewhat ( PUFAS/ HUFAs) and can be activated , modulated by a variety of biological ligands that we as upright beings come in contact with via consumption or diet...
the references to cannabis being helpful ETC is usually noted when the person had failed to receive treatment from mainstream sources and cannabis is last resort... so many people being treated for the good and helping their lipid metabolism by supplementing with exogenous phytocannabinoids.
Edit- a work around for mainstream info on cannabinoids = pro resolving lipid mediators
scientists to pompous to identify with cannabinoids becasue of relation to cannabis plant... well, they know what a resolving mediator is and cannabinoids are that
another thing too = endocannabinoid system is the buffer to the fats we eat... it literally buffers via signalling the fatty acids in our diets and creates signalling toggle switches with those fatty acids... ECS is non selective because of that and will signal any lipid compound with correct mass and formula... we have predicted there are around 300 cannabinoid receptors per cell not just the two we have found so far...
What you smokin bro ?
And, of course, cannabinoids are known to suppress glutamatergic activity in the hippocampus. Meaning that cannabinoids can suppress, or bring to the surface (in a beneficial way), salient memories.
Scottish against cannabis , what about the toxin called alcohol? She says we need to see the effects of thc but thc is being used studied for centuries , and many things you said not correct
almost no actual information was presented here. it is all still mostly unknown. this certainly did not demystify anything at all.
I mean, it's a 20 minutes presentation on a somewhat complicated part of our bodies, there's not much you're gonna learn besides the highlights. You can try to read their papers if you want, but they're usually tough to read if you're not versed in the subject matter as they're directed towards other experts.
100% impossible to become physically dependent on THC. Mentally addicted yes, much the same as one can become addicted to water or air.
What? You need water and air to survive
Simple fact, you can become mentally dependent upon anything above and beyond the basic needs for survival, much like some people become addicted to eating. No particular foods, just to be eating.
@@GrampsPlace.ChrisGrisolia Ok but you need to drink water and breathe to survive. And there are varying degrees of dependence potential
Yes, the same as you need to eat to survive. I never inferred there wasn’t varying degrees of dependence.
How can you keep talking on endocannabinoid system without talking about ANANDAMIDE..
I've even smoking for years now, but I micro dose off of concentrate oils. I usually take a puff or two and I'm good for around 3 hours. Everything in moderation is good, even opiates.
Saul Santos How are opiates in moderation “good”? That’s a strange way to describe a narcotic!
@@drewmichael4014 Well morphine is an opiate that is administered daily in hospitals, and in moderation it can help relieve severe pain, but when you pass that amount, you can become addicted/dependent
@@drewmichael4014 because they get you litttttt
Vsauce6 I think I know who is NOT a productive member of society! Your brain is getting globbed-up watching SpongeBob all day.
It takes years to down regulate the endo. system.
Even-dough my tolerance is very high, I do not feel bad when I do not smoke THC.
THC is NOT addictive.
Some Human personalities ARE addictive.
people who are grounded in their bodies do not Grasp outwardly in blindness and confusion reaching for anything is sight ETC... people not grounded do such acts and continue forever thinking the outward is the source