Beating of The Retreat in Stafford town centre

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 23 มิ.ย. 2013
  • The wet weather failed to dampen the mood when hundreds of spectators turned out for a military parade in Stafford town centre on Saturday.
    Guests at the parade included four Royal Hospital Chelsea Pensioners who made the visit from the capital for the 45 minute exhibition.
    The timing of the Beating of the Retreat of the Royal Air Force Regiment was poignant as it performed at the time when in the 16th century drummers on the ramparts warned soldiers outside the fortifications that the gates were about to be closed.
    Also on parade were the Staffordshire Army Cadet Force Corps of Drums and the Band of the Staffordshire Wing Air Training Corps.
    The mascot of the Staffordshire Regiment Lance Corporate Watchman - a four year Staffordshire Bull Terrier was another guest at the Beating of The Retreat.
    Spectators, including Staffordshire Regiment veterans, lined the streets around Market Square for the display with many sheltering in doorways and under umbrellas.
    Trevor Evans who is the parade marshall for the Staffordshire Regiment, said displays like the Beating of The Retreat are important to the people of Staffordshire, he said: "When you have such a public display of our military it keeps the thoughts of all those serving in Afghanistan at the forefront of our mind.
    "People are interested in it people want to see the tradition and the respect there is for our servicemen and women. It's important that people can see this going on in such a public place so they can feel a part of it too.
    It's good seeing the flag bearers here who have drove 20 mile in the rain to just be present and then the Chelsea pensioner travelling all the way from London to watch it. That tells you of its significance."
    WO2 Greg Hedges, handler for Lance Corporal Watchman, said: "For all of the organisations to be represented in such a way is important for them and the people of the town to see them come together. The significance of The Beating of The Retreat at this time is that if you didn't make it back into town in time you were locked out while everyone else was locked in -- I guess it's a lock in of a different type."
    The event was held in conjunction of with the Staffordshire branch of SSFA who were donated a massive £6,000 prior to the event by Virgin Rail .
    It was the rail firm who had invited the Chelsea pensioners to the event.
    Speaking about the donation Rev John Davis, Vice Chairman of Staffordshire SSAFA, said "We cannot thank Virgin Rail enough for this very generous donation. Their support ensured the success of our event and makes a real contribution to the work of our caseworkers who do so much for the military family throughout the county."

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