I've been run out of teaching for my beliefs and that was over 10 years ago. It's been coming for a while. God bless her for sticking up for the truth.
YOU better put that in quotation marks, because Voltaire wrote/said that NOT YOU. YOU'RE, probably subject to some type of copyright infringement, most likely. 🤔😒
There's an old Steven Wright joke (king of the one liners) that goes... "Did you know half the people are below average?" It takes a moment. Let it sink in. Students are being trained/brainwashed to think that stating facts about reality is harmful. Never thought I'd see the day.
well depends what you mean by average, you mean median in this case, if it is the mean and there isn't much variance, than less than half can be below the mean
As a South Asian woman myself, what Amy said is absolutely right! I see it in some of my own younger female friends sadly! This woke ideology is so corrosive yet so seductive, particularly for females who are largely more agreeable! Thank to Amy and Good kid productions for the tremendous work you do, God bless! ❤
Only anecdotal and from my "lived experience," but I can co-sign to this point as well. At my last job (for reference in an extremely left-wing oriented industry) there were two young women from India and Pakistan respectively who were champions of all this DEI nonsense. The irony is that both were from very upper class backgrounds, grew up between Asia and London and had the posh accents to match.
@GoodKidProductions Jared Taylor says white ansctors bulit America for themselves. Taylor can't anwser that during the 17th and 18th century's during the colonization and creation of America England wasn't the top superpower or economic power it was India than ruled by the Mughal Muslim Empire which made up 25% of the world's industrial output with 24.4% GDP in the year 1700. And China than ruled by the Quing Dynasty was a close 2nd to India
Wax is hated because she praises WW2 era norms, such as 1.Get married before you have children. 2.Strive to stay married for their sake. 3.Get the education you need for gainful employment. 4.Work hard, and avoid idleness. 5.Go the extra mile for your employer or client. 6.Be a patriot, ready to serve the country. 7.Be neighborly, civic-minded, and charitable. 8.Avoid coarse language in public. 9.Be respectful of authority. 10.Eschew substance abuse and crime.
The people who have been silenced, demeaned, dehumanized are the victims and surviving families and friends of crime victims. How many Black assault or rape victims are there whose attackers have not been arrested? How many families of murdered Blacks are there who know their relative's killer still walks free?
Think how many doctors weren't about to stick their neck out for what's right and what's best for the patient during covid, even to the point of causing harm and death....how incredibly corrupted society has become.
Amy Wax is 100% correct. There is nothing racist about calling people out on their lack of gratitude no matter the color of your skin. As well as speaking out against the cancer that is DEI.
@@jhonklan3794 So when she says she has never had an African American student in the top half of amy of her classes, this is not data because.... it wasn't oublished in some journal you read?
12:30… "I don't care about offending you" is much different from "I desire to tell the truth as I see it, yet without needlessly offending you." A Venn diagram to demonstrate goes like this: In the circle on the left, we have "honest but blunt." In the circle on the right, we have "polite but dishonest/or silent" But in the narrow sweet spot intersection of the two circles, we have "honest/open YET polite." Only in the middle, do we have caring to tell it like it is, while also caring not to needlessly offend. This is a science and an art that few have successfully attained.
Not surprised. Have utmost respect for Amy bringing this to the surface. It is 100% factual that most Professors work until their deathbed vs giving up their comfy lifestyle and expose what surrounds them daily and it is a small percentage. Again, minority rules.
Stand your ground is what you can do. Others are watching . When good people stand around and do nothing, truly I say to you all, all will be lost and once lost it is almost impossible to get it back. Those who joined the Nazi party in the mid thirtys to remain in the social clique of that day had to learn that lesson the very hard way. Silence is consent.
College and University is a waist of time nowadays. As Elon Musk says, anyone can go online and teach themselves anything a school will teach you without all the woke bs. I'm paraphrasing but that is the gist. In fact you can probably learn more much faster because there are no distributors, no woke bs.
elon musk was talking about his business degree mostly. But for his physics degree, that's not the case. Its easier to have someone else teach you and guide you through learning it. Self taught physics can be hard.
We will have to start dealing with these people and colleges the same way we do in public schools we cannot tolerate people poisoning our kids mines any longer does cancer hast to be eradicated I am beyond annoyed I’m getting absolutely pissed off
I think it uncontroversial to state “A person’s skin color is a mostly irrelevant and largely useless measure of someones mental capacity”. I would hope there is unilateral agreement on atleast this whether one stands on the left, right, up, diagonal side of the US political spectrum, and would also hope we agree a school should judge an applicant’s solely based on their potential to succeed in their respective field. If we are going to use any measure at all when determining a university applicant’s potential and subsequently granting leniency to their application, aka “boost” their chances, I believe what truly matters and should be considered is what factors in an applicant’s life may have denied them access to the resources their fellow applicants may have enjoyed (and now may confer an advantage). For some, especially in this country’s past, race was and still may be a legitimate factor, but I believe in this day an age other factors like poverty and access to social connections holds a greater impact on the individual’s personal success as an applicant. Given this reality, race/ethnicity-based criteria, in my opinion, simply make things messier and builds more resentment amongst groups. Instead, I think more emphasis should be put on socioeconomic background, while not forgetting the matter of race as a possibility for inequality, not a certainty.
She’s simply pointing out mismatch. These students would do fine at a Cal State. Don’t put top third students in a top 2% university. As a result, we have fewer black engineers, chemists, and Doctors. They either fail out or change to easier disciplines.
Exactly. This is exactly what has been happening in Malaysia, where affirmative action has been ingrained into the constitution since independence from the British monarchy. So Malays who make up 80% of the population are the recipients. Imagine the imbalance of this scale. The top uni students are usually Chinese, Indian.. the rare Malay.. who get there, is usually educated in a more upper class public school or an elite private school. Go research that. Many non-Malays have migrated out simply as it’s not sustainable for people like me to survive there. (Added after watching 11:11 - wait wait.. wait a hot minute… I’m grateful for hvg the opportunity to be in a country where race is not asked in forms! But yes.. this insidious racial equity shit is shitty. Stop this rot!!)
If Jarad takes pride in being white, that has an undertone of being wrong, but if it is wrong it is equally wrong to have pride to any other type of skin color so it is wrong to have Black Pride for example, and no Jarad does not think America was a homeland for White People, rather it was built as a Anglo homeland, a place for the English Colonies, and that is in fact what the original English Colonies were for, just as much as the French colonial areas were homelands for French or franco cultural and speaking people's, same goes for Spanish. The term 'white' is a general term that lumps in true diversity, as there are clear and real distinctions between German, Irish, English, and other types of what the Spanish call 'Blanco's' and Ebonics call 'Crackas'.
Parents really need to listen to their kids when they come home on college breaks. They might be surprised to hear what comes out of their kids newly indoctrinated mouths. No better place to mold young minds and greatly damage the future of our country.
I don't understand how someone can be proud of an immutable characteristic they were born with....their race. But what's even stranger is that if a white is proud of being white, you get pearl clutching, but if a black person is proud to be black, you get applause.
There is no right to not be offended. It doesn't matter if what she says is upsetting, the only thing that matters is what can be proven. Two sets of laws never ends well. Abolish qualified immunity and civil asset forfeiture.
Oh how I wish I could have had such an interesting professor. Kids these days want to eat plain mashed potato for 4 years instead of actually being challenged and learning new things.
The reason so many 'black and brown bodies' or specifically people from cultures like those from India, China and other eastern and southern nations claim the 'system is racist' is those nations from which they come are in fact Racist, and have Racist cultures and they assume it must be the same way over in the United States, but if you want to see classic real racism, systematic racism, go to China, go to India, go to other Far eastern and southeastern nations, let alone other parts of Asia considered Eastern. They project upon the West their own 'internal biases'.
Isn't an education supposed to be a balanced view of both sides of the coin.. ? Allowing folks to learn, by processing those views to come to a balanced conclusion? Last I checked, that was a classic education.
@@goyonman9655 Please explain why you think so. I have heard so many criticisms of Rand's ideas that are based on complete ignorance of what she actually writes, that it genuinely amuses me now.
Amy is right, but the elimination of tenure has some positive aspects, in the sense that we can get rid of the ideologues pushing DEI discrimination. The precedent has been set. it’s time to clear house, and restore balance. Amy may be invited back when it’s all over. Just know, liberals - you asked for this, you wanted this, so don’t complain when it blows up in your face. Those of you who stood by without courage are not going to get off easy.
Her thoughts are only provocative to those who have been misled to believe the nonsense being spewed on campuses today. To the rest of us, her views are mainstream common sense.
Obviously they don’t do as well because of the systemic circumstances in sick they grow up. Imagine you swap a wealthy white and poor black. AND theoretical create a society in which the black kid is held higher, the results would be the same. Just flipped. Come on now
Fight back True believers should know how by now "for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in GOD for the tearing down of strong holds and anything that would exalt it self against the knowledge of GOD " "...and they overcame by the blood of the LAMB and the word of their testimony..."
I've been run out of teaching for my beliefs and that was over 10 years ago. It's been coming for a while. God bless her for sticking up for the truth.
Me 2. Let's network, outside of Home Schooling have you found a alternative traditional teaching networks that you can recommend?
@@chicagorhtoursHillsdale has a great program…
Amy wax was just suspended of her role
Suspended from teaching, not from her role as a professor. She still has tenure and still gets her full salary.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
YOU better put that in quotation marks, because Voltaire wrote/said that NOT YOU. YOU'RE, probably subject to some type of copyright infringement, most likely. 🤔😒
@@yknowiknow5937 👈we are smart enough to know that. Guy.
Plagiarism is Joe Biden's expertise.
There's an old Steven Wright joke (king of the one liners) that goes...
"Did you know half the people are below average?"
It takes a moment. Let it sink in.
Students are being trained/brainwashed to think that stating facts about reality is harmful. Never thought I'd see the day.
Or that stating facts is “racist” or “sexist”.. how did we get here?
Me either.
well depends what you mean by average, you mean median in this case, if it is the mean and there isn't much variance, than less than half can be below the mean
@@danielg3924 I bet you're fun at parties ;)
As a South Asian woman myself, what Amy said is absolutely right! I see it in some of my own younger female friends sadly! This woke ideology is so corrosive yet so seductive, particularly for females who are largely more agreeable! Thank to Amy and Good kid productions for the tremendous work you do, God bless! ❤
awesome to hear thank you
Only anecdotal and from my "lived experience," but I can co-sign to this point as well. At my last job (for reference in an extremely left-wing oriented industry) there were two young women from India and Pakistan respectively who were champions of all this DEI nonsense. The irony is that both were from very upper class backgrounds, grew up between Asia and London and had the posh accents to match.
@GoodKidProductions Jared Taylor says white ansctors bulit America for themselves. Taylor can't anwser that during the 17th and 18th century's during the colonization and creation of America England wasn't the top superpower or economic power it was India than ruled by the Mughal Muslim Empire which made up 25% of the world's industrial output with 24.4% GDP in the year 1700. And China than ruled by the Quing Dynasty was a close 2nd to India
Such a great channel, still hard to believe it so under subscribed. Thanks for all your great work.
The hijacking and overuse of words like "trauma" drains them of all meaning, which in turn hurts the people who have REAL trauma.
Thomas Sowell has been speaking on the detriment of mismatching students to education institutions... sad that generations have been impacted.
I love him but those who need to read him dismiss him 😅
The irony of quoting Sowell in defence of Wax is incredible.
Amy Wax is right.
Apparently, honesty isn’t allowed or you’re a bigot.
Wax is hated because she praises WW2 era norms, such as
1.Get married before you have children.
2.Strive to stay married for their sake.
3.Get the education you need for gainful employment.
4.Work hard, and avoid idleness.
5.Go the extra mile for your employer or client.
6.Be a patriot, ready to serve the country.
7.Be neighborly, civic-minded, and charitable.
8.Avoid coarse language in public.
9.Be respectful of authority.
10.Eschew substance abuse and crime.
There's not even a need for further analysis: you've given me the entire subtext!
You had me going with the title and opener. Nice hook.
Amy Wax speaks the truth!
I guess the truth and being statistically correct when you speak honestly, you’re a bigot…
She literally doesnt use data to support her racist assertions.
@@jhonklan3794 She totally does. The university is the party that is refusing to release the data.
The people who have been silenced, demeaned, dehumanized are the victims and surviving families and friends of crime victims. How many Black assault or rape victims are there whose attackers have not been arrested? How many families of murdered Blacks are there who know their relative's killer still walks free?
They can call the truth a lie, it’s still the truth.
Think how many doctors weren't about to stick their neck out for what's right and what's best for the patient during covid, even to the point of causing harm and death....how incredibly corrupted society has become.
Amy Wax is 100% correct. There is nothing racist about calling people out on their lack of gratitude no matter the color of your skin. As well as speaking out against the cancer that is DEI.
We need more Amy Waxes. More honest people.
how is she honest? She has never used data to support any of what she says.
@@jhonklan3794 So when she says she has never had an African American student in the top half of amy of her classes, this is not data because.... it wasn't oublished in some journal you read?
@@jhonklan3794answer the person who replied to you.
@@BruceMajorswithout documentation it’s meaningless
@@BruceMajorsalso she said the top quarter of her class… why the hatred for black people?
12:30… "I don't care about offending you" is much different from "I desire to tell the truth as I see it, yet without needlessly offending you."
A Venn diagram to demonstrate goes like this:
In the circle on the left, we have "honest but blunt."
In the circle on the right, we have "polite but dishonest/or silent"
But in the narrow sweet spot intersection of the two circles, we have "honest/open YET polite."
Only in the middle, do we have caring to tell it like it is, while also caring not to needlessly offend. This is a science and an art that few have successfully attained.
Not surprised. Have utmost respect for Amy bringing this to the surface. It is 100% factual that most Professors work until their deathbed vs giving up their comfy lifestyle and expose what surrounds them daily and it is a small percentage. Again, minority rules.
She doesn't sound racist to me. The truth is dangerous to cowards and the control motivated wanting to keep their power.
1:08 - Oooof... Broadcast - Echo's Answer... exquisite taste
Appreciate the sample of 'Echo's Answer' by Broadcast. Great song. Great channel. Keep it up!
Stand your ground is what you can do. Others are watching . When good people stand around and do nothing, truly I say to you all, all will be lost and once lost it is almost impossible to get it back. Those who joined the Nazi party in the mid thirtys to remain in the social clique of that day had to learn that lesson the very hard way. Silence is consent.
Dead the long year is the song in the background of the beginning
Or it’s off the same album but a diff song I don’t remember
College and University is a waist of time nowadays. As Elon Musk says, anyone can go online and teach themselves anything a school will teach you without all the woke bs. I'm paraphrasing but that is the gist. In fact you can probably learn more much faster because there are no distributors, no woke bs.
elon musk was talking about his business degree mostly.
But for his physics degree, that's not the case. Its easier to have someone else teach you and guide you through learning it.
Self taught physics can be hard.
We will have to start dealing with these people and colleges the same way we do in public schools we cannot tolerate people poisoning our kids mines any longer does cancer hast to be eradicated I am beyond annoyed I’m getting absolutely pissed off
You can fool some of the people, but you can't fool Amy...
Amy Wax is a treasure.
When does the next part come out?
next week.
Best quality of production and content since 1791L stopped making videos.
what's always missing from these narratives are comments by her students
I think it uncontroversial to state “A person’s skin color is a mostly irrelevant and largely useless measure of someones mental capacity”. I would hope there is unilateral agreement on atleast this whether one stands on the left, right, up, diagonal side of the US political spectrum, and would also hope we agree a school should judge an applicant’s solely based on their potential to succeed in their respective field. If we are going to use any measure at all when determining a university applicant’s potential and subsequently granting leniency to their application, aka “boost” their chances, I believe what truly matters and should be considered is what factors in an applicant’s life may have denied them access to the resources their fellow applicants may have enjoyed (and now may confer an advantage). For some, especially in this country’s past, race was and still may be a legitimate factor, but I believe in this day an age other factors like poverty and access to social connections holds a greater impact on the individual’s personal success as an applicant.
Given this reality, race/ethnicity-based criteria, in my opinion, simply make things messier and builds more resentment amongst groups. Instead, I think more emphasis should be put on socioeconomic background, while not forgetting the matter of race as a possibility for inequality, not a certainty.
When will be Part 2?
This channel is even more shadowbanned than me, lol
then why did i get recommended it?
Someone's gotta help you guys balance your audio. If you're not listening on headphones, the jumps in volume are brutal.
DEI boilerplate: "𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝗯𝗲 𝗻𝗼 𝗱𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗶𝘁𝘆 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗲𝘅𝗰𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝗯𝗲 𝗻𝗼 𝗲𝘅𝗰𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗱𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗶𝘁𝘆!" Very cleverly written, UPeen. Congrats to your copywriter.
She’s simply pointing out mismatch. These students would do fine at a Cal State. Don’t put top third students in a top 2% university. As a result, we have fewer black engineers, chemists, and Doctors. They either fail out or change to easier disciplines.
Exactly. This is exactly what has been happening in Malaysia, where affirmative action has been ingrained into the constitution since independence from the British monarchy. So Malays who make up 80% of the population are the recipients. Imagine the imbalance of this scale.
The top uni students are usually Chinese, Indian.. the rare Malay.. who get there, is usually educated in a more upper class public school or an elite private school.
Go research that. Many non-Malays have migrated out simply as it’s not sustainable for people like me to survive there.
(Added after watching 11:11 - wait wait.. wait a hot minute… I’m grateful for hvg the opportunity to be in a country where race is not asked in forms! But yes.. this insidious racial equity shit is shitty. Stop this rot!!)
It's communism.
If Jarad takes pride in being white, that has an undertone of being wrong, but if it is wrong it is equally wrong to have pride to any other type of skin color so it is wrong to have Black Pride for example, and no Jarad does not think America was a homeland for White People, rather it was built as a Anglo homeland, a place for the English Colonies, and that is in fact what the original English Colonies were for, just as much as the French colonial areas were homelands for French or franco cultural and speaking people's, same goes for Spanish.
The term 'white' is a general term that lumps in true diversity, as there are clear and real distinctions between German, Irish, English, and other types of what the Spanish call 'Blanco's' and Ebonics call 'Crackas'.
Parents really need to listen to their kids when they come home on college breaks. They might be surprised to hear what comes out of their kids newly indoctrinated mouths. No better place to mold young minds and greatly damage the future of our country.
Genetics and IQ. The science has to become mainstream. That is all.
I don't understand how someone can be proud of an immutable characteristic they were born with....their race. But what's even stranger is that if a white is proud of being white, you get pearl clutching, but if a black person is proud to be black, you get applause.
There is no right to not be offended.
It doesn't matter if what she says is upsetting, the only thing that matters is what can be proven.
Two sets of laws never ends well.
Abolish qualified immunity and civil asset forfeiture.
She should invite Mark Levin
Oh how I wish I could have had such an interesting professor. Kids these days want to eat plain mashed potato for 4 years instead of actually being challenged and learning new things.
The reason so many 'black and brown bodies' or specifically people from cultures like those from India, China and other eastern and southern nations claim the 'system is racist' is those nations from which they come are in fact Racist, and have Racist cultures and they assume it must be the same way over in the United States, but if you want to see classic real racism, systematic racism, go to China, go to India, go to other Far eastern and southeastern nations, let alone other parts of Asia considered Eastern. They project upon the West their own 'internal biases'.
Race is not skin deep, we all evolved in different areas in different ways - that’s what makes us all unique and interesting.
Is very sad, this is America, nobody say anything
Claudine Gay is mega based haha
Isn't an education supposed to be a balanced view of both sides of the coin.. ?
Allowing folks to learn, by processing those views to come to a balanced conclusion? Last I checked, that was a classic education.
Then we take it back.
Amy is unspeakably based, emphasis on "unspeakably"
Does penn even allow for students to read about objectivism like mmmm Ayn Rand? Use your brains not your feelings 🤦🏼♀️👩🏽🏫👩🏻🔧🤷🏻♀️
Objectivism is childish and wrong
@@goyonman9655 Please explain why you think so. I have heard so many criticisms of Rand's ideas that are based on complete ignorance of what she actually writes, that it genuinely amuses me now.
What are you talking about? There is actually still no free speech on campus. Your the delusion, good kid productions.
Amy is right, but the elimination of tenure has some positive aspects, in the sense that we can get rid of the ideologues pushing DEI discrimination. The precedent has been set. it’s time to clear house, and restore balance. Amy may be invited back when it’s all over. Just know, liberals - you asked for this, you wanted this, so don’t complain when it blows up in your face. Those of you who stood by without courage are not going to get off easy.
Watching Hasan's tiny brain explode @12:02 never gets old
Ill speak how ever i please without apologies.
Penn instituted segregated graduation ceremonies in the 1980s- it’s been a clown show for decades.
normie kids
Didn't our parents teach us when we were 3 not to be afraid of words? If you're that sensitive, the problem is you.
😂 yeah RIGHT !!!
lo what keeps get her into trouble is making sweeping generalization about people?
Her thoughts do seem provocative, no bases to the truth. We do need free speech so we should let her be.
Her thoughts are only provocative to those who have been misled to believe the nonsense being spewed on campuses today. To the rest of us, her views are mainstream common sense.
I can see that this is a left-wing channel.
Obviously they don’t do as well because of the systemic circumstances in sick they grow up. Imagine you swap a wealthy white and poor black. AND theoretical create a society in which the black kid is held higher, the results would be the same. Just flipped. Come on now
Fight back True believers should know how by now "for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in GOD for the tearing down of strong holds and anything that would exalt it self against the knowledge of GOD " "...and they overcame by the blood of the LAMB and the word of their testimony..."
University Of Pennsylvania has always been a racist institution I grew up in West Philly very few blacks go there
poor Amy couldn't wrap her brain around the USA
UPenn is an ivy league school!