Just getting into Night Goblins as a route to getting my painting mojo back on - just painted a squad of stabbas, now likely moving on to some sneaky snufflers (before I go back to serious mode and try to finish of my Sisters Combat patrol that stalled a few years ago) - so the addition of some more night gobbos and Troggy mates is perfect. Haven't tried any of the rockgut troggoths from the spearhead yet but they do look cool AF imo, so once I get back to a reasonable level of painting I'll be giving them a go - they look fun for sure - Q for Warhammer man do you ever review painting competitions? If not, then even for your own benefit (if you haven't checked it out) see what Andrea Cristini came out with as a winner for Armies on Parade in 2024 - the Night Gobbo army is out of this world 🥰
Lets Goo! i'm so excited! going to LVO this week for the 40k Tournament, but Adepticon was amazing, and i absolutely cannot wait! i'm playing 40k champs, doing the creator Meet & Greet, and planning to participate in the Charity Painting event, other than that i'm gonna be hanging, and gaming!
Well, there is finally something that I absolutely cannot agree on with Warhammer Man... AoS trolls (troggoths) are the ugliest, stupidest, most unpurchasable models GW has ever made. Absolute garbage sculpts with a terrible aesthetic. I wouldnt allow them in my collection if they were given to me for free.
That's good, shows they're quality sculpts if they elicit such a response, especially since this would hopefully make you play one of the hideous factions like Stormcast or Sylvaneth, perfect targets for proper Troggs to smash into bent metal and splintered wood. Everyone has a place in the world of AoS, most of them as splattered goo on a Troggoth club.
I honestly just want the grots. I could stick the one with a stick thing on a raised base of the right size and run him as a runtherd.
Just getting into Night Goblins as a route to getting my painting mojo back on - just painted a squad of stabbas, now likely moving on to some sneaky snufflers (before I go back to serious mode and try to finish of my Sisters Combat patrol that stalled a few years ago) - so the addition of some more night gobbos and Troggy mates is perfect. Haven't tried any of the rockgut troggoths from the spearhead yet but they do look cool AF imo, so once I get back to a reasonable level of painting I'll be giving them a go - they look fun for sure - Q for Warhammer man do you ever review painting competitions? If not, then even for your own benefit (if you haven't checked it out) see what Andrea Cristini came out with as a winner for Armies on Parade in 2024 - the Night Gobbo army is out of this world 🥰
As cool as the design is... Technically they seem extremely flat molds! They are small... but on the low detail tier.
Burgers 🍔 on mi at Adepticon!
Lets Goo! i'm so excited! going to LVO this week for the 40k Tournament, but Adepticon was amazing, and i absolutely cannot wait! i'm playing 40k champs, doing the creator Meet & Greet, and planning to participate in the Charity Painting event, other than that i'm gonna be hanging, and gaming!
@@WarHammerMan hopefully I’ll have a chance to meet you in person and shake hands! (And burgers 🍔)
Well, there is finally something that I absolutely cannot agree on with Warhammer Man...
AoS trolls (troggoths) are the ugliest, stupidest, most unpurchasable models GW has ever made. Absolute garbage sculpts with a terrible aesthetic. I wouldnt allow them in my collection if they were given to me for free.
That's good, shows they're quality sculpts if they elicit such a response, especially since this would hopefully make you play one of the hideous factions like Stormcast or Sylvaneth, perfect targets for proper Troggs to smash into bent metal and splintered wood. Everyone has a place in the world of AoS, most of them as splattered goo on a Troggoth club.
Not a regular hunan or dwarf box. Meh.