I hate that its automatic. I'm german and it automatically put it into english. One time it got bugged out on a video and it got stuck on like portuguese, only way I could solve it was by posting it as an embedded link on discord and then watching it there
I think that it's really cool that an english creator with a mainly english audience is deciding to make videos in German! Honestly need more creators like it, and I'm glad you're one of the few!
tbh this will probably be the last German vid for the foreseeable, but I may do a Spanish video (with German and English dubs) next year. Might be a cool idea
@@evan It's honestly enjoyable to watch it in both English and German! ... compared some other very, very big TH-camr who also dubs his videos in many languages, there the voices are just too studio like and sound weird. The fact that you achieve the same audio feeling and speak them both yourself makes it feel natural
@@Bigjunior987well thanks! Took me bloody ages haha. To get the dub feeling realish I had to time the English sentences naturally to fit the same length while also targeting certain words to hit at the same time my mouth made the shape for the German word
@@evan as a German who is fluent in English I wish we wouldn‘t dub our English media content. It seriously ticks me off when I lip read the English and know the German dubbing is less than exact, probably because of timing and such. I only watch dubbed movies if I don‘t speak the language. Spanish has been on the top list for next language to learn…as I have my Latinum and speak French less than well, I might have it easier this time. 😅
A german man is visiting America, and decides to try some of the local cuisine. He goes to a local sandwich shop and asks for a sandwich. The clerk asks "beef, or schicken?" and he says "nein, nein, ich mochte hier essen."
Der Akzent macht das ganze sehr liebenswert. Fehler gehören dazu und oft spricht man ja auch in seiner Muttersprache nicht immer komplett fehlerfrei. Wichtig ist nur, dass man es sich traut, Fehler machen zu dürfen, einfach um das Sprechen zu üben.
Ohh you are so lucky to (I assume) be a native english speaker. You get blasted with really annoying dubs for english videos on large TH-cam channels ... so annoying Here it's really good, yes the mouth movements are not perfect (that's an art in itself)
I understand that you were nervous about making a video in German, but believe me when I say, that your german could be 50% worse and native germans like me would still be blown away by how good it is! Your vocabulary is literally better than my own if im being honest 💀😂 you hold yourself to a very high standard, which is admirable, but dont stress yourself too much
Your German is great. I am from Germany originally but live in the US for the last 26 years and rarely go back. When I do visit the old country, I am not sounding much different than you. Even though German is my first language, I forgot so many words. Some didn't even exist when I left. For some I only know the English word, because I never had to use the German version, when I still lived there. It takes about a week every time to get me back into speaking like a local.
This reminds me how I only ever meaningfully studied poetry in German. So It’s „jambische Pentameter“ for me, not “iambic pentameter” (this is about the only term I learned from earlier high school English to be able to tell the English version of). It’s definitely fun and weird to have certain topics that you only know in an L2 language. 😂
Frei nach dem deutschen Motto "Nicht geschimpft ist genug gelobt" kann man nur sagen: Nicht schlecht. True to the German motto “Not scolded is praised enough”, one can only say: Not bad. ;-)
As an American living in Berlin (without properly learning German yet), it was a real pleasure to switch from the automatic dub to witness all your hard work. Well done 👏🏽
Better bring TWO towels, one for sitting in sauna (a large one preferably, which you also use for the gym machines before you go to sauna) and one for toweling yourself off after shower. So you can save yourself the trouble Evan had. You don't have to use the sweaty towel after shower. That one guy made a mistake by telling him not to bring a towel for sauna. I think he just wanted to explain you don't wear a towel as piece of clothing there, and just forgot to explicitly tell you still need one to sit on, because in germany that goes without saying.
In Finnish saunas you can use a towel to sit on, but most people have a specific thing made for that use only called "pefletti". They're usually made of some kind of fabric or sometimes foam, but most public saunas also offer disposable paper ones for anyone who's forgotten to bring their own (or didn't know that's even a thing). A Finnish pefletti only covers the seat, so feet are still touching the lower bench. In a way I can see why a towel under your feet could be nice, but on the other hand everyone walks on the same floors anyway in the shower room and sauna doorway, so it doesn't make a huge difference that way.
@@quoll4961 Definitely too short for that yes. But would you do that in public saunas? In Finland people might lie down in their own home saunas, in which case they'll usually have a thing called laudeliina (literally translated as sauna bench cloth), but I've never seen anyone lie down in a public sauna. There's rarely enough space for it anyway.
Mein liebstes Bäcker-Erlebnis in Berlin: Stehe beim Bäcker, Tür geht auf, eine Frau schiebt ihren Kopf in den Laden und fragt "Haben Sie Brötchen". Die Bäckerei-Fachverkäuferin, vor einer Unzahl an Schrippen (so nennen wir Brötchen hier) antwortet trocken: "Nee, wir verkoofen nur Autoersatzteile. Ick hätt nen Blinker, wenn se wolln!". Frau in der Tür: "Oh, das habe ich nicht gesehen. Tschüß". My favorite bakery experience in Berlin: Standing at the bakery, door opens, a woman pokes her head into the store and asks “Do you have any breadrolls”. The bakery sales clerk, standing in front of a myriad of “Schrippen” (that's what we call bread rolls here) replies dryly: “Nah, we only sell car parts. I'd have a turn signal if you wanted one!”. Woman in the doorway: “Oh, I didn't see that. Bye”.
Eigentlich eher unhöflich von der Verkäuferin. Vielleicht war die Kundin schon in mehreren Bäckereien und die Brötchen waren ausverkauft gewesen? Eine Freundin von mir aß eine Weile gern Rosinenbrötchen und kam deshalb oft am Sonntag so früh wie möglich in die Bäckerei, weil die schnell ausverkauft waren. Vielleicht war es so gemeint? Und es klang ja nun auch so, als wäre die Kundin keine Muttersprachlerin gewesen, wer weiß, was die verstanden und geglaubt hat? Ich kenne bspw. einen Laden, der auf der einen Seite eine Fleischereitheka hat und auf der anderen Seite eine Bäckerei. Der Ganz dazwischen ist sehr eng und normalerweise kann jeder sehen, dass beide Geschäfte in einem Raum sind, aber da könnte es doch auch vorkommen, dass jemand erst mal nur die Fleischerei sieht und dann wieder raus geht, weil er eigentlich Brötchen kaufen wollte.
@@Fidi987 Nee, die wollte einfach nur einen dummen Witz machen und die Kundin fand es nicht lustig und dachte sich, dass es bestimmt andere Bäckereien in der Umgebung gibt, in denen sie ihr Geld lieber lässt.
Try to dry yourself with a then very much soaked single towel after three or four rounds 😮😂 I would like to have only one big towel but also bring a fluffy bathrobe and a small second towel for the sauna usually.
I would use 3: Towel1 is for gym equipment (sweaty and gross), Towel2 for the sauna (I'm not sitting on towel1 naked) and Towel3 is to dry off after I shower. In that moment I put Towel2 on the floor so I can stand on it while drying/getting dressed.
EVAAAAANN das Video war soooo cool auf Deutsch anzuschauen!! Dein Deutsch ist sooo gut und du bringst die selbe Energie rüber wie in den Englischen Videos. Ich fand sogar auf deutsch das Video besser, weil es kulturelle Feinheiten viel besser transportieren konnte. z.B. war der Teil mit dem "Amerikaner"-Cookie viel verständlicher und mitreissender, obwohl Deutsch nicht deine Muttersprache ist. War ein sehr cooles Video und bin wirklich beeindruckt, wie gut du, selbst nach einem Jahr Pause noch Deutsch sprichst! Absolut Respekt von mir!
"odersowas" perfect German! Mein Mann sagt, dein Akzent klingt Holländisch 😂 War aber super zu verstehen, gut gemacht, Evan! Einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr!
Respekt, Evan, dein Deutsch ist echt gut! Und wir Deutschen haben dich doch ohnehin längst adoptiert. In case a German baker is mean to you again, just tell him: "Wenn der Kuchen spricht, hat der Krümel Pause."
@@jiggyprawn It literally translates to: "When the cake speaks, the crumb pauses (e.g. stops speaking)." It basically means: "I'm talking now." or "Be quiet and listen." But in a funny way 😉 You could also say "Ruhe auf den billigen Plätzen" (-> "Silence on the cheap seats")
This pun is based in the image of something complete or the whole thing - the cake - being valued more than a tiny piece of it that has no value of its own - the crumb. There’s a non baker version of it, that is mostly (but not entirely) used to reprimand children who are trying to be a part of a conversation among grownups: “Wenn Erwachsene sich unterhalten, sollten Kinder schweigen/die Klappe halten.” When grownups are talking, the children should stay quiet/keep their mouths shut.
As a Berliner, I can tell you that your German is pretty good. I mean, you have a very strong accent and all that, but I could follow you effortlessly. Well done.
As someone who only speaks English I had the audio on this video in German and read the subtitles and it was super cool to hear phrases oddly similar in both languages! I remember watching your other video in German a while back and thinking it was so cool - I hope you make more in the future!
the story of you drying yourself with the sweaty sauna towel actally gave me shivers lol that`s why you always bring multiple towels if there`s a sauna: one to sweat on and one for after the shower. Also massive respect to your german skills!
Lieber Evan, in dem Video steckt super viel Arbeit und ich finde, es ist richtig gut geworden ist! Mach weiter so. Ich freue mich auf dein nächstes Video auf Deutsch 😊
I just found your channel and oh my gosh. I'm really interested in the topics you cover. You are by far my favorite content creator. And I'm learning German and this video was great. Even in German, you're still really good at making word games. :)))
When I was in Japan I had to get over my American hangups about nudity when I went to an onsen, but now I absolutely love them. Once you're there it's not weird, because no one is making it weird.
I will add my voice to the chorus praising your German! The main point is how comfortable you seem to feel in using the language. I am more than impressed!
Vielen lieben Dank aus Frankreich für diese nette Video auf Deutsch ❤ ich auch muss mein Deutsch üben, deshalb freut es mir sehr, dass du deine spannende Erfahrungen auf Detusch erzählst. Félicitations !
I, a German, just had to go to the settings to switch to the German version, because 90% of what I watch on TH-cam is English, so that has become the default 😂
Importantly, a towel has immense psychological value. For some reason, if a strag discovers that a hitchhiker has his towel with him, he will automatically assume that he is also in possession of a toothbrush, washcloth, soap, tin of biscuits, flask, compass, map, ball of string, gnat spray, wet-weather gear, space suit etc., etc. Furthermore, the strag will then happily lend the hitchhiker any of these or a dozen other items that the hitchhiker might accidentally have "lost." What the strag will think is that any man who can hitch the length and breadth of the Galaxy, rough it, slum it, struggle against terrible odds, win through and still knows where his towel is, is clearly a man to be reckoned with. Hence a phrase which has passed into hitch hiking slang, as in "Hey, you sass that hoopy Ford Prefect? There's a frood who really knows where his towel is."
Das mit dem Handtuchverbot in der Sauna halte ich für eine Fehlinformation des Superfit Typens. Es wird auch bei Superfit durchaus erwartet, dass man ein Handtuch in die Sauna zum Unterlegen mitbringt, damit man nicht auf das Holz schwitzt. Badehosen sind in deutschen Saunas ein allgemeines NoGo. Idealerweise solte das Handtuch für die Sauna nicht das gleiche sein, dass du schon im Fitnesstudio vollgeschwitzt hast. Ob du dieses Handtuch dann auch nutzt um essentielle Parts zu bedecken oder nicht ist dann eigentlich jedem selbst überlassen aber man sollte auf gewisse Ansichten anderer gefasst sein. In der Hinsicht bin ich froh, dass ich Brillenträger bin und diese in die Sauna nicht mitnehmen kann. Da bleiben mir die schlimmsten Bilder erspart. Aber alles in allem finde ich deutsche Sauna und textilfreie Spas sehr angenhehm und auf lange Sicht bekommt man ein deutlich gesünderes Selbstbild des eigenen Körpers und höheres Selbstbewusstsein, da man sieht welche Körperformen alle vollkommen normal sind.
Sehe ich genauso. Übrigens kann man gezielt nach einer "Textilsauna" suchen, wenn man trotzdem definitiv nicht nackt sein möchte. Einige Schwimmbäder und Thermen, die eine Sauna haben, bieten so etwas an.
Zu Regel 3: ich bin noch nie auf die Idee gekommen, dass es Leute gibt, die in einem Fitnessstudio Privatumkleiden erwarten. In Deutschland ziehen sich die Kinder auch für den Sportunterricht in Sammelumkleiden um, das ist völlig normal. In der Grundschule war das bei uns sogar so, dass Jungs und Mädchen beim Sportfest dafür im selben Raum waren, weil es logistisch sonst einfach nicht funktioniert hätte und das hat auch keinen gejuckt.
Es ist Interessant die Sichtweise über eines nicht Ur-Berliners über die unausgesprochenen Regeln Berlins zu hören. Während ich an ganz andere Themen gedacht habe, hast du mich doch immer wieder überrascht.
I really enjoyed watching this video in German. My family is from Germany and, while I have only been learning for a few months, I was surprised at how much I understood without the subtitles. I hope you do this more often, it was a lot of fun. :)
I am german, used to gyms and saunas and I am laughing my ass off right now.. just to let you know, no you do not have to greet everyone! Thats what old people expect when they enter a waiting room at the doctor, and has somehow also infiltrated smaller spaces like gym locker rooms or saunas. You are perfectly fine and will not be cast out of society if you simply do not say anything and mind your own business, but you will make a great first impression and maybe signal you are open for a conversation if you say hello to the people in the room.
also do not underestimate the little towels at a gym, i hate using sweaty machines and it's a good way to let people know youre coming back if you need to get up
a second towel would have been useful xD i always bring 2 towels when i go into a sauna... when i go to a gym with a sauna, i would bring 3 towels. one for the gym, one for the sauna and the other one for after the shower
😂 I’m German and I live near Berlin, as in close enough to go to Berlin by bicycle (60-80 km round trip) if I want to go to a specialty store like an Asia shop. 😅 I’m also a foreign language correspondent and was lucky enough to be taught by native speakers from the UK and the US. So I have heard a lot of their complaints. And I thought I’d let you know that I haven’t laughed quite as heartily in a while. You must’ve been traumatized by us Germans especially with the regional mentality and the “Berliner Schnauze”. Your German is god. True, there’s no denying that your native language is a rhotic English as the one found in the US and northern Britain but your accent is also very endearing.
This is so cool! Well done Evan 😊 it takes so much confidence to put yourself out there in another language that isn’t your native one and I really enjoyed watching the German version even though I don’t understand it. You’re a great storyteller! I totally get what you mean about letting language skills slide when you have so many other things you want to do. I speak French and Spanish and used to be way more fluent and have a much bigger vocabulary but have neglected working on them in the last few years with other hobbies I’ve been spending my time on. In 2025 I really want to spend more time in the countries speaking the language and push myself to use them more.
Du hättest in Hannover beim Bäcker einen von diesen Doughnuts ohne Loch in der Mitte bestellen sollen, dann hätte der Verkäufer dich gefragt: "Berliner?" ✨
@@evan I try to see it as a second hand store for towels and just take the one I like. There is a German saying for this situation: Weggegangen Platz gefangen! ( [You] Went away, [so I] captured the seat.
@@emilwandelThere's a Finnish saying to the same effect: "joka perseensä nostaa, se paikkansa menettää", loosely translates to "lift your arse, lose your spot" 😆
Your German is absolutely good enough for pretty much most conversations, I think. If a German doesn't understand what you're saying they're probably actively trying to not understand you. As for the heavy accent and mispronunciations that is just a function of learning the language mostly from text, as opposed to learning it through immersion/actually conversing in German. imo you can be proud of your level of language proficiency.
As a kid in Berlin where I grew up, we also had just black or white cookies of the "Amerikaner" kind. I remember asking for "ein Amerikaner bitte" and the lady asked "white or black?". Even to me as a kid in Germany that sounded just wrong. 😂
Black and white cookies are a strange thing because there's nothing special about them, yet I do like them. I like in NYC. Also, some are softer, and I prefer those.
To be frank, to me your pronunciation of German sounds more like a British than an American accent, especially the intonation. I wonder if your time in London has left some traces...
towel in the gym is normal in France too, that's not specifically german. Changing in the open locker area is a classic sauna experience here too. We would use towels in a sauna tho, but provided by them, you can't bring your own
Pro tip: just watch countless movies, series and youtube videos in German dub. This way, you listen to a lot of native speakers. This helps a lot. Listening to native speakers speaking correctly is to a certain degree more important than speaking oneself, because listening a lot, how it is spoken correctly is more important than just speaking incorrectly oneself. If one has formulated something incorrectly many times, one has kind of learned it incorrectly. And then it is so deeply seeded, it is really difficult to unlearn. Außerdem, was für eine Bürgersorte ist das? "Bürgermeister"? Nie gehört. Was ist das drauf? Ach, das ist ein Laden, der so heißt, ja? (Ich bin ja riesiger Fan von "Hans im Glück / Peter Pane". Die gibt's auch in Berlin.)
So are communal changing rooms and showers. Was a little confused why he was so taken aback by it. I put it down to American upbringing - even then it isn’t exactly uncommon in USA, surely?
@@jackb7705 I'm an American who moved to Germany and I also found it very odd there was intense social pressure to bring a towel and lay it down on each machine before use. I now live in the UK and I don't see anyone going around laying their towels gingerly on each piece of equipment before using it like I saw in Germany.
As a Dutchman I understand both English and German and I must commend you on your German. It is clear you put a lot of effort into it and I don't think I could have done any better. You obviously have an accent, but German pronunciation and grammar are hell on foreigners, so well done to you!
As a Berliner I feel comfortable saying your German is fine. Thanks for the effort of making this video in 2 languages! ^^ Regarding smoking: The specific regulations regarding smoking in public depends on the Bundesland, sometimes even the smaller specific regions and Berlin's regulations are pretty pro-smoking, sadly. As a person who never smoked and doesn't plan on starting, I hate it. Many people I know who used to smoke in their early 20s quit smoking by now though, so there is hope. Still, we really need stricter regulations on that end. Also, thank you very much for that story about the "Amerikaner" cookie. I always wondered what a US American person would say about how we named these things. :D
Cooles Video! Ich als Nichtraucher erinnere mich an die End-Neunziger-Jahre. Da durfte man noch in der Disko rauchen. Nach einer gewissen Zeit auf der Tanzfläche habe ich wegen des vielen Rauchs eine Weinattacke bekommen, und musste kurz vor die Tür. Das war halt so. Es ist sauberer geworden, aber irgendwie auch ein bisschen langweiliger...
I'm British and live in Berlin. In my first few years I was determined to be strong and only have conversations in German. Some people persisted with replying in English for a minute or so but usually got the hint and moved over to German. A few though wanted to continue with English. I held out. I remember one guy after a few hours and a few beers finally said 'OK I guess we might as well speak German then'. My point is, carry on insisting on speaking German to Germans. It's the best way to improve and become fluent.
Ich bin aus österreich und hier ist es auch normal mehrere Handtücher ins gym mitzunehmen (für sauna, Training und duschen). Also your german is amazing I am native and very impressed
It's true though, our saunas in Germany are mixed, and you have to be naked. Though, depending on the sauna, you also have to bring a towel with you to sit on (if you're sitting on wood as opposed to stone). But usually, saunas that require an additional towel, have signs, noting it.
This was fun. Try having an 'old school' telephone call with a German friend/friend's a few times a week to catch-up and, at the same time, practice your German.
Speaking with an accent only proves you speak more languages than only the one you use at that moment. It was 'total geil' to listen to your video in German. Gut gemacht!
Sauna experience: you go in naked. The towel needs to be on the wood so your sweat and your body doesnt touch the wood. Do not stay mere than 15 min is not good for you. After it you need to take a cold shower, dry and wrap well and take some time to rest. Like this your inmunosystem can recover. Then you tepeat this another 2 times. You will be better with the time. Indeed is nice to be able to be naked in a room without feeling that people judges you. Is also incredible good for your health.
This was thoroughly enjoyable. I love Berlin - it's one of my favourite cities in the world. I used to go there as a child when the Wall was still existent and West Berliners were die Insulaners. Berliners have a hard, dry, sarcastic sense of humour - and they can turn an insult even better than a Glaswegian. I often wondered whether the strict Berlin etiquette was there to ensure society remained polite or whether it was there to piss off the foreigners.
Haha, good one. Herz mit Schnauze! Isso. For the English speaker: heart with a big mouth. Doesn't sound right in English, but that's what Berliners are nicknamed in Germany.
Gym etiquette and for hygiene in London gyms use a towel, people sweat when working out, wipe down after yourself, and before for comfort of mind ! Actually this should apply to any gym!
@@Ketraar The comparison to a restaurant does not work in this case. Think of cleaning the gym equipment as reading in the library. The library also doesn't check every time if every book you used in the library and put back is still complete and clean. They don't have the staff for that but they expect you to keep the book in the same condition from when you took it from the shelf. The only thing the Library does is give you access to the books, make sure they are in the right place and checks if the books are still in a good condition when they come back into the library. The gym in this case is like a library, they give you access to the equipment, make sure it works properly, is in the right place and is in a good condition. What they can't do is clean everything after every use, that is your job. No one wants to use sweaty equipment so cleaning it after you finished using it is the proper thing to do, even tho not everyone does that.
@@Ketraar in a ideal world they would auto clean but sadly no! Machines may be cleaned once or if you’re very lucky twice a day but not in between every user unless you are in an exclusively expensive ones and even then you would have your pa/butler/… to wipe it down to stop people collecting your DNA. So sadly until gyms change their practices I recommend wiping before and after use! Whilst it won’t probably clean it all you will be easier in your mind that the puddle of liquid you are sat in is at least from your hard work alone!
@@BlackKnight2895 excellent analogy, the things I have found over the years in library books (many of which were I hope used for bookmarks) could start a small museum! lol
I learn so much about America through these kinds of videos 😂 It's crazy how many things are totally normal for you until you see them from a different perspective! But yeah, bring towels. On the machines as well as on the sauna wood they ensure better hygiene. And if you do both, you'll need three: One for the gym, one clean one for the sauna (never take a used one into a sauna!) and one for drying after the shower.
Your German sounds really good. You also sounds comfortable with it, which is a big thing. And I'd forgotten your tragic long hair! You look sooooo much better with short!
I find your german super impressive! But I absolutely get what you mean about confidence when it comes to language, it's hard. Und ich hab grad erst realisiert dass ich eigentlich auf deutsch kommentieren könnte, da du es ja verstehst 😅 deutsche Angewohnheit, wie du es schon selbst erlebt hast, automatisch englisch zu reden.
As a German watching mainly English TH-cam content and knowing your channel really well: This is quite surreal to listen to. In a good way! My brain is like: I know this voice, but something is different about it today. Edit: if it didn’t come across: I really enjoyed this video! Plus: impressive German skills, I could follow 100%
At all the London (and other places in England) gyms I’ve ever been to you either bring your own towel or they provide paper towels to clean the machines but you never don’t clean the machines
When you see a video from an American about your hometown translated into English, even though the video is in German..... I think I have to watch it again in German now ;)
Dein Deutsch ist richtig gut geworden. Sowohl die Aussprache als auch die Wortwahl. Das Skript-Schreiben und das Aufzeichnen des Videos sind sicherlich ein sehr gutes Training. Vielleicht fallen dir ja noch Themen ein, die sich auf Deutsch aufnehmen lassen. Vielleicht die Kanzlerwahl und was die daraus entstehende Koalition wohl für die poltischen Beziehungen zu Großbritannien und/oder den USA bedeuten könnte? OK, da geht vermutlich neben der Arbeit ins Skript und Aufzeichnung auch noch viel Arbeit in Research (erstmal das deutsche Wort nachschlagen, es ist Recherche). Aber vielleicht findet sich ja auch was mit weniger Arbeit? Du bist jedenfalls ganz schön weit gekommen beim Deutschlernen. Hoffe, mein Spanisch wird auch irgendwann so gut. Wobei ich eigentlich überhaupt nicht spreche, sondern nur lese und schreibe und gelegentlich kurze Interviews höre. Also vermutlich nicht. 😁
That must have been a video that I genuinely enjoyed to watch as a German! An englisch yt creator actually speeking german as a full video! Not just some words but actually an entire video. tbf it is german, that no one minds to listen to, even with the mistakes. Es war schön, Berlin aus der Erfahrung eines Nicht-Muttersprachlers zu sehen, da ich selber hier wohne. I just discovered you recently and will definitely stay and subscribed, not just due to this videos but because of you and the other videos in general. And YES: we "berlin people" (often) hate the people from munich (or actually a lot of germans don't like the bavarian people). Why? you gotta look it up 'cause there are many reasons for that. Gabriel
I think 20 or 30 years ago, the cigarette packets were displayed directly (not locked away in a machine), though still at the checkout counter. You had to show ID back then as well in order to buy them, but it was possible to shoplift them as an underage person.
"township" würde ich frei mit Gemeinde übersetzen. Jedenfalls für den Kontext, in dem Du das Wort benutzen wolltest. Dein Deutsch ist richtig gut. Fehler machst Du kaum. Man hört halt nur Deinen Akzent. Und auch das ist überhaupt nicht schlimm :)
This is literally the first adequate, good use of the new Dubbing feature on TH-cam I've ever seen. Well done!
Tom Scott’s videos are dubbed in many languages
@@ralfbaechle Auto dubbing? He recorded a VO, it's not AI generated
this is literally the first time that I see this feature
I hate that its automatic. I'm german and it automatically put it into english. One time it got bugged out on a video and it got stuck on like portuguese, only way I could solve it was by posting it as an embedded link on discord and then watching it there
James Hoffman added a separate soundtrack without slurping, for his watchers with misophonia.
I think that it's really cool that an english creator with a mainly english audience is deciding to make videos in German! Honestly need more creators like it, and I'm glad you're one of the few!
tbh this will probably be the last German vid for the foreseeable, but I may do a Spanish video (with German and English dubs) next year. Might be a cool idea
@@evan Spanish video with ger and eng dubs is such a cool idea!
@@evan It's honestly enjoyable to watch it in both English and German! ... compared some other very, very big TH-camr who also dubs his videos in many languages, there the voices are just too studio like and sound weird.
The fact that you achieve the same audio feeling and speak them both yourself makes it feel natural
@@Bigjunior987well thanks! Took me bloody ages haha. To get the dub feeling realish I had to time the English sentences naturally to fit the same length while also targeting certain words to hit at the same time my mouth made the shape for the German word
@@evan as a German who is fluent in English I wish we wouldn‘t dub our English media content.
It seriously ticks me off when I lip read the English and know the German dubbing is less than exact, probably because of timing and such.
I only watch dubbed movies if I don‘t speak the language.
Spanish has been on the top list for next language to learn…as I have my Latinum and speak French less than well, I might have it easier this time. 😅
Being able to make puns in a language means you have a good grasp on it - making puns that combine two languages is another level
A german man is visiting America, and decides to try some of the local cuisine. He goes to a local sandwich shop and asks for a sandwich. The clerk asks "beef, or schicken?" and he says "nein, nein, ich mochte hier essen."
@@CaptainGCN I asked this German girl for her phone number, but I only got the first part: 999
I'm German and I'm very impressed with your language skills. Well done!
Im german and watched the english dub. His english is also good xD
@@robert1990robert haha 😂
Der Akzent macht das ganze sehr liebenswert. Fehler gehören dazu und oft spricht man ja auch in seiner Muttersprache nicht immer komplett fehlerfrei. Wichtig ist nur, dass man es sich traut, Fehler machen zu dürfen, einfach um das Sprechen zu üben.
I didn't even know TH-cam had a dubbing feature! This is such a cool video, thank you Evan!
Thank you! I just hope the English dub is okay. It took me bloody AGES. 3 hours just to do the subs
Ohh you are so lucky to (I assume) be a native english speaker.
You get blasted with really annoying dubs for english videos on large TH-cam channels ... so annoying
Here it's really good, yes the mouth movements are not perfect (that's an art in itself)
@@evanthank you so much for dubbing!
@@evanAw, great, now I’ll have to rewatch in in English, too. Thanks, Evan.
Douglas Adams "Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis" hat uns gelehrt:
Habe IMMER ein Handtuch dabei!
Genau das habe ich auch gedacht 😂
das erste, woran ich dachte
Und ich auch…
vorallem im Berghain
Und ich dachte das war Towelie
a towel is about the most massively useful thing you can have, knowing where your towel is is generally good life advice :D
Particularly if you are going to go hitchhiking.
Exactly, never travel without a towel.
@@ninan9650 ...never ever... ;-)
you guys really are froods who know where their towel is...
@@doczooc Only the hoopiest of froods!
I understand that you were nervous about making a video in German, but believe me when I say, that your german could be 50% worse and native germans like me would still be blown away by how good it is! Your vocabulary is literally better than my own if im being honest 💀😂 you hold yourself to a very high standard, which is admirable, but dont stress yourself too much
It's fully scripted, probably using Deepl.
@@Kenrp11Aber trotzdem voll gut
Your German is great. I am from Germany originally but live in the US for the last 26 years and rarely go back. When I do visit the old country, I am not sounding much different than you. Even though German is my first language, I forgot so many words. Some didn't even exist when I left. For some I only know the English word, because I never had to use the German version, when I still lived there. It takes about a week every time to get me back into speaking like a local.
This reminds me how I only ever meaningfully studied poetry in German. So It’s „jambische Pentameter“ for me, not “iambic pentameter” (this is about the only term I learned from earlier high school English to be able to tell the English version of). It’s definitely fun and weird to have certain topics that you only know in an L2 language. 😂
Frei nach dem deutschen Motto "Nicht geschimpft ist genug gelobt" kann man nur sagen: Nicht schlecht.
True to the German motto “Not scolded is praised enough”, one can only say: Not bad. ;-)
Da kann man nicht meckern. 😂
As an American living in Berlin (without properly learning German yet), it was a real pleasure to switch from the automatic dub to witness all your hard work. Well done 👏🏽
It wasn’t an auto dub! It was meee
I know! Which made it more impressive - on your part for the double work (most ppl use ai) and on my part for actually switching to German for once 😅
3:00 it's actually required to have a towel in the sauna too in Germany, as you can't let your skin touch the wood. So you have to sit on a towel.
Came here to say that..was totally confused by the no towel idea
Better bring TWO towels, one for sitting in sauna (a large one preferably, which you also use for the gym machines before you go to sauna) and one for toweling yourself off after shower. So you can save yourself the trouble Evan had. You don't have to use the sweaty towel after shower.
That one guy made a mistake by telling him not to bring a towel for sauna. I think he just wanted to explain you don't wear a towel as piece of clothing there, and just forgot to explicitly tell you still need one to sit on, because in germany that goes without saying.
In Finnish saunas you can use a towel to sit on, but most people have a specific thing made for that use only called "pefletti". They're usually made of some kind of fabric or sometimes foam, but most public saunas also offer disposable paper ones for anyone who's forgotten to bring their own (or didn't know that's even a thing).
A Finnish pefletti only covers the seat, so feet are still touching the lower bench. In a way I can see why a towel under your feet could be nice, but on the other hand everyone walks on the same floors anyway in the shower room and sauna doorway, so it doesn't make a huge difference that way.
@durabelle in germany we also lay down in the sauna which i assume a pefletti is too short for?
@@quoll4961 Definitely too short for that yes. But would you do that in public saunas? In Finland people might lie down in their own home saunas, in which case they'll usually have a thing called laudeliina (literally translated as sauna bench cloth), but I've never seen anyone lie down in a public sauna. There's rarely enough space for it anyway.
First video i've seen with different audio tracks on YT. Well done, understood some of the audio.
Mrbeasts videos have 10s of different audio tracks, but from a youtuber that hasnt 300m+ subs, he is also the first one i saw using this technique
@@darkfinst889truth is, this voice here is not AI. He speaks German
@ryanolsen294 i know, thats what i wrote in my comment
Mein liebstes Bäcker-Erlebnis in Berlin:
Stehe beim Bäcker, Tür geht auf, eine Frau schiebt ihren Kopf in den Laden und fragt "Haben Sie Brötchen". Die Bäckerei-Fachverkäuferin, vor einer Unzahl an Schrippen (so nennen wir Brötchen hier) antwortet trocken: "Nee, wir verkoofen nur Autoersatzteile. Ick hätt nen Blinker, wenn se wolln!". Frau in der Tür: "Oh, das habe ich nicht gesehen. Tschüß".
My favorite bakery experience in Berlin:
Standing at the bakery, door opens, a woman pokes her head into the store and asks “Do you have any breadrolls”. The bakery sales clerk, standing in front of a myriad of “Schrippen” (that's what we call bread rolls here) replies dryly: “Nah, we only sell car parts. I'd have a turn signal if you wanted one!”. Woman in the doorway: “Oh, I didn't see that. Bye”.
Berliner "Humor" .... oder die Ausrede jeden Scheiss labern zu dürfen und dann zu behaupten es sei "Humor"
Eigentlich eher unhöflich von der Verkäuferin. Vielleicht war die Kundin schon in mehreren Bäckereien und die Brötchen waren ausverkauft gewesen?
Eine Freundin von mir aß eine Weile gern Rosinenbrötchen und kam deshalb oft am Sonntag so früh wie möglich in die Bäckerei, weil die schnell ausverkauft waren. Vielleicht war es so gemeint?
Und es klang ja nun auch so, als wäre die Kundin keine Muttersprachlerin gewesen, wer weiß, was die verstanden und geglaubt hat?
Ich kenne bspw. einen Laden, der auf der einen Seite eine Fleischereitheka hat und auf der anderen Seite eine Bäckerei. Der Ganz dazwischen ist sehr eng und normalerweise kann jeder sehen, dass beide Geschäfte in einem Raum sind, aber da könnte es doch auch vorkommen, dass jemand erst mal nur die Fleischerei sieht und dann wieder raus geht, weil er eigentlich Brötchen kaufen wollte.
Die viel zitierte Berliner Schnauzer, der man gar nicht so oft begegnet.
@@Fidi987wie was unhöflich? Das ist in Brandenburg und Berlin der ganz normale freundliche Umgangston. Also ick hätt da direkt nen Blinker gekooft.
@@Fidi987 Nee, die wollte einfach nur einen dummen Witz machen und die Kundin fand es nicht lustig und dachte sich, dass es bestimmt andere Bäckereien in der Umgebung gibt, in denen sie ihr Geld lieber lässt.
10:08 "Die Scham war zu groß" in the context of being scared to go into a sauna... accidental puns are great ^^
Segway to our sponsor.... Manscaped ! 🙃
Die ganzen Wortspiele waren Absicht.😉
so Germany basically lives by the second rule of The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
Except apparently bring always more than one
Try to dry yourself with a then very much soaked single towel after three or four rounds 😮😂 I would like to have only one big towel but also bring a fluffy bathrobe and a small second towel for the sauna usually.
Its really cool that on mobile it autoswitched me to english even though the original is in german.
same on my computer (even though im german, i have youtube in english)
Ditto on PC.
I hate it as I want to hear how he speaks my mother tongue!
@@ZoniKITBso you just change it to German…
How. It's not letting me!
You don't use the same towel you lay on to dry yourself off afterwards. You use a second towel for that.
I would use 3: Towel1 is for gym equipment (sweaty and gross), Towel2 for the sauna (I'm not sitting on towel1 naked) and Towel3 is to dry off after I shower. In that moment I put Towel2 on the floor so I can stand on it while drying/getting dressed.
@@ArguableDish137 Do I hear a bid of 4 towels from the man over there in the corner!
but what about third towel?
@@ChaoticAphrodite The clean one to dry off after the shower
@@ChaoticAphrodite just for drying after the shower. If you use it for any of the other things it won't be clean
"Ich habe keine Zeit" No no no. To say it with the words of my elders: "Zeit hat man nicht, Zeit nimmt man sich"
EVAAAAANN das Video war soooo cool auf Deutsch anzuschauen!!
Dein Deutsch ist sooo gut und du bringst die selbe Energie rüber wie in den Englischen Videos.
Ich fand sogar auf deutsch das Video besser, weil es kulturelle Feinheiten viel besser transportieren konnte.
z.B. war der Teil mit dem "Amerikaner"-Cookie viel verständlicher und mitreissender, obwohl Deutsch nicht deine Muttersprache ist.
War ein sehr cooles Video und bin wirklich beeindruckt, wie gut du, selbst nach einem Jahr Pause noch Deutsch sprichst!
Absolut Respekt von mir!
"odersowas" perfect German! Mein Mann sagt, dein Akzent klingt Holländisch 😂 War aber super zu verstehen, gut gemacht, Evan! Einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr!
Dieses Video erinnert mich an „Karambolage“ von Arte! Sehr, sehr cool gemacht Evan!
Der Douchbags in der Dusche Witz war eine 10/10
Respekt, Evan, dein Deutsch ist echt gut! Und wir Deutschen haben dich doch ohnehin längst adoptiert.
In case a German baker is mean to you again, just tell him: "Wenn der Kuchen spricht, hat der Krümel Pause."
would you mind explaining that saying for me, please? Sounds very strange and I'd love to understand it!
@@jiggyprawn It literally translates to: "When the cake speaks, the crumb pauses (e.g. stops speaking)." It basically means: "I'm talking now." or "Be quiet and listen." But in a funny way 😉
You could also say "Ruhe auf den billigen Plätzen" (-> "Silence on the cheap seats")
@Nova-w2i ah, I see. It's always fun exploring proverbs and old phrases from other countries and how they came to be. Thank you!
@@jiggyprawn I agree, thanks for reminding me to translate it
This pun is based in the image of something complete or the whole thing - the cake - being valued more than a tiny piece of it that has no value of its own - the crumb. There’s a non baker version of it, that is mostly (but not entirely) used to reprimand children who are trying to be a part of a conversation among grownups: “Wenn Erwachsene sich unterhalten, sollten Kinder schweigen/die Klappe halten.” When grownups are talking, the children should stay quiet/keep their mouths shut.
As a Berliner, I can tell you that your German is pretty good. I mean, you have a very strong accent and all that, but I could follow you effortlessly. Well done.
As someone who only speaks English I had the audio on this video in German and read the subtitles and it was super cool to hear phrases oddly similar in both languages! I remember watching your other video in German a while back and thinking it was so cool - I hope you make more in the future!
Some of those phrases were only "oddly similar" because he translated them word for word, which is wrong.
Ein echtes Banger
@@evan *echter :P
@@FreakschwimmerDa Banger kein deutsches Wort ist kannst du das eigentlich nicht so klar definieren.
the story of you drying yourself with the sweaty sauna towel actally gave me shivers lol that`s why you always bring multiple towels if there`s a sauna: one to sweat on and one for after the shower. Also massive respect to your german skills!
Well, he skipped the shower so using a clean towel wouldn't make it much better 😆
@@durabelle You`re right xD
Wow! I'm also learning (trying to learn) German mostly via Duolingo and you have given me a big boost, seeing what can be achieved. Vielen dank :)
Wichtig auch: Man macht das Workout nicht in seinen Straßenschuhen, sondern wechselt in seine Gym-Schuhe. Vielen Dank für dein Video!
Richtig tolles Video! Weiter so!
Lieber Evan, in dem Video steckt super viel Arbeit und ich finde, es ist richtig gut geworden ist! Mach weiter so. Ich freue mich auf dein nächstes Video auf Deutsch 😊
I just found your channel and oh my gosh. I'm really interested in the topics you cover. You are by far my favorite content creator. And I'm learning German and this video was great. Even in German, you're still really good at making word games. :)))
Sehr tolles video, Evan! Ich lerne gerade Deutsch und so ein video von dir zu sehen ist echt toll. Weiter so!
When I was in Japan I had to get over my American hangups about nudity when I went to an onsen, but now I absolutely love them. Once you're there it's not weird, because no one is making it weird.
You did great! My favorite moment was the "Holz" reference though😄 Happy to know you know such an important german song😂
Ich und mein ich und mein Holz
Omg, same! Ich musste so los lachen 😂🪵
As a German myself, I had so much fun with this video 😊😂
I will add my voice to the chorus praising your German! The main point is how comfortable you seem to feel in using the language. I am more than impressed!
Vielen lieben Dank aus Frankreich für diese nette Video auf Deutsch ❤ ich auch muss mein Deutsch üben, deshalb freut es mir sehr, dass du deine spannende Erfahrungen auf Detusch erzählst. Félicitations !
I, a German, just had to go to the settings to switch to the German version, because 90% of what I watch on TH-cam is English, so that has become the default 😂
Wish TH-cam would roll out this dubbing feature to every channel already. Been waiting for bloody ages to get it and I still don't have it.
Dein Deutsch ist echt gut. Echt toll, dass du das ganze Video so durchgezogen hast :D
Importantly, a towel has immense psychological value. For some reason, if a strag discovers that a hitchhiker has his towel with him, he will automatically assume that he is also in possession of a toothbrush, washcloth, soap, tin of biscuits, flask, compass, map, ball of string, gnat spray, wet-weather gear, space suit etc., etc. Furthermore, the strag will then happily lend the hitchhiker any of these or a dozen other items that the hitchhiker might accidentally have "lost." What the strag will think is that any man who can hitch the length and breadth of the Galaxy, rough it, slum it, struggle against terrible odds, win through and still knows where his towel is, is clearly a man to be reckoned with.
Hence a phrase which has passed into hitch hiking slang, as in "Hey, you sass that hoopy Ford Prefect? There's a frood who really knows where his towel is."
Das mit dem Handtuchverbot in der Sauna halte ich für eine Fehlinformation des Superfit Typens. Es wird auch bei Superfit durchaus erwartet, dass man ein Handtuch in die Sauna zum Unterlegen mitbringt, damit man nicht auf das Holz schwitzt. Badehosen sind in deutschen Saunas ein allgemeines NoGo. Idealerweise solte das Handtuch für die Sauna nicht das gleiche sein, dass du schon im Fitnesstudio vollgeschwitzt hast. Ob du dieses Handtuch dann auch nutzt um essentielle Parts zu bedecken oder nicht ist dann eigentlich jedem selbst überlassen aber man sollte auf gewisse Ansichten anderer gefasst sein. In der Hinsicht bin ich froh, dass ich Brillenträger bin und diese in die Sauna nicht mitnehmen kann. Da bleiben mir die schlimmsten Bilder erspart. Aber alles in allem finde ich deutsche Sauna und textilfreie Spas sehr angenhehm und auf lange Sicht bekommt man ein deutlich gesünderes Selbstbild des eigenen Körpers und höheres Selbstbewusstsein, da man sieht welche Körperformen alle vollkommen normal sind.
Sehe ich genauso. Übrigens kann man gezielt nach einer "Textilsauna" suchen, wenn man trotzdem definitiv nicht nackt sein möchte. Einige Schwimmbäder und Thermen, die eine Sauna haben, bieten so etwas an.
Zu Regel 3: ich bin noch nie auf die Idee gekommen, dass es Leute gibt, die in einem Fitnessstudio Privatumkleiden erwarten. In Deutschland ziehen sich die Kinder auch für den Sportunterricht in Sammelumkleiden um, das ist völlig normal. In der Grundschule war das bei uns sogar so, dass Jungs und Mädchen beim Sportfest dafür im selben Raum waren, weil es logistisch sonst einfach nicht funktioniert hätte und das hat auch keinen gejuckt.
Three years of public high school German decades ago, and I was actually able to follow most of this.
Es ist Interessant die Sichtweise über eines nicht Ur-Berliners über die unausgesprochenen Regeln Berlins zu hören. Während ich an ganz andere Themen gedacht habe, hast du mich doch immer wieder überrascht.
I really enjoyed watching this video in German. My family is from Germany and, while I have only been learning for a few months, I was surprised at how much I understood without the subtitles. I hope you do this more often, it was a lot of fun. :)
I am german, used to gyms and saunas and I am laughing my ass off right now.. just to let you know, no you do not have to greet everyone! Thats what old people expect when they enter a waiting room at the doctor, and has somehow also infiltrated smaller spaces like gym locker rooms or saunas. You are perfectly fine and will not be cast out of society if you simply do not say anything and mind your own business, but you will make a great first impression and maybe signal you are open for a conversation if you say hello to the people in the room.
You did amazingly Evan. Your hard work shows, well done. Sehr gut! X
also do not underestimate the little towels at a gym, i hate using sweaty machines and it's a good way to let people know youre coming back if you need to get up
Yay! Somebody's using the additional tracks and you've transcribed everything so I can look up the words! Vielen Dank Deutschlehrer.
Wow, I've never seen a video here dubbed in several languages. History was made!
a second towel would have been useful xD
i always bring 2 towels when i go into a sauna... when i go to a gym with a sauna, i would bring 3 towels. one for the gym, one for the sauna and the other one for after the shower
this is the most german thing ever lol
😂 I’m German and I live near Berlin, as in close enough to go to Berlin by bicycle (60-80 km round trip) if I want to go to a specialty store like an Asia shop. 😅 I’m also a foreign language correspondent and was lucky enough to be taught by native speakers from the UK and the US. So I have heard a lot of their complaints. And I thought I’d let you know that I haven’t laughed quite as heartily in a while. You must’ve been traumatized by us Germans especially with the regional mentality and the “Berliner Schnauze”. Your German is god. True, there’s no denying that your native language is a rhotic English as the one found in the US and northern Britain but your accent is also very endearing.
This is so cool! Well done Evan 😊 it takes so much confidence to put yourself out there in another language that isn’t your native one and I really enjoyed watching the German version even though I don’t understand it. You’re a great storyteller! I totally get what you mean about letting language skills slide when you have so many other things you want to do. I speak French and Spanish and used to be way more fluent and have a much bigger vocabulary but have neglected working on them in the last few years with other hobbies I’ve been spending my time on. In 2025 I really want to spend more time in the countries speaking the language and push myself to use them more.
Du hättest in Hannover beim Bäcker einen von diesen Doughnuts ohne Loch in der Mitte bestellen sollen, dann hätte der Verkäufer dich gefragt: "Berliner?" ✨
Watching this in german with german should help for my GCSE german mocks in a week and a half!
Wonderful use of the dubbing feature!
I love that Evan has adopted the national frustration with Germans reserving beach chairs.
I went on a cruise full of Germans once. 8am all the chairs are gone haha
It's not any longer Germans only... many other nations have adopted it very quickly... Why? Because it works ;-)
@@evan I try to see it as a second hand store for towels and just take the one I like.
There is a German saying for this situation:
Weggegangen Platz gefangen! ( [You] Went away, [so I] captured the seat.
@@emilwandelThere's a Finnish saying to the same effect: "joka perseensä nostaa, se paikkansa menettää", loosely translates to "lift your arse, lose your spot" 😆
Your German is absolutely good enough for pretty much most conversations, I think. If a German doesn't understand what you're saying they're probably actively trying to not understand you. As for the heavy accent and mispronunciations that is just a function of learning the language mostly from text, as opposed to learning it through immersion/actually conversing in German. imo you can be proud of your level of language proficiency.
As a kid in Berlin where I grew up, we also had just black or white cookies of the "Amerikaner" kind. I remember asking for "ein Amerikaner bitte" and the lady asked "white or black?". Even to me as a kid in Germany that sounded just wrong. 😂
You can even get yellow ones with a smiley face. 😉
Ich kenne nur weiße und braune Amerikaner. Die braunen in zwei Versionen, die eine mit Zuckerguß mit Kakao drin, die andere mit Schokoladenglasur.
It’s normal to take a towel to keep the equipment dry in Australia. Also normal to have a communal changing area with no private cubicles.
i watched the video in german (as a german) and while you do have an accent (like you said at the end) it was still super nice to listen to you!
Black and white cookies are a strange thing because there's nothing special about them, yet I do like them. I like in NYC. Also, some are softer, and I prefer those.
To be frank, to me your pronunciation of German sounds more like a British than an American accent, especially the intonation. I wonder if your time in London has left some traces...
For me it even sounded more like a dutch accent.
I would have never guessed that Evan is american - if had not known it already, that is.
What a funny video; loved it!
towel in the gym is normal in France too, that's not specifically german. Changing in the open locker area is a classic sauna experience here too. We would use towels in a sauna tho, but provided by them, you can't bring your own
Pro tip: just watch countless movies, series and youtube videos in German dub. This way, you listen to a lot of native speakers. This helps a lot. Listening to native speakers speaking correctly is to a certain degree more important than speaking oneself, because listening a lot, how it is spoken correctly is more important than just speaking incorrectly oneself. If one has formulated something incorrectly many times, one has kind of learned it incorrectly. And then it is so deeply seeded, it is really difficult to unlearn.
Außerdem, was für eine Bürgersorte ist das? "Bürgermeister"? Nie gehört. Was ist das drauf? Ach, das ist ein Laden, der so heißt, ja? (Ich bin ja riesiger Fan von "Hans im Glück / Peter Pane". Die gibt's auch in Berlin.)
A sweat towel for wiping down the equipment is a normal thing in a lot of gyms in the UK too.
So are communal changing rooms and showers. Was a little confused why he was so taken aback by it. I put it down to American upbringing - even then it isn’t exactly uncommon in USA, surely?
@@jackb7705 I'm an American who moved to Germany and I also found it very odd there was intense social pressure to bring a towel and lay it down on each machine before use. I now live in the UK and I don't see anyone going around laying their towels gingerly on each piece of equipment before using it like I saw in Germany.
As a Dutchman I understand both English and German and I must commend you on your German. It is clear you put a lot of effort into it and I don't think I could have done any better. You obviously have an accent, but German pronunciation and grammar are hell on foreigners, so well done to you!
As a Berliner I feel comfortable saying your German is fine. Thanks for the effort of making this video in 2 languages! ^^ Regarding smoking: The specific regulations regarding smoking in public depends on the Bundesland, sometimes even the smaller specific regions and Berlin's regulations are pretty pro-smoking, sadly. As a person who never smoked and doesn't plan on starting, I hate it. Many people I know who used to smoke in their early 20s quit smoking by now though, so there is hope. Still, we really need stricter regulations on that end.
Also, thank you very much for that story about the "Amerikaner" cookie. I always wondered what a US American person would say about how we named these things. :D
Cooles Video!
Ich als Nichtraucher erinnere mich an die End-Neunziger-Jahre. Da durfte man noch in der Disko rauchen. Nach einer gewissen Zeit auf der Tanzfläche habe ich wegen des vielen Rauchs eine Weinattacke bekommen, und musste kurz vor die Tür. Das war halt so. Es ist sauberer geworden, aber irgendwie auch ein bisschen langweiliger...
I'm British and live in Berlin. In my first few years I was determined to be strong and only have conversations in German. Some people persisted with replying in English for a minute or so but usually got the hint and moved over to German. A few though wanted to continue with English. I held out. I remember one guy after a few hours and a few beers finally said 'OK I guess we might as well speak German then'.
My point is, carry on insisting on speaking German to Germans. It's the best way to improve and become fluent.
Wunderbar! Well done!
Ich bin aus österreich und hier ist es auch normal mehrere Handtücher ins gym mitzunehmen (für sauna, Training und duschen). Also your german is amazing I am native and very impressed
It's true though, our saunas in Germany are mixed, and you have to be naked.
Though, depending on the sauna, you also have to bring a towel with you to sit on (if you're sitting on wood as opposed to stone).
But usually, saunas that require an additional towel, have signs, noting it.
This was fun. Try having an 'old school' telephone call with a German friend/friend's a few times a week to catch-up and, at the same time, practice your German.
So ein süßer Akzent😊
Du hast es echt drauf😁
Speaking with an accent only proves you speak more languages than only the one you use at that moment. It was 'total geil' to listen to your video in German. Gut gemacht!
Sauna experience: you go in naked. The towel needs to be on the wood so your sweat and your body doesnt touch the wood. Do not stay mere than 15 min is not good for you. After it you need to take a cold shower, dry and wrap well and take some time to rest. Like this your inmunosystem can recover. Then you tepeat this another 2 times. You will be better with the time. Indeed is nice to be able to be naked in a room without feeling that people judges you. Is also incredible good for your health.
This was thoroughly enjoyable.
I love Berlin - it's one of my favourite cities in the world. I used to go there as a child when the Wall was still existent and West Berliners were die Insulaners.
Berliners have a hard, dry, sarcastic sense of humour - and they can turn an insult even better than a Glaswegian. I often wondered whether the strict Berlin etiquette was there to ensure society remained polite or whether it was there to piss off the foreigners.
Haha, good one. Herz mit Schnauze! Isso. For the English speaker: heart with a big mouth. Doesn't sound right in English, but that's what Berliners are nicknamed in Germany.
Great video - und geniales Ausnutzen der Dubbing-Funktion von TH-cam!
Gym etiquette and for hygiene in London gyms use a towel, people sweat when working out, wipe down after yourself, and before for comfort of mind ! Actually this should apply to any gym!
Would it not be the entity providing the service that would need to maintain the installation? I dont go wash the dishes when I eat at a restaurant.🙄
I was about to say the same. My gym had a sauna too
The comparison to a restaurant does not work in this case. Think of cleaning the gym equipment as reading in the library. The library also doesn't check every time if every book you used in the library and put back is still complete and clean. They don't have the staff for that but they expect you to keep the book in the same condition from when you took it from the shelf. The only thing the Library does is give you access to the books, make sure they are in the right place and checks if the books are still in a good condition when they come back into the library. The gym in this case is like a library, they give you access to the equipment, make sure it works properly, is in the right place and is in a good condition. What they can't do is clean everything after every use, that is your job. No one wants to use sweaty equipment so cleaning it after you finished using it is the proper thing to do, even tho not everyone does that.
@@Ketraar in a ideal world they would auto clean but sadly no! Machines may be cleaned once or if you’re very lucky twice a day but not in between every user unless you are in an exclusively expensive ones and even then you would have your pa/butler/… to wipe it down to stop people collecting your DNA.
So sadly until gyms change their practices I recommend wiping before and after use!
Whilst it won’t probably clean it all you will be easier in your mind that the puddle of liquid you are sat in is at least from your hard work alone!
@@BlackKnight2895 excellent analogy, the things I have found over the years in library books (many of which were I hope used for bookmarks) could start a small museum! lol
I learn so much about America through these kinds of videos 😂
It's crazy how many things are totally normal for you until you see them from a different perspective!
But yeah, bring towels. On the machines as well as on the sauna wood they ensure better hygiene. And if you do both, you'll need three: One for the gym, one clean one for the sauna (never take a used one into a sauna!) and one for drying after the shower.
Your German sounds really good. You also sounds comfortable with it, which is a big thing.
And I'd forgotten your tragic long hair! You look sooooo much better with short!
Englander here. When we go to US they have to explain to us what an English muffin is, we don’t have them in UK. 😂
It's amazing how brave you are. I have a TH-cam channel in English as a German, and I'm not sure, if I could speak that freely.
AFAIK he made a script beforehand, which then he could read off of it or at least get some clues from there.
@@zorrothebug Yes, maybe. And he remindes me of "Monty Python Fliegender Zirkus", the show they did for German Television in German. 🤣😂
I find your german super impressive! But I absolutely get what you mean about confidence when it comes to language, it's hard. Und ich hab grad erst realisiert dass ich eigentlich auf deutsch kommentieren könnte, da du es ja verstehst 😅 deutsche Angewohnheit, wie du es schon selbst erlebt hast, automatisch englisch zu reden.
As a German watching mainly English TH-cam content and knowing your channel really well:
This is quite surreal to listen to. In a good way!
My brain is like: I know this voice, but something is different about it today.
Edit: if it didn’t come across: I really enjoyed this video! Plus: impressive German skills, I could follow 100%
At all the London (and other places in England) gyms I’ve ever been to you either bring your own towel or they provide paper towels to clean the machines but you never don’t clean the machines
Ich konnte das Video ohne Untertitel sehr gut verstehen! 😀👍
When you see a video from an American about your hometown translated into English, even though the video is in German..... I think I have to watch it again in German now ;)
Dein Deutsch ist richtig gut geworden. Sowohl die Aussprache als auch die Wortwahl.
Das Skript-Schreiben und das Aufzeichnen des Videos sind sicherlich ein sehr gutes Training. Vielleicht fallen dir ja noch Themen ein, die sich auf Deutsch aufnehmen lassen. Vielleicht die Kanzlerwahl und was die daraus entstehende Koalition wohl für die poltischen Beziehungen zu Großbritannien und/oder den USA bedeuten könnte? OK, da geht vermutlich neben der Arbeit ins Skript und Aufzeichnung auch noch viel Arbeit in Research (erstmal das deutsche Wort nachschlagen, es ist Recherche). Aber vielleicht findet sich ja auch was mit weniger Arbeit?
Du bist jedenfalls ganz schön weit gekommen beim Deutschlernen. Hoffe, mein Spanisch wird auch irgendwann so gut. Wobei ich eigentlich überhaupt nicht spreche, sondern nur lese und schreibe und gelegentlich kurze Interviews höre. Also vermutlich nicht. 😁
That must have been a video that I genuinely enjoyed to watch as a German! An englisch yt creator actually speeking german as a full video! Not just some words but actually an entire video. tbf it is german, that no one minds to listen to, even with the mistakes. Es war schön, Berlin aus der Erfahrung eines Nicht-Muttersprachlers zu sehen, da ich selber hier wohne. I just discovered you recently and will definitely stay and subscribed, not just due to this videos but because of you and the other videos in general. And YES: we "berlin people" (often) hate the people from munich (or actually a lot of germans don't like the bavarian people). Why? you gotta look it up 'cause there are many reasons for that.
The cigarettes are next to the cashier, because the cashier has to check the ID for the age before giving them out. That's why they are locked away.
I think 20 or 30 years ago, the cigarette packets were displayed directly (not locked away in a machine), though still at the checkout counter. You had to show ID back then as well in order to buy them, but it was possible to shoplift them as an underage person.
@@aphextwin5712 I think it's EU-directive that cigarest can't be shown on a counter. In Finland all places selling cigarets have them outside of view.
As a german speaker let me tell you : Nicht schlecht, Bro! Weiter so!
Wow, Dein Deutsch ist super 😊
Alle Expats wollen ins Berghain und KitKat aber sind geschockt, wenn sie uns irgendwo anders nackt sehen 😂😂😂
"township" würde ich frei mit Gemeinde übersetzen. Jedenfalls für den Kontext, in dem Du das Wort benutzen wolltest.
Dein Deutsch ist richtig gut. Fehler machst Du kaum. Man hört halt nur Deinen Akzent. Und auch das ist überhaupt nicht schlimm :)
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