It's interesting this cop was laughing the whole time. So he feels when someone explains their rights have been violated this is somehow funny? Imagine being his wife or son/daughter?
Wow, I found this channel by accident and it is fast becoming my favorite. This gentleman never gives up, never stops and never allows tyrants to violate his civil rights. Well done James.
I feel bad the city of Norridge, Illinois. That chief is exactly what you do not want in law enforcement. No people skills. Hot head. Poor leadership. The city should demand better.
Poor leadership. Bad service dealing with the public. Public photography is NOT a crime. Police officers are public servants. THEY work for US. WE don't work for THEM. They swore to protect our constitution. It's not their police department ; it's ours. Taxpayers PAID for that building
No he wasnt. If you have an ability to read someone, he mos def was standing by what he was told by the people he talked to, about the standing of that building.
As soon as he asked for your press credentials it was a no win situation as he doesn't know or follow the Constitution. He may have swore to uphold it, but he was just saying the words.
Next thing we know they'll be asking for Credentials for our Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Religion, and Freedom to redress our Grievances of Government.
5:40 - it has been ruled on by several courts, both state and federal, that government cannot contract with someone in order to avoid statutory requirements such as trespass without reason. By stating otherwise, if this area is covered by one of these rulings, the chief has just lost QI for himself and his department.
I would've immediately asked the Chief the second he said ". . . they're contractors." Who pays those contractors? Taxpayers pay those contractors , that means they are obligated to public information requests.
Because you should be able to foyer request those that are on the government payroll, but can never do so if they are hiding on private land. Reminds me of the movie eyes wide shut.
@TTA42800 I lov🎉e the way you exercise your rights, the chief is clearly unprofessional.....keep up the good work James and I will continue to watch your videos WITHOUT HESITATION 👍 👏
The Chief of Police is incorrect. You are correct. Amagansett Press did a video on police trying to say a Government Agency isn't Public it's a private business inside a public bldg. The Chief of Police's logic is ludicrous & he is acting like a tyrant. You did excellent talking to him. I am proud of you. There isn't anything I would of added or done differently. How ridiculous that the Mayor's Secretary can't tell you a day & time he's available to talk to you. I'm sure he has an appointment book/calendar that the office uses to set up appointments. That was hookey & comes across as suspicious he doesn't want to meet with you. I'd have a male friend make an appt & show up in his place. If they continue to play games we can play games too!
EXACTLY. This has been litigated in the courts hundreds if not thousands times, and in every case, if a Government Agency contracts with a private business or leases a building with our Tax Dollars, then it's PUBLIC PROPERTY or SERVICES. This "Chief Goss" needs to be fired, because he in his complete ignorance and not being willing to learn will ultimately cost taxpayers huge settlements.
@@theartistformerlyknownasth8612 - No shit sherlock. You literally just stated (referring to the building USCIS is leasing): "amaganset press was talking about post offices, not all federal property". My reply was: "It's not Federal Property".
@@theartistformerlyknownasth8612 - Public/ Government entities leasing private property open to the public to provide public services, are subject to the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution. If the public has a right to be there (in a publically accessible area to obtain services provided by a Government Agency), they have a right to film, and cannot be trespassed unless they commit a crime. As explained by the court in "AirLine Pilots Association v. Dept. of Aviation" (7th Cir. 1995) 45 F.3d 1144, 1149: "As a general rule, the conduct of private parties lies beyond the Constitution's scope." The court, however, enumerated four situations where "governmental authority dominates an activity to such an extent that its participants must be deemed to act with the authority of the state, [and] constitutional restraints apply." (Ibid.) These are (1) where there is a "'symbiotic relationship' between the private actor and the state," (2) "where the state commands or encourages the private discriminatory action," (3) "when a private party carries on a traditional public function," and (4) "when the involvement of governmental authority aggravates or contributes to the unlawful conduct." (Ibid.) The relevant clauses in this Federal 7th Circuit Ruling as it pertains to the Fourteenth Amendment and whether or not a Citizen accessing public services or exercising Constitutional Rights in Public, are #(1) [a Government Agency leasing a private building from a "private actor" for public/ civil purposes constitutes a "symbiotic relationship"]. #(2) Because State Agents "commanded or encouraged" private descriminatory action by contracting with the Building Lessor and violating Federal Law and the Citizens Constitutional Rights in a building open to the public to access or utilize Government Civil Services; In the case of #(2) it could be argued that though the state itself didn't "command or encourage the private discriminatory action", they caused the descriminatory action (arrest/ trespass/ Constitutional Rights violations) by the fact that they leased the building from a "Private Actor, Owner, or Entity". Whereas had it been a Government Owned Building, they might not have Trespassed or Arrested (or detained or identified) unlawfully the Citizen (when no crime had been committed) utilizing the services offered, there for lawful purposes/ conducting legitimate Constitutionally Protected Business (the business of the First Amendment/ News Gathering and Dissemination to the Public/ Journalism). #(3) because while the private party in such a case isn't technically "carrying on a traditional public function", the government agency leasing the building is (providing a taxpayer funded civil service utilizing taxpayer dollars). I would also argue in court #(4), because the Government Agency or Agents leasing the public building called police on a citizen committing no crime, and thereby they or the Police (Governmental Authorities acting under Color of Law) committed a Federal Crime/ Civil Rights Violations, by (or thereby) aggravating or contributing to unlawful conduct.
@@theartistformerlyknownasth8612 - What is Free Speech? It's the First Amendment, Video Recording in Public, and Newsgathering/ Dissemination of Information to the Public. Everything in that ruling applies in one way or another, and my legal arguments are solid. I'm sure I could find even more applicable Case Law if I spent time on it, and we could go back and forth all day. I will conceed the points you made about the USCIS office being open to members of the Public by appointment only (after researching it), and that may mean that you are correct. Why? Because the Government (leased or owned) is instituting "Time, Place, and Manner" restrictions on the building/ services, limiting access [and activities] to what might otherwise be deemed a public forum or publically accessible building open to the public during traditional/ normal business hours. That fact alone (and the fact that the building is not open for "walk ins") may mean that traditional Constitutional Protections do not apply. My question for you then, is this: Could or Would a member of the public, who had an appointment at the USCIS office, have a lawful right to video record their appointment/ interactions with Government Employees? Would it matter if they were a U.S. Citizen or Not whether they could film (or not)? I'm sure by now, you can respect my arguments/ questions/ rationale, because the Law in this Country is totally convoluted, conflicting, and confusing, [and I believe in many ways unConstitutional] even within single courts like the U.S. Supreme Court. Case Law is nothing more than interpretation and personal opinion of citizens (Justices), and they are Human also and many times get it wrong (usually not in our favor). Though I dislike Chief Goss's attitude, he may actually be right (and he's definitely right about fighting it in the courts). Unfortunately there are no more effective checks and balances on Government or between branches which protect the people. The only recourse we have is the nearly impossible, difficult, complex, and expensive Lawsuits (which ultimately violate the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment by not treating government agents equally to private citizens). The various so-called "Immunities" (which should be abolished as unConstitutional: Qualified, Prosecutorial, Judicial) are almost never revoked. And the reason "Qualified Immunity" will never be abolished, is because the Politicians/ Legislators/ Judges/ Prosecutors, would never give up their own immunities; And they write the [many times Unconstitutional] laws, in their self serving criminal deceit/ tyranny against the people.
That's crazy that he asked, "So... I could be a journalist?" He clearly has no idea what he swore an oath too. This guy's is exactly why we need you TTA! Keep it up!
it looks like the mayor is going to be sooooo ready to have a meeting with you ( let me go check his schedule back in this office out of your sight) shes like the keeper of the gate ! YOU WILL NOT PASS
I mentioned to my kids years ago when cell phones started videoing that that was going to change policing. Great job that chef needs to read the constitution!!!!!
That chief is a real piece of work! I don't understand how they don't understand this. It is the most basic part of the law! And, yes, he did threaten you with arrest!!
Brother, you are a gem!! I really appreciate the effort you put in to your work! I just watched a video from News now Ohmaha, these Leo were so disrespectful because the guy was recording!!
What FREAKING world is this!!!! Contracting doesn't mean you work for the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT!!!! So if I higher someone to fix my roof, sign a contract, THEY ARE NOT WORKING FOR ME?????
@TTA42800 why dont you do what he suggested? Go talk to the people. Come on big man, do some real investigating journalism. Or are you a coward that likes to waste the time of people actually working?
I caught that cop double speak as well. Man, the camera shows these lying fools for what they are. And then it can be shown the world. This chief is a fool and everyone knows it now. What a moron. His most durable representation of himself will be THIS video for the rest of his LIFE. And why? Ego. Nothing more. The hatred of citizens with cameras who hold public servants to account.
Actually, he said he was trespassed just 3 seconds after saying he wasn’t at the 5 min mark. I do t even think he comprehends how trespassing actually works
That's how uneducated that police chief really is. Their entire police department seriously needs work. Because they're a piece of work. They waste their TAXPAYERS' 💰 by being feelings enforcement officers,and not law enforcement officers. Policy enforcement officers.
Back when I was working news for radio, I had a mayor that didn't like to talk to the public about tough questions, so I went into his office and asked the receptionist if he was in. (I knew he was because I saw his car). She told me that he "Just left to go out of town for meetings". moments before, I set up a cooler with food and drink and plenty of batteries for my digital recorder in my car and told the receptionist that I would be right back. When I wheeled through the door I announced to her that "He's been avoiding me for weeks and..... NOW the story is How long does it take for our Mayor to answer a simple question." and opened up an orange soda an sat down. He came out of his office in about 3 minutes. Those guys are hiding behind their receptionists and forcing them to lie. Stay there until they come out.
Stay strong big James, your doing great. Public officials get threatened with educated facts, they start making excuses there attitudes change to defense. Keep pushing forward.
👍. Public photography is NOT a crime. Police officers are public servants. THEY work for US. WE don't work for THEM. They swore to protect our constitution. It's not their building,it's OURS
@glenbrown8215 That right there shows you have that chief clearly considers citizens the enemy! Listen to him get aggressively combative as soon as he mentioned that was going to happen.
@@TTA42800 The chief isn't clueless about the private contractors now falling under federal laws when they are working for the Federal govt. He KNOWS that the citizens have the right to inspect the work and building of the contractor, he's LYING to you and does not care ! He's a tyrant and considers The People their enemy.
Federal Acquisition Regulations Part 45 - Government Property: clearly states that government has title of contractor-acquired property. Government property is public property. There is no debate to be discussed, no quarrelto be had. That's the law plain and simple. And the same time, place and manner restrictions apply on that property just like any other government property. Great work, James! Keep standing up for our rights. 👍
there is a difference between a private company being contracted by the government vs a govt body simply leasing a private building. so, this auditor, could be wrong.
Im not so sure. Part 45 begins with: This part prescribes policies and procedures for providing Government property TO contractors. Not contractors property to the goernment.
Could you please post a reference that clearly states that a contractors property becomes public property when they enter into a contract with a government agency? I am sure that the hundreds of companies that contract with the US military would find that fascinating to read.
@PabloSeshco_Bar Again, can you reference a staute, law, or court ruling that supports your claim? I don't think you csn, but I'd enjoy seeing what you come up with.
James, you are going to just have to file a lawsuit for the violation of your first amendment rights. You are never going to convenience him of the law. He will continue this tyranny until his city is held accountable.
Hey James 👋 I'd really like to see you do a revisit to that building after you get an email back from DHS or whoever you said you spoke with. That way when the Police show up again you can show them the email as well as a copy of the Statute you mentioned which allows Public Photography!! Just to force that Totally Ignorant, Self Absorbed, Tyrant, POLICE CHIEFS Hand, regarding this matter!! Also, please post his Public Information on your channel at some point!! Thanks again My Friend 👍 From The Great White North of Canada 🍁 🇨🇦 Russ 😊🙏
The only option is to get arrested, go to court, let a judge make official judgement and then you'll get a nice settlement and only then they'll admit they were wrong.
They don't like to admit the public knows they rights, they hands have to be force by a judge or lawsuit to uphold people rights that they may or may not know we possess.
"We have one of the best relationships with citizens, ask anyone"....yet the first time you exercise your rights in their jurisdiction they violate your rights 🤣 Yeah real good Chief
100% one of top auditor's, really enjoy your videos and how you conduct yourself. It's amazing how from the top down these Civil servant's have no clue what that means. Of course the Government can't hide behind a private front just because they leased it. Absolutely ridiculous. And for PC Goss to act as if he "knows" that makes it private, he's a grown ass man and to act as a child and just make shit up, that's crazy. Then to make threatening statements, say he didn't, then rethink how he says it the second time "you will be arrested" to "you could be arrested". And that's the Cheif
Hes the first cop ive ever heard say that there is no disconnect between officers and the public. Usually they will agree with you. But idk if you are right or he is right (in this situation). But to me, he seems like a pure tyrant. I would love to see who is right and who is wrong.
@Kevin-rq5hd First of all, I’m not a little girl although I do appreciate the compliment. 47 years old September 1st. Secondly, what are you talking about? The comment was about the officer not agreeing about the disconnect between them and us(citizens). Also that the officer is giving tyrannical vibes. 🤔🤨😏
@Kevin-rq5hd I don’t know if I agree with that. You can support and it still can be a disconnect. I’ve never committed a crime and I believe it’s a disconnect. Public servants are not how they used to be. My son has a mental issue. He had a psychosis crisis and assaulted me. Called the police who then called the paramedics. Paramedics weren't present for 5 minutes before leaving and told me he was going with the police. They pulled off and then took my son to jail. I showed all parties his diagnosis and had his therapist on speakerphone. Bailed him out and still had to take him to the Crisis Center here in my State. They kept him for 2 weeks. I had to pay 1035.00 which I didn't have, and because of that, I'm now struggling in the worst way. This is not the first time that these servants have done this. I was told by someone on the inside that the paramedics just don't want to sit in the emergency room. I cried and begged those officers not to take my son to jail. They lied to me about several things. If I had not been proactive with making sure my son stayed safe I probably would have lost him for good. My son has never dealt with the police and he is 25yrs old. He’s never even been pulled over before. No empathy at all from these public servants.
I will watch for the video of this chief saying “I was wrong, I have since learned the law, I apologize, and I thank you for bringing my faulty logic to my attention.” Lol
I’m sooo interested in what happens on this one! James you’re not going to let them push you aside I know how you keep pushing the rights of We The People 👍🏻
Bro you are my new favorite auditor. I love your voice and the way you talk to them with the facts and the calmness I fn love it bro lmao keep it up my g
The answer to the question of "Where are your journalistic credentials?" is "The First Amendment of the United States Constitution". THAT is your (and everyone else) "journalistic credentials".
The office must be BOTH publicly owned (taxpayer funded) AND publicly accessible (lobby area that’s unlocked and open to the public during business hours) in order for a citizen to have a lawful right to film. The chief is wrong on several fronts, yet defiant in his pathetic ignorance. He seems to believe that government officials can trespass citizens from public areas without breaking a law first. If you translate his tyrant words you get “NO TRANSPARENCY FOR YOU! WE DON’T *DO* ACCOUNTABILITY HERE!”
I left the chief a voicemail simply saying: “If you’re going to lock people up for filming in public, yes they are going to have their day in court, but you are also going to have a day in court once you’re charged civilly. Just keep that in mind”
Expose that Chief James! He thinks he can get away with it because it’s a small town. Small towns are not exempt from the constitution. We got you James! We the People!
Public photography is NOT a crime. It's not their police department ; it's ours! TAXPAYERS paid for that building. Police officers had sworn to protect our constitution. And boyyyy did they fail miserably.
I'm continually impressed by the unwavering commitment of you to hold public officials accountable. Your tireless efforts to uncover the truth and shine a light on governmental actions ensure transparency and democracy thrive. Thankful for your essential role in keeping our society informed and empowered.
Guy was too lazy and dumb to research the situation properly. What a maroon. Could have just asked a lawyer. Our servants CANNOT hide behind subcontractors, period. Nor can their subcontractors hide from us.
11:30 The RIGHT that gives that camera to be in that lobby in the ceiling is the same RIGHT that gives you and me to go into ANY public building and RECORD in ANY PUBLIC ACCESSIBLE AREA! That Chief NEEDS/HAS TO BE fired NOW! His unknowing of LAW is very very dangerous AND WILL COST THAT CITY AND TAXPAYERS UNNECESSARY LOSS IN REVENUE! AGAIN BECAUSE OF THAT CHIEF AT THAT LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY!
Chief isn't available and yet less than 2 minutes later he walks out😂
It's interesting this cop was laughing the whole time. So he feels when someone explains their rights have been violated this is somehow funny? Imagine being his wife or son/daughter?
Crazy how that works 😮
What a tyrant. How did this fool get to be a chief
He says “whatever” when he doesn’t know. He doesn’t give af
Wow, I found this channel by accident and it is fast becoming my favorite. This gentleman never gives up, never stops and never allows tyrants to violate his civil rights. Well done James.
Same here, man. Never heard of him prior to a week or so ago and binge watching his videos.
Thanks alot..welcome aboard
Same!!!! James is unreal, love from B.C Vancouver< 3
literally same LOL
Lol, same!😂
I feel bad the city of Norridge, Illinois. That chief is exactly what you do not want in law enforcement. No people skills. Hot head. Poor leadership. The city should demand better.
Poor leadership. Bad service dealing with the public.
Public photography is NOT a crime.
Police officers are public servants.
THEY work for US.
WE don't work for THEM.
They swore to protect our constitution.
It's not their police department ; it's ours.
Taxpayers PAID for that building
Chief Slimeball! What a disgrace..
This Chief is purposely playing stupid on how the law works. Twister of truth, lost soul.
He's not playing stupid he really doesn't know like a lot of them don't, it comes from the top 💯🙌
He wasn't pretending ....😂
I don't think he was "playing" stupid. 😂
No he wasnt. If you have an ability to read someone, he mos def was standing by what he was told by the people he talked to, about the standing of that building.
Crooked and corrupt cops.
As soon as he asked for your press credentials it was a no win situation as he doesn't know or follow the Constitution. He may have swore to uphold it, but he was just saying the words.
You're absolutely right
Next thing we know they'll be asking for Credentials for our Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Religion, and Freedom to redress our Grievances of Government.
5:30 Fired!!!
Most US Post Office buildings are leased HOWEVER Poster 7 still applies!
Good point 💪🏾
5:40 - it has been ruled on by several courts, both state and federal, that government cannot contract with someone in order to avoid statutory requirements such as trespass without reason. By stating otherwise, if this area is covered by one of these rulings, the chief has just lost QI for himself and his department.
Well said 💪🏾
Citation needed.
Post a link to any one of these "several courts" that ruled as you claim. I very much doubt any exist, but you could prove me wrong.
Mcaadoom you a 🤡
Cant post links on youtube, so go do your own research, and stop being a bootlicker@@macadoom00
I would've immediately asked the Chief the second he said ". . . they're contractors." Who pays those contractors?
Taxpayers pay those contractors , that means they are obligated to public information requests.
Wrong as fuck
Good point
@TTA42800 where does it say that it becomes public when the government leases from a private building its really hard to find much of anything.
Because you should be able to foyer request those that are on the government payroll, but can never do so if they are hiding on private land. Reminds me of the movie eyes wide shut.
Good job James. Keep it up and I will certainly keep watching.
Thanks, will do!
@TTA42800 I lov🎉e the way you exercise your rights, the chief is clearly unprofessional.....keep up the good work James and I will continue to watch your videos WITHOUT HESITATION 👍 👏
The Chief of Police is incorrect. You are correct. Amagansett Press did a video on police trying to say a Government Agency isn't Public it's a private business inside a public bldg. The Chief of Police's logic is ludicrous & he is acting like a tyrant.
You did excellent talking to him. I am proud of you. There isn't anything I would of added or done differently.
How ridiculous that the Mayor's Secretary can't tell you a day & time he's available to talk to you. I'm sure he has an appointment book/calendar that the office uses to set up appointments. That was hookey & comes across as suspicious he doesn't want to meet with you. I'd have a male friend make an appt & show up in his place. If they continue to play games we can play games too!
EXACTLY. This has been litigated in the courts hundreds if not thousands times, and in every case, if a Government Agency contracts with a private business or leases a building with our Tax Dollars, then it's PUBLIC PROPERTY or SERVICES. This "Chief Goss" needs to be fired, because he in his complete ignorance and not being willing to learn will ultimately cost taxpayers huge settlements.
@@theartistformerlyknownasth8612 - It's not Federal Property.
@@theartistformerlyknownasth8612 - No shit sherlock. You literally just stated (referring to the building USCIS is leasing): "amaganset press was talking about post offices, not all federal property". My reply was: "It's not Federal Property".
@@theartistformerlyknownasth8612 - Public/ Government entities leasing private property open to the public to provide public services, are subject to the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution. If the public has a right to be there (in a publically accessible area to obtain services provided by a Government Agency), they have a right to film, and cannot be trespassed unless they commit a crime.
As explained by the court in "AirLine Pilots Association v. Dept. of Aviation" (7th Cir. 1995) 45 F.3d 1144, 1149: "As a general rule, the conduct of private parties lies beyond the Constitution's scope." The court, however, enumerated four situations where "governmental authority dominates an activity to such an extent that its participants must be deemed to act with the authority of the state, [and] constitutional restraints apply." (Ibid.)
These are (1) where there is a "'symbiotic relationship' between the private actor and the state," (2) "where the state commands or encourages the private discriminatory action," (3) "when a private party carries on a traditional public function," and (4) "when the involvement of governmental authority aggravates or contributes to the unlawful conduct." (Ibid.)
The relevant clauses in this Federal 7th Circuit Ruling as it pertains to the Fourteenth Amendment and whether or not a Citizen accessing public services or exercising Constitutional Rights in Public, are #(1) [a Government Agency leasing a private building from a "private actor" for public/ civil purposes constitutes a "symbiotic relationship"].
#(2) Because State Agents "commanded or encouraged" private descriminatory action by contracting with the Building Lessor and violating Federal Law and the Citizens Constitutional Rights in a building open to the public to access or utilize Government Civil Services;
In the case of #(2) it could be argued that though the state itself didn't "command or encourage the private discriminatory action", they caused the descriminatory action (arrest/ trespass/ Constitutional Rights violations) by the fact that they leased the building from a "Private Actor, Owner, or Entity". Whereas had it been a Government Owned Building, they might not have Trespassed or Arrested (or detained or identified) unlawfully the Citizen (when no crime had been committed) utilizing the services offered, there for lawful purposes/ conducting legitimate Constitutionally Protected Business (the business of the First Amendment/ News Gathering and Dissemination to the Public/ Journalism).
#(3) because while the private party in such a case isn't technically "carrying on a traditional public function", the government agency leasing the building is (providing a taxpayer funded civil service utilizing taxpayer dollars).
I would also argue in court #(4), because the Government Agency or Agents leasing the public building called police on a citizen committing no crime, and thereby they or the Police (Governmental Authorities acting under Color of Law) committed a Federal Crime/ Civil Rights Violations, by (or thereby) aggravating or contributing to unlawful conduct.
@@theartistformerlyknownasth8612 - What is Free Speech? It's the First Amendment, Video Recording in Public, and Newsgathering/ Dissemination of Information to the Public. Everything in that ruling applies in one way or another, and my legal arguments are solid.
I'm sure I could find even more applicable Case Law if I spent time on it, and we could go back and forth all day. I will conceed the points you made about the USCIS office being open to members of the Public by appointment only (after researching it), and that may mean that you are correct.
Why? Because the Government (leased or owned) is instituting "Time, Place, and Manner" restrictions on the building/ services, limiting access [and activities] to what might otherwise be deemed a public forum or publically accessible building open to the public during traditional/ normal business hours.
That fact alone (and the fact that the building is not open for "walk ins") may mean that traditional Constitutional Protections do not apply.
My question for you then, is this: Could or Would a member of the public, who had an appointment at the USCIS office, have a lawful right to video record their appointment/ interactions with Government Employees? Would it matter if they were a U.S. Citizen or Not whether they could film (or not)?
I'm sure by now, you can respect my arguments/ questions/ rationale, because the Law in this Country is totally convoluted, conflicting, and confusing, [and I believe in many ways unConstitutional] even within single courts like the U.S. Supreme Court. Case Law is nothing more than interpretation and personal opinion of citizens (Justices), and they are Human also and many times get it wrong (usually not in our favor).
Though I dislike Chief Goss's attitude, he may actually be right (and he's definitely right about fighting it in the courts). Unfortunately there are no more effective checks and balances on Government or between branches which protect the people. The only recourse we have is the nearly impossible, difficult, complex, and expensive Lawsuits (which ultimately violate the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment by not treating government agents equally to private citizens).
The various so-called "Immunities" (which should be abolished as unConstitutional: Qualified, Prosecutorial, Judicial) are almost never revoked. And the reason "Qualified Immunity" will never be abolished, is because the Politicians/ Legislators/ Judges/ Prosecutors, would never give up their own immunities; And they write the [many times Unconstitutional] laws, in their self serving criminal deceit/ tyranny against the people.
That's crazy that he asked, "So... I could be a journalist?" He clearly has no idea what he swore an oath too. This guy's is exactly why we need you TTA! Keep it up!
Thanks 💪🏾
it looks like the mayor is going to be sooooo ready to have a meeting with you ( let me go check his schedule back in this office out of your sight) shes like the keeper of the gate ! YOU WILL NOT PASS
I mentioned to my kids years ago when cell phones started videoing that that was going to change policing. Great job that chef needs to read the constitution!!!!!
That chief is a real piece of work! I don't understand how they don't understand this. It is the most basic part of the law!
And, yes, he did threaten you with arrest!!
Because the system protects him. We pay for all of it.
Well that is only if you believe the audio and video evidence, above the good honest police officers word.
Brother, you are a gem!!
I really appreciate the effort you put in to your work!
I just watched a video from News now Ohmaha, these Leo were so disrespectful because the guy was recording!!
Thanks 💪🏾
The thin blue line in effect, protect each other even when they are doing illegal things, disgusting.
Typical tyrants
What FREAKING world is this!!!! Contracting doesn't mean you work for the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT!!!! So if I higher someone to fix my roof, sign a contract, THEY ARE NOT WORKING FOR ME?????
Chief of Police: "I have a busy day!"
TTA: "I don't believe that!"
That comeback was one of the best comebacks in the history of comebacks.
@TTA42800 why dont you do what he suggested? Go talk to the people. Come on big man, do some real investigating journalism. Or are you a coward that likes to waste the time of people actually working?
Impressive to see how patient and determined you are. Don't give up!!💪💪 Greetings from Norway 🇧🇻
TTA making my Friday interesting 😊
Thanks alot 💪🏾 I really appreciate it wholeheartedly 💪🏾
I gotta say TTA you’re very knowledgeable about the laws and case laws! You’re my new favorite auditor bro keep it up!!!!
5:00 "You were not trespassed", 13:04 "...which you were trespassed from being there..." - which is it, Chief? Was he trespassed or not?
I caught that cop double speak as well. Man, the camera shows these lying fools for what they are. And then it can be shown the world. This chief is a fool and everyone knows it now. What a moron. His most durable representation of himself will be THIS video for the rest of his LIFE. And why? Ego. Nothing more. The hatred of citizens with cameras who hold public servants to account.
@@GhostKyng hard to be a victim if they follow your advice....
Actually, he said he was trespassed just 3 seconds after saying he wasn’t at the 5 min mark. I do t even think he comprehends how trespassing actually works
I appreciate you and your hard work TT thank you as usual
why do they still think journalist need credentials 🤦
willfull ignorance
That's how uneducated that police chief really is.
Their entire police department seriously needs work. Because they're a piece of work.
They waste their TAXPAYERS' 💰 by being feelings enforcement officers,and not law enforcement officers.
Policy enforcement officers.
Because they are stupid.
😂 6:06 😂😂😂 this guys body language and mannerisms are off the wall!!
He didnt want to hear anything you had to say
Back when I was working news for radio, I had a mayor that didn't like to talk to the public about tough questions, so I went into his office and asked the receptionist if he was in. (I knew he was because I saw his car). She told me that he "Just left to go out of town for meetings". moments before, I set up a cooler with food and drink and plenty of batteries for my digital recorder in my car and told the receptionist that I would be right back.
When I wheeled through the door I announced to her that "He's been avoiding me for weeks and..... NOW the story is How long does it take for our Mayor to answer a simple question." and opened up an orange soda an sat down.
He came out of his office in about 3 minutes.
Those guys are hiding behind their receptionists and forcing them to lie.
Stay there until they come out.
Good idea
This chief has no knowledge about law but is still collecting his salary from taxpayers
Stay strong big James, your doing great. Public officials get threatened with educated facts, they start making excuses there attitudes change to defense. Keep pushing forward.
👍. Public photography is NOT a crime. Police officers are public servants.
THEY work for US.
WE don't work for THEM.
They swore to protect our constitution.
It's not their building,it's OURS
When you mentioned you were going to pull his jacket, that smile went to an angry smirk, he wasn't so full-chested when he walked away.
That right there shows you have that chief clearly considers citizens the enemy!
Listen to him get aggressively combative as soon as he mentioned that was going to happen.
The chief isn't clueless about the private contractors now falling under federal laws when they are working for the Federal govt. He KNOWS that the citizens have the right to inspect the work and building of the contractor, he's LYING to you and does not care !
He's a tyrant and considers The People their enemy.
Tyrant Terminator Audits WILL BE BACK!! 👍
Chiefy backed up on the whole you'll be arrested if you go there😂😂😂😂😂
He did..I caught that kinda late..
Federal Acquisition Regulations Part 45 - Government Property: clearly states that government has title of contractor-acquired property. Government property is public property. There is no debate to be discussed, no quarrelto be had. That's the law plain and simple. And the same time, place and manner restrictions apply on that property just like any other government property.
Great work, James! Keep standing up for our rights. 👍
You're absolutely right 💪🏾 thanks alot for the support 💪🏾
there is a difference between a private company being contracted by the government vs a govt body simply leasing a private building. so, this auditor, could be wrong.
@leemelvin6514 It is a Federal body USCIS
Im not so sure. Part 45 begins with:
This part prescribes policies and procedures for providing Government property TO contractors. Not contractors property to the goernment.
They are offering private disservice instead of public service now.
Could you please post a reference that clearly states that a contractors property becomes public property when they enter into a contract with a government agency? I am sure that the hundreds of companies that contract with the US military would find that fascinating to read.
Exactly. A military base has contractors working for them. Can you set foot on a military base and demand to film? His view point is so idiotic.
Military bases are restricted for the public regardless who works on that base.
This only applies to contractors that provide services to the public. Contractors that provide goods to the government are exempt from this law.
@PabloSeshco_Bar Again, can you reference a staute, law, or court ruling that supports your claim? I don't think you csn, but I'd enjoy seeing what you come up with.
James you did great exposing that chief of police he got real upset cause you knew the law more than him
James, you are going to just have to file a lawsuit for the violation of your first amendment rights. You are never going to convenience him of the law. He will continue this tyranny until his city is held accountable.
They won't get away with it..TRUST ME
@@TTA42800 We definitely got your back brother!!!
@@TTA42800james, can you refer me to the follow up? I dont see it. Were you wrong about it?
You nailed Chiefie with that "press credentials" rap TTA.
Him asking where your credentials were was a huge fail. He knew it too.
Thanks 💪🏾
Ran into a whole knucklehead here brother. 😂😂
Hey James 👋
I'd really like to see you do a revisit to that building after you get an email back from DHS or whoever you said you spoke with.
That way when the Police show up again you can show them the email as well as a copy of the Statute you mentioned which allows Public Photography!!
Just to force that Totally Ignorant, Self Absorbed, Tyrant, POLICE CHIEFS Hand, regarding this matter!!
Also, please post his Public Information on your channel at some point!!
Thanks again My Friend 👍
From The Great White North of Canada 🍁 🇨🇦
Russ 😊🙏
My man! For TTA family 11:11, I'm going all in! For repeating numbers, blessing
Great content! Love your demeanor.
Thanks 💪🏾
Love what you do bro, I'm with you all the way. We stronger together.
The Chief would make an excellent EX Chief!!
For sure 💪🏾
James you are exactly right my friend. I love your style!
Another good one!!! I wait for your videos every Tuesday and Friday. Keep up the good work!!!
This is my favorite audit channel on the tube!
You truly are one of the best and most relevant auditors i have ever watched
Man so great full I found this channel opening up my mind putting me in tune the police don't know what's finna hit them 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Thank you brother 😎
The only option is to get arrested, go to court, let a judge make official judgement and then you'll get a nice settlement and only then they'll admit they were wrong.
Or I can just file a petition for INJUNCTION RELIEF.that way the tax payers won't have to foot their bill..
@TTA42800 that's good
You the MAN TTA FAM...👍🏼
Keep up the great work you do for us. TTA FAM
They don't like to admit the public knows they rights, they hands have to be force by a judge or lawsuit to uphold people rights that they may or may not know we possess.
Where did you learn to talk? I'm guessing you failed english.
The Tyrant Teeeeerrrrrmiantooooorrrrr!
The Tyrant Teeeeerrrrrmiantooooorrrrr!
@@lietofrauditWe the people. Auditor or not.
TTA always puts the time and work. Love the 2x1 and 3x1 visits
Lord bless you, brother!
Thanks 💪🏾 God bless you as well 🙏
Let the contractor stop receiving our tax dollars.
Keep up the good work TTA you’re the man the myth the legend!!! The heavyweight champion of the world!!!
I appreciate that
Gives them a chance to correct their wrongs or get some clarity- why this guy is great. Reasonable, educated and relentless for citizen rights✊🏻👏🏼✌🏼.
They do not give citizens that same chance... but lady privilege is able to see thru the blindfold.
Thanks alot
Hey i like the way you go at them joker's.... great work i learn a lot from your channel
"We have one of the best relationships with citizens, ask anyone"....yet the first time you exercise your rights in their jurisdiction they violate your rights 🤣 Yeah real good Chief
Im a new subscriber but a big fan! I love your videos.
Wow! Unbelievable behavior by the Chief.
Thanks for all your hard work, definitely looking forward to follow up to this. 🇺🇸
You're absolutely welcome 🙏
100% one of top auditor's, really enjoy your videos and how you conduct yourself.
It's amazing how from the top down these Civil servant's have no clue what that means.
Of course the Government can't hide behind a private front just because they leased it. Absolutely ridiculous. And for PC Goss to act as if he "knows" that makes it private, he's a grown ass man and to act as a child and just make shit up, that's crazy. Then to make threatening statements, say he didn't, then rethink how he says it the second time "you will be arrested" to "you could be arrested". And that's the Cheif
Thank you, James.
You're absolutely welcome
Hes the first cop ive ever heard say that there is no disconnect between officers and the public. Usually they will agree with you. But idk if you are right or he is right (in this situation). But to me, he seems like a pure tyrant. I would love to see who is right and who is wrong.
This comment here. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 Me either.
@@BrownSugar1125 ❤️
@Kevin-rq5hd First of all, I’m not a little girl although I do appreciate the compliment. 47 years old September 1st. Secondly, what are you talking about? The comment was about the officer not agreeing about the disconnect between them and us(citizens). Also that the officer is giving tyrannical vibes. 🤔🤨😏
@Kevin-rq5hd No problem. You don’t believe there’s a disconnect between public servants and the citizens? Let’s take 1A auditors out of the equation.
@Kevin-rq5hd I don’t know if I agree with that. You can support and it still can be a disconnect. I’ve never committed a crime and I believe it’s a disconnect. Public servants are not how they used to be. My son has a mental issue. He had a psychosis crisis and assaulted me. Called the police who then called the paramedics. Paramedics weren't present for 5 minutes before leaving and told me he was going with the police. They pulled off and then took my son to jail. I showed all parties his diagnosis and had his therapist on speakerphone. Bailed him out and still had to take him to the Crisis Center here in my State. They kept him for 2 weeks. I had to pay 1035.00 which I didn't have, and because of that, I'm now struggling in the worst way. This is not the first time that these servants have done this. I was told by someone on the inside that the paramedics just don't want to sit in the emergency room. I cried and begged those officers not to take my son to jail. They lied to me about several things. If I had not been proactive with making sure my son stayed safe I probably would have lost him for good. My son has never dealt with the police and he is 25yrs old. He’s never even been pulled over before. No empathy at all from these public servants.
These guys need a lawsuit
Good video brother... IL stay tuned in
That chief is embarrassed because James knows the LAW!!! He doesn’t want to be educated and that’s a SHAME!!!
Keep up the good work TTA!
I will watch for the video of this chief saying “I was wrong, I have since learned the law, I apologize, and I thank you for bringing my faulty logic to my attention.” Lol
Don’t hold your breath!
Chief "I understand the law. I know what the law is". 😂
This is the reason some people call them pigs !!!
I’m sooo interested in what happens on this one! James you’re not going to let them push you aside I know how you keep pushing the rights of We The People 👍🏻
Definitely 💪🏾
Bro you are my new favorite auditor. I love your voice and the way you talk to them with the facts and the calmness I fn love it bro lmao keep it up my g
Love how you go through the legal avenues. Bob Ross of Audits!!
Thanks 💪🏾
can you audit the USS Gerald R Ford next ? i would love to have a loo on board that ship @@TTA42800
I can't believe a chief is such ignorant
Great audit from beginning to end!!!!
Thanks 💪🏾
Greetings from Detroit..good job dude...your knowledge of law is very impressive..and i know you're still learning more
why is it every time you need to talk some official person they never in the office !
👍. They're s-s-s-scared of c-c-c-cameras! OMG! 😮😅😅. They scared of TTA!!
The answer to the question of "Where are your journalistic credentials?" is "The First Amendment of the United States Constitution". THAT is your (and everyone else) "journalistic credentials".
The office must be BOTH publicly owned (taxpayer funded) AND publicly accessible (lobby area that’s unlocked and open to the public during business hours) in order for a citizen to have a lawful right to film. The chief is wrong on several fronts, yet defiant in his pathetic ignorance. He seems to believe that government officials can trespass citizens from public areas without breaking a law first. If you translate his tyrant words you get “NO TRANSPARENCY FOR YOU! WE DON’T *DO* ACCOUNTABILITY HERE!”
Well said
cant wait for the next pt james love from canada
Thanks 💪🏾
Strip his qualified immunity and sue him personally!
Great work TTA, thank you.
You're absolutely welcome..and thanks for the support 💪🏾
I left the chief a voicemail simply saying:
“If you’re going to lock people up for filming in public, yes they are going to have their day in court, but you are also going to have a day in court once you’re charged civilly. Just keep that in mind”
Thanks for the support 💪🏾
keep doing what you doing thanks for backing us up
Great job James! TTA FAMILY!
If a company contracts with the gubberment you can legally visit and film the lobby and publicly accessible areas.
Expose that Chief James! He thinks he can get away with it because it’s a small town. Small towns are not exempt from the constitution. We got you James! We the People!
This chief is a fool!! Should be fired immediately!
I bet you didn't go back!😮😮
lmao chief goss looks like a younger version of our current president
James, great work. Thank you so much for fighting for our rights!
You're welcome..and thanks for the support 💪🏾
Freedom TO press 🦅🇺🇸🥷🏻Get it right. Great work my brotha 👍
Public photography is NOT a crime.
It's not their police department ; it's ours!
TAXPAYERS paid for that building.
Police officers had sworn to protect our constitution.
And boyyyy did they fail miserably.
Uh, no. It doesn't work that way at all.
@@Profile2.5wow your well thought out and expertly articulated point did so much to convince me
@@Profile2.5 I'm just glad that you know that you are incapable of convincing anyone since you don't actually know what you are talking about.
@@Profile2.5 perhaps so but we will never find out since you are incapable of articulating any position
This one definitely feels like unfinished business.
I'm continually impressed by the unwavering commitment of you to hold public officials accountable. Your tireless efforts to uncover the truth and shine a light on governmental actions ensure transparency and democracy thrive. Thankful for your essential role in keeping our society informed and empowered.
Thanks alot 💪🏾 I really appreciate it wholeheartedly
That cop lives in a fantasy world and has no brains
Guy was too lazy and dumb to research the situation properly. What a maroon. Could have just asked a lawyer. Our servants CANNOT hide behind subcontractors, period. Nor can their subcontractors hide from us.
You're absolutely right
You should have reminded him, who pays his salary. It's sad that they don't believe they are public servants!
Telling you will be arrested for a constitutionally protected activity is a threat. Are cops trained to be sarcastic or does it come naturally?
I'm new to your content, so I'm definitely enjoying your work .
Power to the people!!!
We all should exercise our rights.
Thanks 💪🏾
11:30 The RIGHT that gives that camera to be in that lobby in the ceiling is the same RIGHT that gives you and me to go into ANY public building and RECORD in ANY PUBLIC ACCESSIBLE AREA!
That Chief NEEDS/HAS TO BE fired NOW!
Exactly 💪🏾
Keep the wood to the fire 🔥 TTA, The follow ups that you do always yield good results for us, your skills are amazing. Thank you for your service 🙏
Thank you as well..
Imagine that,a mayor not in his office working