I'll rack my modules in the next video. I've built a few, bought many used and some new, and have plenty of room left. Thanks, the music is mine! If I recall correctly, it's mostly a Dreadbox Hysteria controlled by Music Thing Modular Turing Machine and sent to "in" on Rings. I'm also playing the base notes on a Moog Mavis. All of this is then sent to Clouds and Beads for processing.
Awesome case m'friend. That's going to cost a fortune to fill it!! Great music BTW - Is it yours? 😊
I'll rack my modules in the next video. I've built a few, bought many used and some new, and have plenty of room left. Thanks, the music is mine! If I recall correctly, it's mostly a Dreadbox Hysteria controlled by Music Thing Modular Turing Machine and sent to "in" on Rings. I'm also playing the base notes on a Moog Mavis. All of this is then sent to Clouds and Beads for processing.
@OEModSynth excellent 👌
Tired brain maths error... 12x((21x16)+16) = 4224 solder points, but who's counting
@@OEModSynth 😀😉