but its crazy how much this happens in plat/emerald elo. Legit any time someone is doing extremely well on my team and basically going to result in free LP if you just chill and stabilize some moron just has a mental explosion and ints even harder to compensate and makes it harder for everyone. Must be some weird ego thing where theyd rather just lose and feed if they arent the epic superstar carry or something.
@@百鹿no one cares buddy, if I’m not having fun especially if I receive 0 help the whole game my team deserves to lose, i literally don’t care id rather waste these loser’s time
That’s the problem - you play top, meaning you have the least impact in the game after adc. Play jungle, mid or support and be actually good team-oriented player in those roles to impact the games in biggest ways possible.
@RobVice thinking top has more impact than adc is fucking hilarious man. Adc have some of the highest damage potential in the entire game and are the strongest late game and teamfighters in the game. What are you smoking? Look up pentakills by champion for league. Then tell me they have no impact. Ridiculous.
For people looking to try Garen, the highest ranked OTPs rarely build zeal after first item. You get great damage and move speed but sacrifice a lot of tankiness from it and delay your second item spike. It is great when smurfing but if playing against people close to your mmr it is probably not optimal for you. Also phase rush is proc'd from q-aa-e, and in almost all matchups it is better than conq. Even if you take Conq, you will still be weaker in extended fights versus most champs, and phase rush is much better for what garen wants to do in lane, which is short trades until they are in r range.
I know sunlight and GabunKing still build zeal. So conclusion, I build zeal 👀 I dont think its a smurf item, it gives you such good stats from a cheap 1100. Now if you were to talk about DOUBLE zeal, thats a luxury only when you're really ahead. Of course if you're behind, then even 1 zeal is probably not good. Just gotta beef up with bruiser/tank items
@@Synaruis hahaha partner had a baby dong play ranked anymore the occasional Aram I do . League is just a game you have to be perma grinding. They don’t want you to work train or have other hobbies hahaha just my take
what i like the most about emerald is that even tho i have a 60% win rate currently, i still get plus 17 minus 30 every game and in the game are always a few emerald, e few plat and 1 or 2 gold players
I remember I once had 5 games in a row of soloque where i was winning or at least going equal in lane, but by 10 minutes my mid or top was running it down mid, and jungle was taxing all the lanes, while blaming eachother and me. Gotta love the community sometimes.
i have an ever better insight on that. I was master league on my main last split as mid/top and this season i decided to drop tryharding and got a smurf to play with my emerald friend. Needless to say i completely dominate my lane in 14/15 games since i also play aggressive champs toplane who can punish you in early game. To add some lore, i was doing big ranked climb for the first time in my life after playing league since basically early days of the game, last season was basically a season i decided to improve so i went into replays / watched challengers play etc. While i was still climbing i never had a chance to fully comprehend how trully bad gold/plat/diamond elo is, since it was a natural climb and i was still improving at the game. But now after having played tons of games in masters and going to smurf, i almost lost my mind after what i've witnessed and could finally get a grasp of how idiotic this elo is. To put it into context, realistically i could ve proably have over 70% winrate if i tried my best, and 100% would've had over 70% wr if i played my main. But, currently after having played about 60 games at around plat/emerald elo, i am sitting at 63% wr. Don't get me wrong, it's still good and it's absolutely possible for me to get to diamond if i was playing more on that smurf acc. However, once you start putting things into perspective it gets kinda wild. I have 14/5/13 AVG stats at CHO, 18/6/9 AVG stats at Darius, 14/3/11 stats as Jax, 9/2/7 as Yone, 14/7/4 stats as Yorick. I also have 21/2/10 stats as Nasus but only played 2 games since it's my main and i kinda refuse to play it on smurf in most cases. And while having that stats/impact, essentially bullying enemy toplaner making him completely useless for the most part of the game, i still loose 37% of the games. Yeah, sure, i can get cocky sometimes, go 1v5 just to make a point, but i've never done that while having big bounty / before important objective. So while i was not trying my absolute best, i never trolled or griefed. And i've also won a plenty of games which looked completely unwinnable due to bot going 15 deaths at min 15. What impressed me was how many times i got blamed by junglers who effectively went for a literal int (like diving lvl6 Renekton who has ulti, while being lvl 5) for not following. I was impressed by how bad enemy toplaners were (even those who were low diamond), they essentially have no idea of what enemy champion is capable of and they sometimes don't give a damn about wave management. It was also fun to hear from Kled main how Yorick is apparently a counterpick to him so that's why he lost toplane. It impressed me how botlane can never stop inting once they started. They will always get themselves into a guaranteed death situation despite the fact they can't mathematically win a 2v2 after having already given 4 kills to enemy adc. They just won't chill for a second to farm, they will keep fighting till they get to 15 deaths total at min 15. Obviously they will blame jungler for that after. Support players at this elo are literal afks. They will never rotate from bot despite their presence there being absolutely useless. They will basically just soak the exp at a completely dead lane from their adc instead of trying to make a play with their jungler. And what impressed me most was that midlaners are literally mechanically terrible. Normally u'd believe that emerald is elo where people have a very bad understanding of what correct macro is, of positioning etc. But mechanics should be somewhat decent right? Well no, they actually can't hit spells even on static targets. They never try to dodge anything. It's terrible. And macro is just a whole diff story, i dont want to even touch that part. I ve played quite some games as yorick. I had a game where i was fed and my whole team was doing terribly bad. I told them "Play around nash, and get nash as soon as enemy team brings 4-5 people to defend me on botlane". Well, since it's Emerald ofc enemy team made this idiotic mistake and brought 4 people including jungler to kill me. I escaped by teleporting out while i was getting surrounded, but what amazed me, that apparently 2 of my teammates (adc + jungler) were not at nash, in fact all that time they were going botlane to assist me? So yeah, while i did not get caught, they get caught in the end and we never got that nash. It's literally silver in terms of how stupid it is. The only difference between silver and emerald is : mechanically people are a little bit better. But just a little bit.
I got perma ganked and my opponent got fed but I stuck to Fundamentals and ended up outfarming them-- feels weird to die 12 times and still be the same level and items as the enemy 😅
I peaked D3 in S6, I took a break for many years. Now in Emerald after starting Gold in August, holy moly I very much dislike my current ranked games. Everyone seems very egotistical and not focused on their own game =/ I've hit emerald 3 and idk if I can be bothered to carry on lol
I was emerald 4, climbed from Iron in season 12. And in insane how lost and greedy the people are on plat-emerald. I am used to play tank champs and is annoying because your teammates just don't know what to do. So I absolutely agree on Emerald being the current elo hell. You just find any player on this elo, from small faker to dumb splitpusher ...
Emerasld games are completely random. Most fun thing is that all players that were plat4-dia 4 are now in emerald 4 and 3. The games are just a coinflip. In emerald 3/4 you can have a 5 man team that was plat4 last season vs a 5 man team that was dia 4. Sometimes you get dia players in enemie team while you somehow have an actual gold 2 player (had that last week. he had more than 50 games and 52% wr. cant be a smurf)
True its mostly a coinflip, sometimes enemy team is complete shit, sometimes your team is. and very very very rarely, like 1% of the games, the teams are pretty even.
In order to climb out of emerald, you need to be way above the average emerald players. There are way too many gatekeepers at E1 (Master/GM boosters, unranked/low level accounts/smurfs etc.) You will never climb out of Emerald just based on pure luck especially your team could range from Gold to Diamond from season 12.
Hey Alois, leuk video. De opmerking van turning shame to anger vond ik interessant. Advanced psychology like this is pretty new in the scene. Maybe if you want you could delve deeper into this as this doesn't get covered anywhere. Seems to me you have crazy mental understanding also.
The funny thing to think about when watching this, is knowing people are going to see this, get motivated, and jump into the next game all hyped up, thinking they can be the Garen, just to get kicked in the nuts by reality, and realizing they are the Ornn, that gets matched against some high elo smurf with a jungler that is actively greefing the game
i admire you teaching macro over a champion that doesnt even need micro but it would have been way better if you did in ornns position you probably get what i mean , also quick tip garen e alone procs the phase rush
Emerald 2 low lp and lower is gold players, and above these is former diamond players and masters. IDK how it makes sense and thank god I got out, but it's just unreal that I have to double my mmr from last 4 seasons to get to d4 LOL. Note: I average d3-2
Yo, i had my first game where i didnt interact with my laner at all (riven vs singed) and i just got super ahead with wave management, jg camps. Also i baited him into recalling so many times its crazy.
@aloisnl what do You think about new runes changes? Isn't it worth to play picks like riven/jayce with aery when conquer got fked? :D It used to be meta
I had my lulu int lvl 1 and get mad at me because i didnt int with her, she proceded to flame the shit out of me and stay under turret ignoring the game for the rest of the game, LOVELY EXPERIENCE!
your lp gains and (assumed)losses point at you belonging in plat. the mmr system is trying to get you back to your deserved rank with such horrible lp gains. if you're not good enough to stay above 60% wr i'd just stop playing on that account until next ranked season. make a smurf or something, your mmr is beyond repairable
Riot has to do something for this Emerald elo. There are too many troll players that I do not understand why. It seems like someone boost gold players into Emerald xd. They inting, feeding, trolling then when I today said to stop feed the enemy, they started to flame me and reported me. So guess, I got perma banned. 1 week ago I was banned for 14 days. I wrote Riot about that and they removed the ban after they have watched he replay they saw thgat I did not something wrong in the game...
every year, before hitting diamond i have to spend like 500 games in old plat/new emerald elo....and I'm recently dropped now from D3 to P1 due to tilting .-.
No promos anymore dawg just keep going, I’ve gone from D4 to E2 a couple times and it’s tilting af but it’s doable to get past emerald. I don’t think I’ve ever dodged matches this much though.
Bro im support main in emerald. Let me tell you the ADC's here are absolute garbage most of the time. Like you can see that they hard push and they gonna get lvl2 first i even ping my adc to fall back and he always greeds for one minion.. if we dont end up somehow giga ahead the game is literally over because every ad just straight tunnel visions and doesnt even realise they are 1 lvl up or have 1 more item, or that we seen enemy jungle coming and even tough i ping them they still die to get 2 minions..
Favorite part of the vid is him yelling JUSTICE while running ornn down 😂. Also gotta love league players will try to convince you only 1% of the playerbase is toxic yet youll get people like this talon nearly every game
Whoever told me not to dodge games is actually insane. Why would I ever go into game with a Nidalee support and a ghost ignite Ashe adc. Who would willingly do this to themselves? I'll take the -5 lp and just move on with my life
not really, but if u carry all your games, it ain`t a problem for me only 40 to 50 minutes per game is a challange, alias i commonly get high ranked players like a 5 ranked ahri in the world lol
@@AloisNL je helpt mensen akkoord maar jij bent challenger dat speelt in low elo. Dat jij gaat winnen staat vast en de enemy verliest. 5 mensen verliezen Sr en de rest van u team krijgt een win dat ze mss niet eens verdienen. Je hebt meerdere accounts zo gedaan en hoeveel games wel niet op elke account voor het tot master GM of totzelfs challenger te krijgen. Educational kan je ook doen op gewone games en niet ranked. Denk er eens aan hoeveel games je wel niet gemanipuleerd hebt. En dat door andere challengerspelere wrs ook. Is er dan nog wel een juist rank in LOL als iedereen alles manipuleerd ? Kvind leuk dat je wat wilt doen voor andere spelers maar gans het rankd gebeuren is niet juist meer. Geen haat maar ik vroeg je mij gewoon af is dit het nu LOL ranked spelen met boosters en smurfs ?
I thought it was Emerald until i arrived in diamond last week. Now i want to genuinely kill myself every game. I can guarantee that diamond players aqre worse than plats in terms of game knowledge
as someone who was hardstuck 7 seasons in diamond ( no joke ) i can tell you diamond is by far the worse elo because here you either see people with really good mechanics but garbage macro or really nice macro and game knowledge but shitty mechancs , also a lot of boosted , ego players , all the otp on the planet . The day i got master for the first time i almost cried after what i had to endure in diamond elo :(
@@vevymotivation (i'm about gold 1?) whenever i play normals and i see a diamond player, i know he's gonna feed. it's literally true 90% of the time, and he's gonna flame EVERYONE too. it's not even funny how bad they are (or they just don't care about normals? even on their "mains"?). i'm convinced every diamond i see in normals is boosted and it's crazy because there's A LOT of them in my games. me and my bro have the same experience, and whenever we play, we pray we don't get diamond in our team (although my friend became one recently but he clean af, honestly)
@@thatguy5233 well they are may troll , im master rn and im trolling normal games as hard as i can xd from AD Kennen jungle to , crittlestick ( fidle full AD ) , to ap vayne xd for me normal games are like a practice on hard more i wanna see if i can win with completly shity builds just because the mechanics/macro diff but also as i said a lot of diamond ( right now emerald ) are actually boosted accounts
@@thatguy5233 well im the type of guy who go 2-3 and apologize to the team so no im not flaming them . that's the only thing that made me escape diamond saying sorry even tho its not my faul and mute button
I love how you talked to Ornn saying it wasn't his fault. Great sportmanship there.
top lane bro code. It's always jungler fault, whether yours or enemy jgler fault
@@weefyeet6177in this case tho the talon was fr trolling, completely screwed top lane single handedly and gave garen like 1k+ gold lol
I do that too but the true goal is to tilt the Talon of the situation even more.
Gets killed lvl 1 by garen for greeding, goes top lvl 3 and smites cannon. A true emerald player.
Ornn matched up against korea challenger top and having this guy as jungler, wholesome experience
I thought he played in jp server
@@shawnhaas4862he played in jp after two account he had in Korea got banned and locked due to a leak of his password
@@shawnhaas4862both servers kr and jp
@@shawnhaas4862he played on both. Got rank 13 on Korea before having his account deleted
Katarina having a mental break down while getting a free win
Avg katarina player
but its crazy how much this happens in plat/emerald elo. Legit any time someone is doing extremely well on my team and basically going to result in free LP if you just chill and stabilize some moron just has a mental explosion and ints even harder to compensate and makes it harder for everyone. Must be some weird ego thing where theyd rather just lose and feed if they arent the epic superstar carry or something.
Avarage problem of lol players: Only thinking about their lane. Losing lane = losing game
@@百鹿no one cares buddy, if I’m not having fun especially if I receive 0 help the whole game my team deserves to lose, i literally don’t care id rather waste these loser’s time
This game summarized the problem with league players, especially in plat/emerald
You don't get to appreciate just how hellish emerald is until you play it on top lane for 30 games straight.
That’s the problem - you play top, meaning you have the least impact in the game after adc. Play jungle, mid or support and be actually good team-oriented player in those roles to impact the games in biggest ways possible.
I play only top lane and that elo is one big loony bin.
@@RobVice ahahaahha least impact ahahahahah did u not watch the video or what ???
top lane is hellish to me in general.
it seems to be the most punishing role in the game.
@RobVice thinking top has more impact than adc is fucking hilarious man. Adc have some of the highest damage potential in the entire game and are the strongest late game and teamfighters in the game. What are you smoking?
Look up pentakills by champion for league. Then tell me they have no impact. Ridiculous.
For people looking to try Garen, the highest ranked OTPs rarely build zeal after first item. You get great damage and move speed but sacrifice a lot of tankiness from it and delay your second item spike. It is great when smurfing but if playing against people close to your mmr it is probably not optimal for you. Also phase rush is proc'd from q-aa-e, and in almost all matchups it is better than conq. Even if you take Conq, you will still be weaker in extended fights versus most champs, and phase rush is much better for what garen wants to do in lane, which is short trades until they are in r range.
I know sunlight and GabunKing still build zeal. So conclusion, I build zeal 👀
I dont think its a smurf item, it gives you such good stats from a cheap 1100. Now if you were to talk about DOUBLE zeal, thats a luxury only when you're really ahead. Of course if you're behind, then even 1 zeal is probably not good. Just gotta beef up with bruiser/tank items
Blud said the combo wrong
As an emerald player currently, I agree.
Same man it’s rough out here
Brooo im hardstuck Emerald 1
How is your climb? did you manage to get out?
@@Synaruis hahaha partner had a baby dong play ranked anymore the occasional Aram I do . League is just a game you have to be perma grinding. They don’t want you to work train or have other hobbies hahaha just my take
@@Synaruis Nah, I stopped playing. Went back to WoW.
When your emerald jungler starts doing rift without the info of the top lane and later feeds him the rift + kill + double buff, you know it's ELO HELL
what i like the most about emerald is that even tho i have a 60% win rate currently, i still get plus 17 minus 30 every game and in the game are always a few emerald, e few plat and 1 or 2 gold players
Yes E procs Phase Rush. When you have Bami's Cinder you can even Q+E and Phase Rush away (because Bami's counts too - at least it did in the past)
I remember I once had 5 games in a row of soloque where i was winning or at least going equal in lane, but by 10 minutes my mid or top was running it down mid, and jungle was taxing all the lanes, while blaming eachother and me. Gotta love the community sometimes.
Emerald is fucking toxic, I have to act like a therapist half my games so my teammates don’t mental boom by 15
i have an ever better insight on that. I was master league on my main last split as mid/top and this season i decided to drop tryharding and got a smurf to play with my emerald friend.
Needless to say i completely dominate my lane in 14/15 games since i also play aggressive champs toplane who can punish you in early game. To add some lore, i was doing big ranked climb for the first time in my life after playing league since basically early days of the game, last season was basically a season i decided to improve so i went into replays / watched challengers play etc. While i was still climbing i never had a chance to fully comprehend how trully bad gold/plat/diamond elo is, since it was a natural climb and i was still improving at the game.
But now after having played tons of games in masters and going to smurf, i almost lost my mind after what i've witnessed and could finally get a grasp of how idiotic this elo is. To put it into context, realistically i could ve proably have over 70% winrate if i tried my best, and 100% would've had over 70% wr if i played my main. But, currently after having played about 60 games at around plat/emerald elo, i am sitting at 63% wr.
Don't get me wrong, it's still good and it's absolutely possible for me to get to diamond if i was playing more on that smurf acc. However, once you start putting things into perspective it gets kinda wild. I have 14/5/13 AVG stats at CHO, 18/6/9 AVG stats at Darius, 14/3/11 stats as Jax, 9/2/7 as Yone, 14/7/4 stats as Yorick. I also have 21/2/10 stats as Nasus but only played 2 games since it's my main and i kinda refuse to play it on smurf in most cases. And while having that stats/impact, essentially bullying enemy toplaner making him completely useless for the most part of the game, i still loose 37% of the games. Yeah, sure, i can get cocky sometimes, go 1v5 just to make a point, but i've never done that while having big bounty / before important objective. So while i was not trying my absolute best, i never trolled or griefed.
And i've also won a plenty of games which looked completely unwinnable due to bot going 15 deaths at min 15.
What impressed me was how many times i got blamed by junglers who effectively went for a literal int (like diving lvl6 Renekton who has ulti, while being lvl 5) for not following. I was impressed by how bad enemy toplaners were (even those who were low diamond), they essentially have no idea of what enemy champion is capable of and they sometimes don't give a damn about wave management. It was also fun to hear from Kled main how Yorick is apparently a counterpick to him so that's why he lost toplane. It impressed me how botlane can never stop inting once they started. They will always get themselves into a guaranteed death situation despite the fact they can't mathematically win a 2v2 after having already given 4 kills to enemy adc. They just won't chill for a second to farm, they will keep fighting till they get to 15 deaths total at min 15. Obviously they will blame jungler for that after. Support players at this elo are literal afks. They will never rotate from bot despite their presence there being absolutely useless. They will basically just soak the exp at a completely dead lane from their adc instead of trying to make a play with their jungler. And what impressed me most was that midlaners are literally mechanically terrible. Normally u'd believe that emerald is elo where people have a very bad understanding of what correct macro is, of positioning etc. But mechanics should be somewhat decent right? Well no, they actually can't hit spells even on static targets. They never try to dodge anything. It's terrible.
And macro is just a whole diff story, i dont want to even touch that part. I ve played quite some games as yorick. I had a game where i was fed and my whole team was doing terribly bad. I told them "Play around nash, and get nash as soon as enemy team brings 4-5 people to defend me on botlane". Well, since it's Emerald ofc enemy team made this idiotic mistake and brought 4 people including jungler to kill me. I escaped by teleporting out while i was getting surrounded, but what amazed me, that apparently 2 of my teammates (adc + jungler) were not at nash, in fact all that time they were going botlane to assist me? So yeah, while i did not get caught, they get caught in the end and we never got that nash.
It's literally silver in terms of how stupid it is. The only difference between silver and emerald is : mechanically people are a little bit better. But just a little bit.
Don't just Mute all and consider them AI, sometimes the AI gets confused and does weird stuff, don't matter, enemy is AI too, just win@@lolnoob5015
This is the equivalent of an NBA player going down to the nearest school to play against kids.
Yeah it's fucking lame
That Talon showed how shame turns into rage
I’ve gone from D4 down to E2 twice and it makes me want to gouge my eyeballs out.
Emerald is an asylum. You need a lucky streak of good teammates to get out
thats crazy I just play tryndamere split and im pass emerald. sure it took 100 games but thats the coinflip nature
@@awwitsHurts same but garen LOL
No you dont
this is wrong for every single elo in the game, if you are better you'll get out, if you are worse you'll drop, if you belong there you'll stay
@@tyrantedtv7767 yes but mental illness is most rampant in emerald rank. The second a teammate makes a mistake at least one player snowflakes tf out
This champion proves this isn't a competitive game, just a game where there are competitions
I got perma ganked and my opponent got fed but I stuck to Fundamentals and ended up outfarming them-- feels weird to die 12 times and still be the same level and items as the enemy 😅
12 times until you realise that you die to much :O im scared
My man talon got solo killed by enemy top, proceeds to go top at level 3 to smite the cannon, wholesome guy
I honestly think at this point the only difference for players between silver-emerald is mechanics. They have 0 game sense or macro.
I peaked D3 in S6, I took a break for many years. Now in Emerald after starting Gold in August, holy moly I very much dislike my current ranked games.
Everyone seems very egotistical and not focused on their own game =/ I've hit emerald 3 and idk if I can be bothered to carry on lol
I was emerald 4, climbed from Iron in season 12. And in insane how lost and greedy the people are on plat-emerald. I am used to play tank champs and is annoying because your teammates just don't know what to do. So I absolutely agree on Emerald being the current elo hell.
You just find any player on this elo, from small faker to dumb splitpusher ...
If you think you actually "climb" to emerald from iron in 1 season, you're part of the problem that elo hell exists here.
@@truthseeker8989 these people dont realize the mass inflation that occurred they think they just improved its really delusional and unhealthy
"Turning shame into rage"
Accountability is not a common League virgin trait 😂
Patch 13.20 be like.
'Look how fast i clear camps'.
Riot: 'and i took that personally'.
Emerasld games are completely random. Most fun thing is that all players that were plat4-dia 4 are now in emerald 4 and 3. The games are just a coinflip. In emerald 3/4 you can have a 5 man team that was plat4 last season vs a 5 man team that was dia 4. Sometimes you get dia players in enemie team while you somehow have an actual gold 2 player (had that last week. he had more than 50 games and 52% wr. cant be a smurf)
You literally translated my hole solo queue experience in the past 2 weeks. 8/80 games all time
True its mostly a coinflip, sometimes enemy team is complete shit, sometimes your team is. and very very very rarely, like 1% of the games, the teams are pretty even.
In order to climb out of emerald, you need to be way above the average emerald players. There are way too many gatekeepers at E1 (Master/GM boosters, unranked/low level accounts/smurfs etc.) You will never climb out of Emerald just based on pure luck especially your team could range from Gold to Diamond from season 12.
In most videos I learn new things, but as emerald player myself i already knew it
Hey Alois, leuk video. De opmerking van turning shame to anger vond ik interessant. Advanced psychology like this is pretty new in the scene. Maybe if you want you could delve deeper into this as this doesn't get covered anywhere. Seems to me you have crazy mental understanding also.
shout out to your editor for using kiseki music, did not expect that lmfao.
saying other people are trolling while smurfing is kinda shitty
The funny thing to think about when watching this, is knowing people are going to see this, get motivated, and jump into the next game all hyped up, thinking they can be the Garen, just to get kicked in the nuts by reality, and realizing they are the Ornn, that gets matched against some high elo smurf with a jungler that is actively greefing the game
sublime edit
Went up and down from emerald 1 to emerald 2 back to emerald 1 legit 8-9 times before hitting diamond. It was the worst experience of my LoL career
i admire you teaching macro over a champion that doesnt even need micro but it would have been way better if you did in ornns position you probably get what i mean , also quick tip garen e alone procs the phase rush
Emerald 2 low lp and lower is gold players, and above these is former diamond players and masters. IDK how it makes sense and thank god I got out, but it's just unreal that I have to double my mmr from last 4 seasons to get to d4 LOL. Note: I average d3-2
i Love the flash play on talon lol it's always worth it
alois you got to try out swain top it is a very interesting pick I think you would enjoy it
love you and your content man!!!
Yo, i had my first game where i didnt interact with my laner at all (riven vs singed) and i just got super ahead with wave management, jg camps. Also i baited him into recalling so many times its crazy.
Facts E4 is the new D4
@aloisnl what do You think about new runes changes? Isn't it worth to play picks like riven/jayce with aery when conquer got fked? :D It used to be meta
Aery got more fucked than conq
I had my lulu int lvl 1 and get mad at me because i didnt int with her, she proceded to flame the shit out of me and stay under turret ignoring the game for the rest of the game, LOVELY EXPERIENCE!
Unless they changed it, Garen E does proc Phase Rush.
I get 14lp from win in emerald 4 how to stay positive? I need fundamentals for positivity
Stay in plats , emerald is just unplayable the amount of throws and the macro is just so bad ( im e2 im bad ik what im talking about worst elo )
@@fallay2808 Bro I was e 2 99lp then ranked happened... this shit is miserable
@@samelikuusisto SAME i was E2 90LP, then 12 losses in a row and straight to E4 0LP. Emerald is aids
your lp gains and (assumed)losses point at you belonging in plat. the mmr system is trying to get you back to your deserved rank with such horrible lp gains. if you're not good enough to stay above 60% wr i'd just stop playing on that account until next ranked season. make a smurf or something, your mmr is beyond repairable
@@josephwright8752 I am ranking up my gold smurf atm. But at the same time I think I can fix my main accounts lp too. Just need to not lose. Lol
Auto q E procs phase rush. Also q e whip can proc
what about 13 20 jg camps
Bully song
game has top tier music :)
Riot has to do something for this Emerald elo. There are too many troll players that I do not understand why. It seems like someone boost gold players into Emerald xd. They inting, feeding, trolling then when I today said to stop feed the enemy, they started to flame me and reported me. So guess, I got perma banned. 1 week ago I was banned for 14 days. I wrote Riot about that and they removed the ban after they have watched he replay they saw thgat I did not something wrong in the game...
In the very same way that the Talon is delusional so too is the Katarina player on your team. Laners are no better.
what about the new patch? jungle camps are so tanky that I will miss some minions from next wave after proxy
Did this a few games ago ended game with 350+ CS 5 turrets 2 inhibs and 7/3/2 it works they coudnt kill me or catch me
every year, before hitting diamond i have to spend like 500 games in old plat/new emerald elo....and I'm recently dropped now from D3 to P1 due to tilting .-.
After watching this video I would love to see Riot baning this talon instantly.
amazing how he has like 15 cs per min. insane
To proc phase on garen all you need is auto q e
Poor Ornn gets drafted against Korea challanger and gets that Talon jungle. Gotta feel bad for him
That’s the emerald lottery for you
I’m platinum but i met so many Emerald players that are so bad at the game, i couldn’t carry them even i’m leading in my lane💀
You are technically worse.
Drop the ego and start learning.
hes right, some of emerald 4s are like silver with 3cs/min@@JustShotsForMeh
I climbed to emerald1 and dropped back to emerald4 teice this season... im currently emerald3 40 lp going up again, if i dont delete first
mythmaker garen is the best one after god king for sure
I’m not gonna lie I’ve been stuck in emerald 1 for a while and Ik I can reach diamond but I keep running into such unfortunate teams
No promos anymore dawg just keep going, I’ve gone from D4 to E2 a couple times and it’s tilting af but it’s doable to get past emerald. I don’t think I’ve ever dodged matches this much though.
Garen e does proc phase rush
Turret plate is not 175 anymore :(
This talon is an animal.
I think there is a tiny trick with gare where you tank damadge with w so your passive doesnt run out
That would be a bug lol
If shields prevent garen's passive from stopping then he would be fkign op with mountain soul, overheal rune, old bloodthirster, or green smite
@@ryounin9192Its how it works tho, if you dont take actual HP damage the passive does not reset
E procs phase rush , you just always used Q E in the other games xD Auto Q E works just fine
tenacity and second wind on garen 😂😂
why I feel like dante is coaching this talon 🤣
talon should go 0/1 irl
Actually my emerald games are 50/50: i win if my botlane doesnt int, i lose if my botlane goes 1 death every 2 minutes.
Bro im support main in emerald. Let me tell you the ADC's here are absolute garbage most of the time. Like you can see that they hard push and they gonna get lvl2 first i even ping my adc to fall back and he always greeds for one minion.. if we dont end up somehow giga ahead the game is literally over because every ad just straight tunnel visions and doesnt even realise they are 1 lvl up or have 1 more item, or that we seen enemy jungle coming and even tough i ping them they still die to get 2 minions..
problem with emerald is that emerald have more skill disparity than bronze to diamond
It's literally the only elo where gold can fight diamond. It's enough to quit the game over tbh.
Pretty sure E does indeed proc it once.
Favorite part of the vid is him yelling JUSTICE while running ornn down 😂. Also gotta love league players will try to convince you only 1% of the playerbase is toxic yet youll get people like this talon nearly every game
Gnar is also very good against garen.
What do you expect when gold player got elo inflated thanks to new rank emerald where u litteraly get lp boosted until emerald.
best bo ban camille
Can you do Ornn next?
This game kinda became easy. I went from Silver 1 to 1 Game for Emerald 4 O_O so im convinced that its actually all silver till masters
Whoever told me not to dodge games is actually insane. Why would I ever go into game with a Nidalee support and a ghost ignite Ashe adc. Who would willingly do this to themselves?
I'll take the -5 lp and just move on with my life
I feel so sorry for Orn :/
anyone know name of the song from outro>?
That Talon . . . paid actor ?
not sure why you use pig as an insult, but otherwise nice vid in yetterlow
So rel, emerald is a freaking loony bin. Almost everything in that video happened to me at least once xD
not really, but if u carry all your games, it ain`t a problem for me only 40 to 50 minutes per game is a challange, alias i commonly get high ranked players like a 5 ranked ahri in the world lol
It is elo hell i was hardstuck till i found someone who´s has actually a brain!
Best ban when you want to play garen is to fucking ban garen. Free lp
why does alois play garen and not riven anymore does he rly think garen is better than riven or just for the content?
Hoeveel games heb jij wel niet beinvloed door je onranked naar master challenges. Vind jij dit zelf niet een beetje verkeerd wat je doet ?
staat niet gelijk aan hoeveel mensen ik heb geholpen :)
@@AloisNL je helpt mensen akkoord maar jij bent challenger dat speelt in low elo. Dat jij gaat winnen staat vast en de enemy verliest. 5 mensen verliezen Sr en de rest van u team krijgt een win dat ze mss niet eens verdienen. Je hebt meerdere accounts zo gedaan en hoeveel games wel niet op elke account voor het tot master GM of totzelfs challenger te krijgen. Educational kan je ook doen op gewone games en niet ranked. Denk er eens aan hoeveel games je wel niet gemanipuleerd hebt. En dat door andere challengerspelere wrs ook. Is er dan nog wel een juist rank in LOL als iedereen alles manipuleerd ? Kvind leuk dat je wat wilt doen voor andere spelers maar gans het rankd gebeuren is niet juist meer. Geen haat maar ik vroeg je mij gewoon af is dit het nu LOL ranked spelen met boosters en smurfs ?
that talon is a t3rrorist lmao (idk if i can say tht)
Poor ornn lol, at least he got a troll in a game he wouldve lost anyways, so I hope he didnt get too tilted.
nah, thats the most tilting thing. You dont usually tilt when you know you did good, but in this situation?
Lets be honest, its unrealistic to expect to win lane against a challenger player if you are emerald.@@PaladineAvenger1
Yes it procs
I thought it was Emerald until i arrived in diamond last week. Now i want to genuinely kill myself every game. I can guarantee that diamond players aqre worse than plats in terms of game knowledge
as someone who was hardstuck 7 seasons in diamond ( no joke ) i can tell you diamond is by far the worse elo because here you either see people with really good mechanics but garbage macro or really nice macro and game knowledge but shitty mechancs , also a lot of boosted , ego players , all the otp on the planet . The day i got master for the first time i almost cried after what i had to endure in diamond elo :(
@@vevymotivation (i'm about gold 1?) whenever i play normals and i see a diamond player, i know he's gonna feed. it's literally true 90% of the time, and he's gonna flame EVERYONE too. it's not even funny how bad they are (or they just don't care about normals? even on their "mains"?). i'm convinced every diamond i see in normals is boosted and it's crazy because there's A LOT of them in my games. me and my bro have the same experience, and whenever we play, we pray we don't get diamond in our team (although my friend became one recently but he clean af, honestly)
@@thatguy5233 well they are may troll , im master rn and im trolling normal games as hard as i can xd from AD Kennen jungle to , crittlestick ( fidle full AD ) , to ap vayne xd for me normal games are like a practice on hard more i wanna see if i can win with completly shity builds just because the mechanics/macro diff but also as i said a lot of diamond ( right now emerald ) are actually boosted accounts
@@vevymotivation and then you blame your team for your deaths? because that's what they most often do
@@thatguy5233 well im the type of guy who go 2-3 and apologize to the team so no im not flaming them . that's the only thing that made me escape diamond saying sorry even tho its not my faul and mute button
He says the aatrox run is done, but he's emerald 2 when i search his acc on client ( Lowdeath Wingame)
is the client bugged or what?
No, he has masters MMR on his account (his visual rank is emerald, but he plays with master tier players), that was the goal
@@komeowru but that makes no sense either lol his last game average mmr is diamond 3
60% wr, +15 -30
Yeah I agree
Day #6 of asking Alois to make Educational Unranked To Master ON YORICK
Im in E2 +16 -29
BRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUV this emerald rank is killing my will to play the game. . . . PLS SENPAI show the fucking way !
That Talon 🤮🤮🤮