I m asked to upload "Evidence that you have permission to be In the country your are applying from. For example, a copy of your visa or green card" . I m not sure what to upload?Passport 有相個頁?定無去旅行有chop 個d pages? Thanks in advanced!
Hi CC希. Thanks for your video. Very informative! I would like to ask one question. Do we need to write down travel details in China? Pls advise. Thanks.
Hi. when I created the acc, I chose HKSAR as my nationality but later the system said My nationality doesn't match between CHN (scan passport) and my account details. I just cant find any links or button how to change my account details to match the scan passport nationality. May you give me some pointers how to make this work?
Thank you so much for the information, very useful and detailed For the question, have you had visa to let you live in uk before , if I have student visa before, should I put my student visa? Also , for the questions, have you used nhs service before? Should I say yes ? But not sure I can find the numbers anymore. my 1st time study was 20 years ago, I used it, But , 10 years ago, i studied again, I didn’t use nhs from my memory.
I submitted last Thursday and received UK’s email last nite. UK requested more in Uk evidence , I think I submitted Wrong part for apply, I gave them UK. It should be HK. Actually, I paid all expenses including IHS & handling charges, Can I deleted all to submit NEW apply? How’s my payment
唔該我想問吓呢個情況:我仔20歲,申請人有BNO, 身在HK,已有TB test ,正準備填form申請BNO visa。亞仔會以我dependent身份申請。他的特區護照是2019之前簽發,而又在英國他手上,我不可能用app去Scan 他的特區護照。請問他可否在英國自己用我UAN number 自行上網報填form, 又怎樣處理他的特區護照認證問題呢?還有什麼要注意的地方?謝謝
Thanks for the videos and answered my questions before. One thing , it asked for Visa to enter to some countries that I traveled, I have uploaded 4 Visa, but missed Taiwan and Canada, as I can’t find that, is that ok ?
I selected "No" for TB certificate but still can proceed and paid. No ask me to provide evident on TB test and upload file secion. How come? I have completed all sections and left "submit" now. Any advice?
@@cchei_hk I expect I can change at later stage ma As the ans able to be modified b4, I haven't notice that I can't modify the ans when I reached to later steps.
I am in HK and I want to start the application b4 go to TB test. The ans able to be modified coz me think that I can change the "No" to "Yes" when I have tested TB and upload the TB cet at later stage.
@@cchei_hk thx your advice. If I withdraw the application, which part should I get the refund? I have paid IHS and VISA fee already. Can I use the paid IHS reference number in the new application? or I need to pay IHS again and waiting for the refund of the old one?
請問大人scan 到,但是小童到網站以dependent 獨立申請,到北角是否要放低正本出世紙和passport ??
CC Hei, 剛剛睇咗, 每一步説得 “非常清楚” Thanks 👍
Very clear and useful, thanks!
想讚讚阿希講得好清楚呀,尋晚即刻試,第一次搞左差唔多用左一個鐘😅 佢個網頁都算流暢易用,email 同手提驗證碼都好快收到
Many many thanks for your demo....very useful!
Hei, 謝謝妳! GOOD SHARE!
very clear, well said ! a little too fast, but its not a problem, everyone can always go back and retract and watch again and again
CC希 d片全部片都好 details 👍🏿
祝福妳 🙏🌷
多謝分享! 但係片段 3:19 位置的國藉HKSAR + PLACE OF ISSUE HKSAR ,已經變成Hong Kong,而我登記兩者為HK,APPS 認證後是Failed,do not match the nationality. 所以唔知點算好
@@Van8666 thank you 🙇🏻♀️
想請教下,兩個仔響加拿大讀緊書,可唔可以身在加拿大用父母bno嘅身份響加拿大網上申請bno Visa的呢?🙏🏻
🥰 非常好的分享 👏👏👏👏👏
I m asked to upload "Evidence that you have permission to be In the country your are applying from. For example, a copy of your visa or green card" . I m not sure what to upload?Passport 有相個頁?定無去旅行有chop 個d pages? Thanks in advanced!
香港身分證,or 香港passport
首先,係唔係要上網creat account, 才可以用app申請bno Visa?
其次,我想請問申請bno visa嘅時候,係唔係需要有tb test report喺手?
唔該哂 好清楚
thanks 🙏
Hi CC希. Thanks for your video. Very informative! I would like to ask one question. Do we need to write down travel details in China? Pls advise. Thanks.
No, because no recode in passport and I don’t think you can remember
@@cchei_hk thanks!
請問申請bno visa 遞交 文件是否需要交其列出所有的文件,還是一兩樣就可以,因有這文件已遺失
請問是否一定要credit card付款? 可以用debit card嗎? 謝謝
Thanks. Very good information, it’s a beautiful Country, well maybe I can hardly afford to live there
想問下what permission do you have to be in the country you are applying for? 點填?謝謝!
CC希,想請問你BNO visa application 有無叫我哋輸入已付款后的 IHS number嫁, 因為IHS payment 後收到confirmation email, 內容講到要upload the confirmation, 但BNO visa application 無位置可以upload依樣野喎?thx.
有,到你比ihs 錢嘅時候,你可以選擇已經俾咗就輸入返個Number
想請問而家如果申請BNO Visa 5+1喺24年4月1號成功批出,咁最遲幾時入境先至唔會過期?😊
你好CC希,如果做TB Test的時候用舊的特區護照(因為約了做TB test的的時候還沒收到新的特區護照),但申請BNO Visa時用續了期的特區護照,因Passport Number已不同,想知道應該怎麼辦呢?😇🙏🏻
可以去化驗所改資料, 我嗰間修改費收$400
@@arionfung8406 謝謝你回覆🙏🏻
Hi. when I created the acc, I chose HKSAR as my nationality but later the system said My nationality doesn't match between CHN (scan passport) and my account details. I just cant find any links or button how to change my account details to match the scan passport nationality. May you give me some pointers how to make this work?
HKSAR passport should be CHN
@@cchei_hk yes I know now but I chose HKAR n can’t find my way to change it into CHN
@@sethyeung7089 continue, then it will change automatically
你好,請問有關申請, 如果到步後我是住在朋友家, 請問我需要怎樣提供英國住址證明? 可否只在紙張上著名朋友的名字,地址? 還是要朋友給我一個正式的住址證明😊
Hi,非常感謝你的資訊和回覆,在upload evidence時,因未有任何Rental Contract, 而且又未book hotel, 如何提供evidence?怎樣交代呢?
我單人用BNO Passport申請,提交evidence時並沒有要求travel record,只係要財力證明& TB Test, 但見很多網友都話要upload本護照出入境印仔,請問我情況是否正常?
你好👋 小朋友現在英國讀書,請問點樣由student Visa轉BNO Visa?🙏🙏
Thank you so much for the information, very useful and detailed
For the question, have you had visa to let you live in uk before , if I have student visa before, should I put my student visa?
Also , for the questions, have you used nhs service before? Should I say yes ?
But not sure I can find the numbers anymore. my 1st time study was 20
years ago, I used it, But , 10 years ago, i studied again, I didn’t use nhs from my memory.
No,if you are not holding the study visa now
Yes, if you remember
@@cchei_hk thanks , but it asks ‘have you ever had a visa enter or remain or other permission to be in the U.K. ? I still say “No”
你用咗什么牌子手机什么型号 ? 我用过 Samsung A51 及 小米 Note 9T 都不能掃描 passport chip 理由是应用程式不合 2021-3-16
I submitted last Thursday and received UK’s email last nite. UK requested more in Uk evidence , I think I submitted Wrong part for apply, I gave them UK. It should be HK. Actually, I paid all expenses including IHS & handling charges, Can I deleted all to submit NEW apply? How’s my payment
Hi 我想問如果申請BNO visa 時還有欠債,是否不能申請?但不是主咭人是否有影響?謝謝
Hi CC希想問下你問題
我最近去做tb test 因為張相睇唔清楚要去留啖,8月頭去留啖,預計十月頭出報告。
我打算先用特區護照去英國玩兩個月,係英國等報告出咗,再叫屋企人掃描報告比我,我係英國用bno申請 bno visa,佢會唔會覺得我人係英國 但份報告係香港出 你覺得會唔會受影響?
我係英國成功申請bno visa後,需唔需要用bno visa出境再入境 去啟動?
唔該哂你 我一直有關注你 所以想問你
Thanks CC希
1)雖然話用 app 申請話無入境 deadline. 但網上 KOLs 講 BNO visa 係有5年時限,過左 5年就要續期,請問大家點睇?
2) NHS 係 Land 開始計,定 BNO visa 批左就起錶? 如果我 3年後先 Land 係咪要比 8年 NHS fee?
3) 如果我預 3年後去,咁現在都要 submit TB test report? Land 前再做多次 TB ?
Sorry 太多問題希望 CC希同大家唔好介意
想問問criminality section裹需要我哋報交通定額罸款告藅資料嗎?
唔該我想問吓呢個情況:我仔20歲,申請人有BNO, 身在HK,已有TB test ,正準備填form申請BNO visa。亞仔會以我dependent身份申請。他的特區護照是2019之前簽發,而又在英國他手上,我不可能用app去Scan 他的特區護照。請問他可否在英國自己用我UAN number 自行上網報填form, 又怎樣處理他的特區護照認證問題呢?還有什麼要注意的地方?謝謝
請問(1) 是否 join in patreon $3 /mth 便可睇到 網上申請 BNO visa applications 填表上的各項問題講解, 還是要 join in $5/mth plan 呢 ?
(2) 是否整個 application processing 全用手機進行? 還是在電腦填表,手機做 scan & photo ?
(3) 10 years traveling history, 是否要upload all 有印仔的版頁 ? 有些國家出境時沒有stamp, 那如何上報離境日期 ?
非常感謝你的影片和講解 !
1)如果香港原本住嘅物業已經租出咗,但係我會改咗我d mailing 去父母屋企,咁樣我如果填香港地址應該係用自己出租物業的地址 or 父母幫我收信件的地址呢?
2)記得有條問題問呢個地址係咪你住緊嘅屋企,我身處外地呢條問題應該填NO, 之後填返現居地住址嗎?(系統容許有兩個不同的地址嗎?)
請問你的BNO Visa用了多少星期批核? 如交齊文件都'係需要12星期嗎?
請教一下 可否入英境後才申請 BNO 5+1 Visa?
我用过 Samsung A51 及 小米 Note 9T 都不能掃描 passport chip 理由是应用程式不合 請問你用手机 ?
Thank you
想問如果冇living plan, e.g.填左no, 會唔會批到?
試過用citi bank debit card有error... 用hsbc uk debit card得唔得呢?定係一定要用credit card付款?咁咪要硬食銀行d乜charge物charge lor? 佢本身個rmb 已經貴英鎊勁多😫
想問吓如果在美國申請BNO visa 也可以?
Thanks for the videos and answered my questions before. One thing , it asked for Visa to enter to some countries that I traveled, I have uploaded 4 Visa, but missed Taiwan and Canada, as I can’t find that, is that ok ?
If you can’t find, it is ok
努力 good 👍
你好cc希,我想問我好多年前已經遺失了BNO,我申請BNO Visa ,是否一定要先補領 BNO?
我係bno持有人 女朋友係上海人(上海戶籍)無香港身份證,我而家準備申請bno visa請問我可唔可以帶埋佢一齊申請bno visa? 如果可以 佢係咪都要tb fest? 香港銀行戶口? 內地工作证明?
97後出生, 父母有一方有BNO 其子女可 在App上申請 , 2022年10月生效
Hi 希,請問知吾知申請時填嘅地址,通訊地址和住址係咪可以吾同 ?thx
我是主申請人, 有bno and 特區護照, 我有1 孩子(10years old)只有特區護照 ,他是我的dependant, 在用app 去做 confirm your identity 的時候, 我應該 scan bno passport 或是特區護照? 請問有分別嗎? 我是否需要同孩子一樣在用app 去做 confirm your identity 的時候, scan 特區護照? thanks
請問發現有野missed 左填 想cancel application 再create 個accoutu - 可否用番同一個email 同電話?
如果要申請crown dependencies, 點解唔可以用app 申?
Hi Joyce,請問你可否俾個PayMe戶口我,請問你可否加我手機WhatsApp呢?
Sorry 打錯你個名
Hello CC希
你好請問TB test report 既特區護照passport no ,同我更新左既特區護照唔同,請問可以嗎?定要去檢驗中心更改番個passport no 先可以,謝謝解答
@@cchei_hk Thanks !
@@cchei_hk thanks
想問吓用app申請,現階段提交TB Test,假設我申請獲批,十年後才往UK, 到時要再做一次TB Test嗎?同埋交左NHS,其生效期...系由獲批VISA當日開始計,還是到步UK第一日開始計?
@@matpk why? 請賜教。:)
求救😢😥 請你幫忙🙇♀️🙏,我 英文唔好,理解力又低🥺😰
上個禮拜 申請bno Visa, 最後係未比錢未upload文件 , 如果我delete或者唔理佢 等佢自動失效可以嗎? 請問 會唔會影響我 再申請架? 會唔會入咗blacklist ? 因為我想重新填過啲資料。
事原因為有一欄confirm your identity嗰度 冇得 畀我返轉頭去改資料, 我好擔心自己 答錯問題,例如我 18歲時改過個名, 97年攞咗台灣身份證。 同埋 我用左電話下載uk immigrate apps 將個電話擺咗去 bno嘅(背面), 唔知有冇做錯 , 過程中我冇做過 scan passport上面嗰個 chip 😰🥺, 因為佢好似冇叫我做呢樣嘢。 但又好似過到。我係用bno visa申請, 有一欄問你有冇其他外國護照, 我就答咗有 特區護照及台灣護照, 請問我有冇答錯呢? 。我足足花咗十幾個鐘去填表, 用咗兩日嘅時間
但我收到home office email要求我細仔個申請要再提供photo, 想問下知唔知係要再係apps影?定係獨立upload 証件相?
@@cchei_hk 明白,即係要單獨upload 証件相file 就可以?
想請問現在入去申請visa是否一定有5. Submit 個制?我之前申請左,比齊錢但係唔記得有無submit 個制,現在login返入去同扮新申請都無submit 個制,想了解一下個情況🙏🏻
希,請問我的old passport,2003到期及過期, 冇生物認證、冇晶片,不能連上British 手機App
BNO續期一步步教你│需要副簽嗎?│親身經驗過期15年成功申請 (2020年6月)
想請問下各位,若果BNO expired,填form時‘country of nationality’係咪應該填Hong Kong?
你好,請問我在選擇所去的地方選擇了不用T B Test,但我在候補文件地方上載了我們一家申請人各自的T B Test result,請問有問題嗎?謝謝
想請問一下未有TB test是否可以先在這app 申請BNO Visa, 因為根據你條片最後要upload TB test, 謝謝🙏
佢其中一條問題會問你有冇TB Test嘅,理論上係預咗你會答有
請問 填其他國籍時, 冇得揀香港 ,只可以揀china ,是不是照填china,之後輸入香港身份證及特區護照呢?
@@cchei_hk 謝謝你嘅回覆呀🥰😘
I selected "No" for TB certificate but still can proceed and paid. No ask me to provide evident on TB test and upload file secion.
How come? I have completed all sections and left "submit" now. Any advice?
The system will not stop you, but it don’t mean they will give you visa. Why you think you don’t need to test? You leave outside Hong Kong?
@@cchei_hk I expect I can change at later stage ma
As the ans able to be modified b4, I haven't notice that I can't modify the ans when I reached to later steps.
I am in HK and I want to start the application b4 go to TB test. The ans able to be modified coz me think that I can change the "No" to "Yes" when I have tested TB and upload the TB cet at later stage.
@@TerenceWan yes, you can't change after declare you can only delete the application and start it again
@@cchei_hk thx your advice. If I withdraw the application, which part should I get the refund? I have paid IHS and VISA fee already.
Can I use the paid IHS reference number in the new application? or I need to pay IHS again and waiting for the refund of the old one?
你好CC希,如用特區護照申請,發現如選 nationality Hong Kong,之後 用 app scan passports 後,顯示nationality do not match !之後不能再繼續!已試重新 create new uid ,但仍改不了!請問怎樣取消 Account 呢!?
CC希,想問吓,如果我兩夫婦都有BNO,我們冇小朋友,是否各自開account 填表申請?還是開一個account 填2張form?
請問TB test我係用 特區passport no.,但申請時可唔可以用bno scan?
可以,申請最好用返BNO,上載Tb test 時上載埋特區護照嘅資料
諗住預先睇下之後有咩要準備, 手快快襟到去step3: Pay, 未比錢, 但之後返唔到轉頭改仲有旅遊紀錄未填好
delete左會有咩後果? ref number有冇變? 係咪要重新setup ac?
係,declare 之後就唔可以再改勁低能
申請過程中我用SONY Xperia X Performance Dual F8132 手機並啟動NFC掃瞄 passport , 可惜無法完成! 唔知點解 ? 唔知有冇人有此經驗 ? 定係passport 晶片出問題?
@@cchei_hk 一星期前由英國寄到BNO
@@killer4813 咁應該嘅唔會有問題,你借別人的電話試試
@@cchei_hk 唔好意思 多次麻煩咗你!
@@killer4813 唔洗客氣