Exactly! I always thought taking cuttings and rooting a new plant would be so hard, esp. without fertilizer or nutrients, but apparently not! Really appreciate this video, and all the videos in this series. Unbelievably helpful and so straight forward and easy to understand.
Awesome video, I"m setting up a propogating station on my shelf! Thanks so much! Question about the lighting: If under LED, do you (or can you?) run them at 24 hrs a day? Or do you twelve on / twelve off, kind of thing?
Regarding the oak leaf creeping fig, is the sphagnum moss enough for the plant to get all the nutrition it needs? In other words, after the cuttings produce roots, do you still keep it in the sphagnum moss or do you replant it to a soil medium?
Do you find that root hormone works to develop a root structure quicker then without? Are there some species of plants where rooting hormone is effective, and others not so much?
Thank you for the video. Anyone know where I Can get some Ficus Quercifolia? It seems to only be available in unrooted cuttings and not decent sized plants. Also, the video should have mentioned that you need to propogate in the spring or summer as most plants won't root in autumn and winter. Thanks.
There’s are terrarium plants & can be propagated year round. (They are kept indoors so temperature fluctuations is not an issue). Ficus Quercifolia can be difficult to get hold of sometimes, sometimes there is good availability from hobbyists on eBay for a good price. That’s where I originally got mine. Hope this was helpful!
Hope you found this useful! Let me know if there are any other plants you’d like me to cover!
Amazing how these plants can be propagated from cut off stems... Nature is truly astonishing.
I agree! Nature is amazing!😃
Exactly! I always thought taking cuttings and rooting a new plant would be so hard, esp. without fertilizer or nutrients, but apparently not!
Really appreciate this video, and all the videos in this series. Unbelievably helpful and so straight forward and easy to understand.
This is so cool. I just got into making terrariums and I'm loving your videos. Thanks so much for taking the time to share your knowledge. 😌😌😌
Made up now as I was weary being a beginner. Very insightful advice in your videos
What a great video, very helpful. I love my Fittonia and peperomia plants, and now I can make more and share them!!! Thank you!!!!
Wonderful advice! Thanks so much!
Great video - very helpful. The smoothie cups that you use. Can you tell me what size they are.?
I'd like to see how you propagate hoyas :) thanks for the videos
This is so helpful, thank you!
Glad it was helpful!
how often and how much do you water them if being kept like this? or in the bin.
Awesome video, I"m setting up a propogating station on my shelf! Thanks so much!
Question about the lighting: If under LED, do you (or can you?) run them at 24 hrs a day? Or do you twelve on / twelve off, kind of thing?
Thanks mate! glad I found your channel!
Thank you for watching!:)
It is beautiful ❤
Brilliant videos mate!
Thank you!
Regarding the oak leaf creeping fig, is the sphagnum moss enough for the plant to get all the nutrition it needs?
In other words, after the cuttings produce roots, do you still keep it in the sphagnum moss or do you replant it to a soil medium?
You could soak the sphagnum moss with ferts first.
Your videos are super helpful and informative! Where would one acquire all these different terrarium plants?
Thank you so much! Often from houseplant shops or online from reptile/amphibian shops. & if all else fails eBay is also a good place to look
Nice 👍
I want to build a tropical terrarium.
Do you think i can youse chapparal manzanita branches? Maybe you can Help me
And where do you get the plants from?
Yes you can use manzanita for hardscape:) I get most of my plants online from reptile & amphibian stores
Do you have to “microwave” sphagnum moss? And how often do you water them?
Do you find that root hormone works to develop a root structure quicker then without? Are there some species of plants where rooting hormone is effective, and others not so much?
Thank you for the video. Anyone know where I Can get some Ficus Quercifolia? It seems to only be available in unrooted cuttings and not decent sized plants. Also, the video should have mentioned that you need to propogate in the spring or summer as most plants won't root in autumn and winter. Thanks.
There’s are terrarium plants & can be propagated year round. (They are kept indoors so temperature fluctuations is not an issue). Ficus Quercifolia can be difficult to get hold of sometimes, sometimes there is good availability from hobbyists on eBay for a good price. That’s where I originally got mine. Hope this was helpful!
I got a ficus pumilia from Lowe’s and the oak leaf creeping fig from Josh’s Frogs
Is it possible to make terrariums with mini orchids (Phalenopsis) inside? Thank you.
Yes they grow well in terrariums:)
How often do I water my established string of frogs it’s in soil?
And how often do I water the cuttings I put in spagnum moss with lid on top?
@terrarium designs
How do you maintain a supply of springtails?
So, do you just use small cuttings for a first one?
What have you got in the bottom of the large tub is it egg crate? What could be used instead of egg crate please
Thanks! 😃
No problem! Thanks for watching:)
Love your videos
is it ok to use a plastic cup and put some paper or tinfoil and is ther otther dirt i can us than spaghnum moss
thanks mate
No worries! Thanks for watching:)
did you put some holes in the plastic box?
Does the sphagnum moss need to be alive, or is it fine if it is dry?
He used dry sphagnum moss
This was very useful but I realized u said to not cup the propagations to short but does that mean u can cut it long?
Should we wet the sphagnum moss and keep it moist during propagation?
Yes, keep it moist & damp but not too wet. I like to squeeze the sphagnum moss to remove excess water before putting it in the pot:)
Pls suggest some more plants for terrenium
Hey! Could you make videos of your terrariums in the background, please? I guess you are keeping dartfrogs?
I should do a video on them🤔 they are very overgrown & are probably due for a re-scape so it might make a good video
What are those clear lids on your terrariums?
They are sold as clear acrylic discs, they make perfect lids:)
@@TerrariumDesigns where can you get those at?
I get them from Amazon/eBay. They are relatively cheap which is good.
How many ml are the transparent cups?
Don’t the cuttings need nodes?
It depends on the species of plant you are propagating:)
Thx I’m a beginner
Wow beautiful Plants ^^
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Where can I buy ficus quercofolia
air flow??
Led or uvv
Dont we need water spray