yeah, probably... it still looks (to me) like she decided to get in the car with him on the spot. and R* could have made her tell Michael "I'm dropping off Fabian, pick me up at home after you get Tracy" (or something like that) Michael's house is on the way anyway...
for the one about the wind, it's a better position based on the direction the wind is blowing, if it's blowing to the side of them it will blow them off the building, but if the wind is blowing towards the direction of the side they grapple down, it makes it much easier.
Nice, I didn't think of that... still it seems like no one bothered checking the wind direction, and they specifically say "too high" and "low enough", referring to height and not direction
Matheus Caixista car logic should be left out because rockstar doesn't put effort into recreating them completely accurate. all cars in gta since ever have been combinations of multiple cars
the part with the phones in the car and the head glitching in the roof is true but you are using a car from online that is not meant to be in singleplayer
Another: i've seen architects before and I doubt they simply walk with a finished government building's floorplan around, mainly because that info should be sort of a secret.
Douglas Rampazo I'm not sure about government buildings (pentagon, White House, etc etc) but you can buy the architectural plans of any residential home in your city's city council
Actually what I found even weirder is how Franklin just walks into the construction site with NO ONE stopping him. (Except the guy who gives him a hard hat.) Did the workers just assume he was another worker that forgot his hard hat? I don't know if that makes sense to me.
Sorry dude, but about that part about the head going trough the roof is a lil' bit bs. those are online cars, they arent supposed to be in story mode. In online you don't hold the phone.
Hell, that Rickie Lukens tidbit, even Michael mentions it when you pick Lukens in The Jewel Store Job. "You gotta be kidding me. Why did i employ a hacker that can't even run an antivirus software?"
Regarding the LifeInvader bro, I have a conspiracy theory: Maybe he was doing it to test Michael's computer skills, and that's how he knew he wasn't a real IT person.
Good theory. I’ve read a comment somewhere which said that Rickie planned to bring down Jay of LifeInvader and see Michael as an opportunity to do so. Not quite sure about it.
He would have been stupid to put malware on his company machine, even if it meant he was able to bypass the web filtering Lifeinvader would unquestionably have in effect. Bringing in his own malware-riddled machine would have raised giant red flags to everyone around him (and that’s assuming Lifeinvader’s switches didn’t have port security, which would be stupid to assume); it’s not like he was in some secluded office. Plus he panicked and fucked up on his earlier heists, even after everything was out in the open and his money/freedom was on the line.
I have an idea about 2 of these. The Rickie "Tracking you down" could just be him checking your lifeinvader account to find your number. (Since their quota is the fact that nothing is private anymore so it wouldn't be a suprise if Mike's phone number was out there for the public) And the 2nd one being about Lester's approach on heists. I think the obvious simple faults are just to show how paranoid Lester has become. He is so obsessed with the small details that he makes really simple mistakes. But hey, This is just my opinion .Nothing directed to the video or the creator, it was a great video.
Most of these are because of hardware limitations on the PS3 and Xbox 360, they had to go down one floor in the FIB building because the system cannot render everything, or that they're in a safe place from the wind, as for Amanda's car, well she probably parked her car somewhere else and came there with a taxi, however, her car not spawning in the mansion might be an oversight, as for Lester's workers helping him with his heist planning; it could be that they are illegal immigrants anyway, and if they testify against him they themselves might get deported. This video is great by the way, it really tests my knowledge of the game.
actually the first could be easily fixed by 1. making 3-4 floors closed (so you just walk down the staircase more), no added interior. 2. not mention the height as the problem, maybe wind direction (as someone suggested in the comments here) or the structural integrity near the window. if you have your car 10 feet from you and you make an appointment with someone, then drive off in that car... why would you not use the car to get to that appointment? I agree about the immigration, but it's an unnecessary risk (thy might sell the info to another criminal crew) and wouldn't Lester be extra careful? and thanks, I appreciate the compliment and the constructive comments :)
whatever57010 Well she might've known that she'll be back with Michael eventually so she didn't use her car if she knew that she's just gonna leave the car, I mean, that's just my guess. And no problem man, I love healthy debates like these because we can actually get somewhere, and open our minds a little bit to things we didn't see. Keep up the good work! :]
that is a reasonable guess... although it seems like she decided on the spot to get a ride with Michael (at least that is my interpretation of the discussion they had outside the shrink's office). I also appreciate a good discussions like this. thanks, and I will do my best :)
There is one thing you screwed up. The cars you showcased for the head glitch thing with the phone out don't actually exist in the campaign so that can't happen with Micheal Trevor or Franklin. Yes those cars are in GTA online but the online character doesn't take out his phone so Rockstar didn't bother to make the roof high enough for Michael and the others since it wouldn't be needed anyways... The only reason that you found that glitch is because you spawned the cars into single player where they aren't meant to be so that wouldn't really be a glitch. Even if you break hard without a phone in your online characters hand it would not make the head pop through the roof because like I said they don't take out their phones. So that glitch isn't really a glitch.... But good job noticing the other things :)
Chris Carpenter Yes, bus that isn't really Rockstar's fault. If somebody modded in, I dunno, a rideable sled or something you wouldn't complain to Rockstar why that sled can slide without snow.
7:13 I think he probably just wrote notes and didn’t think about the plan until just now. That’s what I do with some school projects lol but great video as always 👍🏾
7:54 I thought I was the only one who thought about this one but my only explanation is that Rockstar was joking with us the gamers but they did a good job developing this game, take Fort Zancudo for example, there's no secret back door to get you in, you'll have to fight your way through any of the gates but there's is a secret back door at the LS International Airport but there's no security cameras or guards covering that back door yet you get a wanted level 2 seconds after you enter it and if you are in a submarine in the ocean you can hear and bump into sharks, whales and other sea creatures unlike any previous GTA game where sea creatures are textures.
Luke Colistra Well this game isn't meant to be Super Ultra Realistic game, it might be realistic but they took some details down because they either forget or just don't really care.Besides the game is already fun by its own
Fanfact Gta 5, the sound effect when you have to click off the antivirus ( the mission with rickie)is the same sound effect as 'Lesbian Porn' from GTA IV
2:30 they need reason for stopping them, even if they suspect them, they are making them drive in high speed to have reason for stopping them, and cops need reason to stop them, it's a free country, it's not working like what u said
Sea Raider no, if the cars aren’t stationary then if they suspect or anything else goes wrong, the drivers can run away in super cars without intent of ever stopping. Or stealing super cars at a petrol station with CCTV isn’t really the smartest idea, not to mention, firing weapons around such a area is dangerous as well if something goes off
The only thing I can possibly suggest for the FIB heist is that the spot where Franklin first suggests going is close to the opening from the chopper crash that when they try to repel down, the wind could get it the way. When Michael says "This'll do" they don't have those gaping holes to possibly contend with...
i just noticed, that Michael didn't have any magazine on his rifle in the first cutscene but at the end of it, before they dropped down, Michael had the magazine like he's supposed to.
Even though they only dropped one floor in the Bureau raid, they're now on a different side of the building where maybe the wind was being blocked by the building. Amanda could've taken a taxi and dropped her car off at home on the way. It might be Fabien's car and she drove because Fabien isn't in a fit to drive after a beatdown. Should the police get wise of the heist you can burn the evidence to destroy it. A hard drive can have data recovered from it even after numerous attempts at erasing it. The workers are probably given a share of Lester's cut to keep them quiet and help him out. They also act as security, and the heist board is upstairs so it's not like anyone can just glance in passing by and see it.
In Bury the Hatchet. Something always bothered me. Why doesn't Micheal ditch the rental and take one of the van to north yankton airport. Trevor was so one would think he might've sabatoge the car and Micheal could've just take a van drive to the airport or dock steal a place or boat drive them back to Los Santos and go into hiding.
Chris Carpenter he mean they were never intended to be in story mode so rockstar didn't bother coding around a phone being pulled up while driving since you don't actually take your phone out in online like you do in story mode.
Seriously what? I agree with the first one, that was obviously stupid. But about the rest... #2) they didn't just rob them at the gas station because it would be pretty obvious with lots of others watching wouldn't it? Also they made them speed because that makes cops stopping them way more likely and believable. #3) who the fuck cares about the car?! would've been worse if the car first was there and then after the session she comes with you and her car despawned. think about how often that happened in previous GTA parts... also have you thought about her arriving by public transport?! #4) just because you can do the hard task, it doesnt mean you can do all the easier ones. An airline pilot can successfully steer an A380 but he may not be able to properly fly small gliders without engines. also if you got to deal with a stupid problem like that you probably simply let the others deal with the annoying problems instead of caring about them on your own. #5) that doesn't even have anything to do with the storyline why is that even in this video?? #6) So, some markings now mean the plan is complete? he was in the process of working out a plan and that were some keynotes. and also, a big board is the better place to plan because it gives you more room, makes it more clear and organizable. way better than some virtual information on an hdd. as he said, some methods don't change, just like many people still prefer reading paper books over having the "small portable handy e-reader" with them Stop complaining about every little detail. Apart from the first one, none of them were too logic or story breaking. It's a freaking game after all... EDIT: Just read a theory for the first one, saying that it wasn't really about the hight, but rather about the side the were rappeling down. Maybe on that side the wind was slower/calm. That wouldn't really match the dialogue, but anyway...
2. and trowing them out of the cars on a busy freeway isn't obvious? and leaving the police bikes for them to chase you with is also quite stupid. when 2 trust fund kids with super cars meet on the same road every week (as Devin said)... you can be sure they are speeding, or will be speeding at some point. also, no one told Franklin that they will be at the gas station, Devin only mentioned the cop uniforms, and they were parked by the fuel pumps so they didn't intend to stay there for a long time. and one last thing about this... Devin know those kids, so why not take the cars while they are parked at home? (Rockstar obviously wanted a race mission) 3. Amanda drives off with Fabian in the car... aren't you curious wtf happened, where did she leave the car? I mean if she did arrive in the car we could just assume she dropped off Fabian and drove to the Dr. and sure she can take a taxi, but then again... why? what happened that made taking a taxi better? (btw she could have just said her car broke down) 4. true, I accept that... but still, the task was only closing some popups and click on the antivirus software (that Rickie told Michael were to find) 5. I accept that, my bad 6. some markings (that relate to the heist) mean that someone already planned it... so why did he say he didn't figure it out yet? also, did the plans come pre-marked with heist options from the architect? (maybe he was also planing to brake into the IAA building). true, old time methods are not necessarily less good... but he claims he dose it so he won't leave evidence... a hard drive (managed properly) would leave less evidence. a big board in an open office having your workers in on it ("setting up the information") is not the way to "not leave evidence. PS... relax, we all know it's a game. I had fun exploring and making this video and I am sorry you didn't have fun watching this. ohh and I also notice the wind comment, and as you said it's not matching the dialogue.
2.) Throwing them out on a busy highway is less obvious, because that's exactly what stopping speeders looks like. Everyone passing would think "oh just another traffic check", which wouldn't be the case on the gas station. and they didnt take the cars from their homes, because that would mean breaking the locks or smashing the windows and then shortcutting the engine. like that they only need to get in and drive away (could be one theory) 3.) no I am not curious about what happened to the car. that's what I mean, why should one be worried about an antagonists car. think about GTAIV: Romans taxi constantly was there and then it wasn't - none cared because why would you. and "why is taking the taxi better?"? there are various reasons, for instance she doesn't need to find a parking lot - which women often hassle with (no offence) :D 6.) you can burn down the board and none will ever be able to backtrace anything, now try burning down an HDD. You can always bring it to professionals who can restore at least parts of the information. and now it probably makes sense why he burned the whole textile factory down in the end, doesn't it? So yeah, we see you can always come up with explenations either to show that it might be logical, or to show how unlogical something is. In the end I don't think you need to care about these small details, as I said this is a game and not reallife. especially where you said "Rockstar wanted a race mission" I totally agreed, but that's the point: This is a game, where R* wants to bring together gameplay and story. And sometimes story seems a bit odd because they want to add gameplay, such as a race in 2.) or they want you to go though another level of action in 1.), because this is what also adds fun to the game. Games are not made up by the story alone like in movies or books...
2. when I said "throwing them out on a busy highway" I was referring to the part where they physically throw them into the middle of traffic and get into the cars ad drive away. a car would have to stop to avoid hitting them and then you will have the two rich kids explaining they were car jacked and even calling the police them selves (since no one took their phone). when stealing a care from someones home (not that I do that) you can follow the guy home and ambush him. either hitting him on the head with out him even knowing what happened, forcing your way in after him and tying him up wile you take the keys (no need to smash, just get some intel on the guy). 3. Amanda is not an Antagonist, she is a supporting character and I guess I gust like stories more then you do, therefor I care about the story and it's details. 6. rewriting on the erased information several times will make it virtually impossible to recover, and inflicting enough physical damage will render it useless not that hard to do (I have destroyed some hard drives myself). no to mention encryption and re usage for future heists. and true, there is always an explanation or a better way to do things, and all the "mistakes" are inevitable on a project the size of GTA (and with a deadline)... I would personally love it if GTAs story was a equal to a movie/book story (a good one), and I only reacted since I interpenetrated you'r first comment as if I make no sense... I know I a picky, and sometimes I make mistakes (human after all) but some claims are still valid and if R* would have noticed, then it would be an easy fix without any game change.
Actually the first one was completely fine. Going down 2 floors would totally make the difference. (It was 2 by the way not 1 they slide down 1 and then they walk down stairs yeah technically they couldn't go from the top floor because the edge was destroyed but still Michael was operating on the wind he felt at that height) The cut off has to happen somewhere. If every floor is just like the last then even if you go down 10 floors it still wouldn't matter.
In the case of Rickie, if you use him in the Jewelry job Michael says: "why I hire a a hacker that doesn't know how use an anti virus" and then you use Rickie for the FIB heist he also says: "Don't forget Rickie, I teach you everything you know" (talking about his hacker skill)
2:14 franklin didn't know that they're were gonna be at the gas station, Molly just told him that they like racing around there so that's where the mission sends you, you just happen to find them at the gas station, and Trevor and Michael needed a good reason to pull them over to make it seem like nothing suspicious, you're argument here is invalid
"Allegedly for speeding" they were speeding they were street racing, rockstar just needed a way for them all to be involved in that mission because it's a job they're all going together for one guy
Another thing I just found interesting... Didn't the GTA IV police actually arrest NPC's? In GTA V, I think they just shoot NPC's on sight, and attempt to arrest you if you have one star. In GTA Online, it's just shoot first, ask questions later for the cops.
Theres a screenshot of gta 5 before getting realased showing cops arresting people and taking them to cars, my guess they removed it beacuse of limitations.
The only things i can see you are wrong here are 2 things! first They couldnt use a rope to climb down becuz of the wind. But they changed sides of the Building as seen in your video. On the other side the wind isnt that strong. So they can climb. the other thing Amanda took Fabien Home and then used a taxi to drive there. She only did it so she can drive home with michael. At this point she ALREADY decided to give Michael another chance without telling him. Womens logic.
That with the hard drive was the best in my opinion. Just so funny to choose a room with a big ass window and people in the next room (they probably know it's a cover but still a risk) rather than a hard drive you could encrypt and send to hardware heaven with a cheap hammer....
Technically, they would need to be speeding for Michael and Trevor to pull them over legally. Either that, or they’d need to have broken another law (eg, swerving into the wrong lane, broken taillight, etc.). Obviously Michael and Trevor don’t need to follow the rules because they’re not real cops, and the guys would have pulled over anyway, but legally speaking, law enforcement officers can not pull you over for just anything. It must be a violation.
My best explanation for mission where Franklin races the other 2 cars in order for them to steal them? This was Rockstar’s way of making it easier for the player to reveal more of the map in the pause menu. If you view the map before you start the mission (assuming you played the game mainly for the story) you’ll see that the majority of the top is shaded, but after the mission it’ll be revealed. That’s because that mission takes you through that area. SN: they do something like this in San Andreas also. When you first get to San Fierro you’ll do a mission where you drive to get people for the mechanic shop and tho it seems like a pointless mission it’s also a mission that reveals the rest of San Fierro.
For most of these, this is a sad reality in video games, and its that story and logic are gameplay's bitches, there is an experience that the gameplay has to offer, and the story is just an excuse to that
I'm sitting here reading these comments exposing your points, and I'm laughing my was off. These videos are extremely nitpicky and to see people expose your points is gold.
"Why did I employ a hacker who can't run anti-virus software?!" Another dumb logic thing in this game is why do you need to hire a hacker for certain heists when Lester is a hacker and is clearly better than all the other ones in the game.
The Ricky thing is less of a big deal for me since the character is already sort of a parody of programmers. And Programmers tend to have a stereotype where they are really good at making programs but less good at typical IT stuff like troubleshooting computer problems. Additionally he also states "If you guys let me use the OS I requested none of this would be an issue". You can imagine that Ricky just sees this sort of thing as beneath him and gets the IT lackey to do it for him out of spite for the management. Also people have pointed out Michael did leave the bag in the office so he probably just found his number in it.
Dude, that Ricky part, he has high self-esteem, so he thinks he can track M down, but in reality, he can't and/or he's just trying to scare M, that why he responds in such tone and say "Yeah,right". He also explains why he's choosing Ricky during heist planning, says he's enthustiastic.
How's life going bro? Been subscribed for more than 2 years and I still don't know what to call you... You need like a nickname or something, calling you "whatever" is just weird lol.
you can call me whatever... you want xD my life is busy but not bad, thanks for the interest :) and I remember you, a lot for Fan Fact suggestions, and many other comments in the past 2 years :)
Yeah I remember when you put me in your video of the longest subs(or something, I can't find the video..) :) Altough my name was Kevin Johnson then... But that's not my real name it was from a roleplay character I had once lol. I guess I'll call you... whatever I want then :D
This channel is so nice No bullshit give away every day No shitty ass diamond like button Videos usually under 10 minutes unless it's suppose to be really long Example (gta online gameplay for 20 minutes)
For the second one where Trevor and Michael are cops the reason why there's a chase is that it is fun to play. Otherwise it'd be boring af. But I do understand your logic it makes 100% sense.
This is by far your most misleading and worst rockstar logic video. Thought I would just debunk... all of these. First point in the video and I'm already hitting dislike. It's around the corner of the building so they aren't affected by the wind. Reach some more, please. Point number 2. Because robbing them at a gas station in the view of everyone is smarter than pulling them over on the highway where people are less likely to intervene or call the cops? 4:02 You are reaching so hard here. Does it matter how she got there? She could have taken a cab, or somebody could have dropped her off. The fact that she drove off with Fabien means basically nothing, so many things could have happened in that time. Your point with Ricky? How is that poor logic? He has issues with common sense, but he can still hack. Also his take is 3%. And your thing with the super cars and the phone... those cars were not designed for single player, the only place that animation is actually done. NONE of that happens with the super cars in single player. Not a logic issue at all since you have to mod the game to see that happen. "If you don't know what the plan is, what are all these markings?" I don't know... points of interest? It's almost like you are just filling in for view money or something. 7:54 You wouldn't even be able to see the board from outside with it facing away from the window unless you went right up to it. It is in a random industrial area and the only place it could be seen from by somebody who doesn't know is there is the highway... where the side of the bridge they would be on is driving away from the building, and also the wrong angle to see the board. The last point about letting Lester's workers handle the heist plans? I don't know, how do you know they aren't trustworthy? Isn't that for Lester to know? Does it really matter? Your logic is worse than rockstars.
But did you had them in a entertaining and especially sataristic way ? I think the people in GTA are a lot of more realistic, authentic and special. Furthermore the plot of GTA V is interesting and suspensing too. I did not play Watchdogs 2, but i can not imagine that the game can show off with something like this too.
When you were on about phones and their head poking through while breaking, well that shouldn't be a problem because the cars you used to test it the story mode characters shouldn't ever drive anyway, you only got through mods
Listen, bro, GTA IV has nothing to do with this game. Also, that cookie-cutter statement has been said a thousand times over. We get it. You’re nostalgic and mad that more people play the recent game than they do the decade-old game. Now screw off.
2:30 Also, street racing is illegal, so Micheal and Trevor could've just driven up, said they were suspicious about the cars, and steal the cars there at the gas station. (No chase required).
The antivirus issue at Lifeinvader makes sense if you listen to the dialogue, he's saying he wants to use a custom OS so what says he didn't download them purposely to make them give him what he wants.
Ahh... This is what we call "Fridge Logic" something you won't notice at first but when you asked yourself, like "How did Amanda get there without any car" and there are plenty of them in GTA 5 and some are good and clever, some are so bad, it actually falls apart when you think about it. Ps. IDK why you included the head part, but it's aligned to some cars having a really weird suspension and actually having the wheels clipping through the car's body.
Fact Lester owns a clothes factory but he never changes clothes
The Greek government has aids
Andy The Trucker yo do u play ets2mp ;)
Andy The Trucker Lololololol
COMRADE Andrew he did in doomsday heist!!
that was my idea
If Lester is a hacker, why do we need to hire one for heists?
Because he's running the heist. Thats what he says in the Jewel Store Job.
Shrugz TM the hacker doesnt move though
Nobody true because in the jewel store job, we only see his hacker before and after the heist, apart from hearing their voice
He dosent want to get fully involved, and the USA law is really forgiving against organized crime
Handsome Jack and he’s busy making sure everything goes smoothly behind the scenes
3:46 could of dropped off the yoga guy, went home and took a cab? Knowing she'd say yes and get back with Michael.
yeah, probably... it still looks (to me) like she decided to get in the car with him on the spot. and R* could have made her tell Michael
"I'm dropping off Fabian, pick me up at home after you get Tracy" (or something like that) Michael's house is on the way anyway...
Yeah, but at 4:46, Amanda's car isn't at home and it wasn't at Friedlander's.
Gypsy but her car isn’t at the housr
Oh hey jypsey
Thats what i was gonna say
for the one about the wind, it's a better position based on the direction the wind is blowing, if it's blowing to the side of them it will blow them off the building, but if the wind is blowing towards the direction of the side they grapple down, it makes it much easier.
Nice, I didn't think of that...
still it seems like no one bothered checking the wind direction, and they specifically say "too high" and "low enough", referring to height and not direction
whatever57010 logic: Heads going through a car roof is somehow related to the storyline...
Ikr those are GTO dont even hold your phone in online like wtf
Diego Burgemeestre exactly you cant nitpick a game if you need to use mods to find the nitpick
@@brennanvega3363 because ppl are dickheads now stfu
Brennan Vega bruh he’s just being real. That has nothing to do with the storyline what so ever. It’s a glitch. It shouldn’t be in the video.
@@crusader6543 Yes exactly!
What about the fact that Michael just leaves the bookbag he walked in with on the table?
that's how Rickie found Michael. his phone number was in the bag. that's how he "tracked him down" fits exactly with the competence
Nice, I didn't think of that... and leaving it is a major logic fail by itself
lol Michael can really be stupid at times when you notice it
Michael is too much of a movie nut to think with common sense..
Matheus Caixista car logic should be left out because rockstar doesn't put effort into recreating them completely accurate. all cars in gta since ever have been combinations of multiple cars
the part with the phones in the car and the head glitching in the roof is true but you are using a car from online that is not meant to be in singleplayer
true, I should have checked it online
in online when you have ur phone out doesnt show the animation .
Also hats disappear when entering vehicles online.
whatever57010 but also on the ps3 and I'm guessing the xbox360 versions you get all the new cars for free so I assume it works on there
Nikey yeah but maybe he used the xb36hazard save editor. ever thought about THAT?
Another: i've seen architects before and I doubt they simply walk with a finished government building's floorplan around, mainly because that info should be sort of a secret.
Douglas Rampazo I'm not sure about government buildings (pentagon, White House, etc etc) but you can buy the architectural plans of any residential home in your city's city council
Douglas Rampazo Right, the plans of government buildings are secret in case, that a attack on the building happens.
Leoh Sarduy would think that would be a massive invasion of privacy
matt carnes Nope, look it up if you want but it's perfectly legal.
Actually what I found even weirder is how Franklin just walks into the construction site with NO ONE stopping him. (Except the guy who gives him a hard hat.) Did the workers just assume he was another worker that forgot his hard hat? I don't know if that makes sense to me.
Micheal: so what's the plan?
Lester: I'm not a fkn computer! (Looks at board already planned out) oh wait maybe I am!
I think that was a glitch with Amanda's Car, I've seen it there before
So have I. Where the red Porsche usually sits I think
Yes, precisely there
+Musclecarlover7 Amanda's car is a BMW.
I said where the red Porsche usually sits, as in, in other visits to Friedlander's. For that story mission, Amanda parks there instead
In previous Gen, it is sat in the driveway of the therapists drive, where the Therapists Pfister normally is
"The wind'll tie us in a knot"
Not to mention that Michael had previously rappelled from that height off of a _helicopter_ with no problem.
Weather changes.
Sorry dude, but about that part about the head going trough the roof is a lil' bit bs. those are online cars, they arent supposed to be in story mode. In online you don't hold the phone.
Prob a PC mod
Wouter van der Schaaf save editor. ever heard of one?
Wouter van der Schaaf and what a different when u use online car? Story changes?
You should add: In online there is no holding phone animation.
Hell, that Rickie Lukens tidbit, even Michael mentions it when you pick Lukens in The Jewel Store Job. "You gotta be kidding me. Why did i employ a hacker that can't even run an antivirus software?"
I like when he said that "Smart enough to track Michael down, But not smart enough to run antivirus software". That was just to funny
Regarding the LifeInvader bro, I have a conspiracy theory:
Maybe he was doing it to test Michael's computer skills, and that's how he knew he wasn't a real IT person.
yeah , i think like that too , bro!
Good theory. I’ve read a comment somewhere which said that Rickie planned to bring down Jay of LifeInvader and see Michael as an opportunity to do so. Not quite sure about it.
He would have been stupid to put malware on his company machine, even if it meant he was able to bypass the web filtering Lifeinvader would unquestionably have in effect. Bringing in his own malware-riddled machine would have raised giant red flags to everyone around him (and that’s assuming Lifeinvader’s switches didn’t have port security, which would be stupid to assume); it’s not like he was in some secluded office. Plus he panicked and fucked up on his earlier heists, even after everything was out in the open and his money/freedom was on the line.
I might go through some of your logic videos and make some long responses to some in the comments, I have some personal explanations for many of them.
CJ Ware Yeah, go ahead.
CJ Ware tell us when you do please seem interesting
How is Amanda's car a logic issue? There's a garage right there, ever thought of that?
She's gonna park her car in someone else's garage?
She has an appointment to see the doc, so why not?
I have an idea about 2 of these. The Rickie "Tracking you down" could just be him checking your lifeinvader account to find your number. (Since their quota is the fact that nothing is private anymore so it wouldn't be a suprise if Mike's phone number was out there for the public) And the 2nd one being about Lester's approach on heists. I think the obvious simple faults are just to show how paranoid Lester has become. He is so obsessed with the small details that he makes really simple mistakes. But hey, This is just my opinion .Nothing directed to the video or the creator, it was a great video.
How's this channel not at 100k subs by now? Man you deserve A LOT more.
Agreed, this is one of the best GTA channels out there.. Lots of time and care put into videos, I appreciate each and every one.
Most of these are because of hardware limitations on the PS3 and Xbox 360, they had to go down one floor in the FIB building because the system cannot render everything, or that they're in a safe place from the wind, as for Amanda's car, well she probably parked her car somewhere else and came there with a taxi, however, her car not spawning in the mansion might be an oversight, as for Lester's workers helping him with his heist planning; it could be that they are illegal immigrants anyway, and if they testify against him they themselves might get deported.
This video is great by the way, it really tests my knowledge of the game.
actually the first could be easily fixed by
1. making 3-4 floors closed (so you just walk down the staircase more), no added interior.
2. not mention the height as the problem, maybe wind direction (as someone suggested in the comments here) or the structural integrity near the window.
if you have your car 10 feet from you and you make an appointment with someone, then drive off in that car... why would you not use the car to get to that appointment?
I agree about the immigration, but it's an unnecessary risk (thy might sell the info to another criminal crew) and wouldn't Lester be extra careful?
and thanks, I appreciate the compliment and the constructive comments :)
Well she might've known that she'll be back with Michael eventually so she didn't use her car if she knew that she's just gonna leave the car, I mean, that's just my guess.
And no problem man, I love healthy debates like these because we can actually get somewhere, and open our minds a little bit to things we didn't see.
Keep up the good work! :]
that is a reasonable guess... although it seems like she decided on the spot to get a ride with Michael (at least that is my interpretation of the discussion they had outside the shrink's office).
I also appreciate a good discussions like this.
thanks, and I will do my best :)
6:25 - It's called a glitch.
There is one thing you screwed up. The cars you showcased for the head glitch thing with the phone out don't actually exist in the campaign so that can't happen with Micheal Trevor or Franklin. Yes those cars are in GTA online but the online character doesn't take out his phone so Rockstar didn't bother to make the roof high enough for Michael and the others since it wouldn't be needed anyways... The only reason that you found that glitch is because you spawned the cars into single player where they aren't meant to be so that wouldn't really be a glitch. Even if you break hard without a phone in your online characters hand it would not make the head pop through the roof because like I said they don't take out their phones. So that glitch isn't really a glitch.... But good job noticing the other things :)
Tom Klingst he used mods... ever heard of those?
Chris Carpenter Yes, bus that isn't really Rockstar's fault. If somebody modded in, I dunno, a rideable sled or something you wouldn't complain to Rockstar why that sled can slide without snow.
RoughShadow 😂
RoughShadow so fucking true
7:13 I think he probably just wrote notes and didn’t think about the plan until just now. That’s what I do with some school projects lol but great video as always 👍🏾
3:33 when your about to enter the car but the dump truck decides to hit you
Jeremy Hill that's like one of the worst places to park your vehicle 😂
So busy watching Amanda drive off with Fabian that you missed the big ass truck! lol
Sandman that's a bad place to park your car
Rockstar logic:
Car goes down a mountain: no damage to character
Gently tap a car with a bike: half dead
7:54 I thought I was the only one who thought about this one but my only explanation is that Rockstar was joking with us the gamers but they did a good job developing this game, take Fort Zancudo for example, there's no secret back door to get you in, you'll have to fight your way through any of the gates but there's is a secret back door at the LS International Airport but there's no security cameras or guards covering that back door yet you get a wanted level 2 seconds after you enter it and if you are in a submarine in the ocean you can hear and bump into sharks, whales and other sea creatures unlike any previous GTA game where sea creatures are textures.
Well this is just really nitpicky...
JackGames212 well it has to be, you'd expect more from a multi million dollar budget game
+Luke Colistra expect more? You mean fix things 99% of people didn't know in the first place?
To top it off this video is extremely misleading and it's super easy to debunk all of these
"You go to Friedlander´s and Amanda´s car isn´t there?! fuck this, steam I want my money back"
Luke Colistra Well this game isn't meant to be Super Ultra Realistic game, it might be realistic but they took some details down because they either forget or just don't really care.Besides the game is already fun by its own
Fanfact Gta 5, the sound effect when you have to click off the antivirus ( the mission with rickie)is the same sound effect as 'Lesbian Porn' from GTA IV
Yeah from VIP luxury ringtones
I'm die of laughs from he try get in car but truck hit him.
Tomush same
Tomush I'm die of bad grammar from he try to write sentence but knowledge didn't hit him.
@GD Aergast, fuck you. You have lack of right. I have problem with english so don't judge people english I hoping you're homeless.
Lol salty
GD Aerogast dude you have minecraft as your backround...Says alot about you kid
3:33 just gets floored by a truck but is perfectly fine XD
2:30 they need reason for stopping them, even if they suspect them, they are making them drive in high speed to have reason for stopping them, and cops need reason to stop them, it's a free country, it's not working like what u said
But Michael and Trevor aren't cops they can just steal the cars
@@ricoco7891 ik but I think they wanted to make that look legal
Sea Raider no, if the cars aren’t stationary then if they suspect or anything else goes wrong, the drivers can run away in super cars without intent of ever stopping.
Or stealing super cars at a petrol station with CCTV isn’t really the smartest idea, not to mention, firing weapons around such a area is dangerous as well if something goes off
@@alphamineron Great points! Thank you for the comment, it makes sense now
The only thing I can possibly suggest for the FIB heist is that the spot where Franklin first suggests going is close to the opening from the chopper crash that when they try to repel down, the wind could get it the way. When Michael says "This'll do" they don't have those gaping holes to possibly contend with...
5:51 Michael knows how to follow instructions.
i just noticed, that Michael didn't have any magazine on his rifle in the first cutscene but at the end of it, before they dropped down, Michael had the magazine like he's supposed to.
Even though they only dropped one floor in the Bureau raid, they're now on a different side of the building where maybe the wind was being blocked by the building.
Amanda could've taken a taxi and dropped her car off at home on the way. It might be Fabien's car and she drove because Fabien isn't in a fit to drive after a beatdown.
Should the police get wise of the heist you can burn the evidence to destroy it. A hard drive can have data recovered from it even after numerous attempts at erasing it.
The workers are probably given a share of Lester's cut to keep them quiet and help him out. They also act as security, and the heist board is upstairs so it's not like anyone can just glance in passing by and see it.
In Bury the Hatchet. Something always bothered me. Why doesn't Micheal ditch the rental and take one of the van to north yankton airport. Trevor was so one would think he might've sabatoge the car and Micheal could've just take a van drive to the airport or dock steal a place or boat drive them back to Los Santos and go into hiding.
For the characters heads going through the top of the sports cars... You do realize they aren't supposed to be in story mode right?
Matt J. never heard of xb36hazard save editor have you?
Chris Carpenter he mean they were never intended to be in story mode so rockstar didn't bother coding around a phone being pulled up while driving since you don't actually take your phone out in online like you do in story mode.
Chris Carpenter Third Party programs to mod the cars into singleplayer doesn’t matter.
You really are a treasure for doing these videos!
Seriously what? I agree with the first one, that was obviously stupid. But about the rest...
#2) they didn't just rob them at the gas station because it would be pretty obvious with lots of others watching wouldn't it? Also they made them speed because that makes cops stopping them way more likely and believable.
#3) who the fuck cares about the car?! would've been worse if the car first was there and then after the session she comes with you and her car despawned. think about how often that happened in previous GTA parts... also have you thought about her arriving by public transport?!
#4) just because you can do the hard task, it doesnt mean you can do all the easier ones. An airline pilot can successfully steer an A380 but he may not be able to properly fly small gliders without engines. also if you got to deal with a stupid problem like that you probably simply let the others deal with the annoying problems instead of caring about them on your own.
#5) that doesn't even have anything to do with the storyline why is that even in this video??
#6) So, some markings now mean the plan is complete? he was in the process of working out a plan and that were some keynotes. and also, a big board is the better place to plan because it gives you more room, makes it more clear and organizable. way better than some virtual information on an hdd. as he said, some methods don't change, just like many people still prefer reading paper books over having the "small portable handy e-reader" with them
Stop complaining about every little detail. Apart from the first one, none of them were too logic or story breaking. It's a freaking game after all...
EDIT: Just read a theory for the first one, saying that it wasn't really about the hight, but rather about the side the were rappeling down. Maybe on that side the wind was slower/calm. That wouldn't really match the dialogue, but anyway...
For the car thing, amanda could have taken a cab.
2. and trowing them out of the cars on a busy freeway isn't obvious? and leaving the police bikes for them to chase you with is also quite stupid.
when 2 trust fund kids with super cars meet on the same road every week (as Devin said)... you can be sure they are speeding, or will be speeding at some point.
also, no one told Franklin that they will be at the gas station, Devin only mentioned the cop uniforms, and they were parked by the fuel pumps so they didn't intend to stay there for a long time.
and one last thing about this... Devin know those kids, so why not take the cars while they are parked at home? (Rockstar obviously wanted a race mission)
3. Amanda drives off with Fabian in the car... aren't you curious wtf happened, where did she leave the car? I mean if she did arrive in the car we could just assume she dropped off Fabian and drove to the Dr.
and sure she can take a taxi, but then again... why? what happened that made taking a taxi better? (btw she could have just said her car broke down)
4. true, I accept that... but still, the task was only closing some popups and click on the antivirus software (that Rickie told Michael were to find)
5. I accept that, my bad
6. some markings (that relate to the heist) mean that someone already planned it... so why did he say he didn't figure it out yet? also, did the plans come pre-marked with heist options from the architect? (maybe he was also planing to brake into the IAA building). true, old time methods are not necessarily less good... but he claims he dose it so he won't leave evidence... a hard drive (managed properly) would leave less evidence. a big board in an open office having your workers in on it ("setting up the information") is not the way to "not leave evidence.
PS... relax, we all know it's a game. I had fun exploring and making this video and I am sorry you didn't have fun watching this. ohh and I also notice the wind comment, and as you said it's not matching the dialogue.
2.) Throwing them out on a busy highway is less obvious, because that's exactly what stopping speeders looks like. Everyone passing would think "oh just another traffic check", which wouldn't be the case on the gas station. and they didnt take the cars from their homes, because that would mean breaking the locks or smashing the windows and then shortcutting the engine. like that they only need to get in and drive away (could be one theory)
3.) no I am not curious about what happened to the car. that's what I mean, why should one be worried about an antagonists car. think about GTAIV: Romans taxi constantly was there and then it wasn't - none cared because why would you. and "why is taking the taxi better?"? there are various reasons, for instance she doesn't need to find a parking lot - which women often hassle with (no offence) :D
6.) you can burn down the board and none will ever be able to backtrace anything, now try burning down an HDD. You can always bring it to professionals who can restore at least parts of the information. and now it probably makes sense why he burned the whole textile factory down in the end, doesn't it?
So yeah, we see you can always come up with explenations either to show that it might be logical, or to show how unlogical something is. In the end I don't think you need to care about these small details, as I said this is a game and not reallife. especially where you said "Rockstar wanted a race mission" I totally agreed, but that's the point: This is a game, where R* wants to bring together gameplay and story. And sometimes story seems a bit odd because they want to add gameplay, such as a race in 2.) or they want you to go though another level of action in 1.), because this is what also adds fun to the game. Games are not made up by the story alone like in movies or books...
2. when I said "throwing them out on a busy highway" I was referring to the part where they physically throw them into the middle of traffic and get into the cars ad drive away. a car would have to stop to avoid hitting them and then you will have the two rich kids explaining they were car jacked and even calling the police them selves (since no one took their phone). when stealing a care from someones home (not that I do that) you can follow the guy home and ambush him. either hitting him on the head with out him even knowing what happened, forcing your way in after him and tying him up wile you take the keys (no need to smash, just get some intel on the guy).
3. Amanda is not an Antagonist, she is a supporting character and I guess I gust like stories more then you do, therefor I care about the story and it's details.
6. rewriting on the erased information several times will make it virtually impossible to recover, and inflicting enough physical damage will render it useless not that hard to do (I have destroyed some hard drives myself). no to mention encryption and re usage for future heists.
and true, there is always an explanation or a better way to do things, and all the "mistakes" are inevitable on a project the size of GTA (and with a deadline)...
I would personally love it if GTAs story was a equal to a movie/book story (a good one), and I only reacted since I interpenetrated you'r first comment as if I make no sense... I know I a picky, and sometimes I make mistakes (human after all) but some claims are still valid and if R* would have noticed, then it would be an easy fix without any game change.
Actually the first one was completely fine. Going down 2 floors would totally make the difference. (It was 2 by the way not 1 they slide down 1 and then they walk down stairs yeah technically they couldn't go from the top floor because the edge was destroyed but still Michael was operating on the wind he felt at that height) The cut off has to happen somewhere. If every floor is just like the last then even if you go down 10 floors it still wouldn't matter.
In the case of Rickie, if you use him in the Jewelry job Michael says: "why I hire a a hacker that doesn't know how use an anti virus" and then you use Rickie for the FIB heist he also says: "Don't forget Rickie, I teach you everything you know" (talking about his hacker skill)
I cant wait for gta 6. Imagine this, with all the detail and work put into rdr2, in one game?
1:12 maybe the wind was coming from the right side
2:14 franklin didn't know that they're were gonna be at the gas station, Molly just told him that they like racing around there so that's where the mission sends you, you just happen to find them at the gas station, and Trevor and Michael needed a good reason to pull them over to make it seem like nothing suspicious, you're argument here is invalid
"Allegedly for speeding" they were speeding they were street racing, rockstar just needed a way for them all to be involved in that mission because it's a job they're all going together for one guy
Aldo Lizalde this
So what if its suspicious if they know those guys were speeding
Good video. This video makes more sense than the last video.
Another thing I just found interesting... Didn't the GTA IV police actually arrest NPC's?
In GTA V, I think they just shoot NPC's on sight, and attempt to arrest you if you have one star.
In GTA Online, it's just shoot first, ask questions later for the cops.
Niko: Hello, cop.
Cop: Hello.
Franklin/Michael/Trevor: Hello, Cop.
GTA Online:
Character: Hello, cop
Cop: *_BANG BANG_*
Theres a screenshot of gta 5 before getting realased showing cops arresting people and taking them to cars, my guess they removed it beacuse of limitations.
They do these things to give you more time to grind and have fun my friend:).
5:25, reference to a quote in the Jewelry Store Heist? :D
4:19 someone stole her car! See it’s in the background
2 years later, and I realized how dumb I am
The only things i can see you are wrong here are 2 things!
They couldnt use a rope to climb down becuz of the wind. But they changed sides of the Building as seen in your video. On the other side the wind isnt that strong. So they can climb.
the other thing
Amanda took Fabien Home and then used a taxi to drive there. She only did it so she can drive home with michael. At this point she ALREADY decided to give Michael another chance without telling him. Womens logic.
RedX 2104 how can they "climb" if they're moving down?
That with the hard drive was the best in my opinion. Just so funny to choose a room with a big ass window and people in the next room (they probably know it's a cover but still a risk) rather than a hard drive you could encrypt and send to hardware heaven with a cheap hammer....
SourceCodePhil or a c4 bomb
well they are at another side and the wind wind power posh is different
That's what I thought
that would be logical, but the dialogue mentions specific the height (Rockstar should have made them talk about the wind direction)
Great video, a better title would be ' How to roast Rockstar' ahahahaha good video pal
You and Vucko100 should collab.
Technically, they would need to be speeding for Michael and Trevor to pull them over legally. Either that, or they’d need to have broken another law (eg, swerving into the wrong lane, broken taillight, etc.). Obviously Michael and Trevor don’t need to follow the rules because they’re not real cops, and the guys would have pulled over anyway, but legally speaking, law enforcement officers can not pull you over for just anything. It must be a violation.
You think you can do all random encounters for GTA V like you did with Gta IV really liked that !
i love these storyline vids :D can you do it for the other gta games too ? it would be nice
4:09 Maybe she just took a taxi or that namaste guy (I dunno name) took her there
Oh yeah :D
namaste guy :D lmao
His name is fabien
My best explanation for mission where Franklin races the other 2 cars in order for them to steal them? This was Rockstar’s way of making it easier for the player to reveal more of the map in the pause menu. If you view the map before you start the mission (assuming you played the game mainly for the story) you’ll see that the majority of the top is shaded, but after the mission it’ll be revealed. That’s because that mission takes you through that area.
SN: they do something like this in San Andreas also. When you first get to San Fierro you’ll do a mission where you drive to get people for the mechanic shop and tho it seems like a pointless mission it’s also a mission that reveals the rest of San Fierro.
3:33 now that made me laugh!
Love the upload schedule
How did you get the new cars in to Storymode?!
Ok xD
Bjarke Taunajik I think there in each characters garage u wait until it says special vehicles on the top left
Already tried that
Bjarke Taunajik ohhhh dammit srry bout that
There is a walkpath bridge near Fabians maybe she parked her car near there lol great video tho man
For most of these, this is a sad reality in video games, and its that story and logic are gameplay's bitches, there is an experience that the gameplay has to offer, and the story is just an excuse to that
I'm sitting here reading these comments exposing your points, and I'm laughing my was off. These videos are extremely nitpicky and to see people expose your points is gold.
"Why did I employ a hacker who can't run anti-virus software?!"
Another dumb logic thing in this game is why do you need to hire a hacker for certain heists when Lester is a hacker and is clearly better than all the other ones in the game.
The Ricky thing is less of a big deal for me since the character is already sort of a parody of programmers. And Programmers tend to have a stereotype where they are really good at making programs but less good at typical IT stuff like troubleshooting computer problems.
Additionally he also states "If you guys let me use the OS I requested none of this would be an issue". You can imagine that Ricky just sees this sort of thing as beneath him and gets the IT lackey to do it for him out of spite for the management.
Also people have pointed out Michael did leave the bag in the office so he probably just found his number in it.
Wtf i completed story mode at least 7 times but i never realised those mistakes.How are you finding those?
cryusus 1 or u just skip them
Bcuz He Has *L O G I C*
Enjoy the Game and that all
Maybe the car was Fabian's all along...
Nope. It returns home.
Tony Pepperoni you're kidding me right...
4:18 you can see Amanda's car in the background
the first one I was like really XD
At 5:20 Michael also says that in the jewellery heist, if you choose rickie as a hacker, he can’t get rid of the alarm system and Michael says that
lol first video that has only 1080 and 720p. not even 360... youtube must be very drunk
Victor Isaev for me max is 720p60p and lowest is 144p
fire2xdxd what? there IS 1080p60fps...
Victor Isaev THIS IS ON PC
Dude, that Ricky part, he has high self-esteem, so he thinks he can track M down, but in reality, he can't and/or he's just trying to scare M, that why he responds in such tone and say "Yeah,right". He also explains why he's choosing Ricky during heist planning, says he's enthustiastic.
I can agree with that, but then who tracked Michael down?
and if it was that easy to track down Michael he is in a great risk of facing murder charges
whatever57010 Well yeah, it's all messed up lol
CHRISPLAYER 95 Meh, i chose him once for the 1st heist just to get the maximum profit.
How's life going bro? Been subscribed for more than 2 years and I still don't know what to call you... You need like a nickname or something, calling you "whatever" is just weird lol.
Veroxzes Whatever...
you can call me whatever... you want xD
my life is busy but not bad, thanks for the interest :)
and I remember you, a lot for Fan Fact suggestions, and many other comments in the past 2 years :)
Yeah I remember when you put me in your video of the longest subs(or something, I can't find the video..) :) Altough my name was Kevin Johnson then... But that's not my real name it was from a roleplay character I had once lol. I guess I'll call you... whatever I want then :D
She went to the hospital with the yoga guy and thought "this should be the perfect time to power walk"
2:05 GTA VC door sound .d lol
The sounds for the sex ads on Rick's computer are actually ringtones from GTA IV.
This channel is so nice
No bullshit give away every day
No shitty ass diamond like button
Videos usually under 10 minutes unless it's suppose to be really long
Example (gta online gameplay for 20 minutes)
Hey Please do more San Andreas All possibilities Please
coming soon :)
San Andreas All Possibilities is in the poll when you click on the "i" Icon in the video
Musclecarlover7 I know but every one wants fan facts gta v
whatever57010 I am waiting for that
whatever57010 or vice city heh
8:08 _Nice to see the methods haven't changed_
Also Michael probably never uses computers so I guess Lester thought it be easier for Michael.
Gta 5 fan fact franklin cant play tennis only michael and trevor i think
For the second one where Trevor and Michael are cops the reason why there's a chase is that it is fun to play. Otherwise it'd be boring af. But I do understand your logic it makes 100% sense.
This is by far your most misleading and worst rockstar logic video. Thought I would just debunk... all of these.
First point in the video and I'm already hitting dislike. It's around the corner of the building so they aren't affected by the wind. Reach some more, please.
Point number 2. Because robbing them at a gas station in the view of everyone is smarter than pulling them over on the highway where people are less likely to intervene or call the cops?
4:02 You are reaching so hard here. Does it matter how she got there? She could have taken a cab, or somebody could have dropped her off. The fact that she drove off with Fabien means basically nothing, so many things could have happened in that time.
Your point with Ricky? How is that poor logic? He has issues with common sense, but he can still hack. Also his take is 3%.
And your thing with the super cars and the phone... those cars were not designed for single player, the only place that animation is actually done. NONE of that happens with the super cars in single player. Not a logic issue at all since you have to mod the game to see that happen.
"If you don't know what the plan is, what are all these markings?" I don't know... points of interest? It's almost like you are just filling in for view money or something.
7:54 You wouldn't even be able to see the board from outside with it facing away from the window unless you went right up to it. It is in a random industrial area and the only place it could be seen from by somebody who doesn't know is there is the highway... where the side of the bridge they would be on is driving away from the building, and also the wrong angle to see the board.
The last point about letting Lester's workers handle the heist plans? I don't know, how do you know they aren't trustworthy? Isn't that for Lester to know? Does it really matter?
Your logic is worse than rockstars.
L'A Moses The whole video is useless
I agree, sorry mate you can't really debunk GTA V flurry of bullshitery considering.
Considering what? Unless there is a mistake in this post. There is GTA bullshit but literally nothing shown in this video is under that
MasterMedicHQ Heres a bit of logic if you are going to insult someone don't have a picture of a cartoon rabbit.
Strong rebuttal
"Tracey's meant to be at the tattoo parlor." Jimmy doesn't care that Michael got hit by a truck. XD
But the story is still better than watchdogs or the story of the most open-world-games which play in the present.
I played WD2 and though average, had a lot more reasonable and logical moments.
But did you had them in a entertaining and especially sataristic way ? I think the people in GTA are a lot of more realistic, authentic and special. Furthermore the plot of GTA V is interesting and suspensing too. I did not play Watchdogs 2, but i can not imagine that the game can show off with something like this too.
I just like WD like I like Pepsi, Jesus I wouldn't strip the fucking game and butt-fuck it man.
Is the satire in WD 2 good or at least better than in WD 1 ?
What's wrong with Watch Dogs 2 not being realistic?
I would never find this stuff out thx for letting me know😀👍
lol why u looking for amanda's car, she could have just gotten a ride from the yoga dude
such nit picking
OmsoiTekken but if you get your head smashed in, would you feel like driving?
When the video says more storyline logic but he shows how the head goes through the roof
CJ All you had to do was follow the damn train!
Same ol’ CJ. Busta, straight busta.
When you were on about phones and their head poking through while breaking, well that shouldn't be a problem because the cars you used to test it the story mode characters shouldn't ever drive anyway, you only got through mods
You: fadian is getting in Amanda’s car *goes to car* *gets hit by truck*
7:59 because he can burn them when he's done but with a hard drive it might get lost or stolen or even the cops could trace it
Gta 4 is Better than Gta V
Pink Guy Of DOOM that's where you're wrong kiddo
Listen, bro, GTA IV has nothing to do with this game. Also, that cookie-cutter statement has been said a thousand times over. We get it. You’re nostalgic and mad that more people play the recent game than they do the decade-old game. Now screw off.
That bithes sound for GTA IV mobile was weird, and now again listening. Lol xD
2:30 Also, street racing is illegal, so Micheal and Trevor could've just driven up, said they were suspicious about the cars, and steal the cars there at the gas station. (No chase required).
6:25 its a tiny glitch, and how is that related to the storyline?
the part with the computer actually loops that GTA 4 sound effect from that one hundred dollar ringtone website
The antivirus issue at Lifeinvader makes sense if you listen to the dialogue, he's saying he wants to use a custom OS so what says he didn't download them purposely to make them give him what he wants.
When you're on the limiter, back off and it will shift up quicker. Works with GTA4 as well.
Ahh... This is what we call "Fridge Logic" something you won't notice at first but when you asked yourself, like "How did Amanda get there without any car" and there are plenty of them in GTA 5 and some are good and clever, some are so bad, it actually falls apart when you think about it.
Ps. IDK why you included the head part, but it's aligned to some cars having a really weird suspension and actually having the wheels clipping through the car's body.