That's a fun project! When I was 10 yrs. old, my Dad made a sling for me out of boot laces and a pouch from old boot leather. We lived near a rocky beach in Mallorca, Spain (the Balearic Islands) and I spent hours and hours teaching myself how to throw rocks with that sling. I learned that underhand was a bad idea when I threw a rock straight up and it beaned me on the noggin when I couldn't see where it went. Eventually, I got pretty good with it. Downside is that Dad had to pay for a hard plastic buoy that belonged to someone who would moor their boat to it. It could only take so many hits before it cracked and sank. We didn't have TV or anything when we lived there, so that sling kept 10 yr old me occupied for quite a while. I still have that sling out in a box of my doodads in the garage.
What a godsend! I watched MANY sling making videos. This is the best. I finally understand how to make a Balearic sling with your simple detailed layman instructions.
Man Dave... ever since Dual Survivor I've been hooked on preparedness and survival. Every time I TH-cam a topic, you come up. Its been really cool seeing your journey and walking in those same footsteps.
Slings are about as much fun as you can possibly have with your pants on 😀. I’ve been making and using them for years but this is one of the best videos I’ve ever seen on making the Balearic slings. I especially like that you showed how to drop cords from the braid to taper it. I’ve been trying to figure that out forever. Definitely saving this video.
Every single video on this channel is gold!! Still looking forward to the Archery series that you've talked about a few videos back, hopefully soon. Thanks
You looked like you were having fun. I can see this being played like the Corn Hole game that we all play during a picnic get together. Thanks for the video, Dave.
Wow! Brother Dave Canterbury! You really live the era! That’s above and beyond reenactment! Outstanding! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge! Brother 👍🏽💯❤️🇺🇸. The god lord has blessed you with a serious gift! My reason as to why I love self reliance outfitters so much!!👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💯💯💯❤️❤️❤️
I was literally just thinking about these recently and bamm you pop up with a video on them! I know you appreciate all the support But I for one certainly appreciate All the work That you put in And free information You've put out there To help everyone over the years ... ive been watching since the beginning so on behalf of everyone Thank you!
I knew a guy down in the mountains of WV that hunted squirrels with a sling. He made it look easy. Hell I couldn't even hit a huge white oak tree down in the bottomland when he let me try. With practice I'm sure I could do better. Thank you for all you do Dave.
I just started my balearic sling yesterday. I'm doing it out of hemp because I had it, but it's the super thin strands so I am braiding out of 15 strands doubled over to get a good thickness which is making it take a lot longer but it's crazy that I've been watching your videos for over 15 years and the week I finally decide to make a sling you make a video on it! Loved it like always!
The parents of the Cretan slingers would put peices of bread on a wall, if the boys hit them they got to eat, hunger is a good motivater😂 thanks for all the great videos! You have taught me alot through the years, i teach alot of these skills to the 3-6 year olds i take care of and they love it. Greetings from Denmark!
This is really cool that me and a coworker were talking about david and Goliath the other day and I just found this video... guess ill be making a sling to show him and target practice a little bit... thanks Dave!!
Definitely a cool vid here. I love the very low tech primitive early human basics like this. You're a great teacher Dave! I still occasionally break out the dvds of you on dual survival. You and les stroud have been my greatest teachers I've never met. Lol Thank you for all you do.
Dave, você é um mestre no que faz, eu moro no Brasil e olhava o programa Dual Survivol e aprendi muito com você, então quero agradecer por todos esses aprendizado. OBRIGADO DAVE! 👍🇧🇷
Great video! Makes me want to share a couple aspects I ran into since at least for me were paramount to finally discovering what works. At almost sixty years old, I took an interest in slinging... Perfect form is key, and it's felt, as it develops over time. You'll know it instantly when it clicks! Then it'll be hard to find it again for a bit...But when you get out of whack thinking about timing or have a second thought about throwing--trying to analyze it deeper, or any little hiccup occurs, you will feel the punishment! I have only been doing this for about a year and a half now and still have trouble with accuracy! Thankfully I still have my rotor cup and haven't done permanent damage that I know of, but I should have really focused everything on form and technique rather than being amazed by how far I could throw a rock! What i thought was awesome back then turned out to be child's play compared to what it is now! As another commenter mentioned, it's really all in the technique and a comfortable form that flows smoothly! I also noted a familiar learning curve, just like with martial arts and for juggling. You'll find plateaus where you think you'll never get better, then suddenly something clicks and you are twice as good as you were yesterday! Then you'll find another step in the journey after that. I wish someone taught me this back when I was 12! The throw feels casual now, like something that I will still be able to do well as I get older without damage, yet the rock sounds like the ricochet from a bullet when it hits things, and sparks fly off of barbed wire fences! I originally wanted to share that kangaroo leather lace woven in the traditional five section braid works awesome for slings. Bailing twine is great also if it's first raked into little fibers and then a wad of it is sectioned out into five strands and twisted as you braid, doing the same thing he does in this video, except it's not necessary to have any particular length of strands, since they are all made from those little fibers, you can drop and add a little here and there whenever you wish. It's easy to build up for the pocket and drop tiny bits as you taper to the tail end cracker. I live where there are smooth oblong rocks everywhere, so I got into the habit of keeping a sling in my pocket all the time. But with all this time practicing almost each day now for over a year, I am finally just starting to be able to hit a large fat pine tree from an acre away most of the time consistently. Since timing is so critical, yet so nearly impossible to gage, the solution for me was to incorporate everything into technique, so it all works smoothly and the release is just part of the whole throwing sequence. You can't think about when to release it, and expect to find accuracy, but you'll find pain for sure! It seems best to think about the target, and then just initiate your sequence at that target with follow through and commitment for the throw... Never have the release enter your consciousness, and be sure to throw overripe apples at your hogs while you're at it! Well, from a good distance away! It's a fun easy way to practice because when you miss, the hogs get further away looking for the apple...peg one and you get a satisfying squeel and the targets move in closer... Just kidding... No really!;)
I made one of these yesterday. I forgot about tapering the whip end down I should’ve rewatched the video lol. It was awesomely simple and satisfying. Thanks again Dave Canterbury I picked up some early black walnuts along my path and sized it for them. Probably will work well for golf balls too. Got a new weapon to master
Great process for making sandals and other clothes also!! You Da Man Dave👍. Love all of your teachings. You remind me of the Crosby Stills Nash song, "Teach your Children Well". Awesome my friend.
I used to love playin with these as a kid. Papaw made us these and also homemade stilts to walk on. Oh how the simple things bring so much pleasure not to mention a descent defense tool!
I’m not accurate yet but as a boy(not realizing the power) I was tearing bark off an old willow tree and even sent stones around 150 yards. Do not underestimate the power so when switching to stones or lead projectiles be careful. It’s a blast. Thanks Dave from David.
Yeah, I made me a paracord sling several years ago, with the woven pocket and it looks almost exactly like the one you showed in this video Dave. It worked so well, I made a second one, just in case something happens to my first, original one. Very light weight, easy to pack & carry and very effective survival tool for harvesting small game with some practice.
I love my sling, and I love that I instilled love of it in a friend. We are never disaaarmed with our slings, even wrapped around the wrist, we are..... dangerous. Love ya brother! ROCK on!
I learned to make this from my father when I was 6 years old. When I grew up we all had these or a carved sling shot, with inner tube rubber. Those were the days!
I am just starting out with slinging! I am trying a staff sling also! I always used a catapult before, but I came across Baleric Slingers, which piqued my interest! I like to investigate ancient weapons and imitate them! Great video David, thank you!
I like the idea that you braid the material, but I usually make a leather pouch too hold the item I intend to luunch. It is easy too do and I can use various items too launch. Put a fef ball bearings in it and you have a great self defense sling. Great video.
An old leather boot tongue makes a great cradle/pocket. And an open field for practice. You can get scary accurate at a surprisingly far distance with practice.
Awesome. I've been looking to compare my noob technique against another lefty. All I see is right-handed technique which is fine, but not ideal for comparing things. Thank you for showing us how to weave one too.
Hi Dave, as far as practicing aim with your shepherds sling; make a “wolf’s tail.” -a projectile on the end of half the length piece of string; thrown into a circle, hoop on the ground. Some how this helps you have an extremely accurate shot (from Balsamic history.) 🇨🇦🙂👍🎖️
This is awesome! Thanks for the tutorial, I'm going to make one and start practicing. BTW it made me laugh when your cat went for the ball that missed!
I made a bolo using 3 rubber super balls enclosed in a monkey fist knot. 2 large and one small. Figured that a super ball is a kids toy so how bad could it be to get hit with it. Learned physics quickly. Force is mass x velocity squared. Turns out when a rubber ball that's solid rubber gets moving fast enough it becomes really dangerous.😄
I have a friend that carries a sling with him everywhere. He's been using one for 45+ years. I regularly watch him hit soda can size targets at 20 yards, and send walnut sized rocks through 1/2" plywood. These are no joke - IF you put in the time and practice. His sling is dyneema lash-it "dog bones" with two 1/2" x 3" leather pieces that don't twist but switch top to bottom, bottom to top, to make the pocket and another small leather piece on the release end to pinch between his fingers.
Cool stuff! I forgot about the egg sinkers as ammo. I’ve had some fun with those in a slingshot lol. Yeah that’s gonna stink having to find the golf balls in the woods lol
Thanks Dave I think that's really cool you start out as a beginner level😂 I also think that it is really cool certain primitive tools have been found everywhere in the world Atlas bows and arrows Flint knapping stone tools and stone swings of some sort similar in everything but the names !
I really apreciate this video, even if its for a throwing style that i dont use the methodology of understanding how a sling works and is used is perfect on this video. The biggest obstacle im having is not really having any linear progress, it just seems to be a deadly circle of practice but never being consistent with where i focus to throw at and hit. If only there were slinging ranges like there are archery ranges lol
Slings are great. Saw some in action and they are no joke. The slinger had practiced for a few months and was hitting trees with rocks so hard the pebbles were shattering. Dead accurate when you get the hang of it
made a couple new paracord slings and gave one to a bud. Great fun learning how to get good. I like a full arm length when doubled and a figure 8 throw, can do about a shot every 4 sec. like to go fig 8, it feels like a natural throwing motion to me, gonna have to make a couple of that style as well. But yeah, a couple hundred shots a day, don't throw hard, find the consistent rythym then can get more power when accuracy is better, otherwise you will blow out that shoulder in after 100 shots. Thanks for the vid. Gonna have to drag buddy out to the old tracks and do some more. Is so fun when you start getting decent, but man so amazing how much power a sling gives the stone.
Awesome! I made one using two, 1” wide strips of leather, for the cup/basket. If you punch a hole in the center of each strip, near the end, you can form the cup/basket by laying one on top of the other and tying a cord in one end. Then, take the other end and put the top one on the bottom. It automatically forms a cup/basket. Then tie the other cord to that end. I simply threaded a leather lace through the hole and knotted it on the back side. Form a loop for your middle finger and a knot to pinch. The centrifugal force, keeps the strips from spreading, so you can use various size and shapes of objects.
I like the slings ,granted im not any good with them but practice still stuck on an atlatl i like em but cant see much use for them, hell im just getting use to slingshots. Great info Dave 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
I remember when i was a kid tossing rocks around with a sling. I practiced and practiced and eventually got incredible aim. I remember practicing a full body wind up and hitting a sign 150ft away
My son used to hunt rabbits with a sling like that. His first one was made from a square of denim and shoe laces. We were in the woods and I made up a game with them pretending we were lost and had to survive. We cut the bottom off our jeans and used the laces in out shoes. He became really good with his. I could hit a tree but nothing smaller, my ex husband and my daughter were only dangerous to themselves. Lol🤗❤️🐝
I dare you to make a handful of these and put them in your store 😏... also waiting for a video where you upgrade the 40 lb bow you bought on Amazon a few weeks ago 😂
I like that you're showing this as a beginner, rather than an expert. This way, we get to see all that it takes to get good in real time.
The timing is almost scary. I just started looking into balearic slings in the last 2 weeks and now you make a video about them. Awsome!
That's a fun project! When I was 10 yrs. old, my Dad made a sling for me out of boot laces and a pouch from old boot leather. We lived near a rocky beach in Mallorca, Spain (the Balearic Islands) and I spent hours and hours teaching myself how to throw rocks with that sling. I learned that underhand was a bad idea when I threw a rock straight up and it beaned me on the noggin when I couldn't see where it went. Eventually, I got pretty good with it. Downside is that Dad had to pay for a hard plastic buoy that belonged to someone who would moor their boat to it. It could only take so many hits before it cracked and sank.
We didn't have TV or anything when we lived there, so that sling kept 10 yr old me occupied for quite a while. I still have that sling out in a box of my doodads in the garage.
What a godsend! I watched MANY sling making videos. This is the best. I finally understand how to make a Balearic sling with your simple detailed layman instructions.
Man Dave... ever since Dual Survivor I've been hooked on preparedness and survival. Every time I TH-cam a topic, you come up. Its been really cool seeing your journey and walking in those same footsteps.
Thank you for all the views and the support. I appreciate you guys
After watching a number of sling braiders vids this is the first one that I can fully get what's being done, thank you David Canterbury 👍
Slings are about as much fun as you can possibly have with your pants on 😀. I’ve been making and using them for years but this is one of the best videos I’ve ever seen on making the Balearic slings. I especially like that you showed how to drop cords from the braid to taper it. I’ve been trying to figure that out forever. Definitely saving this video.
Every single video on this channel is gold!!
Still looking forward to the Archery series that you've talked about a few videos back, hopefully soon.
I could follow this video better than any of the others I've seen, thanks David!
You looked like you were having fun. I can see this being played like the Corn Hole game that we all play during a picnic get together. Thanks for the video, Dave.
Wow! Brother Dave Canterbury! You really live the era! That’s above and beyond reenactment! Outstanding! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge! Brother 👍🏽💯❤️🇺🇸. The god lord has blessed you with a serious gift! My reason as to why I love self reliance outfitters so much!!👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💯💯💯❤️❤️❤️
Dave, the coolest person ever. Great instructor and inspiration. Don’t know if you have grandkids, but you would make the greatest grandpa ever!!!
I was literally just thinking about these recently and bamm you pop up with a video on them! I know you appreciate all the support But I for one certainly appreciate All the work That you put in And free information You've put out there To help everyone over the years ... ive been watching since the beginning so on behalf of everyone Thank you!
I knew a guy down in the mountains of WV that hunted squirrels with a sling. He made it look easy. Hell I couldn't even hit a huge white oak tree down in the bottomland when he let me try. With practice I'm sure I could do better. Thank you for all you do Dave.
Slings are one of the oldest weaponsand hunting tools on earth.
Thank you David.
All your videos are gold!
I just started my balearic sling yesterday. I'm doing it out of hemp because I had it, but it's the super thin strands so I am braiding out of 15 strands doubled over to get a good thickness which is making it take a lot longer but it's crazy that I've been watching your videos for over 15 years and the week I finally decide to make a sling you make a video on it! Loved it like always!
The parents of the Cretan slingers would put peices of bread on a wall, if the boys hit them they got to eat, hunger is a good motivater😂 thanks for all the great videos! You have taught me alot through the years, i teach alot of these skills to the 3-6 year olds i take care of and they love it. Greetings from Denmark!
This is really cool that me and a coworker were talking about david and Goliath the other day and I just found this video... guess ill be making a sling to show him and target practice a little bit... thanks Dave!!
Cool project and skill you are a good teacher and it is neat to see it as a beginner so you can see how to begin 😊
Definitely a cool vid here. I love the very low tech primitive early human basics like this. You're a great teacher Dave! I still occasionally break out the dvds of you on dual survival. You and les stroud have been my greatest teachers I've never met. Lol Thank you for all you do.
Dave, você é um mestre no que faz, eu moro no Brasil e olhava o programa Dual Survivol e aprendi muito com você, então quero agradecer por todos esses aprendizado. OBRIGADO DAVE! 👍🇧🇷
I have learned so much from you over the years. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. Wanted a sling like this, now I can make my own.
Great video! Makes me want to share a couple aspects I ran into since at least for me were paramount to finally discovering what works.
At almost sixty years old, I took an interest in slinging... Perfect form is key, and it's felt, as it develops over time. You'll know it instantly when it clicks! Then it'll be hard to find it again for a bit...But when you get out of whack thinking about timing or have a second thought about throwing--trying to analyze it deeper, or any little hiccup occurs, you will feel the punishment!
I have only been doing this for about a year and a half now and still have trouble with accuracy!
Thankfully I still have my rotor cup and haven't done permanent damage that I know of, but I should have really focused everything on form and technique rather than being amazed by how far I could throw a rock! What i thought was awesome back then turned out to be child's play compared to what it is now! As another commenter mentioned, it's really all in the technique and a comfortable form that flows smoothly! I also noted a familiar learning curve, just like with martial arts and for juggling. You'll find plateaus where you think you'll never get better, then suddenly something clicks and you are twice as good as you were yesterday! Then you'll find another step in the journey after that. I wish someone taught me this back when I was 12! The throw feels casual now, like something that I will still be able to do well as I get older without damage, yet the rock sounds like the ricochet from a bullet when it hits things, and sparks fly off of barbed wire fences!
I originally wanted to share that kangaroo leather lace woven in the traditional five section braid works awesome for slings. Bailing twine is great also if it's first raked into little fibers and then a wad of it is sectioned out into five strands and twisted as you braid, doing the same thing he does in this video, except it's not necessary to have any particular length of strands, since they are all made from those little fibers, you can drop and add a little here and there whenever you wish. It's easy to build up for the pocket and drop tiny bits as you taper to the tail end cracker. I live where there are smooth oblong rocks everywhere, so I got into the habit of keeping a sling in my pocket all the time. But with all this time practicing almost each day now for over a year, I am finally just starting to be able to hit a large fat pine tree from an acre away most of the time consistently. Since timing is so critical, yet so nearly impossible to gage, the solution for me was to incorporate everything into technique, so it all works smoothly and the release is just part of the whole throwing sequence. You can't think about when to release it, and expect to find accuracy, but you'll find pain for sure! It seems best to think about the target, and then just initiate your sequence at that target with follow through and commitment for the throw... Never have the release enter your consciousness, and be sure to throw overripe apples at your hogs while you're at it! Well, from a good distance away! It's a fun easy way to practice because when you miss, the hogs get further away looking for the apple...peg one and you get a satisfying squeel and the targets move in closer... Just kidding... No really!;)
I made one of these yesterday. I forgot about tapering the whip end down I should’ve rewatched the video lol. It was awesomely simple and satisfying. Thanks again Dave Canterbury
I picked up some early black walnuts along my path and sized it for them. Probably will work well for golf balls too. Got a new weapon to master
David! You rock! Thank you! Your content is always so useful and helpful!😎👍👍🙏🙏
The best sling tutorial I've seen.
Great process for making sandals and other clothes also!! You Da Man Dave👍. Love all of your teachings.
You remind me of the Crosby Stills Nash song, "Teach your Children Well". Awesome my friend.
I used to love playin with these as a kid. Papaw made us these and also homemade stilts to walk on. Oh how the simple things bring so much pleasure not to mention a descent defense tool!
I appreciate you being honest about your abilities as a slinger.
It was funny when you said "I have 4 or 5 golf balls in the woods."🤣
Amazing content Dave and thanks for all the knowledge brother
This looks like it'd be a super fun craft & activity with kids! Family bonding time!!!
Thanks for the build Dave. Like the reference to Goliath, just after I explained it to my granddaughter. Happy slinging.
I’m not accurate yet but as a boy(not realizing the power) I was tearing bark off an old willow tree and even sent stones around 150 yards. Do not underestimate the power so when switching to stones or lead projectiles be careful. It’s a blast. Thanks Dave from David.
Yeah, I made me a paracord sling several years ago, with the woven pocket and it looks almost exactly like the one you showed in this video Dave. It worked so well, I made a second one, just in case something happens to my first, original one. Very light weight, easy to pack & carry and very effective survival tool for harvesting small game with some practice.
I enjoy your videos. Keep up the great work Dave. Thank you
I love my sling, and I love that I instilled love of it in a friend. We are never disaaarmed with our slings, even wrapped around the wrist, we are..... dangerous. Love ya brother! ROCK on!
I learned to make this from my father when I was 6 years old. When I grew up we all had these or a carved sling shot, with inner tube rubber. Those were the days!
Thank you for the instruction on starting to throw with the sling.
i just made a sling yesterday. Seen this pop up thought youtube was just listening.
Hey Dave,much fun, thanks! Best to you and yours! Pink
Dave, I was just thinking about learning slinging, perfect timing
I am just starting out with slinging! I am trying a staff sling also! I always used a catapult before, but I came across Baleric Slingers, which piqued my interest! I like to investigate ancient weapons and imitate them! Great video David, thank you!
I like the idea that you braid the material, but I usually make a leather pouch too hold the item I intend to luunch. It is easy too do and I can use various items too launch. Put a fef ball bearings in it and you have a great self defense sling. Great video.
An old leather boot tongue makes a great cradle/pocket. And an open field for practice. You can get scary accurate at a surprisingly far distance with practice.
Awesome. I've been looking to compare my noob technique against another lefty. All I see is right-handed technique which is fine, but not ideal for comparing things. Thank you for showing us how to weave one too.
Hi Dave, as far as practicing aim with your shepherds sling; make a “wolf’s tail.” -a projectile on the end of half the length piece of string; thrown into a circle, hoop on the ground. Some how this helps you have an extremely accurate shot (from Balsamic history.) 🇨🇦🙂👍🎖️
This is awesome! Thanks for the tutorial, I'm going to make one and start practicing. BTW it made me laugh when your cat went for the ball that missed!
Thank you! Nice job-clear and to the point.
I have been wanting to do this. Nice encouragement video.
I made a bolo using 3 rubber super balls enclosed in a monkey fist knot. 2 large and one small. Figured that a super ball is a kids toy so how bad could it be to get hit with it. Learned physics quickly. Force is mass x velocity squared. Turns out when a rubber ball that's solid rubber gets moving fast enough it becomes really dangerous.😄
Made one as a kid say 45 years ago had a lot of fun with it . Didn’t know then it was a weapon or for hunting then !
I have a friend that carries a sling with him everywhere. He's been using one for 45+ years. I regularly watch him hit soda can size targets at 20 yards, and send walnut sized rocks through 1/2" plywood. These are no joke - IF you put in the time and practice.
His sling is dyneema lash-it "dog bones" with two 1/2" x 3" leather pieces that don't twist but switch top to bottom, bottom to top, to make the pocket and another small leather piece on the release end to pinch between his fingers.
Dave is the King
Cool stuff! I forgot about the egg sinkers as ammo. I’ve had some fun with those in a slingshot lol. Yeah that’s gonna stink having to find the golf balls in the woods lol
Thanks Dave I think that's really cool you start out as a beginner level😂 I also think that it is really cool certain primitive tools have been found everywhere in the world Atlas bows and arrows Flint knapping stone tools and stone swings of some sort similar in everything but the names !
Thatbwas Really Cool. Thank you!
Gr8 info and show.
I will need to do one to show the Grand boys!!
Good aim Mr. Cantebury!!😊 I tried,,,almost took a window and Moms eye out!! 😂😂😂
Great vid...ill give it a try...helluva skill to have..cheers Dave
Thanks for sharing Dave.👍
It is definitely harder than it looks , but a great skill to learn
Yo the dave canterbury? What a day this is
Very helpful and encouraging. Thank you very much.
THank You! I just getting into using a sling myself. A Great Video.
I really apreciate this video, even if its for a throwing style that i dont use the methodology of understanding how a sling works and is used is perfect on this video.
The biggest obstacle im having is not really having any linear progress, it just seems to be a deadly circle of practice but never being consistent with where i focus to throw at and hit.
If only there were slinging ranges like there are archery ranges lol
That is cool showing how to tye the sling
Slings are great. Saw some in action and they are no joke. The slinger had practiced for a few months and was hitting trees with rocks so hard the pebbles were shattering. Dead accurate when you get the hang of it
made a couple new paracord slings and gave one to a bud. Great fun learning how to get good. I like a full arm length when doubled and a figure 8 throw, can do about a shot every 4 sec. like to go fig 8, it feels like a natural throwing motion to me, gonna have to make a couple of that style as well. But yeah, a couple hundred shots a day, don't throw hard, find the consistent rythym then can get more power when accuracy is better, otherwise you will blow out that shoulder in after 100 shots. Thanks for the vid. Gonna have to drag buddy out to the old tracks and do some more. Is so fun when you start getting decent, but man so amazing how much power a sling gives the stone.
Awesome job brother
I would like to see a video on how to make that para cord pocket. That looked interesting.
Damn you I just started learning Balearic now if I come take one of your courses I cant teach you something as well hahah. Much love from WV.
Awesome! I made one using two, 1” wide strips of leather, for the cup/basket. If you punch a hole in the center of each strip, near the end, you can form the cup/basket by laying one on top of the other and tying a cord in one end. Then, take the other end and put the top one on the bottom. It automatically forms a cup/basket. Then tie the other cord to that end. I simply threaded a leather lace through the hole and knotted it on the back side. Form a loop for your middle finger and a knot to pinch. The centrifugal force, keeps the strips from spreading, so you can use various size and shapes of objects.
I like the slings ,granted im not any good with them but practice still stuck on an atlatl i like em but cant see much use for them, hell im just getting use to slingshots. Great info Dave 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Use beeswax and treat the rope with it. It makes it last longer and handle rocks easier. Nice video as always.
I remember when i was a kid tossing rocks around with a sling. I practiced and practiced and eventually got incredible aim. I remember practicing a full body wind up and hitting a sign 150ft away
Great video. Been doing this sling thing myself for a few months. Would love to see you do an atl atl video.
My son used to hunt rabbits with a sling like that. His first one was made from a square of denim and shoe laces. We were in the woods and I made up a game with them pretending we were lost and had to survive. We cut the bottom off our jeans and used the laces in out shoes. He became really good with his. I could hit a tree but nothing smaller, my ex husband and my daughter were only dangerous to themselves. Lol🤗❤️🐝
King of Bushcraft
Thanks Dave
Real Life Dave The Barbarian is nothing like the Toon Disney character.
Nice! I made one out of the same material a while back.
Thank You. Very nice!
Gonna try to make one to throw tennis balls for the dogs tomorrow. Ok, start on it tomorrow.
At last, material I can find to braid a sling. Thanks, and I can do a 3-braid!
Thanks, what a coincidence, I was just looking into this,
I really have no idea what’s going on but I’m gonna watch anyway.
Dave Canterbury thanks
That’s is so cool.
Thank you so much
The comment does not contain semantic load, and it serves to support the channel and grant the Outdoor.👍👍👍
Good tool thanks
Very cool
Interesting! I think I‘ll try a paracord sling 🤔
Thanks Dave. Check out the videos of the slinging competitions that are still being held in Portugal and Spain. They have been going on for centuries.
"BaLeAriC" is the word of the day 📖💪🧠
Imagine how much practice David had to put that stone in Goliath's forehead.
I figured out what I'm using that dogbane cordage for 😂
What kind of knot did you use to attach it to the clip?
I dare you to make a handful of these and put them in your store 😏... also waiting for a video where you upgrade the 40 lb bow you bought on Amazon a few weeks ago 😂