BLOOD QUANTUM POLICY: Minnesota Chippewa Tribe President Speaks on their Constitution

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.ย. 2024
  • The Minnesota Chippewa Tribe (MCT) is comprised of six Minnesota tribal nations and is a federally recognized tribal government. Currently, the Constitution requires a person's combined blood quantum from their parents to be at least 25 percent to be eligible for MCT enrollment, but not all within MCT agree with those standards. The discussion of blood quantum is nothing new to the MCT; however, in the past, there hasn't been a consensus on what should be done.
    The discussion surrounding proposed and potential amendments to the MCT Constitution continues. A referendum is asking current members whether they want to vote to allow the six sovereign Bands to determine tribal membership of their own Band for themselves, possibly through Band Enrollment Ordinances, according to MCT President Cathy Chavers. We hear from Chavers on her thoughts on potential changes to the Constitution in relation to blood quantum. Chavers also serves as chairwoman of the Bois Forte Band of Chippewa.
    The Bands that comprise the MCT are the:
    Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe
    Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
    Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa
    Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa
    Bois Forte Band of Chippewa
    White Earth Nation
    You can watch more Native Report here:

ความคิดเห็น • 81

  • @silverbikerstacker3869
    @silverbikerstacker3869 2 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    I say if your native by blood your native by blood whether your full blooded or not as long as you can prove it I'm a tribal member enrolled in a different tribe but I'm very traditional I say you should let All trible card citizens continue to enroll their children and grandchildren in the tribe regardless of blood limit as long as they have a blood the tribe legacy will continue on through them A'HO MOTAKIYASA OYASIN brothers and sisters out there I'm a Lakota Cherokee

    • @jadude119
      @jadude119 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Don't be a racist buddy. Those people will be your nephews and nieces.

    • @silverbikerstacker3869
      @silverbikerstacker3869 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @Bruno_no who the hell cares about skin color if you have to add a color before the blood line then that makes you racist

    • @user-bj7oz7tf9x
      @user-bj7oz7tf9x ปีที่แล้ว +1

      What defines a native to you? Is it only culture? That's crazy

    • @chuckfinley4757
      @chuckfinley4757 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @user-ck2hr5vn8e
      @user-ck2hr5vn8e 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@user-bj7oz7tf9x Soon 1% will be enough. With each generation the "blood" will be more sped out

  • @rece76cs
    @rece76cs 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    This is something that means a lot to my brother and myself because our dad is a in rolled member but because of who he married our quantum isn't enough as the way it stands. We was raised to be proud of who we are even if we're not apart. We've tried to learn what we can but being non-inrolled members there seems to be a lot of information denied us because of our distance from the MCT fond du lac tribe but our status as well 😢

    • @scott5456
      @scott5456 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      My dad was an enrolled member of the Fond DU Lac band as well. I am not. I am the Great, Great, Great Grandson of Chief Joseph Osaugee. His blood is mine.

    • @user-ck2hr5vn8e
      @user-ck2hr5vn8e 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@scott5456 I Will Fight No More Forever?

  • @SirLeDoux
    @SirLeDoux ปีที่แล้ว +9

    My dad’s mother was half Ojibwa out of Canada . It’s crazy and insulting how the federal government still treats Natives/First Nations people

    • @user-bj7oz7tf9x
      @user-bj7oz7tf9x ปีที่แล้ว

      You're a native if you're at least half native

  • @kimimilawacipiwinyan848
    @kimimilawacipiwinyan848 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Honor The First Peoples Nations Sovereignty By Restoration Of The Broken Treaties!!!!

  • @user-bj7oz7tf9x
    @user-bj7oz7tf9x ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Too many natives are marrying outside of their race. This "everyone is native if you have a native great grandparent" stuff needs to stop

    • @MildredRHolmes
      @MildredRHolmes 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I have anishinabe greatgrandparents. I am Anishinabekwe. My family is Anishinabe. My parents, sisters, brothers, sons, nieces, nephews, grandparents children and their children are Anishinabe. All regardless of "outside of race" parent or two.

    • @user-bj7oz7tf9x
      @user-bj7oz7tf9x 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@MildredRHolmesNo you're not not unless you're 50%

    • @MildredRHolmes
      @MildredRHolmes 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@user-bj7oz7tf9x I am on the MCT Rolls as 50% because my mother was 100%. My father was enrolled in another Band in another state. I do have an Anishinabeg name given to me by my Grandmother Jesse Soreyes when I was a baby. I am a Beader, a craftsperson, and I have been in ceremonies. I am a Jingle Dress dancer and was a Shawl dancer as a teenager. I have held a Tribal Enrollment card ever since they've been adopted by our Tribe. I am throroughly versed in our Tribal History as well as my family history.

  • @derob68
    @derob68 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    As for, the argument that people want their children to know where they came from and were they belong, that can be told to them without the need to be enrolled. I know descends that have more knowledge of traditions and culture then their eligible for enrollment counterparts.
    You do not need to be enrolled to know your heritage an culture and tribal traditions. They just need to be told and shown by the parents themselves. A child will still have indigenous pride and still be resilient and enduring if that is what they are told from day one. Those teachings belong to everyone regardless of enrollment status.

  • @nativeandindigenuscraftcre433
    @nativeandindigenuscraftcre433 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hi i am glad that your speaking out about this subject matter thanks again and good luck with everything

  • @user-ck2hr5vn8e
    @user-ck2hr5vn8e 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    So how much "quantum" does the lady in the video have?

  • @DonnyRoy91
    @DonnyRoy91 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I finding so crazy that “Chippewa” is still used. It’s 2023

  • @derob68
    @derob68 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I am a 7th generation granddaughter of Chief Hole-in-the-day, the younger and i am mixed because my paternal grandmother is anishinaane enrolled in St.Croix band of Ojibwe in Wisconsin. Her quantum wasn't used when my father was enrolled in Mille lacs band of unremovables. Although i was enough on my own to have my sons enrolled but, should they decide to father children one day, my grandchildren will not be eligible, and im ok with that, because they will be told and shown who their people are. Not because they were enrolled on a reservation that was also forced on our people. They will still be indigenous and so will their children's children.

    • @Redlurk3
      @Redlurk3 ปีที่แล้ว

      I have friends of the family living on Bad River reservation that came from St.Croix!

  • @bartender356
    @bartender356 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Boozhoo zaagi'idiwin. My 7th great grandfather Kechenezuyauh "Chief My Great Elder Brother" led our Anishinaabe Ojibwe from Sault Ste. Marie to what is now Chequamegon Bay, Wisconsin.

  • @RezNinja707
    @RezNinja707 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    my grandfather was half white earth nation enrolled i miss him greatly alot of my cousins and brother cant enroll i am very lucky to be a apart of a tribe that is based lineal descent and i am very lucky to have the medicine from white earth to teach my community to help them grow it makes me happy to see other nations move in this direction
    i would be so thankful for my family

  • @derob68
    @derob68 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Yes, blood quantum was forced upon our people. That being said, so was enrollment in the reservation. Reservations we all know, were designed to make our lives difficult and cause our population to drop. So, the general populations view is askew! If you say quantum is wrong, but you want to drop it as a requirement, the very idea of wanting to enroll in any reservation is also j as wrong as the quantum. Im all for increasing our numbers, but lets start were the trouble began, and correct the books!! We all know they used eugenics to determine if an indigenous individual was full or of mixed. The simple and logical choice is to amend the original roll books. We know by our own history, most individuals were full blood when forced to move to a reservation. Then look at the welsa files and those that stated they were of mixed in order to sell their allotment should also be made full. This would i turn trickle down and bump the current enrollment numbers up. Second, look at those of us that had parents or grandparents from other anishinaabe reservations in other states as well as those in Canada, and accept their quantum. Some or most have parents grandparents and further back then our grandparents that cone from Wisconsin, Michigan, Canada, and just because imaginary lines that divided the land into states say they are not of MCT anishinaabe their quantum cant not be used. An anishinaabe is anishinaabe no matter what state their rez is in. Then once that has all been corrected, and Mille lacs forced to lift the moratorium on band transfers prior to them droping the quantum requirement, and accept those that chose to transfer not because of the "per-cap" but because that is where most our family belongs. Then lets talk about watering down the blood. Also, the theory that we will be extinct is ridiculous. Everyone uses the "if you have 1 drop of indigenous blood in your vains, you are indigenous. That way of thinking ans using that statement only invalidates your arguments for doing away with quantum. As longas we continue to procreate, and produce children with 1 drop there will always be indigenous people. I know i am probably not explaining my views correctly and some will think i want to keep the quantum requirements, please read with an open mind and try to understand what i am trying to get across.
    Also the idea that if our enrollment increases, so will our federal subsidies will also increase, most reservations do not receive enough subsidiaries to provide proper and adequate housing, we do not have adequate health care through the IHS clinics, they already force us to apply for MN care for life saving medical procedures and medication. What im sayinv is has anyone contacted the feds to get in writing that higher enrollment numbers correlates to more government aide an grants for the influx of new enrolled members? In order for our youth to receive BIA scholarships for higher education they have to be at least 1/4 quantum and enrolled in federally recognized reservations. When they apply for this an many other scholarships how will they prove they have 1/4 when there is no 1/4 requirement. Will they, being the institution (feds) that imposed the quantum required for enrollment, accept a copy of the lineage, as the proof? Some may say they dont check, but they do... I have graduated from 2 colleges and have known ones to not be awarded the scholarship because they were not 1/4 but were enrolled because their tribe chose the lineage over quantum. I bet none of the delegates thought of any of this??
    What about our resources, will our new numbers over harvest our natural resources such as game hunting, fishing, gathering, our precious wild rice. Our water ways. Has any one of you thought about that? Im guessing no!
    Im all for doing away with the constraints forced upon us as a people. And growing our numbers. But this has to be looked at from all angles and views before we make a decision that will only create a harder life for those that reside on the reservation.
    I am not being greedy and a person once said to me as i raised these exact same issues many times before. Its a thinker thats for sure. But.. please follow the logic and the science of it all.
    One more issue is some parents are not enrolling their children because the total enrollment process is wrong!! And i hear them say, why enroll them. Tribe never did any thing for me, except use me as a number for their federal dollars. And i think that are right. Ive never received anything from my tribe. I live on my parents property in a 5th wheel trailer because i cant get an allotment where i want, i cant get a home, because there is a housing shortage on every reservation across this Nation. Most of us dont get the jobs we are qualified for because of the rampant nepotism an ill hire my buddy over the other members that have the qualifications.
    I wish i was appointed to the delegation, but... There again, council decides who to appoint. So, they get the constitution written their way, which in most cases is not in the interest of the people but rather, so it serves the interest of the few.

  • @buckfiden6102
    @buckfiden6102 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    My grandpa was a full blooded Indian from leach lake.

    • @chuckfinley4757
      @chuckfinley4757 ปีที่แล้ว

      Did he know how to spell Leech Lake?

  • @carloseduardooliveira5366
    @carloseduardooliveira5366 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Olá pessoal sou do Brasil aqui somos um povo de varias nacoes e tbm indios meu bisavô era indio outro bisavô italiano e somos felizes com toda esta mintura o mais importante é que nomos seres humanos e amamos o nosso próximo sem distinção um brande abraço

  • @PNWwonder
    @PNWwonder ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I come from Chief Waub-ojeeg (White Fisher-crane) , direct line but I am mixed! I still have native blood running through me. I wonder how he may feel about this type of testing of his people. I honor my heritage.

  • @robertronning7016
    @robertronning7016 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Kathy I'm only going to say this once it's time for change and you know it work with us Sandra drift your mother needs your support you laugh all you want maybe you leave and cry but she is the one and you know it

  • @dannyross1968
    @dannyross1968 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Red Lake has shown the way.

  • @artdenattic1
    @artdenattic1 ปีที่แล้ว

    My grandma is full blooded indian and my father is more than 1/2 blooded so I am from Michigan great lakes. Can you let me know howni can apply for enrollment

  • @artdenattic1
    @artdenattic1 ปีที่แล้ว

    There is only 3 of us left and I need to do this for my future generation and my sisters. There was 10 of us we suffered much foster care alcholic abuse and incest

  • @RosesOfSaturn
    @RosesOfSaturn ปีที่แล้ว +4

    What's funny is..I will probably not be accepted because of my blood quantum even though my ancestor is Chief Bemidji..Imagine not being able to be a part of your culture because of blood levels? That is sickening

    • @Redlurk3
      @Redlurk3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      No one can keep you from learning your culture if you really want that.

    • @user-bj7oz7tf9x
      @user-bj7oz7tf9x ปีที่แล้ว +1

      If you really want to be native, then have native children.

    • @RosesOfSaturn
      @RosesOfSaturn ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@user-bj7oz7tf9x I dont want to..I am..Lol..

    • @derob68
      @derob68 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You can still be a part of your culture, attend ceremony and pow wows, you don't have to be enrolled to learn your culture and know your tribes tradition. Being enrolled and seeking the lost knowledge for your ancestors is not synonymous, or correlate. If you truly want to be a part of it, learn it and be a part of it. None of that knowledge requires you to be enrolled. N if they drop the quantum requirements all you would have to do is provide proof of your lineage to enroll. N that's j your family tree. They all have records that date back to the establishment of the reservation and as long as you have names birth certificates with your parents names and their parents n grandparents your a shoe in.

    • @theronmartinANIWAYA
      @theronmartinANIWAYA 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Blood quantom is a ridiculous thing. My family Ani Yun Wiya and Scottish, Irish. Back in the 1700s, being a member of the nation didnt depend on this. Somebody that has a gr grandparent that is of the nation and the rest of thier heritage is non-native doesnt mean that person should be excluded from their ancestry. same goes for the non-native. Nobody goes around saying Im a quarter German, and have Full Germans make fun of them. Their mixed! Its more about being invoved, speaking the language and knowing your culture.

  • @jchow5966
    @jchow5966 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I want to join.

  • @jodyvw.9741
    @jodyvw.9741 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I am a descendent from the Chippewa, my grandmother was from the Turtle Clan,I just did my DNA and it shows I am 16-18% Native American.

    • @mxheadup2012
      @mxheadup2012 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Sorry gotta be 25%

    • @jodyvw.9741
      @jodyvw.9741 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@mxheadup2012 yeah, idk about all that, I'm not looking to live off the government or anyone else for that matter. But thanks.

    • @derob68
      @derob68 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Not all of us Live off the government, we all for the most part work for what we have, and most work pretty dang hard. Nothing is handed to us because we are enrolled. Most tribal services have income guidelines inorder to even receive the service. We do not get free homes, or free cars or payments from the government. Also the DNA test just stated Native American, it did not give you a tribe? Was your grandmother enrolled, in an Ojibwe or Anishinaabe tribe? I'm just curious is all. I'm happy you found your heritage. Are you learning your culture, have you visited your grandmothers reserve? And if you do not want to be enrolled and living off the government, what was the purpose of your comment. I'm just asking, because how you ended your comment sounded like you assumed all indigenous people that are enrolled are living off the government. That's actually down right insulting and rude.

    • @arturintete2461
      @arturintete2461 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      And this is exactly why a blood quantum matters

  • @chuckfinley4757
    @chuckfinley4757 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Wait. This blonde, blue eyed woman is a tribe president? She must be related to Elizabeth Warrn and Rachel Dolezal.

    • @bartender356
      @bartender356 ปีที่แล้ว

      Why because you're a racist?

    • @chuckfinley4757
      @chuckfinley4757 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      No, it's because she looks nothing like a tribal member. Simply pointing out facts.

    • @Redlurk3
      @Redlurk3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Because all European descendants only have blond hair and blue eyes.

    • @derob68
      @derob68 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hair and eye color have nothing to do with blood quantum, she only needs to be 1/4 under the current constitution. A person could be 3/4 green beans as long as they have the 1/4 the color makes no difference and does not diminish the fact that she has met the current standard requirement.

    • @chuckfinley4757
      @chuckfinley4757 ปีที่แล้ว

      @deannarobinsonanangookwega2900 That is an incorrect statement. It implies it is all-encompassing, but it only applies to people of a certain age. From the looks of her it would not apply.

  • @tylerkee9150
    @tylerkee9150 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    It’s sex policing bro, an there’s plenty of natives with that same blood count who don’t participate in ceremony or have any real interest in the culture, and what of us natives with a low population of members or who damn near are related to everybody on the Rez? Yea we could leave the Rez in search of a suitable mate, but that’s difficult too sometimes

  • @TheCheyanne16
    @TheCheyanne16 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @karlos_infamous
    @karlos_infamous ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I am pro-blood quantum. Politics aside, I believe that if a person is less than 1/2 or 1/4 of the ancestry, these people tend to identify more with their dominant culture. Because their blood quantum is low, they don't feel the need to connect with the culture, learn the language and practices.
    Politics aside, this is why I do not support interracial marriage. The mixed race descendants will identify more with the dominant culture, they will look more like the dominant culture, they will act more like the dominant culture. And because of that, they will soon no longer feel the need to carry on with the native teachings, knowledge, languages. I'm sad that most of the present day Native Americans no longer resemble their 18th century ancestors.

    • @Redlurk3
      @Redlurk3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Most 'Full bloods' living on rez live the lifestyle of being a modern American .
      Save your BS theory for 4chan.

    • @user-bj7oz7tf9x
      @user-bj7oz7tf9x ปีที่แล้ว

      Exactly. These native liberals are something else

    • @MildredRHolmes
      @MildredRHolmes 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Nah. It's how the parents and grandparents raise you. I am not full blood MCT yet was raised Anishinabe through and through.

  • @user-cv8qd2nh2m
    @user-cv8qd2nh2m 6 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @blackout4203
      @blackout4203 4 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @chestermasters7349
    @chestermasters7349 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Good luck. My mother is a full blood but, she was adopted so does not know her birth parents. No way to trace heritage. So tribe treated me like I do not belong. By the way. I don’t care about casino money.

  • @germanshepherd6638
    @germanshepherd6638 ปีที่แล้ว

    My local Native American tribe kicked out 600 members when they built there casino.

  • @user-nw4yo1eb4g
    @user-nw4yo1eb4g 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    What about all the white farmer that took land from white earth.

  • @robertronning7016
    @robertronning7016 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    You're invited here Kathy and I know you know who I am it's go time