This was such a pleasure putting this together for you guys. Let me know what you think regarding Cessationism! (and remember, this is not salvational! We can be in unity despite friendly disagreements on this)
Amen amen amen!! This video was a direct answer to prayer and confirmation of what the Holy Spirit was teaching me and leading me to understand! May God bless you for your labor in making this video. I can't even describe in one short comment what a HUGE blessing this teaching was! All glory to our Father in heaven! I was chronically ill with late stage lyme disease that had turned into leukemia and I was in stage 4 kidney failure with a ton of other medical issues and last year God completely healed me!! There's so much more I could share about this testimony and the things the Holy Spirit has been teaching me this past year and especially the last few months! But it has everything to do with the content found in your Walking in Spirit & Truth videos and this video about spiritual gifts. The Father has been using your videos to piece so much together for me that I have read in scripture and felt He was revealing to me through His Word and prayer. Thank you brother! My husband and I are currently praying for the miracle of a baby (and I have no uterus or left ovary). The Father put this on our hearts to pray during last Sukkot when we were reading the Torah portion about Sarah being barren. The amazing thing is that my husband and I both felt led to pray this when we didn't even know each other had been praying for the same thing. (I have 3 children from a previous marriage but my husband has no biological children and, naturally, I long to be able to give him a child.) That same week during sukkot, a sister in the faith told us that when she had been praying the week prior she randomly felt led to pray for Yah to bless the baby my husband and I were going to have. There was absolutely no way she knew what we had been praying for. But still, almost every single believer we share this with thinks we are crazy. And that was only 1 of MANY confirmations He's given us. But the prayer for a baby came from the Holy Spirit. I never thought of even considering to ask for that until that very moment in prayer! Neither had my husband! But for months I had been praying for the lost and asking God to do something so miraculous that it would open people's eyes and let them see through the deep deceptions that have been formed by the kingdom of darkness. My heart has been so broken over the deceit in this world and I just feel so humbled by the fact that the Father brought me out of that darkness and into His marvelous light! But one day my daughter asked me this honest question. She said, "Not to be mean but thousands of women a day pray for a baby and you already have us 3 kids. Why would God choose to do that miracle in you?" Fair question! I decided to take her question to prayer! I asked the Father to please help me have a good explanation for her. I went on to pray about other things. I found myself praying again for the lost and for those who have been taken captive by the deceptions in this world and again was pleading for Yah to do a wondrous miracle to open their eyes and in that moment the Holy Spirit just stopped me in my prayer and I began to weep. I realized He put it on our hearts to pray for a baby which would take a big miracle and I recognized that the Father had been hearing my prayers and was going to do something about it! But PD, I feel like you (and your wife) are believers who wouldn't laugh and scoff at this but instead join us in prayer for this miraculous healing to come to my body and for the Creator to create a womb in me and bring forth the miracle of a healthy baby - both as a blessing to us and, even more importantly, as a testimony of the power of God to the unbelieving or those of little faith. We had been praying for discipleship in the area of having great faith as well as in the area of spiritual gifts but like I shared, most (not all) of the people we have shared this with have thought this couldn't happen so there really wasn't anyone in person we felt we could go to for this kind of discipleship. But, praise Yah, the Holy Spirit has been discipling us through His Word, through prayer and now through your videos! I'm sorry this is such a lengthy response. I tried to leave out a ton of details to be as brief as possible! Lol! But I'm just rejoicing over the truths you shared and how much this video (and others) have lifted me up and confirmed so many things. If our Father and Creator can take the rib from Adam and form an entire woman, Eve, is it really too much to think He could use what's already in my body to create a new womb? I am learning to not put limitations on our Father! God bless you and your wife and the work of your ministry, in Yeshua's name.
Thank you for sharing that April! I have and will continue to pray for your pregnancy. Let it give God glory! Such a blessing to hear the ministry has blessed you, glory to God!
I agree with the speaker. I grew up in midwest, usa, a strong cessationist. I am 74 years. The last 35 yrs a mild pentecostalist. (Assembly of G) Concerns both ways, and many abuses both ways. Gods way is the way of faith, and will never conflict with His Word, rightly divided. Good job!
Thank you for this in-depth teaching you’ve put together for us Pd! 🥺 Can’t even imagine the hours and effort you spent to put this out! Once again thank you so much! Blessings to you and Christina ❤️
Thank you for this deeper dive into a difficult topic for many believers in the west to tackle. The idol of intellectualism is a big problem that few people address without throwing the baby out with the bath water.
Thank you for this teaching I really appreciated it. If it’s not to much of a bother I don’t know how many people would be interested but I would love to hear a teaching on each spiritual gift their protocols and how to use them properly and improperly. I think this will allow those walking in those gifts can use it properly the way the lord intended and also recognize abuse of the gifts more easily. I think this could be beneficial, if everyone else thinks so.
I haven’t watched your videos in a while. Thank you for this. I’ve received words of knowledge when I have went out praying for others. It was amazing. May the Father continue to bless you and your wife in you’re ministry PD and Christina
Thank you brother. So many, especially on Twitter are the "Scripture only" folks. I find it sad really it's not scriptural nor is it the character of God. It honestly looks like fear. "We don't want any of that silly stuff in our meetings!" I understand there have been people that go to far and go beyond what is written but there is a beautiful balance of SPIRIT AND TRUTH!
Thank you brother PD, for this amazing teaching, I’ve been a continuist for many years, and the cessationists have got it VERY wrong, and we should pray about, and teach it to as many who “have ears to hear” to the truth of God’s word✝
Beautiful! The Bible is truly all you need for application to your life. Anything that I go through, I can go to scripture for the answer. God is good! Thank you.
Example of New Revelation I received the other day. The 5 stones David picked up was a pre-shadow of the "5 fold"; Which one Yahweh would choose would be the one pulled from the bag to take down the Giant. Now with this revelation the prophets would discern the prophets. (1 Corintians 14:32)
This is a great subject to tackle, the point he was making about the apostles staying current in this age is in the book of Revelation. When the 12 apostles were symbolically representing the stones of the New Jerusalem, so if the building is only built on 12 Stones it would be a construction site just started there has to be a hundreds or even thousands or even tens of thousands of other stones to finish this spiritual construction all are apostles, which applies to those of the five-fold gifting. So praise Yah where he allows us to have precept upon precept line upon line a little here a little there is how you develop doctrine.
I understand. However there is a distinction in scripture between the 12 and the office of apostles, which included other apostles who were not the 12. Paul is only one such example.
Great job Please do a video about the timing of the rapture immediately after the great tribulation Matthew chapter 24 verse 29 through 31. You can start right there. Also, John chapter 6 proves on the last day in verse 39, 40, 44 and 54 resurrection/rapture at the last trumpet
If I were the Devil how would I deceive the church and render it powerless? First I would convince them that the regenerative work of the Spirit is the same as the baptism of the Spirit when they are two distinct acts of the Spirit. I would convince Christians that God no longer gives gifts of the Spirit to His followers which they will readily believe because they reject the power of the baptism of the Spirit. This will lead them to not being able to discern spiritual acts because spiritual acts are spiritually discerned. they reject the offices of the Apostles and prophets all because of one scripture taken out of context.
I just watched Satan's servant Kenneth Copeland con people out of their money then walked around "healing" people, No one got healed. That said, I believe in the biblical gifts of the Spirit including healing but they're few and far between. I believe you have the gift of healing and yes its the Holy Spirit that decides who gets healed or not.
Like the 12 He sent out, the 70 He sent out, those instructions were specific to them; However the Spirit of those occurrences carry's on to us. We have to seek our purpose within the great commission. Our instructions will be similar but unique to the circumstances. This is if we are walking as a disciple walked, and followed the Master Yeshua in everything they do. To hear and obey the Father. It may be leave your wallet but take twenty bucks with you and some bread and wine. Shema It may be to plant, to water, or see the fruit. I will say in my walk thus far, I have yet to see when my compassion pours, and I pray for someone to be healed by Father in bold faith, that as is far as I have seen. Though I pursue all His Ways, the power to bear testimony to others; to pursue His Sabbaths, His Feast, His Torah (Commandments) To show them the He is the living Torah I have not witnessed the backing of the Ruach Hachodesh (Holy Spirit) yet. I just gave it to Yah' This is what lead me to consider that the Vinyard of Churchianity is not ripe for the Harvest. Their minds are not ready to receive. How to serve the urgency of repentance as slowly as needed. Like a double positive. Time is short, but yet have the time to build a relationship for them to receive. This is what is cool about you P.D. you offer bread as if they have all the time in the world, but you never show what you know that the time is short. I see the Storm of Storms inc. as I shout batten down the hatches, prepare your house, come out of her My people. I see the desolation and famine incoming. But I am learning to learn as well to offer softer bread. Urgency is what woke me up though. My thinking if there is no credibility, then that means I am stepping out incorrectly, or the time is not yet. It was Father that spoke to Yeshua to make it His time. If there is no evidence of the Holy Spirit than I am no different than a Jehovah Witness or Mormon knocking on the door to speak to someone. Just bringing another wind of doctrine. Then I also think maybe it is because I am still working with one talent, and maybe P.D. hat ten talents. A reference to the measure of the Ruach Hachodesh given to each of us. If the time is now, when? If the time is when, then we are missing the One Accord-ness as the upper room to walk and function as the Body. Then we show that we are a Bride made ready. Ready to receive the Latter rain outpouring. Where all you touch is healed, even if they touch your tassels. A handkerchief you send Heals, The anointing oil you pour. What I do know is we are is a lull state knowing if the Ruach doesn't back us stepping out, then it is better to stay in the boat to get to the other side in trust in the midst of the Storm. My 2 cp's
1 Corinthians says these three gifts remain, Faith, Hope and Love. When you see God face to face will you need Faith and Hope? No! So perfection is written as a neuter noun in Koine Greek so its not Jesus. We have in James talking of the bible NT as the Telios perfect Law of Liberty. Telios = completion. Do a word study.
This was such a pleasure putting this together for you guys. Let me know what you think regarding Cessationism! (and remember, this is not salvational! We can be in unity despite friendly disagreements on this)
Amen amen amen!! This video was a direct answer to prayer and confirmation of what the Holy Spirit was teaching me and leading me to understand! May God bless you for your labor in making this video. I can't even describe in one short comment what a HUGE blessing this teaching was! All glory to our Father in heaven! I was chronically ill with late stage lyme disease that had turned into leukemia and I was in stage 4 kidney failure with a ton of other medical issues and last year God completely healed me!! There's so much more I could share about this testimony and the things the Holy Spirit has been teaching me this past year and especially the last few months! But it has everything to do with the content found in your Walking in Spirit & Truth videos and this video about spiritual gifts. The Father has been using your videos to piece so much together for me that I have read in scripture and felt He was revealing to me through His Word and prayer. Thank you brother! My husband and I are currently praying for the miracle of a baby (and I have no uterus or left ovary). The Father put this on our hearts to pray during last Sukkot when we were reading the Torah portion about Sarah being barren. The amazing thing is that my husband and I both felt led to pray this when we didn't even know each other had been praying for the same thing. (I have 3 children from a previous marriage but my husband has no biological children and, naturally, I long to be able to give him a child.) That same week during sukkot, a sister in the faith told us that when she had been praying the week prior she randomly felt led to pray for Yah to bless the baby my husband and I were going to have. There was absolutely no way she knew what we had been praying for. But still, almost every single believer we share this with thinks we are crazy. And that was only 1 of MANY confirmations He's given us. But the prayer for a baby came from the Holy Spirit. I never thought of even considering to ask for that until that very moment in prayer! Neither had my husband! But for months I had been praying for the lost and asking God to do something so miraculous that it would open people's eyes and let them see through the deep deceptions that have been formed by the kingdom of darkness. My heart has been so broken over the deceit in this world and I just feel so humbled by the fact that the Father brought me out of that darkness and into His marvelous light! But one day my daughter asked me this honest question. She said, "Not to be mean but thousands of women a day pray for a baby and you already have us 3 kids. Why would God choose to do that miracle in you?" Fair question! I decided to take her question to prayer! I asked the Father to please help me have a good explanation for her. I went on to pray about other things. I found myself praying again for the lost and for those who have been taken captive by the deceptions in this world and again was pleading for Yah to do a wondrous miracle to open their eyes and in that moment the Holy Spirit just stopped me in my prayer and I began to weep. I realized He put it on our hearts to pray for a baby which would take a big miracle and I recognized that the Father had been hearing my prayers and was going to do something about it! But PD, I feel like you (and your wife) are believers who wouldn't laugh and scoff at this but instead join us in prayer for this miraculous healing to come to my body and for the Creator to create a womb in me and bring forth the miracle of a healthy baby - both as a blessing to us and, even more importantly, as a testimony of the power of God to the unbelieving or those of little faith. We had been praying for discipleship in the area of having great faith as well as in the area of spiritual gifts but like I shared, most (not all) of the people we have shared this with have thought this couldn't happen so there really wasn't anyone in person we felt we could go to for this kind of discipleship. But, praise Yah, the Holy Spirit has been discipling us through His Word, through prayer and now through your videos! I'm sorry this is such a lengthy response. I tried to leave out a ton of details to be as brief as possible! Lol! But I'm just rejoicing over the truths you shared and how much this video (and others) have lifted me up and confirmed so many things. If our Father and Creator can take the rib from Adam and form an entire woman, Eve, is it really too much to think He could use what's already in my body to create a new womb? I am learning to not put limitations on our Father! God bless you and your wife and the work of your ministry, in Yeshua's name.
Thank you for sharing that April! I have and will continue to pray for your pregnancy. Let it give God glory! Such a blessing to hear the ministry has blessed you, glory to God!
@@RiseOnFire thank you very much for your prayers. I look forward to keeping you updated on what the Father does in our lives!
I agree with the speaker. I grew up in midwest, usa, a strong cessationist. I am 74 years. The last 35 yrs a mild pentecostalist. (Assembly of G)
Concerns both ways, and many abuses both ways. Gods way is the way of faith, and will never conflict with His Word, rightly divided. Good job!
Thank you for this in-depth teaching you’ve put together for us Pd! 🥺 Can’t even imagine the hours and effort you spent to put this out! Once again thank you so much! Blessings to you and Christina ❤️
It’s all worth it if it can bless someone. Praise God!
Thank you for this deeper dive into a difficult topic for many believers in the west to tackle. The idol of intellectualism is a big problem that few people address without throwing the baby out with the bath water.
As with many things the truth is found in a balanced understanding. Glory to God!
Thank you for this teaching I really appreciated it. If it’s not to much of a bother I don’t know how many people would be interested but I would love to hear a teaching on each spiritual gift their protocols and how to use them properly and improperly. I think this will allow those walking in those gifts can use it properly the way the lord intended and also recognize abuse of the gifts more easily. I think this could be beneficial, if everyone else thinks so.
Yes this is something on the horizon! It’s a pleasure, praise God.
I haven’t watched your videos in a while. Thank you for this. I’ve received words of knowledge when I have went out praying for others. It was amazing. May the Father continue to bless you and your wife in you’re ministry PD and Christina
Thank you brother. So many, especially on Twitter are the "Scripture only" folks. I find it sad really it's not scriptural nor is it the character of God. It honestly looks like fear. "We don't want any of that silly stuff in our meetings!" I understand there have been people that go to far and go beyond what is written but there is a beautiful balance of SPIRIT AND TRUTH!
This has been very helpful and encouraging, thank you so much for the time, work and energy you put into this teaching.
It’s a pleasure Matthew, glory to God
love this channel full of truth
Thank You for this teaching! I have shared it with all I can think of because this message needs to go out far and wide. Amen and Halleluiah
Thank you brother PD, for this amazing teaching, I’ve been a continuist for many years, and the cessationists have got it VERY wrong, and we should pray about, and teach it to as many who “have ears to hear” to the truth of God’s word✝
Beautiful! The Bible is truly all you need for application to your life. Anything that I go through, I can go to scripture for the answer. God is good! Thank you.
Pleasure! Glad to hear it blessed you
Thank you so much P.D. for your hard work in bringing us this sharing of yours and His heart on the matter.
Shalom brother
A pleasure brother! Thank you for tuning in as often as you do!
Example of New Revelation I received the other day.
The 5 stones David picked up was a pre-shadow of the "5 fold"; Which one Yahweh would choose would be the one pulled from the bag to take down the Giant.
Now with this revelation the prophets would discern the prophets. (1 Corintians 14:32)
This is a great subject to tackle, the point he was making about the apostles staying current in this age is in the book of Revelation. When the 12 apostles were symbolically representing the stones of the New Jerusalem, so if the building is only built on 12 Stones it would be a construction site just started there has to be a hundreds or even thousands or even tens of thousands of other stones to finish this spiritual construction all are apostles, which applies to those of the five-fold gifting. So praise Yah where he allows us to have precept upon precept line upon line a little here a little there is how you develop doctrine.
I understand. However there is a distinction in scripture between the 12 and the office of apostles, which included other apostles who were not the 12. Paul is only one such example.
Great job
Please do a video about the timing of the rapture immediately after the great tribulation Matthew chapter 24 verse 29 through 31. You can start right there.
Also, John chapter 6 proves on the last day in verse 39, 40, 44 and 54 resurrection/rapture at the last trumpet
Happy to hear it blessed you. Already did a video on the rapture:
Your teaching about spiritual gifts is very clear and Biblical. Continuationists are in a serous error!
If I were the Devil how would I deceive the church and render it powerless? First I would convince them that the regenerative work of the Spirit is the same as the baptism of the Spirit when they are two distinct acts of the Spirit. I would convince Christians that God no longer gives gifts of the Spirit to His followers which they will readily believe because they reject the power of the baptism of the Spirit. This will lead them to not being able to discern spiritual acts because spiritual acts are spiritually discerned. they reject the offices of the Apostles and prophets all because of one scripture taken out of context.
I just watched Satan's servant Kenneth Copeland con people out of their money then walked around "healing" people, No one got healed. That said, I believe in the biblical gifts of the Spirit including healing but they're few and far between. I believe you have the gift of healing and yes its the Holy Spirit that decides who gets healed or not.
Like the 12 He sent out, the 70 He sent out, those instructions were specific to them;
However the Spirit of those occurrences carry's on to us. We have to seek our purpose within the great commission.
Our instructions will be similar but unique to the circumstances. This is if we are walking as a disciple walked, and followed the Master Yeshua in everything they do.
To hear and obey the Father. It may be leave your wallet but take twenty bucks with you and some bread and wine. Shema
It may be to plant, to water, or see the fruit.
I will say in my walk thus far, I have yet to see when my compassion pours, and I pray for someone to be healed by Father in bold faith, that as is far as I have seen.
Though I pursue all His Ways, the power to bear testimony to others;
to pursue His Sabbaths, His Feast, His Torah (Commandments)
To show them the He is the living Torah
I have not witnessed the backing of the Ruach Hachodesh (Holy Spirit) yet.
I just gave it to Yah'
This is what lead me to consider that the Vinyard of Churchianity is not ripe for the Harvest.
Their minds are not ready to receive.
How to serve the urgency of repentance as slowly as needed. Like a double positive. Time is short, but yet have the time to build a relationship for them to receive.
This is what is cool about you P.D. you offer bread as if they have all the time in the world, but you never show what you know that the time is short.
I see the Storm of Storms inc. as I shout batten down the hatches, prepare your house, come out of her My people.
I see the desolation and famine incoming.
But I am learning to learn as well to offer softer bread. Urgency is what woke me up though.
My thinking if there is no credibility, then that means I am stepping out incorrectly, or the time is not yet.
It was Father that spoke to Yeshua to make it His time.
If there is no evidence of the Holy Spirit than I am no different than a Jehovah Witness or Mormon knocking on the door to speak to someone.
Just bringing another wind of doctrine.
Then I also think maybe it is because I am still working with one talent, and maybe P.D. hat ten talents. A reference to the measure of the Ruach Hachodesh given to each of us.
If the time is now, when?
If the time is when, then we are missing the One Accord-ness as the upper room to walk and function as the Body.
Then we show that we are a Bride made ready.
Ready to receive the Latter rain outpouring. Where all you touch is healed, even if they touch your tassels.
A handkerchief you send Heals,
The anointing oil you pour.
What I do know is we are is a lull state knowing if the Ruach doesn't back us stepping out, then it is better to stay in the boat to get to the other side in trust in the midst of the Storm.
My 2 cp's
Cessationistm is a *BIG HERESSY.*
😔 p̶r̶o̶m̶o̶s̶m̶
1 Corinthians says these three gifts remain, Faith, Hope and Love. When you see God face to face will you need Faith and Hope? No! So perfection is written as a neuter noun in Koine Greek so its not Jesus. We have in James talking of the bible NT as the Telios perfect Law of Liberty. Telios = completion. Do a word study.