Not long to wait now, as I had the BBC reply to my email about when we will start to know the 2018 celebs, and they said anytime now, this week. Get ready!
Isla Hootsen Karen has been seen with another man, Stuart wood. And for the last few episodes, Kevin and Karen have not been dancing together. Plus, when Kevin was eliminated from the show, his speech seemed to be a cry for help.
Have to chuckle at the judges pretending to play instruments for almost the entire performance. So awkwardly fun!
I love this Christmas song
I wish the Christmas special was longer - like a month or two or three, lol... Going through Strictly withdrawal ;)
Not long to wait now, as I had the BBC reply to my email about when we will start to know the 2018 celebs, and they said anytime now, this week. Get ready!
I can't believe this is the last video until the new series x
We are back now!!!
well done you guys Elton Johns my favourite boy singer
Darcie's unicorn world
I was inCuba Libre thinking of you.
Search 1R steps into christmas!
Who's the women in the black play suit at the beginning? its driving me mad !!!
Kimberley walsh
I really curious to know, what is happening between Karen and kevin. Have they split up, is she having an affair? What is going on??.
May I ask why your thinking that? Just curious
Isla Hootsen Karen has been seen with another man, Stuart wood. And for the last few episodes, Kevin and Karen have not been dancing together. Plus, when Kevin was eliminated from the show, his speech seemed to be a cry for help.
INGSOC Owh that's kinda sad. Hope it isn't something to serious
Robbie's AGED.