INTPs Saw a Ghost?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 13 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 34

  • @cazimim3375
    @cazimim3375 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Your voice puts me at ease and I’m going through a dark time in my life and your intellect I am still assessing

  • @jnorthtrash1346
    @jnorthtrash1346 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    your appreciation for the metaphysical and ideal is very important as you are probably the person to bring it to fruition. A conduit of ideas

  • @cazimim3375
    @cazimim3375 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    What’s weird is I’m so picky and depressed that despite my intelligence and personality and good nature and good looks I’ve been all alone but I don’t think it’s healthy long term psychologically and physically

  • @brocklytodd5317
    @brocklytodd5317 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I wanna see a ghost dog! Honestly I'm sorta interested in moving into a haunted home. This video reminds me of the youtube channel ghost of carmel maine. That youtuber uploads all kinds of footage of shadow people or whatever.

  • @Uncle_Jester
    @Uncle_Jester 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    They did ? All of em ? Hmm, must not be one, then... Oh, i had my shit on "Silent". Fuck.

  • @cazimim3375
    @cazimim3375 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I’ve had a powerful loving spiritual experience despite how loving and good looking I am that was the first time I felt love and it was powerful

  • @Harrkin
    @Harrkin 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Plenty of stuff outside London. Try Cambridge, it's like london without the bullshit, also Cambridge is filled with people that love having thoughtful discussion (mos tlikely because of the University).

    • @revontulet1845
      @revontulet1845  5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Very familiar with Cambridge ;)

  • @maitljon
    @maitljon 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    It's verbal processing. That's why you can't stop. I do it all the time and have specific people in my life I can go to when I need to exhaust my thoughts. To ponder something is good, but there comes a point when verbally expressing our thoughts helps in sorting them out.
    I watched the videos you posted today you're not crazy, our brains are wired differently. For you to feel tired makes sense, we INTPs live at a depth of mental processing that is innate and involuntary to us that most can't, but like a leach our minds sap life from us which leads to unexplainable exhaustion. I don't have to empathize with what you are saying, I can sympathize with you even with the spiritual stuff.
    There is so much I want to say and do little space. I have an idea.

  • @WarriorGardenYT
    @WarriorGardenYT 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Recently I witnessed an elderly lady who seemed quite off, speak to a voice in her head and it was a child asking her something. referred to her as “grandmother”. No child was around and it would not surprise me if it was a ghost I happen to listen too and she was speaking with. I’m an Intp

  • @cazimim3375
    @cazimim3375 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I don’t know I’m kinda convinced but trying to avoid the fcking delulu… I’m trying hard to do the best in a bad situation so I could meet cool people like u

  • @Onnarashi
    @Onnarashi 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I recall my mother telling me about an experience she had in my childhood home from the 1790's. She was carrying a lanundry basket full of laundry from the second floor on the house, and about to walk down the stairs to the first floor where the washing machine was.
    She was alone at the time, when she felt a hand pushing her down the stairs and making her fall. She remembered that vividly many years later.
    I never had such an experience personally. As a kid I remember some nights in my bed, I'd dream with my eyes open, projecting my dreams onto the walls of my bedroom. Like my eyes were projectors and I was watching a film.
    When I got older and studying away from home, there were a couple of times where I'd suffer from sleep paralysis and see these shadows on the walls of the bedroom.
    I don't know if ghosts exists and frankly I remain sceptical, but I do sometimes wonder if these are real encounters with another universe, as if one reality is "bleeding" into another.
    There are so many unsolved mysteries about our universe, and the multiverse theory is just one avenue to explore. Personally, I've long thought about how the clusters of stars and galaxies in our universe resemble that of neurons in the human brain, and recently I encountered a video discussing this similarity.
    What if the universe we know is just one large brain, and we are quite literally living in a dream?

  • @mws12345
    @mws12345 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    It's unfortunate but life is much more boring than we want to admit in a way, and living in phantasy/art and fun illusions that we create to make existence more meaningful for the self is the best we got. Escaping into anime or fiction worlds is about the best we can do and creating connections/relationships with people who don't have gag reflex and don't mind the taste of semen while wearing fishnet stockings and bunny ears and tail is about the best it's going to get.

  • @cazimim3375
    @cazimim3375 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Not likes it going to solve problems but this video is alleviating some of my stress and depression

    • @cazimim3375
      @cazimim3375 5 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @sonicmaths8285
    @sonicmaths8285 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    you're extraordinarily active, recently

  • @cazimim3375
    @cazimim3375 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I barely know you yet but I think I’m in love

  • @cazimim3375
    @cazimim3375 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I want you in my life but regardless if that happens or not I wish you good luck because non ntp are malevolent

  • @brocklytodd5317
    @brocklytodd5317 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I have a clip on my channel of a shadow entity that I got from the channel known as Ghost of Carmel Maine

  • @erenyaeger2320
    @erenyaeger2320 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Letting your life be influenced by things like the myer briggs personality test or astrology is wrong and a waste of time and energy.

  • @cazimim3375
    @cazimim3375 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I’m an entp true Aquarius but also intp I can make us happier ^_^ if I’m still alive ha ha

    • @Harrkin
      @Harrkin 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      haha depression!

  • @cazimim3375
    @cazimim3375 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I don’t know if u can even see my comments but id love to talk to you about anything ( I get shadowed )

    • @sagarrawal5195
      @sagarrawal5195 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Bro can you stop spamming

    • @leminer4049
      @leminer4049 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      No shit you get shadow banned xd

  • @cazimim3375
    @cazimim3375 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You have a telegram ???

  • @mws12345
    @mws12345 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Was Jack the Ripper a ghost? Is he a ghost now or did he just simply cease to exist? Honestly I'm much more scared of Jack and Harold Frederick Shipman than I am of a ghost, that is people like them I mean. I'm not an attractive young woman however so maybe my chances of survival are higher, lucky me :) you however... might want to carry some pepper spray or a 9mm might be better. Nihilistic enough to not care about catching Buffalo Bill if she is safe, but somewhere inside there is a Clarice Starling in you that wants to save the lambs. Would that be actualizing your Fe in combination with the powerful capabilities of your brain? I guess at the end of the day it's just a dumb movie. In my country like 50% of murders are cold cases. I haven't looked up yours yet think I will I'm sure it's lower. I'm actually interested in immigrant crime particularly in London. I don't mean for this to take a racist tone as I'm not but I don't like the idea of increased crime from foreigners' in London but I'm sure that's what I'll find if I go digging. Then again maybe it's retribution for war crimes of the navy for centuries or something which actually has nothing to do with anyone alive now, some sort of stupid like " we're in your city now how do you like it " this is some sort of crazy thinking now though, dangerous irrational thinking that unfortunately in some cases has a basis in reality. Why are we stuck in the wars/crimes of our fathers? Like in our collective unconscious, carrying through history... can't bury the past to solve it then we are hiding the truth and it just makes it worse. All I know is the past was not us, we are now and eventually we are no more. It's all just a joke now. I have no country to fight for, I'm a citizen of the planet. The lines we draw in the sand are all just the same games we have been playing on earth for thousands of years now. Stupid power struggles, this dirt and water belongs to me! This piece of paper says I have the right to xyz!

  • @mws12345
    @mws12345 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I didn't even watch this video yet but ghost's are not real, unless this is some kind of metaphor for people being ghosts in your life. Like as in we are the vampires, we are the zombies, we are the ghosts, and curses are real. Like I can mark your hand with a sharpy and look at you in the eyes for like 3-4 seconds with a crazy look and you don't know that what just happened is I cursed you, and there is a trigger based on conditions where if you trigger these conditions the curse may come into play and harm your life but it was never stated to you because all you seen is a sharpy mark on your hand and the temporary eye stare. The ink was to sink into your skin and to know that even if you wipe it off some of it absorbed into your body. It would be me who makes this curse become a reality, but I'm crazy and believe it's you who made the curse become reality lol. Anyway so saying that are curses real or false? Well in reality they are false, unless you want to say like I cursed you with aids when we had sex, but did we have sex or did we make love? If we made love is it a curse? What if I didn't intentionally mean to give you aids because I wasn't diagnosed yet, are you still cursed with aids or did I curse you with aids? lol We are the witches, being burned by the crazy mob who thinks we are crazy because we figured out things that they haven't. We are the walking dead, except we are not dead yet. We are all the kings horses and all the kings men who can't put humpy dumpty back together again because we are not Frankenstein. Judith Barsi was cursed by a horrible father, and a condition was triggered that resulted in her and her mother's death ( ducky from land before time ) Anne Franke was cursed by the location and timeline she was born into. Basically the point is and I'm sure you already know, there is rational explanations for all this stuff based on reality and for someone to not understand what this all means yet, means they are not seeing reality clearly. To see reality clearly is to be much more afraid of a bear breaking into your home while you sleep at night than a ghost, and to be even more scared if it's a human breaking into your home, especially if they have a gun and intend to harm you. We are the great danger, we are the monsters.

  • @mws12345
    @mws12345 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Okay well I watched the whole video this is my least favorite yet. Sorry I don't mean to be rude but as of right now at least, we know and have confirmed that ghosts are not real, and telepathy is not possible. This is a fact. Such as in if time travel is possible (it's not and never will be). We know right now that we are unable to travel through time. The same way we know that ghosts are not real. I'm not being boring or dismissive, I'm simply saying that it's a waste of time unless we admit that we are just playing a game here. Like a movie about ghosts is fine, and being scared and seeing a shadow at night after movie and feeling a jump and your hair stand up is fine. I'm way more afraid of real people than I am of ghosts. Like if I was a soldier in Ukraine right now, then I might see a ghost and be very afraid for my life, but I know it's not a ghost it's worse. Also the idea that if you were to orbit a huge mass and time passes slower etc. is all pointless. This would be the idea that if we could get you in a spaceship that travels at a fast speed and then orbits a planet that's mass is 10x that of earth that time would be slower then you could come back to earth and people would be older while you are younger (it wouldn't work this way) or also the idea that because of time/space that the light we see is much older than it's original starting point, and that this star already burnt out but we are still seeing the light until it goes away, so with a telescope it's like looking through time which is a form of time travel... basically what I'm saying is time travel will never be possible, the only concept of this would be to travel into the future hypothetically because of speed. Like say an asteroid is going to hit earth but it's impossible to stop it through conventional means, but we travel to it at a rapid speed to disable it before it would destroy us. You could try to see this as a form of time travel, or seeing the future to prevent a disaster. Anyway sorry guys time travel will never be possible. Not in 4548. The only way time travel could be possible based on the laws of physics science etc. that we know in our universe is if some mystical/mythical person such as god really is pulling the strings in this puppet show and snaps his fingers and sends you back, which is not accurate based on the information that we have now and is extremely unlikely. So sorry no ghosts, no time travel, I guess zombies could happen. Zombies could totally be a thing in some strange experiment. It would be a lot more like a dog with rabies though. I don't really know they would care about your brains but they might be very hostile and want to harm you.

  • @cazimim3375
    @cazimim3375 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Do Intp women exist ?