Yeah they used the reasoning “well if we light the cabin on fire, he’ll HAVE to come out” well, unfortunately he died and unfortunately the government didn’t get charged with murder-which if any of us did that, lit someone’s house on fire and killed them, we’d be in prison for murder. Typical government BS. Yup, just like Waco, Ruby Ridge, World Trade Center, etc. they will kill however many people to accomplish their goals.
@@jaredweiman2987 *You'll have an easier time spotting the stains in your dirty underwear. You stupid wankers really are stuck on this nonsense. If I had any compassion, I still wouldn't waste it on you. Sockf*cker.*
Back in the late 90s, I worked at Leavenworth where Bruce C Pierce was incarcerated. He came across as respectful, intelligent, and articulate, however, you also got the feeling that he was/could be a very dangerous person.
Hail The Order. You may not agree with them - but they stood for their principles. Just like I appreciate Louis Farrakhan and Malcolm X wanting blacks to have their own system. It's only ]evvish groups who want to mix everybody together. Diversity does not mean everybody intermingling and losing their own identities into one mixed brown easily mouldable race that's got no history/loyalty to anything other than big corporations.
I love how opponents of "White Nationalist" ideology never have counter arguments other than "tHat BaD iDeA, so YoU bAD." It's because WN ideology is based on observable reality and can't be proven wrong. They have the truth on their side and the moral high-ground.
*When your ideas are based in shit, you don't need to have a counter argument, nor do you merit one. The fact that you think any of this is a worthwhile position tells us everything about you that we need to know. That's why you clowns keep getting your asses kicked in the street and in the courtroom. That's why so many of you turn on each other. You are all losers to the core. Remember that, you Nazi piece of dogshit.*
5:05 the fact that they never considered Tulsa, Oklahoma or the Birmingham church bombing, rosewood or all the other violent group acts against black victims or the countless murders of civil rights leaders and members as “domestic terrorism” is very telling and partly why that mentality was allowed to fester, grow and spread up until present times.
No it was his anti white anti American and pro pinko Zionist rhetoric that got traitor Berg got. But as always the Jew , the enteral parasite to all gentiles regardless of race is naturally portrayed as the victim….all thanks to the medias Zionists propaganda.
What about them? I agree with the weather underground .......I don't agree with their tactics any more than I agree with the extremist lunatics on the right! The left wants control of resources like food shelter what's needed to survive the necessities. The right seems to want a babysitter /bouncer/ bodyguard /protector whatever to protect them from a non-existent threat. Corporate America runs this country they use lobbyists to fund campaigns for both sides and they get what they want they also are very good at convincing the public today the government as well for implementing these particular bills and laws. And since you only see it coming from the side of the government most likely you work a s*** job and you don't have a lot of time to be doing any research to find these things out and public education doesn't teach s*** about how lobbying and the basics of our broken disgusting political system works!!! And since humans love drama I mean look at how long talk shows and soap operas and so on have it on air? Or even wrestling or football it's all about tribalism it's all about the good versus the bad and blah blah blah. Life is not that simple social networking isn't that simple either. But people want to watch the movie not read the book and so you can go online and find out about lizard people and how the earth flat and you've been lied to about everything and if you're not that smart or if you're prone to listen to sensationalism and magical thinking religion and so forth and you're going to jump on that that's going to be a lot more fun than looking at the kind of boring s*** that's happening right in front of your face. And believe me it is happening right in front of her face it's not that interesting at all but trust it's happening. So that said, I don't believe we need violence I don't believe we need leaders or people to tell us what to do or how to do it if we have what we need and we're not fighting over it or trying to fight over it or feeling like we're getting screwed then we're going to work together as a machine but if you divide and conquer which is kind of what corporate America has decided to do. It's much easier strategy the prison system figured this out a while ago you don't want to take on the whole group!! you'll lose every time but if you can get the division between groups and you can get them to work with you a little here and there because you bribe them or give them something they want then you can slowly but surely get your way and get division were disgusting nightmare to play out the way you want it to. Now lastly I'm going to say I don't believe that the majority of these people are evil people I mean believe in evil. They're just people who have power and want to keep that power they don't really work together unless it's good for them to do so because again these people that want power and they're greedy so they don't really want to share it with anyone at all even if it's going to help them so they typically don't they don't sit around in dark rooms conjuring up nasty s*** to do. Rather they think of ways they can keep themselves in power and by owning property is a very good way to do so if you look at what they've done it looks like a very nasty plan that are putting together and it is but from their perspective it's just how the system works and so this is what we have to do to get what we want. Down the road as capitalism falls apart they're going to need bartering chips & they will have them in the form of property!! In the form of laws that have been passed. Every time like a Bill gets passed you in the stimulus package when that happened if you read it there's all kinds of buls*hit in there that f**s us but you're not going to read that. Or hear about it. Because we needed the money at the time. And who the f*** is got time to read these often times 100 pages thousand pages of bills and proposals etc etc. the people that are sent to represent us are supposed to read this & they often times don't for this very same reason! So as long as you continue to look directly up your ass and keep thinking that aliens and lizard people and PDF files and flat Earth and all this stuff is out there and we're all in cahoots with them on the left then you can expect things to get pretty ugly and it will be a self-fulfilling prophecy in terms of bad things happening because obviously if the adults in the room aren't taking things seriously and are trying to protect the country from lizard people and foreigners that only come here to escape a violent violent country that has become that due to our drug policy in America. We have gig economies now and those that have the skilled jobs won't have them that long and eventually robots will take over. That's just the way that it is and corporate America wants that they don't need to pay anybody so you need to think about what's really happening they're trying to get rid of the bottom 15 to 20% they don't need us now and they don't want to meet us later so they're writing bills they're doing everything they can to divide and conquer to get us to wipe each other the f*** out. Wake up people wake up these people are very good at propaganda. It's even easier when you're not that bright so put on your thinking caps stop thinking about a billionaire cares about you on either side. Because just like Nazis there are no good folks on either side of the billionaire class either. Trump has always been a grifter a shitbag.... He is whatever he needs to be at that moment. No billionaire or multi multi-millionaire or wealthy motherfuker likes unions. Why don't they like unions because unions unite the people and give us power and consolidate enough wealth so we can hire a good attorneys and have a good defense against them when they try to f*** us. This is what the left is trying to do for you assholes. We are trying to get a government that is strong enough to fight back to stop this lobbying that is destroying us to get them the f*** out on both sides. Can you create a union a United States of America not a divided not a one-sided. A union just like a union for anything else. So anyway I know that people don't read thisdidn't take anything away from it because it's too long to read and since I'm not on the right side I'm going to be wrong and I'm the plant I'm working for the government I'm whatever I need to be so you don't have to put on your big boy/girl f****** pants. This assholes administration has made it illegal to be homeless again do you know how easy it is for the majority of us to wind up homeless?? Overturning roe v Wade was not a good idea think about it in most states especially in the south?! Where is hard to get help anyway they don't want to give you food stamps they don't want to give you anything they go out of their way to f*** the people in the in the South and poor people in general. Convincing you that you don't need it that you should be proud to work and have nothing and to fight to feed yourself and children. This is ridiculous, and that will be more people more mouths to feed you think they're going to come out & give a fuk about you then? Now all this is going to do is cause division when these children are old enough to maybe decide they're gay maybe decide they're trans or maybe decide they're hungry maybe decide they don't have enough money realizing their job is not a good job and doesn't pay Fair. At that point you're a piece of s*** left just call me bastard right? Well you can believe that all the way to the f****** disgusting and will you get flushed down the toilet of capitalism. Because believe me the system isn't needed much longer. And you don't have we don't have the power to stop much of anything anymore. And you can blame Biden all you want I'm not a fan of his. But this is not from the government this is from corporate America getting bailout after bailout that's their food stamps that is their welfare they don't put any money into anything they don't put money into infrastructure fixing potholes they don't give money to anything and they stopped and fight every time any kind of money is put out there to f****** help with addiction poverty housing unit they don't want to have anything to do with that the poor can go f*** themselves! How can you assholes be so blind? Anyway I'm done ranting wake the hell up please I'm sure it would seem like a great guy at first he was good friends with Henry Ford who wrote the Dearborn independent and the manifesto for why the Jews should be ****ed. He was angry when he had to supply cars and supplies for the war effort for us for the US he didn't mind doing it for Hitler. And these are all facts you can go look this stuff up this isn't stuff I'm just making up. Our own gees were quite surprised to roll up to certain areas overseas after world war II and realize there were jeeps and trucks and certain tanks that had the Ford emblem or Ford parts on them. Knowing that one of their own people what's going out of their way to help kill them that had to hurt. The slogan make America great again and goes back to Ronald Reagan and back to Nixon and then even before that it goes back to fastest leaders like Stalin and other fascists overseas although it wasn't America they were saying it was their country obviously. I wonder if those people were sitting there wishing they had made a different decision when sh*t got really gnarly. ☮️☮️ America has never been great! But it doesn't have to be horrible and I guarantee you that it is on its way. Please be on the right side of History by walking yourself to the left come election day.
@@PolishEnforcer The guy brought and dropped a registered gun to an armored car robbery. Thats how they caught the order. He was a moron and a failure. Deal with it.
@@jaredweiman2987 *I just read your pointless replies to other posts, so I'm guessing that's a yes. A child's opinions matter more than any of you silly mayosapiens, because they're intelligent, and you are not. And very soon you will begin to see that the road that you're on will probably lead you to the same place that David Lane and Bob Mathews ended up in. That's if you have any sense to see anything in the first place , you silly, silly fool. Now scuttle off back to 8chan.*
I’ve always thought it odd that, even if I take liberalism at face value, which is what every American is expected to do post WWII, organized white interest groups are always seen as the biggest threat to the federal govt’s hegemony although, ostensibly, EVERY race has organizations that exist solely to advocate for their people’s interests. If all people are interchangeable and group differences are merely social constructs, then why is white organization seen as intrinsically a bigger threat? This seems to imply, at the very least, that the white group is capable of a level of organization and ability that other groups are not, hence the heightened scrutiny. If this is the case, then WHY? Does this not prove their point, at least in regards to the reality of racial differences (keep in mind, I’m not saying differences in WORTH, but merely in abilities/aptitudes of various facets of existence amongst the various races/ethnicities)
"Prior to the order... the Klan wasn't even that bad." "Prior to Donald Trump... I mean, we had the holocaust, but this talk of a 'great economy' and building a wall is just sickening beyond even that. I mean, I can't imagine why anybody would want to spend less to fill up their vehicle for a family vacation. Who even has a family anymore? Racists. That's who."
I'm not american but what kind of moron thinks only racists have family, you should stay under whichever rock you live as we don't need your kind in society
You see, their morals, their code, it's a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be. I'll show you. When the chips are down, these... these civilized people, they'll eat each other. See, I'm not a monster. I'm just ahead of the curve. -The Joker
Would anyone with any decency want their country to be run by these people. Both my grandfather's fought in WW2 against far right nazis, and played their part, with so many others, to liberate Europe. I can't express how proud and thankful i am, that because of people like my grandparents, and so many others who gave up their lives, they gave their most important thing, life, so that people like myself could live in a democratic country. Is it perfect, of course it's not, but to imagine what if the nazis had won the war. What kind of world would it be now?
I know the movie is crazy bob is a scum bag but he did go out like a warrior. When he started shooting through the first floor that was one of the coolest things I’ve seen in a movie I didn’t expect him to do that I thought he’d throw a grenade down the stairs or something. Knowing it was based on a true story made the movie even more captivating
Eric Rudolph’s buddies Jeff Epstein, Arthur Blank and Ian and Ghislaine Maxwell are also Jewish. Blank and Craig Menear were involved in the June 13, 1997 attempted truck bomb attack of the Home Depot Corporate Office and brothers Mike, Fred and Jeff Cook, Roger Nance, Joey Davis, Matt McRae and Eric Rudolph attempted the attack that day and let go by Cobb police. Rudolph worked for Georgia Governor Zell Miller up until the moment he became wanted by the FBI allegedly for attacking the Northside Family Planning Services, Centennial Park and New Womens Healthcare Clinic attacks but around 0917 hours on January 29, 1998 and 17 minutes after the Birmingham attack he and Matt McRae arrived in Mobile, Alabama in a truck carrying large explosive devices attempting to murder 350 agents of the FBI that’s right Eric is not the one whom killed Officer Robert Sanderson of the Birmingham Police Department it was Joey Davis wearing Pam’s brown wig and driving Rudolph’s pickup so no that was not Rudolph witnesses followed for 30 minutes to his pickup. It was Joey my buddy Willard Davis’s son. Willard is neighbors with Francis Cook and his sons Mike, Fred and Jeff Cook in the community of Brasstown, North Carolina just across the creek from Franks baseball buddy Zell Millers hometown. The used to play baseball against each other while growing up in that area of Murphy, North Carolina and Young Harris, Georgia. You could probably throw a rock from Frank Cooks house on Cook Ridge and bust out a window at Young Harris College. Another friend of Eric Rudolph was John Ramsey. John was so nice to pass his 5 year old daughter around to Rudolph, Epstein and the boys and even let Menear, Nance, my older brother and others into his home in Boulder to murder his daughter Jonbenet. Menear stated he helped murder Jonbenet out of revenge for John Ramsey murdering his distant cousin Jill Robinson. So yeah the owner of the Atlanta Falcons tried to have the corporate office of Home Depot attacked to obtain a large government grant from the State of Georgia big enough for him to purchase the Atlanta Falcons football team and I screwed up that attack as well.
There was another Bruders Schweigen documentary from I believe the early 90s which was very well done. It was a TV program special like 20/20 and has not been on TH-cam for a while. If any of you have the doc, please post it.
@@fresatx *You Nazi clowns are such losers that you can't even cope with life itself. Spare me talking about what you think you're going to do. You'll just get yourselves wiped out, is all.*
Best channel ever!!! You people make concise and coherent documentaries!!!! I mean, I feel very nostalgic yet fearful by seeing your videos. Keep up the great content
@@jaredweiman2987 *I'll take that as a resounding "yes." If the aforementioned individual is anything like you MAGAt Nazi turds, then I don't need to listen to him. Nice try deflecting my question, though.*
They still managed to make off with more than $4 MILLION of the Jew’s money. You, on the other hand, have never, EVER been in the same BUILDING with $4 Million Dollars in your pathetic little Insect Life…
This is a dumb comment... this was a group of less than 20... in a country of over 300 million.... there are thousands murdered in America every year and it isn't by these people...
Who came here after watching "The Order" ?
Me. Wow what a good movie
Me.great film, well directed in the way of a Martin Scorsese great cast well done Justin Kurzel.
You got me.
Who else is here because they watched the order ?
It's a shit movie.
Me!! Was amazing idk what that comment above is on.
The movie is awesome 💯
Yes there was no way a black female was leader of the FBI task group it was kind of close to reality.
@@jaquelinegarcia119 some one being salty lol
Oh a flair ignited the cabin. That's probably what happened in Waco
where do you think they got the ideas? the order worked very closely with rural farmers due to the failure of the country just as they fail them today
Yeah they used the reasoning “well if we light the cabin on fire, he’ll HAVE to come out” well, unfortunately he died and unfortunately the government didn’t get charged with murder-which if any of us did that, lit someone’s house on fire and killed them, we’d be in prison for murder. Typical government BS. Yup, just like Waco, Ruby Ridge, World Trade Center, etc. they will kill however many people to accomplish their goals.
@@Maulstrum97 *Who is "they?"*
@@SinewRending Jews. Sock account spotted.
@@jaredweiman2987 *You'll have an easier time spotting the stains in your dirty underwear. You stupid wankers really are stuck on this nonsense. If I had any compassion, I still wouldn't waste it on you. Sockf*cker.*
I wish that was much longer. Very interesting stuff.
Not to worry -- this is part 1 of a 5-part series, so there's plenty more. The next one comes out tomorrow.
They look like a classically produced TV program broken up in bits. Not saying it is. Some YT content is I think, redone TV content broken down.
@@StevieCooper you think? lol
This one is good.
@@djones6211 the middle intestine stretched out can reach from here (earth) to the moon(the moon).
Back in the late 90s, I worked at Leavenworth where Bruce C Pierce was incarcerated. He came across as respectful, intelligent, and articulate, however, you also got the feeling that he was/could be a very dangerous person.
Is he still alive or is he dead? David Lane is dead, Gary Yarbrough is dead
@@Thebeatles19632 He died back in 2010 while still incarcerated.
Hail The Order. You may not agree with them - but they stood for their principles. Just like I appreciate Louis Farrakhan and Malcolm X wanting blacks to have their own system. It's only ]evvish groups who want to mix everybody together. Diversity does not mean everybody intermingling and losing their own identities into one mixed brown easily mouldable race that's got no history/loyalty to anything other than big corporations.
@@Thebeatles19632richard scutari and david tate are still alive.
Richard Scutari is up for release soon
14 reasons
@Omari Taylor You iz one purple looking mofo.
@@goolag6536 *How very observant of you. It's your mother's favorite color.,*
*Zero brain cells. P.S. Your homey Bobby Mathews died a Black man!*
@@SinewRending we wuz #999999
Watching now after The Order movie trailer
You must watch the film if you haven’t. It left many of us speechless and mixes of emotions. Cinematic and great cast.
Me too think the film will be excellent
Just watched it. Good movie
I love how opponents of "White Nationalist" ideology never have counter arguments other than "tHat BaD iDeA, so YoU bAD." It's because WN ideology is based on observable reality and can't be proven wrong. They have the truth on their side and the moral high-ground.
*When your ideas are based in shit, you don't need to have a counter argument, nor do you merit one. The fact that you think any of this is a worthwhile position tells us everything about you that we need to know. That's why you clowns keep getting your asses kicked in the street and in the courtroom. That's why so many of you turn on each other. You are all losers to the core. Remember that, you Nazi piece of dogshit.*
@@SinewRending shit? That’s the color of your skin “brotha”
@@peter_88 *It's also the color of the inside of your mouth, scat-muncher. Off with your silly, stupid ass.*
@@SinewRending no, it’s the color of your big bell pepper nose you silly baboon
5:05 the fact that they never considered Tulsa, Oklahoma or the Birmingham church bombing, rosewood or all the other violent group acts against black victims or the countless murders of civil rights leaders and members as “domestic terrorism” is very telling and partly why that mentality was allowed to fester, grow and spread up until present times.
2:13 all true!!!!
I watched the 2024 movie The Order and it was very well made.
I saw it too it was a great movie
It's not great... it's bad.
@@awkwardautistic What parts made it bad?
why's that
Retro report killin it as always, thank you guys for all that u do
Thanks so much! This is part 1 of a 5-part series - next one coming out tomorrow.
The symptom was addressed….. but not the cause
@@SinewRending that's exactly what the government wants, too. Gladly both of you will get the total opposite of what you desire.
@@paulgreengod *Hush. Stay in the basement where it's safe.*
@@SinewRending cricket is still using 2009 reddit insults. It's a new world, Django. We run this, junior.
It funny how when the FBI has a house surrounded, it usually burns to the ground
*Cry harder, mayosapien. Your tears are delicious.*
They always leave the oven on
Who is here after watching order?
Wtf is wrong with some of these people in the comments. Y’all are not human
The Order should win film of the year.
Excellent mini documentary. You can see why the FBI director calls these guys one of the biggest threats to the US
Thanks so much --we appreciate it!
They're not... the biggest threat is the US govt.
Oh mylanta absolutely disgusting and pathetic
*Failed, the Order.*
This aged well
The more time passes tbe more the state of the world makes david lane look like a prophet and Robert Mathews a proto revolutionary hero.
*...if you're an idiot.*
@@randybridges7365 *Dumbass.*
Proto Maga Insurrectionist
If any of the guys still in prison think we should get a petition to pardon them
That haircut was what killed him
What do you mean
No it was his anti white anti American and pro pinko Zionist rhetoric that got traitor Berg got. But as always the Jew , the enteral parasite to all gentiles regardless of race is naturally portrayed as the victim….all thanks to the medias Zionists propaganda.
We need a group like The Order now more than ever!!!
And why exactly is that?
they were right all along. europe is invaded by muslims and afrikans.
Join your leader.
It's called Maga, homie
These new Klansmen/The Order guys? Fr early 1980s-mid90s?
Weren't backwoods hicks
And look at where we are today.
Another irony is the guy who played the fed in the movie is named "Jude Law."
Weather underground.?
Thank you. When they said “we didn’t even think of domestic terrorism before this” I was like damn, they really cant let leftists have anything 😢
What about them? I agree with the weather underground .......I don't agree with their tactics any more than I agree with the extremist lunatics on the right!
The left wants control of resources like food shelter what's needed to survive the necessities. The right seems to want a babysitter /bouncer/ bodyguard /protector whatever
to protect them from a non-existent threat. Corporate America runs this country they use lobbyists to fund campaigns for both sides and they get what they want they also are very good at convincing the public today the government as well for implementing these particular bills and laws. And since you only see it coming from the side of the government most likely you work a s*** job and you don't have a lot of time to be doing any research to find these things out and public education doesn't teach s*** about how lobbying and the basics of our broken disgusting political system works!!!
And since humans love drama I mean look at how long talk shows and soap operas and so on have it on air? Or even wrestling or football it's all about tribalism it's all about the good versus the bad and blah blah blah. Life is not that simple social networking isn't that simple either. But people want to watch the movie not read the book and so you can go online and find out about lizard people and how the earth flat and you've been lied to about everything and if you're not that smart or if you're prone to listen to sensationalism and magical thinking religion and so forth and you're going to jump on that that's going to be a lot more fun than looking at the kind of boring s*** that's happening right in front of your face. And believe me it is happening right in front of her face it's not that interesting at all but trust it's happening. So that said, I don't believe we need violence I don't believe we need leaders or people to tell us what to do or how to do it if we have what we need and we're not fighting over it or trying to fight over it or feeling like we're getting screwed then we're going to work together as a machine but if you divide and conquer which is kind of what corporate America has decided to do. It's much easier strategy the prison system figured this out a while ago you don't want to take on the whole group!! you'll lose every time but if you can get the division between groups and you can get them to work with you a little here and there because you bribe them or give them something they want then you can slowly but surely get your way and get division were disgusting nightmare to play out the way you want it to. Now lastly I'm going to say I don't believe that the majority of these people are evil people I mean believe in evil. They're just people who have power and want to keep that power they don't really work together unless it's good for them to do so because again these people that want power and they're greedy so they don't really want to share it with anyone at all even if it's going to help them so they typically don't they don't sit around in dark rooms conjuring up nasty s*** to do. Rather they think of ways they can keep themselves in power and by owning property is a very good way to do so if you look at what they've done it looks like a very nasty plan that are putting together and it is but from their perspective it's just how the system works and so this is what we have to do to get what we want. Down the road as capitalism falls apart they're going to need bartering chips & they will have them in the form of property!! In the form of laws that have been passed. Every time like a Bill gets passed you in the stimulus package when that happened if you read it there's all kinds of buls*hit in there that f**s us but you're not going to read that. Or hear about it. Because we needed the money at the time. And who the f*** is got time to read these often times 100 pages thousand pages of bills and proposals etc etc. the people that are sent to represent us are supposed to read this & they often times don't for this very same reason! So as long as you continue to look directly up your ass and keep thinking that aliens and lizard people and PDF files and flat Earth and all this stuff is out there and we're all in cahoots with them on the left then you can expect things to get pretty ugly and it will be a self-fulfilling prophecy in terms of bad things happening because obviously if the adults in the room aren't taking things seriously and are trying to protect the country from lizard people and foreigners that only come here to escape a violent violent country that has become that due to our drug policy in America. We have gig economies now and those that have the skilled jobs won't have them that long and eventually robots will take over. That's just the way that it is and corporate America wants that they don't need to pay anybody so you need to think about what's really happening they're trying to get rid of the bottom 15 to 20% they don't need us now and they don't want to meet us later so they're writing bills they're doing everything they can to divide and conquer to get us to wipe each other the f*** out. Wake up people wake up these people are very good at propaganda. It's even easier when you're not that bright so put on your thinking caps stop thinking about a billionaire cares about you on either side. Because just like Nazis there are no good folks on either side of the billionaire class either. Trump has always been a grifter a shitbag.... He is whatever he needs to be at that moment. No billionaire or multi multi-millionaire or wealthy motherfuker likes unions. Why don't they like unions because unions unite the people and give us power and consolidate enough wealth so we can hire a good attorneys and have a good defense against them when they try to f*** us. This is what the left is trying to do for you assholes. We are trying to get a government that is strong enough to fight back to stop this lobbying that is destroying us to get them the f*** out on both sides. Can you create a union a United States of America not a divided not a one-sided. A union just like a union for anything else. So anyway I know that people don't read thisdidn't take anything away from it because it's too long to read and since I'm not on the right side I'm going to be wrong and I'm the plant I'm working for the government I'm whatever I need to be so you don't have to put on your big boy/girl f****** pants. This assholes administration has made it illegal to be homeless again do you know how easy it is for the majority of us to wind up homeless?? Overturning roe v Wade was not a good idea think about it in most states especially in the south?!
Where is hard to get help anyway they don't want to give you food stamps they don't want to give you anything they go out of their way to f*** the people in the in the South and poor people in general. Convincing you that you don't need it that you should be proud to work and have nothing and to fight to feed yourself and children. This is ridiculous, and that will be more people more mouths to feed you think they're going to come out & give a fuk about you then? Now all this is going to do is cause division when these children are old enough to maybe decide they're gay maybe decide they're trans or maybe decide they're hungry maybe decide they don't have enough money realizing their job is not a good job and doesn't pay Fair. At that point you're a piece of s*** left just call me bastard right? Well you can believe that all the way to the f****** disgusting and will you get flushed down the toilet of capitalism. Because believe me the system isn't needed much longer. And you don't have we don't have the power to stop much of anything anymore. And you can blame Biden all you want I'm not a fan of his. But this is not from the government this is from corporate America getting bailout after bailout that's their food stamps that is their welfare they don't put any money into anything they don't put money into infrastructure fixing potholes they don't give money to anything and they stopped and fight every time any kind of money is put out there to f****** help with addiction poverty housing unit they don't want to have anything to do with that the poor can go f*** themselves! How can you assholes be so blind?
Anyway I'm done ranting wake the hell up please I'm sure it would seem like a great guy at first he was good friends with Henry Ford who wrote the Dearborn independent and the manifesto for why the Jews should be ****ed. He was angry when he had to supply cars and supplies for the war effort for us for the US he didn't mind doing it for Hitler. And these are all facts you can go look this stuff up this isn't stuff I'm just making up. Our own gees were quite surprised to roll up to certain areas overseas after world war II and realize there were jeeps and trucks and certain tanks that had the Ford emblem or Ford parts on them. Knowing that one of their own people what's going out of their way to help kill them that had to hurt. The slogan make America great again and goes back to Ronald Reagan and back to Nixon and then even before that it goes back to fastest leaders like Stalin and other fascists overseas although it wasn't America they were saying it was their country obviously. I wonder if those people were sitting there wishing they had made a different decision when sh*t got really gnarly.
America has never been great! But it doesn't have to be horrible and I guarantee you that it is on its way. Please be on the right side of History by walking yourself to the left come election day.
LOL i thought the same thing, or even the alphabet bomber who acted solo but was fairly sophisticated and intelligent.
Hail Robert Mathews
*Failed, Bob Mathews.*
@@SinewRendingdidnt fail
@@PolishEnforcer *He did, and so did yo' mama!*
@@PolishEnforcer The guy brought and dropped a registered gun to an armored car robbery. Thats how they caught the order. He was a moron and a failure. Deal with it.
this topic was talked about in Blood in the Face, Michael Moore's first documentary
I saw that film in the theater during its 1st release. It was bad. So meandering.
@@galentong4783 🤷
Michael moore is a crappy communist pos lmfao 💩🤢🖕🏿🤮🤮
Great work, Retro Report!
Thank you!
Sleep well Bob Matthews, and David Lane.
14 words. One nation.
@@SinewRending As if the opinion of these dark and unaccomplished people make any difference.
@@jaredweiman2987 *Are you disparaging Black people?*
@@jaredweiman2987 *I just read your pointless replies to other posts, so I'm guessing that's a yes. A child's opinions matter more than any of you silly mayosapiens, because they're intelligent, and you are not. And very soon you will begin to see that the road that you're on will probably lead you to the same place that David Lane and Bob Mathews ended up in. That's if you have any sense to see anything in the first place , you silly, silly fool. Now scuttle off back to 8chan.*
I’ve always thought it odd that, even if I take liberalism at face value, which is what every American is expected to do post WWII, organized white interest groups are always seen as the biggest threat to the federal govt’s hegemony although, ostensibly, EVERY race has organizations that exist solely to advocate for their people’s interests. If all people are interchangeable and group differences are merely social constructs, then why is white organization seen as intrinsically a bigger threat?
This seems to imply, at the very least, that the white group is capable of a level of organization and ability that other groups are not, hence the heightened scrutiny. If this is the case, then WHY? Does this not prove their point, at least in regards to the reality of racial differences (keep in mind, I’m not saying differences in WORTH, but merely in abilities/aptitudes of various facets of existence amongst the various races/ethnicities)
Great points
God Bless Bob Matthews, Bruce Pierce, David Lane and ESPECIALLY Tommy Silverstein!
*Seek help. Read books.*
@@SinewRending I’ve WRITTEN more books than your illiterate Monkey Ass has ever read, Chim-Chim!😂🤣😂
Why though?
@@Beelzeboogie if you have to ask, then you can’t POSSIBLY understand
@@mikeoneil5770 Difficult to articulate?
It’s funny how at the end of the movie they tie the book “ the turner diaries“ to the “ capital insurrection“ on Jan 6th 😂😂
Is that new movie the order left-wing Trump hate propaganda?. Or does it actually tell the story without a trump bias?
I wonder why
"Prior to the order... the Klan wasn't even that bad."
"Prior to Donald Trump... I mean, we had the holocaust, but this talk of a 'great economy' and building a wall is just sickening beyond even that. I mean, I can't imagine why anybody would want to spend less to fill up their vehicle for a family vacation. Who even has a family anymore? Racists. That's who."
You've pin pointed it hahaha
I'm not american but what kind of moron thinks only racists have family, you should stay under whichever rock you live as we don't need your kind in society
You see, their morals, their code, it's a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be. I'll show you. When the chips are down, these... these civilized people, they'll eat each other. See, I'm not a monster. I'm just ahead of the curve. -The Joker
Would anyone with any decency want their country to be run by these people.
Both my grandfather's fought in WW2 against far right nazis, and played their part, with so many others, to liberate Europe.
I can't express how proud and thankful i am, that because of people like my grandparents, and so many others who gave up their lives, they gave their most important thing, life, so that people like myself could live in a democratic country.
Is it perfect, of course it's not, but to imagine what if the nazis had won the war.
What kind of world would it be now?
america is a constitutional republic. also, the world is not better off… general patton said we fought the wrong enemy after the war.
The world would be an utopia
@@BillClinton9-11 Of course it would you lunatic
@@BillClinton9-11 Of course it would you lunatic
@@BillClinton9-11 Of course it would you lunatic
Here after the movie this guys were crazy Bob went out like a badass on his way he was not getting arrested.
I know the movie is crazy bob is a scum bag but he did go out like a warrior. When he started shooting through the first floor that was one of the coolest things I’ve seen in a movie I didn’t expect him to do that I thought he’d throw a grenade down the stairs or something. Knowing it was based on a true story made the movie even more captivating
Hail The Order
*Order the fail.*
@@curtisanderson8013 88
Yeah a special kind of idiot
Lol good shot on Alan, boys.
*Um, they didn't get away, and one crapped himself. Sit down.*
@SinewRending Damn you aren't even Black you're purple.
@@G0olag *Your mother likes purple.*
@@SinewRending don't need to get away. Mission was a success. Bye bye little Alan.
Fuck yeah
RIP brothers
Students for a Democratic society?
About that
Bruder Schweigen!
U cant end the Lonewolf
Long Live Bob Mathews
*He's dead, you big dummy.*
Thank GOD for Brüders Schweigen!
*By that logic, Satan wins the day. Hail, Satan!*
Every group really is just after money and power, all the other stuff like race religion are just by the ways
Peoples reencarnation exist.
You will never know how you will be.
You have to ask why?
James Fields is Gewish. His mother Samantha Bloom is 100% Gewish.
Oy vey! Shut it down
*Your point?*
@@SinewRending Damn you iz purple.
@@robertfrancis2039 *Halfwit.*
Eric Rudolph’s buddies Jeff Epstein, Arthur Blank and Ian and Ghislaine Maxwell are also Jewish. Blank and Craig Menear were involved in the June 13, 1997 attempted truck bomb attack of the Home Depot Corporate Office and brothers Mike, Fred and Jeff Cook, Roger Nance, Joey Davis, Matt McRae and Eric Rudolph attempted the attack that day and let go by Cobb police. Rudolph worked for Georgia Governor Zell Miller up until the moment he became wanted by the FBI allegedly for attacking the Northside Family Planning Services, Centennial Park and New Womens Healthcare Clinic attacks but around 0917 hours on January 29, 1998 and 17 minutes after the Birmingham attack he and Matt McRae arrived in Mobile, Alabama in a truck carrying large explosive devices attempting to murder 350 agents of the FBI that’s right Eric is not the one whom killed Officer Robert Sanderson of the Birmingham Police Department it was Joey Davis wearing Pam’s brown wig and driving Rudolph’s pickup so no that was not Rudolph witnesses followed for 30 minutes to his pickup. It was Joey my buddy Willard Davis’s son. Willard is neighbors with Francis Cook and his sons Mike, Fred and Jeff Cook in the community of Brasstown, North Carolina just across the creek from Franks baseball buddy Zell Millers hometown. The used to play baseball against each other while growing up in that area of Murphy, North Carolina and Young Harris, Georgia. You could probably throw a rock from Frank Cooks house on Cook Ridge and bust out a window at Young Harris College. Another friend of Eric Rudolph was John Ramsey. John was so nice to pass his 5 year old daughter around to Rudolph, Epstein and the boys and even let Menear, Nance, my older brother and others into his home in Boulder to murder his daughter Jonbenet. Menear stated he helped murder Jonbenet out of revenge for John Ramsey murdering his distant cousin Jill Robinson. So yeah the owner of the Atlanta Falcons tried to have the corporate office of Home Depot attacked to obtain a large government grant from the State of Georgia big enough for him to purchase the Atlanta Falcons football team and I screwed up that attack as well.
Didn’t really have to title this “EXPLORING HATE”, isn’t that what you guys do pretty much non stop anyway? It’s the regular scheduled program..
There was another Bruders Schweigen documentary from I believe the early 90s which was very well done. It was a TV program special like 20/20 and has not been on TH-cam for a while. If any of you have the doc, please post it.
I saw that one. It was on yt a while ago. They interviewed the remaining members in prison.
Hey Canadian Trucker Convoy this is the movement that is manipulating you.
manipulating? no you are manipulated
@@Maulstrum97 Oh aren't you adorable? Answer: No. You're nuts.
>people who want to do their jobs without being forced to take a questionable vaccine are secretly controlled by WS
thankyou ret@rd very cool
LoL... this has absolutely nothing to do with that.... wtf are you talking about?
@@daveweiss5647 What confuses you?
*Still exists
R.i.p. too our brothers who gave they're life for they're people and the movement!
Domestic terrorism what's that you say?????? There's PLENTY of examples of that on America's land throughout its inception.
Not a horrible crime
Ohhhhh just yall wait 😘😘😘
*...for absolutely nothing to happen.*
@@SinewRending We will correct some noses that are a little too long 😘
@@fresatx *You Nazi clowns are such losers that you can't even cope with life itself. Spare me talking about what you think you're going to do. You'll just get yourselves wiped out, is all.*
@@fresatx *You aren't going to do shit, understand?*
@@SinewRendingsays the ape speaking a white language broadcasting your nonsense opinion on white invented technology
Best channel ever!!!
You people make concise and coherent documentaries!!!! I mean, I feel very nostalgic yet fearful by seeing your videos. Keep up the great content
Seems to be pro Communist as well. Very trustworthy. lol
@@jaredweiman2987 I like them because they're neutral unlike dog whistling racist conservative media
@@jaredweiman2987 *You're part of one of these groups, aren't you?*
@@SinewRending You could learn a lot from Ayo Kamathi.
@@jaredweiman2987 *I'll take that as a resounding "yes." If the aforementioned individual is anything like you MAGAt Nazi turds, then I don't need to listen to him. Nice try deflecting my question, though.*
lol liberal tears
*Hush, MAGAt.*
Symbionese Liberation Army?
Haha, i love those big bad "warriors" left a gun on the crime scene 😂
They still managed to make off with more than $4 MILLION of the Jew’s money.
You, on the other hand, have never, EVER been in the same BUILDING with $4 Million Dollars in your pathetic little Insect Life…
@@caesaraugustus88 I’ve got more Gold in my pocket right now than your Pimp has on his teeth, Punk…
Imagine actually thinking that wasn’t a plant lmfao
@@SI-cd7xs nah, they are just dumb af
@@SI-cd7xs nah, they are just d*umb.
And just think, we have fools masquerading as celebrities like Li'l Wayne who say there's no such thing as racism because he's rich...
So you're saying that there's racism until all black people are rich?
@@yuothineyesasian You misunderstood my comment entirely.
This is a dumb comment... this was a group of less than 20... in a country of over 300 million.... there are thousands murdered in America every year and it isn't by these people...
13 white men go into court and are found not guilty is NOT SHOCKING!! 13 BLACKS WOULD BE!!🤣🤣
This is how the joo wants you to think to cause us to clash, constantly. So we stay weak.
Change your thinking brother
Ignorant comment... there are multiple stories recently of exactly what you are saying would never happen happening...