Question?? That 2nd Effect on "Ancient Gear Advance" where a player can Tribute a Card on their field to draw one card. It the part where it says "You can Normal Summon "Ancient Gear Golem", or Level 5 or higher monsters that mention it, without Tributing". So Besides "Dragon", "Dark", and "OG Golem", is there any other Ancient cards that can be summoned??
Nice mat
Question?? That 2nd Effect on "Ancient Gear Advance" where a player can Tribute a Card on their field to draw one card. It the part where it says "You can Normal Summon "Ancient Gear Golem", or Level 5 or higher monsters that mention it, without Tributing". So Besides "Dragon", "Dark", and "OG Golem", is there any other Ancient cards that can be summoned??
As a AG competitive player, just play one OG AG Golem, it’s enough