Mate and I went out targeting yellow tail kingfish when a Marlin decided to take his live bait. What a catch and what a day. Reel Shimano speedmaster Rod Jigstar twisted sista Jetski Seadoo Fishpro's
Well done! My heart stopped for a second when you grabbed him and its head was pointing at your face and your body. Lucky it had no energy left in him. One flick and it could have been a disaster. Be safe out there! Again, well done!
Well done! My heart stopped for a second when you grabbed him and its head was pointing at your face and your body. Lucky it had no energy left in him. One flick and it could have been a disaster. Be safe out there! Again, well done!
Hey my ou baie mooi vis!
Pragtige vis, Ouens :)
Nice congrats
Jesus, that looks dangerous as hell, that dude if a bad mtf.
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