A Day In The Life Of A Fool - The Shadow of your smile (The Sandpiper 1965)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 ก.ย. 2024
  • A Day In The Life Of A Fool - The Shadow of your smile (The Sandpiper 1965) - Ross Mitchell His Band and Singers
    A day in the life of a fool 一個笨蛋的一天
    A sad and a long lonely day 悲傷、寂寞漫長的一天
    I walk the avenue 我走在大街上
    And hope I'll run into the welcome sight of you coming my way 希望能遇上你帶著歡迎的目光迎上來
    I stop just across from your door 我剛從你的房門經過停了下來
    But you're never home any more 但你已經不再回家了
    So back to my room and there in the gloom 我回到自己那鬱悶的房間
    I cry tears of goodbye 我那別離的眼淚已經湧了出來
    The shadow of your smile when you have gone 當你離開時留下微笑的影子
    Will color all my dreams and light the dawn 會把我所有的夢添上色彩 也帶來黎明
    Look into my eyes, my love, 親愛的 請看著我一雙眼睛
    And see all the lovely things you are to me 我眼裡都是你給我的美好東西
    Our wistful little star it was far too high 我們嚮往的小星星太遙遠了
    A teardrop kissed your lips and so, so did I 淚珠吻上了你的唇 我也一樣
    Now when I remember spring all the joy that love can bring 每當我想起春天及戀愛帶來的愉快事情
    I will be remembering the shadow of your smile 我會回想你那微笑的影子

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