このwhereの使い方snsでもよく見かけます。今回もすごくわかりやすい説明で勉強になりました。ありがとうございました! when I ran into my boyfriend with a young woman in a pub. He awkwardly explained that it was the situation where he and her being his colleague were seriously discussing their company’s future, and he added that’s all. (半分フィクションですw)
わかりやすい説明、ありがとうございました。表現の幅がぐっと拡がりそうです。 I watched a video on TH-cam where I learned a lot of useful expressions related to scheduling and making appointments . I think you should watch it if you want to improve your English vocabulary.
このテーマ、すごく助かります❗️ 🇺🇸 生活長いのですが、未だに疑問も多く…なので、仕事でも家でも よく耳にする事で質問させて下さい。 Where だけで使う事は自分でも多いですが、米人が 話の途中で 〜 to where 〜 と to と一緒に言う事があり、私の頭がそこでちょっと引っかかってしまいます。😅 調べてもこれに関しては殆ど情報が無く、、、 お時間があれば、でいいので 宜しくお願いします 🤲
ジュン先生これ他の動画でバイリンガルの会話で出てきてずっと不思議で理解できず日本のYou tuber 英語のね コメント欄で聞いたらちょっと理解しづらい抽象的答えだった もう1人は考えておきますって😅 説明が難しい内容をなのかと思ってた webも検索して何となくわかってきたとこでジュン先生の説明で一発理解! この2ヶ月の悩みなんだった⁉️ webではin whichで置き換えらる文とか 書いてたけどそんなこと考えてるうちに会話終わってしまうやんっておもってました😂 もっと早くHapa英会話チェックすればよかった〜、早い話 どんな状況・場合・局面・段階・時代や背景かをwhere 以後で説明してるだけの事ですね❤ ありがとうジュン先生 しかし何であんな難しい説明になるのかなァ 日本の先生方が説明すると…。。 We live on a planet where global warming is getting worse.
Thank you for this video! I often come across a situation where English speakers use "Where〜" just like these use cases. I got better understanding, but is "Where" interchangeable with "that"? Sometimes I get confused with which to choose. Thank you anyway!
This is the situation where I have no choice but a direct feeling. Haven't you felt something where your English doesn't improve even though you study it so hard. Sometimes I was in the time where I was into Maccha so much. where=場所 が染み付いているので、それ以外だと知識として知っていてもなかなか腑に落ちてこないですね; 動画upお疲れ様でした!
今、花火を見ている状況なら These are beautiful fireworks (which) we have been looking forward to watching じゃないですかね、 「花火を見る」だから関係代名詞のwhich です。目的格だから省略可能。 We are looking forward to だと 将来的に楽しみという意味です。
I’ve had a phase where I played the guitar losing track of the time. I feel sorry for the situation where coworkers quit the job one after another after new manager coming in.
I want to visit the place where my parents in law live but it's still hard to do that in a situation where the covid is spreading. I hope the situation where we can meet somebody who we want to see in person anytime will come soon.
To my great indignation, , there were only a few cases where we weren't pressed to get v○ccinated in Japan. Thank you so much for your another great video!! I love your new opening!!💖
英語を日本語に変換しようとするからややこしくなるだけなんだよね。 日本語は適所適語が多いが、英語はそうではない。 日本語は単刀直入に言葉を述べなければいけないが、英語はそこまで指摘せずとも理解される。 シチュエーションによって同じワードであっても異なる意味になるのが英語で、だからこそ翻訳した際に変な日本語になってしまうことが多い。 ぶっちゃけ言う。英語なんてIQ3程度の人間が考えた言語だ。 悪口を言ってるようだけど、だからこそ世界共通語になったんだと思う。 大体英文なんてビジネス以外では使わないw “This is the place where I live.”も”My HOME”だけで十分だw
Today I learned some sentences wrere where is used!
状況を使うwhereはいまいち分からない場合が多かったけど、in whichを使うとその状況の中にいる自分や人を想像できるからイメージしやすいなと思った
“In a trip”や”in a dream”みたいにin whichに置き換えられるものはwhereで繋げられるのか!スッキリしました!いつも不思議に思って使い切れなかったので、嬉しいです!!
Thank you.I would love to go through a phase where I speak English as fluently as I speak Japanese.
I had a dream where I was able to speak Japanese fluently. I just love the sound of Japanese
when I ran into my boyfriend with a young woman in a pub. He awkwardly explained that it was the situation where he and her being his colleague were seriously discussing their company’s future, and he added that’s all.
I have wondered about this ever since I saw it several times in foreign dramas. I finally figured it out! Thanks a lot!
I watched a video on TH-cam where I learned a lot of useful expressions related to scheduling and making appointments . I think you should watch it if you want to improve your English vocabulary.
🇺🇸 生活長いのですが、未だに疑問も多く…なので、仕事でも家でも よく耳にする事で質問させて下さい。
Where だけで使う事は自分でも多いですが、米人が 話の途中で 〜 to where 〜 と to と一緒に言う事があり、私の頭がそこでちょっと引っかかってしまいます。😅
お時間があれば、でいいので 宜しくお願いします 🤲
I went to the city where my family enjoy for long vacation.
This is what I really wanted to make sure! Thanks, Jun! I had a dream where some Hapa Buddies members stayed at my house the other day!😂
Hey Rei! I'm sure that dream is going to become reality soon 😉
case , point, situation. circumstances, stage, phase, instanceなどが挙げられると思います。
ジュン先生これ他の動画でバイリンガルの会話で出てきてずっと不思議で理解できず日本のYou tuber 英語のね コメント欄で聞いたらちょっと理解しづらい抽象的答えだった
webではin whichで置き換えらる文とか
どんな状況・場合・局面・段階・時代や背景かをwhere 以後で説明してるだけの事ですね❤
We live on a planet where global warming is getting worse.
I had a hard time with speaking English in front of many people where I had tons of butterflies in my stomach!
Thank you for this video! I often come across a situation where English speakers use "Where〜" just like these use cases. I got better understanding, but is "Where" interchangeable with "that"? Sometimes I get confused with which to choose. Thank you anyway!
I experienced a situation where everybody was nurvous.✌️😁
This is the situation where I have no choice but a direct feeling.
Haven't you felt something where your English doesn't improve even though you study it so hard.
Sometimes I was in the time where I was into Maccha so much.
where=場所 が染み付いているので、それ以外だと知識として知っていてもなかなか腑に落ちてこないですね;
I was in an embarrassed situation where most of the students
got perfect score but only I couldn't get even half.
These are beautiful fireworks where we are looking forward to watching. ってネイティブの方に言ってみたら「?」って顔でした😭なんでやー!?
These are beautiful fireworks (which) we have been looking forward to watching じゃないですかね、
「花火を見る」だから関係代名詞のwhich です。目的格だから省略可能。
We are looking forward to だと
I had a moment where the GameStop stock shot up to $320 and I didn't sell it. It's okay to take some profit, folks.
I’ve had a phase where I played the guitar losing track of the time.
I feel sorry for the situation where coworkers quit the job one after another after new manager coming in.
Some day,I want a nice shelf where I can decorate with my many wine glasses.
In which の文法的な解説をお願いします
I speaked on the skype with my friends a couple of weeks ago where they live in foreign country.
It was a situation where I had to put myself out there.
Sometimes I find myself in a situation where I can't think of anything.
I want to visit the place where my parents in law live but it's still hard to do that in a situation where the covid is spreading. I hope the situation where we can meet somebody who we want to see in person anytime will come soon.
He’s been under a financial condition where he couldn’t even afford basic necessities.
@@Hapaeikaiwapage わーい✨お忙しい中、お返事ありがとうございました🙌
I am going throuth the phase where I'm struggling with communication in English.
It's a difficult situation where I have to solve that problem.
I got how to use "where" but what's the difference between "where" and "that"??
I wish to work in a position where I can utilize my computer skills. こんなのもWhereでいいのかな?
Perfect 👍
@@Hapaeikaiwapage Thank you!!!
This is the channel where we are supposed to be
I have a question.
Can I use “in which” to e-mail in business situation?
I have a experience to see the expression in e-mail from others.
Yup, you can use "in which" in business emails 👍
Thank you!
I always watch your video and learn a lot.
I look forward to new video!
ヤンキースのジャンカルロ スタントンに顔が似てる事に気づきました。
I accidentally spilled detergent on the floor. This was the situation where I found myself so clumsy.
I was disappointed where I failed to bar exam twice.
I know the man where speak English well
To my great indignation, , there were only a few cases where we weren't pressed to get v○ccinated in Japan.
Thank you so much for your another great video!! I love your new opening!!💖
You're beginning to see that we're receding back to a point where there was lawlessness and anarchy.
That に変換はおかしいですか?
I had a situation where I met a former girlfriend.
i had a dream last night what(that) i was speaking fluently. では何かニュアンスが変わるのでしょうか?
そうですね、そこでは what を使うと違和感ありますね。
This is a situation where I realise new ideas for learning English.
“This is the place where I live.”も”My HOME”だけで十分だw
例えるならアメリカ英語で話してる動画なのにサムネだけ centre とか learnt とか書かれてるみたいな、単純に「なぜ?」っていう感覚です。