I also have a president . It's great radio. After seeing a different utube I got the bug and took it out of my closet after 20somthing years and hooked it up and the damm thing worked. Lol, what a shock. So I'm back on and spending money to modernize the system. I think we should all have one today. You never know.
My vehicle has 20Mhz to 520Mhz transceiver capabilities and I owe it all to a Cobra 148 GTL I had until last year that I had in my first vehicle I had in 1989 and the last vehicle I bought in 1996 that I still drive today as my daily driver. When the 148 finally died, after many, many modifications I personally put into it, I felt very sad. That had been with me in every vehicle I had ever had and it transmitted from 24.005Mhz to 31.125Mhz. I had already saved it from death twice. When it died, I buried it like a friend. I still miss it today. But to continue the tradition of having a transceiver in my vehicle, I got a transceiver that already transmitted in the frequencies the old 148GTL already did. I enjoyed it a lot. However, someone wanted it more than I did and traded a damaged Icom IC-7000 for it. The repairs to the radio were really not very hard to make. It had common Mitsubishi Mosfets in it that could be had at a reasonable price. With less than $200, I revived the radio, modified the frequency usage, and got a cheap tuner for the 259 centimetre antenna on my vehicle. I can use many frequencies without a license and I toy with getting an amateur radio license to be able to use even more. The ones I will not be able to use with any private radio license will be extreme emergency use only. It is my hope I never have to use the frequencies no license will cover for an individual. But they are there if I ever have to use them. It is like a firearm. It is the hope never to have to use it aside from target practice. but it is there if you have to use it.
I'm in Manchester,UK and I'm setting up my new CB system as the UK government has just legalized sideband AM and more frequencies on FM. I was on the air in the 80's but the UK government banned us all so im excited about getting my ears back on. Your video was very helpful to me buddy and many thanks.
I have a cb in my truck and couldn’t imagine being without it. I’m gonna setup a base station this summer. We have a hamvention coming up and hoping to find a good mobile or base station with ssb.
Thank you so much for your video! I'm new on this, I bought a RCI 2980WX for the house, and mobile I have a Cobra 29LX plus 1 IC2100 ham 2m radio I enjoy listening and talking to others, I still trying to set up everything to work good.. Hello to everyone, I'm down here in Georgia!!
I achieve Britain QSO's before dawn (remember they're six hours ahead of us) using the local reservoir for my ground plane using a clamp to the car frame wired to short piece of chain linked fence in the water. Best times (for me) is around 03:00 to 04:30 fading until 05:30/06:00. Beautiful vintage rig. 73's to you. 107 Dallas,Tx 27.165AM and 27.385LSB
Scott Wiseman: Hi Scott, I'm in the UK......I haven't heard any USA stations lately but South America has been coming through recently. Most people here (and in mainland Europe) use SSB mode on midband (same frequencies as USA) or "Freeband" (calling on 27.555 USB). We also have FM for local chats and AM which very few people use now.
I was rocking a Cobra 148 GTL-DX, partially epromed and had the adjustable wattage mod done. It had all the bands jammed in it. Hooked to an Antron 99, great little set up. Still have it all in my parents house. Oh I was in Britain at the time so I was mostly on FM, did manage to talk to a few state siders, mostly truckers in New York. Great days.
excellent video! I had a car CB back in the early 80's when I was station at Fort Hood. I loved that thing, I could hear people talking from all kinds of place skip at night down there. I'm looking at retirement in few couple of years and am thinking about putting together a little base station.
Go to garage sales is the cheapest way. Though you may get burnt. But I have had good luck with the truck stops to get new equipment. I like the cobra 29 classic. Some of those have weather channel indicated by a "W.X." in the model number. 29's don't have "ssb" or single side band. If you want those features keep looking for other good models. There are some good radio's out there. Ask someone like a trucker in the truck stop for Guidance. See if you can get a conversation going with a couple of truckers and they can give you suggestions. Remember everyone has an opinion so use your own logic. Be prepared to say well thanks for your help. I'll look that up on Google. That way you won't insult them for not immediately buying what they said. It's all about learning. It won't be perfect your first try anyway. I've had many hours of fun on the C.B. and it's been an indispensable tool as a driver. A few million miles worth in fact. C.B. radio's can be a lifesaver! Best Wishes! M.H.
You must learn about antenna and SWR. SWR is the standing wave ratio. For a C.B to run properly the SWR must be tuned. A ratio of 1:1 is absolutely perfect but seldom attainable. 1:1.5 is very good. You can learn all about it on the internet.
Great video. Was into CBs in late 70s as a teenager. Midland base station, D-104 mic. Looking at getting back in. When I do will be willing to spend some to do it right. Need to wade thru the time warp (lol) beforehand and this helps a lot.
Thank you for this video. Just getting back into CB for prepping and thought I knew stuff, now I realize I don't. already looking for a good base and will follow your suggestions..
great video I live in the Detroit Michigan area I had a Cobra 2000 I also had to Antron a 99 which was 60 feet in the air this was back in the eighties used to have a good time talking skip to Jamaica all over the place seriously thinking about getting back into it just want to say enjoy your video thank you some great information for the people out there
Antenna height is very important in most cases. Some say higher the better. I have read that general consensus is at least 36 foot off the ground at the boom on a beam. You can go very high before you need a beacon light for the aircraft. Talk to me in person if you get serious about this.
I would love to see a antenna set up. I’m just getting started. I have not bought anything yet. Seems like the first place to start is with the attenna. If you have some recommendations that would be great.
Steve Stanley: If you're looking for information this online club / forum might interest you. Its based in the UK but there are members all over the world and its a great place to learn all about CB or "Ham" radio.....and its all FREE !!! charlietangodxgroup.forumotion.com/
For the exact time proven prepping strategies that have been used since the beginning of mankind, google Trankors Survival Secret. You can become the leader of the pack and be ready for anything.
I get laughed at all the time for wanting to keep mine legal, don’t want to give them an opening to come after me, also less power I’ll need from my solar system
Hi, I liked your vid. You explained the basics on how it works. I have an old CB that I used to use, but I can't seem to get it to work now. It does work because I did hear someone and the weather channels work fine, but nothing else. The radio is dead silent. No squelch, no nothing. I did hear someone talk about a week ago, but that's it. I am using a different antenna so I think that is the problem. I'm thinking of just buying a new Cobra Road King. If I do, I don't know what mic or antenna to get with it. Any suggestions?
+Speed Buggy Most important thing is to get your SWR's checked. SWR means "standing wave ratio" this is how you check how well your radio is matched to your antenna. Find a reputable radio man to check them for you. Your antenna is 80% of your radio setup. You can have a thousand dollar radio, but if you have a junk antenna you are only talking one block away. A bad SWR reading can and will over time burn out the transmitter side of your radio you can still hear, but no talking. For a decent mobile antenna I would look at a Wilson 1000 or 5000 magnetic mount antenna. Provided you drive a fiberglass car or truck. Mount it on the roof and get the SWR's checked. Truck stops often have a radio man somewhere to check them for you for a few bucks. Good luck.
When I was a kid, I had a Uniden Washington base station, and a d104 power mic, and a Shakespeare big stick antenna with RG8U coaxial. I did some modifications on the radio and mic. I talk to all 50 states. And talked to few provinces of Canada. I also go Mexico. I talk to Australia and New Zealand a bunch of times. I talked to Britain one time, and Ireland one time. I talk to Japan one time. And the Philippines one time. People would send me QSL cards, and I would send them cards back. I would talk on 36-40 LSB. Sometimes I would talk DX on AM in other channels. But it was SSB I would get the most DX. I notice a pattern to DX. By law you got 4 watts AM, and 12 watts SSB. However some people would use linears, and beef up there wattage to 1000 watts. Some would make there 40 channel CB radio go below channel 1, and above channel 40, and add more frequencies. People turned the hobby into basically pirate radio. The FCC could not enforce things, and stop it also. The FCC gave up on CB long ago. I was in Oregon. I would mostly get north to south in the summer, like the Southwest USA, and Northwest USA into Canada and Alaska. Sometimes Hawaii would pop up anytime of the year. Alaska would pop up anytime of the year. In the winter, I would get east to west, all the Midwest, and Southeast, and Northeast would come in, and in the evening after 3 pm the Pacific would come in like Australian and New Zealand. And Mexico would come in allot, all year round, and it was annoying. I believe it was illegal to talk DX. But it was hardly enforceable by the FCC. I ended this hobby years ago. I left it when I was 18 in 1997, and I am 36 today. But I never forgot it.
Thank you very much, I enjoyed the video I've talked on the radio for a lot of years it is something that I very much enjoy, however I got out of it for about 15 years and just got back into it here recently I've noticed that there are not nearly the people that talk on the radio that used to, I am running it TriStar 240 radio with an Antron 99 I have my radio hooked up to a small battery bank that is Charge by solar panels, so I guess you could say I have a solar radio LOL, anyways it does very well for me, and again I enjoyed your video and thank you very much for posting it
Very interesting! You really know your stuff. I'm just a beginner although I have used a CB on occasion. Looks like I will have to get a CB pretty soon since I'm going long haul. Still trying to learn my new android, lol! My truck will need an antenna and CB. So I am just a starter in this field which is too bad since I should have learned this area years ago. I don't want to spend a whole lot of dough to get a system up and running. So I am checking things out while I am home.
You should check out a President "New York" antenna for a mobile antenna. Its a very small "cellular imitation antenna" and it is AWESOME! I put it in my wife car paired with a President "Bill" radio because she wouldn't allow me to have a normal size setup and large antenna on her car and it works very well. Infact its my most favorite setup out of all 3 of our vehicles.
If you know what you are doing, you can throw up a cheap piece of junk antenna and get good results. One of the best antennas I had was a 9' square of #22 wire pasted on my living room wall. Coax ground went to bottom left corner, coax center wire went through a variable capacitor and connected a couple of feet up the left side. SWR was about 1.2:1 to 1.3:1. Could talk a distance of 15 miles with s9+ signals. The only downside to it was I had to retune it every time my neighbors moved their couch because they were on the other side of the wall.(apartment living - gotta love it)
I still have my Cobra 142 I got when I was 14 years old back in 1988. I have not used it in a number of years though, but I'm thinking of hooking up a CB radio for emergencies. You can do a lot of mods to them very easily including unlocking the clarifier, adding a 10 kc drop for the A channels and going above and below the CB band. If you don't want to turn the wattage up I recommend at least clipping the audio limiter diode. It improves the sound greatly!
Really awesome video, I subscribed also !! Quick question, I have a Realistic Navajo TRC -433 base station cb with a swr/antenna switch connected to a Tram 1499 antenna… I have a 50-80 watt linear amp and power supply coming from eBay…mistake ?
Great video, looking into a type of antenna at the moment, so many to choose from, was thinking about a home made job. Something i could carry and erect up a top of a hill too. Got any suggestions?
Possibly. Depends on where you are in relation to the blast. I hear it will. But, radio waves are wireless and are our best chance of communicating versus phone lines. Not much is fool proof I guess is what I am trying to say. But it could be something other than an EMP that takes out the grid.
The antennas was his key. Any old CB would work with what he was doing. Good antennas and tuned. CB should be able to go 50 miles with a pole antenna. But with a 'directional' antenna one with good atmospheric conditions can go several hundred miles. What ever you do, have someone help you set up the antenna. Let them teach you how to use an swr meter. Most systems do not have them in it. But a swr tester can be used to set up antennas, especially mobile antennas. Once an antenna is tuned it generally doesn't need to be changed, thus most people don't keep them in line. Although any radio works better with an antenna 'tuner'. Tuners are meant to be kept in the system. This allows a person to maximize the whole frequency range, or CB channels. But tuners are generally not used mobile for CBs. Nor are they that beneficial mobile. Big properly tuned antennas for your base, it is highly recommended for tuners to be used. Example this guy's set up.
The thing that most people dont understand but they should about EMP. The typical event that will cause an EMP with wide range destructive power is a nuclear explosion. If you are close enough to the explosion to have been effected by the EMP you have more pressing issues to worry about, like getting out of the radiation zone. Other "EMP bombs" (ie aircraft or other vehicle induced) are not really powerful enough to do much damage to most consumer electronics (cell phones are the most susceptible) unless the pulse is within a couple meters of the device. Also an EMP will not usually effect unpowered devices. Electro-mechanical devices such as electric motors, generators and other "dumb" electronic devices will not be effected by EMP of any kind. An EMP essentially will cause an over-current situation inside your electronics thus damaging the delicate chips inside. It works in the same way that an electric motor generates a current when you manually spin it. With an electric motor you create a current when you pass the coils on the armature across the magnetic field, a basic generator. The EMP is a high powered magnetic field that will induce a current flow in the fine wires and circuits inside your electronics. When the devices are off there is no complete circuit thus the EMP is ineffective. Unfortunately not all devices are "off" when they are actually "off". Computers, cell phones, TVs and things like this are always powered on when the batteries are installed or they are plugged into the wall. Also ALL electronic devices generate an EM field, and to prevent one device from interfering with another, most modern electronics are shielded from EM (including EMP). For those of us who were born before 1985, may remember when battery powered toys or one of Mom's kitchen appliances would cause static on the TV set. This was essentially an EMP. This is almost non existent today. As for EMP on the power grid... Yes this is where the issue is HUGE. Those transformers are designed to amplify power. A transformer converts low power high voltage AC into high power low voltage Ac that is usable in our homes. Remember when I was talking about the magnetic field and the coils in the motor? Well a transformer is a set of coils inside another set of coils that use induction (what EMP uses to cause damage) to change the power. Well now you add even more induction to the mix and the transformer will then create enough power to possibly destroy the next regulator or transformer in the line. This is where the most worry should be. Stay safe, keep batteries around for power and remove power sources from your SHTF devices for their safety. (metal boxes help too... look up Faraday Cages.)
The FCC rule says 60 feet from the ground or top of a fixed object best I ca. Remember. Its found easily on Google. And the higher the better, to a point. There is cable loss, in that the longer the run the more signal loss you have so at a certain point it would lose as much as you gain with the height. But the rule of thumb is "height is might"!
With respect to the antron 99 antenna,some folks say to replace the top section with a 4' firestick antenna.this thicker antenna will have less sway i wind without effecting performance.what are your thoughts on that.thanks,Tony.i am a loyal follower
I am very interested in CB radio, just got set with a galaxy base station and the Antron 99 hearing some folks off in the distance but have not made my first contact yet, I want to be able to power this with a battery and solar panel for SHTF communications, I have watched this video about 6 or 7 times I loved it that much, I’d like to find an old cobra like yours or a Washington or Madison but they are hard to find, please make some more CB Radio Videos!
Great vidio. You give alot of good info. Im setting up my base station with a omni directional fiberglass antenna. If i have to adjust my antenna ( To long or short ) how do I do that ?
If your Swr is better on your lower channels your antenna needs to be shorter. If better on higher channels it needs to be longer. Not knowing what antenna you have I campy tell you how to adjust. You want your SWR best on channel 20.
dude! is that a vintage cobra 139xlr I was just kindly donated one from my neighbour Im getting into radio stuff and it looks just like yours! I also got a polly comm sr. 23 with the stuff and some other cool radio stuff like antennas.
I have a washington cb with ssb that turns on receives keys up but want send.any suggestions? Thanks for posting I will be looking for that jo gun 4 element.
+Terry Fennell the transmit section is burned up. Probably due to a high SWR. Make sure you check your standing wave ratio (SWR) before you start talking on any radio setup. There are many meters you can buy for checking this. A radio man is needed now to fix your radio. Not easy to find a reputable radio repairer. If you don't have one locally you could send your radio to one. Maybe Dubbs CB shop. Has a website. Good luck.
I know all about them the 142 GTL inside and out, I had one when I was a kid then I graduated to ham and two-way being my family was a Motorola dealership, and they did very well put all 6 of us through college, and lived a comfortable life, that's the kind of trash I am.
Not that I know. You can buy replacement whips for it. Iam assuming you have cut it at some point and now it is too short. If not, try a new mounting location. Clays CB online sell replacement whips.
Hi I'm getting a 142 cobra like the one in your video and I have a solarcon antenna I don't have a meter like you have in your video what would be the best way to get it right without buying $100 meter
Hey im setting up a base station and i just got a solarcon imax 2000 antenna and im hooking it up to a Cobra 29 LTD radio. i keep hearing my friends talking about getting an amp with it but i want the most powerful one i can leaglely get what would you recommend? thanks in advance
question; I have several extra feet of antenna cable in my car---- is it ok to just roll all extra cable( like an extension chord)---- someone told me to not do that, it creates interference, that I should somehow extend the cable out in a single line.
Jeff Thompson Coiling the coax up is not the best. I personally have not seen an issue with a small coil, just don't coil to tight. But the word is not to do it if at all possible.
W Seep dog i used a magnetic mount antenna when I lived in an apartment. Get like a Wilson 5000 mag mount antenna and when you want to talk ot lasten put the antenna on the roof of your car. Shen dine pull it off and put in garage. Be sure to set your SWr’s.
@@Hilander1298 There is only one Standing Wave Ratio not multiples so the correct way to say it is SWR not SWR's! And, to be completely accurate it is Voltage Standing Wave Ratio or VSWR.
hello from 273,snowman in Kentucky I run an eagle 2000 and a golden eagle 1kw.sometimes but I switch up wince in a while and use my bearfooted eagle 5000 I guess you can say old equipment I think the eagle 2000 and eagle 5000 I think was from copper electronic in the early 90,s and I think the golden eagle 1kw was in the 70,s maybe so maybe we can hook up good video everything looks good keep modulating
Was able to pick up one of those Cobra 142 gtl in good condition for just under 200 on eBay…well worth it. Receives better than a new President McKinley tuned up from Bells CB…that cost 250
Albee4ty5, Thanks great video. Lots of good info. I'm just getting into it. I also would like to ham. Would cb and ham antennas be the same? I looked at your other videos and I think we have a lot in common as I too like guns and the NRA. Again thank you
+Hog Rider Antennas are sized by frequency it is running on. So no, one antenna does not work for all. They are frequency specific. Now, there are antennas that are very broad banded. They may work over a large frequency range. But they will have to be right next to the band you are running. A good 11 meter antenna may run acceptably on 10 meters. Keep a quality SWR meter and check them often. Thanks for watching
By ALL Means get a CB w a good antenna. Pref an SSB cb as it talks farther w less noise. I have had a cb since 1975 and I will never part with it. They are great when other things go down.
Dear owl my name is Carl I recently purchased a Browning Golden Eagle for could you please reply to me telling me how to wire up the antenna from one unit to the other thank you
I have an old Cobra 139. Looks a lot like your 142. Mine was manufactured in 1974 and I have all the original paperwork that came with it. Owners manual and everything. Works great. There is no reason not to have a ham license now adays. There is no code necessary for a 2 meter tech license. Check out "HamTestOnLine" to pass the test the first time. $10 for a ten year license. Not bad.
Break Albee4ty5, how about out there. Hey, who let the smart a$$ ham operator(bryon clemons)in here. Your video says CB Radio Basics. Later, 73's from North Alabama. Looks like you had your beams pointed down my way. :-)
However I do agree about having a CB radio base station....! I’ve had one for years ....! Ya know it’s funny how trends come around go away then come around again this time it sounds like it could be a necessary.....!
Get a CB and a portable antenna and use it now to understand the capabilities before you need to. Antenna suggest Wilson brand, Tram 3500 (cheaper $30), steel whip, francis brand, firestick. avoid the cheapest Hustler brand (deaf, less sensitive).
It is legal to transmit without a license in an emergency situation. Be warned that there is a lot more to using a radio effectively than hanging and antenna and keying a mike. Having an amateur radio license is a license to learn and gain experience in using radio so when the SHTF one can understand and effectively use radio communication (e.g. know what frequencies to use and when). It also helps one connect with others who are also equipped and skilled to use radio communication so when SHTF happens, you have the human resources to contact.
The Patrick show-agar Them are peoples call numbers. You make up your own. SSB is typically a "number" call sigh versus a name callsign. Although both are used. No rules on your call sign.
I've watched your vid good work my man, also read some shit posts from so called hams lol, what a load off shit they talk I passed my ticket years ago but I still love to DX on 11m band I love all thing radio even ham but 11m is still the best 73 tnx for the vid.
ian mcewan You bet. Yes, many hams are elitists and think CBers are scum. That is exactly why I have not had a strong desire to get a ticket. Cannot stand the snobs!! Thanks for watching. Appreciate ya.
I hope someone sees this that can help... I manage a bar roughly 7 miles from my house, is there anyway I can pick up my Motorola CLS 1110 on-site two-way radios from my bar at my house? Sorry for the very uneducated question, i literally i have idea what i'm talking about, clearly.....
Michael Rideout I would have to say no. According to motorolas web site it has a range of 200,000 square feet. It is designed as a job site radio. 1 watt of power. For 7 miles you would want something different.
I still have my President Washington with a DigiScan 400 from the 70's. Just had it tuned up about a year ago. Love it.
I also have a president . It's great radio. After seeing a different utube I got the bug and took it out of my closet after 20somthing years and hooked it up and the damm thing worked. Lol, what a shock. So I'm back on and spending money to modernize the system. I think we should all have one today. You never know.
My vehicle has 20Mhz to 520Mhz transceiver capabilities and I owe it all to a Cobra 148 GTL I had until last year that I had in my first vehicle I had in 1989 and the last vehicle I bought in 1996 that I still drive today as my daily driver. When the 148 finally died, after many, many modifications I personally put into it, I felt very sad. That had been with me in every vehicle I had ever had and it transmitted from 24.005Mhz to 31.125Mhz. I had already saved it from death twice. When it died, I buried it like a friend. I still miss it today. But to continue the tradition of having a transceiver in my vehicle, I got a transceiver that already transmitted in the frequencies the old 148GTL already did. I enjoyed it a lot. However, someone wanted it more than I did and traded a damaged Icom IC-7000 for it. The repairs to the radio were really not very hard to make. It had common Mitsubishi Mosfets in it that could be had at a reasonable price. With less than $200, I revived the radio, modified the frequency usage, and got a cheap tuner for the 259 centimetre antenna on my vehicle. I can use many frequencies without a license and I toy with getting an amateur radio license to be able to use even more. The ones I will not be able to use with any private radio license will be extreme emergency use only. It is my hope I never have to use the frequencies no license will cover for an individual. But they are there if I ever have to use them. It is like a firearm. It is the hope never to have to use it aside from target practice. but it is there if you have to use it.
I'm in Manchester,UK and I'm setting up my new CB system as the UK government has just legalized sideband AM and more frequencies on FM. I was on the air in the 80's but the UK government banned us all so im excited about getting my ears back on. Your video was very helpful to me buddy and many thanks.
+Phil Pennington Welcome.
I have a cb in my truck and couldn’t imagine being without it. I’m gonna setup a base station this summer. We have a hamvention coming up and hoping to find a good mobile or base station with ssb.
Thank you so much for your video!
I'm new on this, I bought a RCI 2980WX for the house, and mobile I have a Cobra 29LX plus 1 IC2100 ham 2m radio
I enjoy listening and talking to others, I still trying to set up everything to work good..
Hello to everyone, I'm down here in Georgia!!
Very nice video sir. And yes, there are a lot of us out here who have an interest in that topic. Subscribed.
I achieve Britain QSO's before dawn (remember they're six hours ahead of us) using the local reservoir for my ground plane using a clamp to the car frame wired to short piece of chain linked fence in the water. Best times (for me) is around 03:00 to 04:30 fading until 05:30/06:00.
Beautiful vintage rig.
73's to you. 107 Dallas,Tx
27.165AM and 27.385LSB
Scott Wiseman: Hi Scott, I'm in the UK......I haven't heard any USA stations lately but South America has been coming through recently. Most people here (and in mainland Europe) use SSB mode on midband (same frequencies as USA) or "Freeband" (calling on 27.555 USB). We also have FM for local chats and AM which very few people use now.
I was rocking a Cobra 148 GTL-DX, partially epromed and had the adjustable wattage mod done. It had all the bands jammed in it. Hooked to an Antron 99, great little set up. Still have it all in my parents house. Oh I was in Britain at the time so I was mostly on FM, did manage to talk to a few state siders, mostly truckers in New York. Great days.
excellent video! I had a car CB back in the early 80's when I was station at Fort Hood. I loved that thing, I could hear people talking from all kinds of place skip at night down there. I'm looking at retirement in few couple of years and am thinking about putting together a little base station.
I’m wanting to get into cbs but have no clue where to start. I guess with a home base. Thanks for the info, a lot to learn but sounds fun.
Go to garage sales is the cheapest way. Though you may get burnt. But I have had good luck with the truck stops to get new equipment. I like the cobra 29 classic. Some of those have weather channel indicated by a "W.X." in the model number. 29's don't have "ssb" or single side band. If you want those features keep looking for other good models. There are some good radio's out there. Ask someone like a trucker in the truck stop for Guidance. See if you can get a conversation going with a couple of truckers and they can give you suggestions. Remember everyone has an opinion so use your own logic. Be prepared to say well thanks for your help. I'll look that up on Google. That way you won't insult them for not immediately buying what they said. It's all about learning. It won't be perfect your first try anyway.
I've had many hours of fun on the C.B. and it's been an indispensable tool as a driver. A few million miles worth in fact. C.B. radio's can be a lifesaver!
Best Wishes! M.H.
You must learn about antenna and SWR. SWR is the standing wave ratio. For a C.B to run properly the SWR must be tuned. A ratio of 1:1 is absolutely perfect but seldom attainable. 1:1.5 is very good. You can learn all about it on the internet.
Great video. Was into CBs in late 70s as a teenager. Midland base station, D-104 mic. Looking at getting back in. When I do will be willing to spend some to do it right. Need to wade thru the time warp (lol) beforehand and this helps a lot.
Nice video. I'm glad to getting back into the hobby.
Thank you for this video. Just getting back into CB for prepping and thought I knew stuff, now I realize I don't. already looking for a good base and will follow your suggestions..
great video I live in the Detroit Michigan area I had a Cobra 2000 I also had to Antron a 99 which was 60 feet in the air this was back in the eighties used to have a good time talking skip to Jamaica all over the place seriously thinking about getting back into it just want to say enjoy your video thank you some great information for the people out there
+Antonio Mancini Thanks for watching.
This is a very nice video. Reminds me to the time when I started into CB-Radio 40 years ago.
Beside Ham Radio, I still love CB for several reasons:)
A great radio ! i had 1 of them, way back then. Nice video !
Nice video on CB. I don't use CB to often, but I do have one here in the shack and the truck. Informative video!
+KD8VMR Thanks.
I remember back in the early 80s everybody was on cb,my neighbor had a nice home base setup with a huge tower in his back yard..the good old days
Thank you. Very useful video for beginner like me. So much discussed in 17 mins.
Enjoyed the video, been talking on CB since 89-90, got my tech license last year!
May have died locally, but I talk skip all the time, it's still alive and going!
Great job covering the basics.
Very thorough and well articulated.
73s de KF4LBG
I still have a CB radio I used in the 70s. I'll be keeping it for emergency communication.
Antenna height is very important in most cases. Some say higher the better. I have read that general consensus is at least 36 foot off the ground at the boom on a beam. You can go very high before you need a beacon light for the aircraft. Talk to me in person if you get serious about this.
I would love to see a antenna set up. I’m just getting started. I have not bought anything yet. Seems like the first place to start is with the attenna. If you have some recommendations that would be great.
Steve Stanley: If you're looking for information this online club / forum might interest you. Its based in the UK but there are members all over the world and its a great place to learn all about CB or "Ham" radio.....and its all FREE !!!
Nice video! If trouble occurs For a weekend or two rules should be followed. Now if SHTF Life or death is at hand laws are out the door.
For the exact time proven prepping strategies that have been used since the beginning of mankind, google Trankors Survival Secret. You can become the leader of the pack and be ready for anything.
I get laughed at all the time for wanting to keep mine legal, don’t want to give them an opening to come after me, also less power I’ll need from my solar system
Hi, I liked your vid. You explained the basics on how it works. I have an old CB that I used to use, but I can't seem to get it to work now. It does work because I did hear someone and the weather channels work fine, but nothing else. The radio is dead silent. No squelch, no nothing. I did hear someone talk about a week ago, but that's it. I am using a different antenna so I think that is the problem. I'm thinking of just buying a new Cobra Road King. If I do, I don't know what mic or antenna to get with it. Any suggestions?
+Speed Buggy Most important thing is to get your SWR's checked. SWR means "standing wave ratio" this is how you check how well your radio is matched to your antenna. Find a reputable radio man to check them for you. Your antenna is 80% of your radio setup. You can have a thousand dollar radio, but if you have a junk antenna you are only talking one block away. A bad SWR reading can and will over time burn out the transmitter side of your radio you can still hear, but no talking. For a decent mobile antenna I would look at a Wilson 1000 or 5000 magnetic mount antenna. Provided you drive a fiberglass car or truck. Mount it on the roof and get the SWR's checked. Truck stops often have a radio man somewhere to check them for you for a few bucks. Good luck.
When I was a kid, I had a Uniden Washington base station, and a d104 power mic, and a Shakespeare big stick antenna with RG8U coaxial. I did some modifications on the radio and mic. I talk to all 50 states. And talked to few provinces of Canada. I also go Mexico. I talk to Australia and New Zealand a bunch of times. I talked to Britain one time, and Ireland one time. I talk to Japan one time. And the Philippines one time. People would send me QSL cards, and I would send them cards back. I would talk on 36-40 LSB. Sometimes I would talk DX on AM in other channels. But it was SSB I would get the most DX. I notice a pattern to DX. By law you got 4 watts AM, and 12 watts SSB. However some people would use linears, and beef up there wattage to 1000 watts. Some would make there 40 channel CB radio go below channel 1, and above channel 40, and add more frequencies. People turned the hobby into basically pirate radio. The FCC could not enforce things, and stop it also. The FCC gave up on CB long ago.
I was in Oregon. I would mostly get north to south in the summer, like the Southwest USA, and Northwest USA into Canada and Alaska. Sometimes Hawaii would pop up anytime of the year. Alaska would pop up anytime of the year. In the winter, I would get east to west, all the Midwest, and Southeast, and Northeast would come in, and in the evening after 3 pm the Pacific would come in like Australian and New Zealand. And Mexico would come in allot, all year round, and it was annoying. I believe it was illegal to talk DX. But it was hardly enforceable by the FCC.
I ended this hobby years ago. I left it when I was 18 in 1997, and I am 36 today. But I never forgot it.
+Mark Evans It is a fun hobby.
Thank you very much, I enjoyed the video I've talked on the radio for a lot of years it is something that I very much enjoy, however I got out of it for about 15 years and just got back into it here recently I've noticed that there are not nearly the people that talk on the radio that used to, I am running it TriStar 240 radio with an Antron 99 I have my radio hooked up to a small battery bank that is Charge by solar panels, so I guess you could say I have a solar radio LOL, anyways it does very well for me, and again I enjoyed your video and thank you very much for posting it
+DaveSquibbSr You bet. Enjoy the hobby. Thanks for watching.
+DaveSquibbSr do u still talk on the cb radio im on every day around 600 im in ny ch 16
Would love to see the solar panel and battery set up!
Very interesting! You really know your stuff. I'm just a beginner although I have used a CB on occasion. Looks like I will have to get a CB pretty soon since I'm going long haul. Still trying to learn my new android, lol! My truck will need an antenna and CB. So I am just a starter in this field which is too bad since I should have learned this area years ago. I don't want to spend a whole lot of dough to get a system up and running. So I am checking things out while I am home.
Scanners are great for getting information. Be sure to get one that has the ability to scan the Ham frequencies.
You should check out a President "New York" antenna for a mobile antenna. Its a very small "cellular imitation antenna" and it is AWESOME! I put it in my wife car paired with a President "Bill" radio because she wouldn't allow me to have a normal size setup and large antenna on her car and it works very well. Infact its my most favorite setup out of all 3 of our vehicles.
If you know what you are doing, you can throw up a cheap piece of junk antenna and get good results. One of the best antennas I had was a 9' square of #22 wire pasted on my living room wall. Coax ground went to bottom left corner, coax center wire went through a variable capacitor and connected a couple of feet up the left side. SWR was about 1.2:1 to 1.3:1. Could talk a distance of 15 miles with s9+ signals. The only downside to it was I had to retune it every time my neighbors moved their couch because they were on the other side of the wall.(apartment living - gotta love it)
I still have my Cobra 142 I got when I was 14 years old back in 1988. I have not used it in a number of years though, but I'm thinking of hooking up a CB radio for emergencies.
You can do a lot of mods to them very easily including unlocking the clarifier, adding a 10 kc drop for the A channels and going above and below the CB band. If you don't want to turn the wattage up I recommend at least clipping the audio limiter diode. It improves the sound greatly!
Really awesome video, I subscribed also !! Quick question, I have a Realistic Navajo TRC -433 base station cb with a swr/antenna switch connected to a Tram 1499 antenna… I have a 50-80 watt linear amp and power supply coming from eBay…mistake ?
Great video, looking into a type of antenna at the moment, so many to choose from, was thinking about a home made job. Something i could carry and erect up a top of a hill too. Got any suggestions?
Possibly. Depends on where you are in relation to the blast. I hear it will. But, radio waves are wireless and are our best chance of communicating versus phone lines. Not much is fool proof I guess is what I am trying to say. But it could be something other than an EMP that takes out the grid.
The antennas was his key. Any old CB would work with what he was doing. Good antennas and tuned. CB should be able to go 50 miles with a pole antenna. But with a 'directional' antenna one with good atmospheric conditions can go several hundred miles.
What ever you do, have someone help you set up the antenna. Let them teach you how to use an swr meter. Most systems do not have them in it. But a swr tester can be used to set up antennas, especially mobile antennas. Once an antenna is tuned it generally doesn't need to be changed, thus most people don't keep them in line. Although any radio works better with an antenna 'tuner'. Tuners are meant to be kept in the system. This allows a person to maximize the whole frequency range, or CB channels. But tuners are generally not used mobile for CBs. Nor are they that beneficial mobile. Big properly tuned antennas for your base, it is highly recommended for tuners to be used. Example this guy's set up.
I’m very interested and would love some more videos! How’s everyone gonna power their CB when the grid goes down?
The thing that most people dont understand but they should about EMP. The typical event that will cause an EMP with wide range destructive power is a nuclear explosion. If you are close enough to the explosion to have been effected by the EMP you have more pressing issues to worry about, like getting out of the radiation zone. Other "EMP bombs" (ie aircraft or other vehicle induced) are not really powerful enough to do much damage to most consumer electronics (cell phones are the most susceptible) unless the pulse is within a couple meters of the device. Also an EMP will not usually effect unpowered devices. Electro-mechanical devices such as electric motors, generators and other "dumb" electronic devices will not be effected by EMP of any kind.
An EMP essentially will cause an over-current situation inside your electronics thus damaging the delicate chips inside. It works in the same way that an electric motor generates a current when you manually spin it. With an electric motor you create a current when you pass the coils on the armature across the magnetic field, a basic generator. The EMP is a high powered magnetic field that will induce a current flow in the fine wires and circuits inside your electronics. When the devices are off there is no complete circuit thus the EMP is ineffective. Unfortunately not all devices are "off" when they are actually "off". Computers, cell phones, TVs and things like this are always powered on when the batteries are installed or they are plugged into the wall. Also ALL electronic devices generate an EM field, and to prevent one device from interfering with another, most modern electronics are shielded from EM (including EMP). For those of us who were born before 1985, may remember when battery powered toys or one of Mom's kitchen appliances would cause static on the TV set. This was essentially an EMP. This is almost non existent today.
As for EMP on the power grid... Yes this is where the issue is HUGE. Those transformers are designed to amplify power. A transformer converts low power high voltage AC into high power low voltage Ac that is usable in our homes. Remember when I was talking about the magnetic field and the coils in the motor? Well a transformer is a set of coils inside another set of coils that use induction (what EMP uses to cause damage) to change the power. Well now you add even more induction to the mix and the transformer will then create enough power to possibly destroy the next regulator or transformer in the line. This is where the most worry should be.
Stay safe, keep batteries around for power and remove power sources from your SHTF devices for their safety. (metal boxes help too... look up Faraday Cages.)
Very cool! What's the highest you can have an antenna and would that made a huge difference?
The FCC rule says 60 feet from the ground or top of a fixed object best I ca. Remember. Its found easily on Google. And the higher the better, to a point. There is cable loss, in that the longer the run the more signal loss you have so at a certain point it would lose as much as you gain with the height. But the rule of thumb is "height is might"!
Hey, really good video, especially considering that it is made by an admittedly not-too-technical guy. Really informative! Good show!!
With respect to the antron 99 antenna,some folks say to replace the top section with a 4' firestick antenna.this thicker antenna will have less sway i wind without effecting performance.what are your thoughts on that.thanks,Tony.i am a loyal follower
I am very interested in CB radio, just got set with a galaxy base station and the Antron 99 hearing some folks off in the distance but have not made my first contact yet, I want to be able to power this with a battery and solar panel for SHTF communications, I have watched this video about 6 or 7 times I loved it that much, I’d like to find an old cobra like yours or a Washington or Madison but they are hard to find, please make some more CB Radio Videos!
Thanks. Glad you liked it.
Great video!
I have this Base Station with extras. Great Radio.
I think buzzsah did a video on CB and antennas, I picked up a lot of info from it. I do not know if he still has it posted.
Great Video! Can't wait to see more. Thanks for sharing
Very interesting. I'm just getting started in CB with a hand-me-down mobile in my truck.
Just remember ,, CB stands for Constant Buying lol
Great vidio. You give alot of good info. Im setting up my base station with a omni directional fiberglass antenna. If i have to adjust my antenna ( To long or short ) how do I do that ?
If your Swr is better on your lower channels your antenna needs to be shorter. If better on higher channels it needs to be longer. Not knowing what antenna you have I campy tell you how to adjust. You want your SWR best on channel 20.
is that a vintage cobra 139xlr
I was just kindly donated one from my neighbour Im getting into radio stuff and it looks just like yours!
I also got a polly comm sr. 23 with the stuff and some other cool radio stuff like antennas.
It is a Cobra 142 GTL.
I have a washington cb with ssb that turns on receives keys up but want send.any suggestions? Thanks for posting I will be looking for that jo gun 4 element.
+Terry Fennell the transmit section is burned up. Probably due to a high SWR. Make sure you check your standing wave ratio (SWR) before you start talking on any radio setup. There are many meters you can buy for checking this. A radio man is needed now to fix your radio. Not easy to find a reputable radio repairer. If you don't have one locally you could send your radio to one. Maybe Dubbs CB shop. Has a website. Good luck.
Id like more cb knowledge.
Troy Gibbons: Check out this site......its all free and there are members all over the world.
I know all about them the 142 GTL inside and out, I had one when I was a kid then I graduated to ham and two-way being my family was a Motorola dealership, and they did very well put all 6 of us through college, and lived a comfortable life, that's the kind of trash I am.
How can I make a Wilson Little Will stainless steel stinger/whip longer? Can I add something to the tip to lengthen it?
Not that I know. You can buy replacement whips for it. Iam assuming you have cut it at some point and now it is too short. If not, try a new mounting location. Clays CB online sell replacement whips.
what do you think of a Tram WSP300B magnet mount antenna paired with a uniden bearcat 980 SSB ?
Hi I'm getting a 142 cobra like the one in your video and I have a solarcon antenna I don't have a meter like you have in your video what would be the best way to get it right without buying $100 meter
higher SWR reading on 40 = antenna is to long, not to short.
thanks for your good vid. Do you want to review or talk about handhelds?
cvcoco I am not real familiar with the handhelds. Sorry
Hey im setting up a base station and i just got a solarcon imax 2000 antenna and im hooking it up to a Cobra 29 LTD radio. i keep hearing my friends talking about getting an amp with it but i want the most powerful one i can leaglely get what would you recommend? thanks in advance
question; I have several extra feet of antenna cable in my car---- is it ok to just roll all extra cable( like an extension chord)---- someone told me to not do that, it creates interference, that I should somehow extend the cable out in a single line.
Jeff Thompson Coiling the coax up is not the best. I personally have not seen an issue with a small coil, just don't coil to tight. But the word is not to do it if at all possible.
Thanks bro
cobra 29 a good mobile unit if tuned correctly? thanks for the video by the way
+Levi Knapp you bet
+Levi Knapp You are welcome. Thanks for watching
Where do the calls signs come from? They not handles like on AM. Thanks
I live in a HOA community can you recommend an antenna that would not be that noticeable but work decent?
W Seep dog i used a magnetic mount antenna when I lived in an apartment. Get like a Wilson 5000 mag mount antenna and when you want to talk ot lasten put the antenna on the roof of your car. Shen dine pull it off and put in garage. Be sure to set your SWr’s.
@@Hilander1298 There is only one Standing Wave Ratio not multiples so the correct way to say it is SWR not SWR's! And, to be completely accurate it is Voltage Standing Wave Ratio or VSWR.
hello from 273,snowman in Kentucky I run an eagle 2000 and a golden eagle 1kw.sometimes but I switch up wince in a while and use my bearfooted eagle 5000 I guess you can say old equipment I think the eagle 2000 and eagle 5000 I think was from copper electronic in the early 90,s and I think the golden eagle 1kw was in the 70,s maybe so maybe we can hook up good video everything looks good
keep modulating
oh and what other equipment would u recommend once agen thanks in advance
LOL, hear ya. Trying to keep it to legal limits on here for now. Power is always good.
So you are saying that I do not have to send money in to renew my license in 2015?
Was able to pick up one of those Cobra 142 gtl in good condition for just under 200 on eBay…well worth it. Receives better than a new President McKinley tuned up from Bells CB…that cost 250
Good review Sir. Thanks.
Albee4ty5, Thanks great video. Lots of good info. I'm just getting into it. I also would like to ham. Would cb and ham antennas be the same? I looked at your other videos and I think we have a lot in common as I too like guns and the NRA.
Again thank you
+Hog Rider Antennas are sized by frequency it is running on. So no, one antenna does not work for all. They are frequency specific. Now, there are antennas that are very broad banded. They may work over a large frequency range. But they will have to be right next to the band you are running. A good 11 meter antenna may run acceptably on 10 meters. Keep a quality SWR meter and check them often. Thanks for watching
More is coming. Thanks
Great video. Thanks
By ALL Means get a CB w a good antenna. Pref an SSB cb as it talks farther w less noise. I have had a cb since 1975 and I will never part with it. They are great when other things go down.
I still have my three CB Radios yet -- need a battery power supply yet. And also need two new hand microphones yet.
I do not know of any good indoor anyenna. If you try one be sure to check your SWR's. I have a video on that as well. Good luck.
hah what?
Dear owl my name is Carl I recently purchased a Browning Golden Eagle for could you please reply to me telling me how to wire up the antenna from one unit to the other thank you
Information on your antenna please ?
Any chance your still on the air?
Yes. Hilander Wyoming is my handle. Thnx for watching.
I have an old Cobra 139. Looks a lot like your 142. Mine was manufactured in 1974 and I have all the original paperwork that came with it. Owners manual and everything. Works great.
There is no reason not to have a ham license now adays. There is no code necessary for a 2 meter tech license. Check out "HamTestOnLine" to pass the test the first time. $10 for a ten year license. Not bad.
Very interesting. Bring it on!
More to come. Lots to talk about to.
do you know where I can buy a Cobra 2000 home base CB radio ?
Break Albee4ty5, how about out there. Hey, who let the smart a$$ ham operator(bryon clemons)in here. Your video says CB Radio Basics. Later, 73's from North Alabama. Looks like you had your beams pointed down my way. :-)
topdog25608 Sure do.
Very nice radio
A Major Disaster
Bless Up Earthling
However I do agree about having a CB radio base station....!
I’ve had one for years ....!
Ya know it’s funny how trends come around go away then come around again this time it sounds like it could be a necessary.....!
Get a CB and a portable antenna and use it now to understand the capabilities before you need to. Antenna suggest Wilson brand, Tram 3500 (cheaper $30), steel whip,
francis brand, firestick. avoid the cheapest Hustler brand (deaf, less sensitive).
In a SHTF situation, I dont give a crap about a HAM license. Ill use one if needed.
It is legal to transmit without a license in an emergency situation. Be warned that there is a lot more to using a radio effectively than hanging and antenna and keying a mike. Having an amateur radio license is a license to learn and gain experience in using radio so when the SHTF one can understand and effectively use radio communication (e.g. know what frequencies to use and when). It also helps one connect with others who are also equipped and skilled to use radio communication so when SHTF happens, you have the human resources to contact.
Ham is not easy to use if you haven't been trained.
@@mattwinn9607 In Australia you need a License, but in a Emergency you can use it
Do u need a license for ssb?
The Patrick show-agar No.
But what's with the "callsighn" on ssb like P6789
The Patrick show-agar Them are peoples call numbers. You make up your own. SSB is typically a "number" call sigh versus a name callsign. Although both are used. No rules on your call sign.
Oh thx :)
You don't need a license for SSB 27 mags
It's hard to find quality hardware these days. Especially a SSB. And getting one tuned anymore? forget it. :(
I am so looking, For a base radio. Any one know where i can get one?
Lots of places. Do a google search. Way to many to list.
problem is that an EMP is going to take out that semiconductor infested radio unless you take steps to prevent it.
Been out of the CB's for years. My base dead keyed at 800 watts and my mobile at 200 watts. I think the FCC is still looking for me.LOL
How big is your linear amp ? Hehe
4 watts 😊
I use a Military HF radio , I plugged in channel 6 freq and I heard someone from Hawaii, I am in Arkansas
+teknowil Yep. Good Ole "Skip".
Got my 1st. CB in 1975 KDF-7864 steel 6ft. whip on mobile and Big Stick in a tree.
Thanks Fred.
I guess I am a little late to say I am interested in cb since I was 4 and I could really use some teaks
Would love to know more nice vid by the way
I've watched your vid good work my man, also read some shit posts from so called hams lol, what a load off shit they talk I passed my ticket years ago but I still love to DX on 11m band I love all thing radio even ham but 11m is still the best 73 tnx for the vid.
ian mcewan You bet. Yes, many hams are elitists and think CBers are scum. That is exactly why I have not had a strong desire to get a ticket. Cannot stand the snobs!! Thanks for watching. Appreciate ya.
All future themes suggested by you at min 15 are welcomed!
I hope someone sees this that can help... I manage a bar roughly 7 miles from my house, is there anyway I can pick up my Motorola CLS 1110 on-site two-way radios from my bar at my house? Sorry for the very uneducated question, i literally i have idea what i'm talking about, clearly.....
Michael Rideout I would have to say no. According to motorolas web site it has a range of 200,000 square feet. It is designed as a job site radio. 1 watt of power. For 7 miles you would want something different.