Interesting how quickly they regulate this but not price gouging. Almost as if, they're terrified AI will be helpful to people. They're never this motivated during any crisis. People are using food banks as grocery stores, rent is at all time highs and life has become unaffordable in almost every aspect and they're focused on AI?
I hope they have the sense to consult scientists and experts before they make policy
They will, but they'll cherrypick the experts they like
You can't regulate it. If you do you will lose
Straight to China and that’s not good.
Interesting how quickly they regulate this but not price gouging. Almost as if, they're terrified AI will be helpful to people. They're never this motivated during any crisis. People are using food banks as grocery stores, rent is at all time highs and life has become unaffordable in almost every aspect and they're focused on AI?
What does AI have to do with civil rights?
Don't need to regulate it for the future , if you just shut it down !! Someone will always use it for wrong reasons !! Dump it , it's dangerous !!!!
found the chinese spy trying to sabotage US' AI innovation.