Proper re-master of SSX Tricky or SSX3 or SSX3 with SSX Tricky music/tracks, Boards,Charakter`s etc :D maby youst replace all textures with hd version and also maby make charakter more detail in polygon abnd hd textures and it be great :D Mac& Elkise my fav charakter :D Mac is my self and Elise was my crush XD :D i still play them alot on emulator and oreginal console, especially in the winter and now its time to do it again since october hehe :D
They really need to make a remastered version of this game. Used to put so much hours in the game just cause of the good soundtrack too
I'd kiss every dev who would be on the team to make SSX Tricky HD for Series X and PS5. This game needs a revival.
If you want something like this. There's a game on PS4 called steep made by some of the devs!
Everything about SSX Tricky is a freakin Masterpiece of a Snowboarding Game!!
This was truly one of best games I've ever played in my entire life.
Each character had their own personality, It was so cool. I still love Elise to this day.
Still one of the greatest ps2 games ever.
My childhood ❤️❤️❤️
If you want something like this. There's a game on PS4 called steep made by some of the devs!
If there could be only one video game ever. This would be it! ☺
Why is there only 2.3k views? This game was the shiznick!
Can you make a new one for the PS4
Tricky is pretty cool and a great step up after the 1st game, but SSX 3 will always be the king of snowboarding games
Remaster! Revive!
Proper re-master of SSX Tricky or SSX3 or SSX3 with SSX Tricky music/tracks, Boards,Charakter`s etc :D
maby youst replace all textures with hd version and also maby make charakter more detail in polygon abnd hd textures and it be great :D
Mac& Elkise my fav charakter :D Mac is my self and Elise was my crush XD :D
i still play them alot on emulator and oreginal console, especially in the winter and now its time to do it again since october hehe :D