《馬可福音》第8章14-21節 法利賽人與希律的酵

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 12 ม.ค. 2025
  • 耶穌要門徒謹慎,防備法利賽人的酵,這群人帶著非常剛硬不信的心,不停地出沒在耶穌生活周圍,對耶穌的試探、盤問也從來沒停過!
    Jesus asked his disciples to be careful and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees. This group of people, with very hard and unbelieving hearts, kept appearing around Jesus’ life, and they never stopped tempting and questioning Jesus!​
    We also take this to remind ourselves that if we can surrender to the authority of Jesus, understand the words He preaches, and let God himself take control of our lives, we can also be attracted to Jesus like everyone else and follow him closely! On the other hand, when we are willing to exalt Jesus, preach the way of forgiveness of sins and repentance, let people hear the power of Jesus’ resurrection and the life-changing message, thereby leading people to come to Him and follow the Lord closely!

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