Peak Oil vs Climate Change: Which is the Greater Threat to Our Future?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 24 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 14

  • @woufff_
    @woufff_ 13 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Good summary !

  • @chadreilly
    @chadreilly 13 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Which blade of the scissors is worse, top or bottom?

  • @michaelrynn2465
    @michaelrynn2465 12 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Human species behavior, numbers and consumption is the biggest threat to the future of most creatures in biosphere.

  • @nottalackey3587
    @nottalackey3587 12 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Peak oil is a disaster. However, it will probably happen in thousands of years. Like global warming, it is based on misleading statistics. Peak oil is based on reserves, so each well goes down from day 2 by the amount pumped in day 1. And many states have zero reserves, simply because no one has drilled there. Why would you put a well in New Hampshire when you can drill a mile from an existing well in Texas? Only 15% of the earth's crust is guaranteed oil free. Those areas lack a cap rock to keep oil from percolating out. Most of the rest of the world has never been drilled, so it shows zero in reserves. It only awaits drilling. There was no oil in Saudi Arabia until the Ghawar field, which is only a few square miles.
    Climate change is a hoax in its very definition. 50 years ago Paul Ehrlich wrote a book about the coming ice age. People panicked until the world heated for several years. The panic drivers, realizing they were riding a losing horse switched to global warming. Then the world cooled, so they have decided to hedge their bets with climate CHANGE. Weather changes, but weather is not climate. But if they got honest, billions of dollars in government funding and college chairs would be lost.

    • @christoffussenegger9377
      @christoffussenegger9377 11 วันที่ผ่านมา

      If you do not see climate change you do not want to see.
      In my country we have significant skiing tourism. But skiing season is becoming shorter and shorter, some skiing resorts have been shut down already, others invest in artificial snow production to survive.
      The "eternal ice" of our glaciers is shrinking rapidly, in a few decades most of them will be gone.
      Sea levels are rising, we have accumulated some 300mm already in the recent 100 years, and this trend ist speeding up. In the long run this is an existential threat to lowlands along the coast like Netherlands, Bangladesh, Florida, Louisiana...
      We just experienced the hottest year ever measured.
      Scientists are clearly warning since 1980, now we can watch their predictions coming true - and still some people deny reality.

    • @nottalackey3587
      @nottalackey3587 11 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@christoffussenegger9377 Dude, quit getting your science from CNN.
      Glaciers: The ones that are shrinking have been shrinking since the 1750s, before the "curse" of fossil fuels. Antarctica has seen the addition of hundreds of square miles of ice offshore. The southern pole has 93% of polar ice.
      Sea levels: 20 years ago we were told the Maldive Islands would be underwater. They are higher than ever.
      Hottest year ever: Even since 1979. That is when those stats started. The temperature was higher by 4+ degrees in the Middle Ages when the only use of fossil fuels was to heat rocks to throw out of catapults. But I bet CNN didn't drill any ice cores, or tell you about the results.
      The real source of controversy is $$$$. You don't get grants by saying everything is the same as before.
      Greenhouse gases: Ever been to a greenhouse? 1 foot outside the plants are three inches high, I foot inside three feet high. In the last 30 years or so land area the size of the continental US have been revegitated. Give it a 100 years and you have topsoil. Oh, people and animals breathe in oxygen and out carbon dioxide. Plants breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen. Looks like we need more, not less, greenhouse gases. And who the hell who was not spewing propaganda would call what is breathed by more than half the earth's life and has been since creation a "greenhouse" gas?
      Give me your address and I will mail you some drugs to combat your panic attacks.

  • @BigFred458
    @BigFred458 13 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Both topics are outright lies.

    • @dudububudu
      @dudububudu 13 วันที่ผ่านมา

      One can't buy wisdom...

  • @TimMountjoy-zy2fd
    @TimMountjoy-zy2fd 14 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Climate Change by far. We have an alternative to oil for transport already with electricity so need it for making goods but not burning. Remember peak oil is just an expression of price and demand. We might be close to peak oil when history looks back but its not because we ran out its because demand fell due to electrification of transport.

    • @JimmyD806
      @JimmyD806 13 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Where is your experiment that proves carbon dioxide causes "climate change?" It doesn't exist because a gas in Earth's atmosphere CANNOT possibly alter Earth's obliquity, precession, and orbital eccentricity.

    • @chadreilly
      @chadreilly 13 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      3 of your 4 statements are false. Just sayin'