Dont waste time watching Video rarely mentions Starfield. Paraphrased its pretty much i don't likes Bethesda games because My "Swords'to small there's no chocobos,and my hair just isnt spiky enough.
I actually couldn't fault his opinion. But I don't expect a lot from Bethesda at this point. I lost all hope of them making great stories ever again after they announced FO76 didn't have any npc's. Seriously wtf. I play Bethesda games now, not for difficult choices, or player agency. but more of a freak show to laugh at all the bugs ruining story moments. Like the time a certain important character dies. and instead of felling sad i was rofl at the companion instantly switching from a standing t-pose to cradling the dieing character between each line of dialogue, combined with the "sad" music was the funniest thing I have seen in months.
Though I do not agree with this video at all, dudes allowed his opinion. I have over 240hrs logged and personally adore this game, I lost hopium with ALL AAA studios. My expectations weren't too high for Starfield and for what expectations I did have, were fulfilled by Bethesda so... now we wait for mods.
I’m glad you’re enjoying it! If you like something, then like it. We don’t have to all like the same things. As long as you can acknowledge the stuff-you-like’s flaws and don’t take dissent as a personal slight, then everything’s hunky-dory. I am genuinely curious as to which of my points you disagree with and what your counter arguments are. Why did you like Starfield?
Starfield proved to me that the current BGS writers were always coasting off the great writing of the early ES and Fallout writers. Now that they actually had to make a world themselves, their mediocrity is showcased for all to see. Man, I miss Kirkbride. His writing is a huge reason Morrowind is as legendary as it is. And don't get me started on industry legends like Avellone, Sawyer and Gonzalez, who made New Vegas the masterpiece it is. Oh and also another small thing about Megaton that really bugs me; why did the peeps at Megaton choose to live near a BOMB? Again, because the writers wanted the quest to happen, believability of the world be damned.
Man, I don't even think Bethesda HAS writers. Obsidian has an entire narrative design team, but the only person I see consistent credited as a writer for Bethesda is Emil Pagliarulo. I don't think it's a priority for them.
@@idiotsmonthly3969 have you seen Emil's lecture on writing Fallout 4 on YT? The thing has an 88% dislike ratio and the comments are just people shitting on him, that's how bad the dude is at his job. Which sucks, considering the Dark Brotherhood in Oblivion was not too shabby. And regarding BGS' lack of interest in story, isn't that antithetical to what an RPG is trying to achieve? Because why would I want to roleplay in a world where I don't care about said world, the people in it, and their struggles?
@@HelloKollaBethesda has never been known for a good main quest. The side quests is where their games have always shined. I'm guessing that Emil guy sets the premise for the game with the storyline and then other staff writers flesh out all the side quests. Which would make sense as to why the side quests are are always better than the story.
I think Bethesda are aware that their games are played primarily for the exploration. They know their reputation for poor writing. I believe they accepted this viewpoint with starfield. They made no attempt to provide an interesting or original story, they even sold the game as a game that really begins after the main quest! They were hiding nothing. They put all of their chips on sandbox exploration, multiplied the sandbox to the nth degree, added a sandcastle and called it a day. They thought they were giving people what they wanted, but the reality is that they gave up, like an idealistic politician that has grown jaded and cynical, lowering themselves to triangulated phrasing, such as, oh, I don't know, "it just works".
@@craggle2332 what bugs me about that attitude is this; why would I want to explore a world that isn't interesting or one that I don't care about? The only thing left then is exploring for loot and progression, and at that point the game becomes a Ubisoft slogfest, where your drive to explore is motivated by dopamine and not a true sense of adventure.
@@idiotsmonthly3969same, I don't find any reason to gun down another bandit hideout, it feels as tiresome as going to the Oblivion gates to get that stupid stone in the center of the towers.
I tricked myself into thinking that it got better as I played it more, then one day, I just couldn't play it for another second. I hit quit game and haven't touched it since.
Well, the games is just BORING, the exploration is lacking, the shooting/weapons are mehh, history is plain mediocre. It has some little interesting things but idk, I came without huge expectations but it was still a huge dissapointment.
@@idiotsmonthly3969 You described what I felt perfectly my hommeboy. I have some missions left maybe I will finish the game just for the sake of it but I dont really enjoy it anymore, its just the "where is the good game everyone talks about?" haha
Thanks, bud! I can’t speak for anyone else, but for me personally, there’s a part of me that wants instant gratification and another part of me that wants delayed gratification as the payoff of effort. Starfield only offers instant gratification. It’s a “turn off your brain” game but I don’t want to turn off my brain. :/
@@SnepBlepVR thats straight tedious, just click here, click there, the ship movement is almost useless the travel is all by grav jumping on the map and you get the dialogues of the npcs "Ohh, the jump never gets old" for you motherfucker im outside clicking on this annoying map. I guess you can also select planets and fast travel but also complicated and lame.
I think what hurts the most is knowing I can't use my "give developers more time, this feels rushed" excuse. There was so much time put into Starfield, and yet I'm still asking why THIS is what we got as a release? Devoid of any character and the worst loading screens I've ever experienced.
Hey buddy! I feel you, man - I'd love to be a fly on the wall during Bethesda's develop process. Like, is this honestly the best they can do? Or is there some pressure from someone where they moneymen upstairs are all like "make it more like No Man's Sky" or "make it more like Outer Worlds" to the point where every scrap of identity gets market-research polished into blandless. Though I suspect, as I'd bet you do, that there's some deeper rot going on here. Like, something is bad to the core in these games in that they aren't for anything or about anything. It feels like they exist to be hyped and sold but never played.
Bethesda's games have never been about deep plots or characters but atleast the worlds of morrowind, oblivion, fallout 3, skyrim and fallout 4 felt like spaces that real people could exist in Starfield's world just feels like an illusion and I am not able to immerse myself in it.
Aside from all the issues you mentioned, another thing to note is the looting of NPCs in Starfield. For some reason, Bethesda chose to not let players loot the actual items on the NPC. Games since Morrowind, Oblivion, and Fallout 4 allowed players to take the actual outfit/armor on a dead NPC.
Yeah, that in particular bothered me a lot, like it makes me more likely to impulsively take the gear I DO SEE, because I might want to outfit my crew a certain way(this was before I found out you can't meaningfully interact with generic crew). Thankfully I've stopped just grabbing all their outfits, even if just to sell. Hopefully either they change that(like the devs of conan exiles) or a mod does.
Well it would just be wrong and sexist to be able to completely strip a woman of all of her clothes and armor. This is exactly how they think now. The days of a great Bethesda are over. Jesus half the characters are a weird-looking version of an Asian person or a Aborigine an 8 out of the 10 lead characters are females.
Ignoring the literal million other issues with the game my biggest gripe is how bad the AI is. Fighting in that game felt painful to the point i just uninstalled and went on my way.
@idiotsmonthly3969 fallout 3 ai was ahead of this game. At least, i felt i was in danger of dying in f3, where this game just feels bad, especially for a AAA game released in 2023.
You touched on a lot of points I had thought of but haven't seen anyone address. I noticed how Bethesda keeps making the same exact game and just swapping out the skin/setting. And you spoke about the loot/management mechanic and its context in Fallout vs ES and SF. Just the context mattering in general is not being talked about too much. Such nuance in the evaluation of the game and Bethesda's design philosophies overall. Subbed!
They could turn Starfield into a pirate game easy. Swap islands for planets. Galleons for space ships. Muskets for guns. Starfield reminds me of those Monopoly board game clones, where they just change all the street names from London to another city and try and pass it off as a different game.
"I noticed how Bethesda keeps making the same exact game and just swapping out the skin/setting." I mean, thats the trend. Look at Ubisoft. Ghost Recon, Far Cry, Assassins creed, they are all ultimately the same damn open world and gameplay loop now.
A video by a small channel that sums up so many problems of Starfield that big (and paid for) reviews don't even consider. Good job. Starfield has so many issues once you look behind the curtain. Or try to do anything that Bugthesda didn't explicitly consider you may do for that matter. Or things they just simply don't want you to do for the sake of their neat little quests. It is full of policitcal messaging, lacks player freedom, lacks depth, but has sooo much lackluster content, that is basically non-content. No world feels alive. Not even the one with the biggest city. The companions are terrible, not even close to FO3/NV...or even FO4. The corpo vs generation ship quest is the perfect example for everything wrong with side quests in this game, perfect choice. I wanted to kill the corpos, all of them are essential. How and why does Bugthesda think it is a perfectly fine and sane choice to side with those corpos to kill the generation ship, but I have no way to side with the generation ship and actually get rid of the corpos? Why does Bugthesda put so much emphasis on making greedy, evil corpo happy, rather than normal people? Why and how is selling those normal people into slavery a morally good conclusion to that quest? Why even make a planet that is outside of the juristiction of every major faction, if I can't even do what I want there? Why can I not do what I want in my single-player open world RPG in general? Why make pretty much every named NPC in the game unkillable, when NG+ eventually lets you reset the game to bring all those NPCs back even on the same playthrough? Why make NG+ such a crucial part of the story, when it will delete all your ships and outposts as well as gear you collected? In a game about building ships, outposts and collecting gear as the actual endgame content... This whole game makes no sense, it is bad in most ways you can think about it.
I feel you, man - was frustrating for me is that it has all these different systems and aspects to them, but they’re not supporting any grander purpose. Most of the stuff you can do barely event has story context. What motivation do I have to set up outposts, take out Crimson Fleet, side with one group over the other? What’s worse is that there’s always so much potential to Bethesda games, but they lack a unified direction. Their games always feel like 8 different proof of concepts all stitched together - almost like 8 different studios were making their own games. I, personally, want my experiences to be meaningful. I want to feel things. There’s clearly a lot of passion and hard work going into these games, but it’s all for nothing because it doesn’t make me feel anything. It’s tragic. At least we’ll have Obsidian for a few more years before Microsoft murders them.
@@idiotsmonthly3969 The factions are a huge waste of potential. They should flesh out our character and integrate with the main story and world of starfield as a whole, but once again we can join all of them and it changes nothing. Limiting yourself to just one isn't even a big issue considering NG+. So yeah, not only are the system supporting no greater purpose, but sometimes they are just wasted entirely and immediately for the sake of keeping the game as shallow as possible. I agree that some parts of this game clearly show passion, I think suits and weapons are visually well designed to name one example, but much like what happened with Fallout 76, things just don't come together at all. Anything from Fallout 3, over Skyrim to New Vegas and Fallout 4 felt like there was a vision and a purpose to things, but not Starfield. The only real hope I do still have for the game is DLC. I didn't like Falout 4 all that much compared to 3 or NV, 4 felt average most of the time, but Far Harbor was really good, it took the decent foundation of FO4 and delivered good content. Playing Far Harbor Survival was everything Fallout 4 should have been, I hope for another DLC like that, so it may at least flesh out one aspect of the Starfield universe.
Starfield is the most disappointing, most embarrassing release I've played in a long time. Bethesda should be ashamed of themselves for not only releasing the game this way, but then accepting the praise heaped on by people who apparently just dont know any better. Its a mediocre product and theres no way that this wasnt understood internally.
I feel you, man. What's worse is that the flaws in Bethesda games are apparent and recurring, stretching all the way back to F3. It just seems like the good aspects of Bethesda games are also getting diluted. I'm not sure if this is legitimately the best they can do, or if story/narrative design is become less and less of a priority and isn't getting the attention it needs.
I just finished my first run through of starfield. 70 hours, lv 54 (after adding a mod to boost exp by 50% when I was at lv 36 because the grind was very slow). Would I recommend it? No. No, I wouldn't. Well, not for full price. Yes if it was 50% off, or more, in a sale. It's not open world. It had frustrating, obfuscated crafting (I made two weapon mods in 70 hours because it's sooo bloody frustratingly designed) , useless AI, no local or mini nap. It has a lot of built in grinding. A LOT of grinding where there should be fun.
Man those bugs are not normal. I've been playing and so far didn't encountered any bugs as dramatic as you did. I'm wondering if you changed your config while playing, as the game cache shaders and you might want to clear the cache.
@@ill3go no the game is just horribly optimized for pc.. I play on series x and worst I've had are dead enemies ragdolling in to walls and ceilings and the fps dropping in cities.. there are many, many, many videos made about how horribly the game runs on pc with many bugs and glitches that are not present on consoles..
I rarely encountered bugs on PC so far. I was actually surprised how few bugs I found. I got one crash to desktop at some point, and another time I got locked into dialog between Sarah and Walter when Walter wasn’t even there, so when it was his turn to talk the game just sat there waiting forever. I had to fly back to the lodge to fix that one. But I never had the common bugs on TH-cam such as floating NPCs or objects, or taking a city along with my spaceship, in my entire playthrough. I think the problem is the stated minimum requirements are far too low. Xbox uses NVME SSD, why not PC??
First play, i got the out of sync voice animation issues and freezes in game. I soon realised a traditional HDD was not going to cut it. The game loads in assets on the fly, not just on those loading screens. So i dug out a PCI-E 3.0 NVMe drive. Dropped it in a spare M.2 slot, moved the game over to the new drive and the out off sync voices, stutters and freezes disappeared. Got to say bugs-r-us mode is so enabled, all sorts of things. Stuff slowly disappearing through the floor of your ship is a bit disconcerting, especially when it's crew members. Can you believe they have hidden stuff in boxes, draws and tiolets. In the latter so far I've found a piece of fruit and a potato. The problem is you need to pick up something and use it to push, flip or slide the container open. Yes, the menus are such a drag. Oh, if you don't already know and you probably do, you copy of Windows needs activating. 😋
I was making food when I watched this and when i heard my name I froze for a second, thought i was having a stroke lol. Also we're not alone, there are dozens of us Micolash enjoyers. Yeah you sum it up pretty perfectly, the only compelling thing Bethesda has ever had in their games is the world map but that was enough to carry the experience, and for some reaon they decided to jettison that to pursue their procedural generation obsession. And procedurally generated content will always fall short of anything that has a human touch with artistic intent. Perhaps the least surprising but most disappointing part of the game is how fucking bland their vision of a scifi future is. I know Bethesda can't write their way out of a paper bag but for some reason I hoped for something more compelling than this generic pastiche of tropes with seemingly no thought or consideration behind it. Ill go to bat for Event Horizon though, it is absolutely just Hellraiser in space and a goofy time at best but the spooky engine room is more interesting than the entirety of Starfield squashed into a single atom.
lol Hope you got a kick out of it! Yeah, I honestly had pretty mid expectations and even those were let down. It’s like this game was made to sell but not made to play. I actually *really* love Event Horizon… though I do still regard it as a big failure. It’s like it reached but didn’t arrive, and the Good By Proxy Problem is an element of that. It’s one of those movies I wanna go back and fix, you know?
What you said about Skyrim lacking a unique identity is on point, even from the perspective of a big Elder Scrolls fan. Morrowind is about the only ES game to have a fully unique world space and story that was unlike anything else at the time it came out. As a random example, how many games have the balls to have the main food source being yams and bug eggs, with people riding on giant fleas and living in giant mushrooms and the shells of long dead mega crabs? Oblivion is the beginning of the generic whitewash to everything Elder Scrolls, the game is still fun but they literally retconned the environment and lore to make things feel more Lord of The Rings-y as those movies were huge at the time (they got Sean Bean ffs lol). Bethesda lost it's truly creative talent a long time ago. Even Fallout 3 is pretty tame compared to the first two Fallout games (especially the first).
Honestly, it's been a longtime goal of mine to go back and play those old Elder Scrolls games because I hear all these great things about them. I'm only familiar with more recent ES stuff and it hasn't impressed me. I wonder if all the big creatives got pushed out of Bethesda a long time ago, or if they got pigeon-holed by big marketers who wanted "marketing appeal," or what. It seems like the only writer they have is Emil Pagliarulio and with out wishing offense to the man, he's a decent idea's guy but a terrible writer. I mean, the first Fallout game is damn near perfect - especially considering the situation it arrouse out of. I mean, everything good about modern Bethesda Fallout is just them preserving/resurrecting things from that game. Honestly, the biggest problem I have with F3 narrative wise is that I think it has too much reverence for Fallout 1 to the point that it tries to BE Fallout 1 - rather than striking out and forming its own identity. I mean, the BoS in F3 isn't even the BoS - they should've been their own, unique faction. Maybe you add a little nod like on a terminal entry they say "We've reached out to similar group out west but they won't respond to us." There's both a lack of confidence and (I suspect) contraints from marketers that's really enfeebling these games. Tim Cain, the creator of Fallout, has started his own TH-cam channel recently and he's talked a lot about the development of Fallout 1 - you should check it out if you haven't!
ahh Morrowind where we meet Fiala; a High Elf with a very ahem 'liberal' approach to necromancy. Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim and even TES:O have some cracking moments and anyone who says they never collected A Lusty Argonian is lying to themselves xD I also enjoyed Dishonored and Hunted; all of these make Starfield still a tragic fail as with that lot to draw from wtf went wrong?
"I mean, I don't recognize the humanity in any of these stiff-faced NPCs..." Oddly enough, the main quest actually toys with this very concept. It even has an antagonist that is basically you versus another Bethesda Player Character, complete with an unnecessary spree killing through the streets of the city.
Some people would rate some 10/10 aaa games a 2 or 3 instead of 10 and others enjoy it so all reviews are biased in a way even slighty on personal preference the paid ones would be the minority
Of course, many people criticize fatal characters, fatal dialogues, but few pay attention to the game's absurd narrative management. Your content is a good job!
I know Todd Howard is our favorite punching bag, but I honestly doubt he's got as much power as we all think he has. Certainly he bears some responsibility as Creative Director, but I'm wondering if there's just a general lack of cohesion in Bethesda's office. Like, they're games always feel like 8 different prototypes stitched together...
Thanks for explaining the problems in this game that, to me, are the biggest ones, yet not the most obvious. The scavenging and looting is now no longer part of a grander system that has me working towards a goal. Ultimately its all pointless in the end. Whats the point in grinding to get rich and level all my ship skills to build an amazingly badass ship if there is ultimately no place for me to utilize it said ship? There are no challenging dog fights that await me, even on very hard mode. I instakill everything and no higher level enemies can be found. There are no large scale epic ship battles (save for the crimson fleet one, buts its broken up because I had to fast travel to 3 places during the fight). There is no reward in having the ship other than just having it. I cant use it to do anything meaningful or adventurous in the game. Its pointless meaningless fluff. And the same problem is with all the looting and grindining. There is no over arching goal or thing to achieve. No real incentive with any staying power. Its just there.
People at my work can't stop talking about it, I just couldn't get into it. I truly did want to enjoy it, but nothing really engaged with me, either the story or the exploration. Despite Cyberpunk's flaws, the characters are compelling, and I left that universe wanting to know more.
Honestly, characters and characterization have been long standing problems in Bethesda games. All the NPCs feel like they're people who've clocked into work pretending to be people in this world.
@@idiotsmonthly3969sounds like a video game thats how any npc is to me all predictable to a t and only can react one way to an action theres no game that uses a real ai as npcs to truely make it random
@@reaty05 Have you not played any non-Bethesda RPG recently? The last 10 years? Almost all of them have way better , more authentic, believable NPC interaction than Starfield. RDR2, for example, blows it out the water and is what, 8 years old now?
@@OrangeNash still predictable they are not sentient ai like you think all are just programed to say one thing by either dice roll or only reply to a selected dialog just like starfield Going by what your saying they cant be tricked to do the same thing again and again like in skyrim lure by sound from missed arrow kill npc lures more if seen if not repeat to lure one to kill alone see very predictable can be abused in mechanics
@@OrangeNash red dead i gave up on it was a bit boring to me but npcs seemed the same as well all preset dialogs their faces were irrelevant to me so i never paid much attention to it it did have decent graphics
I remember seeing the colony ship quest shown briefly in a trailer. I then git excited thinking about all the way it could go, all the philosophical questions and i wanted to learn all about the colonists and their perspective on their situation. Only to play that quest and go "THAT'S IT?!"
It's really disappointing because the concept is good - and I really enjoyed stumbling into the quest in an organic way - but there's nothing beyond that surface-level situation. It's too bad.
Also if you.notice they seem to be adamant about landing on the planet, but then you can just force them to do whatever you want. I decided to mount a gravimotor on their ship to let them go somewhere else, but I didn't even need to convince them, I just spoke with other people on various planets and did all behind their back, and they just agreed like that..
@@BroDudeDudeYeahBroit's fake, all the outcomes lead to the ship vanishing from the story. In the best scenario some will stay on the planet doing the slaves
I actually like Event Horizon a lot! I just don't think it really succeeds in its own mission statement. It's one of those movies I want to go back and fix, you know? It reaches for something but doesn't quite get there.
So, this game is pretty much a steaming bucket of diarrhea, but, that said, your lag issues look a lot like the lag issues I had on first install, when I accidentally installed it to a HDD instead of my usually SSD. Once I moved the game directory over the the SSD it immediately cleared up and became much more playable. It doesn't at all change the fact that this is a shallow game written by people who have obviously never had a conversation with a human being before, but it does make it so you can see all its warts at a lightning fast 50 fps. A real benchmark of quality for a game that looks like it was made in 2014.
I appreciate the Tim Rogers School of Game Reviews approach, but the fact that you played the game on a potato and then complained about the bugginess lost me. Minimum specs are always a joke, recommended specs even more so. You bought the hardware that was recommended by BGS to make a point, but the point you ended up making is that you've got a hard time grasping hardware needs for PC gaming. I could go on. I don't want to discourage you -- you're on to something with your style and review composition. Tim's not at Kotaku anymore so we need this style of review and the dry comedic value that comes with it. You're good at it, but you're clearly aping him. Your own style is in there somewhere, and you'll find your voice. When you do (and give games a fair shake by playing them on good hardware) if you stick with it you will be a success at this. It's not easy.
I appreciate the feedback - I genuinely do! A lot of people have pointed out that the bugginess I experienced was related to a lack of an SSD, so I will admit that was an oopsie on my part, but I think I'm within my rights to be disappointed that a game isn't running well on its recommended hardware without having to rely on some kind of esoteric "never trust the recommended hardware" lore - especially when games like Starfield used to encourage people to buy new consoles and new computers, they certainly warrant exceeding expectations. I can admit that the point about the bugs isn't as valid as it could have been, but with all the other lackluster aspects of Starfield I'm actually a little grateful that I didn't fork out even more money for it. All my other games run great on my trusty ol' potato! :) It certainly isn't my intention to ape anyone. I won't pretend like I'm not influenced by Tim Rogers, but it's also tough because I kinda just also talk like that? Upon reflection, my delivery certainly imitates Tim Rogers a little too closely, but when writing scripts, I mostly just try to make myself laugh. Like with everything, I wish I'd spent more time making this video but I really wanted to get it out while Starfield was a hot potato in the public Zeitgeist. I probably leaned to heavily on my influences to try and expediate the process. Like with all things, I need more practice. Thanks for your honesty - really, I admire this sort of thing. I want to be a good artist and I want to make good stuff, and being receptive to criticism is part of that. Thanks bud! :)
You're a good egg. We didn't agree about Starfield but I think we agree that we could use more creators like you on this platform. And your problem is absolutely a lack of an an SSD. I suspected that was the issue when I saw the stuttering in your VOD. Keep at it please you write well and your delivery is good. Writing scripts that make you laugh is the only way to do it because enjoying this has to be the biggest motivator if not the sole one. Earned a sub from me and I'm excited to watch you grow.
I have a little over 50 hours into this game and i havent seen any of these issues, but im also playing it on series x. I like the game a lot but i admit that planet hopping gets old after a while. Im still finding vendors i didnt know existed. If you have about 100k to blow, i recommend giving the gun store (i forget the name) that is in the same building as the nightclub in neon city a visit. I bought three guns there and they have made clearing out enemies much easier. How about that phantom liberty expansion in cyberpunk?
@BWMagus I've been playing the game and not looking for stuff to criticize. I don't do base building, I didn't like doing it in fallout either. Ships don't mean much to me since I spend very little time in them, I bought the shield breaker and have been happy with it. I have also been doing different quests and trying out different weapons and suits. When I feel like roaming around and exploring for the sake of exploring, I play cyberpunk. Starfield is on game pass, so I'm fine with how it is presently since I didn't shell out 60 or 70 dollars for it. You've got your opinion, and I respect that.
Very very good commentary. I think I agree with just about everything you said. Indeed a lot of quest choices make no moral sense in Bethesda games, but starfield is by far the worst in this regard. And regarding freedom of choice, in fallout 4 I could just murder everyone in a certain faction (ie: railroad) and the game would adapt and still be playable. In starfield many npcs are essential and bulletproof... even the mfing pirates in the Key.
Thank you! And honestly, I think "I'll just murder everyone" is kind of a failure of narrative design in and of itself - it's a rebellion. It's telling the makers "I don't care about these people, I'm just going to get rid of them." And the choices I encountered in Starfield are amoral - they *lack* morality. They seem to be there so the makers can say "Our game has a lot of choices!" These choices don't mean anything. There's no point, theme or moral being expressed in the choices one can make. They're just another toy in the box.
@@idiotsmonthly3969 you're quite right aboit it being a rebellion, that's why I often just straight up murdered the Nukaworld raiders because the story and Gage's proposal made zero sense... but I was happy I could at least murder them to 'complete' that quest. Also, like you mentioned here with starfield, Gage will stand there waiting infinitely for you to decide to come back, which is totally immersion breaking. So I scripted a mod that let them go hostile after a week. I might do the same for starfield if I can be bothered... because I haven't played it for days now.
@@idiotsmonthly3969 an as for the choices in SF being immoral, I hated the quest where I had to steal the artefact from Petrov. For 'science'. And Sarah was like foaming at the mouth to get it... while if I steal a cup she scolds me for it. So many annoying issues like that.
@@doddseman3 I completed all main ones except freestar (and not the final mission of the pirates, I refused deep cover and thought I could screw over the pirates myself... nope) Ps: I did go all the way into the vengeance to see if I could make a deal with Ikande but there was no way. That quest was locked in tight. So I quit there. It's either deep cover or this... and the way deep cover started made no sense either. Just arrested with no explanation (Petrov probably reported me). So I told Ikande to suck it. Then they dropped me on mars and... I was free to go 🤔 okaaayyy
I’m glad you like it! Though, any who says anything to the effect of “I don’t care” actually cares a lot. It’s okay to care! I’m glad you got something from Starfield. If anything I’m envious!
Ig you didnt need those 70 dollars and are ok with your cash and time being direspected with mediocrity. I guess that reflects you more than anything chump.
Number Six: A Universe of Menus; is exactly how if experienced Starfield too. One has to ask the Menus for permission to do anything to get to anywhere. Very minimalistic!
To Idiot's Monthly from anon: Thanks for the entertaining and in depth experience you provided in this video. You touched on multiple subjects that were relatable and expressive of the desiderium I have felt for years about the roots of "old" ("ye olde" at this point?) Bethesda, but this is not an old Bethesda game. This is not even Fallout 76. (I liked the Bugthesda reference by the way, since I usually enjoy Bethesda games in spite of or perhaps BECAUSE of their unique bugs as they usually give a peculiar charm to the games.... except this one.) The unrelated busywork quests with no particular quest-line in Starfield makes it seem on the surface as if it is an expansive universe, but in reality they are just chores, I'd rather go outside mow my grass than run around an empty city full of dysgenic NPCs that trigger the uncanny valley if I look too closely at them while flipping circuit breakers, but that's just me. That's just one of the "endless, universe wide" problems of this game dubbed by Todd Howard himself as his magnum-opus that I agree is aptly named because since he joined Bethesda everything wrong with the company is provided in an impersonal, corporatized, money grubbing box within this game. Anyways, from this video I can tell this channel is.. 1. ....going to blow up and as your video suggests of the Megaton problem, either become another million+ subscriber monetized faceless zombie "comedy" game review channel or become a shadow banned, demonitized 20-250k subscriber dark comedy channel that touches on subjects that is just about touching the line of TH-cam ToS and receive a hardcore cult following of nihilistic fans like myself who will probably support, you albeit not as lucratively, through some third-party monetary system like subscribe *. While I obviously hope for the second outcome because though I have just seen one video, I already am a fan of your content and will watch the others now after, as well as enabling notifications for new videos you post, the choice is yours and your character's Karma system will be affected by your decision. 2. ....already hitting the TH-cam algo (in a good way in my opinion regardless of the obvious soy Reddit/Twitter "thumbs down" spam brigade you have received on this video), since I came to find this video in the suggested tab from one of SyntheticMan's videos who is by far my favorite game reviewer since Leafy went away from youtube. 3. by someone who (I hope) is a genuine, funny, relatable guy who longs for the same depth, iconic, and heartfelt charismatically produced vidya as from my opinion MOST of the people who actually buy and play the games that used to be fairly common in the not only this genre of RPGs, but the larger vidya industry as a whole. Instead the nostalgic feelings of those times when you could go rent/buy a video game and nine times out of ten have an extremely engaging, unique, and enjoyable experience has become nothing more than a distant memory of the world that died in 2012 and was replaced by a bland, safe (not for the consumer, us, but for people with mental problems who don't generally play the games anyways, board members, share-holders, and advertisers), and genuinely boring "get excited for and buy new product" releases that are often completely unfinished, ridden with microtransactions, among many other faults that were not present before to the point that an army of unpaid modders have to fix the game from basic bugs to complete rework from the ground up that was produced by a mega corporate companies that could buy a small nation every year, still throw money into producing the substandard products, and remain in profit. To find the forementioned experience of picking up a game and being hooked not because of dopamine driven malicious mechanics or being tricked in to doing a digital honey-to-do list of chores that make you feel as if you complete just one more the game will start being fun, but because it is actually fun. In summation, I hate to sound like a cliche but don't be discouraged by the very soy "haters", as their shortsightedness in negative review bombing your Starfield review in to the suggested videos algorithm garnered you my subscribe. Keep up the good work man.
Thank you for your kind words! It's very encouraging! :) 1. I certainly hope that those aren't my only options! While being a million-subscriber TH-cam-man showering in $100 bills would certainly be lovely, the conceit of this TH-cam channel was to be a place to discuss impending media I wanted (for whatever reason) to experience (the 'Is It Good?' series) as well as take about the media I love which inspired me to pursue writing my own stories (the 'Why I Love' series). I value sincerity quite highly, which I hope shall be my bulwark against *insert-streamer-you-don't-like-here*-esque sell-outery and the nihilism in "hating-things-for-hating-things's-sake" contrarianism. We shall see what I become. As for your declaration of fandom, it's already gone to my head. >:) 2. I was nervous as this is the first mainly negative video I've ever made. I originally thought that this was going to be a "Starfield is Mid" review where I flip-flopped back and forth between good and bad qualities of the game. But the more I played it, the more I didn't like it - and the more I felt the clutching absence of the things that made me play Bethesda's games originally. Impulsive negativity was expected, as many people export the painful work of building their identities and living their lives to identifying with products and living vicariously through them. These people think that by calling the game bad I'm calling *them* bad - or saying they're stupid for liking it. I'm not! It's okay to like things. It's okay to dislike things! The more important question is *why*. Why don't I like Starfield? Why does someone else like Starfield? This, to me, is more interesting. Fortunately, I have received some fair criticisms as well that will hopefully make my future videos even better! 3. I do try to be all those things! Though, being those things is pretty hard, and does get remarkably harder the older we get. There's something that's been on my mind for a while that I've found very difficult to express, but I'll give it a shot!: there's a part of me that wants instant gratification (I want fun now! I want money now! I want success now!) and there's another part of me that revels in delayed gratification (Delayed fun is more fun! I want to earn money! I want to work for success!). Y'know, the part that wants to think about things for 45 seconds vs the part that wants to think about things for 45 minutes. Neither impulse is good/bad in and of itself, but I feel like our current society and the way its economy works is heavily skewed towards the former. The instant-gratification-impulse is *very* easy to market to - it's why there's a fast food joint on every street corner. Explosions and running and fighting is very viscerally exciting, so it's easy to cram that stuff into every movie. Game marketing is no different. High fidelity graphics and big, lush open worlds and crunchy, fast twitch gameplay are very gratifying and very easy to sell. To me, this stuff is like pulling into the McDonald's drivethru - there's nothing wrong with pulling into the McDonald's drivethru in small doses, but if that's all you ever eat then it's going to kill you. And there's this other part of you that craves depth and stillness and contemplation that is very difficult to market to - but if you don't feed that part of you, it starts to grow against you. It becomes (at least for me) this ceaseless anxiety that actively dulls any instant gratification in an attempt to get you to settle down. I do still think there's something redeemable about Bethesda - there's clearly some amount of artistry and care on display. But it's being more and more diluted by the marketing for instant gratification. Every Bethesda game announcement since F3 has been "This game's even bigger! The map's even bigger! And there's more stuff you can do!" but less effort into making that bigness feel meaningful or have the stuff you can do add up to something more gratifying. There's glimpses of it, but fewer and fewer in each subsequent game. It makes me sad. :( Did any of that make sense? In any event, I hope you stick around! See you, frienderino!
@idiotsmonthly3969 honestly this is the best way to play Skyrim and Oblivion. Get obscenely powerful gear and bathe the lands in blood, innocent or otherwise
You can get Sam Coes hat (Adventurer Hat) at Pilgrims rest late into the story of Starfeild. The pilgrim is probably the coolest character and we in fact never see him… It’s in the bed room.
THIS was Todd's magnum opus? Really? It does make sense as it seems soulless like Todd 'it just works' howard. I also just realised that they couldn't even be arsed to create some interesting designs for the artefacts. They just look like random bits of metal...
Insane how people's perception of Bethesda games changes over time. Skyrim was treated as the greatest thing ever when it came out, and now it's largely considered devoid and shallow. Same with Fallout 3, 4, and now Starfield.
I think the reason Skyrim hit so hard is that it was the first game of its type many of us played. When you first boot it up, the ability to wander around anywhere, get into little adventures, talk to so many NPCs - it's incredible. Then games grow, change and inovate, and now we've played games that do what Skyrim did way better. What's worse is that with F4 and now Starfield, Bethesda keeps making games at Skyrim quality, but the spell has been broken. They aren't growing.
@@idiotsmonthly3969 Exactly right. I think everyone gets off the Bethesda train at some point. For me, I got off at Fallout 4. I've really only been watching the Starfield stuff out of industry curiousity.
I'm curious if you have ever tried Star Citizen or Elite Dangerous? And if they ever fulfilled that itch for owning your own spaceship? For pure gameplay and sim, that wish fulfillment is met with Star Citizen for me. But it has its own faults also.
I think I played the tutorial for Elite Dangerous once but just haven't gone back to it. Lot's of people have been recommending Star Citizen, so I think I'll give it a shot! Everything has faults, but I appreciate a game that tries to be something! I think the source of Starfield's vapidity comes from the fact that it isn't really aiming to be anything.
Im not into the space sim stuff like that too boring that ill put it down after one day so a waste of money in my opinion the equivalent of elite dangerous would be microsoft flight simulator only difference is one has rpg elements added with no end goal while being a multiplayer sandbox and other is a pure sandbox i dont see how starfield can be compared to microsoft flight sim or the other games like that when they are an entirely different genre of game
Funny he mentioned one of the "better" quest as the Megaton problem. Yes it's silly to have a random stranger take all that responsibility and all the NPCs to just agree with what ever you decide. But at least that quest had a few options. Most the quest in Starfield have but one path and all the other dialog options are dead ends.
Good points that I’m not hearing in other videos. Bethesda has clearly been riding the creative coattails of The Elder Scrolls and Fallout IPs. They’ve mostly ruined the lore of both while adding a mixed bag of cool and lame ideas. They did nail the addicting gameplay loop, which seems to be lacking in this game. Somehow they screwed up the main thing they are good at.
Ok, not to be an Elitest, but... You skipped New Vegas? Letting Morrowind slide because of it's age and very clunky game mechanics (when not using balancing and stamina mods), but New Vegas? If you like Fallout 3 but wondered what it was like if it had an amazing story, a buttload of good story mods (please ignore the Frontier), and also enough content for a solid years worth of gameplay, please at least give New Vegas a try. If it is not for you I completely understand, but trust me, it is basically Fallout 3 but better in every way.
I absolutely have not skipped New Vegas - it's my second favorite game of all time! I've even made a whole video on why I love it - and will make more! It just wasn't a "Bethesda" game in the sense that it wasn't made by Bethesda Studios - and I'm not sure if constantly comparing Bethesda Games to NV is all that useful. They definitely have different mission statements. Though NV is the gold standard for Faction Conflicts and Narrative Design, Bethesda games are much more about exploration and world design. NV is better than F3 in every way but one... that world map. I could explore the Capital Wasteland all day. In NV, I'm there for quests and story progression. If you DO want to be elitist... I've never played Half-life 2 nor have I ever finished a Zelda game or Sekiro. :p
@@idiotsmonthly3969 Oh, I just discovered your channel from this video and just assumed based on your statement that you hadn't played Vegas. I have played through half of spirit tracks and nothing from Half Life so I am also not the ebic gamer guy. I spent most of my childhood playing Dragon Quest and Persona before moving onto Creation Engine games once I started college.
I actually like Event Horizon a whole lot - though it *is* something of a failure. My favorite part is where they call Jason Isaacs (the vest guy) on the space phone and they're all like "look out for Sam Neill, he's crazy!" and Jason Isaacs holds up a scalpel and is all like "don't worry, I'll take care of him." Then Sam Neill materializes behind him and immediately kills him. It's awesome!
To me, Starfield is the biggest “Collection of dev/designer “if-only”s neatly wrapped into a bouqet of marketing flavor texts and cool-sounding numbers”. The game made me feel like waking up at 8 on a spring saturday, and seeing the warm sunshine through the windows not being able to go out and enjoy it because I have to clean the house. There were so many missed shots, so much potential for intrigue, or emotion and then they delivered the gaming equivalent of unseasoned chicken breast, because every bit of design was done by an intern under leads who provided such useful feedback as “will this look good on the steam store page?” “Will this earn us applause and cheers at E3?”. It is very apparent thst noone in the studio cared about anything relating to this game besides Todd “I’m not just a salesman I also lie compulsively” Howard
all good criticism and a creator willing to blame his computer that couldn't handle it, instead of the company that told you your computer couldn't handle it. 5 star review right here.
What makes me nervous is that they’re always the SAME flaws. There’s always a vapidness to Bethesda’s story/quest design that hasn’t improved since F3. And with all their resources, they certainly have the capacity to expand in this area - but they don’t. Honestly, I fear that ES6 is just going to be another Skyrim - wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle.
The performance issue is actually really sad, as I'm one of the few actually liking Starfield. However, it's impossible to enjoy due to the extreme lag I recieve when either of the following actions are performed: 1) Talking to NPCs, 2) A loading screen appears (which is like every minute), 3) Zooming through a scope, 4) NPCs talk to you, 5) Opening the inventory, 6) Navigating the inventory, 7) Landing on a planet or 8) Entering a building. And with that, more or less any action is a major cause of severe lag and extreme annoyance.
I agree with most things said about starfield, negative included. That don't stop me from enjoying the game lol, I still want to boot up my xbox every day to play this game
I'm glad you're enjoying it. My goal here isn't to make anyone feel bad for liking Starfield, just to provide you with some additional insight/context as to why I didn't enjoy my time with it. I'm curious - what keeps you coming back?
Are you also experiencing this apparent endless barrage of bugs?I'm curious because I'm playing on Xbox series X and I've had the least buggie Bethesda experience yet and I've played all since oblivion.I run into more bugs playing Skyrim in 2023 with only mods ment to fix bugs.i don't understand how everyone has such different experiences I've ran into one bugged door that made me reload to about 3 minutes back.I ran into way more bugs playing Elden Ring 3 4 months after release.
It looks like you have it installed on HDD, hence freezes and NPCs talking before they start moving. Other than that, yea... it is a step back compared even to Fallout 4.
Thats so shitty though considering the fact that almost every room is a loading screen. Cyberpunk i would say make sense for ssd but it doesn't need it so why this shitty ass game need an ssd for?
By Social Media standards, this video is OLD. But by human standards, to me, it's new. And it's fair, insightful, and - dare I say - accurate. I have two recommendations: One, download a mod, I think it's called Combat Rebalance, or just Combat Fix. But not for Starfield. For Morrowind. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that part. Also download Morrowind. And apply the Combat mod. I would also recommend some of the amazing graphics mods. Like grass. Also a mod called Tamriel Rebuilt. Tamriel Rebuilt triples the game area. Adds quests. With that, the lovely graphics, and the fixed combat, you have, at your fingertips, the ultimate TES game. Oh, also reschedule any matrimonial obligations. You won't be available. The second recommendation, and this takes a leap of faith. But one that I sincerely believe is worth the effort. Actually, there is zero risk, because you can abstain at any time. But if you have never done so, download a little, obscure game that few are even aware of, called Minecraft. Stop laughing. No, really. This is a "trust me, bro" situation. But not any version. First, it must be the Java edition. Once you have it, you can select what version you want to install. And this is important: nothing newer than version 1.16.5. Ideally, only 1.16.5. This is after they updated the Nether. But before they completely nerfed the game. And that's important. Despite what you may have heard, it's not a kids game. Play on Normal or Hard, but not Hardcore. There are no instructions. There is no stated goal. Just survive. Imagine being stuck in the wilderness, but instead of hypothermia, bears and infection, there are zombies, skeletons and spiders. Pretty much a one-to-one ratio. Some things you will have to look up. It's cool, everyone does at some point. But if I spent this long just to tell you about it, with no ulterior motive, I can't be all full of sht, right? And I'm not some punk. I graduated high school in 1986. It's not a kids game. I'm more than confident that you will love it. There you go. I'm done proselytizing. Modded Morrowind and Minecraft 1.16.5. Next week we'll get to the "N, O, P" games. If you really, really like them, and I'm sure you will, blame me.
I think this is the most precise, on-the-nail critique of Bethesda quest design I've come across. I knew the typical Bethesda quest feels forced, but I hadn't figured out why. I just assumed it was lazy writing... but no, it's deeper than that: it's a philosophy whereby quest design is dictated by the presumed concerns of the player, as opposed to those of the player-character. At first glance, that seems sensible (the point of a game is to entertain the player, after all), but paradoxically, when implemented as the guiding principle of your quest design, it has the opposite effect. Every quest ends up drawing attention to the game's nature precisely as "entertainment". And that can only lead to apathy and detachment on the part of the player. It's hard to immerse yourself in a world which constantly and aggressively reminds you that YOU, THE PLAYER, are the only thing that matters. Every time one of those NPCs stares at the camera and tells you (a complete stranger) "go collect x" or "go kill y" or "go save z", the fourth wall is being breached. Subtly, yet consistently.
Bethesda RPGs: where you role play as different flavours of 'the chosen one'. I don't think it's necessarily bad; the chosen one is a legitimate trope in literature after all. It's just if you're looking to roleplay a different kind of trope that won't be possible.
@@slicedtopieces Yeah... but I'm not having a go at the Chosen One trope. I don't think that has anything to do with the issue I pointed out. For instance, I was recently playing Skyrim and went into the Bard's College. This had nothing to do with me being the Chosen One, I just walked in the front door and the guy is like "Hey, can you go and retrieve this lost verse that I really need?" There's no in-game logic by which this even remotely makes sense. The only logic by which it makes sense is a logic that takes you right out of the game: the logic of Todd Howard asking himself what the typical player wants to do and then just serving it up on a platter.
I have no idea how you got some of these bugs or the game to lag. I've played it for quite a while and the worst bug I got was Vasco appearing on the outside of my ship.
I think the problem with games releasing in this era of gaming is the fact that developers are no longer incentivized in a big way to develop great games anymore, and therefore the love and the passion that used to be put into developing great games like Final Fantasy 7, Skyrim, Fallout 4, etc. are now gone. These days developers seem to be simply going through the motions in order to please these publishers. That plus the fact that greedy publishers have run the talented developers out of the industry.
I think there's also this maladaptive marketing pressure to make games Bigger! Longer! Better Graphics! More Stuff! without much heed for the amount of time and effort it takes to make *anything* - let alone a video game. I think Bethesda's stagnation into mediocrity steams from the pressure they feel to make their games larger and larger--especially if those games are going to be used to market new consoles and computer parts--but it just isn't feasible to fill those larger and larger worlds with deep, interesting content. It's sad as I suspect many of us would prefer a shorter, more in-depth game but that sounds awful in marketing-speak. "We made our game smaller and shorter!" It's a shame as a lot of big media is suffering beneath the myopic marketing obsession with Bigger as opposed to Better.
"nobody makes worlds I just want to wander in quite like Bethesda." While definitely true, that's just what I like so much about From Software's games. I can get lost in any title they've released for hours.
Wait, is this on a hard drive? Cause I just watched a video few days ago that shows the freezes and audio lagging behind video only happens on HDD. SSD is a must other than strong Cpu or Gpu for this game.
I'm so sorry about your experience with team red's hardware. They really need to step up their game because I always go team red for CPU (probably a bad choice given the current cost of electricity in Europe, them low power core would've been welcome) but team Green for GPU -- and I've encountered none of the bugs you mention, on a measly 3060TI running at 4K. Other than that, I agree with most of what you're saying, I just feel that they left waaaay too much room for DLCs, and forgot that we need an actual game loop. Because once you're done questing.... What is there to do ? I'm NG+11 (for the powers - bugged so I had to endure an extra). But now that most of the quest have been redone ... What if I want to kill stuff? Do I have to spend 5 minutes walking in a high level system hoping that there will be ENOUGH baddies ? Why can't I have an asshole run, murdering everyone without unkillable ennemies ? Sure the questlines are over if I decide to proceed but why not just give me the opportunity? This mostly came up with the generation ship that demanded land ownership ... The guards kept telling me over and over again not to do anything funny that it became absolutely hostile ... So what did I decide to do ? End the generation ship to its current generation. Well... Some NPCs cannot be killed. What's the point ? Why can't I murder everyone? Why? Just why? Let me do what the hell that it is that I want to do... This isn't a MAIN QUEST.. I don't get it...
Folks are saying it's because the game isn't installed on a solid state drive - but, like, c'mon man, haven't I already purchased enough computer parts for this game?
Counterpoint: If you're still using an HDD, you're not even at pairity with last gen consoles, let alone current. It's fine for storage, but for gaming it's quickly becoming a dead format. DDR4 and the "16gb minimum" aren't far behind either. It sucks considering how much we pay for parts, but it all falls behind eventually.@@idiotsmonthly3969
Well, to quote God Howa. Ahem! Todd Howard, "Everything just works, ok? It's just works." Bugthesda would never release a buggy mess! C'mon, now! (That's sarcasm) 😉👉👉
It’s a seriously rough game compared to the likes of Skyrim but I’m sick of people pretending it sucks just because it disappointed them. It’s still a great game you can sink countless hours into.
Rather go play Armored Core 6, Baldur's Gate 3, Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty. This game is for Skyrim Modding fapper that mod the game for fun and doesn't actually play it
Bad mouth Starfield all you want, but leave Event Horizon alone. I love that film. I will admit that scene was out of place nonsense. Your points on Starfield (so far, haven't finished watching yet) are accurate and well made. Edit. Finished watching and I can find zero fault. I also found the ECS constant quest particularly disappointing, and the added sprinkle of salt in the wound. the "good" outcome just left them forever orbiting the planet. Never using the grav drive i went to great expense to them. Always repeating the same generic dialogue after weeks in-game never doing anything. I too have yet to find a single quest with any compelling choice or outcome... after 230+hours it's all either paragon of virtue or ming the merciless (without actually killing anyone who's important)
I actually love Event Horizon a lot! Though I do regard it as a failure (a noble failure) - it reaches for something but does not arrive. It's the kind of movie I want to go back and fix...
As far as My experience goes Starfield has a lot of beautifully written quest (though with some cringe dialogues)... It certainly isn't nowhere near the exploration game they said it to be however, it has a good main campaign with competent side and factions stuff and a great deal of world building if this doesn't sound good to anyone they shouldn't buy this/ play this.... And as a BGS fan this one certainly scratches that BGS games itch... however, if you choose to explore( whcih is what they told you to do in all promotional material so that's what you should expect) you'll fall through the cracks of the skin deep mess of quantity...
I think you've touched on something pretty interesting - there is definitely a difference between what the marketers think is important and what the creatives at BGS think is important. There's a split present in Starfield where it never feels like it settled on its own identity or mission statement.
@@idiotsmonthly3969 Exactly and that split it very apparent in the final product you can see the side and the faction stuff is designed more like a slower paced fallout experience with different outcomes and well written characters while the main campaign focuses more on the exploration aspect( and by focus I mean they tell you to run through vast empty lands to acquire powers and the companions constantly talk about exploration)… probably that part is where the split began as the writers compromised quality writing with a bunch of explorer chit chats while they implemented the more complex approach to some of the side and faction stuffs… Another instance of that disconnect is when you actually play the game you’d want to throw your controller if you start exploring like in other BGS games however, if you stick to just the handcrafted cities you’d get a lot more BGS quality stuff… it’s like the marketing team demanded 990 planets and the artists wanted to make 10 beautiful ones so it’s simple, play the game like a hub based fallout game and you’d be rewarded with what Creatives at Bethesda wanted you to experience and that requires a lot of effort from the player which is why what could’ve been one of the most interesting games from Bethesda has just compromised with being just Good for some and an atrocity to others…
Right! Those big, open worlds are good enough that navigating them is engaging in-and-of itself. I think the existence of fast-travel displays a lack of confidence. I personally revel in those quieter moments in between big story/action scenes - but sometimes it feels like the game is paranoid that I'll get bored and quit if it doesn't have something big and exciting happening all the time.
They've been saying this is Bethesdas first original universe in 25 years. But theres not a single origninal thing about this universe. Its entire premise is to be generic sci fi. Its stories and plotlines are derived entirely from better sci fi media in better settings than this. Its game design is an absolute Frankenstein's monster of kitbashed mechanics, half of which dont work, the other half were better in their other games. People like it because its new shiny and it has a recognizable name behind it. Which is the formula for success when it comes to the general public. The only reason FO76 didnt see the same success was because its technical problems snowballed into a spectacle. Becoming a watercooler talking point.
11:56 but even Horizon deal with the suppernatural in a gruesome sense and in a sci-fi contest its not out of place to see a big river of blood flowing when the Ships has been through hell. Starfield use code of sci-fi but without dedication or ingeniosity , everything is a reference to other thing but shallow and bland. The UC faction are reference to Starship trooper but without the hardcore militarism , the FreeStar are space cowboy like fireflies but without the roughness of the live on the frontiers and we can go on and on. Where has Horizon make hommage by a scene imiting his creepyness by proxy , starfield think that just copying it become as good
Do you have an ssd? On an M2 ssd PCI4 it run decent, but still too heavy for the graphic level. You are right, for me Bethesda games are all about exploration, characters and stories were never strong points. In starfield you have great scenarios on planets to make photos to post on Facebook but that's no fun
I mean the following as a compliment: If there's anybody's style that is difficult to ape, it's Tim Rodgers. But you've done a pretty good job of it. Maybe copying his music selection is veering a little bit too close to the source though. However it's a good, well written, entertaining video, and I'm sure you'll continue to improve and find your own voice.
Great video review with thoughtful script writing and editing. Too bad the game being reviewed has so little to offer. I played fallout 4, six years after it's release, and with 200 mods, it was better. But still left you empty at the end. If I had waited till this year, 2023, there are some even better mods now that even fixed the ending. Hopefully, in six to eight years, and with a little help from AI, the modders might be able to fix this mess too.
One thing to note is that Bethesda's previous titles all coasted off of being the products of the work of others. The Elder Scrolls was a creation of Bethesda's original founders, who built the first game off their DnD campaign setting. Fallout was an IP they bought from Interplay, which itself was originally going to be a game based off the GURPS tabletop rpg system. Starfield meanwhile is the first IP they've created from scratch. And actual worldbuilding requires deep thought and interactivity and cohesion, something the writers - or at least Emil given his disinterest in deep storywriting - are not up to snuff on.
Honestly, I think it's a huge failure on the games part if you say "I'm just going to cheat my way around this." And, like, say what you want about Fallout 4, but weapon modding in that game is actually really enjoyable. It's weird how it's one step forward, three steps back with Bethesda. :p
I had time to clear my email during the load screens. It’s just not at all seemless. There are more load screens than fallout 4. And as for the project lead for the UI: F-
I had to NG+ to fix a game breaking bug without losing hundreds of hours of progress... and also use console commands.... thanks, bugthesda, for charging us a $70 mess
I love how everyone and their mother is screaming how mid starfield is on every platform there is and I am just here at 144 hours having fun and building ships.
The reason your game was so buggy and slow was because you had the game installed on a HDD instead of an SSD. The game is so poorly optimized that for it to run it needs the speed of a SSD. I made the same mistake and had the exact problems you talked about. I by no meqns have a beefed up rig but once I moved it over to my SSD, it ran smooth albiet with low frame rates. No miss timed dialouge or half minute long freezes. Games was very disappintong regardless.
Dude, this game is amazing. Just think about this game compared to other games. I think gamers have gotten spoiled. I stream the game on gamepass and it runs great, and I play on my phone. I don't even have an Xbox S or X, just an Xbox one. 😂
Gamers haven't been spoiled, quite the opposite. The whole community has grown to be content with average games, since that's been the norm for almost a decade now. You are one of those people.
Finding this game truely great says more about you than the fact that you play it on your phone. You are obviously not a hardcore gamer, you are as casual as it gets. This game is made for you and not for people, that actually expect their game to be more than a way to spend time.
I actually really like Fallout 3. I understand it has a myriad of problems, but I think much of it works - especially the first half where you're searching for your father. Much of that may be nostalgia tho. :/
Seeing them in the same video makes you realize how cartooney Fallout 4 is. Lost all the grittiness and the feeling of desolation that made the series what it is. The dark sense of humor also gone.
@@abstr4cted496 I was thinking the same thing. I know a lot of people complained how desaturated and green Fallout 3 looked but the vibrancy of Fallout 4 just seems off for a post-nuclear war wasteland.
Dont waste time watching Video rarely mentions Starfield. Paraphrased its pretty much i don't likes Bethesda games because My "Swords'to small there's no chocobos,and my hair just isnt spiky enough.
"I don't likes Bethesda games because My "Swords'to small there's no chocobos,and my hair just isnt spiky enough."
-Me, 2023
Give the modders some time and there will be
I actually couldn't fault his opinion. But I don't expect a lot from Bethesda at this point. I lost all hope of them making great stories ever again after they announced FO76 didn't have any npc's. Seriously wtf.
I play Bethesda games now, not for difficult choices, or player agency. but more of a freak show to laugh at all the bugs ruining story moments. Like the time a certain important character dies. and instead of felling sad i was rofl at the companion instantly switching from a standing t-pose to cradling the dieing character between each line of dialogue, combined with the "sad" music was the funniest thing I have seen in months.
Though I do not agree with this video at all, dudes allowed his opinion. I have over 240hrs logged and personally adore this game, I lost hopium with ALL AAA studios. My expectations weren't too high for Starfield and for what expectations I did have, were fulfilled by Bethesda so... now we wait for mods.
I’m glad you’re enjoying it! If you like something, then like it. We don’t have to all like the same things.
As long as you can acknowledge the stuff-you-like’s flaws and don’t take dissent as a personal slight, then everything’s hunky-dory.
I am genuinely curious as to which of my points you disagree with and what your counter arguments are. Why did you like Starfield?
Starfield proved to me that the current BGS writers were always coasting off the great writing of the early ES and Fallout writers. Now that they actually had to make a world themselves, their mediocrity is showcased for all to see.
Man, I miss Kirkbride. His writing is a huge reason Morrowind is as legendary as it is. And don't get me started on industry legends like Avellone, Sawyer and Gonzalez, who made New Vegas the masterpiece it is.
Oh and also another small thing about Megaton that really bugs me; why did the peeps at Megaton choose to live near a BOMB? Again, because the writers wanted the quest to happen, believability of the world be damned.
Man, I don't even think Bethesda HAS writers. Obsidian has an entire narrative design team, but the only person I see consistent credited as a writer for Bethesda is Emil Pagliarulo. I don't think it's a priority for them.
@@idiotsmonthly3969 have you seen Emil's lecture on writing Fallout 4 on YT? The thing has an 88% dislike ratio and the comments are just people shitting on him, that's how bad the dude is at his job. Which sucks, considering the Dark Brotherhood in Oblivion was not too shabby.
And regarding BGS' lack of interest in story, isn't that antithetical to what an RPG is trying to achieve? Because why would I want to roleplay in a world where I don't care about said world, the people in it, and their struggles?
@@HelloKollaBethesda has never been known for a good main quest. The side quests is where their games have always shined. I'm guessing that Emil guy sets the premise for the game with the storyline and then other staff writers flesh out all the side quests. Which would make sense as to why the side quests are are always better than the story.
I think Bethesda are aware that their games are played primarily for the exploration. They know their reputation for poor writing. I believe they accepted this viewpoint with starfield. They made no attempt to provide an interesting or original story, they even sold the game as a game that really begins after the main quest! They were hiding nothing. They put all of their chips on sandbox exploration, multiplied the sandbox to the nth degree, added a sandcastle and called it a day.
They thought they were giving people what they wanted, but the reality is that they gave up, like an idealistic politician that has grown jaded and cynical, lowering themselves to triangulated phrasing, such as, oh, I don't know, "it just works".
@@craggle2332 what bugs me about that attitude is this; why would I want to explore a world that isn't interesting or one that I don't care about? The only thing left then is exploring for loot and progression, and at that point the game becomes a Ubisoft slogfest, where your drive to explore is motivated by dopamine and not a true sense of adventure.
People were saying that it gets better the more you play but I found the exact opposite to be the case
For me, it just kept being the SAME THING. No sense of build up or escalation. I honestly felt like I was walking around a theme park.
Just gets worse the more you realize that the polish-- the fun and discovery you expected - is never going to arrive.
@@idiotsmonthly3969same, I don't find any reason to gun down another bandit hideout, it feels as tiresome as going to the Oblivion gates to get that stupid stone in the center of the towers.
I tricked myself into thinking that it got better as I played it more, then one day, I just couldn't play it for another second. I hit quit game and haven't touched it since.
NG+ removes EVERYTHING you collected during the first game. What a horrible idea. No money, loot, ships, no point. Disappointing ng+ experience.
Well, the games is just BORING, the exploration is lacking, the shooting/weapons are mehh, history is plain mediocre. It has some little interesting things but idk, I came without huge expectations but it was still a huge dissapointment.
I feel you, man! There’s no stakes! The worldspace feels so… stagnant and empty. It’s a really dull setting.
@@idiotsmonthly3969 You described what I felt perfectly my hommeboy. I have some missions left maybe I will finish the game just for the sake of it but I dont really enjoy it anymore, its just the "where is the good game everyone talks about?" haha
Thanks, bud! I can’t speak for anyone else, but for me personally, there’s a part of me that wants instant gratification and another part of me that wants delayed gratification as the payoff of effort. Starfield only offers instant gratification. It’s a “turn off your brain” game but I don’t want to turn off my brain. :/
Its almost as if space travel itself is increadibly boring...
@@SnepBlepVR thats straight tedious, just click here, click there, the ship movement is almost useless the travel is all by grav jumping on the map and you get the dialogues of the npcs "Ohh, the jump never gets old" for you motherfucker im outside clicking on this annoying map. I guess you can also select planets and fast travel but also complicated and lame.
I think what hurts the most is knowing I can't use my "give developers more time, this feels rushed" excuse. There was so much time put into Starfield, and yet I'm still asking why THIS is what we got as a release? Devoid of any character and the worst loading screens I've ever experienced.
Hey buddy! I feel you, man - I'd love to be a fly on the wall during Bethesda's develop process. Like, is this honestly the best they can do? Or is there some pressure from someone where they moneymen upstairs are all like "make it more like No Man's Sky" or "make it more like Outer Worlds" to the point where every scrap of identity gets market-research polished into blandless.
Though I suspect, as I'd bet you do, that there's some deeper rot going on here. Like, something is bad to the core in these games in that they aren't for anything or about anything. It feels like they exist to be hyped and sold but never played.
Bethesda's games have never been about deep plots or characters but atleast the worlds of morrowind, oblivion, fallout 3, skyrim and fallout 4 felt like spaces that real people could exist in Starfield's world just feels like an illusion and I am not able to immerse myself in it.
I said it for years now, Bethesda are not capable of making a good game anymore let alone a good RPG, I think sooner people realise this the better
25 years in the making and we got an rpg that cant even compete with Morrowind. Todd will bear this mark till the end of time.
I feel you on the loading screens. I hated them so I took some pics in photo mode and now all the loading screens are my pics. Much better. 😂
Aside from all the issues you mentioned, another thing to note is the looting of NPCs in Starfield. For some reason, Bethesda chose to not let players loot the actual items on the NPC. Games since Morrowind, Oblivion, and Fallout 4 allowed players to take the actual outfit/armor on a dead NPC.
Yeah, that in particular bothered me a lot, like it makes me more likely to impulsively take the gear I DO SEE, because I might want to outfit my crew a certain way(this was before I found out you can't meaningfully interact with generic crew). Thankfully I've stopped just grabbing all their outfits, even if just to sell. Hopefully either they change that(like the devs of conan exiles) or a mod does.
It's because NOW they don't want players to be able to strip females down to their underwear.
they've been slowly removing content since oblivion... fo4 was the last straw for me as starfield has been for a lot of others
Well it would just be wrong and sexist to be able to completely strip a woman of all of her clothes and armor. This is exactly how they think now. The days of a great Bethesda are over. Jesus half the characters are a weird-looking version of an Asian person or a Aborigine an 8 out of the 10 lead characters are females.
Ignoring the literal million other issues with the game my biggest gripe is how bad the AI is. Fighting in that game felt painful to the point i just uninstalled and went on my way.
Honestly, the AI feels like it hasn't been updated at all since F3 :p
@idiotsmonthly3969 fallout 3 ai was ahead of this game. At least, i felt i was in danger of dying in f3, where this game just feels bad, especially for a AAA game released in 2023.
You touched on a lot of points I had thought of but haven't seen anyone address.
I noticed how Bethesda keeps making the same exact game and just swapping out the skin/setting. And you spoke about the loot/management mechanic and its context in Fallout vs ES and SF. Just the context mattering in general is not being talked about too much. Such nuance in the evaluation of the game and Bethesda's design philosophies overall. Subbed!
They could turn Starfield into a pirate game easy. Swap islands for planets. Galleons for space ships. Muskets for guns. Starfield reminds me of those Monopoly board game clones, where they just change all the street names from London to another city and try and pass it off as a different game.
"I noticed how Bethesda keeps making the same exact game and just swapping out the skin/setting." I mean, thats the trend. Look at Ubisoft. Ghost Recon, Far Cry, Assassins creed, they are all ultimately the same damn open world and gameplay loop now.
A video by a small channel that sums up so many problems of Starfield that big (and paid for) reviews don't even consider. Good job.
Starfield has so many issues once you look behind the curtain.
Or try to do anything that Bugthesda didn't explicitly consider you may do for that matter.
Or things they just simply don't want you to do for the sake of their neat little quests. It is full of policitcal messaging, lacks player freedom, lacks depth, but has sooo much lackluster content, that is basically non-content. No world feels alive. Not even the one with the biggest city. The companions are terrible, not even close to FO3/NV...or even FO4. The corpo vs generation ship quest is the perfect example for everything wrong with side quests in this game, perfect choice. I wanted to kill the corpos, all of them are essential. How and why does Bugthesda think it is a perfectly fine and sane choice to side with those corpos to kill the generation ship, but I have no way to side with the generation ship and actually get rid of the corpos? Why does Bugthesda put so much emphasis on making greedy, evil corpo happy, rather than normal people? Why and how is selling those normal people into slavery a morally good conclusion to that quest? Why even make a planet that is outside of the juristiction of every major faction, if I can't even do what I want there? Why can I not do what I want in my single-player open world RPG in general? Why make pretty much every named NPC in the game unkillable, when NG+ eventually lets you reset the game to bring all those NPCs back even on the same playthrough? Why make NG+ such a crucial part of the story, when it will delete all your ships and outposts as well as gear you collected? In a game about building ships, outposts and collecting gear as the actual endgame content...
This whole game makes no sense, it is bad in most ways you can think about it.
I feel you, man - was frustrating for me is that it has all these different systems and aspects to them, but they’re not supporting any grander purpose. Most of the stuff you can do barely event has story context. What motivation do I have to set up outposts, take out Crimson Fleet, side with one group over the other?
What’s worse is that there’s always so much potential to Bethesda games, but they lack a unified direction. Their games always feel like 8 different proof of concepts all stitched together - almost like 8 different studios were making their own games.
I, personally, want my experiences to be meaningful. I want to feel things. There’s clearly a lot of passion and hard work going into these games, but it’s all for nothing because it doesn’t make me feel anything. It’s tragic.
At least we’ll have Obsidian for a few more years before Microsoft murders them.
@@idiotsmonthly3969 The factions are a huge waste of potential. They should flesh out our character and integrate with the main story and world of starfield as a whole, but once again we can join all of them and it changes nothing. Limiting yourself to just one isn't even a big issue considering NG+. So yeah, not only are the system supporting no greater purpose, but sometimes they are just wasted entirely and immediately for the sake of keeping the game as shallow as possible. I agree that some parts of this game clearly show passion, I think suits and weapons are visually well designed to name one example, but much like what happened with Fallout 76, things just don't come together at all. Anything from Fallout 3, over Skyrim to New Vegas and Fallout 4 felt like there was a vision and a purpose to things, but not Starfield.
The only real hope I do still have for the game is DLC. I didn't like Falout 4 all that much compared to 3 or NV, 4 felt average most of the time, but Far Harbor was really good, it took the decent foundation of FO4 and delivered good content. Playing Far Harbor Survival was everything Fallout 4 should have been, I hope for another DLC like that, so it may at least flesh out one aspect of the Starfield universe.
It's interesting how the narration gets louder and more unhinged as the video progresses
Starfield is the most disappointing, most embarrassing release I've played in a long time.
Bethesda should be ashamed of themselves for not only releasing the game this way, but then accepting the praise heaped on by people who apparently just dont know any better.
Its a mediocre product and theres no way that this wasnt understood internally.
I feel you, man. What's worse is that the flaws in Bethesda games are apparent and recurring, stretching all the way back to F3. It just seems like the good aspects of Bethesda games are also getting diluted. I'm not sure if this is legitimately the best they can do, or if story/narrative design is become less and less of a priority and isn't getting the attention it needs.
I just finished my first run through of starfield. 70 hours, lv 54 (after adding a mod to boost exp by 50% when I was at lv 36 because the grind was very slow).
Would I recommend it?
No. No, I wouldn't. Well, not for full price. Yes if it was 50% off, or more, in a sale.
It's not open world. It had frustrating, obfuscated crafting (I made two weapon mods in 70 hours because it's sooo bloody frustratingly designed) , useless AI, no local or mini nap. It has a lot of built in grinding. A LOT of grinding where there should be fun.
I'm curious, what kept you going for 70 hours? I could baaarely last 20.
Man those bugs are not normal. I've been playing and so far didn't encountered any bugs as dramatic as you did. I'm wondering if you changed your config while playing, as the game cache shaders and you might want to clear the cache.
The only thing I changed was my CPU. :(
What’s crazy is I play on Xbox series x and haven’t had a single problem and pc is suppose to be way better
@@ill3go no the game is just horribly optimized for pc.. I play on series x and worst I've had are dead enemies ragdolling in to walls and ceilings and the fps dropping in cities.. there are many, many, many videos made about how horribly the game runs on pc with many bugs and glitches that are not present on consoles..
It’s because he loaded it on HDD and not SSD. I had the same problems
I rarely encountered bugs on PC so far. I was actually surprised how few bugs I found. I got one crash to desktop at some point, and another time I got locked into dialog between Sarah and Walter when Walter wasn’t even there, so when it was his turn to talk the game just sat there waiting forever. I had to fly back to the lodge to fix that one. But I never had the common bugs on TH-cam such as floating NPCs or objects, or taking a city along with my spaceship, in my entire playthrough. I think the problem is the stated minimum requirements are far too low. Xbox uses NVME SSD, why not PC??
Amazing video. Someone send this to Bethesda 😂
They put that double a in there, not me! :p
First play, i got the out of sync voice animation issues and freezes in game. I soon realised a traditional HDD was not going to cut it. The game loads in assets on the fly, not just on those loading screens. So i dug out a PCI-E 3.0 NVMe drive. Dropped it in a spare M.2 slot, moved the game over to the new drive and the out off sync voices, stutters and freezes disappeared. Got to say bugs-r-us mode is so enabled, all sorts of things. Stuff slowly disappearing through the floor of your ship is a bit disconcerting, especially when it's crew members.
Can you believe they have hidden stuff in boxes, draws and tiolets. In the latter so far I've found a piece of fruit and a potato. The problem is you need to pick up something and use it to push, flip or slide the container open.
Yes, the menus are such a drag.
Oh, if you don't already know and you probably do, you copy of Windows needs activating. 😋
I was making food when I watched this and when i heard my name I froze for a second, thought i was having a stroke lol. Also we're not alone, there are dozens of us Micolash enjoyers.
Yeah you sum it up pretty perfectly, the only compelling thing Bethesda has ever had in their games is the world map but that was enough to carry the experience, and for some reaon they decided to jettison that to pursue their procedural generation obsession. And procedurally generated content will always fall short of anything that has a human touch with artistic intent. Perhaps the least surprising but most disappointing part of the game is how fucking bland their vision of a scifi future is. I know Bethesda can't write their way out of a paper bag but for some reason I hoped for something more compelling than this generic pastiche of tropes with seemingly no thought or consideration behind it.
Ill go to bat for Event Horizon though, it is absolutely just Hellraiser in space and a goofy time at best but the spooky engine room is more interesting than the entirety of Starfield squashed into a single atom.
lol Hope you got a kick out of it!
Yeah, I honestly had pretty mid expectations and even those were let down. It’s like this game was made to sell but not made to play.
I actually *really* love Event Horizon… though I do still regard it as a big failure. It’s like it reached but didn’t arrive, and the Good By Proxy Problem is an element of that. It’s one of those movies I wanna go back and fix, you know?
Micolash is bed of chaos tier.
if you liked event horizon you may enjoy another movie from around the same time period, not hell aspect but instead killer robots "virus" from 1999
What you said about Skyrim lacking a unique identity is on point, even from the perspective of a big Elder Scrolls fan. Morrowind is about the only ES game to have a fully unique world space and story that was unlike anything else at the time it came out. As a random example, how many games have the balls to have the main food source being yams and bug eggs, with people riding on giant fleas and living in giant mushrooms and the shells of long dead mega crabs?
Oblivion is the beginning of the generic whitewash to everything Elder Scrolls, the game is still fun but they literally retconned the environment and lore to make things feel more Lord of The Rings-y as those movies were huge at the time (they got Sean Bean ffs lol). Bethesda lost it's truly creative talent a long time ago. Even Fallout 3 is pretty tame compared to the first two Fallout games (especially the first).
Honestly, it's been a longtime goal of mine to go back and play those old Elder Scrolls games because I hear all these great things about them. I'm only familiar with more recent ES stuff and it hasn't impressed me. I wonder if all the big creatives got pushed out of Bethesda a long time ago, or if they got pigeon-holed by big marketers who wanted "marketing appeal," or what. It seems like the only writer they have is Emil Pagliarulio and with out wishing offense to the man, he's a decent idea's guy but a terrible writer.
I mean, the first Fallout game is damn near perfect - especially considering the situation it arrouse out of. I mean, everything good about modern Bethesda Fallout is just them preserving/resurrecting things from that game. Honestly, the biggest problem I have with F3 narrative wise is that I think it has too much reverence for Fallout 1 to the point that it tries to BE Fallout 1 - rather than striking out and forming its own identity. I mean, the BoS in F3 isn't even the BoS - they should've been their own, unique faction. Maybe you add a little nod like on a terminal entry they say "We've reached out to similar group out west but they won't respond to us." There's both a lack of confidence and (I suspect) contraints from marketers that's really enfeebling these games.
Tim Cain, the creator of Fallout, has started his own TH-cam channel recently and he's talked a lot about the development of Fallout 1 - you should check it out if you haven't!
And yet skyrim is still good better then MW
ahh Morrowind where we meet Fiala; a High Elf with a very ahem 'liberal' approach to necromancy. Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim and even TES:O have some cracking moments and anyone who says they never collected A Lusty Argonian is lying to themselves xD I also enjoyed Dishonored and Hunted; all of these make Starfield still a tragic fail as with that lot to draw from wtf went wrong?
"I mean, I don't recognize the humanity in any of these stiff-faced NPCs..."
Oddly enough, the main quest actually toys with this very concept. It even has an antagonist that is basically you versus another Bethesda Player Character, complete with an unnecessary spree killing through the streets of the city.
Unlike the big video creator with no sense of honesty . you have courage and honesty , with good sense of humor .
Ah shucks! Thank you!
Who we talking about
@@CursedSFMS many paid reviewers who just gave this game 10/10 goty without even bothering to touch over any of the issues
@@iammac5813same people who reviewed ff16 with a square approved script.
Some people would rate some 10/10 aaa games a 2 or 3 instead of 10 and others enjoy it so all reviews are biased in a way even slighty on personal preference the paid ones would be the minority
Of course, many people criticize fatal characters, fatal dialogues, but few pay attention to the game's absurd narrative management. Your content is a good job!
Did you download the game on an SSD? I had all of the same lag issues because i had it on a standard hard drive. Hope this helps!
Been chasing the New Vegas high for over a decade.
Bethesda NEEDS change at the top. Todd Howard is cancer.
I know Todd Howard is our favorite punching bag, but I honestly doubt he's got as much power as we all think he has. Certainly he bears some responsibility as Creative Director, but I'm wondering if there's just a general lack of cohesion in Bethesda's office. Like, they're games always feel like 8 different prototypes stitched together...
Thanks for explaining the problems in this game that, to me, are the biggest ones, yet not the most obvious. The scavenging and looting is now no longer part of a grander system that has me working towards a goal. Ultimately its all pointless in the end. Whats the point in grinding to get rich and level all my ship skills to build an amazingly badass ship if there is ultimately no place for me to utilize it said ship? There are no challenging dog fights that await me, even on very hard mode. I instakill everything and no higher level enemies can be found. There are no large scale epic ship battles (save for the crimson fleet one, buts its broken up because I had to fast travel to 3 places during the fight). There is no reward in having the ship other than just having it. I cant use it to do anything meaningful or adventurous in the game. Its pointless meaningless fluff. And the same problem is with all the looting and grindining. There is no over arching goal or thing to achieve. No real incentive with any staying power. Its just there.
People at my work can't stop talking about it, I just couldn't get into it. I truly did want to enjoy it, but nothing really engaged with me, either the story or the exploration. Despite Cyberpunk's flaws, the characters are compelling, and I left that universe wanting to know more.
Honestly, characters and characterization have been long standing problems in Bethesda games. All the NPCs feel like they're people who've clocked into work pretending to be people in this world.
@@idiotsmonthly3969sounds like a video game thats how any npc is to me all predictable to a t and only can react one way to an action theres no game that uses a real ai as npcs to truely make it random
@@reaty05 Have you not played any non-Bethesda RPG recently? The last 10 years? Almost all of them have way better , more authentic, believable NPC interaction than Starfield. RDR2, for example, blows it out the water and is what, 8 years old now?
@@OrangeNash still predictable they are not sentient ai like you think all are just programed to say one thing by either dice roll or only reply to a selected dialog just like starfield
Going by what your saying they cant be tricked to do the same thing again and again like in skyrim lure by sound from missed arrow kill npc lures more if seen if not repeat to lure one to kill alone see very predictable can be abused in mechanics
@@OrangeNash red dead i gave up on it was a bit boring to me but npcs seemed the same as well all preset dialogs their faces were irrelevant to me so i never paid much attention to it
it did have decent graphics
I remember seeing the colony ship quest shown briefly in a trailer. I then git excited thinking about all the way it could go, all the philosophical questions and i wanted to learn all about the colonists and their perspective on their situation. Only to play that quest and go "THAT'S IT?!"
It's really disappointing because the concept is good - and I really enjoyed stumbling into the quest in an organic way - but there's nothing beyond that surface-level situation. It's too bad.
@@idiotsmonthly3969 there are multiple outcomes for that quest.
@@BroDudeDudeYeahBro multiple outcomes doesn't equal good
Also if you.notice they seem to be adamant about landing on the planet, but then you can just force them to do whatever you want. I decided to mount a gravimotor on their ship to let them go somewhere else, but I didn't even need to convince them, I just spoke with other people on various planets and did all behind their back, and they just agreed like that..
@@BroDudeDudeYeahBroit's fake, all the outcomes lead to the ship vanishing from the story. In the best scenario some will stay on the planet doing the slaves
Your writing and delivery reminds me of Action Button in the best way possible. Please keep doing what you are doing.
Oh, this dude is more than a little inspired by Tim Rogers.
Why bro shitting on Event Horizon???
I actually like Event Horizon a lot! I just don't think it really succeeds in its own mission statement. It's one of those movies I want to go back and fix, you know? It reaches for something but doesn't quite get there.
So, this game is pretty much a steaming bucket of diarrhea, but, that said, your lag issues look a lot like the lag issues I had on first install, when I accidentally installed it to a HDD instead of my usually SSD. Once I moved the game directory over the the SSD it immediately cleared up and became much more playable.
It doesn't at all change the fact that this is a shallow game written by people who have obviously never had a conversation with a human being before, but it does make it so you can see all its warts at a lightning fast 50 fps. A real benchmark of quality for a game that looks like it was made in 2014.
I appreciate the Tim Rogers School of Game Reviews approach, but the fact that you played the game on a potato and then complained about the bugginess lost me. Minimum specs are always a joke, recommended specs even more so. You bought the hardware that was recommended by BGS to make a point, but the point you ended up making is that you've got a hard time grasping hardware needs for PC gaming. I could go on. I don't want to discourage you -- you're on to something with your style and review composition. Tim's not at Kotaku anymore so we need this style of review and the dry comedic value that comes with it. You're good at it, but you're clearly aping him. Your own style is in there somewhere, and you'll find your voice. When you do (and give games a fair shake by playing them on good hardware) if you stick with it you will be a success at this. It's not easy.
I appreciate the feedback - I genuinely do!
A lot of people have pointed out that the bugginess I experienced was related to a lack of an SSD, so I will admit that was an oopsie on my part, but I think I'm within my rights to be disappointed that a game isn't running well on its recommended hardware without having to rely on some kind of esoteric "never trust the recommended hardware" lore - especially when games like Starfield used to encourage people to buy new consoles and new computers, they certainly warrant exceeding expectations. I can admit that the point about the bugs isn't as valid as it could have been, but with all the other lackluster aspects of Starfield I'm actually a little grateful that I didn't fork out even more money for it. All my other games run great on my trusty ol' potato! :)
It certainly isn't my intention to ape anyone. I won't pretend like I'm not influenced by Tim Rogers, but it's also tough because I kinda just also talk like that? Upon reflection, my delivery certainly imitates Tim Rogers a little too closely, but when writing scripts, I mostly just try to make myself laugh. Like with everything, I wish I'd spent more time making this video but I really wanted to get it out while Starfield was a hot potato in the public Zeitgeist. I probably leaned to heavily on my influences to try and expediate the process.
Like with all things, I need more practice.
Thanks for your honesty - really, I admire this sort of thing. I want to be a good artist and I want to make good stuff, and being receptive to criticism is part of that. Thanks bud! :)
You're a good egg. We didn't agree about Starfield but I think we agree that we could use more creators like you on this platform. And your problem is absolutely a lack of an an SSD. I suspected that was the issue when I saw the stuttering in your VOD. Keep at it please you write well and your delivery is good. Writing scripts that make you laugh is the only way to do it because enjoying this has to be the biggest motivator if not the sole one. Earned a sub from me and I'm excited to watch you grow.
I have a little over 50 hours into this game and i havent seen any of these issues, but im also playing it on series x. I like the game a lot but i admit that planet hopping gets old after a while. Im still finding vendors i didnt know existed. If you have about 100k to blow, i recommend giving the gun store (i forget the name) that is in the same building as the nightclub in neon city a visit. I bought three guns there and they have made clearing out enemies much easier. How about that phantom liberty expansion in cyberpunk?
Ng+ i got a legendary advanced rifle great find made things a breeze since it uses 7.7 ammo
You haven't seen pointless base building, almost no ship content, minimal exploration, and robotic characters? What have you been doing?
@BWMagus I've been playing the game and not looking for stuff to criticize. I don't do base building, I didn't like doing it in fallout either. Ships don't mean much to me since I spend very little time in them, I bought the shield breaker and have been happy with it. I have also been doing different quests and trying out different weapons and suits. When I feel like roaming around and exploring for the sake of exploring, I play cyberpunk. Starfield is on game pass, so I'm fine with how it is presently since I didn't shell out 60 or 70 dollars for it. You've got your opinion, and I respect that.
Very very good commentary. I think I agree with just about everything you said. Indeed a lot of quest choices make no moral sense in Bethesda games, but starfield is by far the worst in this regard. And regarding freedom of choice, in fallout 4 I could just murder everyone in a certain faction (ie: railroad) and the game would adapt and still be playable. In starfield many npcs are essential and bulletproof... even the mfing pirates in the Key.
Thank you!
And honestly, I think "I'll just murder everyone" is kind of a failure of narrative design in and of itself - it's a rebellion. It's telling the makers "I don't care about these people, I'm just going to get rid of them."
And the choices I encountered in Starfield are amoral - they *lack* morality. They seem to be there so the makers can say "Our game has a lot of choices!" These choices don't mean anything. There's no point, theme or moral being expressed in the choices one can make. They're just another toy in the box.
@@idiotsmonthly3969 you're quite right aboit it being a rebellion, that's why I often just straight up murdered the Nukaworld raiders because the story and Gage's proposal made zero sense... but I was happy I could at least murder them to 'complete' that quest.
Also, like you mentioned here with starfield, Gage will stand there waiting infinitely for you to decide to come back, which is totally immersion breaking. So I scripted a mod that let them go hostile after a week. I might do the same for starfield if I can be bothered... because I haven't played it for days now.
@@idiotsmonthly3969 an as for the choices in SF being immoral, I hated the quest where I had to steal the artefact from Petrov. For 'science'. And Sarah was like foaming at the mouth to get it... while if I steal a cup she scolds me for it. So many annoying issues like that.
Someone didnt complete that quest line
@@doddseman3 I completed all main ones except freestar (and not the final mission of the pirates, I refused deep cover and thought I could screw over the pirates myself... nope)
Ps: I did go all the way into the vengeance to see if I could make a deal with Ikande but there was no way. That quest was locked in tight. So I quit there. It's either deep cover or this... and the way deep cover started made no sense either. Just arrested with no explanation (Petrov probably reported me). So I told Ikande to suck it. Then they dropped me on mars and... I was free to go 🤔 okaaayyy
I like it, don't necessarily give 2 shits if you do or not
I’m glad you like it! Though, any who says anything to the effect of “I don’t care” actually cares a lot. It’s okay to care! I’m glad you got something from Starfield. If anything I’m envious!
Ig you didnt need those 70 dollars and are ok with your cash and time being direspected with mediocrity. I guess that reflects you more than anything chump.
I'm jealous of you I wish I could be head empty and play nothing field like you 😢
@@leo2lee has more to offer me than your dad ever has for you
@@scottlondon8382 pfft oof yeah you should stay head empty. stop trying to think if this is cringe you come up with.🤣🤣
Number Six: A Universe of Menus; is exactly how if experienced Starfield too. One has to ask the Menus for permission to do anything to get to anywhere. Very minimalistic!
To Idiot's Monthly from anon:
Thanks for the entertaining and in depth experience you provided in this video. You touched on multiple subjects that were relatable and expressive of the desiderium I have felt for years about the roots of "old" ("ye olde" at this point?) Bethesda, but this is not an old Bethesda game. This is not even Fallout 76. (I liked the Bugthesda reference by the way, since I usually enjoy Bethesda games in spite of or perhaps BECAUSE of their unique bugs as they usually give a peculiar charm to the games.... except this one.) The unrelated busywork quests with no particular quest-line in Starfield makes it seem on the surface as if it is an expansive universe, but in reality they are just chores, I'd rather go outside mow my grass than run around an empty city full of dysgenic NPCs that trigger the uncanny valley if I look too closely at them while flipping circuit breakers, but that's just me. That's just one of the "endless, universe wide" problems of this game dubbed by Todd Howard himself as his magnum-opus that I agree is aptly named because since he joined Bethesda everything wrong with the company is provided in an impersonal, corporatized, money grubbing box within this game.
Anyways, from this video I can tell this channel is..
1. ....going to blow up and as your video suggests of the Megaton problem, either become another million+ subscriber monetized faceless zombie "comedy" game review channel or become a shadow banned, demonitized 20-250k subscriber dark comedy channel that touches on subjects that is just about touching the line of TH-cam ToS and receive a hardcore cult following of nihilistic fans like myself who will probably support, you albeit not as lucratively, through some third-party monetary system like subscribe *. While I obviously hope for the second outcome because though I have just seen one video, I already am a fan of your content and will watch the others now after, as well as enabling notifications for new videos you post, the choice is yours and your character's Karma system will be affected by your decision.
2. ....already hitting the TH-cam algo (in a good way in my opinion regardless of the obvious soy Reddit/Twitter "thumbs down" spam brigade you have received on this video), since I came to find this video in the suggested tab from one of SyntheticMan's videos who is by far my favorite game reviewer since Leafy went away from youtube.
3. by someone who (I hope) is a genuine, funny, relatable guy who longs for the same depth, iconic, and heartfelt charismatically produced vidya as from my opinion MOST of the people who actually buy and play the games that used to be fairly common in the not only this genre of RPGs, but the larger vidya industry as a whole. Instead the nostalgic feelings of those times when you could go rent/buy a video game and nine times out of ten have an extremely engaging, unique, and enjoyable experience has become nothing more than a distant memory of the world that died in 2012 and was replaced by a bland, safe (not for the consumer, us, but for people with mental problems who don't generally play the games anyways, board members, share-holders, and advertisers), and genuinely boring "get excited for and buy new product" releases that are often completely unfinished, ridden with microtransactions, among many other faults that were not present before to the point that an army of unpaid modders have to fix the game from basic bugs to complete rework from the ground up that was produced by a mega corporate companies that could buy a small nation every year, still throw money into producing the substandard products, and remain in profit. To find the forementioned experience of picking up a game and being hooked not because of dopamine driven malicious mechanics or being tricked in to doing a digital honey-to-do list of chores that make you feel as if you complete just one more the game will start being fun, but because it is actually fun.
In summation, I hate to sound like a cliche but don't be discouraged by the very soy "haters", as their shortsightedness in negative review bombing your Starfield review in to the suggested videos algorithm garnered you my subscribe. Keep up the good work man.
Thank you for your kind words! It's very encouraging! :)
1. I certainly hope that those aren't my only options! While being a million-subscriber TH-cam-man showering in $100 bills would certainly be lovely, the conceit of this TH-cam channel was to be a place to discuss impending media I wanted (for whatever reason) to experience (the 'Is It Good?' series) as well as take about the media I love which inspired me to pursue writing my own stories (the 'Why I Love' series). I value sincerity quite highly, which I hope shall be my bulwark against *insert-streamer-you-don't-like-here*-esque sell-outery and the nihilism in "hating-things-for-hating-things's-sake" contrarianism. We shall see what I become. As for your declaration of fandom, it's already gone to my head. >:)
2. I was nervous as this is the first mainly negative video I've ever made. I originally thought that this was going to be a "Starfield is Mid" review where I flip-flopped back and forth between good and bad qualities of the game. But the more I played it, the more I didn't like it - and the more I felt the clutching absence of the things that made me play Bethesda's games originally. Impulsive negativity was expected, as many people export the painful work of building their identities and living their lives to identifying with products and living vicariously through them. These people think that by calling the game bad I'm calling *them* bad - or saying they're stupid for liking it. I'm not! It's okay to like things. It's okay to dislike things! The more important question is *why*. Why don't I like Starfield? Why does someone else like Starfield? This, to me, is more interesting.
Fortunately, I have received some fair criticisms as well that will hopefully make my future videos even better!
3. I do try to be all those things! Though, being those things is pretty hard, and does get remarkably harder the older we get. There's something that's been on my mind for a while that I've found very difficult to express, but I'll give it a shot!: there's a part of me that wants instant gratification (I want fun now! I want money now! I want success now!) and there's another part of me that revels in delayed gratification (Delayed fun is more fun! I want to earn money! I want to work for success!). Y'know, the part that wants to think about things for 45 seconds vs the part that wants to think about things for 45 minutes. Neither impulse is good/bad in and of itself, but I feel like our current society and the way its economy works is heavily skewed towards the former. The instant-gratification-impulse is *very* easy to market to - it's why there's a fast food joint on every street corner. Explosions and running and fighting is very viscerally exciting, so it's easy to cram that stuff into every movie. Game marketing is no different. High fidelity graphics and big, lush open worlds and crunchy, fast twitch gameplay are very gratifying and very easy to sell. To me, this stuff is like pulling into the McDonald's drivethru - there's nothing wrong with pulling into the McDonald's drivethru in small doses, but if that's all you ever eat then it's going to kill you. And there's this other part of you that craves depth and stillness and contemplation that is very difficult to market to - but if you don't feed that part of you, it starts to grow against you. It becomes (at least for me) this ceaseless anxiety that actively dulls any instant gratification in an attempt to get you to settle down.
I do still think there's something redeemable about Bethesda - there's clearly some amount of artistry and care on display. But it's being more and more diluted by the marketing for instant gratification. Every Bethesda game announcement since F3 has been "This game's even bigger! The map's even bigger! And there's more stuff you can do!" but less effort into making that bigness feel meaningful or have the stuff you can do add up to something more gratifying. There's glimpses of it, but fewer and fewer in each subsequent game. It makes me sad. :(
Did any of that make sense?
In any event, I hope you stick around! See you, frienderino!
Great vid. Thanks for the laughs dude. Subbed
I love how all the clips of Skyrim used in the video are of him just viciously butchering random civilians en masse
lol honestly, what else is there to do in Skyrim?
@idiotsmonthly3969 honestly this is the best way to play Skyrim and Oblivion. Get obscenely powerful gear and bathe the lands in blood, innocent or otherwise
@@idiotsmonthly3969 "What else is there to do in skyrim" Actual double digit IQ statement
Leaning a little too hard into the Tim Rogers from action button on the delivery 🙃
I thought to myself hey if this game is just fallout 4 in space that's good enough to buy. Well it's not even that. They've gone backwards.
You can get Sam Coes hat (Adventurer Hat) at Pilgrims rest late into the story of Starfeild. The pilgrim is probably the coolest character and we in fact never see him… It’s in the bed room.
Nice Tim Rogers style.
This reminds me entirely too much of a Tim Rogers (@108) review (and thats a good thing.).
THIS was Todd's magnum opus? Really?
It does make sense as it seems soulless like Todd 'it just works' howard.
I also just realised that they couldn't even be arsed to create some interesting designs for the artefacts. They just look like random bits of metal...
Insane how people's perception of Bethesda games changes over time.
Skyrim was treated as the greatest thing ever when it came out, and now it's largely considered devoid and shallow.
Same with Fallout 3, 4, and now Starfield.
I think the reason Skyrim hit so hard is that it was the first game of its type many of us played. When you first boot it up, the ability to wander around anywhere, get into little adventures, talk to so many NPCs - it's incredible. Then games grow, change and inovate, and now we've played games that do what Skyrim did way better. What's worse is that with F4 and now Starfield, Bethesda keeps making games at Skyrim quality, but the spell has been broken. They aren't growing.
@@idiotsmonthly3969 Exactly right. I think everyone gets off the Bethesda train at some point. For me, I got off at Fallout 4. I've really only been watching the Starfield stuff out of industry curiousity.
I'm curious if you have ever tried Star Citizen or Elite Dangerous? And if they ever fulfilled that itch for owning your own spaceship? For pure gameplay and sim, that wish fulfillment is met with Star Citizen for me. But it has its own faults also.
I think I played the tutorial for Elite Dangerous once but just haven't gone back to it. Lot's of people have been recommending Star Citizen, so I think I'll give it a shot!
Everything has faults, but I appreciate a game that tries to be something! I think the source of Starfield's vapidity comes from the fact that it isn't really aiming to be anything.
Im not into the space sim stuff like that too boring that ill put it down after one day so a waste of money in my opinion the equivalent of elite dangerous would be microsoft flight simulator only difference is one has rpg elements added with no end goal while being a multiplayer sandbox and other is a pure sandbox i dont see how starfield can be compared to microsoft flight sim or the other games like that when they are an entirely different genre of game
A wonderful mix of expert analysis, articulate descriptions and slightly drunk delivery. Well done, sir.
Funny he mentioned one of the "better" quest as the Megaton problem. Yes it's silly to have a random stranger take all that responsibility and all the NPCs to just agree with what ever you decide. But at least that quest had a few options. Most the quest in Starfield have but one path and all the other dialog options are dead ends.
Good points that I’m not hearing in other videos.
Bethesda has clearly been riding the creative coattails of The Elder Scrolls and Fallout IPs. They’ve mostly ruined the lore of both while adding a mixed bag of cool and lame ideas. They did nail the addicting gameplay loop, which seems to be lacking in this game. Somehow they screwed up the main thing they are good at.
Ok, not to be an Elitest, but...
You skipped New Vegas?
Letting Morrowind slide because of it's age and very clunky game mechanics (when not using balancing and stamina mods), but New Vegas?
If you like Fallout 3 but wondered what it was like if it had an amazing story, a buttload of good story mods (please ignore the Frontier), and also enough content for a solid years worth of gameplay, please at least give New Vegas a try.
If it is not for you I completely understand, but trust me, it is basically Fallout 3 but better in every way.
I absolutely have not skipped New Vegas - it's my second favorite game of all time! I've even made a whole video on why I love it - and will make more! It just wasn't a "Bethesda" game in the sense that it wasn't made by Bethesda Studios - and I'm not sure if constantly comparing Bethesda Games to NV is all that useful. They definitely have different mission statements. Though NV is the gold standard for Faction Conflicts and Narrative Design, Bethesda games are much more about exploration and world design.
NV is better than F3 in every way but one... that world map. I could explore the Capital Wasteland all day. In NV, I'm there for quests and story progression.
If you DO want to be elitist... I've never played Half-life 2 nor have I ever finished a Zelda game or Sekiro. :p
@@idiotsmonthly3969 Oh, I just discovered your channel from this video and just assumed based on your statement that you hadn't played Vegas. I have played through half of spirit tracks and nothing from Half Life so I am also not the ebic gamer guy. I spent most of my childhood playing Dragon Quest and Persona before moving onto Creation Engine games once I started college.
Event Horizon is a banger lets be honest
I actually like Event Horizon a whole lot - though it *is* something of a failure.
My favorite part is where they call Jason Isaacs (the vest guy) on the space phone and they're all like "look out for Sam Neill, he's crazy!" and Jason Isaacs holds up a scalpel and is all like "don't worry, I'll take care of him." Then Sam Neill materializes behind him and immediately kills him. It's awesome!
this is a fantastic video
subbed and hungry for more witty analyses
To me, Starfield is the biggest “Collection of dev/designer “if-only”s neatly wrapped into a bouqet of marketing flavor texts and cool-sounding numbers”.
The game made me feel like waking up at 8 on a spring saturday, and seeing the warm sunshine through the windows not being able to go out and enjoy it because I have to clean the house. There were so many missed shots, so much potential for intrigue, or emotion and then they delivered the gaming equivalent of unseasoned chicken breast, because every bit of design was done by an intern under leads who provided such useful feedback as “will this look good on the steam store page?” “Will this earn us applause and cheers at E3?”. It is very apparent thst noone in the studio cared about anything relating to this game besides Todd “I’m not just a salesman I also lie compulsively” Howard
all good criticism and a creator willing to blame his computer that couldn't handle it, instead of the company that told you your computer couldn't handle it. 5 star review right here.
I think it's a good game with big flaws. I hope they learn for elders scrolls 6
What makes me nervous is that they’re always the SAME flaws. There’s always a vapidness to Bethesda’s story/quest design that hasn’t improved since F3. And with all their resources, they certainly have the capacity to expand in this area - but they don’t.
Honestly, I fear that ES6 is just going to be another Skyrim - wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle.
They won't.
They won't. It'll just be skyrim 2.0
You might as well hope for world peace cus it ain't gonna happen.
Running the game from an SSD fixes all of the stuttering problems.
I'll check it out - thanks!
The performance issue is actually really sad, as I'm one of the few actually liking Starfield. However, it's impossible to enjoy due to the extreme lag I recieve when either of the following actions are performed: 1) Talking to NPCs, 2) A loading screen appears (which is like every minute), 3) Zooming through a scope, 4) NPCs talk to you, 5) Opening the inventory, 6) Navigating the inventory, 7) Landing on a planet or 8) Entering a building.
And with that, more or less any action is a major cause of severe lag and extreme annoyance.
I can't even play the damn game on the series x, it crashes on the intro for new game every time.
I'm sorry to hear that. I hope they patch that soon so you can play the game and dislike for yourself! :p
I agree with most things said about starfield, negative included. That don't stop me from enjoying the game lol, I still want to boot up my xbox every day to play this game
I'm glad you're enjoying it. My goal here isn't to make anyone feel bad for liking Starfield, just to provide you with some additional insight/context as to why I didn't enjoy my time with it. I'm curious - what keeps you coming back?
Are you also experiencing this apparent endless barrage of bugs?I'm curious because I'm playing on Xbox series X and I've had the least buggie Bethesda experience yet and I've played all since oblivion.I run into more bugs playing Skyrim in 2023 with only mods ment to fix bugs.i don't understand how everyone has such different experiences I've ran into one bugged door that made me reload to about 3 minutes back.I ran into way more bugs playing Elden Ring 3 4 months after release.
@@thequestion2324 not many bugs, its weird, not much performance dip too, just FPS drop some times entering cites.
@@idiotsmonthly3969 tbh, I have no clue why I keep coming back lol, I'll tell ya when ik
You lost me at badmouthing Event Horizon but by gum you found me again as a fellow Micolash enjoyer
It looks like you have it installed on HDD, hence freezes and NPCs talking before they start moving. Other than that, yea... it is a step back compared even to Fallout 4.
I'll have to mess with the settings. :p
Thats so shitty though considering the fact that almost every room is a loading screen. Cyberpunk i would say make sense for ssd but it doesn't need it so why this shitty ass game need an ssd for?
Wait till like- January or March at the least for console mod support
The *only* game that has truly gone above and beyond in regards to satisfying my space exploring dreams is No Man's Sky.
By Social Media standards, this video is OLD.
But by human standards, to me, it's new. And it's fair, insightful, and - dare I say - accurate.
I have two recommendations: One, download a mod, I think it's called Combat Rebalance, or just Combat Fix. But not for Starfield. For Morrowind.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that part. Also download Morrowind. And apply the Combat mod. I would also recommend some of the amazing graphics mods. Like grass. Also a mod called Tamriel Rebuilt.
Tamriel Rebuilt triples the game area. Adds quests. With that, the lovely graphics, and the fixed combat, you have, at your fingertips, the ultimate TES game. Oh, also reschedule any matrimonial obligations. You won't be available.
The second recommendation, and this takes a leap of faith. But one that I sincerely believe is worth the effort. Actually, there is zero risk, because you can abstain at any time.
But if you have never done so, download a little, obscure game that few are even aware of, called Minecraft. Stop laughing. No, really. This is a "trust me, bro" situation.
But not any version. First, it must be the Java edition. Once you have it, you can select what version you want to install. And this is important: nothing newer than version 1.16.5. Ideally, only 1.16.5.
This is after they updated the Nether. But before they completely nerfed the game. And that's important. Despite what you may have heard, it's not a kids game. Play on Normal or Hard, but not Hardcore.
There are no instructions. There is no stated goal. Just survive. Imagine being stuck in the wilderness, but instead of hypothermia, bears and infection, there are zombies, skeletons and spiders. Pretty much a one-to-one ratio.
Some things you will have to look up. It's cool, everyone does at some point. But if I spent this long just to tell you about it, with no ulterior motive, I can't be all full of sht, right?
And I'm not some punk. I graduated high school in 1986. It's not a kids game. I'm more than confident that you will love it.
There you go. I'm done proselytizing. Modded Morrowind and Minecraft 1.16.5. Next week we'll get to the "N, O, P" games.
If you really, really like them, and I'm sure you will, blame me.
I think this is the most precise, on-the-nail critique of Bethesda quest design I've come across. I knew the typical Bethesda quest feels forced, but I hadn't figured out why. I just assumed it was lazy writing... but no, it's deeper than that: it's a philosophy whereby quest design is dictated by the presumed concerns of the player, as opposed to those of the player-character. At first glance, that seems sensible (the point of a game is to entertain the player, after all), but paradoxically, when implemented as the guiding principle of your quest design, it has the opposite effect. Every quest ends up drawing attention to the game's nature precisely as "entertainment". And that can only lead to apathy and detachment on the part of the player. It's hard to immerse yourself in a world which constantly and aggressively reminds you that YOU, THE PLAYER, are the only thing that matters. Every time one of those NPCs stares at the camera and tells you (a complete stranger) "go collect x" or "go kill y" or "go save z", the fourth wall is being breached. Subtly, yet consistently.
Bethesda RPGs: where you role play as different flavours of 'the chosen one'. I don't think it's necessarily bad; the chosen one is a legitimate trope in literature after all. It's just if you're looking to roleplay a different kind of trope that won't be possible.
@@slicedtopieces Yeah... but I'm not having a go at the Chosen One trope. I don't think that has anything to do with the issue I pointed out. For instance, I was recently playing Skyrim and went into the Bard's College. This had nothing to do with me being the Chosen One, I just walked in the front door and the guy is like "Hey, can you go and retrieve this lost verse that I really need?" There's no in-game logic by which this even remotely makes sense. The only logic by which it makes sense is a logic that takes you right out of the game: the logic of Todd Howard asking himself what the typical player wants to do and then just serving it up on a platter.
I have no idea how you got some of these bugs or the game to lag. I've played it for quite a while and the worst bug I got was Vasco appearing on the outside of my ship.
Maybe Todd's cursed me because I've only bought Skyrim once. O_o
Alot of the bux are using nividia graphics cards and no ssd.
Ah yes I found the ( well game works fine for me) comment
I thought it was a myth, but I see it too :O@@leo2lee
I think the problem with games releasing in this era of gaming is the fact that developers are no longer incentivized in a big way to develop great games anymore, and therefore the love and the passion that used to be put into developing great games like Final Fantasy 7, Skyrim, Fallout 4, etc. are now gone. These days developers seem to be simply going through the motions in order to please these publishers. That plus the fact that greedy publishers have run the talented developers out of the industry.
I think there's also this maladaptive marketing pressure to make games Bigger! Longer! Better Graphics! More Stuff! without much heed for the amount of time and effort it takes to make *anything* - let alone a video game. I think Bethesda's stagnation into mediocrity steams from the pressure they feel to make their games larger and larger--especially if those games are going to be used to market new consoles and computer parts--but it just isn't feasible to fill those larger and larger worlds with deep, interesting content. It's sad as I suspect many of us would prefer a shorter, more in-depth game but that sounds awful in marketing-speak. "We made our game smaller and shorter!" It's a shame as a lot of big media is suffering beneath the myopic marketing obsession with Bigger as opposed to Better.
"nobody makes worlds I just want to wander in quite like Bethesda." While definitely true, that's just what I like so much about From Software's games. I can get lost in any title they've released for hours.
Wait, is this on a hard drive? Cause I just watched a video few days ago that shows the freezes and audio lagging behind video only happens on HDD. SSD is a must other than strong Cpu or Gpu for this game.
I'm so sorry about your experience with team red's hardware. They really need to step up their game because I always go team red for CPU (probably a bad choice given the current cost of electricity in Europe, them low power core would've been welcome) but team Green for GPU -- and I've encountered none of the bugs you mention, on a measly 3060TI running at 4K.
Other than that, I agree with most of what you're saying, I just feel that they left waaaay too much room for DLCs, and forgot that we need an actual game loop. Because once you're done questing.... What is there to do ? I'm NG+11 (for the powers - bugged so I had to endure an extra). But now that most of the quest have been redone ... What if I want to kill stuff? Do I have to spend 5 minutes walking in a high level system hoping that there will be ENOUGH baddies ? Why can't I have an asshole run, murdering everyone without unkillable ennemies ? Sure the questlines are over if I decide to proceed but why not just give me the opportunity?
This mostly came up with the generation ship that demanded land ownership ... The guards kept telling me over and over again not to do anything funny that it became absolutely hostile ... So what did I decide to do ? End the generation ship to its current generation. Well... Some NPCs cannot be killed. What's the point ? Why can't I murder everyone? Why? Just why? Let me do what the hell that it is that I want to do... This isn't a MAIN QUEST.. I don't get it...
I’m so happy to see I’m not the only one who ran into the npcs having a stroke for like 10 seconds at the start of every convo
Folks are saying it's because the game isn't installed on a solid state drive - but, like, c'mon man, haven't I already purchased enough computer parts for this game?
Counterpoint: If you're still using an HDD, you're not even at pairity with last gen consoles, let alone current. It's fine for storage, but for gaming it's quickly becoming a dead format. DDR4 and the "16gb minimum" aren't far behind either. It sucks considering how much we pay for parts, but it all falls behind eventually.@@idiotsmonthly3969
Consoles run on ssd...
Well, to quote God Howa. Ahem! Todd Howard, "Everything just works, ok? It's just works."
Bugthesda would never release a buggy mess! C'mon, now! (That's sarcasm) 😉👉👉
STAR CITIZEN can give you your fix for spaceships. It has everything you described.
I'll give it a shot! I've definitely got an itch for space-trucking! Thanks!
everything except a finished product and a launch date after hundreds of millions of dollars LMAO
@@N00bie666 I could give 2 less shits about getting a launch date for the game as long as I'm having a banger of a time in it
Your style reminds me of that guy from kotaku i forgot his name. The guy who did the dragon quest review.
Tim Rogers! I am a fan of his, though I fear I ape his style too closely. It's something I'm working on...
Dragons Dogma 2 will be out soon, we must survive until then.
Bro, Im with you 100%. Skyrim & Fallout 4 are a masterclass in open world exploration.
It’s a seriously rough game compared to the likes of Skyrim but I’m sick of people pretending it sucks just because it disappointed them. It’s still a great game you can sink countless hours into.
great review homie
Thank you!
Like your style, got a good few laughs out of me 😂
Rather go play Armored Core 6, Baldur's Gate 3, Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty. This game is for Skyrim Modding fapper that mod the game for fun and doesn't actually play it
Bad mouth Starfield all you want, but leave Event Horizon alone. I love that film. I will admit that scene was out of place nonsense.
Your points on Starfield (so far, haven't finished watching yet) are accurate and well made.
Edit. Finished watching and I can find zero fault. I also found the ECS constant quest particularly disappointing, and the added sprinkle of salt in the wound. the "good" outcome just left them forever orbiting the planet. Never using the grav drive i went to great expense to them. Always repeating the same generic dialogue after weeks in-game never doing anything.
I too have yet to find a single quest with any compelling choice or outcome... after 230+hours it's all either paragon of virtue or ming the merciless (without actually killing anyone who's important)
I actually love Event Horizon a lot! Though I do regard it as a failure (a noble failure) - it reaches for something but does not arrive. It's the kind of movie I want to go back and fix...
As far as My experience goes Starfield has a lot of beautifully written quest (though with some cringe dialogues)...
It certainly isn't nowhere near the exploration game they said it to be however, it has a good main campaign with competent side and factions stuff and a great deal of world building if this doesn't sound good to anyone they shouldn't buy this/ play this....
And as a BGS fan this one certainly scratches that BGS games itch... however, if you choose to explore( whcih is what they told you to do in all promotional material so that's what you should expect) you'll fall through the cracks of the skin deep mess of quantity...
I think you've touched on something pretty interesting - there is definitely a difference between what the marketers think is important and what the creatives at BGS think is important. There's a split present in Starfield where it never feels like it settled on its own identity or mission statement.
@@idiotsmonthly3969 Exactly and that split it very apparent in the final product you can see the side and the faction stuff is designed more like a slower paced fallout experience with different outcomes and well written characters while the main campaign focuses more on the exploration aspect( and by focus I mean they tell you to run through vast empty lands to acquire powers and the companions constantly talk about exploration)… probably that part is where the split began as the writers compromised quality writing with a bunch of explorer chit chats while they implemented the more complex approach to some of the side and faction stuffs…
Another instance of that disconnect is when you actually play the game you’d want to throw your controller if you start exploring like in other BGS games however, if you stick to just the handcrafted cities you’d get a lot more BGS quality stuff… it’s like the marketing team demanded 990 planets and the artists wanted to make 10 beautiful ones so it’s simple, play the game like a hub based fallout game and you’d be rewarded with what Creatives at Bethesda wanted you to experience and that requires a lot of effort from the player which is why what could’ve been one of the most interesting games from Bethesda has just compromised with being just Good for some and an atrocity to others…
I thought I was the only one that doesn't fast travel. I love the journey
Right! Those big, open worlds are good enough that navigating them is engaging in-and-of itself. I think the existence of fast-travel displays a lack of confidence. I personally revel in those quieter moments in between big story/action scenes - but sometimes it feels like the game is paranoid that I'll get bored and quit if it doesn't have something big and exciting happening all the time.
They've been saying this is Bethesdas first original universe in 25 years. But theres not a single origninal thing about this universe. Its entire premise is to be generic sci fi. Its stories and plotlines are derived entirely from better sci fi media in better settings than this. Its game design is an absolute Frankenstein's monster of kitbashed mechanics, half of which dont work, the other half were better in their other games.
People like it because its new shiny and it has a recognizable name behind it. Which is the formula for success when it comes to the general public.
The only reason FO76 didnt see the same success was because its technical problems snowballed into a spectacle. Becoming a watercooler talking point.
11:56 but even Horizon deal with the suppernatural in a gruesome sense and in a sci-fi contest its not out of place to see a big river of blood flowing when the Ships has been through hell. Starfield use code of sci-fi but without dedication or ingeniosity , everything is a reference to other thing but shallow and bland. The UC faction are reference to Starship trooper but without the hardcore militarism , the FreeStar are space cowboy like fireflies but without the roughness of the live on the frontiers and we can go on and on. Where has Horizon make hommage by a scene imiting his creepyness by proxy , starfield think that just copying it become as good
Great video ❤
Thanks! :)
girls are over rated you spent your time well in my opinion. ahhhhh that npc conversation bug made me smile. thanks for the video duder.
Do you have an ssd? On an M2 ssd PCI4 it run decent, but still too heavy for the graphic level. You are right, for me Bethesda games are all about exploration, characters and stories were never strong points. In starfield you have great scenarios on planets to make photos to post on Facebook but that's no fun
I mean the following as a compliment: If there's anybody's style that is difficult to ape, it's Tim Rodgers. But you've done a pretty good job of it. Maybe copying his music selection is veering a little bit too close to the source though. However it's a good, well written, entertaining video, and I'm sure you'll continue to improve and find your own voice.
Great video review with thoughtful script writing and editing. Too bad the game being reviewed has so little to offer. I played fallout 4, six years after it's release, and with 200 mods, it was better. But still left you empty at the end. If I had waited till this year, 2023, there are some even better mods now that even fixed the ending. Hopefully, in six to eight years, and with a little help from AI, the modders might be able to fix this mess too.
One thing to note is that Bethesda's previous titles all coasted off of being the products of the work of others. The Elder Scrolls was a creation of Bethesda's original founders, who built the first game off their DnD campaign setting. Fallout was an IP they bought from Interplay, which itself was originally going to be a game based off the GURPS tabletop rpg system.
Starfield meanwhile is the first IP they've created from scratch. And actual worldbuilding requires deep thought and interactivity and cohesion, something the writers - or at least Emil given his disinterest in deep storywriting - are not up to snuff on.
think theres something wrong with ur install or something because i have a lower power pc and didnt have nearly those lag issues :/
I used the console to cheat instead of griding away for an hour to make one weapon mod.
Honestly, I think it's a huge failure on the games part if you say "I'm just going to cheat my way around this." And, like, say what you want about Fallout 4, but weapon modding in that game is actually really enjoyable. It's weird how it's one step forward, three steps back with Bethesda. :p
Mostly good. But did you record the last part of the video on a walkytalky?
Mostly good on opposite day.
I had time to clear my email during the load screens.
It’s just not at all seemless. There are more load screens than fallout 4. And as for the project lead for the UI: F-
Man is channeling Tim Rodgers and I am here for it.
I had to NG+ to fix a game breaking bug without losing hundreds of hours of progress... and also use console commands.... thanks, bugthesda, for charging us a $70 mess
I love how everyone and their mother is screaming how mid starfield is on every platform there is and I am just here at 144 hours having fun and building ships.
The reason your game was so buggy and slow was because you had the game installed on a HDD instead of an SSD. The game is so poorly optimized that for it to run it needs the speed of a SSD. I made the same mistake and had the exact problems you talked about. I by no meqns have a beefed up rig but once I moved it over to my SSD, it ran smooth albiet with low frame rates. No miss timed dialouge or half minute long freezes. Games was very disappintong regardless.
21:31 they got Prothean beacons in Starfield? Lol
Dude, this game is amazing. Just think about this game compared to other games. I think gamers have gotten spoiled. I stream the game on gamepass and it runs great, and I play on my phone. I don't even have an Xbox S or X, just an Xbox one. 😂
What, in your opinion, makes this game amazing? What do you look for in a game?
Gamers haven't been spoiled, quite the opposite. The whole community has grown to be content with average games, since that's been the norm for almost a decade now. You are one of those people.
Finding this game truely great says more about you than the fact that you play it on your phone. You are obviously not a hardcore gamer, you are as casual as it gets. This game is made for you and not for people, that actually expect their game to be more than a way to spend time.
Thanks for signaling to the suits that they can keep getting away with pumping out derivative garbage.
I'm seriously concerned for ES6
@@karloveliki5373 western culture has spoiled all of us...were all spoiled. i bet half of you have never killed your own meal. smh
There were moments during the video that we swear you were channeling the spirit of Tim Rogers.
You ever see me and Tim Rogers in the same room? O_o
@@idiotsmonthly3969 we’ve never even seen a room.
Man I miss fallout 3... probably my favourite game of all time, oblivion being a close second
I actually really like Fallout 3. I understand it has a myriad of problems, but I think much of it works - especially the first half where you're searching for your father. Much of that may be nostalgia tho. :/
Seeing them in the same video makes you realize how cartooney Fallout 4 is. Lost all the grittiness and the feeling of desolation that made the series what it is. The dark sense of humor also gone.
Oblivion had some of the best quests ever in a Bethesda game.
@@abstr4cted496 I was thinking the same thing. I know a lot of people complained how desaturated and green Fallout 3 looked but the vibrancy of Fallout 4 just seems off for a post-nuclear war wasteland.