You could put a dialog with that mama protecting her baby. Baby pig runs to mama: ', that animal is chasing me.' Mama turns to dog 'what are you doing to my baby? Get away from here. Stop scaring my piglets' Baby pig runs back to mama: 'Mom, it was scary, he kept stalking me.' Mama: 'I know babe, but I don't think he can get over the fence anyway. It's ok.' They're so cute! 🥰
Thanks for sharing! Such a shame about the other mama pig, glad this went so much better for you!
Wow! It looks like 2 separate litters with some looking a week or so oldee than the smaller ones.
You could put a dialog with that mama protecting her baby. Baby pig runs to mama: ', that animal is chasing me.' Mama turns to dog 'what are you doing to my baby? Get away from here. Stop scaring my piglets' Baby pig runs back to mama: 'Mom, it was scary, he kept stalking me.' Mama: 'I know babe, but I don't think he can get over the fence anyway. It's ok.' They're so cute! 🥰
Great work
Great video that's for sharing