The second vote in the series is live here: "We're thinking about using the Robotic Workers Policy, and developing technology to use Robots for manual labour. Is this something the Roman Empire should pursue?" The next episode will feature results from both our polls! Thank you for voting, we had over 150 votes on the first one!
I´d say no, given the rampant mentality of Stoicism and Marcus Aurelius works to rather perfect one´s own capability to handle manual labor and improve one self. The indo europeans, especially the scythians and the genetic heritage R1a and R1b would detest this decision wich was the founding stock of roman´s greatest. HOWEVER, since this is far in the future, shit changes and if your spiritual and traditional values decline that option would make a lot of sense regarding immersion since your pop would care more about "progress" than retaining tradition.
IF the audio problem happens again use handbrake to resynchronise it it's a free software that i use when i record gameplay, my mic is slowly desinchronizing with the gameplay audio, it's not the same problem but overall you use it to resync audio on a video
Senators of Rome, Our fleet is a disgrace, it has sat in orbit around Terra for years, gathering dust. Meanwhile, the frontier which we have raced to build against the Xenos has gone unmanned, and massive alien craft and entities prowl in and around Roman space unchallenged. Tiberium, the namesake colony of our empire, has been decimated by an unprovoked attack and we could not even *dent* the enemy who inflicted it upon us! Learning, understanding, engineering - these are all hallmarks of Roman civilization. But so too is victory in war, so too is the determination to earn with blood and steel what soft words and the musings of scholars will not! And now we debate whether or not to take away jobs from loyal Romans - who we cannot protect - to give them to robots whose energy upkeep we cannot afford, and the resources for which would be better spent on building a fleet with which to protect ourselves! We are Romans! O great Imperator, chosen of Jupiter, blessed is thy rule and to much greatness you have led us - but what are you thinking? Enough of this effrontery! We must build defense platforms to protect our colonies, we must build a fleet to fight our enemies! The aliens have already struck first, how can we remain silent?!
Just a suggestion, you should name the first sectors of the empire(those that surround and protect Terra) after the hills of Rome and after that name them after provinces of the empire.
The hills of rome. Even during the time of the empire weren’t referenced by the people in power. Unless in very specific circumstances, for instance giving directions. But most of the people who lived in rome at the time didn’t know their names with the exception of the Aventine Hill. The reasons for that are two fold. One they were referred as the seven hills of rome for time and to give that magical feeling to them. And because of organised crime and criminal gangs in the city. The main seven gangs had their headquarters each one in one hill. So each gang “claimed” one of the hills to themselves. Some did use the name of the hill to name their gang. Some didn’t. Those were the collegiates. The Aventine did use the name of the Hill. But nonetheless in Roman times the hills individual names were extremely linked with violence, murder, kidnapping, theft, rape, death, while the seven hills of rome that was what they used in documentation about rome and all that was linked to the eternal city. There’s a reason why rome had marvellous things built all over the city, had marvellous maps of the city build and almost everyone from their time even to this day be them educated or incapable to read and write knows the name of mostly every place in rome. But know the hills as the seven hills of the Eternal City. Because it was completely linked with the Collegiate and they were constantly at war and they were a huge danger to the people. And that only ended when Augustus ushered in the Principate and the Praetorian guard because they were no longer needed. They managed to survive by the man in power at the time the consuls of the year would seek bodyguards in one of the collegiates. Thus giving them the republics seal of approval for whatever they wanted to do. As long as they also did what the consuls wanted. And as there were two each year two of the seven would have free reign to terorise the people. And before you ask my background to speak about it. I have a degree in history from the University of Oxford. And a masters degree in Roman History and a PHD which my thesis was the transition of power and invisible and almost inevitable destruction of the republic and institution of the Principate by the Julio-Claudian dynasty in the examples of Caesar and Augustus and their different methods of achieving the same goal. Where I examined their differences in going about it. And up until when it was still possible to reverse the institution of Augustus principate. Or if had they not killed Caesar would the republic had fallen ? Probably no. Regardless i know what I’m speaking about. Unlike 100% people here. So if you would like to have a good debate about rome or the seven hills I’d be more than up to it. Just send me a reply. And he shouldn’t do it. Because almost nobody knows them. The seven hills are: Aventine Hill Caelian Hill (originally the Mons Querquetulanus) Capitoline Hill Esquiline Hill Palatine Hill Quirinal Hill Viminal Hill Seven names who would be wasted and people would be lost asking for it to change. Not to mention he would be making a homage to something that represented great headaches and bodily harm to the roman population. So in this alternate history why not simply accept that. They weren’t talked about as much because they didn’t become the biggest hotspot for crime in the entire empire and were simply known as the seven hill. Like in real life even back then. But with the difference that there was no collegiate
It's also worth mentioning I tested the AI, and everything seems to be working fine. The Tyreen Republic are seemingly the only ones not expanding, but I can see that they are building, doing archaeological digs and moving things around. Not sure why they didn't expand.
@@luigicampo4008 Going to be rough for them, because even if you play tall, you want to take at least a couple of colonies to have certain specializations.
Do you have that mod that sometimes kills ships with an event? When I ran that I often saw the AI flounder when they lost a constuctor early on. Edit: yeah it's the one called More Events, by Malthus. It borks the AI on occasion. Still a great mod though, but it's sad when that happens...
Robots are tools. Simply building robots would annoy at least one of your factions, but employing sapient AI would be a spiritual abomination to Roman culture, an act of Hubris, an extremely perilous sin. ='[.]'=
My Emperor, as a senior member of the Senate, I must implore you to look upon our military and ask yourself, “would our ancestors be proud”? I do not think so. Not only does the only other Empire bordering us have a far superior fleet in comparison to our own, but Tiberium, the colony named after yourself, was assaulted and bombarded by a living crystalline mass because we did not have the military capabilities to push back. Rome is rich materially, but without our military strength and honor, we are weak spiritually. How long will the Gods favor is if we do not keep to our traditions? *voice softens* With regards to the idea of robotic laborers, I again point us to our galactic neighbors. They have bred the perfect slaves for us to, as well as they themselves being compatible in their ideology. Many a faction of the disunited Terra went through generations of slavery before joining the ranks of the plebeians, their lines purified by hardship as the original Romans in their generations before the founding. These races should be granted the same honor. Robotic slaves, however they may honor Hephaestus, can never attain such a state of purity. By filling the lowest ranks with mechanical simulacrums, you bar the way for future groups to properly join the Empire. But I digress, perhaps this new cult to science, under the purview of Hephaestus, should weigh in on the matter. -Alexander Stratos Danos of Magna Graecia
We might need to consider changing our policy back to wealth creation to allow for the upkeep of a great Space Legion that might even rival the fame of the Old Ninth!
*Senator Marcus Leonhardicus of Elysium stands up:* "Senator Alexzander makes a very good point robots are not sentient beings let alone human. Therefore enslaving our own creation makes perfect sense."
So a planet named Tiberium got bombarded with crystals that sucked the nutrients out of the soil and are self-reproducing... What's next? The Brotherhood of Nod is going to show up, LONG LIVE KANE
Tiberium....*Command&Conquer flashbacks intensify* Hm, our timeline probably split with Constantine. He didn’t use Christianity as a stepping stone, it stayed an obscure offshoot of Judaism, and he united the Empire again without it, enacted different policies that reassured handling of the military in the hands of Romans instead of relying on german mercenaries and secured the borders, he dissolves the praetorian guard (like he did irl) and instead establishes the schola palatinae earlier (to stop all the stabbings later). The next thing that probably needs to happen is the successful integration of the German peoples displaced by the Huns, with a decisive victory at the catalaunian plains instead of the bloody tie we got in our timeline as a unifying event. That would probably keep the Roman Empire alive into the Middle Ages.
Need earlier POD.. Alexander severus crushed sassanid in the cradle, lived longer, make Christianity legal and more syncretich, and annex Germany,... Empire need technology of China
My fellow senators, did not the god Vulcan have in his employ innumerable machinations to assist with his divine duties? Would not our own people benefit from having a mechanical workforce perform menial duties, freeing them to pursue more advanced and meaningful duties? Even if this is not argument enough, I must also bring forth the fact that the Tyreen have one massive advantage over us currently- a completely servile race that knows nothing but obedience and excels at doing the menial work that many Romans would recoil from. We were not given such a blessing, for many years resorting to enslaving our own. Now we have the chance to tip the scales in our balance! We can create our own servants. To not do so, for whatever reasons my fellow senators may provide, would be tantamount to handing over our territory right to our neighbors- for surely, if we cannot out-produce them, that is what will happen. So do I, Senator Bracius of Provincia Varangia, vote.
Robots should be used for cheap labour. The Romans view of slavery was different to those of european colonialism. Slaves were defeated peoples or those who have fallen into desperate economic straits. There was no slave race. So being able to free slaves and maintaining the cheap labour force would be very favourable to the Romans.
The AI not expanding seems weird. I could see them having some economic problem because of their combination of home planet and habitational preferences, but the home planet should be 100 % quality anyway for them.
Yeah its odd, tidal world gives +10% and they have desert preference. There’s a desert world next to them as well. They do seem a bit bugged, but its only them from what I checked.
The crystal infestation is clearly, if not a direct reference to, draw to the same inspiration as Tiberium from Command and Conquer. there's something very poetic for it to happen in a planet called Tiberium...
If I was to pick a point of departure from our timeline, there are two points of interest for the Hellenistic faith, the death of the emperor Julian, and the Battle of the Frigidus. If Julian had lived longer and had been able to reorganise the Hellenic faith and the empire to oppose the rise of Christianity, or if the Battle of Frigidus had been won buy the pagan Eugenius and not the Christian Theodosius, history might be very different today.
Ever better, avoid third century crisis, syncretism Christianity, where pagan and Christianity cooperate and strengthen the empire... And sasanid are crushed in the cradle
Interesting divergent choice! The show “Raised by Wolves” had a similar concept where a Mithraic cult replaces the Christian cult as the dominant social force (it then goes hard right into a high concept Adam and Eve/Romulus and Remus allegory but no more spoilers beyond that). An imperial cult of Rome is a really cool immersion choice for this type of campaign that this comment is nearly a year late for
Just by your surroundings it makes me think that a species from another galaxy invaded wiped out a lot of stuff and then left ( I’m pretty sure everything he found is normal it just seems interesting)
I had that Crystal entity event as well, but I murdered the shit out of them before they could do anything. They came in waves IIRC, next set up weird outposts scattered around a system. But also non-crystalline ships? Maybe infested, dunno, they died too.
@RepublicOfLetsPlay Actually it is possible and fairly easy! You just need to go into your save game folder (which should be under Documents\Paradox Interactive\Stellaris\save games) or something similar to that, and extract the .sav file of your most recent save, which should extract two files gamestate and meta. Open/Edit gamestate with notepad++ (or any similar application like regular notepad). Just control f search for what you want to rename and you should find something like name="Tyjanock Expanse". Just edit within the quotation marks whatever you want to rename the nebula to and save the file. Then select both the gamestate and meta files and recombine them(I use the 7-zip application so for me I select "add to archive") then make sure that the Archive format is zip, compression speed is fast, compression method is Deflate, and do not include NTFS timestamps (tc=off parameters in bottom left of 7-Zip), I also name the new save file .sav not sure if this is necessary though.(Took a screenshot of how it should look Then you load the new save and it should be renamed! Not sure if this came off as really confusing, I might be really bad at explaining lol, but hopefully this helps! If you need any clarification I'd be happy to help. really enjoying the series! Also, side question, do you have a discord couldn't find a link to any?
@@WhatDarrenPlays Also I think later a bit later on in the series I'm going to try to make a map of the empire! Probably in a style similar to this
I think that during Augustus christianity was never adopted, Augustus contacted several scholars, one of which knew of Archimedes Steam Engine When the steam engine was thought, they actually decided to use it for power. They quickly realized they could use this power to move troops across the roads. The Marshal and also an engineer thought of putting a ballista on top of the steam troop carrier, and tanks were born. When the advent of the ballistic tanks was born, the world was Rome's. None could stand in her way. GLORY INVICTA! GLORY TO ROME!
What do you suppose happens when you add immigration pull to ALL planets? Like a game of tug of war, where two new strong men are added one to each end of the rope
@@rincewindrocks actually it means:"For the sake of our civilization we will drain a planet of all it's resources,even if that means destroying it,man is the center of everything and is able to bend the forces of nature to his will".
Im only about 13 minutes into this video but did u send an Envoy over to the Tyreen to stave them off for awhile? Ill update if that changes but yeah use your envoy to hold off aggresive Empires or make allies out of close ones like the Tyreen.
I have all the mods activated, do I need to roll it back to a certain patch because it seems like some of the mods haven't gone through, like the civics are all just really the base civics but with more points to use.
"Though shalt not build a machine in the image of man that thinks as a man thinks, for it is abomination in the sight of the Gods." - Orange Catholic Bible book 2, Chapter 20, verse 16.
How do i put the custom ethics into my empires, the prebuilt ones work but when i go to make a custom empire only the classic ones stay there, militarist, autor,gestalt etc
I strongly disapprove the building of robots. Your Roman Empire is spiritualist - a complete opposite to materialist. Unless you are going to change from spiritualist to materialist, you CAN NOT build robots. Roleplay? :)
I'm not sure that religious people would never use machines for labour. Just because they oppose ethics in the game, doesn't really translate to the real world imo.
@@WhatDarrenPlays Spiritualists hate beings that dont have souls, and machines dont have them. Only flesh beings can have a soul. Spiritualist are also unhappy with others that arent spiritualists. Also spiritualist Fallen Empires warn you, when you are starting to turn your self into robots. So I think within the "lore" of Stellaris my points make sense. If you dont think so, you need to clarify your civics from roleplay perspective, because if you are going to do things that are counter to your civics, species traits, etc. its not really a roleplay lets play, is it?
You are authoritarian, xenophobe, spiritualist and decadent. That means (from roleplay perspective) you need/want worker slaves, but cant build robots (because of spiritualist civic), cant have other species as slaves (because of xenophobe civic). What would make most sense is making your own species into slaves (stratified society) because you are authoritarian. Also you could say since you are a different type of xenophobe, you could enslave other species to be your workers.
@@konradvalenrod8054 "cant have other species as slaves (because of xenophobe civic)" WHAT Xenophobe ALLOWS you for slavery of other species if you are not authoritarian Xenophobe =/= fanatical putifier.
@@vladprus4019 I know, that game allows you to do that, I was speaking from roleplay perspective. Putting more restrictions on your self based on civics, etc. makes for more interesting game. I do that when i play stellaris to mixed it up and not play the same way all the time.
The second vote in the series is live here:
"We're thinking about using the Robotic Workers Policy, and developing technology to use Robots for manual labour. Is this something the Roman Empire should pursue?"
The next episode will feature results from both our polls! Thank you for voting, we had over 150 votes on the first one!
I´d say no, given the rampant mentality of Stoicism and Marcus Aurelius works to rather perfect one´s own capability to handle manual labor and improve one self. The indo europeans, especially the scythians and the genetic heritage R1a and R1b would detest this decision wich was the founding stock of roman´s greatest.
HOWEVER, since this is far in the future, shit changes and if your spiritual and traditional values decline that option would make a lot of sense regarding immersion since your pop would care more about "progress" than retaining tradition.
IF the audio problem happens again use handbrake to resynchronise it it's a free software that i use when i record gameplay, my mic is slowly desinchronizing with the gameplay audio, it's not the same problem but overall you use it to resync audio on a video
Senators of Rome,
Our fleet is a disgrace, it has sat in orbit around Terra for years, gathering dust. Meanwhile, the frontier which we have raced to build against the Xenos has gone unmanned, and massive alien craft and entities prowl in and around Roman space unchallenged. Tiberium, the namesake colony of our empire, has been decimated by an unprovoked attack and we could not even *dent* the enemy who inflicted it upon us! Learning, understanding, engineering - these are all hallmarks of Roman civilization. But so too is victory in war, so too is the determination to earn with blood and steel what soft words and the musings of scholars will not! And now we debate whether or not to take away jobs from loyal Romans - who we cannot protect - to give them to robots whose energy upkeep we cannot afford, and the resources for which would be better spent on building a fleet with which to protect ourselves! We are Romans! O great Imperator, chosen of Jupiter, blessed is thy rule and to much greatness you have led us - but what are you thinking? Enough of this effrontery! We must build defense platforms to protect our colonies, we must build a fleet to fight our enemies! The aliens have already struck first, how can we remain silent?!
To War! Roma Invicta!
TO WAR! Long live SPQR
Just a suggestion, you should name the first sectors of the empire(those that surround and protect Terra) after the hills of Rome and after that name them after provinces of the empire.
The hills of rome. Even during the time of the empire weren’t referenced by the people in power. Unless in very specific circumstances, for instance giving directions. But most of the people who lived in rome at the time didn’t know their names with the exception of the Aventine Hill. The reasons for that are two fold. One they were referred as the seven hills of rome for time and to give that magical feeling to them. And because of organised crime and criminal gangs in the city. The main seven gangs had their headquarters each one in one hill. So each gang “claimed” one of the hills to themselves. Some did use the name of the hill to name their gang. Some didn’t. Those were the collegiates. The Aventine did use the name of the Hill. But nonetheless in Roman times the hills individual names were extremely linked with violence, murder, kidnapping, theft, rape, death, while the seven hills of rome that was what they used in documentation about rome and all that was linked to the eternal city. There’s a reason why rome had marvellous things built all over the city, had marvellous maps of the city build and almost everyone from their time even to this day be them educated or incapable to read and write knows the name of mostly every place in rome. But know the hills as the seven hills of the Eternal City. Because it was completely linked with the Collegiate and they were constantly at war and they were a huge danger to the people. And that only ended when Augustus ushered in the Principate and the Praetorian guard because they were no longer needed. They managed to survive by the man in power at the time the consuls of the year would seek bodyguards in one of the collegiates. Thus giving them the republics seal of approval for whatever they wanted to do. As long as they also did what the consuls wanted. And as there were two each year two of the seven would have free reign to terorise the people.
And before you ask my background to speak about it. I have a degree in history from the University of Oxford. And a masters degree in Roman History and a PHD which my thesis was the transition of power and invisible and almost inevitable destruction of the republic and institution of the Principate by the Julio-Claudian dynasty in the examples of Caesar and Augustus and their different methods of achieving the same goal. Where I examined their differences in going about it. And up until when it was still possible to reverse the institution of Augustus principate. Or if had they not killed Caesar would the republic had fallen ? Probably no. Regardless i know what I’m speaking about. Unlike 100% people here. So if you would like to have a good debate about rome or the seven hills I’d be more than up to it. Just send me a reply.
And he shouldn’t do it. Because almost nobody knows them.
The seven hills are:
Aventine Hill
Caelian Hill (originally the Mons Querquetulanus)
Capitoline Hill
Esquiline Hill
Palatine Hill
Quirinal Hill
Viminal Hill
Seven names who would be wasted and people would be lost asking for it to change. Not to mention he would be making a homage to something that represented great headaches and bodily harm to the roman population. So in this alternate history why not simply accept that. They weren’t talked about as much because they didn’t become the biggest hotspot for crime in the entire empire and were simply known as the seven hill. Like in real life even back then. But with the difference that there was no collegiate
It's also worth mentioning I tested the AI, and everything seems to be working fine. The Tyreen Republic are seemingly the only ones not expanding, but I can see that they are building, doing archaeological digs and moving things around. Not sure why they didn't expand.
I guess they're playing tall.
@@luigicampo4008 Going to be rough for them, because even if you play tall, you want to take at least a couple of colonies to have certain specializations.
Do you have that mod that sometimes kills ships with an event? When I ran that I often saw the AI flounder when they lost a constuctor early on.
Edit: yeah it's the one called More Events, by Malthus. It borks the AI on occasion. Still a great mod though, but it's sad when that happens...
Robots are tools. Simply building robots would annoy at least one of your factions, but employing sapient AI would be a spiritual abomination to Roman culture, an act of Hubris, an extremely perilous sin. ='[.]'=
Unless we happen to become desperate.
My Emperor, as a senior member of the Senate, I must implore you to look upon our military and ask yourself, “would our ancestors be proud”? I do not think so. Not only does the only other Empire bordering us have a far superior fleet in comparison to our own, but Tiberium, the colony named after yourself, was assaulted and bombarded by a living crystalline mass because we did not have the military capabilities to push back. Rome is rich materially, but without our military strength and honor, we are weak spiritually. How long will the Gods favor is if we do not keep to our traditions? *voice softens* With regards to the idea of robotic laborers, I again point us to our galactic neighbors. They have bred the perfect slaves for us to, as well as they themselves being compatible in their ideology. Many a faction of the disunited Terra went through generations of slavery before joining the ranks of the plebeians, their lines purified by hardship as the original Romans in their generations before the founding. These races should be granted the same honor. Robotic slaves, however they may honor Hephaestus, can never attain such a state of purity. By filling the lowest ranks with mechanical simulacrums, you bar the way for future groups to properly join the Empire. But I digress, perhaps this new cult to science, under the purview of Hephaestus, should weigh in on the matter. -Alexander Stratos Danos of Magna Graecia
We might need to consider changing our policy back to wealth creation to allow for the upkeep of a great Space Legion that might even rival the fame of the Old Ninth!
I second the Senators words, especially with regards to the necessity of our fleet.
*Senator Marcus Leonhardicus of Elysium stands up:* "Senator Alexzander makes a very good point robots are not sentient beings let alone human. Therefore enslaving our own creation makes perfect sense."
This comment made it into the game. Nuts.
So a planet named Tiberium got bombarded with crystals that sucked the nutrients out of the soil and are self-reproducing... What's next? The Brotherhood of Nod is going to show up, LONG LIVE KANE
This series is probably my most favorite so far! it's a shame however to see only a few people watch it.
Spread the word, only way it can grow I suppose 🤷♂️
To be fair ,good views on episode one . Maybe they haven't survived the journey over to the Let's play channel
@@Kristaliorn expected attrition.
@@Kristaliorn I had to come hunting for the rest of it. Quite a disconnect. ='[.]'=
I mean I didnt know this entire channel even existed until I watched ep 1 on the main channel.....
So theres that.
Wait, if that beast is raining crystals on Triberium have we just witnessed the beginning of Tiberium Sun and the birth of NOD????????????????
I call shenanigans. This is too fucking coincidental.
Tiberium....*Command&Conquer flashbacks intensify*
Hm, our timeline probably split with Constantine. He didn’t use Christianity as a stepping stone, it stayed an obscure offshoot of Judaism, and he united the Empire again without it, enacted different policies that reassured handling of the military in the hands of Romans instead of relying on german mercenaries and secured the borders, he dissolves the praetorian guard (like he did irl) and instead establishes the schola palatinae earlier (to stop all the stabbings later). The next thing that probably needs to happen is the successful integration of the German peoples displaced by the Huns, with a decisive victory at the catalaunian plains instead of the bloody tie we got in our timeline as a unifying event. That would probably keep the Roman Empire alive into the Middle Ages.
Is loving Jesus legal yet?
Constantine - No.
TheLuftwaffle - maybe it became legal, but mostly because it was reduced to maybe a tenth or less of the population
Need earlier POD.. Alexander severus crushed sassanid in the cradle, lived longer, make Christianity legal and more syncretich, and annex Germany,... Empire need technology of China
My fellow senators, did not the god Vulcan have in his employ innumerable machinations to assist with his divine duties? Would not our own people benefit from having a mechanical workforce perform menial duties, freeing them to pursue more advanced and meaningful duties? Even if this is not argument enough, I must also bring forth the fact that the Tyreen have one massive advantage over us currently- a completely servile race that knows nothing but obedience and excels at doing the menial work that many Romans would recoil from. We were not given such a blessing, for many years resorting to enslaving our own. Now we have the chance to tip the scales in our balance! We can create our own servants. To not do so, for whatever reasons my fellow senators may provide, would be tantamount to handing over our territory right to our neighbors- for surely, if we cannot out-produce them, that is what will happen.
So do I, Senator Bracius of Provincia Varangia, vote.
Robots should be used for cheap labour. The Romans view of slavery was different to those of european colonialism. Slaves were defeated peoples or those who have fallen into desperate economic straits. There was no slave race. So being able to free slaves and maintaining the cheap labour force would be very favourable to the Romans.
We must remember pertinax and Diocletian, son of ex slave
Im always looking forward to this series
I’ve never played Stellaris but I’m really appreciating the amount of effort you’ve put into this series!
The AI not expanding seems weird. I could see them having some economic problem because of their combination of home planet and habitational preferences, but the home planet should be 100 % quality anyway for them.
Yeah its odd, tidal world gives +10% and they have desert preference. There’s a desert world next to them as well. They do seem a bit bugged, but its only them from what I checked.
For reasons of great scientific works for the Empire, I forward that the honourable senator and science officer Sornatious should be given a triumph.
The crystal infestation is clearly, if not a direct reference to, draw to the same inspiration as Tiberium from Command and Conquer. there's something very poetic for it to happen in a planet called Tiberium...
Nice save on the editing. Yes, it was pretty seamless on the other end.
If I was to pick a point of departure from our timeline, there are two points of interest for the Hellenistic faith, the death of the emperor Julian, and the Battle of the Frigidus. If Julian had lived longer and had been able to reorganise the Hellenic faith and the empire to oppose the rise of Christianity, or if the Battle of Frigidus had been won buy the pagan Eugenius and not the Christian Theodosius, history might be very different today.
Ever better, avoid third century crisis, syncretism Christianity, where pagan and Christianity cooperate and strengthen the empire... And sasanid are crushed in the cradle
56:18 the wall between realities was fading
Interesting divergent choice! The show “Raised by Wolves” had a similar concept where a Mithraic cult replaces the Christian cult as the dominant social force (it then goes hard right into a high concept Adam and Eve/Romulus and Remus allegory but no more spoilers beyond that). An imperial cult of Rome is a really cool immersion choice for this type of campaign that this comment is nearly a year late for
Just by your surroundings it makes me think that a species from another galaxy invaded wiped out a lot of stuff and then left ( I’m pretty sure everything he found is normal it just seems interesting)
Me watching somebody play old stellaris remembering how much better star bases used to be though. The 40 total build slots was amazing.
Funny because real “old” stellaris is when there was hyperlanes, wormholes and warp travel. No rigid borders either. Loved it!
@@WhatDarrenPlays that is true very true
Nice i like these type of game plays
the intro is so cool, just saying
I had that Crystal entity event as well, but I murdered the shit out of them before they could do anything. They came in waves IIRC, next set up weird outposts scattered around a system. But also non-crystalline ships? Maybe infested, dunno, they died too.
Would be nice if there was a colony named Hibernia for the Irish fans
I feel like the tyianok expnase should be renamed to the “Mare Celestialis” (Celestial Sea), definitely “Mare _______”. What do you think?
Unfortunately I don't think it's possible to rename nebula :/
@RepublicOfLetsPlay Actually it is possible and fairly easy! You just need to go into your save game folder (which should be under Documents\Paradox Interactive\Stellaris\save games) or something similar to that, and extract the .sav file of your most recent save, which should extract two files gamestate and meta. Open/Edit gamestate with notepad++ (or any similar application like regular notepad). Just control f search for what you want to rename and you should find something like name="Tyjanock Expanse". Just edit within the quotation marks whatever you want to rename the nebula to and save the file. Then select both the gamestate and meta files and recombine them(I use the 7-zip application so for me I select "add to archive") then make sure that the Archive format is zip, compression speed is fast, compression method is Deflate, and do not include NTFS timestamps (tc=off parameters in bottom left of 7-Zip), I also name the new save file .sav not sure if this is necessary though.(Took a screenshot of how it should look Then you load the new save and it should be renamed! Not sure if this came off as really confusing, I might be really bad at explaining lol, but hopefully this helps! If you need any clarification I'd be happy to help. really enjoying the series! Also, side question, do you have a discord couldn't find a link to any?
@@WhatDarrenPlays Also I think later a bit later on in the series I'm going to try to make a map of the empire! Probably in a style similar to this
Oh sweet very cool style - and yeah using ctrl f to search the nebula name is a great idea
RepublicOfLetsPlay any idea what you plan to rename it to?
These are The tiberium Crystals, be careful with The brotherhood of NOD.
I can't believe the planet named tiberium was interested with mysterious space crystals...
Siggghhhh. PEACE THROUGH POWER!!!!!!!!!!!
So your planet Tiberium has been infested by Tiberium?
I, Senator Alexander Viltaria, Pledge my utmost support to our great empire if you would have me great senators and my Emperor.
Ha our borders look like Italy.
2219.07.16 the burning of the Tiber. The largest calamity since the Creation of the Scandinavian Wastes.
Wait.... The last 14 minutes is the Command and Conquer universe in a nutshell.
You should do it so that the Antonine dynasty never ended
Definitely we should use automatons for physical or unqualified labor.
Would you consider naming one colony after the Romans named after Scandinavia, Scandia?
Perhaps an Arctic World :P
I think that during Augustus christianity was never adopted,
Augustus contacted several scholars, one of which knew of Archimedes Steam Engine
When the steam engine was thought, they actually decided to use it for power.
They quickly realized they could use this power to move troops across the roads.
The Marshal and also an engineer thought of putting a ballista on top of the steam troop carrier, and tanks were born.
When the advent of the ballistic tanks was born, the world was Rome's.
None could stand in her way.
What's the chances Command and conquer gets remastered and released then you call a planet tiberium then it gets infested by tiberium?!? Scary stuff.
What do you suppose happens when you add immigration pull to ALL planets? Like a game of tug of war, where two new strong men are added one to each end of the rope
Attack of Crystal Meth!
This is the third time watching this series. I have a problem
The longer you dont activate the polices the les bonus you wil get
Some policies I dont want to change though, I prefer leaving them nuetral
Hey Darian what exactly is the athropotcentrism
I may not mate spelled that right if so srry
essentially it means "our species is the best, all the rest smell like poop"
@@rincewindrocks actually it means:"For the sake of our civilization we will drain a planet of all it's resources,even if that means destroying it,man is the center of everything and is able to bend the forces of nature to his will".
@@luigicampo4008 so, basically what i said but longer winded :p
rincewindrocks lol thanks
I think it depends on how many habitable worlds you have in the settings
I think that you should name the ships class after the names of roman emperors like Trajano.
Im only about 13 minutes into this video but did u send an Envoy over to the Tyreen to stave them off for awhile? Ill update if that changes but yeah use your envoy to hold off aggresive Empires or make allies out of close ones like the Tyreen.
For roleplay reasons, I have not sent an envoy yet.
I have all the mods activated, do I need to roll it back to a certain patch because it seems like some of the mods haven't gone through, like the civics are all just really the base civics but with more points to use.
please build things in youre starbases it bothering me that you havent notice it now once
At 41:10 there is this crazy audio glitch
soo you got Tiberium cristals on Tiberium?
What's the name of the song in the intro?
"Though shalt not build a machine in the image of man that thinks as a man thinks, for it is abomination in the sight of the Gods."
- Orange Catholic Bible book 2, Chapter 20, verse 16.
Tiberium Crystals
bruh i copied and pasted the name of the mod and I cant find it
What happened? 🤨
How do i put the custom ethics into my empires, the prebuilt ones work but when i go to make a custom empire only the classic ones stay there, militarist, autor,gestalt etc
There's a mod list in the description
You can rename factions?! TIL
Wtf a IA não expande ?
I strongly disapprove the building of robots. Your Roman Empire is spiritualist - a complete opposite to materialist. Unless you are going to change from spiritualist to materialist, you CAN NOT build robots. Roleplay? :)
I'm not sure that religious people would never use machines for labour. Just because they oppose ethics in the game, doesn't really translate to the real world imo.
@@WhatDarrenPlays Spiritualists hate beings that dont have souls, and machines dont have them. Only flesh beings can have a soul. Spiritualist are also unhappy with others that arent spiritualists. Also spiritualist Fallen Empires warn you, when you are starting to turn your self into robots. So I think within the "lore" of Stellaris my points make sense. If you dont think so, you need to clarify your civics from roleplay perspective, because if you are going to do things that are counter to your civics, species traits, etc. its not really a roleplay lets play, is it?
You are authoritarian, xenophobe, spiritualist and decadent. That means (from roleplay perspective) you need/want worker slaves, but cant build robots (because of spiritualist civic), cant have other species as slaves (because of xenophobe civic). What would make most sense is making your own species into slaves (stratified society) because you are authoritarian. Also you could say since you are a different type of xenophobe, you could enslave other species to be your workers.
@@konradvalenrod8054 "cant have other species as slaves (because of xenophobe civic)"
Xenophobe ALLOWS you for slavery of other species if you are not authoritarian
Xenophobe =/= fanatical putifier.
@@vladprus4019 I know, that game allows you to do that, I was speaking from roleplay perspective. Putting more restrictions on your self based on civics, etc. makes for more interesting game. I do that when i play stellaris to mixed it up and not play the same way all the time.
Dificuldade ?
why the hell did youtube unsubscribe me from you!
ha sigma