12 Hour Video Music To Relax Your Dog During Times Of Restlesness

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ก.ค. 2017
  • First we must apologize to the folks that used the first 12 hr relaxation video. There were music sensitivity problems and we removed it and replaced it, but we believe we have something better for you and your dog or dogs. Thank You CMDH.
    A page created by David Gutierrez who studied Animal Sciences. . This is the same theory that Pavlov had with his dogs. When the bell would ring the dogs new it was time to eat when the tones, notes or chords begin with a song the dog will realizes it is time for relaxation. It is very simple dog psychology. Adding pictures is a way to make the dogs feel that they are not alone especially if you only have one dog.
    Dogs love us just as much as we love them and when we have to leave the dogs begin to sense this especially when they knew we were packing to go on vacation or leaving for the day. They know our moves when we are leaving and everyday we leave to work and they become instantly anxious when we are getting but 10 fold happy when we return .Dogs are smarter than most people give them credit for and we want to share our solutions as we have 3 rescue dogs of our own.This relaxation also brings the stress down in your dog or dogs and that promotes good health. Thank You, CMDH paypal.me/calmmydoghouse
    Music is creative commons. Not the video belongs to the creator
    music credit:
    White Lotus Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

ความคิดเห็น • 12

  • @joannbeckett1400
    @joannbeckett1400 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    How kind of you to take time to share this with others, " thank you" from my furry member of our family....and me, blessings

  • @unionjobs6677
    @unionjobs6677 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This music is absolutely magical! Much of the relaxation therapy music I've come across is in a minor key and makes me sad. I recently lost my oldest dog, and I can't listen to sad music without bursting into tears. However, this music is relaxing AND uplifting!!! And it works magic on my three surviving dogs. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

  • @mariamarkou1409
    @mariamarkou1409 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This music is brilliant for humans as well, I'm using it to get off my sleeping pills, my dogs love it!

    • @thedogempire-dogrelaxation3634
      @thedogempire-dogrelaxation3634  6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thank you Maria, I am touched by your comment because I have the goal of relaxing your dog. Yes it does work on humans. You will see in a couple replies that I have done that it has been great therapy for me who has lost 8 family members in a short time and I only say that if you happen to look at the dates of the videos you can see a huge cap between videos. So much was going on that I had forgotten I had this channel, literally and then I woke and realized I am not helping the dogs and get your but in gear.
      Thank you so much for your comment and I hope you subscribed and let your friends know if they have a nervous dog that there are other answers than medications and like humans dogs seem to have something in their brains that works the same as are and this was learned from education but when I would play something mellow on the guitar.Tks Creator of RMDH David

  • @elisashields2349
    @elisashields2349 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    many thanks - dog restless here this week since eclipse - sleeping beside me, now.

    • @thedogempire-dogrelaxation3634
      @thedogempire-dogrelaxation3634  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      No, THANK YOU ! for giving me a try and it being successful. My love of dogs is very heart warming and unfortunately heart breaking at times being associated with certain rescue dog groups, but this is the positive side of a dogs life and someday I will start a channel for the less fortunate dogs.
      Thanks again, Elisa you have brightened my day. No eclipse today.
      David Creator, RMDH

  • @relaxingmusicforstressreli4965
    @relaxingmusicforstressreli4965 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I fall asleep with her faster than my dog :D

    • @thedogempire-dogrelaxation3634
      @thedogempire-dogrelaxation3634  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi and thanks for the comment. I heard that many times as long as when you fall asleep the dog soon follows suit. We are all okay. If they go carouse after you fall asleep then we are all in trouble. LOL

  • @animalsareourangels93
    @animalsareourangels93 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This truly helped my dog like no other music. Thank you so very much for taking the time to put this masterpiece together for our furry beloved ones. I just wanted to comment on the other channel in that they try to confuse the person who is looking for your music. By that I mean they put “Calm your dog” Relax your dog. I don’t like their games and I just don’t like what I see. I can understand how you might feel about this. I would be livid if this was my channel!
    On a more positive note, I wanted to tell you how beautiful the pictures are of the animals. However, as a vegan I think it would be so nice and a little bit of a change to show other animals like a little baby piglets and a mother cow with her baby, or tiny baby lambs....oh they too are so very beautiful and precious! We have been conditioned to think that only dogs and cats are cute but in reality all animals are so beautiful. My suggestion is only up to you my friend. I just think it would be a nice change. Perhaps you could get some feedback on this? Nevertheless, thank you once again for all the hard work, the extensive time in putting this together as it is so much appreciated. Peace, love, and light to you and yours, Susan and Roxie 💚💚💚💚💚💚👍👍👍👍👍👍👍🌈🌈🌈🌈👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊

    • @thedogempire-dogrelaxation3634
      @thedogempire-dogrelaxation3634  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you Susan and Roxie. when these You don't know how many times you have brought me back from the dead along with the dogs these folks you are talking about wanted to buy my channel. People trying to advertise their so called dog relaxation channels. There have been many times I thought about throwing in the towel, but your comments and the dogs have always brought me back and I just lost my beautiful Raven at only 7 years old to bone cancer. Being a rescue you don't know a dogs genetics, but I have been in the position before of putting my dogs in peace. My daughter and I cried so hard when we got the news at our vet. I wouldn't trade a second of those seven years with my beautiful Raven for nothing. Now back to those channels that are essentially bullying me. I let this guy go to see how far he would take it and the last offer I think most people would have taken it, 20K yes that was the number. I have taken 2 million views away from him at far less subscribers, but my channel is not about the almighty dollar. It is simply for the love of dogs and all animals.I have every email to back it up and when I finally said no he was upset and the next thing you know he creates " Calm My Dog " and if other people reading this do not know the story...my channel when it first came out was called "Relax My Dog House" I didn't even know this guy existed. I am a musician and have been calming my dogs with music when this guy probably wasn't even born yet, but somehow he thinks he started this. My Veterinarian told me this has been known for years in the animal world, but it has to be the right music. That's why I would test music on my 3 rescue dogs...more music thrown out then was used. Your comments always make me shed a tear that there is someone out there who understands as most of the other so called relaxation pet channels are about $$$ and this breaks my heart. I am now not making any $ and I have to. The way that it use to work is so much would go to save dogs on death row as I call it in hopes they would be adopted all over the country and to have to make that decision of what dog you are going to help is a heart breaker to me. You are right, this person in question on his channel wrote that " Calm My Dog " was his sister station and when I called him on it, he lied and said no they just license music from me and what he did to my soul and heart, but momentarily, crushed me and to be honest my channel has not recovered from that. To know that someone created a channel to take away from mine was heart breaking because he couldn't purchase my channel. This person wants to monopolize and is a total narcissist and probably doesn't give a damn about dogs, but oh he will give you a dissertation on how he helps dogs.. All music on my channel from here out will be ideas and songs I have written for 30 years since I was a youngster and it will be quality and not quantity. You are angel as well as the animals. I am so glad you found me. I do need to make some money for myself and the dogs. Hopefully we will get there again as TH-cam doesn't want me to use the songs in the library more than once and they have taken away my ads temporarily and do let me reapply for monetization every 30 days. I am working and composing and all will start to see new video dog relaxation very soon.
      There was another comment that was on the channel written about 3 days ago a heartless, greedy person promoting their channel and I am going to say the name " Music For Pets " never mentioning my channel only mentioning they love dogs, they love music. A blatant promotion using me and my subscribers I clicked on their name and it took me straight to the " Music For Pets Channel ". I would like people to know if they are subscribing to a channel and by the way I am not going to tell anyone what or what they should or should not do, but they really need to look at a channel and to see if they are just a commercial money making machine behind the billboard of dogs in need. No pet relaxation channel that I know of and I could be wrong... composes, produces, tests, creates their own graphics and runs their own channel. Mr Big... and I will not promote him by name I am glad you mentioned his name it doesn't promote him by you mentioning it. I own a channel and won't do it.That's completely different and I am glad when my subscribers mention those channels in a real and sincere way of who they really are. This is just our opinions and we are entitled no one is saying what they should and shouldn't subscribe to.That is our first amendment right and soon I hope you don't mind that I am using your comment as a forum if you do please let me know and I will do general comments, but I consider you someone who is very educated in what is happening and a great animal lover and can see past the B.S. Folks if you see a channel related to this genre and they are promoting hitting a certain number of subscribers with giveaways ( which I thought was against TH-cam guidelines ) that is a red flag because that is what I saw and they never mentioned in this giveaway if they hit x amount of subscribers...guess who was never mentioned...you guessed it the dogs. There was no mention of if we help your dogs and you subscribe and we hit x amount of subscribers and I forgot the giveaway was. It was simply fill the pockets with cash, but if you call him on it as I did in our flurry of emails by asking him " not once have you mentioned the dogs, helping the dogs " like I want to help as many dogs as I can, never mentioned until I said " you have never mentioned helping dogs " and then I got line after line of what he does to help dogs. Which should have been first in his pitch. Anyway Susan and Roxie. I will fight on...don't you worry and I hope the subscribers stay and support me. The dogs come first...yes we are a grass roots channel and as Susan once said " I can't believe this TH-camr doesn't have more subscribers. She is not the only one who has said that and I believe I have just explained why. It is getting to unhealthy point and I have mentioned all the facts to TH-cam and I do not know if they have done anything to Mr. Big about it, but they sure hassled me for duplicating a few songs where I thought they would fit in other videos. Yes that's why I lost my ads. Isn't that
      incredible ? I see ads on videos that people don't own from a network. My heart is broke knowing that dogs are dying and I can't help. Also I am so lucky to have a wife that is letting me try and make the dream a reality. I am not commercial I am more of a organization waiting to happen. Susan, I cannot thank you enough, not only are the animals angels, but so are you. Please always feel free to comment or if you have an idea to combat these folks who are hiding behind animals for monetary gain. Please do so and any subscriber who feels the same. I love all my subscribers, vocal or silent. Susan once again you have brought my channel out of the ICU unit as I was feeling after the loss of my dog (I still have two more rescues ) I am sure I will rescue another in time. I apologize for the long reply, but everyone should know the truth and together we all can make a difference. Folks you can PayPal me it's on the channel page it's the globe icon. I know I don't throw it in peoples faces or keep talking about it, but the truth is I do need help. I have only received 2 small donations in two years and that's okay. I do know that times can be tough and I would rather if you have spare money have your dog immunized, check ups, etc... Susan I am going to be doing a new trailer do you mind if I use on of your comments in the trailer ? Please let me know at your earliest convenience the trailer I have now is too fast and I would really like to have a Subscriber comment or two in it. You are my channel angel and I hope Roxie is well. Peace, Love and Understanding, David CMDH Creator if not for the animals what would we be.

    • @thedogempire-dogrelaxation3634
      @thedogempire-dogrelaxation3634  5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hi Susan, as an after thought. I don't think I will ever be a success on TH-cam. The goal was just to help dogs who were anxious or hyper in hopes that people would not shelter their dogs. I met that goal, but I guess I just wanted to be a steady medium sized channel and never expected others who I don't even know or have done nothing to. I rarely look at other channels of the same subject matter. I will never understand why they work so hard to try and silence my channel. Greed, yes, but I think it goes beyond that. Why do they see me as such a threat when I have had so many ups and downs like a roller coaster everything was going as planned until RMG contacted me about purchasing the channel and then weird comments would come and they would be from people that obviously started an account so they comment no videos no nothing on these peoples channels and when I asked Mr. RMG if he knew such and such he never would answer the questioned and then " Calm My Dog " and a long time ago I had this idea and let subscribers know if they would like to have their dog in a video send me a picture and permission on instagram and I will put their dog in a video a short time later Mr. RMG was doing it and there have been other things as well. I don't understand why I am a threat and then after I refused to sell all of the sudden this guideline thing popped up which is so silly and I had to wonder whether he flagged me on this. I said myself I am a musician I can write and use all of my prior compositions and I will own all of my music and do what I want. The problem with this is how many videos will I have to delete in order to satisfy the powers at be. Because I can't go on broke. The channel will always be there regardless. I am fighting, but I keep thinking whatever I do as a grass roots channel trying to grow and let the channel speak for itself...Mr Big has money and you know he is promoting his channel with the capital, but I know from what he told me he must have a lot of overhead because he is paying people to write music and paying people to be in his Vlog type videos which you can google all of that. I am a musician and a Animal Sciences Scholar and I am losing to the almighty buck and dirty business practices and nobody that I know of from TH-cam is punishing him and they sent me a feedback form and I told them everything and had everything to back it up. Again denied for Monetization because of duplication. No two videos are the same and nothing in the music guidelines that says anything about that.
      I will fight on...I had to get this off my chest and I felt I could to you. If I have bothered you please let me know. Losing my dog and the not knowing who is going to try and advertise on my channel and Pet Music or whatever the hell their called. I forget now and by the way I will utilize other animals in videos. I think that is a fantastic idea and one that I had been thinking about as well as landscapes. I thank you for ideas and support. DG

    • @thedogempire-dogrelaxation3634
      @thedogempire-dogrelaxation3634  5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Susan would you like to be a moderator for the channel as a animal lover ? Look in to what a moderator is and see if it is something you would like to perhaps do. I would really like to take time and think about it. I went to your channel and could not email you, but please email me her calmmydoghouse@comcast.net and I will explain that on April 7th Calm My Dog House will have a premiere of the site and changes will be made and the top videos will still be there, but also I am working very hard and composing my own music as it should be. It is time to forget those people who wanted to purchase and bring me down and to fight for the animals as I have been doing for years. I also have a cousin who in to wild animal rescue so it is in the family. I consider you someone with the drive who can moderate comments and if you need any answers to as a moderator to answer I will always be available to you. I hope to hear from you soon and if you think it is not something you would like to do that is okay. I would like to have every subscriber be a moderator as I love those who love and try to help animals it is now time to move on and build Calm My Dog House simply by the quality of the channel. I hope you can help even if not a moderator a sounding board or Idea person we can change the animal world and bring those who don't care about the beauty and innocent, beautiful animals of all types. Thank you and please email me with thoughts, ideas etc... I believe that you get the mission and the goal. Thank You, David Gutierrez " Calm My Dog House "