For anyone in ornn games, ornn will upgrade the first item in your inventory he can upgrade, so be careful with positioning the items as it will decide wich one will get the like +1000gold worth extra in stats
Zwag play requests: Some of my own and I add stuff I see others suggest Nuclear Nunu (one shot someone with ult) ( ) AP Bruiser Pantheon ( ) Attack Speed Graves ( ) AP Tristana ( ) Lizard Wizard AP Renekton (x) Heartsteel AP Bruiser Sion ( ) Assassin Kassadin ( ) Attack speed Orianna ( ) AD Malphite ( ) Full Burn Sion ( ) Tank Karthus (Bloodletter, Liandry's, Abyssal) ( ) Jack of all trades Alistar (Heartsteel, Riftmaker, Bloodmail, Unending despair) ( ) Speed Seraphine (AP CDR and MS items) ( ) Speedball Rammus ( )
15:14 Oooh flower! Nooo it’s a trap! 😂
That Master Yi was indeed a liability
got groubs his work was done
broo how u guys got here so fast???😂
that first game started so good but ended so bad
Ahh yes win lane, but you have a yi running it down instead of the enemy Nunu
Twag is the only remaining reason why I open youtube app after baumi retire on his dota2 channel.
I wonder how much cross-viewership Zwag and Baumi got before the retirement.
Morning y’all we meet again 🦇
wait did the midlane turret snap back to idle at 13:30 ?
For anyone in ornn games, ornn will upgrade the first item in your inventory he can upgrade, so be careful with positioning the items as it will decide wich one will get the like +1000gold worth extra in stats
Wow did you know you can also play like a machine gun as Vex? Thats why this is th 21th day asking for a Vex video
Bro evelynn tank top
3:15 stepriot ?
waited all game for him to notice the morgana's build...
Gotta love the “this elo” statements from people who are clearly of that elo.
I have no attack speed so I'm going cd boots...classic Zwag
Day 5 of asking for a sett movie
Zwag, Can you do Diana Tank pleeeaseee
Plz do attack speed Vi with rageblade 🙏🏾
Zwag play requests: Some of my own and I add stuff I see others suggest
Nuclear Nunu (one shot someone with ult) ( )
AP Bruiser Pantheon ( )
Attack Speed Graves ( )
AP Tristana ( )
Lizard Wizard AP Renekton (x)
Heartsteel AP Bruiser Sion ( )
Assassin Kassadin ( )
Attack speed Orianna ( )
AD Malphite ( )
Full Burn Sion ( )
Tank Karthus (Bloodletter, Liandry's, Abyssal) ( )
Jack of all trades Alistar (Heartsteel, Riftmaker, Bloodmail, Unending despair) ( )
Speed Seraphine (AP CDR and MS items) ( )
Speedball Rammus ( )
lucian hybrid build challenge
Anybody else got sudden FPS drops this season???
In the first min or two it’ll skip, other than that no.
No u!
Day 1 of asking Zwag for on hit Kench here again please
Day 23 ap varus please
So many games that enemy champs flashing away from you. Although, it is still a good video. 👍👍
Very early guys🎉
day 15 of asking for adc ivern and support maokai with buddy
Day 9 of asking for Rell top
You deserve to lose that. You didnt do anything to help your team yourself.
Letting yi die on attakan, he was so close to dying