酒田.鳥海山~阿信的山居歲月/ 酷毛大叔的旅行散策029/ Trip to Sakata and Mt. Chokai/ 日本東北16天自由行

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.ย. 2024
  • #日本自由行
    Facing the Japan Sea, the unique topography of Mount Chokai rises dramatically from sea level to a height of 2,236 metres. The mountain is recognised as one of Japan? 100 most famous mountains. Thanks to its majestic appearance the mountain is known as ?ewa Fuji??(the Mount Fuji of Dewa), and locals love the grace of the snow-capped mountain. The uninterrupted panoramic view from the top of this isolated mountain peak is spectacular.
    鳥海山面朝日本海,地形獨特,海拔 2,236 米。這座山被公認為日本百座名山之一。由於其雄偉的外觀,這座山被稱為“出羽富士”(出羽富士山),當地人喜愛雪山的優雅。從這座孤立的山峰頂上一覽無餘的全景非常壯觀。這座山本身是一個指定的國家公園,擁有稀有的高山植物和受歡迎的火山口湖。

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