I'm a white male Christian, retired engineer, and I absolutely DO NOT want our society to regress by 100 or more years to the mythical "good old days" that were not good for 95 +/- percent of the population (and will not be again). And I certainly do not want SACR, or any similar group using the power of government to force their cherry-picked interpretation of the Bible on the rest of us. It's time for Americans, including those who have been on the sidelines, to stand up to these forces and proclaim "Not On Our Watch!"
Oh brother you believe this its the most vauge and weak conspiracy theory i ever heard. Christians that are rich are plotting to take over the government ok are the care bears on their side too?
Why Christian, the conquistadors, import of slavery became gerrymandering. Christian fascism! That's what I see! Truth, Fact, not fairytales ! And evil ones at that! It's the 21st century. Get woke! The bible ISN'T real history!! It's evil, god condoned genocide! Read it, don't cherry pick! Or parrot! Engineering = science!! Facts, not hearsay! The almighty needed a little girl to create,a sacrifice? That's his master plan? You have NIPPLES for a reason, it's the FEMALE EGG we all start with! ITS The FEMALE, THE WOMBman that gave HUmanITY TO EARTH! FACT! As an engineer you should KNOW/ believe the the sun is older the earth! DONE! everything else, words! Red letters too!! Especially, since He" never wrote anything himself? Religion, Good,??any soup kitchens inside the vatican WALL? NO! trinket shops! CORINTHIANS 13:11 13:13. Sorry, had to say it. If You're a good human, it's not because of sky geppetto, or pinocchio! Try mom!
I think all religions with a fundamentalist approach are created by men, not women, because deep down, they know that women are in no way inferior and sometimes better thatn men, and they can't bear it, so they have to keep women submissive. No difference at all between this lot and fundamentalist muslim branches.....
This is a useful reminder that being rich and successful does not guarantee that you will not also be a pathetic, unhappy dork muttering to a bunch of other losers about how unfair the world is to you.
Shades of Margaret Atwood! Seriously, The Handmaid’s Tale is about exactly this: an all-male, so-called “Christian” autocracy. It could happen. And it could happen here.
When she wrote that book, she made sure that every single thing in it was based on something real, that had already happened before or was happening in the world at the moment. That’s the most terrifying part to me.
If you haven't yet checked out Agenda 47 which is what it is titled inside project 2025, definitely read it! It is basically Donald Trump's wish list about when he takes over the government what he wantsPeriod and let me tell you something if you suffer from anxiety and panic attacks I'm giving you a warning, it is beyond frightening......
She came to my city and gave a talk about her books. She didn’t make anything up for the Handmaid’s Tale - all of those things happened in one or more societies across the world throughout time. And the GOP want them to happen again.
The same people who screamed about Sharia Laws coming to the US (which was delusional) now want a Christian version of the exact same thing. What the matter fellas, your b0ner pills stop working?
Absolutely! This reporter should publish every known name and all media should broadcast. It is incumbent to this "secret" society to remain so. Perhaps some would be deeply impacted by public knowledge of their misogyny and bigotry.
The Founding Fathers deemed *ALL* religions unfit for modern, civil governance. The *1st Amendment's Establishment Clause* prohibits the government from making any law, _“respecting an establishment of religion.”_ This clause not only forbids the government from establishing an official religion, but also prohibits government actions that unduly favor one religion over another. It also prohibits the government from unduly preferring religion over non-religion. *Constitution Article VI Supreme Law - Clause 3 Oaths of Office* _"The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; _*_but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States."_* This means nobody is ever required to swear to a god or on the Bible, or any other religious book for an oath of office. They may choose a god or religious book, but none is required. Thomas Jefferson and Calvin Coolidge did not use a Bible in their oath-taking ceremonies. Theodore Roosevelt did not use the Bible when taking the oath in 1901, nor did John Quincy Adams, who swore on a book of law, with the intention that he was swearing on the constitution. _"In this enlightened age and in this land of equal liberty, _*_it is our boast,_*_ that a man's religious tenets will not forfeit the protection of the laws, nor deprive him of the right of attaining and holding the highest offices that are known in the United States."_ *-George Washington* (To the Members of the New Jerusalem Church of Baltimore, 27 January 1793) _“The United States is not a Christian nation any more than it is a Jewish or Mohammedan Nation.”_ *- John Adams* (American statesman, attorney, diplomat, writer, Founding Father & 2nd president) _“...the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion."_ *-Treaty of Tripoli - June 7, 1797. Signed by President John Adams & Ratified UNANIMOUSLY, by the Senate June 10, 1797* ....only a few times in history the Senate unanimously agreed on anything. A 2018 Supreme Court Ruling re-affirmed this statement, from The Treaty of Tripoli. The Supreme Court released an opinion on May 14, 2018 in Murphy v. National Collegiate Athletic Assn., 584 U. S. (2018), Justice Thomas in his concurring opinion wrote: _"The Treaty of Tripoli was passed by the Senate and signed into law by President John Adams. As such, it is a "legislated text" which must be read "textually". The lower courts in this case read a hypothetical legislative intention into the text by dismissing Article 11 as "a mere formality". _*_The language itself makes a clear direct statement that our government is not based on the Christian religion and any attempt by a government official to represent our government as Christian contradicts the text and the historical understanding of our founders."_*
Trump isn't just Putin's stooge, he has been the Christian Taliban's stooge from the beginning. Powerful people in the Christian Taliban world met secretly with Trump in 2015. They promised to bring the evangelicals votes to him, he couldn't win without them, if he promised to stack the Supreme court with the picks of Leonard Leo/Federalist Society (all Christian Taliban members). Trump also promised to go after Roe vs Wade. The power players in the extremist Christian movement to overthrow democracy never saw that Trump would usurp all of them and become the one true, dear cult leader to all of THEIR followers.
SACR can’t continue to fly under the radar with informative articles such as yours. Keep them coming. Thanks for reporting on the Talking Points Memo article.
Imagine how terrible this would be for the vast majority of people. Most citizens would be plunged into poverty. The middle class would practically disappear. Companies could pay you slave wages, eschew safety regulations, hire children to work in those conditions and not go to school, vast swaths of the population would have little to no education, mortality rates would skyrocket. And there would be nothing the average person could do to improve their condition.
Imagine that , we have alot of white folks who call themselves republicans , they want just what your talking about for America , even your family friends and neighbors could be one of these filthy people .
This horrific scenario would also mean the 2nd amendment will no longer be valid! Democracy dies and ironically the first to go are these non-rich MAGA types!
Hear that ladies? Engineering, Law, Medicine ... When we challenge ourselves by following what calls us and seek to flourish, this SUCR mindset loses. Push back by Flourishing. Dare to dream big. They are so scared of our autonomy because they aren't man enough to handle relationships built on mutual respect. Sad.
My daughter who is a scientist said she fears that these Christian Nationalists will turn into Iran banning females from attending schools, be servants to their husbands and be nothing but human incubators. They started the ball rolling with rolling back Roe, going after mifepristone, IVF, next contraceptions….criminalize miscarriages…abolish DEI…. Wake up people, no one is safe only the wealthy, powerful white Christian men who use to control everything and everyone.
So why aren't we collecting garbage? Where are the female oil field workers? Where are the female plumbers? I'm so tired of this feminism bs. When are we going to focus on FMG which is passed through each generation by the WOMEN in the family? I only know of one male shelter, but there are so many shelters for women. The only men who are first class citizens are the elites. Men are being pushed out of jobs because of DEI, but we're not focusing on the best hire. I don't want a DEI hire to perform my surgery I want the best person to do that job. The person flying my plane, the people working of fixing and maintenancing the plane should be the best for the job.
How is Project 2025 and the above grouping any different from Protocols of Zion? I know of similar manipulative groups amongst extremist Hindus who claim the Creator bequeathed the Earth (nay, the Universe) to their chosen few!
Crusaders. Inquisition. Putitans. These were all extreme bad manifestations of Christianity of their time. We don't have to co-opt an Islamic word to hammer home how bad they are.
The bible contradicts itself so much, it's impossible to be a true believer. There is no such thing as a true christian. There's also no such thing as a true god, but that's a different story.
USA did too in the 1920-1950s. Called it the Vote Red for Hollywood Red era. Now it runs rampant in Washington DC and none of them are getting arrested.
And subsequently installed rules of conduct for women on par with today's Taliban. Mary Wollstonecraft wrote a first-hand account of her experiences there.
By nature I'm a very, calm, rational thinking person. Consequently I was always greatly frustrated by the many blatant contradictions in conservative ideology. Until one day when I realized at the core of ALL conservative ideology is a singular goal to preserve a "traditional" hierarchy in which rich, straight, white Christian men hold a monopoly on political, economic and social power by using big gov't to marginalize everyone else. Once anyone understands that, then suddenly all the contradictions align perfectly to achieve their goal. Which is why every president until Obama was a white Christian male and why white conservatives lost their minds when a President Obama was elected and broke their monopoly and its why the conservative majority on SCOTUS struck down Roe vs. Wade to put women in their place subservient to men.
Yup. And they are among us, feverishly working on their "revenge" for their fragile wounded egos and Daddy issues. If only they could stop projecting and get to understand themselves instead of fuelling their darkest dysfunctions with and for each other... to the point of ruling the world just to prove they are a big boy!
Jesus, they weren’t even creative enough to add “Evangelical Dominion” to the end to get “S.A.C.R.E.D.” Even Bond villains can manage that sort of thing.
What I remember the most about the Handmaid's Tale was that the men were all for that type of society until they realized that they were also subjugated. They became chauffers and gardeners in the new society serving the religious big-wigs. They rooted for women's downfall and subjugation and brought about their own. 😮
The male experience watching The Handmaid’s Tale is a bit different with trying to figure out which character you would be. It still wouldn’t be great for a lot of the men though.
All these men think they’d be the oppressors but the truth of the matter is, is they’d be subjugated too. Not everyone can be rich and powerful. And the point of being rich and powerful is you are richer and have power over someone else. They ain’t realize that means them. 😅
Lol, she's telling people that Christians plan what they are already doing. They are the ones who have the billionaires and their banks and corporations helping them - and you don't get to be part of that club. Also, their atheeest and pey -gin nations treat women horribly.
No woman can be luckier than to marry a Christian man. Christian men are required to love their wives as Jesus loved his church. Jesus died for his church.
“In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own.” ― Thomas Jefferson
They [the clergy] believe that any portion of power confided to me, will be exerted in opposition to their schemes. And they believe rightly; for I have sworn upon the altar of god, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man. But this is all they have to fear from me: and enough, too, in their opinion. -Thomas Jefferson
_“Let not anyone pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed in his name, and with the means which he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject.”_ -John Stuart Mill (1867)
What? Christianity is all about exclusion. Christians get absolutely gleeful at the idea that people who disagree with them will suffer forever. You enable this nonsense by continuing to pretend that Christianity isn't evil.
@@TheRealLesterGreen I'm sure the courts are sick and tired of the indictments that are piling up against him. I can't imagine THAT many are all fabricated? Even the ones that were done by Trump appointed judges?
They don't want to live *under* this type of society. They want to *lead* this type of society. Moving to an existing structure means they don't lead it. Better to create your own. Just like it's easier to set up your own company and run that than work your way up as an employee to eventually run the company. Setting up your own means you're the boss from day 1.
You have made a great point!👍And, IMHO, it makes sense that it was written by a Canadian author in the 1980s. Why? Well, during that decade, Ronald Reagan was U.S. President for two terms, Margaret Thatcher was PM 'across the pond', and Brian Mulroney was PM for two terms in Canada...all staunch right-wingers with a different take on 'conservatism'. I am 63 yrs-old, so I can attest to the fact that ALL of them were heartless & arrogant, they socialized together, and they formulated policy together. (*) They dominated politics during much of the 1980s, and changed 'conservatism' forever...and not for the better. Conservatism ceased to be about protecting Capitalism as 'the engine of democracy', and more about 'class warfare' against the middle class & poor. All of them did their very best to privatize government institutions, weaken/destroy social programs, and rip holes in their nations' social 'safety nets', undermine & attack unions, cut taxes for the richest, meddle in the politics & economies of other sovereign democracies, and (especially with the U.S.A.) funded/armed terrorist organizations. FYI, when Canadians finally woke up to the realities of Mulroney's scandal-ridden & arrogant Progressive Conservative Party, the approval rating of Mulroney & the Progressive Conservative federal government plummeted to the lowest approval ratings in the history of Canadian politics...and it still holds the record. (unfortunately, the damage was done, and it also gave rise to far right conservatism in Canada. In effect, "Progressive" was removed from the party...) In Canada, quite a few artists created music which spoke out quite firmly about what was going on in Canada, the U.S.A. the U.K. & around the world (e.g. the great Bruce Cockburn, The Parachute Club, and others..), and there was a lot of sharply critical social & political commentary from musicians in the U.S.A., U.K. Australia, and continental Europe as well....topics which continued to be covered by many of the same artists in the 1990s & 2000s. (**) On the literary front, Margaret Atwood, a very observant, highly-intelligent woman & talented author, also recognized the segment of society which was behind the politics of Reagan/Thatcher/Mulroney (..nowadays, they are known as "The One Percent" in the U.S.A.). She also noted the continued blurring of the line between Church & State in the U.S.A., and more extremist 'Christian" political action in the U.S.A., the U.K & Canada (e.g. assassinations of doctors who performed abortions, bombing/burning of abortion clinics, lynchings of gays, etc., etc...). So, I am sure that she wrote "The Handmaid's Tale" to shine a light on the agendas of the most powerful in 'western' democracies, as well as sounding a warning about where some nations were headed (especially the U.S.A.). Atwood's 'The Handmaid's Tale" in the 1980s turned out to be just as prescient as Ernest Hemmingway's superb "For Whom The Bell Tolls" which was inspired by what Hemmingway observed in Europe in the 1920s & 1930s, (especially the Spanish Civil War), including the rise of Naziism/Fascism & Communism, and the seeds of world-wide struggles between ideologies. (*) People, politicians & the media have a strong tendency to turn historical figures into cartoon characters, either by selectively filtering everyone's memory of the bad things the historical figure did, or by only remembering the bad things. There is no doubt in my mind that Ronald Reagan & Jimmy Carter are examples of these two simplistic & inaccurate historical narratives. Most Canadians & Brits are very guilty of filtering out the many negatives of Brian Mulroney & Margaret Thatcher....those whose lives were hurt by these two leaders are the exceptions. (**) People & the media also have a tendency to have a selective memory regarding the music, books & other arts which resonated with society at the time. In the case of the 1980s, people & radio stations like to remember the fun 'party music' & the sometimes garish fashion choices of celebrities....however there was a lot of very strong political & social commentary, and a lot of predictions regarding society & politics that have proven to be accurate.
The novel was banned in some libraries when it was initially published in the USA, you know. I am a writer. When a group of writers and readers in my area decided to have a public reading of banned books I chose to read from "The Handmaid's Tale". The year was 1988. It is now being used as an "instruction manual" for incels and rich white male Christians of the fascist persuasion.
@@derekbaker3279 Just was listening to DK's "Holiday in Cambodia" and Eliza Gilkyson's "Hiway 9." The first was only on alternative and college stations. No chance either gets mainstream airplay now unless it's maybe SiriusXM.
Let's not forget who it was that supported Hitler and Mussolini - the corporate rich. Henry Ford, etc... They would never have gotten so far with out their help.
A lot of their wives are sheltered and brainwashed little handmaidens that don’t know how much freedom they are missing out on because they never had it to begin with.
Oh they love it. Until they hit 35 and the man leaves them with the kids for a younger woman. Tradwife to sad single mother with zero job skills pipeline is real.
The lt governor of NC now the rep. nominee for Gov. believes women should Not be allowed to vote. Women please vote blue down the ballot! This is so much bigger than abortion rights. It’s our constitutional rights to everything!
@@ericeric363 Fear is a powerful motivator. Creating a climate of fear and uncertainty leads to the illusion that someone powerful can protect you from life's travails. "Just tell me what to do, and I'll be fine."
@@TheRealLesterGreenYour mistake is the fundamental attribution error. Just because you can't imagine not fapping to a Scrouge McDuck vault of gold, doesn't mean that everyone else is like that. Some of us just have values.
@@transformationtimenow3321the rich and wealthy pay the majority of taxes, and the US has the highest or one of the highest corp tax rate in the world , start taxing more and they will leave and take their businesses with them
The irony of this…..our founding fathers while they were religious, they literally proposed separation of church and state and said that they never wanted religion to get into politics. If our founding fathers themselves said that….what does that tell us?
I am so sick of people on both sides bringing those guys up. They lived in a much, much different world. It is pointless to keep invoking what they thought, what they intended, etc.
They don’t care about the founding fathers or the constitution, they just want to enact this loony fever dream and have a Christo-fascist government. They no longer stand for democracy, they are full fascists.
He even hijacked Christian churches to and installed people who would teach his own twisted gospel. Which is why it’s all the more important for people to have nuance in all of this because even the groups that this cult are trying to identify as will become victims too because they don’t fit the exact criteria.
Probably gets kicked out of more than a few for being "creepy". Or carefully watched by the "Mama bears" of the group. There's always a sober few people in any sane party that keep an eye out for creeps to toss out if they get too handsy or rapey, at least parties I go to. At least, that's the ideal we aspire to, anyway. I'm in the BDSM community & we're _very_ cautious of things like consent.
And then, after creating that debt themselves, they turn around and use it as an excuse for why the government is supposedly broken. Kind of like the town arsonist whining that houses keep burning down :(
I think the issue is that Christians are taught to have a weak morality--such is the reality of basing your ideology on lies. An omnipotent, unseeable master is an easy thing to manipulate. I implore you to attribute this evidence of such manipulation to core flaws in christianity, not an unfortunate accident or byproduct. There have always been people who have benefitted from the worst of the countless atrocities committed in the name of Christianity, and this is merely another instance of such an abuse. The question for you is, how comfortable are you in your compliance? Do you gain more than you lose and is that, perhaps, why you carry on such a shameful torch? Real moral conviction comes from the self, through learning and experience, and through empathy--not from the lies of some long dead scholar. Grow. Up.
I expect there to be a fair amount of decent Christians out there, I even know a few myself who are extremely put off by both the Christo-fascist right and even the church itself, but they also struggle to contend with the fact that all major religions, including the Abrahamic ones (like Christianity), are unfortunately inherently wildly patriarchal and misogynistic. Like they just practice it their own way, based on the positive tenets set forth and more based on a personal faith and relationship with God. But it doesn’t sit well with them that those things (like women’s inherent “sinful nature” and literal subjugation) are actually, literally written into all of the canonical texts. To be fair, it’s historically well-documented that all of the canonical texts were heavily edited and selectively chosen to propagate that very ideology, while ones that offered other perspectives or were even written by women were intentionally excluded and deemed “heretical.” So it’s possible that none of the canonical texts as we know them today are accurate nor what their original creators intended them to be. Plus they’re insanely warped and selectively applied all the time. I mean, Jesus was like the OG socialist hippie who criticized powerful religious leaders of his own religion-Judaism-for corruption and greed, criticized the cruelty that people showed women that were considered “dirty” or “slutty” or “fallen” bc they were forced into prostitution to survive, etc. Like he was all about compassion, and yet those that have weaponized him for millennia and still do so today are the exact opposite. Jesus would despise all of them. The irony and hypocrisy is frustrating.
Yeah I don’t call myself a Christian because it feels like it’s just an arm of the Republican Party and has been since before I was born. 80% of the people in your church aren’t “Christian”
As one wealthy person "with a conscience"(very few of couse) once said: "I keep telling my billionaire friends that if in-equality is not addressed.., the pitch forks will be coming".
Happened to the Mayans, all the royals and priests were hunted down and killed mercilessly when they couldn't undo the effects of overpopulation, disease, war, failed crops, and climate change. The people put their Gods aside and dealt with the real problem themselves.
Adam Smith tried to tell them hundreds of years ago when he "invented" capitalism. The powerful rich have ignored them for all this time as the inequality expands. Someone did a computation--the inequality by 1990 was already 10 times what Adam Smith thought would be fatal to the system.
This is the problem. For anyone online and paying attention for the last 20 years, absolute none of this is surprising. But it shows you how effective the crypto fascism was during the 2010s. It was spreading like wildfire, and all the pieces were being put in place, with the general public none the wiser.
Fear! The one word that stood out to me. Misogyny and racism are the given with these people. Yet fear resounds. Because that’s what they want for everyone else who might speak out against it.
It also evokes the triangles or "V"s discussed in the historical analysis of the DaVinci Code memes. The "V" for female, and the upside down one for male...this has a vertical line and a curved or softened "V." Could have same meaning...as if they thought they'd softened woman's power?
Exactly. I had to laugh at my late dad years ago when he bought my mom a brand-new Ford Fusion fully loaded with extras telling me he bought her an American made car. I watched his face drop when I informed him that her car was made in Mexico. It's hilarious how dumb most of us Americans are when it comes to knowing important things about stuff we should be aware of. BTW it was a great car and despite the fact that she accidentally locked herself in it once, she really liked the car.
It's why they create "secret" clubs so they think they can hide their misogyny and racism while using their money and influence to get judges and politicians in office to do their bidding. Exposure for what they are and what they are trying to do to our nation's culture and society is the only thing that curbs their power.
No they won't. Why would they, they have won in life and weve given them our money and many of us continue to support them. They are pathetic but they would never see that, your words and opinion do not matter to them. The only power we have is who we vote for and who we give our money to. Vote well and support local businesses.
What exactly are you saying & asking. People please vote for whoever that can enable us Americans to move away from consumerism back to Capitalism as the means of self actualization, healthy, peaceful, prosperous and happy life.
@@nonnywinner5039 I'm saying many older Trump supporters won't be around long enough to see the horrendous consequences of their actions, if they help to enable Trump and his devils regain power.
I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. There's been a lot of Californians and other out-of-state people diluting the the ideological makeup of the state. We've had this place as a safe-haven from the extreme violence that forced us to leave to here back in the 1840's. We welcome all kinds of people, friendly people that enrich our communities. But anyone that comes to our neighborhoods to dictate to us what practices and teachings our religion should and shouldn't preach makes themselves a false prophet in our eyes, and we're more vigilant about those individuals and organizations. In the past this has been the federal government and other Christan groups, some evangelical. Those that are called by God, via the direct line of the holy Melchezideck Priesthood, as restored by the Prophet Jospeh Smith, are the only ones that dictate the continuous doctrine of the Lord's church.
The problem with tightknit 'societies' like this is that they never, ever give up on attempting to achieve their goals. The name might change, the organization might change, it's members might change due to exposure, or outing, or some form of egregious circumstance, but the PURPOSE, the GOAL, the AIM never does. The only effective means of ensuring they never get their way is to be vigilant, and put into place laws and practical policies that are hard to challenge, or amend and to investigate, expose and where possible prosecute.
We're going to make every car you WANT TO BUY (tariff of 100%) twice as expensive, so you won't be able to afford anything else except Buicks and Fords. DOH!!!! What a dingbat. VOTE BLUE!!!
When TRUMP comes by in Orlando, FL his people hire homeless people to stand behind him. They're always the same. They live under the bridge on Kaley ave, downtown. That's been happening for years. It's an important story.
@@nerissarowan8119 It's a continuation of misinformation. I believe in the first ammendment, but America needs a truth in advertising law, and people serving time for breaking it.
Those aren't homeless people standing behind him but people picked from the crowd who go to see him. I have noticed that there have been fewer Black folks behind him lately. There was one Black dude that followed him everywhere that's been missing.
This is the exact plot of The Handmaids Tale. It is eerie how that book is coming true in several ways. If we do not vote blue en masse in November they may succeed.
You have made a great point!👍And, IMHO, it makes sense that it was written by a Canadian author in the 1980s. Why? Well, during that decade, Ronald Reagan was U.S. President for two terms, Margaret Thatcher was PM 'across the pond', and Brian Mulroney was PM for two terms in Canada....all staunch conservatives with a different take on policy. I am 63 yrs-old, so I can attest to the fact that ALL of them were heartless & arrogant, they socialized together, and they formulated policy together. (*) They dominated politics during much of the 1980s, and changed 'conservatism' forever...and not for the better. Conservatism ceased to be about protecting Capitalism as 'the engine of democracy', and more about 'class warfare' against the middle class & poor. All of them did their very best to privatize government institutions, weaken/destroy social programs, and rip holes in their nations' social 'safety nets', undermine & attack unions, cut taxes for the richest, meddle in the politics & economies of other sovereign democracies, and (especially with the U.S.A.) funded/armed terrorist organizations. FYI, when Canadians finally woke up to the realities of Mulroney's scandal-ridden & arrogant Progressive Conservative Party, the approval rating of Mulroney & the Progressive Conservative federal government plummeted to the lowest approval ratings in the history of Canadian politics...and it still holds the record. (unfortunately, the damage was done, and it also gave rise to far right conservatism in Canada. In effect, "Progressive" was removed from the party...) In Canada, quite a few artists created music which spoke out quite firmly about what was going on in Canada, the U.S.A. the U.K. & around the world (e.g. the great Bruce Cockburn, The Parachute Club, and others..), and there was a lot of sharply critical social & political commentary from musicians in the U.S.A., U.K. Australia, and continental Europe as well....topics which continued to be covered by many of the same artists in the 1990s & 2000s. (**) On the literary front, Margaret Atwood, a very observant, highly-intelligent woman & talented author, also recognized the segment of society which was behind the politics of Reagan/Thatcher/Mulroney (..nowadays, they are known as "The One Percent" in the U.S.A.). She also noted the continued blurring of the line between Church & State in the U.S.A., and more extremist 'Christian" political action in the U.S.A., the U.K & Canada (e.g. assassinations of doctors who performed abortions, bombing/burning of abortion clinics, lynchings of gays, etc., etc...). So, I am sure that she wrote "The Handmaid's Tale" to shine a light on the agendas of the most powerful in 'western' democracies, as well as sounding a warning about where some nations were headed (especially the U.S.A.). Atwood's 'The Handmaid's Tale" in the 1980s turned out to be just as prescient as Ernest Hemmingway's superb "For Whom The Bell Tolls" which was inspired by what Hemmingway observed in Europe in the 1920s & 1930s, (especially the Spanish Civil War), including the rise of Naziism/Fascism & Communism, and the seeds of world-wide struggles between ideologies. (*) People, politicians & the media have a strong tendency to turn historical figures into cartoon characters, either by selectively filtering everyone's memory of the bad things the historical figure did, or by only remembering the bad things. There is no doubt in my mind that Ronald Reagan & Jimmy Carter are examples of these two simplistic & inaccurate historical narratives. Most Canadians & Brits are very guilty of filtering out the many negatives of Brian Mulroney & Margaret Thatcher....those whose lives were hurt by these two leaders are the exceptions. (**) People & the media also have a tendency to have a selective memory regarding the music, books & other arts which resonated with society at the time. In the case of the 1980s, people & radio stations like to remember the fun 'party music' & the sometimes garish fashion choices of celebrities....however there was a lot of very strong political & social commentary, and a lot of predictions regarding society & politics that have proven to be accurate.
@@derekbaker3279Thank you! Yes, indeed, the great Bruce Cockburn who is a Christian, in fact, was one of the voices who spoke up against the looming trend of Christofascism back then. I had the privilege of meeting and interviewing him for an article I wrote. Wonderful human being. Thanks again for waxing long in your prose. I LOVE to read good writing! Your post fits the bill. Cheers.
If they get what they want, the country will lose its economic standing on the global stage. Removing women from the workforce to fortify white Christian patriarchy is the ultimate boy math.
Atwood has said for years that nothing she wrote about in Handmaid's Tale was invented. Every atrocity was based on things that have actually happened to women in the name of religion.
What would make these men so devoid of human empathy for the women & little girls in their lives that they'd even dare entertain the very idea of being this cruel & disrespectful to them? My body, my health, my life, MY choice!
go visit a torture devise museum if you wanna know how evil humanity is capable of being. all invented by men of course. if those inventors were alive today theyd be voting trump
Way before that. And they won't give up unless we the people actually stop them with an end to gerrymandering, an end to the electoral college and a truly bi-partisan Supreme Court.
I am a white, Christian, heterosexual male, and I would HATE to live in a world or a nation in which everyone looked like me and/or thought the exact way I did. Whatever happened to the USA being a "melting pot" of ideas, cultures and people? Of course, the melting pot is alive and strong and it needs to stay that way. It is truly sad to see the hatred and ignorance these so-called Christian groups possess.
Thank you for addressing this issue. I feel it's important for every American to know this. It's against the interests of the majority of Americans and most don't know about it.
@quietus333 they were. The ancien and tsarist regimes were brutal, regressive, and warlike even by the standards of other European monarchs. Violence committed by revolutionaries is called "chaos", while the same or worse violence committed by the regime is called "order".
The same way that the Pharisees called themselves religious. It's called hypocrisy. The Pharisees had Jesus crucified (using the Romans as their proxies) because He ripped the masks off their faces and showed everyone who they really were.
Mmm yes, loving, kind, and humble... “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and one's foes will be members of one's own household” (Matthew 10:34-36). Oh, and he flipped out at a fig tree for not having immediate munchies for him. So let's add "sane and reasonable" to the list.
@@surelyyoujokemeinfailure7531You really think the food industry isn't TOTALLY screwing us over?? They just happen to be fair players with big hearts? Corporations have been endlessly paying politicians for more deregulations... its not because those regulations were ''unfair''.
Shocker he's making threats of a bloodbath, he also knows nothing about trade, 100% tariff? Few people realize that a tariff costs Americans NOT the company or country its applied to. If the stable genius was to start putting large tariffs on imports there would be loss of American jobs, and could also effect inflation.
@@CarlGerhardt1 The 1950s wasn’t golden age for everyone, especiallu women or people of color. Live like that inside your family if you wish, but we are NOT going back!
I am thoroughly creeped out by the people who believe that the man should have a small scale dictatorship over his household- that he should be catered to, fawned over, and obeyed immediately and without question. Not only is it an unhealthy dynamic that provides ample opportunity for abuse [see SHINY HAPPY PEOPLE], but It is such a _weird_ thing to want out of a partner! I dunno man, it gives me the creeps!
I'm a white male Christian, retired engineer, and I absolutely DO NOT want our society to regress by 100 or more years to the mythical "good old days" that were not good for 95 +/- percent of the population (and will not be again). And I certainly do not want SACR, or any similar group using the power of government to force their cherry-picked interpretation of the Bible on the rest of us. It's time for Americans, including those who have been on the sidelines, to stand up to these forces and proclaim "Not On Our Watch!"
Australia here. You guys need to get out and vote in massive numbers for Democrats.
Hitler claimed to be a Christian.
Please explain / discuss with other Christians the consequences when voting for Trump 🙏
BINO Billionaire In Name Only ie. Donald Trump
Oh brother you believe this its the most vauge and weak conspiracy theory i ever heard.
Christians that are rich are plotting to take over the government ok are the care bears on their side too?
Why Christian, the conquistadors, import of slavery became gerrymandering. Christian fascism! That's what I see! Truth, Fact, not fairytales ! And evil ones at that!
It's the 21st century. Get woke!
The bible ISN'T real history!! It's evil, god condoned genocide!
Read it, don't cherry pick! Or parrot!
Engineering = science!!
Facts, not hearsay!
The almighty needed a little girl to create,a sacrifice? That's his master plan?
You have NIPPLES for a reason, it's the FEMALE EGG we all start with! ITS The FEMALE, THE WOMBman that gave HUmanITY TO EARTH!
FACT! As an engineer you should KNOW/ believe the the sun is older the earth! DONE! everything else, words! Red letters too!! Especially, since He" never wrote anything himself?
Religion, Good,??any soup kitchens inside the vatican WALL? NO!
trinket shops! CORINTHIANS 13:11
13:13. Sorry, had to say it. If You're a good human, it's not because of sky geppetto, or pinocchio! Try mom!
Funny how these so called strong men are terrified of women speaking back to them ....
Especially Strong well educated Black Women
Yea, if something happens to Joy it was neither accident not suicide. I hope she’s got good security after this. But this is pulitzerworthy.
I think all religions with a fundamentalist approach are created by men, not women, because deep down, they know that women are in no way inferior and sometimes better thatn men, and they can't bear it, so they have to keep women submissive. No difference at all between this lot and fundamentalist muslim branches.....
Their terrified of men of other races and women being their equal.
This is a useful reminder that being rich and successful does not guarantee that you will not also be a pathetic, unhappy dork muttering to a bunch of other losers about how unfair the world is to you.
Or protect one from childhood trauma which can propel some to narcissistic personality or empathy. We're sure what t-rump choose!
Tfg is not successful, he's faking it.
They are intellectual and cultural incels.
So your a democrat
That was a funny ending about Trump, but you forget the /s
Remember Poe's law.
Shades of Margaret Atwood! Seriously, The Handmaid’s Tale is about exactly this: an all-male, so-called “Christian” autocracy. It could happen. And it could happen here.
It’s called predictive programming. I immediately thought about The Handmaids Tale when they banned abortion.
You could fight it ....
Just finished watching the show recently. It's scary how much it parallels current day America. 😦
When she wrote that book, she made sure that every single thing in it was based on something real, that had already happened before or was happening in the world at the moment. That’s the most terrifying part to me.
Never gonna happen. 😂 you thought Jan 6 was bad
Civil Rights leaders have warned about this since about 1850.
If Martin Luther was alive, maga would be making death threats
1850 there was no civil rights movement and the civil war has not occurred.
fake news
@@MasterBlaster-pe5osAre you an incel? Does this news video hurt your feelings?
@@MasterBlaster-pe5osthese Chinese bots are a lot dumber than they think
Project 2025 needs to be highlighted as well. All this is absolutely hideous.
Either or both cannot be allowed to happen. It's that simple.
@tajr.2650 ~ ikr? Project 2025 is absolutely *TERRIFYING* , and I didn't even read the whole thing.
If you haven't yet checked out Agenda 47 which is what it is titled inside project 2025, definitely read it! It is basically Donald Trump's wish list about when he takes over the government what he wantsPeriod and let me tell you something if you suffer from anxiety and panic attacks I'm giving you a warning, it is beyond frightening......
It will be interesting to see these groups fighting it over whose ideas are best.
@@priscillamoore5736 Where can you read about Project 2025?
The Handmaids Tale was a book written by Margaret Atwood, not a dystopian guidebook. Nothing Christian about this plan, NOTHING!
Yes! I was going to mention that too. Sure sounds like it.
The Handmaid's Tale. Big difference in the meaning of words.
@@outerrealm Thank you!
She came to my city and gave a talk about her books. She didn’t make anything up for the Handmaid’s Tale - all of those things happened in one or more societies across the world throughout time. And the GOP want them to happen again.
@@NZDLo Lucky you! Love the book, although Cat's Eye is my favorite.
America: Cash is speech, corporations are people, bribery runs the show and the biggest dirtbags rise to the top.
Definitely need to give them power over your health care.
@@vocalityovertimethey already have power over your healthcare, are you literally a vegetable?
And that is just the “good” news!
It's the golden rule: He with the gold makes the rules. ☹
America: Where citizens allowed all of those things to happen.
“When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross.”
- Sinclair Lewis
It seems part of the USA want their own Christian Taliban.
And it will be called Patriotism.
Glory, glory Hallelujah, Trump is marching on…….
@@Baka_KomusoMarching towards his time in prison. A disgusting character.
The same people who screamed about Sharia Laws coming to the US (which was delusional) now want a Christian version of the exact same thing. What the matter fellas, your b0ner pills stop working?
Frank Zappa accurately described this in the 80's: "...the far-right is moving America towards a fascist theocracy".
We need to get more people talking about this. I want these types of men exposed as the true face of trumps cult!!
It seems part of the USA want their own Christian Taliban.
This isn't a trump cult, this is the REAL cult leaders who just utilized the orange traitor for their own purposes.
Absolutely! This reporter should publish every known name and all media should broadcast. It is incumbent to this "secret" society to remain so. Perhaps some would be deeply impacted by public knowledge of their misogyny and bigotry.
The Founding Fathers deemed *ALL* religions unfit for modern, civil governance.
The *1st Amendment's Establishment Clause* prohibits the government from making any law, _“respecting an establishment of religion.”_
This clause not only forbids the government from establishing an official religion, but also prohibits government actions that unduly favor one religion over another. It also prohibits the government from unduly preferring religion over non-religion.
*Constitution Article VI Supreme Law - Clause 3 Oaths of Office*
_"The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; _*_but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States."_*
This means nobody is ever required to swear to a god or on the Bible, or any other religious book for an oath of office. They may choose a god or religious book, but none is required.
Thomas Jefferson and Calvin Coolidge did not use a Bible in their oath-taking ceremonies. Theodore Roosevelt did not use the Bible when taking the oath in 1901, nor did John Quincy Adams, who swore on a book of law, with the intention that he was swearing on the constitution.
_"In this enlightened age and in this land of equal liberty, _*_it is our boast,_*_ that a man's religious tenets will not forfeit the protection of the laws, nor deprive him of the right of attaining and holding the highest offices that are known in the United States."_
*-George Washington* (To the Members of the New Jerusalem Church of Baltimore, 27 January 1793)
_“The United States is not a Christian nation any more than it is a Jewish or Mohammedan Nation.”_
*- John Adams* (American statesman, attorney, diplomat, writer, Founding Father & 2nd president)
_“...the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion."_
*-Treaty of Tripoli - June 7, 1797. Signed by President John Adams & Ratified UNANIMOUSLY, by the Senate June 10, 1797*
....only a few times in history the Senate unanimously agreed on anything.
A 2018 Supreme Court Ruling re-affirmed this statement, from The Treaty of Tripoli.
The Supreme Court released an opinion on May 14, 2018 in Murphy v. National Collegiate Athletic Assn., 584 U. S. (2018), Justice Thomas in his concurring opinion wrote:
_"The Treaty of Tripoli was passed by the Senate and signed into law by President John Adams. As such, it is a "legislated text" which must be read "textually". The lower courts in this case read a hypothetical legislative intention into the text by dismissing Article 11 as "a mere formality". _*_The language itself makes a clear direct statement that our government is not based on the Christian religion and any attempt by a government official to represent our government as Christian contradicts the text and the historical understanding of our founders."_*
Trump isn't just Putin's stooge, he has been the Christian Taliban's stooge from the beginning. Powerful people in the Christian Taliban world met secretly with Trump in 2015. They promised to bring the evangelicals votes to him, he couldn't win without them, if he promised to stack the Supreme court with the picks of Leonard Leo/Federalist Society (all Christian Taliban members). Trump also promised to go after Roe vs Wade. The power players in the extremist Christian movement to overthrow democracy never saw that Trump would usurp all of them and become the one true, dear cult leader to all of THEIR followers.
SACR can’t continue to fly under the radar with informative articles such as yours. Keep them coming. Thanks for reporting on the Talking Points Memo article.
Expose the dirt. I love it!
Imagine how terrible this would be for the vast majority of people. Most citizens would be plunged into poverty. The middle class would practically disappear. Companies could pay you slave wages, eschew safety regulations, hire children to work in those conditions and not go to school, vast swaths of the population would have little to no education, mortality rates would skyrocket. And there would be nothing the average person could do to improve their condition.
Imagine that , we have alot of white folks who call themselves republicans , they want just what your talking about for America , even your family friends and neighbors could be one of these filthy people .
Pretty sure they consider that a feature, not a bug.
This horrific scenario would also mean the 2nd amendment will no longer be valid! Democracy dies and ironically the first to go are these non-rich MAGA types!
That's MAGA in a nutshell. The average MAGA doesn't realize that this is what they are voting for. Sad.
Hear that ladies? Engineering, Law, Medicine ... When we challenge ourselves by following what calls us and seek to flourish, this SUCR mindset loses.
Push back by Flourishing. Dare to dream big.
They are so scared of our autonomy because they aren't man enough to handle relationships built on mutual respect. Sad.
So very true!
My daughter who is a scientist said she fears that these Christian Nationalists will turn into Iran banning females from attending schools, be servants to their husbands and be nothing but human incubators. They started the ball rolling with rolling back Roe, going after mifepristone, IVF, next contraceptions….criminalize miscarriages…abolish DEI….
Wake up people, no one is safe only the wealthy, powerful white Christian men who use to control everything and everyone.
Equality. Not patriarchy.
based asf
So why aren't we collecting garbage? Where are the female oil field workers? Where are the female plumbers? I'm so tired of this feminism bs. When are we going to focus on FMG which is passed through each generation by the WOMEN in the family? I only know of one male shelter, but there are so many shelters for women. The only men who are first class citizens are the elites. Men are being pushed out of jobs because of DEI, but we're not focusing on the best hire. I don't want a DEI hire to perform my surgery I want the best person to do that job. The person flying my plane, the people working of fixing and maintenancing the plane should be the best for the job.
The christian Taliban!
Jesus ChrISIS 😆
It's exactly what it is. Different nationalities and religions, but the goal and the methods are the same.
How is Project 2025 and the above grouping any different from Protocols of Zion? I know of similar manipulative groups amongst extremist Hindus who claim the Creator bequeathed the Earth (nay, the Universe) to their chosen few!
Crusaders. Inquisition. Putitans. These were all extreme bad manifestations of Christianity of their time. We don't have to co-opt an Islamic word to hammer home how bad they are.
Nothing is a toxic as theocracy because religion and politics immediately corrupt each other.
We need to make it a crime to do politics and policy creation from a religious impetus.
@@Robert-the-atheist : Not a bit
Theocracy isn’t toxic, people are. Humans can’t rule themselves, this much is obvious.
@@BenjaminJones-y4hit is.
So they want men who claim religion but don’t believe anything that Jesus said in the Bible. It’s just another way of saying misogyny.
The bible contradicts itself so much, it's impossible to be a true believer. There is no such thing as a true christian.
There's also no such thing as a true god, but that's a different story.
@@chadd990well of course there no true God, no god exists.
Well except Leto II but that's an entirely different story
thats why Ceasar feed the christians to the loins
And accented bigotry and racism!
Wolf in sheep's clothing. Trump gave Satan a long holiday on earth.
The French had a similar problem with their rich people too, in the late 18th century, and they cut the problem down to size.
Love the French
Liberty, equality, fraternity, or death!
USA did too in the 1920-1950s. Called it the Vote Red for Hollywood Red era. Now it runs rampant in Washington DC and none of them are getting arrested.
And subsequently installed rules of conduct for women on par with today's Taliban. Mary Wollstonecraft wrote a first-hand account of her experiences there.
By nature I'm a very, calm, rational thinking person. Consequently I was always greatly frustrated by the many blatant contradictions in conservative ideology. Until one day when I realized at the core of ALL conservative ideology is a singular goal to preserve a "traditional" hierarchy in which rich, straight, white Christian men hold a monopoly on political, economic and social power by using big gov't to marginalize everyone else. Once anyone understands that, then suddenly all the contradictions align perfectly to achieve their goal. Which is why every president until Obama was a white Christian male and why white conservatives lost their minds when a President Obama was elected and broke their monopoly and its why the conservative majority on SCOTUS struck down Roe vs. Wade to put women in their place subservient to men.
It was Democrats that held black people down.
I thought I was the only one who understands the evil these people do in Jesus Name.
Yup. And they are among us, feverishly working on their "revenge" for their fragile wounded egos and Daddy issues. If only they could stop projecting and get to understand themselves instead of fuelling their darkest dysfunctions with and for each other... to the point of ruling the world just to prove they are a big boy!
This is it, now it's getting everyone on the same page
"rich, straight, white Christian men " Yes very straight...until they get caught!
Jesus, they weren’t even creative enough to add “Evangelical Dominion” to the end to get “S.A.C.R.E.D.” Even Bond villains can manage that sort of thing.
You nailed it. Like most fascist organizations throughout history, they're a moronic clown show.
Well, after all, we're dealing with smooth brained imbeciles.
This is a beautiful comment 😂 I love the snark!
What I remember the most about the Handmaid's Tale was that the men were all for that type of society until they realized that they were also subjugated. They became chauffers and gardeners in the new society serving the religious big-wigs. They rooted for women's downfall and subjugation and brought about their own. 😮
The male experience watching The Handmaid’s Tale is a bit different with trying to figure out which character you would be. It still wouldn’t be great for a lot of the men though.
All these men think they’d be the oppressors but the truth of the matter is, is they’d be subjugated too. Not everyone can be rich and powerful. And the point of being rich and powerful is you are richer and have power over someone else. They ain’t realize that means them. 😅
They probably already chanting their "Under the Eye"
Lol, she's telling people that Christians plan what they are already doing. They are the ones who have the billionaires and their banks and corporations helping them - and you don't get to be part of that club.
Also, their atheeest and pey -gin nations treat women horribly.
No woman can be luckier than to marry a Christian man. Christian men are required to love their wives as Jesus loved his church. Jesus died for his church.
Nothing but wealthy, white, Christian, men in positions of power telling the rest of us what we can and can't do.
What could possibly go wrong?!
Just ask Jesus
Oh wow look an actual racist! Judging based off skin color! Man racist Democrats proving themselves hypocrites once again.
@@Emmy-JJesus wasn't white.
@@Xgerl Jesus just had a tan brotato, he was white underneath :P
@radscorpion8 lol. Jesus wasn't white and Jesus is a liberal.
“In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own.”
― Thomas Jefferson
They [the clergy] believe that any portion of power confided to me, will be exerted in opposition to their schemes. And they believe rightly; for I have sworn upon the altar of god, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man. But this is all they have to fear from me: and enough, too, in their opinion.
-Thomas Jefferson
Wow. That is a great quote that you shared! Thank you.
Woke demtard
_“Let not anyone pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed in his name, and with the means which he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject.”_ -John Stuart Mill (1867)
What a great saying by Jefferson! Never heard this one before!
The moment you exclude people you're not a Christian you're a Pharisee.
What? Christianity is all about exclusion. Christians get absolutely gleeful at the idea that people who disagree with them will suffer forever. You enable this nonsense by continuing to pretend that Christianity isn't evil.
"BloodBath" 😡 ... I'm getting sick and tired of him threatening us just because he wants to be president.
Well, he is sick and tired of you threatening him with jail time because you don’t want him as president.
He wants to be President again to keep himself out of prison.
@@TheRealLesterGreen I'm sure the courts are sick and tired of the indictments that are piling up against him. I can't imagine THAT many are all fabricated? Even the ones that were done by Trump appointed judges?
@@TheRealLesterGreentell me, did it hurt when they took your brain out…🤔
Me too
I wish they would realize that there are already places in the world where people like this are already in power, and just go there.
They don't want to live *under* this type of society. They want to *lead* this type of society. Moving to an existing structure means they don't lead it. Better to create your own.
Just like it's easier to set up your own company and run that than work your way up as an employee to eventually run the company. Setting up your own means you're the boss from day 1.
Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan comes to mind
Where exactly?
Iran is an example.
Yeah but those places are all run by Muslims so they would be executed for trying to overthrow the leader 😂
Scariest part is that “The Handmaid’s Tale” was written in the 1980’s, yet we are watching people try to bring it to life in America 40 years later
And libraries are removing it from shelves because of "reasons" and local hit lists.
You have made a great point!👍And, IMHO, it makes sense that it was written by a Canadian author in the 1980s. Why? Well, during that decade, Ronald Reagan was U.S. President for two terms, Margaret Thatcher was PM 'across the pond', and Brian Mulroney was PM for two terms in Canada...all staunch right-wingers with a different take on 'conservatism'. I am 63 yrs-old, so I can attest to the fact that ALL of them were heartless & arrogant, they socialized together, and they formulated policy together. (*) They dominated politics during much of the 1980s, and changed 'conservatism' forever...and not for the better. Conservatism ceased to be about protecting Capitalism as 'the engine of democracy', and more about 'class warfare' against the middle class & poor. All of them did their very best to privatize government institutions, weaken/destroy social programs, and rip holes in their nations' social 'safety nets', undermine & attack unions, cut taxes for the richest, meddle in the politics & economies of other sovereign democracies, and (especially with the U.S.A.) funded/armed terrorist organizations.
FYI, when Canadians finally woke up to the realities of Mulroney's scandal-ridden & arrogant Progressive Conservative Party, the approval rating of Mulroney & the Progressive Conservative federal government plummeted to the lowest approval ratings in the history of Canadian politics...and it still holds the record. (unfortunately, the damage was done, and it also gave rise to far right conservatism in Canada. In effect, "Progressive" was removed from the party...) In Canada, quite a few artists created music which spoke out quite firmly about what was going on in Canada, the U.S.A. the U.K. & around the world (e.g. the great Bruce Cockburn, The Parachute Club, and others..), and there was a lot of sharply critical social & political commentary from musicians in the U.S.A., U.K. Australia, and continental Europe as well....topics which continued to be covered by many of the same artists in the 1990s & 2000s. (**)
On the literary front, Margaret Atwood, a very observant, highly-intelligent woman & talented author, also recognized the segment of society which was behind the politics of Reagan/Thatcher/Mulroney (..nowadays, they are known as "The One Percent" in the U.S.A.). She also noted the continued blurring of the line between Church & State in the U.S.A., and more extremist 'Christian" political action in the U.S.A., the U.K & Canada (e.g. assassinations of doctors who performed abortions, bombing/burning of abortion clinics, lynchings of gays, etc., etc...). So, I am sure that she wrote "The Handmaid's Tale" to shine a light on the agendas of the most powerful in 'western' democracies, as well as sounding a warning about where some nations were headed (especially the U.S.A.). Atwood's 'The Handmaid's Tale" in the 1980s turned out to be just as prescient as Ernest Hemmingway's superb "For Whom The Bell Tolls" which was inspired by what Hemmingway observed in Europe in the 1920s & 1930s, (especially the Spanish Civil War), including the rise of Naziism/Fascism & Communism, and the seeds of world-wide struggles between ideologies.
(*) People, politicians & the media have a strong tendency to turn historical figures into cartoon characters, either by selectively filtering everyone's memory of the bad things the historical figure did, or by only remembering the bad things. There is no doubt in my mind that Ronald Reagan & Jimmy Carter are examples of these two simplistic & inaccurate historical narratives. Most Canadians & Brits are very guilty of filtering out the many negatives of Brian Mulroney & Margaret Thatcher....those whose lives were hurt by these two leaders are the exceptions.
(**) People & the media also have a tendency to have a selective memory regarding the music, books & other arts which resonated with society at the time. In the case of the 1980s, people & radio stations like to remember the fun 'party music' & the sometimes garish fashion choices of celebrities....however there was a lot of very strong political & social commentary, and a lot of predictions regarding society & politics that have proven to be accurate.
@@derekbaker3279the conservative ideology appeals to sociopaths
The novel was banned in some libraries when it was initially published in the USA, you know. I am a writer. When a group of writers and readers in my area decided to have a public reading of banned books I chose to read from "The Handmaid's Tale". The year was 1988. It is now being used as an "instruction manual" for incels and rich white male Christians of the fascist persuasion.
@@derekbaker3279 Just was listening to DK's "Holiday in Cambodia" and Eliza Gilkyson's "Hiway 9." The first was only on alternative and college stations. No chance either gets mainstream airplay now unless it's maybe SiriusXM.
So, these men already have everything but want to punish everyone else for trying to get ahead. It's that FU I got mine attitude.
So, terrorists.
Technically they have staff for that, but yeah ...
A bot that speaks the truth for once @@scabcrawler632
Yep. Terrorists.
Yes, you are one.@@scabcrawler632
Let's not forget who it was that supported Hitler and Mussolini - the corporate rich. Henry Ford, etc... They would never have gotten so far with out their help.
And the Catholic church supported them, too.
@@carltaylor4942 Hitler's first major diplomatic agreement after coming to power in Germany was a Concordat with the Vatican, signed in 1933
@@carltaylor4942The Catholic church supported the Ustacha in Croatia, and Francisco Franco of Spain.
I wonder how many of these men's wives are OK with their movement? I would be heading to the divorce court immediately.
A lot of their wives are sheltered and brainwashed little handmaidens that don’t know how much freedom they are missing out on because they never had it to begin with.
They probably support it.
@ifetayodavidson-cade5613 yes a lot of right wing women basically support their own men having power
Oh they love it. Until they hit 35 and the man leaves them with the kids for a younger woman. Tradwife to sad single mother with zero job skills pipeline is real.
Remember that Phyllis Schlafly existed.
This is what you get for not holding these people accountable. They feel they can say or do anything
The lt governor of NC now the rep. nominee for Gov. believes women should Not be allowed to vote.
Women please vote blue down the ballot! This is so much bigger than abortion rights. It’s our constitutional rights to everything!
Yet there will be women who will vote for him.
He can believe what stupid philosophy he wants to believe. But he will not impose this backward thinking on others.
@@ericeric363 Fear is a powerful motivator. Creating a climate of fear and uncertainty leads to the illusion that someone powerful can protect you from life's travails. "Just tell me what to do, and I'll be fine."
Mark Robinson is nuts. Not voting for him!
@@ericeric363 Not women - Stepford Wives!
The GOP just traded white hoods, for red hats...
David Duke endorsed Trump
@dennisw64 The Klan is a direct branch of the Democrat Party.
@@CadDraftingwho cares? Anyone who endorses Dementia Diaper Donny, needs to be called out for being traitors to our country.
But a lot of others, who could have, and knew him well, refused to as well.
That says it all out loud@@CadDrafting
@@CadDraftingbiden was besties with duke. You liars belong in prison
It’s funny, If you have a misdemeanor, you can’t work for my company but in the US, you can run for president.
Lol what a garbage company. Misdemeanors (unless its theft / DV) really don’t mean much.
Hand maids tale is a cautionary story not a how to! Scary times. We need to identify these people and shine a light on them.
1984 is also remarkably prescient.
There's a lot of distopian Science Fiction that needs to be moved to current affairs.
“Man's capacity for justice makes democracy possible, but man's inclination to injustice makes democracy necessary.” ~ Karl Paul Reinhold Niebuhr
Under his eye. Please vote. Bc the cult absolutely will.
The climate and trans cult?
@@poolplayerpoolplayer7430lol, you believe in the bloodbath hoax.
Blessed be 💙
@@_B.C_ no only leftists believe the bloodbath hoax
@@poolplayerpoolplayer7430 Trans cult? Why are you people so obsessed with people who have no effect on your life, and their sexuality. Creepy.
There should be no such thing as billionaires. It spawns megalomania.
Or at the very minimum shouldn't they pay their FAIR SHARE of taxes?
@@transformationtimenow3321 but that doesn’t solve the jealously
@@TheRealLesterGreenYour mistake is the fundamental attribution error. Just because you can't imagine not fapping to a Scrouge McDuck vault of gold, doesn't mean that everyone else is like that. Some of us just have values.
@@nathanlevesque7812 That’s good but what about the jealous ones? How do we help ease that.
@@transformationtimenow3321the rich and wealthy pay the majority of taxes, and the US has the highest or one of the highest corp tax rate in the world , start taxing more and they will leave and take their businesses with them
I so RESPECT Joy, and am so glad she is in the media!!! Stay strong WARRIOR WOMAN, we need you, especially NOW!!!!
So they want to bring about Gilead in real life. Be warned women of America.
The irony of this…..our founding fathers while they were religious, they literally proposed separation of church and state and said that they never wanted religion to get into politics. If our founding fathers themselves said that….what does that tell us?
That they were far more familiar with the European Wars of Religion than modern audiences?
They were also actively committing geno side on Native Americans.
I am so sick of people on both sides bringing those guys up. They lived in a much, much different world. It is pointless to keep invoking what they thought, what they intended, etc.
Since they wrote the Constitution we have to give them our attention. They had a good idea which religious leaders have corrupted for their own gain.
They don’t care about the founding fathers or the constitution, they just want to enact this loony fever dream and have a Christo-fascist government. They no longer stand for democracy, they are full fascists.
Even the word "regime" is profoundly unAmerican.
The US has a massive hegemonic regime
@@uncomfortabletruth5915 That's what a government is. They "govern". I wouldn't call it a regime. Hitler had a regime. We are not authoritarian...yet.
@@uncomfortabletruth5915It's authoritarian? Them reeducation camps🇨🇳 aren't doing any of the educating part, I see.
Better talk to your conservative buddies, there the only ones wanting to impose religious nationalism and reeducation …
I don't think it can be called a secret, when we are aware of this bullsh*t for so long.
Just remember Hitler claimed to be Christian and look at what he did.
He even hijacked Christian churches to and installed people who would teach his own twisted gospel. Which is why it’s all the more important for people to have nuance in all of this because even the groups that this cult are trying to identify as will become victims too because they don’t fit the exact criteria.
Hitler's first major diplomatic agreement after coming to power in Germany was actually the Concordat with the Vatican, signed in 1933
Popes claim to b e christians too and look what they have done.
Hitler despised Christianity. (He actually said it would have been better if the Moslems had taken over Europe in the Middle Ages.)
And remember that Trump really likes dictators, especially Hitler
I'm guessing that the kind of guy who would join a men's only right wing society probably doesn't get invited to many parties.
Unfortunately, he does get invited to parties.
@@philipethier9136 ok, sure, but not good ones.
Probably gets kicked out of more than a few for being "creepy". Or carefully watched by the "Mama bears" of the group. There's always a sober few people in any sane party that keep an eye out for creeps to toss out if they get too handsy or rapey, at least parties I go to. At least, that's the ideal we aspire to, anyway. I'm in the BDSM community & we're _very_ cautious of things like consent.
We already know who benefits from RNC candidate...2016-2021 showed us all, 8 trillion in debt and tax breaks for the cronies
And then, after creating that debt themselves, they turn around and use it as an excuse for why the government is supposedly broken. Kind of like the town arsonist whining that houses keep burning down :(
While we, the middle class and working poor, got SQUEEZED!! and were all made to pay more! Thank GOD for President Biden!! Vote BLUE everyone!
No, he's made it much worse.@@leehartlee2970
As a Christian, this kind of stuff drives me crazy. These men do not represent the character of all Christians. 😢
Well it doesn't seem like you guys are doing enough to set the record straight.
Evil prevails when good people do nothing.
Hopefully not of any. If Christianity has to do with Jesus, these are claiming a false legitimacy.
I think the issue is that Christians are taught to have a weak morality--such is the reality of basing your ideology on lies. An omnipotent, unseeable master is an easy thing to manipulate. I implore you to attribute this evidence of such manipulation to core flaws in christianity, not an unfortunate accident or byproduct. There have always been people who have benefitted from the worst of the countless atrocities committed in the name of Christianity, and this is merely another instance of such an abuse. The question for you is, how comfortable are you in your compliance? Do you gain more than you lose and is that, perhaps, why you carry on such a shameful torch? Real moral conviction comes from the self, through learning and experience, and through empathy--not from the lies of some long dead scholar. Grow. Up.
I expect there to be a fair amount of decent Christians out there, I even know a few myself who are extremely put off by both the Christo-fascist right and even the church itself, but they also struggle to contend with the fact that all major religions, including the Abrahamic ones (like Christianity), are unfortunately inherently wildly patriarchal and misogynistic. Like they just practice it their own way, based on the positive tenets set forth and more based on a personal faith and relationship with God. But it doesn’t sit well with them that those things (like women’s inherent “sinful nature” and literal subjugation) are actually, literally written into all of the canonical texts.
To be fair, it’s historically well-documented that all of the canonical texts were heavily edited and selectively chosen to propagate that very ideology, while ones that offered other perspectives or were even written by women were intentionally excluded and deemed “heretical.” So it’s possible that none of the canonical texts as we know them today are accurate nor what their original creators intended them to be. Plus they’re insanely warped and selectively applied all the time.
I mean, Jesus was like the OG socialist hippie who criticized powerful religious leaders of his own religion-Judaism-for corruption and greed, criticized the cruelty that people showed women that were considered “dirty” or “slutty” or “fallen” bc they were forced into prostitution to survive, etc.
Like he was all about compassion, and yet those that have weaponized him for millennia and still do so today are the exact opposite. Jesus would despise all of them. The irony and hypocrisy is frustrating.
Yeah I don’t call myself a Christian because it feels like it’s just an arm of the Republican Party and has been since before I was born. 80% of the people in your church aren’t “Christian”
As one wealthy person "with a conscience"(very few of couse) once said: "I keep telling my billionaire friends that if in-equality is not addressed.., the pitch forks will be coming".
Happened to the Mayans, all the royals and priests were hunted down and killed mercilessly when they couldn't undo the effects of overpopulation, disease, war, failed crops, and climate change. The people put their Gods aside and dealt with the real problem themselves.
Adam Smith tried to tell them hundreds of years ago when he "invented" capitalism. The powerful rich have ignored them for all this time as the inequality expands. Someone did a computation--the inequality by 1990 was already 10 times what Adam Smith thought would be fatal to the system.
Grateful for uncovering this type of information. Never in a million years would I have thought such a society would even exist in this day and age.
There are many such societies in this day and age.
Yes many just not this gaslighting 1. The secret societies that buys these media oulets to fool people like you
This is the problem. For anyone online and paying attention for the last 20 years, absolute none of this is surprising. But it shows you how effective the crypto fascism was during the 2010s. It was spreading like wildfire, and all the pieces were being put in place, with the general public none the wiser.
Fear! The one word that stood out to me. Misogyny and racism are the given with these people. Yet fear resounds. Because that’s what they want for everyone else who might speak out against it.
I find it uncanny and disturbing that their logo looks like an upside down cross
It also evokes the triangles or "V"s discussed in the historical analysis of the DaVinci Code memes. The "V" for female, and the upside down one for male...this has a vertical line and a curved or softened "V." Could have same meaning...as if they thought they'd softened woman's power?
“I’m going to make your $40k Ford built in Mexico now cost $80k!”
Crowd - cheers
Exactly. I had to laugh at my late dad years ago when he bought my mom a brand-new Ford Fusion fully loaded with extras telling me he bought her an American made car. I watched his face drop when I informed him that her car was made in Mexico. It's hilarious how dumb most of us Americans are when it comes to knowing important things about stuff we should be aware of. BTW it was a great car and despite the fact that she accidentally locked herself in it once, she really liked the car.
Stupid is as stupid does.
And then they will blame the Democrats for the higher costs.
Propaganda brainwashing
just like the tariffs he placed on China around covid, made all our products cost 10% more for AMERICANS. We pay the fee, moronic.
Wow, if only the people from these so-called secret societies could see and hear themselves they'll see then just how pathetic they really are.
False. They look in the mirror every day and do this stuff anyway.
Hey paula you should look in the mirror sometime
It's why they create "secret" clubs so they think they can hide their misogyny and racism while using their money and influence to get judges and politicians in office to do their bidding. Exposure for what they are and what they are trying to do to our nation's culture and society is the only thing that curbs their power.
No they won't. Why would they, they have won in life and weve given them our money and many of us continue to support them. They are pathetic but they would never see that, your words and opinion do not matter to them. The only power we have is who we vote for and who we give our money to. Vote well and support local businesses.
@@scabcrawler632 Why is it that paid trolls adopt disgusting names? Is it just to affirm their actual lowlife inner character?
Conservatives make the angriest winners. Having it all isn’t enough - everyone has to want them to have it all.
You _will_ conform! 💯
They let us choose between the value menu & the fancy combo meals. Complaining is something only the privileged get to do.
Plenty of old people are willing to help make this happen and then die leaving the rest of us to sort it out.
Vote Blue 💙💙💙
So wrong. “Old people” are the ones who fought in and lived through WWII to stop the spread of fascism. Heck your history.
What exactly are you saying & asking.
People please vote for whoever that can enable us Americans to move away from consumerism back to Capitalism as the means of self actualization, healthy, peaceful, prosperous and happy life.
@@nonnywinner5039 I'm saying many older Trump supporters won't be around long enough to see the horrendous consequences of their actions, if they help to enable Trump and his devils regain power.
i hate to break the news to you, but millennials are strongly represented in MAGA. People need to stop looking in the wrong places for targets.
@@dlynn101 MAGA millennials are still in the minority.
They should move to Utah. They're pretty much aligned with LDS ... not mainstrem America at all.
No offense to Mormons. It is a choice not a govt mandate.
The LDS are one of the Christian groups excluded from their organization as not Christian enough.
Yet ironically they probably exclude Mormons.
I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. There's been a lot of Californians and other out-of-state people diluting the the ideological makeup of the state. We've had this place as a safe-haven from the extreme violence that forced us to leave to here back in the 1840's.
We welcome all kinds of people, friendly people that enrich our communities. But anyone that comes to our neighborhoods to dictate to us what practices and teachings our religion should and shouldn't preach makes themselves a false prophet in our eyes, and we're more vigilant about those individuals and organizations. In the past this has been the federal government and other Christan groups, some evangelical.
Those that are called by God, via the direct line of the holy Melchezideck Priesthood, as restored by the Prophet Jospeh Smith, are the only ones that dictate the continuous doctrine of the Lord's church.
Joseph Smith was a con man. Biggest false prophet of them all.
The problem with tightknit 'societies' like this is that they never, ever give up on attempting to achieve their goals. The name might change, the organization might change, it's members might change due to exposure, or outing, or some form of egregious circumstance, but the PURPOSE, the GOAL, the AIM never does. The only effective means of ensuring they never get their way is to be vigilant, and put into place laws and practical policies that are hard to challenge, or amend and to investigate, expose and where possible prosecute.
It's such a small group that it wouldn't be scary if they didn't control so much wealth and business! UGH!!
We're going to make every car you WANT TO BUY (tariff of 100%) twice as expensive, so you won't be able to afford anything else except Buicks and Fords. DOH!!!! What a dingbat. VOTE BLUE!!!
Meanwhile they'll blame Democrats for every problem they cause. Don't just vote Blue, vote progressively blue.
"picking winners and losers"
"free market"
"competition breeds success"
"everyone gets a trophy"
Republican consistency 👍
When TRUMP comes by in Orlando, FL his people hire homeless people to stand behind him. They're always the same.
They live under the bridge on Kaley ave, downtown.
That's been happening for years.
It's an important story.
As long as they are paid well, I think that’s a good use of Trump’s ill-gotten gains.
@@nerissarowan8119 It's a continuation of misinformation. I believe in the first ammendment, but America needs a truth in advertising law, and people serving time for breaking it.
Those aren't homeless people standing behind him but people picked from the crowd who go to see him. I have noticed that there have been fewer Black folks behind him lately. There was one Black dude that followed him everywhere that's been missing.
@@tracysample6942 That guy has accumulated enough free T-shirts so he' s good.
Men deifying men. How godly.
A billionaire idolizes himself above all others.
Thank you Sista for always giving us a history lesson. You are so much appreciated ❤️
This is the exact plot of The Handmaids Tale. It is eerie how that book is coming true in several ways. If we do not vote blue en masse in November they may succeed.
You have made a great point!👍And, IMHO, it makes sense that it was written by a Canadian author in the 1980s. Why? Well, during that decade, Ronald Reagan was U.S. President for two terms, Margaret Thatcher was PM 'across the pond', and Brian Mulroney was PM for two terms in Canada....all staunch conservatives with a different take on policy. I am 63 yrs-old, so I can attest to the fact that ALL of them were heartless & arrogant, they socialized together, and they formulated policy together. (*) They dominated politics during much of the 1980s, and changed 'conservatism' forever...and not for the better. Conservatism ceased to be about protecting Capitalism as 'the engine of democracy', and more about 'class warfare' against the middle class & poor. All of them did their very best to privatize government institutions, weaken/destroy social programs, and rip holes in their nations' social 'safety nets', undermine & attack unions, cut taxes for the richest, meddle in the politics & economies of other sovereign democracies, and (especially with the U.S.A.) funded/armed terrorist organizations.
FYI, when Canadians finally woke up to the realities of Mulroney's scandal-ridden & arrogant Progressive Conservative Party, the approval rating of Mulroney & the Progressive Conservative federal government plummeted to the lowest approval ratings in the history of Canadian politics...and it still holds the record. (unfortunately, the damage was done, and it also gave rise to far right conservatism in Canada. In effect, "Progressive" was removed from the party...) In Canada, quite a few artists created music which spoke out quite firmly about what was going on in Canada, the U.S.A. the U.K. & around the world (e.g. the great Bruce Cockburn, The Parachute Club, and others..), and there was a lot of sharply critical social & political commentary from musicians in the U.S.A., U.K. Australia, and continental Europe as well....topics which continued to be covered by many of the same artists in the 1990s & 2000s. (**)
On the literary front, Margaret Atwood, a very observant, highly-intelligent woman & talented author, also recognized the segment of society which was behind the politics of Reagan/Thatcher/Mulroney (..nowadays, they are known as "The One Percent" in the U.S.A.). She also noted the continued blurring of the line between Church & State in the U.S.A., and more extremist 'Christian" political action in the U.S.A., the U.K & Canada (e.g. assassinations of doctors who performed abortions, bombing/burning of abortion clinics, lynchings of gays, etc., etc...). So, I am sure that she wrote "The Handmaid's Tale" to shine a light on the agendas of the most powerful in 'western' democracies, as well as sounding a warning about where some nations were headed (especially the U.S.A.). Atwood's 'The Handmaid's Tale" in the 1980s turned out to be just as prescient as Ernest Hemmingway's superb "For Whom The Bell Tolls" which was inspired by what Hemmingway observed in Europe in the 1920s & 1930s, (especially the Spanish Civil War), including the rise of Naziism/Fascism & Communism, and the seeds of world-wide struggles between ideologies.
(*) People, politicians & the media have a strong tendency to turn historical figures into cartoon characters, either by selectively filtering everyone's memory of the bad things the historical figure did, or by only remembering the bad things. There is no doubt in my mind that Ronald Reagan & Jimmy Carter are examples of these two simplistic & inaccurate historical narratives. Most Canadians & Brits are very guilty of filtering out the many negatives of Brian Mulroney & Margaret Thatcher....those whose lives were hurt by these two leaders are the exceptions.
(**) People & the media also have a tendency to have a selective memory regarding the music, books & other arts which resonated with society at the time. In the case of the 1980s, people & radio stations like to remember the fun 'party music' & the sometimes garish fashion choices of celebrities....however there was a lot of very strong political & social commentary, and a lot of predictions regarding society & politics that have proven to be accurate.
@@derekbaker3279Thank you! Yes, indeed, the great Bruce Cockburn who is a Christian, in fact, was one of the voices who spoke up against the looming trend of Christofascism back then. I had the privilege of meeting and interviewing him for an article I wrote. Wonderful human being. Thanks again for waxing long in your prose. I LOVE to read good writing! Your post fits the bill. Cheers.
If they get what they want, the country will lose its economic standing on the global stage.
Removing women from the workforce to fortify white Christian patriarchy is the ultimate boy math.
Only significant difference is the widespread sterility they use to justify their world
And you better believe that this society would have "camps" for dissenters.
Your side wanted camps for people that refused the Jab.
The handmaids tale is not just a work of fiction.
Atwood has said for years that nothing she wrote about in Handmaid's Tale was invented. Every atrocity was based on things that have actually happened to women in the name of religion.
For the Rethuglican Religious Reich, it’s actually a blueprint!
What would make these men so devoid of human empathy for the women & little girls in their lives that they'd even dare entertain the very idea of being this cruel & disrespectful to them? My body, my health, my life, MY choice!
go visit a torture devise museum if you wanna know how evil humanity is capable of being. all invented by men of course. if those inventors were alive today theyd be voting trump
They have been trying this since the 1920's. They are dangerous.
Way before that. And they won't give up unless we the people actually stop them with an end to gerrymandering, an end to the electoral college and a truly bi-partisan Supreme Court.
Since the beginning of time.
There are going to be a lot of single men that no women want.
If they win women will never be free of abuse and oppression. We must stand strong and vote them all out of office.
That’s already happening. What do you think Incels are all about?
They're called Trump supporters
Yuck 🤮
There's a lot of women who follow their men who are like that
It won't matter what women want or don't want in the 'new world' that these kind of people want.
And if their religion is so great, if their ideas are so wonderful, why do they need to be a secret group?
It's not...this is liberal click-bait.
Its a club for the Commanders of Gilead.
*This is some of the weirdest, creepiest sh*t I've ever seen Joy. ONLY IN AMERICA!* 🇺🇸🥵☠
That's right - only in America are bizarre situations like this materialising. Obviously the Americans have too much time on their hands lol
No not only in America. It is happening all over this globe. You just have to open your eyes.
@@marianagabel8361 The religious mania/White Supremacist stuff is far, far worse in America than any other advanced Western democracy.
@@paulrollings9606 Try looking into the Sovereign Citizen (started in US) movement, and see how it's showing up and mutating overseas.
Wait til you see rachel levine 😂
Finally. What I’ve been asking since 2016. Who is pulling the strings. Thank you.
More like what is their end game.
Please Google Project 2025 for more scary stuff. Blessings to you.
Vladimir Putin. And now there are youtube channels, Russians preaching "Christianity" from this perspective.
I am a white, Christian, heterosexual male, and I would HATE to live in a world or a nation in which everyone looked like me and/or thought the exact way I did. Whatever happened to the USA being a "melting pot" of ideas, cultures and people? Of course, the melting pot is alive and strong and it needs to stay that way. It is truly sad to see the hatred and ignorance these so-called Christian groups possess.
Thank you for addressing this issue. I feel it's important for every American to know this. It's against the interests of the majority of Americans and most don't know about it.
Sounds like Gilead in the Handmaid's Tale
doesnt' just sound like, it is...
The Kooky Kristian Kultists that comprise SACR will not prevail in their mission.
President Trump Will PREVAIL!, We The People Will defeat this Tyrannical Administration
Perfectly stated!!!
that "loving" god sure hates a lot
ONLY IF ENOUGH OF US VOTE BLUE! That is not a given.
Think about how these "men" get together ,, do they have a therapy group for rich men who are afraid of their mummies ?
Post ALL the names!
Here's a few: Netanyahu, Smotrich, Ben Gevir...
We need to turn out, every voter, to ensure these societies do not prevail!💙🌊💙🌊
SACR sounds a lot like scientology
Rev Moon
It is in its own form. Religion in history has destroyed mankind. When will people see the light, that
Its a belief system and nothing more.
They must be so miserable and bitter!!!
Ask the Russian Tsars and the French kings how well this type of society goes?
Well, the Revolutionists weren't the good guys, either.
@quietus333 they were. The ancien and tsarist regimes were brutal, regressive, and warlike even by the standards of other European monarchs. Violence committed by revolutionaries is called "chaos", while the same or worse violence committed by the regime is called "order".
@@33-vertebraethey absolutely were 😂
This is absolutely the handmaids tale!
These people are beyond gross.
Excellent contrast! Joy, you hit the nail on the head! SOCIAL INJUSTICE! It's gaining full steam!
Why are they still calling themselves Christian? Christ was kind, humble and loving….according to the Sunday school I went to.
Ya, but they think Jesus is coming back with an AR-15 and a MAGA hat.
@@wendigo53dude they think trump is jesus.
The same way that the Pharisees called themselves religious. It's called hypocrisy. The Pharisees had Jesus crucified (using the Romans as their proxies) because He ripped the masks off their faces and showed everyone who they really were.
And Jesus was inclusive and not exclusive.
Mmm yes, loving, kind, and humble... “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and one's foes will be members of one's own household” (Matthew 10:34-36). Oh, and he flipped out at a fig tree for not having immediate munchies for him. So let's add "sane and reasonable" to the list.
This is no surprise , you just have to grocery shop in a large store to understand how we are being controlled by Corp greed
Or biden caused massive inflation, educate yourself
Might want to loosen the tinfoil a bit.
@@surelyyoujokemeinfailure7531You really think the food industry isn't TOTALLY screwing us over?? They just happen to be fair players with big hearts? Corporations have been endlessly paying politicians for more deregulations... its not because those regulations were ''unfair''.
Six kitty companies run everything
@@kated3165Jeez, try telling me something I didn't already know by 2nd grade. FFS :(
Tariffs are just hidden taxes. Our people pay it, not the manufacturer.
Well, that’s another disturbing group to worry about.
Shocker he's making threats of a bloodbath, he also knows nothing about trade, 100% tariff? Few people realize that a tariff costs Americans NOT the company or country its applied to. If the stable genius was to start putting large tariffs on imports there would be loss of American jobs, and could also effect inflation.
religion has caused problems for centuries . . .
It's about normalising lying.
It is a toxic cancer to humanity.
There have always been people who long for a return to the feudal system.
No, just back to golden age of the post-WWII boom.
Yep, they’ve interviewed many of his supporters who outright state they want to live under a dictator.
@@CarlGerhardt1 The 1950s wasn’t golden age for everyone, especiallu women or people of color. Live like that inside your family if you wish, but we are NOT going back!
wow, best MSNBC clip ever!
more of this!!! we don't want handmaid's tale coming true.
The weirdest thing about this interview is that it was cut off. 😮
Probably an editing error by the video production intern:)
Society for Aryan Christian Republic is more like it.
Try and get anybody involved to sit for an interview. Get these clowns on camera to own their agenda.
are yuo kidding, maga dont want to listen
I am thoroughly creeped out by the people who believe that the man should have a small scale dictatorship over his household- that he should be catered to, fawned over, and obeyed immediately and without question.
Not only is it an unhealthy dynamic that provides ample opportunity for abuse [see SHINY HAPPY PEOPLE], but It is such a _weird_ thing to want out of a partner! I dunno man, it gives me the creeps!
Follow that money honey 😂😂😂. Birds of the feather should be indicted together
Big fanni and wade are finding out 😂
@@scabcrawler632 You're finding out that Willis will remain as the prosecutor on the case.