There is a lot of stuff like this where I don't understand why people work so hard for one SPECIFIC item, especially a cloak... Its good but just get something easier to obtain, 700g rounded for a small stat boost is not worth... There is SO MANY great items that get ignored because they are 1agi or 1 str below what people put on BiS lists... For my rogues and warriors out there, you can run into ZF and reset farm the entrance till the rare spawn appears, kill him and take his GUARANTEED blue foot armor, its ALMOST as good as any of the preraid BiS blues. 30m of effort and now you don't need to worry about upgrading foot armor
It's insane how afraid most people seem to be when it comes to using their own brains and critically thinking about things. Excellent video, good points and a pretty strictly correct take. But something, something.... hurr durr but it's bis so you're wrong or whatever
You make some good points on the cloak, and that's very much fair. However, it is difficult to get away from the mentality that you are not getting your BIS item (bis for a while, until Cloak of Pure Thought or beyond). This can potentially factor in in loot council decisions, or just how you're viewed by your peers as going maximum effort or not. It's true that 100+ major mana potions are worth much more than +16 healing, but for people to see that, it means that you have a solid raiding guild who has gotten to know you for a little while. If you don't have a solid raiding guild yet, it will help to get one if you have HOTW than if you don't. I 100% agree that you *shouldn't* care about the min-maxxer mindset that you describe in your video, but it's also unfortunately quite hard to get away from it when that is the meta. It's kind of like world buffs; it's hard to get away from them whenever everyone gets them and there's pressure to get them. So if you know your guildies well (for example, you've played with them before Anniversary realms), then sure, you can go for Cloak of the Cosmos and people will trust that you know what you're doing, and no problem. But otherwise, it's tough. It's like melee/hunter DPS not going for Cape of the Black Baron - there is no real good reason not to get it. It may take more than 7 hours of Strat runs to get it, but it's hard to justify not at least doing what you can to get it. Generally, it's just very hard not getting suckered into going for BIS items with the state/meta of WoW Classic/Vanilla right now. It's doable, but it's hard. You're probably right that HOTW can likely be lower on the list of priorities when other items that you can get more easily will be more impactful. But it's still hard to justify not getting at all for a while, but maybe you'd even disagree with that. Finally, one thing I will say is that regarding Vambraces of Prophecy, sure they are really good, but I feel that you can make a similar argument for Sublime Wristguards as you can for Cloak of the Cosmos. Sublime Wristguards are slightly less good than Cloak of the Cosmos is for HOTW, but the argument about spending 700-1000g for Vambraces of Prophecy but not at all for HOTW doesn't hold that much water in my view. It's the same argument for similar items/opportunity costs. Yes your 3-set bonus is good, but if you're far from getting it, then again the argument doesn't hold as much water. If you can buy it to get your 3-set, that makes the items more valuable, but context is important. I'm just saying that the argument for Vambraces of Prophecy and HOTW likely requires a bit more nuance when you have relatively similar items that can replace it. Vambraces of Prophecy is superior to HOTW in this case, but not sure the argument about 700-1000g holds necessarily (especially not when you compare with the number of mana pots/dark runes you can buy, etc.).
The pressure you're describing is absolutely real, but I think comparing it to getting world buffs is missing the point a little bit. The issue here isn't really resisting min/max culture. I'm as min/max as you can realistically get in every game I play. However, you have to stay in the realm of rationality. World buffs are good because they provide a massive advantage, and they take comparatively little effort to get (although, even if they took much more effort they'd still be worth getting due to the massive advantage). This is *literally* 16 healing, which basically turns out to be about 2-7 real healing per cast (assuming no overheal). Healing is also not zero sum. So you can't even look at it like you could with damage. You can't *truly* say "I would have done X more effective healing over the course of the raid if I had the cloak" because that's not how healing works. Why? because it's not just your over healing that's important. If you get 100% value out of your heal and your teammate finishes healing the same target you started and over healed them for 100, hat completely wipes out the bonus from the cloak 100x over. Situations like that happen *all* the time. The overwhelming *majority* of the time. The problem in this particular case is that the difference is so neglible that it will *not* even be registered in 99% of cases. To contrast this with the perspective of a DPS player. If I get 9 strength on my bracers instead of 7 then the damage difference *is* going to be incredibly small, *but* it will be active on *every* attack/ability I issue. It's cumulative, in a way that your +healing value on a healer simply isn't in the vast majority of cases. That's what makes this so irrational. It's truly a healing specific issue. That's why I make the distinction between chasing DPS upgrades vs healing upgrades in the latter portion of the video, they're just two different beasts. On the point of the Vambracers I still stand behind what I said. Of course, comparing them 1-1 with the DM bracers they don't look quite as hot, but even then they're *still* better than the cloak. Not only that, but if you want to run 3 set into BWL the bracers are pretty integral to doing that efficiently so the bracers have a long lifespan on top of the stat benefits + the set bonus. You could try and make a similar argument for the cloak, but the reality is while you would likely keep Hide for a long while, you could keep cloak of the cosmos for just as long and be completely fine. The same can't be said if you don't pick up the bracers. If you don't pick up the bracers you're simply losing out on the most efficient 3 set path you can run once you start incorporating T2 into your gearset. Nothing can replace that or be equivalent to it because you need to use those specific bracers to do that.
i disagree solely because it is bis until you get the c'thun cloak in AQ40 that's 3 entire phases from now to save up gold to buy the bis cloak in the game if your argument is "its not that much better than these other items" then thats a much more nuanced discussion of "why do we even chase after bis in this game at all in the first place" which i think is silly people wanna have the best gear possible at any given time, its not like you have to get hide right at this very moment
I think you have missed the entire point of a mmo. It dose not even mater if the cloak was 1Healing power more then the blue it is still BIS and most people want to have BIS gear to feel they have accomplished something. With your logic we can all go with greens and raid example MC as it will still make the job done. We don't need better gear. It is not about getting it for the massive increase in performance , it all about getting the best possible. Same logic as achievements, why try to chase achievements, it wont benefit your character in any way. I know it don't exist in classic but the thing is still the same.
That is just the most incredibly flawed way to look at *anything*. What do you feel like you accomplished by having the same exact cloak everyone else has? LOL It's not like you 'accomplished' something like getting rank 1 on a ladder in a competitive game or something like that. You're talking about farming mats and then wasting them on an item that gives you basically no performance advantage. Why are you so obsessed with having the 'best possible' gear? What does it matter if that gear doesn't allow you to accomplish some specific goal better? It's just so nonsensical.
@@PowerWordHeal-cu4es Who are you to tell others what they should or not should feel about accomplish something? Your video literarily telling people that this item is a scam and you should not get it. I can agree with you that in your mind, you dont care about BIS and the gold spent on it is not worth. But that is your opinion. You are telling others that your opinion is the right way and everyone else is wrong. What Im saying here is there is no right or wrong here, If someone feels like they want to either farm or by the mats for it as they feel they want to have the item due to it makes them feel good as they have gotten the best item currently in the game, I say go for it. We all chase that feeling when we get something and we are happy for some time for it. If this item don't do that for you, that is fine. But if it does that for others why say they are wrong about it? This is a video game and not IRL. If this was a IRL item and people bought it due to they feel they need it when they cant afford it I would agree with you. But this is not the case. You say don't waste your gold or time on this item, well if that makes someone happy why not? That is what the game is al about, do things that make you happy.
@@Guldbullen I didn't delete any comments, but I've definitely typed out comments in replies before that didn't go through. I'm not really sure why it happens, but I've definitely seen it with replies myself.
@@PowerWordHeal-cu4es ok I answer on more time. Who are you to say what is accomplishing or not for other players? Your video literary saying this item is a scam and don't get it. I understand if you feel it has little value and don't get the item, that is your opinion and that is fine. But you are also more or less saying your way of thinking is the right way and everyone else is wrong. Most people playing a mmo game are chasing that thrill when getting a new item, we feel happy about it for some time and then we continue to get the next item. For most players this is one of the biggest thing in the game, get your character better. So if someone want this item and put down the time to get it, when getting it that player feels good for some time, how can that be a scam? How can time spent in a video game that makes you feel good be a scam and waste of time? (Can argue that all time spent in a video game is a waste of time in that case but that is another discussion.) If you wanted to create a video explaining that this items is not as good as you think and you should think twice before you get it, then it should be more fair. But that is not what you are doing here, you are saying this is a scam/wrong and what you think about spending time on this item is wrong and you should stop doing it. You are telling people that your way of thinking is the right way and everyone else is wrong. The truth here is there is no right and wrong answer. If someone want's to spend time and gold on this item as it let them feel good about them, I would say go for it. If not don't do it. It is up to every player to decide if it is "worth" or not. Not for you to tell it is not. "Worth" is is in the eye of the beholder.
That has nothing to do with the fact that it's 16 healing above the next best option. Also, you have many opportunities to replace this cloak. The BWL cloak is better, and while I wouldn't suggest focusing a disproportionate amount of prio on Shroud of Pure Thought that doesn't change the fact that it is better. Cloak of Clarity is also better as well as Cloak of Suffering from Naxx.
@@rashid2898 Just get cloak of the cosmos its not that hard to get. The stat boost is marginal is all the dude in the video is saying, marginal for a 700g price point. If you have a fuck ton of money and literally nothing better to do with it then sure its worth doing, but I think there is a TON of people right not farming for this cloak when it isn't worth it.
Yea it's def not worth the gold esp not right now while the mats are sky high. However most serious guilds will expect their healers to have HoTW and people will get it to stay in line and not draw the ire of leadership. I already farmed my mats and lots of other people have as well is what it is.
This is how wow works now. Instead of ppl farming a decent amount so content is easy they go for absolute bis and insane consumables. Smashing content is no longer good enough now you gota 1 tap it all. Weird mmo style imo but it’s what you wow andies have now made it.
Yeah, but renew isn't really a very useful spell in most raids. And in the cases where it is, it only matters that someone is doing it. It doesn't have to be you.
Farming the mats still costs you the same amount of gold I'm talking about here because you could sell the mats for the market price easily. If you choose to make this item you're still spending 700+ gold even if you farm your own mats.
It's not actually, I explain why it's bad and where to find the alternatives quickly. I literally say something to the effect of "Stick around if you want to hear just how bad the value really is here. If not feel free to click off." LOL
"im lazy in my video games and you should be too" i mean its an acceptable stance but it does not take more than a day to farm the items for this cloak which is better than the other cloaks and you'll have it for months and months. you can also get all the budget enchants if gold is a problem but i mean... you're gonna run out of things to do pretty fast in classic. may as well farm the gold and get the best available in every slot. i dont understand why you made a 20 minutes video on not spending gold to get better gear in an mmo.
@@PowerWordHeal-cu4es mmo's are about grinding out the best possible no matter how small since you wear 17 slots and this +16 healing on every slot resulsts in a huge upgrade not to mention that this item specifictly won't be replaced ANYTIME soon, most ppl will kill KT with it. Just play another game mate
@@solitzpvp4166 It's not 16 healing on every slot. LOL There's not an equiv BoE in every slot. It's 16 healing in ONE slot. It is *completely* irrelevant.
I'm not wrong, 16 healing is just completely irrelevant. I could buy many of these cloaks, but that doesn't change the fact that it's simply a waste of gold.
@@rammune7260 This is the dumbest comment I've ever seen on my channel. LOL Why would you deduct 16 healing on every slot? I'm talking about doing it on a single slot. Is there a 800 gold BoE for every slot now? Amazing logic. xD
@@PowerWordHeal-cu4es Yeah, people have been telling me you've been struggling a lot on gold, so if you do need some, I can lend you. No need for this propaganda video about Hide of the Wild not being BiS.
@@FAMILYFRIENDLYBRAZILIAN So not only do you cheat, but you also struggle to comprehend things as well. The first thing I say when I start talking about the item is that it is BiS. LOL
@@FAMILYFRIENDLYBRAZILIAN You're actually the poor one. You want the item but have to buy gold to buy it. How does it feel being broke in a 20 year old game? Better yet, bragging about being broke and cheating in youtube comments. LOL
you're getting lots of crap, but you made strong arguments. people get baited by bis lists and waste their gold without even thinking
There is a lot of stuff like this where I don't understand why people work so hard for one SPECIFIC item, especially a cloak... Its good but just get something easier to obtain, 700g rounded for a small stat boost is not worth...
There is SO MANY great items that get ignored because they are 1agi or 1 str below what people put on BiS lists...
For my rogues and warriors out there, you can run into ZF and reset farm the entrance till the rare spawn appears, kill him and take his GUARANTEED blue foot armor, its ALMOST as good as any of the preraid BiS blues.
30m of effort and now you don't need to worry about upgrading foot armor
the other commenters disparaging this vid are gold buyers or healers who try to parse lol
Parsing is a bane to good gaming... and gold sellers are a destructive force that are feeding the Botters.
I bought this cloak on hardcore and died instantly
It's insane how afraid most people seem to be when it comes to using their own brains and critically thinking about things. Excellent video, good points and a pretty strictly correct take.
But something, something.... hurr durr but it's bis so you're wrong or whatever
You make some good points on the cloak, and that's very much fair. However, it is difficult to get away from the mentality that you are not getting your BIS item (bis for a while, until Cloak of Pure Thought or beyond). This can potentially factor in in loot council decisions, or just how you're viewed by your peers as going maximum effort or not. It's true that 100+ major mana potions are worth much more than +16 healing, but for people to see that, it means that you have a solid raiding guild who has gotten to know you for a little while. If you don't have a solid raiding guild yet, it will help to get one if you have HOTW than if you don't.
I 100% agree that you *shouldn't* care about the min-maxxer mindset that you describe in your video, but it's also unfortunately quite hard to get away from it when that is the meta. It's kind of like world buffs; it's hard to get away from them whenever everyone gets them and there's pressure to get them. So if you know your guildies well (for example, you've played with them before Anniversary realms), then sure, you can go for Cloak of the Cosmos and people will trust that you know what you're doing, and no problem. But otherwise, it's tough. It's like melee/hunter DPS not going for Cape of the Black Baron - there is no real good reason not to get it. It may take more than 7 hours of Strat runs to get it, but it's hard to justify not at least doing what you can to get it.
Generally, it's just very hard not getting suckered into going for BIS items with the state/meta of WoW Classic/Vanilla right now. It's doable, but it's hard. You're probably right that HOTW can likely be lower on the list of priorities when other items that you can get more easily will be more impactful. But it's still hard to justify not getting at all for a while, but maybe you'd even disagree with that.
Finally, one thing I will say is that regarding Vambraces of Prophecy, sure they are really good, but I feel that you can make a similar argument for Sublime Wristguards as you can for Cloak of the Cosmos. Sublime Wristguards are slightly less good than Cloak of the Cosmos is for HOTW, but the argument about spending 700-1000g for Vambraces of Prophecy but not at all for HOTW doesn't hold that much water in my view. It's the same argument for similar items/opportunity costs. Yes your 3-set bonus is good, but if you're far from getting it, then again the argument doesn't hold as much water. If you can buy it to get your 3-set, that makes the items more valuable, but context is important. I'm just saying that the argument for Vambraces of Prophecy and HOTW likely requires a bit more nuance when you have relatively similar items that can replace it. Vambraces of Prophecy is superior to HOTW in this case, but not sure the argument about 700-1000g holds necessarily (especially not when you compare with the number of mana pots/dark runes you can buy, etc.).
The pressure you're describing is absolutely real, but I think comparing it to getting world buffs is missing the point a little bit.
The issue here isn't really resisting min/max culture. I'm as min/max as you can realistically get in every game I play. However, you have to stay in the realm of rationality.
World buffs are good because they provide a massive advantage, and they take comparatively little effort to get (although, even if they took much more effort they'd still be worth getting due to the massive advantage).
This is *literally* 16 healing, which basically turns out to be about 2-7 real healing per cast (assuming no overheal).
Healing is also not zero sum. So you can't even look at it like you could with damage. You can't *truly* say "I would have done X more effective healing over the course of the raid if I had the cloak" because that's not how healing works. Why? because it's not just your over healing that's important. If you get 100% value out of your heal and your teammate finishes healing the same target you started and over healed them for 100, hat completely wipes out the bonus from the cloak 100x over. Situations like that happen *all* the time. The overwhelming *majority* of the time.
The problem in this particular case is that the difference is so neglible that it will *not* even be registered in 99% of cases.
To contrast this with the perspective of a DPS player. If I get 9 strength on my bracers instead of 7 then the damage difference *is* going to be incredibly small, *but* it will be active on *every* attack/ability I issue. It's cumulative, in a way that your +healing value on a healer simply isn't in the vast majority of cases. That's what makes this so irrational. It's truly a healing specific issue. That's why I make the distinction between chasing DPS upgrades vs healing upgrades in the latter portion of the video, they're just two different beasts.
On the point of the Vambracers I still stand behind what I said. Of course, comparing them 1-1 with the DM bracers they don't look quite as hot, but even then they're *still* better than the cloak.
Not only that, but if you want to run 3 set into BWL the bracers are pretty integral to doing that efficiently so the bracers have a long lifespan on top of the stat benefits + the set bonus. You could try and make a similar argument for the cloak, but the reality is while you would likely keep Hide for a long while, you could keep cloak of the cosmos for just as long and be completely fine. The same can't be said if you don't pick up the bracers. If you don't pick up the bracers you're simply losing out on the most efficient 3 set path you can run once you start incorporating T2 into your gearset. Nothing can replace that or be equivalent to it because you need to use those specific bracers to do that.
I just wanted to add I love this comment though. Super constructive and even though I disagree it's very clear you're arguing in good faith.
@@PowerWordHeal-cu4es ❤
i disagree solely because it is bis until you get the c'thun cloak in AQ40
that's 3 entire phases from now to save up gold to buy the bis cloak in the game
if your argument is "its not that much better than these other items" then thats a much more nuanced discussion of "why do we even chase after bis in this game at all in the first place" which i think is silly
people wanna have the best gear possible at any given time, its not like you have to get hide right at this very moment
What do you do for gold as a priest?
I think you have missed the entire point of a mmo. It dose not even mater if the cloak was 1Healing power more then the blue it is still BIS and most people want to have BIS gear to feel they have accomplished something. With your logic we can all go with greens and raid example MC as it will still make the job done. We don't need better gear. It is not about getting it for the massive increase in performance , it all about getting the best possible. Same logic as achievements, why try to chase achievements, it wont benefit your character in any way. I know it don't exist in classic but the thing is still the same.
That is just the most incredibly flawed way to look at *anything*.
What do you feel like you accomplished by having the same exact cloak everyone else has? LOL
It's not like you 'accomplished' something like getting rank 1 on a ladder in a competitive game or something like that. You're talking about farming mats and then wasting them on an item that gives you basically no performance advantage.
Why are you so obsessed with having the 'best possible' gear? What does it matter if that gear doesn't allow you to accomplish some specific goal better? It's just so nonsensical.
@@PowerWordHeal-cu4es Who are you to tell others what they should or not should feel about accomplish something? Your video literarily telling people that this item is a scam and you should not get it. I can agree with you that in your mind, you dont care about BIS and the gold spent on it is not worth. But that is your opinion. You are telling others that your opinion is the right way and everyone else is wrong. What Im saying here is there is no right or wrong here, If someone feels like they want to either farm or by the mats for it as they feel they want to have the item due to it makes them feel good as they have gotten the best item currently in the game, I say go for it. We all chase that feeling when we get something and we are happy for some time for it. If this item don't do that for you, that is fine. But if it does that for others why say they are wrong about it? This is a video game and not IRL. If this was a IRL item and people bought it due to they feel they need it when they cant afford it I would agree with you. But this is not the case. You say don't waste your gold or time on this item, well if that makes someone happy why not? That is what the game is al about, do things that make you happy.
@@PowerWordHeal-cu4es Why did you just delete my answer to this?
@@Guldbullen I didn't delete any comments, but I've definitely typed out comments in replies before that didn't go through. I'm not really sure why it happens, but I've definitely seen it with replies myself.
@@PowerWordHeal-cu4es ok I answer on more time. Who are you to say what is accomplishing or not for other players? Your video literary saying this item is a scam and don't get it. I understand if you feel it has little value and don't get the item, that is your opinion and that is fine. But you are also more or less saying your way of thinking is the right way and everyone else is wrong. Most people playing a mmo game are chasing that thrill when getting a new item, we feel happy about it for some time and then we continue to get the next item. For most players this is one of the biggest thing in the game, get your character better. So if someone want this item and put down the time to get it, when getting it that player feels good for some time, how can that be a scam? How can time spent in a video game that makes you feel good be a scam and waste of time? (Can argue that all time spent in a video game is a waste of time in that case but that is another discussion.)
If you wanted to create a video explaining that this items is not as good as you think and you should think twice before you get it, then it should be more fair. But that is not what you are doing here, you are saying this is a scam/wrong and what you think about spending time on this item is wrong and you should stop doing it. You are telling people that your way of thinking is the right way and everyone else is wrong. The truth here is there is no right and wrong answer. If someone want's to spend time and gold on this item as it let them feel good about them, I would say go for it. If not don't do it. It is up to every player to decide if it is "worth" or not. Not for you to tell it is not. "Worth" is is in the eye of the beholder.
You dont replace this cloak the entire game, like what are we talking about here
That has nothing to do with the fact that it's 16 healing above the next best option.
Also, you have many opportunities to replace this cloak. The BWL cloak is better, and while I wouldn't suggest focusing a disproportionate amount of prio on Shroud of Pure Thought that doesn't change the fact that it is better.
Cloak of Clarity is also better as well as Cloak of Suffering from Naxx.
@PowerWordHeal-cu4es I bet you think darkmoon card dragon is bis too 😂
@@webdeveloper42 If you're trying to imply those cloaks aren't better than Hide then you're just completely delusional. xD
@@PowerWordHeal-cu4es its not like every healer will have a chance to win a bwl lewt lol it takes repeatable runs to get it
@@rashid2898 Just get cloak of the cosmos its not that hard to get. The stat boost is marginal is all the dude in the video is saying, marginal for a 700g price point. If you have a fuck ton of money and literally nothing better to do with it then sure its worth doing, but I think there is a TON of people right not farming for this cloak when it isn't worth it.
Yea it's def not worth the gold esp not right now while the mats are sky high. However most serious guilds will expect their healers to have HoTW and people will get it to stay in line and not draw the ire of leadership. I already farmed my mats and lots of other people have as well is what it is.
Sounds like someone just needs to fish more 😂
This is how wow works now. Instead of ppl farming a decent amount so content is easy they go for absolute bis and insane consumables. Smashing content is no longer good enough now you gota 1 tap it all. Weird mmo style imo but it’s what you wow andies have now made it.
but the mog...
Mog I always a valid reason. :P
the priest with the highest + healing gets to renew.
Yeah, but renew isn't really a very useful spell in most raids.
And in the cases where it is, it only matters that someone is doing it. It doesn't have to be you.
Can u do a prawn profile ?
You sound alot like that other priest that ganked asmongold , it threw me of guard 😂
talk about ted next
ya dont buy it, farm it. u should already have the mats.
Farming the mats still costs you the same amount of gold I'm talking about here because you could sell the mats for the market price easily.
If you choose to make this item you're still spending 700+ gold even if you farm your own mats.
is gold really such a struggle for you?
I can guarantee I have much more gold than you. xD
Still no point to spend 900-1k+ for 16 healing. That's really more like 7 or 8 healing post coeff.
Next video is gonna be about, dont waste your gold on enchants, and next one is on consummables.
This video is so bad and way longer than it needed to be.
Why not just make a 30 second short about not caring enough to get your p2 bis cloak?
It's not actually, I explain why it's bad and where to find the alternatives quickly. I literally say something to the effect of "Stick around if you want to hear just how bad the value really is here. If not feel free to click off." LOL
It's phase two bis, if you cant farm out 700g or just the mats for your bis cloak then dont play.
Nah, I'll think I'll keep playing instead of listening to an NPC that can't think for himself. :D
"im lazy in my video games and you should be too" i mean its an acceptable stance but it does not take more than a day to farm the items for this cloak which is better than the other cloaks and you'll have it for months and months. you can also get all the budget enchants if gold is a problem but i mean... you're gonna run out of things to do pretty fast in classic. may as well farm the gold and get the best available in every slot. i dont understand why you made a 20 minutes video on not spending gold to get better gear in an mmo.
Let me ask you a question. How many mana pots/dark runes do you use per raid?
@@PowerWordHeal-cu4es i had the pots, the runes, and the cloak. it's not so black and white. go farm some demonic runes.
@@PowerWordHeal-cu4es you can have the pots the runes and the cloak. again, it takes literally one day to farm the mats.
@@Ephicx No I want you to tell me exactly how many you use. How fast is your run and how many of each do you use?
@@PowerWordHeal-cu4es well we cant all get what we want lol, i'm not gonna argue with someone who thinks its a problem to farm for one day.
Big mad. LOL
guy plays a mmo and complains about grinding value.... dude just go play smt else
? MMO's are literally almost entirely about value assessing value. If you think 16+ healing is worth 700+ gold then by all means, waste your time.
@@PowerWordHeal-cu4es mmo's are about grinding out the best possible no matter how small since you wear 17 slots and this +16 healing on every slot resulsts in a huge upgrade not to mention that this item specifictly won't be replaced ANYTIME soon, most ppl will kill KT with it. Just play another game mate
@@solitzpvp4166 It's not 16 healing on every slot. LOL
There's not an equiv BoE in every slot. It's 16 healing in ONE slot. It is *completely* irrelevant.
You'd have the cloak by now if you farmed instead of making this vid
But I guess it's good to be wrong, it'll attract more comments
I'm not wrong, 16 healing is just completely irrelevant. I could buy many of these cloaks, but that doesn't change the fact that it's simply a waste of gold.
@@PowerWordHeal-cu4es 16 healing is irrelevant on an item slot. Apparently so.
Let's deduct 16 healing from all 16 slots. Wow, that's 288 healing? Completely irrelevant, riiiight...
@@rammune7260 This is the dumbest comment I've ever seen on my channel. LOL
Why would you deduct 16 healing on every slot? I'm talking about doing it on a single slot. Is there a 800 gold BoE for every slot now?
Amazing logic. xD
I just buy loads of gold, I'll get hide of the wild on 3 of my healers.
Grats on cheating I guess? lol
@@PowerWordHeal-cu4es Yeah, people have been telling me you've been struggling a lot on gold, so if you do need some, I can lend you. No need for this propaganda video about Hide of the Wild not being BiS.
@@FAMILYFRIENDLYBRAZILIAN So not only do you cheat, but you also struggle to comprehend things as well. The first thing I say when I start talking about the item is that it is BiS. LOL
@@PowerWordHeal-cu4es Yeah, right, buddy. All I heard was "im too poor to buy this so I rather gimp my raid" stay casual.
@@FAMILYFRIENDLYBRAZILIAN You're actually the poor one.
You want the item but have to buy gold to buy it. How does it feel being broke in a 20 year old game?
Better yet, bragging about being broke and cheating in youtube comments. LOL