That's a great website. I've just ordered a loop antenna that I'm going to mount in the roof space so this has been very helpful in trying to work out the best orientation for it. I've found it useful to print out one of these maps and draw the bearing of the front of the house to give me a better idea how to align it.
Just use the Gleason azimuthal map. It's the accurate map of the world.
Thankyou so much Gilles! I’ve been wondering why South Africa has been evading me. My antenna is pointed way in the wrong direction🤣
Very useful .
Thank you .
What a cool theme you discuss! I'm a cartographer! And today is World GIS Day!
That is awesome!!
That's a great website. I've just ordered a loop antenna that I'm going to mount in the roof space so this has been very helpful in trying to work out the best orientation for it. I've found it useful to print out one of these maps and draw the bearing of the front of the house to give me a better idea how to align it.
Very useful thanks.
Awesome new perspective, thank you for sharing!