I still use an old Anker 10 Ah battery that fits in my pfd pocket. Been using that since I started my channel. I really prefer the Nocqua over all other batteries because of it's size and form factor. Very reliable. And it's nice that the 20 Ah will run both all day long. Probably two days. Not too worried about GPs overheating. That's a whole other deal caused mainly by running hindsight and shooting in 4k/60fps in the middle of summer with zero wind. Afraid I'll never escape that issue. It happens with the DJI Osmo Action 5 Pro too.
Wow Tracy that is to remind us we are blessed beyond measure a great video appreciate them! Thanks for sharing tight lines take care and God bless!
Thank you so much!
Great setup! I’m definitely getting on board with it! Thanks for the info Tracy! I’ll mention OLA for my free gift!😊
Excellent. You're gonna love it.
Sadly they can’t be all good mornings. Happy Birthday. Thanks for sharing.
It wasn't a total bust! , I got to try out my new gear!! I love it! Thank you
I recommend the Silicone Rainproof Putty YOLOtek for added protection.
Yep! That would probably work. Can it be used over and over again? If I remove it after every trip?
Yes, you can. 😀
thank you for the tip!
What do you use for the chest mount GP? If I get overheating with my GPs I will look into the Nocqua system, but my system seems to work so far.
I still use an old Anker 10 Ah battery that fits in my pfd pocket. Been using that since I started my channel.
I really prefer the Nocqua over all other batteries because of it's size and form factor. Very reliable. And it's nice that the 20 Ah will run both all day long. Probably two days.
Not too worried about GPs overheating. That's a whole other deal caused mainly by running hindsight and shooting in 4k/60fps in the middle of summer with zero wind. Afraid I'll never escape that issue. It happens with the DJI Osmo Action 5 Pro too.
What knot do you use when connecting your leader to your braid?
FG knot unless I'm using huge leader.... then it will be a double uni knot