How Hot will it Get? - Science at the Theater

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 17 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 299

  • @joevelte4252
    @joevelte4252 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    8 years ago and we are still here.

  • @ceciltagg
    @ceciltagg 6 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Why have an economist give a speech they are the reason we are in this mess in the first place

    • @kev03103
      @kev03103 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yeah I hate economists too. They can't explain derivatives.

    • @kruse8888
      @kruse8888 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      That question is so stupid that I won’t even pity you with an answer.

  • @paxwallacejazz
    @paxwallacejazz 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I am finally reaching the end and it is dawning on me that these scientists God bless em are too focused to have a big picture really they will be as surprised as the rest of us when we reach the curve in the exponential hockey stick . Scary.

  • @amypike6361
    @amypike6361 10 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    If you can get through the few technical issues and glitches with the mic, it was a fascinating and very educational presentation.

  • @richardnail
    @richardnail 6 ปีที่แล้ว +33

    Amazing, absolutely amazing, during this entire presentation not one word, not one word about population reduction? How can a group funded for the resources this one is and not mention the impact of exponential population rise. This is a mathematical problem - eg. More People = More Consumption = More Environment Destruction - FACT - you cannot dispute the math all you can do is try and go around the math with gimmicks which will never work. I was born into a world of 2.2 billion and am now living in a world of almost 8 billion! That is outrageous! The motto today should be, '2 Billion or Bust' . Stop trying to cram 12 people in a spaceship designed for 3!

    • @freemind..
      @freemind.. 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      richardnail -
      *So, you think eliminating 75% of the population will make the world a better place..?? Wow! Makes Hitler look like a real rookie..! By the way, it wouldn't change Global Warming because humans aren't causing it to begin with.*

    • @richardnail
      @richardnail 6 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Well if you think humans are not causing global warming then sounds like you're a person really on top of science today - huh? If you can't see what 8 billion are doing to this planet you are probably a sports fan, star trekker and have little of your valuable time to study the current ecosystem destruction. And I'd put a 10 to 1 bet you are a religious fundamentalist who believes a 'god' is going to solve our problems.

    • @freemind..
      @freemind.. 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      richarnail -
      Not much into sports, liked Star Trek as a kid but can't sit through it now. I actually spend much of my spare time trying to learn and understand the natural processes. I do realize that we humans have the ability to royally screw some things up.. and when we do, if there is a 'god', I don't believe he will just wave his hand and make it all go away.
      That being said, I will tell you that 2 years ago I believed the same as you... now I know how wrong the information on AGW is. The scientist alarmists have not identified the real MECHANISM for global warming. They do not understand it even though they claim to. Their models will forever be flawed and worthless because they are built on FALSE ASSUMPTIONS. They act as if rising CO2 is driving rising temperatures.. but it doesn't work that way at all. Even those who have figured out that CO2 FOLLOWS a rise in temperature have no idea WHY. I have learned the truth, and there is empirical evidence to support ALL OF IT. This is the 'nutshell'....
      *The NATURAL CAUSE of global warming is GRAVITATIONAL-FRICTION HEAT IN THE CRUST.* 2 processes produce this heat: Continental heating and Oceanic heating. Earth Tides caused by the pull of the Moon and Sun on the landmasses cause, on average, 3,000 earthquakes PER DAY. Earthquakes cause movement inside the crust which creates frictional heat hot enough to melt rock. This is the true source of lava. *This heat activates dormant microbes and vaporizes water inside the crust. The microbes are then carried by huge amounts of newly created water vapor up into the atmosphere where CO2 is released as they decay. This is literally why a rise in CO2 FOLLOWS a rise in temperature.* This also explains crazy and heretofore inexplicable weather that seems to appear out of nowhere. It's all part of natural cyclical events. When scientists finally figure this out, they will know that there is WATER inside the Earth instead of MAGMA, they will understand the true cause of EARTHQUAKES (gravitational pull from the Moon and Sun), they will see patterns that DO allow for accurate prediction and early warning of weather events, and there will no longer be any debate over Global Warming.

    • @richardnail
      @richardnail 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Congratulations Freemind - did you come up with this theory all by yourself or is this part of a 'group' effort. There certainly are facts in your argument, gravitation forces cause much heating on some of the moons of Jupiter, so it's fact HOWEVER, the gravitational forces you refer to have existed before the industrial revolution & did not produce any increase in CO2, they exist but have minor impact (is my view). The forces you refer to have been in some sort of equilibrium for millions of years so don't believe you have a case to justify current global warming through mechanism you propose. I suggest you watch Dr. Richard Alley's presentation detailing the CO2 rise starting from 1850, graphs are pretty convincing.

    • @freemind..
      @freemind.. 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      I wouldn't call it a "minor impact" since the forces I refer to literally *CREATE OUR WEATHER* AND ALSO ALLOW FOR THE *ENERGY FIELD OF THE EARTH* which would not exist otherwise.
      As for CO2, you state that these forces did not produce any increase in CO2 levels priior to the Industrial Revolution... Ummm.. you need to recheck your facts. You don't want to be putting that statement out there with your stamp of approval. Your statement would lead people to think that you believe CO2 levels remained at the same level throughout history until the burning of fossil fuels began. I doubt you think that, so I would re-word the statement.
      Temperatures have risen and fallen from the dawn of time and there has been a commensurate rise and fall of CO2. *If you take a SEALED JAR and move it into the sunlight you will see a temperature increase FOLLOWED BY AN INCREASE IN CO2. The jar is SEALED! No CO2 could have been added... yet the level has gone up!* How is that possible? If you can't explain it.. refer to my last comment before this one.

  • @bdbensley
    @bdbensley 6 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    so far after 4 minutes into this discussion, I come to the conclusion that as computer power increases, the CO2 level and planetary temperature increases. Thanks.

    • @MrSvenovitch
      @MrSvenovitch 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      who are discussing? one person just talking is a monologue. in this case a gay sounding one

    • @kenmarriott5772
      @kenmarriott5772 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Do you think government agencies benefit from being politically correct? The universities have a vested interest in getting grant money. I don’t think it’s a conspiracy. Only giving the people controlling the money what they want.

    • @kev03103
      @kev03103 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@kenmarriott5772 You are slipping into paranoid schizophrenia. It's time for you to take ibogaine.

    • @kenmarriott5772
      @kenmarriott5772 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Kevin McCarthy, you get less of what you tax and more of what you subsidize. The government has been subsidizing climate change research. All we have been getting is doomsday predictions since 1988, none of which have been coming true.

    • @kev03103
      @kev03103 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@kenmarriott5772 It may seem like this but , lately , in my view, the chickens are coming home to roost. There is cursory evidence , glaciers melting, horrific storms, hot , hot Summers, what do we do with the the present situation. Electric cars could help. Painting all roofs white, solar homes , anything that reduces carbon could slow things down. If we do nothing we may be sorry sooner than we think.

  • @pascalw.paradis8954
    @pascalw.paradis8954 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    The elephants in the room ,, pop overshoot . 240,000 new babies everyday. Crazy burden on the Great Mother

    • @jacekdutkiewicz2334
      @jacekdutkiewicz2334 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      If you worry about overpopulation, remove yourself, practice what you preach...

    • @kenmarriott5772
      @kenmarriott5772 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      There’s an equilibrium between plants and animals. Plants produce O2, animals produce CO2. Although CO2 has increased, with 21% O2 and .04% CO2, the plants are winning. CO2 has a negligible effect on temperature. However, CO2 will increase with warmer temperatures.

    • @kev03103
      @kev03103 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@jacekdutkiewicz2334 So Jim Jones was onto something!

  • @paz9iffy
    @paz9iffy 11 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    March, 2009
    Hayden was a speaker at the Heartland Institute's 2009 International Conference on Climate Change.
    Of the 65 event sponsors, 16 of them collectively received over $40 million from oil companies, especially ExxonMobil, as well as from numerous right-wing foundations such as Koch Family Foundations and Scaife Foundations.

  • @poosta7
    @poosta7 11 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I always scan the comments on presentations like this to see to see the prevalence of anti-science, denier trolls .... not as many here as usual.

  • @bobby1970
    @bobby1970 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Climate change is like an over heated lithium ion battery having a thermal runaway that's out of control.

  • @rapauli
    @rapauli 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    What a quaint, innocent time that was in 2013. Oh to return... wait, that's what we need! A Time Machine!!

  • @kenmarriott5772
    @kenmarriott5772 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Although we have been slowly getting warmer since the little ice age, the warmest year in the US was in the 1930s. Dust bowl. I learned this in elementary school. I’m I wrong?

    • @grindupBaker
      @grindupBaker 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Your "the warmest year in the US was in the 1930s. Dust bowl. I learned this in elementary school. I’m I wrong?" I've no idea but the video title is appalling because it's clearly about global warming yet the stupid title is "How Hot will it Get? - Science at the Theater" so they were so excited to find they could finally talk in a "Theater" (which I assume is a big room similar to a theatre) that they completely forgot to mention that it's "global warming" with the subtle "global" word in to assist the mentally-retarded individuals such as yourself. So here I am to the rescue. I'll explain at your science level. First get your "Miss Teen South Carolina Global Atlas" off the shelf, dust 20 years of dust off it and go to the "Pacific Ocean" page to swoon about how blue it is. Flip through other pages of oceans and land like Africa, Asia, Antarctica, the Americas and in a few hours you'll find the piss-pot tiny bit (it's 3%) in North America that had you confused. Spend the next 30 years (it took me 50 hours so it'll be 30 years for you) studying the BIG bits of the global so you can join the big boys in this discussion in 30 years. Good luck and see you in 30 years.

    • @kenmarriott5772
      @kenmarriott5772 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      grindupBaker, I understand the argument that this was just the North American continent that experienced this heat wave from California to New York. But I don’t think it’s logical from what is known about weather systems and ocean circulation patterns.

    • @dahliafully
      @dahliafully 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      When were you in elementary school? In 2013 the weather was far warmer. See the NASA charts. NASA has every reason to want everything to be stable.
      2019 is far warmer than 2013.
      Almost every National Geographic and basic science journal as well as complicated studies have been warning everyone and it's very plain to see if one travels or even if one stays in one place, goes outside and lives long enough to perceive the distinct differences in a very short amount of time.

    • @kenmarriott5772
      @kenmarriott5772 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      It’s clear that the Michael Mann’s hockey stick was a lie. Government agencies and Universities that rely on government funding have fudged their data to fit the political agenda of the day. The earth has been slowly warming the last few centuries no thanks to humans. This warming is high beneficial to plants and humans. I doubt that Greenland will completely thaw in the 2100 century like it did in the past.

    • @NashHinton
      @NashHinton 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      You're wrong. It's hotter than the 1930s.

  • @kl.johnny2232
    @kl.johnny2232 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Its NOT about HOW HOTTTT our climate can get!! Its about HOW FAST!! the ice MOUNTAINS melt at BOTH poles!

  • @charlescoryn9614
    @charlescoryn9614 6 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    How tragic...... here we are at 2018 and the carbon and methane numbers are going up, up, up....... how tragic that there are only 18,000 views, similar to other meaningful things to view. Seems humans just aren't smart enough to manage their future.......

    • @mahlina1220
      @mahlina1220 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      charles coryn nope, they deny it until skin cancer will be as equivalent to catching colds and flus.

    • @charlescoryn9614
      @charlescoryn9614 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@thalesnemo2841....... Yes, thank you for mentioning Albert Bartlett....... PLEASE, everyone, bring up his video regarding 'EXPONENTIAL FUNCTION': exponential growth must be recognized, primarily as regards population growth. Bartlett's video is stunning....... stunning to me because I am 81 and remember the world before the population doubled....... He presents two amazing charts towards the end of the video which show that everything we value is associated with population growth, while that which we dislike, such as war or famine, will lower growth! Please, in memory of the late Dr. Bartlett, go to his website......

    • @johnny970
      @johnny970 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Search Arctic News or Guy McPhearson

  • @ravenken
    @ravenken 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Instead of showing CO2 concentrations, they should be showing W/m2. The latest figures I can find are 2+ w/m2 additional energy bouncing around the troposphere... heat. Oh yeah, BTW - the year is 2018 and the forests are NOT keeping up. The Amazon has become a contributor to CO2. As models indicated :-\

  • @DuelingBongos
    @DuelingBongos 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I used to worry a great deal about Climate Change, but then Trump became president and I quickly realized that we will all be dead from a nuclear war in less than 3 years. Perhaps this is why Trump does not worry about Climate Change.

    • @dahliafully
      @dahliafully 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      There's that. If he doesn't destroy us immediately, it's only fair to not just worry but to act.

    • @DuelingBongos
      @DuelingBongos 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@dahliafully We have survived the Trump presidency, but it may just be postponing the inevitable. Catastrophic climate change will almost certainly lead to global nuclear as civilization collapses and nations fight each other for diminishing resources.

    • @dahliafully
      @dahliafully 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@DuelingBongos It's looking pretty dire. But there's no doubt that Climate Change is already killing people en masse. And if you count the deaths from Covid-19 due to extremely poor mismanagement and public deception from the Trump administration, than quite a few people did NOT survive Trump at all.

    • @DuelingBongos
      @DuelingBongos 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@dahliafully You must learn to let go of your Worldly existance. It is all going to end very horribly. And the worst part is that it will not end with death. Most people will be reborn to another life in this same time period, and you will reexperience all these climate change horrors over and over in new life after new life until your soul finally realizes that the only escape is to let go of the material World. This is the terrible secret that no religion adequately warns people is the true state of existance on Earth.

  • @GD-ks1qh
    @GD-ks1qh 6 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    410 ppm in 2017. realistically model for 'doing nothing' going fwd

    • @geraldlanteigne8424
      @geraldlanteigne8424 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yes they do , the only way to prove their point is by projecting , the real stats tell another story . This bullshit is like a horror story , they just keep building up the tension , but every ten years that goes by without catastrophe ( wait , is Miami under water , no, thank god ) event . Hey wait a min have they blamed the two largest catastrophes to happen in this century on global warming , you know the Tsunami's , on global warming yet . I guess they have the guts , or lack of character to lie about certain things by fudging the projections , but I predict that if aliens were to invade and used humans as food , in the line to the slaughterhouse there would be a lot of climatologists in line saying ," See We were right look at what climate change has done " and in another part of the line the tenacious Global warming gang pick up stones to throw at the Climate Change bunch . This amuses the Aliens to no end .

    • @kenmarriott5772
      @kenmarriott5772 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      The planet is getting warmer but CO2 has little to do with it. As the planet warms, CO2 comes out of the oceans. More CO2 and warm weather greens the planet.

    • @kev03103
      @kev03103 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@geraldlanteigne8424 Are u on DMT?

  • @chinookvalley
    @chinookvalley 9 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    Always wear clean underwear. Tell those you love, that you do. Smile. Do something nice for yourself. Do something nice for someone else. Hug your dog, and if you don't have a dog to call your own, maybe it's time to adopt. Be good, and be well. Peace to ALL.

    • @barbarasmith6005
      @barbarasmith6005 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Excuse me, "always wear clean underwear" was advice my mother used to hand out. I've never followed it. For what reason, exactly, should one always wear clean underwear (unless that was a joke)?

    • @TAZ0300
      @TAZ0300 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Great advice, that’s why I rescued my dog. 👍🏻😉

    • @victoriapohlman7993
      @victoriapohlman7993 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      I’ve read that human impact on climate is small, and there will be no big catastrophe . So we can take our pick of hypotheses .

    • @brett22bt
      @brett22bt 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@barbarasmith6005 You might have a better sex life if people don't have to put up with smelly infestations from your dirty underwear....just sayin".

    • @kev03103
      @kev03103 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@victoriapohlman7993 I've read the opposite

  • @64jcl
    @64jcl 11 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The mortality rates of forests due to severe weather is alarming. Consider the increased risk of strenghtened hurricanes - that means a lot of dead plantmatter in addition - and naturally increased CO2 and methane from the decay of this. As if we didnt have enough challenges with reducing our own emissions, it looks like we have triggered some natural cycles way out of control.

  • @paz9iffy
    @paz9iffy 11 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    May 21 - 23, 2012
    Howard Hayden was a speaker at the Heartland Institute's 7th International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC7).
    DeSmogBlog researched the co-sponsors behind Heartland's ICCC7 and found that they had collectively received over $67 million from ExxonMobil, the Koch Brothers and the conservative Scaife family foundations.

  • @eaamonmangan4601
    @eaamonmangan4601 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    ya all forgot to add a geologist to tell people what will happen when a massive amount of melt/water gets on the largest ocean plate. the weight will cause massive earth changes to all coasts.
    the sequestration of carbon-dioxide is stupid we will need the O2 to breathe.
    thanks for the talk....

  • @pcuimac
    @pcuimac 11 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    We have just started an extinction level event. I wonder constantly why all are still laughing and grinning?

  • @64jcl
    @64jcl 11 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Partially true, but I believe communicating the message that this change on the planet comes because of our actions and should perhaps trigger more people into trying to fix it. Anything else is just admitting that we are mindless lemmings heading for the cliff. I also believe that seriously cutting carbon emissions as well as finding good ways of mitigation could seriously limit the impact of climate change. Atm we are not doing anything though.

    • @adrianfewster8391
      @adrianfewster8391 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      We need to add CO2 to increase earth greening and feed the world.

  • @tedbohne2313
    @tedbohne2313 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    things have changed massively for the worse since 2012.......

  • @brentkn
    @brentkn 6 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Cost Cost Cost
    What is the value of all life on Earth?
    Never Ever Go To An Economist For Advice On Global Warming.

  • @WalkinBeauty278
    @WalkinBeauty278 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    So silly...we design machines to take carbon out of the air as we continue to pump it into the air

  • @paz9iffy
    @paz9iffy 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    On April 19, the University of North Carolina chapter of CFACT hosted Howard Hayden, a professor of physics emeritus from the University of Connecticut, Storrs.
    (For those of you just tuning in, CFACT is an anti-environmental front group with financial and strategic ties to corporations in polluting industries.)
    Hayden is on the Board of Academic and Scientific Advisors of the industry-funded national headquarters of CFACT.

  • @chesterfinecat7588
    @chesterfinecat7588 6 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Ha. Late 2017 future here. Your "hottest years on record" are nothing but the good old days to us. Ditto your record emissions. Pffft, what did you know?

  • @patharvard
    @patharvard 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    For those speakers who are in love with your computer models, please refrain from prognosticating until your models are in alignment with observable data.

    • @johnny970
      @johnny970 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      For real numbers see Arctic News, they ask if man will be here in 2015? Real scientists real data.

  • @paz9iffy
    @paz9iffy 11 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I recommend 2 books for you, both meticulously documented: "The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars" and "Mechants of Doubt". This second book, especially, documents the well-funded, multi-orchestrated science denial machine from cigarette smoke, through the ozone hole, acid rain and now global warming.
    I'm sure you dismiss hurricane Sandy, the Alberta floods and all of the other extreme events of late. Here in Pennsylvania June rainfall was the highest ever recorded. People are noticing.

    • @Phytologics
      @Phytologics 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Merchants of doubt is a great movie, it's here on youtube. Excellent suggestion. We're all coping with the sad, undeniable​ fact that we're in the midst of a mass extinction. It's a tough pill to swallow.

  • @T1tusCr0w
    @T1tusCr0w 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Now it’s 2022. We’re here… hell is coming.

  • @richardnail
    @richardnail 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Really great everybody, don't worry about population, don't worry at all about that insignificant fact, we can have 15 billion ravenous consuming humans on earth dumping 25,000 lbs. carbon/year each, all living the good life, all driving cars, heating homes, yah, there is no end to number of humans earth can support, just keep having more, more children, it's just what we need right at this point in earth history. WAKE UP, STOP DREAMING, STOP YOUR PRAYING, WISHING, THE LIFE YOU HAVE KNOW WILL NEVER AGAIN BE THE SAME! Great job of indifference to the ecosystem of the planet. reap what you have sowed now!

  • @yak55x
    @yak55x 9 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    2 years later and we'e not serious about doing anything. Dam it. For such and intellectual video, there sure are a lot of idiots posting about it.

  • @rapauli
    @rapauli 7 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    "Four degrees Celsius is not the end of the story. Climate change doesn't stop after a century. We've been talking about year 2100, but we've signed up for climate change for the next three millennia... " about 1h14m in..

    • @reaality3860
      @reaality3860 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      "Climate Change" has been occurring ever since the Earth developed an atmosphere, and will continue no matter what mankind does.

  • @kev03103
    @kev03103 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Just think and grow warm!

  • @coolworx
    @coolworx 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    It was a good run.
    Gilgamesh unto Shakespeare
    Tools of Stone unto Tools of Exotic elements.
    Dreams of kings unto dreams of gods.
    But that's the way Fermi's Paradox works. Existence gets to big for its britches, and ends up dropping its pants.

  • @rapauli
    @rapauli 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    The first time I viewed this, I really wasn't ready to hear it This is a very disturbing briefing. It's rare to hear scenarios discussed. More please. Discussed science to society to politics to dilemma - some philosophy... Well now 5 years later, the fundamental science and politics still applies. Nicely presented, trusting. But yes, an update would be only more harsh, with perhaps closer deadlines. This is still an important video.

  • @tecomaman
    @tecomaman 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    How old are the woolly mammoths ?

  • @poosta7
    @poosta7 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    And CO2 increase is accelerating. .According to the co-Chair of the Global Carbon Project, CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research scientist Dr Mike Raupach, 7.9 billion tonnes of carbon were emitted into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide in 2005 and the rate of increase is accelerating. "From 2000 to 2005, the growth rate of carbon dioxide emissions was more than 2.5 per cent per year, whereas in the 1990s it was less than one per cent per year,"

  • @trakarnpullthanung3668
    @trakarnpullthanung3668 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    Very good information

  • @davidverm4565
    @davidverm4565 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    only false data here and appeals to authority, if you want to understand climate and weather look up tony helle ,piers corbyn etc. and get some actual historical data in context.

  • @kev03103
    @kev03103 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Go ahead and laugh but not if you're on the coast

  • @charleshoward2640
    @charleshoward2640 6 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    why do these scientists think there will be a next generation.?

    • @johnny970
      @johnny970 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Myself and Guy McPhearson don't think there will be.

    • @kev03103
      @kev03103 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Gloom and doom, Doom and gloom , someone sabatoged these proceedings.

    • @johntierney5545
      @johntierney5545 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      kevin mccarthy shush

    • @kev03103
      @kev03103 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@johntierney5545 you shush dum dum

    • @kev03103
      @kev03103 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @Linda Stangland it's global warming

  • @lh5108
    @lh5108 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    No matter how powerful your computers are, just tell us whether you can precisely predict climate changes next month or next year.

  • @JosephNordenbrockartistraction
    @JosephNordenbrockartistraction 10 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Why didn't God give anyone a clue all this would happen to us special humans ? It's getting harder to believe there is a god that answers prayers or there is a god. Bring on the comedians so we can die laughing at all our mistakes. This planet will go on spinning without large life forms that call themselves intelligent. Go camping while you still can and guard your shit at home when you do.

    • @xponen
      @xponen 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      I hope you got your answer (2 year later). God always gave people clues that this would happen... but, just like US politic, Trump (the most despised president in history) became a president despite all the warning given by all the major media in the US; 100% of US citizen witnessed those warning before he became candidate and people still said they didn't know. Similarly, there's nobody that God didn't tell about climate change... everybody, even a farmer secluded from civilisation bear witness to it.

  • @andregregoire1175
    @andregregoire1175 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Nature does not negotiate.

  • @mac2105
    @mac2105 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    11:10ish: back to the future anyone?!?

    • @johnny970
      @johnny970 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      I'm still looking for a time machine for sale.

  • @Loveyou-bb9bg
    @Loveyou-bb9bg 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    like a microwave! :-(

  • @reaality3860
    @reaality3860 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    No matter what we do, mankind can not prevent the next ice age.

  • @czar89031
    @czar89031 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    this subject is like recalling what Katrina devastate our continent before. Now go to the main spectrum of Climate change & thawing of permafrost, what are the issue you are going to isolate those methane gas emitting in the atmosphere, not recalling what hurricane did,..

  • @johnweaver3600
    @johnweaver3600 7 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Well, we had fun didn't we? Ah well, life is absurd after all. Our fates were probably sealed when 'we' failed to head the warnings in the late 70s from the Club of Rome. Would have had to not go through the crazy market growth of the 80s, reduce human impacts, limit population growth (only one-two kids per woman), undo global capitalism, clean up the oceans (plastic soup), shut down the nuclear power plants (it takes 20-60 years to properly decommission ONE plant, Indian Point is not well, when they all blow up, who knows when, they will likely destroy the ozone layer of the entire planet, ala Mars....according to an esteemed JASON report from the 90s).....all good things. Should probably decommission ALL nuclear power (fission ones, maybe not molten salt ones) as a just in case, so life can properly recover, the biosphere will eventually sequester all of the carbon, etc.....the oceans will die (except for the jellyfish and viruses, bacteria, but it is likely they will eventually regenerate) But hey, we got McDonald's on every corner......

    • @freemind..
      @freemind.. 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      *Why do so many Scientists profess to KNOW things that the DO NO KNOW!? This doom and gloom FEAR-MONGERING by scientists has got to STOP!*
      *Were the "scientists" and their "irrefutable evidence" right about the HOLE IN THE OZONE? ACID RAIN? What about the MINI ICE AGE they predicted? Rainforests gone along with 80% of species by 2000? Hundreds of thousands will die in 1973 from Smog disasters? By 1980 urban dwellers will wear gas masks to survive because of pollution? By 1985 half of sunlight blocked from pollution? The entire world in famine by 2000? Between 1980-1989 4,000,000,000 people will perish during "The Great Die Off".. including 65,000,000 Americans?? Life expectancy 42 years by 1980???*
      Have you not noticed that, despite glaciers and the ice shelf reportedly melting away, we still don't see coastal regions being inundated? In fact, the only thing we DO SEE is some landmasses actually RISING UP several inches!! How is this possible???
      It's possible because *these scientists don't know or understand the basic geology of the Earth, nor do they understand the very MECHANISM that causes Global Warming.* Since they are totally wrong in their assumptions, their models will forever be fatally flawed. *If they can't explain what causes the weather, why should we believe that they truly understand and can accurately predict GLOBAL CLIMATIC EVENTS!??*
      The LAST thing we should do is let them impose devastatingly strict lifestyle changes on all but the wealthy elite just because the "scientists" say so!! If there were empirical evidence that they are correct, and if their models were proving to be TRUE, we would follow their advise. But there isn't... and they aren't... so we shouldn't..!!!
      *Here's the truth of Global Warming:*
      *The NATURAL CAUSE of global warming is GRAVITATIONAL-FRICTION HEAT IN THE CRUST. 2 processes produce this heat: Continental heating and Oceanic heating. Earth Tides caused by the pull of the Moon and Sun on the landmasses cause, on average, 3,000 earthquakes PER DAY. Earthquakes cause movement inside the crust which creates frictional heat hot enough to melt rock. This is the true source of lava. This heat vaporizes some of the water inside the crust which raises the temperature and releases huge amounts of water vapor into the atmosphere. The rise in temperature activates dormant microbes which release huge amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere. This is why a rise in CO2 FOLLOWS a rise in temperature. This also explains crazy and heretofore inexplicable weather that seems to appear out of nowhere. It's all part of natural cyclical events. When scientists finally figure this out, they will know that there is WATER inside the Earth instead of MAGMA, they will understand the true cause of EARTHQUAKES (gravitational pull from the Moon and Sun), they will see patterns that will allow for accurate prediction and early warning of weather events, and there will no longer be any debate over Global Warming.*

  • @BobArmstrong_CoSy
    @BobArmstrong_CoSy 11 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'd like an example of " the most underhanded, dubious, fallacious methods" on the part of realists . On the alarmists' side there's no need to look any further than Peter Gleick for such methods .
    Just like you can calculate the temperature of a volume of gas thru the gas laws without knowing the eddies within it , mean temperature of a radiantly heated ball is a issue of applied physics and my observation is that one can have a nice career in "climate science knowing virtually none .

  • @BobArmstrong_CoSy
    @BobArmstrong_CoSy 11 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Planetary temperature is an issue of applied physics . Anybody with a quantitative education is qualified to debunk this nonscience .
    DeSmogBlog seems to specialize in the specious ad hominem . It is typical to attack the messenger rather than put the lie to his observation by countering with your own quantitative bona fides .

  • @billybangbang9180
    @billybangbang9180 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I got a bad feeling about this video... It's game over folks... game over !?!
    We might as well kiss our sorry asses good-by !?!

  • @markmartens
    @markmartens 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Improvements in technology have far outstripped the theoretical understandings and because of that all these 'computer model simulations' remain ridiculous. This is a field at a similar scientific level as the field of psychiatry and cosmology. 'Barely exceeding quackery'. But you will not hear that inconvenient truth from this, or other alleged 'experts'. And of course this is carefully avoided. Mark Martens, Accidental Scientist

  • @hairypiepoo8632
    @hairypiepoo8632 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I need a poo

  • @pastorpresent1134
    @pastorpresent1134 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Job 37: 9-16 NLT
    9 The stormy wind comes from its chamber,
    and the driving winds bring the cold.
    10 God's breath sends the ice,
    freezing wide expanses of water.
    11 He loads the clouds with moisture,
    and they flash with his lightning.
    12 The clouds churn about at his direction.
    They do whatever he commands throughout the earth.
    13 He makes these things happen either to punish people
    or to show his unfailing love.
    14 "Pay attention to this, Job.
    Stop and consider the wonderful miracles of God!
    15 Do you know how God controls the storm
    and causes the lightning to flash from his clouds?
    16 Do you understand how he moves the clouds
    with wonderful perfection and skill?
    17 When you are sweltering in your clothes
    and the south wind dies down and everything is still,
    18 he makes the skies reflect the heat like a bronze mirror.
    Can you do that?
    The Hebrew word for "stormy wind" is cawphah and means a hurricane.

  • @bobtailvw22
    @bobtailvw22 5 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @BobArmstrong_CoSy
    @BobArmstrong_CoSy 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    That's what I said . I've got no time for cultists .

  • @BobArmstrong_CoSy
    @BobArmstrong_CoSy 11 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    As my friend Howard Hayden , one of the thousands of "REAL" scientists who reject this idiocy would say , youall would do anything to prove your point -- other than take a quantitative science course .

  • @oegromov
    @oegromov 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    A big load of nonsense......CO2 follows temperature...ask a geologist!!!

  • @xenonvelasco6007
    @xenonvelasco6007 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm waiting for the famous hockey stick graph but my net is too slow. Before presenting anything can you just answer the basic question. We know the the world is warming, but how much is the man contribution and the nature? Is it possible that a 0.29% of human produced greenhouse gas is responsible for all the warming? How about the 99.971%produced by nature? You really love to believe the climate models.

    • @chesterfinecat7588
      @chesterfinecat7588 10 ปีที่แล้ว

      What you say is a crock but your picture intrigues me pale creature.

    • @freemind..
      @freemind.. 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      *Why do so many Scientists profess to KNOW things that the DO NO KNOW!? This doom and gloom FEAR-MONGERING by scientists has got to STOP!*
      *Were the "scientists" and their "irrefutable evidence" right about the HOLE IN THE OZONE? ACID RAIN? What about the MINI ICE AGE they predicted? Rainforests gone along with 80% of species by 2000? Hundreds of thousands will die in 1973 from Smog disasters? By 1980 urban dwellers will wear gas masks to survive because of pollution? By 1985 half of sunlight blocked from pollution? The entire world in famine by 2000? Between 1980-1989 4,000,000,000 people will perish during "The Great Die Off".. including 65,000,000 Americans?? Life expectancy 42 years by 1980???*
      Have you not noticed that, despite glaciers and the ice shelf reportedly melting away, we still don't see coastal regions being inundated? In fact, the only thing we DO SEE is some landmasses actually RISING UP several inches!! How is this possible???
      It's possible because *these scientists don't know or understand the basic geology of the Earth, nor do they understand the very MECHANISM that causes Global Warming.* Since they are totally wrong in their assumptions, their models will forever be fatally flawed. *If they can't explain what causes the weather, why should we believe that they truly understand and can accurately predict GLOBAL CLIMATIC EVENTS!??*
      The LAST thing we should do is let them impose devastatingly strict lifestyle changes on all but the wealthy elite just because the "scientists" say so!! If there were empirical evidence that they are correct, and if their models were proving to be TRUE, we would follow their advise. But there isn't... and they aren't... so we shouldn't..!!!
      *Here's the truth of Global Warming:*
      *The NATURAL CAUSE of global warming is GRAVITATIONAL-FRICTION HEAT IN THE CRUST. 2 processes produce this heat: Continental heating and Oceanic heating. Earth Tides caused by the pull of the Moon and Sun on the landmasses cause, on average, 3,000 earthquakes PER DAY. Earthquakes cause movement inside the crust which creates frictional heat hot enough to melt rock. This is the true source of lava. This heat vaporizes some of the water inside the crust which raises the temperature and releases huge amounts of water vapor into the atmosphere. The rise in temperature activates dormant microbes which release huge amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere. This is why a rise in CO2 FOLLOWS a rise in temperature. This also explains crazy and heretofore inexplicable weather that seems to appear out of nowhere. It's all part of natural cyclical events. When scientists finally figure this out, they will know that there is WATER inside the Earth instead of MAGMA, they will understand the true cause of EARTHQUAKES (gravitational pull from the Moon and Sun), they will see patterns that will allow for accurate prediction and early warning of weather events, and there will no longer be any debate over Global Warming.*

  • @jackl3586
    @jackl3586 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Are there any sciences that should NOT be helped along? By anybody.

  • @ctmhcoloradotreasureminehu8385
    @ctmhcoloradotreasureminehu8385 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Realize, realize, realize ........... Real Eyes, Realize, Real Lies.

  • @ctmhcoloradotreasureminehu8385
    @ctmhcoloradotreasureminehu8385 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Grand Solar Minimum much baby?

  • @Ayeayeaye614
    @Ayeayeaye614 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Shame..hard to hear you gave up.

  • @paz9iffy
    @paz9iffy 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    sorry, not time for flat earthers

  • @woodysdrums8083
    @woodysdrums8083 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Guy at the end did it for me. Thumbs down.

  • @BobArmstrong_CoSy
    @BobArmstrong_CoSy 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    Well , Eddie , you've not presented a single fact ; just name calling . It's pretty clear you know nothing yourself and are determined NOT to .

  • @kensarasin5219
    @kensarasin5219 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Its getting colder

  • @jameshansen8220
    @jameshansen8220 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Time for a sense of humor.

  • @christopherbetty5017
    @christopherbetty5017 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    This is old. Please update.

  • @pimenas
    @pimenas 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Summer is coming!

  • @BobArmstrong_CoSy
    @BobArmstrong_CoSy 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    I don't know enough about Mann's stick to comment . My own focus is on the most basic math and physics of radiative balance which I see as pathetically amateurish and poorly understood all around in these blog battles .
    The second book is patently not just irrelevant but stupid . Gleick's purloined docs show Heartland wished it had a budget of $7M .
    Here's a graph which by itself shows what idiocy this whole hysteria is : wattsupwiththat.files.wordpress . com/2013/07 ./clip_image0041.jpg

  • @BobArmstrong_CoSy
    @BobArmstrong_CoSy 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    What the hell are you being so fixated on a reference to a simple comment that alarmists will do anything except take a hard science course ? The more you go on , the more you prove Hayden's point .

  • @jimbones155
    @jimbones155 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    My mother read me "Chicken Little" when I was very young. It was scary then; it's annoying now.

    • @dahliafully
      @dahliafully 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      There's a difference between Chicken Little or the Boy Who Cried Wolf and actual research.
      Chicken Little had no research...just panic and fear. The Boy just lied and then when there really was a wolf he cried and couldn't get help because he didn't pay attention to what was real. Better pay attention to real scientists and figure it out. Apathy and complicity are not going to help you.

    • @grayman7208
      @grayman7208 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      a thousand likes.

  • @kwapell7856
    @kwapell7856 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    the - Truth - will set - U Free -
    from the illusion in which - U exist -
    to then - Realize - that - U R - Eternal -
    and - Divine - in your - Nature & Being -
    the Eternal Truth is - One need Not be Saved -
    by - Any One - from - Any thing - at Any time -
    for - U - existed as an - Eternal Being - far before -
    the - Universe - ever emerged & - came into Being -
    so it is that One - need Not - faith belief nor religion -
    to Know that which is thine - Essence as Eternal LOVE -
    so it is that - U R & I AM - As All Is - GOD - expressing -
    its Self thru an infinite # of - forms shapes & sizes of - LIFE -
    thus creating the temporal & tellurian World in which - U exist -
    where U as a Spirit R being a Person thru a human - form of Life -
    contemplate - think on this & One will discover - its Truth & Yours -
    Know thy Self - & - ye shall become - Aware of -
    Ones - Eternal Nature - & - Divine Essence -
    as One - Self Spirit Being Soul - of LOVE -
    a Being of ENERGY - being a - Life form -
    a Spirit of LIFE being a human - Person -
    LOVE is the - Essence of - GOD -
    being All things as - Everything -
    U & I R Individuations - there-of -
    Love Often - in Life -
    and U will - Be Happy -
    KWAPELL < ~ >

  • @forestdweller5581
    @forestdweller5581 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Earth is dead, let us give lectures and powerpoint.

  • @owlnationlegal4228
    @owlnationlegal4228 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Twas prudent to tap climate issues, but the rest of the discussion, aside from historical analysis, utterly fails as climate feedbacks accelerate extinction in well under a decade, so his speculation about the future beyond 3-5 years is inaccurate if not moot. Feedbacks, the big two are an ice free arctic, followed by massive methane burps and crop failures, along with a rapid, abrupt rise in sea levelsfollowed by just 5% of the 1600 nuclear facilities worldewide, and when 80 Fukushimas are spewing radioactive ionizing gas, kiss yer daisies, kids and dog gbye. Betcha he knows all that, but folks yell at him for saying it. I worked in the nuclear sector; its not wrong to recognize high risk folks. That doesn't count plankton levels crashing, our oxygen machine, dying faster and faster. Figure out a fix for that folks. Temperature predictions talking about 50-100 years are optimistic and actually quite dire. Did he mention a scorced earth raining radioactive sulphuric acid as described at Even the cockroaches die. Monsanto and Exxon have finally achieved their corporate objectives. Everyone cheer and drink heavily. A rapid plankton rehab program, starting near coastlines, spiraling towards deepwater seeding with iron oxide and nitrates may be our best hope there, while making community's transition to zero emission in just 1-2 years might, maybe, capture the less than 1% chance humanity has of dodging extinction. Thus far we've failed to demonstrate we're either smart or swift. Until we trigger an ice age, we have no guarantee we won this war. has more tools and forward thinking civil engineers.

  • @JohnTurnbull2
    @JohnTurnbull2 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    But the Earth has been cooling since the late 90s!

  • @grindupBaker
    @grindupBaker 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    I got some interesting tidbits from it (I'd already studied the basics for 100 hours). At 1:14:30 Bill Collins says "doesn't stop after a century...signed up for next 3 millenia.." but doesn't explain. I can elaborate. The temperature increase estimates given are for near-term balance but the oceans take a couple thousand years or so. Final equilibrium balance is expected to be 2.4x as much as climate sensitivity but with a much slower warming rate over ~3,000 years. So if the +2 degrees target were met in a few decades it's expected to continue to warm to +4.8 degrees over the next ~3,000 years with no more coal,oil,gas burning at all as the oceans very slowly become satisfied and stop holding it back.

    • @tikaanipippin
      @tikaanipippin ปีที่แล้ว

      Oh dear, you are spot on. The industrial revolution will not kick in until 4750 or so, so there is little point either in panicking for our grandchildren's futures, or screwing up our own in the short term, since we have several centuries to figure out a solution, and to get even better computer models that are more accurate than the crap we used a decade ago, and apparently are still using to push this garbage.

  • @bobtailvw22
    @bobtailvw22 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    3 minutes in explaing the climate and not yet mentioned the sun

  • @samantharomero2566
    @samantharomero2566 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    God has the whole world in His Hands! So don't worry.

  • @British4x
    @British4x 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    enjoy the warmer weather soon enough we'll go back to full glaciation for the next 100,000 years..we're too far away from the sun to be venus. there will be fluctuations on the way to the next glaciation.

  • @blacksheep6888
    @blacksheep6888 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    We should all burn lots of wood just like I do it makes co2 I like co2

  • @grayman7208
    @grayman7208 2 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @paz9iffy
    @paz9iffy 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    If you are a physicist, your certainly understand better than I the energy-absorbing capability of CO2 molecules. And you know we have observed these spectral radiative changes from space.
    But it looks like you are taking issue with the increase in temperature! And you are giving credence to a weatherman!
    Most deniers have fallen back to the position that temperature is rising but man is not the cause (see Berkely Earth study).
    Good luck, is all I can say.

  • @reference2me
    @reference2me 6 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    C02 is at a low point ... to feed a growing world we need to increase C02 to help plants grow

    • @SteffiReitsch
      @SteffiReitsch 6 ปีที่แล้ว +8


    • @ankeralaphelt9991
      @ankeralaphelt9991 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It is not so simple. Just as you have learned here that the research in the Arctic on permafrost is being done to understand the rates of emissions of CO2 and CH4 to improve model prediction, and that these rates are changing based on a host of factors- albedo changes, changes in species, changes in the depth of warming, an assessment of the effects of AGW on global food production and security is also very complicated. I really wish it were that simple- but it simply isn't. Of course, as has been shown by plant physiologists and horticulturists for years, if you increase CO2 air concentrations in a controlled situation you get more growth as would be expected. However, consider now a field situation. What is the outcome over a typical 90d cultivation period? What about temperature extremes and heat waves that will increase in frequency and intensity as global warming continues, remember the spring of 2012? What about drought and reductions of soil moisture levels? Only about 20% of the crops in America are irrigated- dry farming is still very important in the US. What happens to yields if plants grow too rapidly and lodging occurs? What losses of winter wheat can we expect from a jet stream that has gone "crazy?" What about net photosynthate reductions due to photorespiration which becomes dominant over temps above 90 F? Plants die incidentally at temps exceeding 104 F. That number is familiar because human beings and other mammals succumb at this internal body temp due to denaturing of cellular enzymes. Have you considered the effects of temperature on fast reproducing insect pests or the effects that temp might have on other plant diseases? Also, we know that the green revolution is essentially over. Gains per acre per year have essentially leveled off and additional fertilizer just adds to cost and produces down stream eutrophication. As you know the Gulf has a huge "dead zone" and red tides are occurring more often there now. A lot to think about here. The world is fascinatingly complex and it will remain so even after our civilization collapses. We are in crisis and have only about 30 years left if we are lucky...

    • @freemind..
      @freemind.. 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Anker Alaphelt -
      *You really bought into the whole CO2 BS, didn't you!? Don't believe it. Everything you hear from the mainstream media about AGW, including what you hear from the stupid scientists they trot out to scare you, is complete and utter CRAP!! There is nothing humans are doing that will affect warming or cooling in the slightest. This is all part of natural cycles.*

    • @freemind..
      @freemind.. 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Max Mustermann -
      That would make you a *Climate change NAZI..??* I find it hilarious that people use the term 'denier' to label those who disagree with the status quo in a way that brands them as not only stupid, but also uncaring and potentially dangerous. *Copernicus* was a *DENIER.* *Galileo* was a *DENIER.* They were also *CORRECT!!!* Modern Science should WELCOME criticism and alternate viewpoints, but instead they are met with ridicule and contempt. The sad truth is that the very scientists themselves can't explain the weather most of the time. The only reason they can PROBABLY predict a coming storm is that, because of satellites, they can literally watch the storm approaching!
      It sounds like you are a blind believer in "science". I love science and recognize all it does and will do for us. But I also know that the scientists have still NOT identified the true cause of the global warming because they are too entrenched in dogmatic fallacies to see the truth. Until they can strip these blinders from their eyes, they will struggle to understand things that should be simple.
      *Here's the truth of Global Warming:*
      *The NATURAL CAUSE of global warming is GRAVITATIONAL-FRICTION HEAT IN THE CRUST. 2 processes produce this heat: Continental heating and Oceanic heating. Earth Tides caused by the pull of the Moon and Sun on the landmasses cause, on average, 3,000 earthquakes PER DAY. Earthquakes cause movement inside the crust which creates frictional heat hot enough to melt rock. This is the true source of lava. This heat vaporizes some of the water inside the crust which raises the temperature and releases huge amounts of water vapor into the atmosphere. The rise in temperature activates dormant microbes which release huge amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere. This is why a rise in CO2 FOLLOWS a rise in temperature. This also explains crazy and heretofore inexplicable weather that seems to appear out of nowhere. It's all part of natural cyclical events. When scientists finally figure this out, they will know that there is WATER inside the Earth instead of MAGMA, they will understand the true cause of EARTHQUAKES (gravitational pull from the Moon and Sun), they will see patterns that will allow for accurate prediction and early warning of weather events, and there will no longer be any debate over Global Warming.*
      *Fight your “knee-jerk” inclination to defend the BS you thought you KNEW. Search for NEW knowledge with an OPEN MIND. Otherwise, YOU are the DENIER.*

    • @freemind..
      @freemind.. 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Max Mustermann -
      *This is simple doom and gloom FEAR-MONGERING by you and by scientists. In the end, nothing will happen... again.*
      *Were the "scientists" and their "irrefutable evidence" right about the HOLE IN THE OZONE? ACID RAIN? What about the MINI ICE AGE they predicted? Rainforests gone along with 80% of species by 2000? Hundreds of thousands will die in 1973 from Smog disasters? By 1980 urban dwellers will wear gas masks to survive because of pollution? By 1985 half of sunlight blocked from pollution? The entire world in famine by 2000? Between 1980-1989 4,000,000,000 people will perish during "The Great Die Off".. including 65,000,000 Americans?? Life expectancy 42 years by 1980???*
      Have you not noticed that, despite glaciers and the ice shelf reportedly melting away, we still don't see coastal regions being inundated? In fact, the only thing we DO SEE is some landmasses actually RISING UP several inches!! How is this possible???
      It's possible because *these scientists don't know or understand the basic geology of the Earth, nor do they understand the very MECHANISM that causes Global Warming.* Since they are totally wrong in their assumptions, their models will forever be fatally flawed. *If they can't explain what causes the weather, why should we believe that they truly understand and can accurately predict GLOBAL CLIMATIC EVENTS!??*
      The LAST thing we should do is let them impose devastatingly strict lifestyle changes on all but the wealthy elite just because the "scientists" say so!! If there were empirical evidence that they are correct, and if their models were proving to be TRUE, we would follow their advise. But there isn't... and they aren't... so we shouldn't..!!!

  • @BobArmstrong_CoSy
    @BobArmstrong_CoSy 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm certainly not going to watch an 1.5 hours of willful innumerate stupidity .