It's just a pity, that half of the game has our Aeon character looking on impotently when they witness lawlessness and call it out. Beyond the handful of scripted moments, I felt like I was playing, disapproving school teacher simulator.
@@toffeecrisp2146 did you... fail the Aeon route? You start judging people as soon as you unlock the mythic path and rewrite history at least once per act.
When I first played I was the angel path, and I thought that the herald of the inheritor was set up specifically for that path, and I thought to myself "wow they did a different herald and story for EACH path" but I just happened to pick the most thematically appropriate one for the set part of the story :D
I remember at one point the Aeon is facing an army of demons in Drezen and essentialy declares them all illegal immigrants and deports them all back to the Abyss. And you're right about the Angel path being the most fleshed out. It even has voice acting specific to it.
One of the few games that allowed me to play as a lich, which automatically make it my number 1 mythic path. Few of the things that made me like this path are, The fact throughout the the game I kept trying to be lawful evil playing as a lich, I had to justify my choices as I am saving people by dealing with demons using already dead soldiers, in return I am not making more casualities. In addition, people had to do shining crusade against you at the end if you stay in your castle after dealing with the demons. Which was a satisfying end to me.
The last play through i started was a lich run, was very excited but i had some pretty game and immersion breaking bugs and glitches that made it hard to push trough the demon city. Got stuck somewhere and never went back to solve it
Currently replaying Wrath with Azata and completely agreed that the Devil option there constantly seems... Bizarre? Like Early Sunset is there just suggesting you do non-Azata stuff basically just because and doesn't even bother learning the song. It would have almost made more sense to have that temptation on the Angel path and try to have those whispers pulling you towards the strict law aspect of that approach.
100% agree devil should be tempting angle over azata. It's your classic tempting, they even talk about it in game with Aru trying to give up her demon life to be good and how angles always seem to fall, so why can't evil become good?
yeah, the man does not make a good case for why to swap. It might make some sense for Chaotic Azata, who is getting kids killed, etc. more noticeable downsides for going too chaotic. Riots, parties, lack of discipline in ranks getting troops killed, people refusing to pay taxes, deserters, innocents getting killed, etc. so, Sunset is just way too obvious with his totally unazata things he's saying. If would have worked better if he was pretending to be an Angel or Archon. Maybe from Abadar. god of cities, law, merchants and wealth. He could then argue lawful arguments, and again, point out any negative side effect to any decision you make. Then in the end, bring it together and argue you are doing just as much damage as the devils, and how you need rigid structure to fix things. And here a "true" azata, would have made choices to reign in the chaos and do more good then harm in the first place, while a chaotic azata might actually see their mistakes, and it would make some sense for them to do a full 180 swap.
Absolutely agree with Azata. It is so content rich from the floating base, follower recruitment, healing the land, and everything with Aivu. People often overlook the value of Aivu when comparing power levels, as well as the value of sharing teamwork feats and giving your whole party extra feat points as a result. It's not just about outflank, allied spellcaster and tandem trip for all your pets are really nice to have. An Azata individual is not as strong as Lich or Angel, but I'd argue a team with Azata can be just as strong as a Lich or Angel team.
@@Schlumpsha I played Golden Dragon at release, and I thought I would get to keep Aivu. But once I became GD, she just disappears. I reload a save and completed the game as a full azata. But it felt weird that there was no interaction with her. Maybe they patch it out, otherwise it feels very weird that other paths get more interaction.
It is. The entire Mythic is quite monstrous. But it's over the top. Lich also does all manner of Evil, horrible, heinous things. And hits much harder imo.
Azata was my first playtrough, because Chaotic Good just resonates with me, and I kinda regret it. Mostly because, I can't really see me playing anything else. I wanted to try Lich but quickly lost interest in being evil, Trickster still got an "Maybe" for my next playtrough... but I can't really imagine not being able to tell Aivu that she is my greatest Treasure.
Aeon is the best for me, because, unlike other paths, there is just... You. No angels behind, no demons to serve you, no non-party friends to cheer you up, no swarm to devour for you. Only you and your raw power of comsic judge to make things right.
I know, it’s hilarious that your “guide” is yourself in the mirror, unlike every other mythic path where it’s someone connected to the path that “guides” you.
@@Jinars. Its sorta implied because of your manipulation of time and a good amount of dialogue/aeon ending, that the aeon you speak to in the mirror IS your future self. You/the universe/universal law and order set into motion your own evolution into itself/an aeon. At least that was my interpretation/lots of other folks too.
it's strong mid-game. But overall, legend is ten heads above everything else. You can make builds like 20 titan fighter/20 gendarme that is just one-shotting all the bosses on unfair (while also having dozen attacks per turn and being unkillable). Trickster is also stronger than angel or lich late-game
Correction: Angel is strong ONLY if you go merged spellbook because outside of spells this path gives you only halo and sword abilities. And both of them are weakest abilities of all mythic classes. Angel as a path outside of merging (fighters, barbarians, kinetics...) is Aeon level of power. Which isn't much.
@@JohnDoe-il4dzyou don't need luck. Every hit with such build is a critical (you take trickster for level 3 mythic path and then just stacking crit), she won't survive one charge from a 40 level gendarme with double lances. I exactly one-shotted her on my recent legend playthrough
And it is the closest path that follows the canon tabletop adventure, i liked it even if I like more evil, not full evil, the grayzone, the angel is badass
The tricky part is that there are so many builds and most paths have a ton of synergy with several classes, as well as many of the strongest builds making the game so easy there's basically 0 challenge. With how customisable the difficulty is too, it really is just down to what class you personally prefer to roleplay as.
@@tortoiseoflegends4466 Thats very true but there are definetely some classes that synergize better than others, (Angels and Oracles, Demons and Bloodragers) and you could easily make a video that chooses just one combination with the caveat that there are probably countless different combinations.
My only finished playthrough was the Lich (game is way too long for me). Started with a Wizard, was very intrigued by the Lich mythic path. But roleplay-wise, I couldn't let go. Becoming a full Lich felt so wrong. So thank you game for the Legend mythic path. Going full caster with merged Lich Spellbook into full fighter was a blast. Literally. And I really like the sentiment of a Wizard searching for the ultimate power, only to discover that his humanity was more important to him. So he picks up the sword, something completely new to him, realizes his wasted talents, fights with sword and sorcery against hell itself and then just dies as a human.
Love your takes, man. Especially your focus on the roleplay/thematic writing of each, as opposed to just power mechanics! Azata was my first path, so love seeing it get some love. Now, back to my dhampir angel. May you wander in wisdom!
The evil paths are so satisfying in this game. Demon's amazing rise to power story, Lich's power over life and death of their soldiers and companions, Devil being the necessary evil in that you dont lose your allies and Swarm being the strongest build ive ever created in game (Lich melee into Swarm = huge AC with a massive attack range and lifesteal x5 with clones)
I don't think I myself would put Azata so high up, but damn does it have the single best scene in all of the mythic path content. I'm talking about the slave scene in hell of course.
Some good news! The games for PS+ extra in July have leaked and Pathfinder: WotR is on there! Finally I’ll get a chance to play it for myself, as I’m sure many others will too (hopefully directing even more people to your channel!)
There is another thing the Aeon gets: it completely bypasses many mind-affecting narrative effects. Like the Lilitu running the Ten-Thousand Delights trying to read your mind or blasting it. An Aeon simply no-sells it.
Let me tell you guys, give a try to the demon playtrough, it absolutely bangs. Especially when you go down to Alushinyrra and get to show all the wimps down there who is the real deal. Not to mention the banger theme when going around Drezen. You basically get to go ape shit murderous on everyone that pissed you off. It is the only ending I played through the end, aside of the Lich one. Honest to god im not a deranged psycho tho xd
Yeah gold dragon is my favorite, I actually really enjoyed the process you go through to transform and actually being able to be a true dragon is very cool.
Man I love the aeon theme and concept, but actually going around judging people just didn't work for me. Going to random people and starting conversations with "I SEE YOU'VE BROKEN THE LAW" just felt like I was the most antisocial person ever.
I really appreciate that they took the time to make paths like Swarm actually viable, not only because it's going against the story of the campaign, but because it requires so many work arounds to how the game is intended to be played.
Gold dragon is my favorite. Druid MC with merged spellbook and becoming a holy dragon was super fun and I also like the fact that you can be a chaotic neutral demon instead of a 'for the evulz' cartoon villain.
Personal favorites are Angel and Azata as I usually go for the good alignments with Dragon currently still missing that content and never just having found the fun combination for Legend. Still I really like the alternative paths as those choices add a richness to the gameplay with Trickster being the only one that really doesn't even conceptually land for me. Funnily I think the Trickster path is the victim of what I am critical of in the Mythic path implementation as there is really one way to be on that path from a narrative perspective. This is understandable as resources are limited, but if you are a demon, you are forced to be evil and so forth. Which becomes a really big issue with the Trickster as they are this chaotic force, but because of that it ends up self-fulfilling chaos instead of really allowing the player to define a force for what.
From a story and interest perspective, it's a fair list. I personally love Lich and can't really stand Azata sillyness, but all of the points that you made are fair.
In my first play through, I was leaning Azata, but when I came to the actual choice, it started talking about the joy of a child taking their first steps... And my son was almost 1 at the time, so that hit me like a truck! I fell hard for that choice, and never regretted it. Also, when I saw the Flesh Markets for the first time, I wanted to attack SO BADLY. But, I restrained myself... and then they kidnapped Aivu, and never have I so enthusiastically accepted a fight! I was giddy taking down that market! Azata path was a treat to play!
I finished my first playthrough earlier this year, went Sylvan Sorcerer into Merged Lich and decided to get the SDG achievement too because why not and suceeded I might add. I absolutely loved the roleplaying aspect as I was going for a character who values love and friendship but ultimately values power more and in the end when pushed to choose between them will pick power everytime. The allure of "true freedom" to do whatever I desire take what I want slay whomever I want and take whatever I want was my raison d'etre and while I would prefer to take my friends to the top with me if they don't want in or get in the way so be it, actually achieving the Secret Ending with that character was so perfect for that as even the gods themselves could no longer bind me and the characters I managed to keep along the way ascended with me while those who betrayed their commander or who were neccessary sacrifices for power did not, making it simultaneously one of the most glorious and satisfying victories in any interactive story while simultaneously feeling hollow as I grew to miss the comrades and lovers that I betrayed along the way. I sorta modeled the character off of Bloody Harry and was shocked at how perfectly it fit the roleplaying of the lich path, and all that's just story praise. Mechanically it's an absolute blast too 6 unique party members, 2 of which are probably the best preset characters in the game, the Corrupt Magic spell and all the undead immunities oh it was so much fun to roll up on the infamous Playful Darkness and just delete it in 3 turns and then to do the same to all the high and mighty demon lords and bosses and watch them be rendered powerless before me, and despite being the best power fantasy I've ever experienced it still made me work for it, I couldn't sleepwalk through much if any encounters despite how one sided they ended up being and I had to work for that level of power especially in the early game. I'm looking forward to trying the other paths especially the more wholesome ones as a palette cleanser but that Lich playthrough set the bar so high I wonder if any of them can actually match it. I kinda wanna do merged Oracle/Angel next for being OP for an Unfair playthrough but that's all mechanical I haven't really settled on how to role play around that, I do have an idea for a Rob Lucci inspired inquisitor of Asmodeus Aeon into Devil though but that's prolly a little too much evil after just finishing a Lich playthrough and too underpowered for an Unfair or Last Azlanti run as I like to get all the challenge stipulations done first when completing RPGs so that the lower difficulties in future cleanup or for fun playthroughs feel more like the reward of unlocking god mode for completing everything the game has to offer challenge wise.
I kinda agree with the Gold Dragon not being super usefull. The main problem I have with this mythic path is that it is a "late game" mythic path. You unlock Dragon Form very late at the final act, even if you rush it just to do what is required for the quest (yes, u actually can go to the Ineluctable Prison & get the item & not finish the dungeon and return later). The issue is that there are simply other sources of draconic transformations that can be unlocked as early as level 12 or 13 if I remember correctly. Gold Dragon should have either weaker Dragon form unlocked earlier or maybe some story levels (like a dream sequence) when you control a dragon character. Story & lore wise it is great, but the concept was kinda wasted as its potential was not utilized & It just does not feel that impactful. It does not even have that many dialogue options that would be meaningful if you think about it. Gold Dragon should be kinda like "a Jedi" that can affect & alter what other NPCs are doing to the point that they may even change their alignment (like for example Camellia & her ending). I mean, I can convince the final boss that what they are doing is wrong & show them the way to do good stuff, but not a Companion ?!
Azata, Angel, and Lich are definitely my favorites. Azata specifically because I enjoy bards and bard fits PERFECTLY with the entire Azata theme, as does a feyspeaker druid (which I also enjoy).
Demon was my first choice in my first playthrough, and i dont regret it. Turning things upside down, as tou said, was its charm, and i had a blast playing it. It was only a shame i didnt find out at the time that if i accepted Nocticula's gift it would be 3x harder to beat her, so i just became her second in comand instead. Demonic teleportation was a remarkable skill for me, because i remember well that in the fight against Jerrybeth (dont remember the name exactly) had a very high AC, so i just spammed Demonic teleportation until he died lol.
Same, and the funniest part about it when I did my demon campaign is that I sacrificed myself at the end, and Noticula was so against it that she revived you in the abyss at her side and I found that so cool as well lol
I finished this game with most mythic paths, except Azata. Started a playthrough with fir that yesterday. So far i tend to regularly return to this game to play another mythic path. Awesome storytelling especially taking account the quantum or story arcs that are implemented
hey man, tnx for awsome videos as always, i think i have watched every single video u have posted :D mind if i ask what mythic path did u go with in your first playthrough? im really conflicted between angel and demon?
What annoys me the most is that you basically set up everything you need in Act 3, then wait until 5 to be able to actually play the path. It's like they thought of making it an earlier mythic (considering how little variety that is, that would've been preferable), then changed their mind without doing much to pad the holes left. I frankly hate the idea of "late game Mythic Paths" in general. It's a worthless gimmick. Where's the logic in switching from Trickster to Gold Dragon, theme/narrative-wise? Azata to Devil? Lich to Legend?
@@Herr_Affe Agree. Gold Dragon is one of the paths added by reaching goal in Kickstarter, so I think they fail to make it a whole path in the end. Kind of sad, since I've been hyped to GD even before the game is released.
I'd say that Swarm, Trickster and Legend are all like a player in a tabletop game that wants to go against the story. Swarm is the MurderHobo, Trickster is the Troll who is just doing whatever, and the Legend is the one who takes the game seriously, but doesn't want to follow the story you have planned (but still makes an interesting story.) Azata is like your kid sibling playing.
I'm pretty sure its lore-accurate that Azata generally style all over Angels when it comes to having a good fun time. They're pure and uncomplicated Ideals, dreams and hopes made real.
My top 3 I have to say are: 1. Demon. 2. Angel 3. Lich. The first two by far are the most involved with the most content. As for Lich, I really like the thematics of it and the Urgathoa dialouge you get is pretty unique. I don't really think any of the paths are bad either. But some are alot better than others imo.
As someone who haven't played yet and a bit overwhelmed by the choices for builds already, this mostly-spoiler-free video is real useful to get a rough idea what to expect. But to be honest I'm probably gonna pick gold dragon anyway because my 1st playthrough is always good-aligned and I love me some dragons...
Aeon is my favourite and fufills a fantasy that no other game does. I also love playing a rage filled Demon, then having a redemption arc into overly self righteous Golden Dragon.
From what I heard before I played I thought I would hate Azata during my first playthrough but it was the only decent arcane option for good aligned people. It turned out to be one of my favorite runs outside of dealing with the free crusaders.
I actually really love swarm myself. It is just such a fun and unique path. It is a very rewarding experience for me. I have to figure out the one guy build x6 and get to be super OP in late game
Angel is super OP for divine casters. Azata gets me a cute baby dragon. Both of these things are great. The other nice thing about Azata is that the powers work with a wide varieties of builds.
Story wise, I think Demon is most interesting. Its mythic powers are also more versatile and can be used for many different builds, unlike lich or angel due to the merged spellbooks.
As a person who has 300+ hours in WotR and have yet to finish chapter 3, I tend to go Azata myself. Problem is I keep seeing a new build and I restart the game. For real, this time, I am going to play all the way through as the Azata because I want to see how the story differs when I play as a lich my 2nd time through.
Would love to see a video on how the updates have impacted character creation/leveling. I'm thinking of trying a playthrough again and it would be a big help.
Hi there, Morty. I've gotten into Divinity Original Sin series and have been following you ever since you started making videos about these games. I also got the Pathfinder games but so far Ive spent only a couple of hours in WOTR. I wanted to ask you how do you feel about the non-combat related content of these games. You pay a lot of attention to the character developement in relation to the combat abillities of each mythic path, but i wanted to ask you how do you assess the story and its branching? For me in RPG games combat is fine, but I absolutely love the non combat stuff, the relations, the character dynamics, the decisions you can make that are not related to killing other beings. Kind regards, M
I REALLY love the trickster... it's just so much fun and playing as a SKALD (14 lvl Herald of horn +1lvl Arcane Trickster, +1Level Rogue (Rowdy) +4lvl Dragon Disciple(Red)) I ended up with Estoc specialization, and a crit chance of 50% with x5 multiplier ! (attack: 26, DMG: 17-28, even better if I land a sneak attack: +6d6 +1d6 mythic sneak attack) It's kinda ridiculous. Imagine starting a fight, most enemies die by your mere presence and then whiping the floor of what is left with your first hit by dealing a critical hit with such ridiculous damage that even most bosses are loosing HP like nothing (if they don't outright die from it) ...My "headcanon" for my character is fencing through the enemies while doing "insult duels" like in Monkey Island XD
the aeon time travel stuff is what makes it awesome honestly. Obvious spoiler: saving staunton and the dragon feels amazing and by saving her you get a cameo enemy from kingmaker!
Alright, mate, you do sound convincing, Azata it is then. Still not sure if it will be more thematic and fun than my first playthrough as human-cavalier/Angel. I called it Winded Hussar.
cRPG bro did one of these, ranked Azata much lower - and failed to even mention Life Bonding Friendship in his mechanical assessment. While it might not be important for every party - it can be an exceptionally powerful superpower - freeing up tons of teamwork feat slots for your party. It was at this point that I pretty much wrote off cRPG bro as probably just another TH-cam copy pasting stuff into video format that he likely doesn’t fully understand. Thanks for putting out great WoTR content!
When I tried Devil, I went into it via Azata due to gameplay reasons (Zippy Hellfire Rays are one hell of a drug) and tried to basically justify it as my character being extremely incompetent. I guess you could say its like Azata but with all the power of friendship stuff getting a really harsh reality check maybe? I remember hearing it described as "being so bad at being Chaotic Good that you loop around to being Lawful Evil" once, so mixing that with a low Int or Wis character can have an effect similar to playing low Int in Fallout 1 or 2.
Your videos helped me a lot when I first started the game. Really interested in your new recap videos. Since I'm about to finish my first play through and want to try out other mythic path stories, do you have any advice on how or when to set up save files during the game to make the replay process more easier?
We have similar rankings. The idea of the trickster put me off from even attempting it along with the swarm. Demon is my fav but it would've been Devil if you had the chance to get it earlier in the game like Aeon and other Mythic Paths
I hope I can love anything as much as Mortismal loves Pathfinder: WOTR
Have a baby
@@jpalmer9896 Idk.. I still don't think it could compare to his love for WoTR
Love yourself.
Hear hear!
The lich is about the friends we "Made" along the way.
Sure, we had to kill them first, but how else can you "make friends" 😂
nice one 😁
i just wanted more
Necromancy is just recycling. Black is the new green
One way another they'll be our friends. We just have to convince them in a different way.
The true Aeon ending has the most badass and uncompromising dialog option in any crpg I have ever played: [Cease to exist]
It's just a pity, that half of the game has our Aeon character looking on impotently when they witness lawlessness and call it out. Beyond the handful of scripted moments, I felt like I was playing, disapproving school teacher simulator.
@@toffeecrisp2146 making the injustice never happen to begin with is better than correcting it afterwards.
@acrab6527 sure, but it takes too long to get to that point. In the meantime, npc's figuratively tell you where to shove it 🤣
BG3 lets you challenge a God. Doesnt end well as you simply die in dialog by being non-existed
@@toffeecrisp2146 did you... fail the Aeon route? You start judging people as soon as you unlock the mythic path and rewrite history at least once per act.
Cosmic Judge Dredd is the most bad ass description ever. Sign me up.
Bah. Aeon is more of janitor with OCD.
It doesn't feel like that most of the time. It largely feels like angry school teacher gets ignored by pupils.
That would have been awesome if it was the case 😅😅
When I first played I was the angel path, and I thought that the herald of the inheritor was set up specifically for that path, and I thought to myself "wow they did a different herald and story for EACH path" but I just happened to pick the most thematically appropriate one for the set part of the story :D
Angel is kind of the 'default' path.
I’ve completely bg3, pathfinder wotr and I’m pretty much done rogue trader. You’ve made me see the CRPG side of life and I thank you for it Mortym!!
Now go play Pillars of Eternity 1 and 2.
I remember at one point the Aeon is facing an army of demons in Drezen and essentialy declares them all illegal immigrants and deports them all back to the Abyss. And you're right about the Angel path being the most fleshed out. It even has voice acting specific to it.
We have to build an interplanar wall!
-- Aeon, probably
Based Aeon
@@bengunn9670 And Baphomet is going to pay for it - also Aeon, probably
One of the few games that allowed me to play as a lich, which automatically make it my number 1 mythic path.
Few of the things that made me like this path are,
The fact throughout the the game I kept trying to be lawful evil playing as a lich, I had to justify my choices as I am saving people by dealing with demons using already dead soldiers, in return I am not making more casualities.
In addition, people had to do shining crusade against you at the end if you stay in your castle after dealing with the demons.
Which was a satisfying end to me.
You should try dominions 6.
@@TheWayOfPencil wow just checked it on steam, never heard of this game but definitely interesting find!
Thank you!!
@@TheWayOfPencilThanks for the recommendation. I'll probably pick this up.
@@Hsneen You are welcome!
The last play through i started was a lich run, was very excited but i had some pretty game and immersion breaking bugs and glitches that made it hard to push trough the demon city. Got stuck somewhere and never went back to solve it
Currently replaying Wrath with Azata and completely agreed that the Devil option there constantly seems... Bizarre? Like Early Sunset is there just suggesting you do non-Azata stuff basically just because and doesn't even bother learning the song.
It would have almost made more sense to have that temptation on the Angel path and try to have those whispers pulling you towards the strict law aspect of that approach.
100% agree devil should be tempting angle over azata. It's your classic tempting, they even talk about it in game with Aru trying to give up her demon life to be good and how angles always seem to fall, so why can't evil become good?
yeah, the man does not make a good case for why to swap. It might make some sense for Chaotic Azata, who is getting kids killed, etc. more noticeable downsides for going too chaotic. Riots, parties, lack of discipline in ranks getting troops killed, people refusing to pay taxes, deserters, innocents getting killed, etc.
so, Sunset is just way too obvious with his totally unazata things he's saying. If would have worked better if he was pretending to be an Angel or Archon. Maybe from Abadar. god of cities, law, merchants and wealth.
He could then argue lawful arguments, and again, point out any negative side effect to any decision you make. Then in the end, bring it together and argue you are doing just as much damage as the devils, and how you need rigid structure to fix things. And here a "true" azata, would have made choices to reign in the chaos and do more good then harm in the first place, while a chaotic azata might actually see their mistakes, and it would make some sense for them to do a full 180 swap.
Absolutely agree with Azata. It is so content rich from the floating base, follower recruitment, healing the land, and everything with Aivu. People often overlook the value of Aivu when comparing power levels, as well as the value of sharing teamwork feats and giving your whole party extra feat points as a result. It's not just about outflank, allied spellcaster and tandem trip for all your pets are really nice to have. An Azata individual is not as strong as Lich or Angel, but I'd argue a team with Azata can be just as strong as a Lich or Angel team.
If only CG as expressed in Pathfinder didn't produce the most insufferable characters imaginable...
2:15 omg the Swarm's interaction with Aivu is probaly the most evil thing you can do in the game :O
@@Schlumpsha I played Golden Dragon at release, and I thought I would get to keep Aivu. But once I became GD, she just disappears. I reload a save and completed the game as a full azata. But it felt weird that there was no interaction with her. Maybe they patch it out, otherwise it feels very weird that other paths get more interaction.
It is. The entire Mythic is quite monstrous. But it's over the top. Lich also does all manner of Evil, horrible, heinous things. And hits much harder imo.
Azata was my first playtrough, because Chaotic Good just resonates with me, and I kinda regret it. Mostly because, I can't really see me playing anything else. I wanted to try Lich but quickly lost interest in being evil, Trickster still got an "Maybe" for my next playtrough... but I can't really imagine not being able to tell Aivu that she is my greatest Treasure.
I got the same problem as well.. Aivu spoils every other playthrough.
i feel this so much. just got to act 4 as a lich and it is really hard to push onward. i will finish it, just going to play Azata again next😅
Aeon is the best for me, because, unlike other paths, there is just... You. No angels behind, no demons to serve you, no non-party friends to cheer you up, no swarm to devour for you. Only you and your raw power of comsic judge to make things right.
I know, it’s hilarious that your “guide” is yourself in the mirror, unlike every other mythic path where it’s someone connected to the path that “guides” you.
@@miavaughn2393 But in the mirror you do speak to other Aeons, although not verbally.
@@Jinars. Its sorta implied because of your manipulation of time and a good amount of dialogue/aeon ending, that the aeon you speak to in the mirror IS your future self. You/the universe/universal law and order set into motion your own evolution into itself/an aeon.
At least that was my interpretation/lots of other folks too.
Angel mechanics, especially if you merge spells, are so disgustingly strong that I have to give it number one.
How many times in games could you call AN ORBITAL BOMBARDMENT FROM THE HEAVENS ABOVE!
it's strong mid-game. But overall, legend is ten heads above everything else. You can make builds like 20 titan fighter/20 gendarme that is just one-shotting all the bosses on unfair (while also having dozen attacks per turn and being unkillable). Trickster is also stronger than angel or lich late-game
Correction: Angel is strong ONLY if you go merged spellbook because outside of spells this path gives you only halo and sword abilities. And both of them are weakest abilities of all mythic classes. Angel as a path outside of merging (fighters, barbarians, kinetics...) is Aeon level of power. Which isn't much.
@@alexanderbakulin8836 lmao, good luck one-shotting Areelu.
@@JohnDoe-il4dzyou don't need luck. Every hit with such build is a critical (you take trickster for level 3 mythic path and then just stacking crit), she won't survive one charge from a 40 level gendarme with double lances. I exactly one-shotted her on my recent legend playthrough
I played Azata to Chapter 5 and it was amazing. Currently doing a witch lich and I enjoy it to, but I am currently in Chapter 3.
I still think Angel path is the best, making Deskari shit itself in fear and burning random hells with holy fire was awesome!
And it is the closest path that follows the canon tabletop adventure, i liked it even if I like more evil, not full evil, the grayzone, the angel is badass
I am currently in Act 3 of my second playthrough and I LOVE hearing u talk about the game :)
Can we get recomended class/build for each mythic path. It would be helpfull for begginers
The tricky part is that there are so many builds and most paths have a ton of synergy with several classes, as well as many of the strongest builds making the game so easy there's basically 0 challenge.
With how customisable the difficulty is too, it really is just down to what class you personally prefer to roleplay as.
@@tortoiseoflegends4466 Thats very true but there are definetely some classes that synergize better than others, (Angels and Oracles, Demons and Bloodragers) and you could easily make a video that chooses just one combination with the caveat that there are probably countless different combinations.
literally just google it.
My only finished playthrough was the Lich (game is way too long for me).
Started with a Wizard, was very intrigued by the Lich mythic path. But roleplay-wise, I couldn't let go.
Becoming a full Lich felt so wrong.
So thank you game for the Legend mythic path.
Going full caster with merged Lich Spellbook into full fighter was a blast. Literally.
And I really like the sentiment of a Wizard searching for the ultimate power, only to discover that his humanity was more important to him.
So he picks up the sword, something completely new to him, realizes his wasted talents, fights with sword and sorcery against hell itself and then just dies as a human.
Love your takes, man. Especially your focus on the roleplay/thematic writing of each, as opposed to just power mechanics! Azata was my first path, so love seeing it get some love.
Now, back to my dhampir angel. May you wander in wisdom!
The evil paths are so satisfying in this game. Demon's amazing rise to power story, Lich's power over life and death of their soldiers and companions, Devil being the necessary evil in that you dont lose your allies and Swarm being the strongest build ive ever created in game (Lich melee into Swarm = huge AC with a massive attack range and lifesteal x5 with clones)
While Legend is not the best Myhtic path, it has the best theme. Master of my own fate is one of my favourite ost in RPG's
I finally beat the game for the first time an Azata all the way through was super fun. I love Aivu and the whole freedom aspect of the path :)
May you walk in wisdom!
may you swarm that walks
No u
I don't think I myself would put Azata so high up, but damn does it have the single best scene in all of the mythic path content. I'm talking about the slave scene in hell of course.
Some good news! The games for PS+ extra in July have leaked and Pathfinder: WotR is on there! Finally I’ll get a chance to play it for myself, as I’m sure many others will too (hopefully directing even more people to your channel!)
Wow, Aeon in the middle. I thought Aeon was peak or maybe 2nd due to it beig a really good story/one of the paths that actually felt complete
There is another thing the Aeon gets: it completely bypasses many mind-affecting narrative effects. Like the Lilitu running the Ten-Thousand Delights trying to read your mind or blasting it. An Aeon simply no-sells it.
Let me tell you guys, give a try to the demon playtrough, it absolutely bangs. Especially when you go down to Alushinyrra and get to show all the wimps down there who is the real deal. Not to mention the banger theme when going around Drezen. You basically get to go ape shit murderous on everyone that pissed you off. It is the only ending I played through the end, aside of the Lich one. Honest to god im not a deranged psycho tho xd
Yeah gold dragon is my favorite, I actually really enjoyed the process you go through to transform and actually being able to be a true dragon is very cool.
Man I love the aeon theme and concept, but actually going around judging people just didn't work for me. Going to random people and starting conversations with "I SEE YOU'VE BROKEN THE LAW" just felt like I was the most antisocial person ever.
I really appreciate that they took the time to make paths like Swarm actually viable, not only because it's going against the story of the campaign, but because it requires so many work arounds to how the game is intended to be played.
True aeon ending made me (a grown up man) cry.
I just finished with Trickster and I really loved it. First play-through.
All the paths are dank imo, but Aeon easily has the best theme. Shit made me feel like i was going to the astral plane
My favourite part of Azata path was where one of big bosses of hell come up and complained I mess too much stuff.
Gold dragon is my favorite. Druid MC with merged spellbook and becoming a holy dragon was super fun and I also like the fact that you can be a chaotic neutral demon instead of a 'for the evulz' cartoon villain.
Legend roleplay ftw!
Azata at first place is genuinely insane. Like I know these are just your personal rankings but hot damn dude
Thanks for the video. I think you went beyond video essay with this, and made some gaming culture. Onward to 400k. All glory to the algorithm.
Personal favorites are Angel and Azata as I usually go for the good alignments with Dragon currently still missing that content and never just having found the fun combination for Legend. Still I really like the alternative paths as those choices add a richness to the gameplay with Trickster being the only one that really doesn't even conceptually land for me.
Funnily I think the Trickster path is the victim of what I am critical of in the Mythic path implementation as there is really one way to be on that path from a narrative perspective. This is understandable as resources are limited, but if you are a demon, you are forced to be evil and so forth. Which becomes a really big issue with the Trickster as they are this chaotic force, but because of that it ends up self-fulfilling chaos instead of really allowing the player to define a force for what.
From a story and interest perspective, it's a fair list. I personally love Lich and can't really stand Azata sillyness, but all of the points that you made are fair.
In my first play through, I was leaning Azata, but when I came to the actual choice, it started talking about the joy of a child taking their first steps...
And my son was almost 1 at the time, so that hit me like a truck! I fell hard for that choice, and never regretted it.
Also, when I saw the Flesh Markets for the first time, I wanted to attack SO BADLY. But, I restrained myself... and then they kidnapped Aivu, and never have I so enthusiastically accepted a fight! I was giddy taking down that market!
Azata path was a treat to play!
I'm playing WOTR for the first time now, so perfect timing with these videos
I finished my first playthrough earlier this year, went Sylvan Sorcerer into Merged Lich and decided to get the SDG achievement too because why not and suceeded I might add. I absolutely loved the roleplaying aspect as I was going for a character who values love and friendship but ultimately values power more and in the end when pushed to choose between them will pick power everytime. The allure of "true freedom" to do whatever I desire take what I want slay whomever I want and take whatever I want was my raison d'etre and while I would prefer to take my friends to the top with me if they don't want in or get in the way so be it, actually achieving the Secret Ending with that character was so perfect for that as even the gods themselves could no longer bind me and the characters I managed to keep along the way ascended with me while those who betrayed their commander or who were neccessary sacrifices for power did not, making it simultaneously one of the most glorious and satisfying victories in any interactive story while simultaneously feeling hollow as I grew to miss the comrades and lovers that I betrayed along the way. I sorta modeled the character off of Bloody Harry and was shocked at how perfectly it fit the roleplaying of the lich path, and all that's just story praise.
Mechanically it's an absolute blast too 6 unique party members, 2 of which are probably the best preset characters in the game, the Corrupt Magic spell and all the undead immunities oh it was so much fun to roll up on the infamous Playful Darkness and just delete it in 3 turns and then to do the same to all the high and mighty demon lords and bosses and watch them be rendered powerless before me, and despite being the best power fantasy I've ever experienced it still made me work for it, I couldn't sleepwalk through much if any encounters despite how one sided they ended up being and I had to work for that level of power especially in the early game. I'm looking forward to trying the other paths especially the more wholesome ones as a palette cleanser but that Lich playthrough set the bar so high I wonder if any of them can actually match it.
I kinda wanna do merged Oracle/Angel next for being OP for an Unfair playthrough but that's all mechanical I haven't really settled on how to role play around that, I do have an idea for a Rob Lucci inspired inquisitor of Asmodeus Aeon into Devil though but that's prolly a little too much evil after just finishing a Lich playthrough and too underpowered for an Unfair or Last Azlanti run as I like to get all the challenge stipulations done first when completing RPGs so that the lower difficulties in future cleanup or for fun playthroughs feel more like the reward of unlocking god mode for completing everything the game has to offer challenge wise.
Lich makes an amazing MONK. I build a Dragon Monk with a lvl of Sorc with AC = CHA. Eventually your unarmed attacks HEAL you with spells.
I kinda agree with the Gold Dragon not being super usefull. The main problem I have with this mythic path is that it is a "late game" mythic path. You unlock Dragon Form very late at the final act, even if you rush it just to do what is required for the quest (yes, u actually can go to the Ineluctable Prison & get the item & not finish the dungeon and return later). The issue is that there are simply other sources of draconic transformations that can be unlocked as early as level 12 or 13 if I remember correctly. Gold Dragon should have either weaker Dragon form unlocked earlier or maybe some story levels (like a dream sequence) when you control a dragon character.
Story & lore wise it is great, but the concept was kinda wasted as its potential was not utilized & It just does not feel that impactful. It does not even have that many dialogue options that would be meaningful if you think about it. Gold Dragon should be kinda like "a Jedi" that can affect & alter what other NPCs are doing to the point that they may even change their alignment (like for example Camellia & her ending). I mean, I can convince the final boss that what they are doing is wrong & show them the way to do good stuff, but not a Companion ?!
I think being able to unlock it earlier if your character has dragon blood would be better. Especially since you'd be able to choose your dragon form.
The ranking I wanted! Thank you, Mortismal!
Azata, Angel, and Lich are definitely my favorites. Azata specifically because I enjoy bards and bard fits PERFECTLY with the entire Azata theme, as does a feyspeaker druid (which I also enjoy).
I am doing my first play-through as Azata, but now I definitely want to go thru again as Lich and Demon. Thank you for the video!
You’ve been spoiling us this week my man
Appreciate the spoiler-lite summaries! Definitely has me thinking differently about playing Demon if I ever do another playthrough
I gotta bring myself and start a brand new playtrough as a Lich... I was always very interested in that type of roleplay
imagine not only playing swarm that walks, but specifically capturing footage of devouring aivu for that extra level of evil.
A spot-on ranked list of the mythic paths.
thanks mortismal for introducing me to this game.. more power
Demon was my first choice in my first playthrough, and i dont regret it. Turning things upside down, as tou said, was its charm, and i had a blast playing it.
It was only a shame i didnt find out at the time that if i accepted Nocticula's gift it would be 3x harder to beat her, so i just became her second in comand instead.
Demonic teleportation was a remarkable skill for me, because i remember well that in the fight against Jerrybeth (dont remember the name exactly) had a very high AC, so i just spammed Demonic teleportation until he died lol.
Same, and the funniest part about it when I did my demon campaign is that I sacrificed myself at the end, and Noticula was so against it that she revived you in the abyss at her side and I found that so cool as well lol
I finished this game with most mythic paths, except Azata. Started a playthrough with fir that yesterday. So far i tend to regularly return to this game to play another mythic path. Awesome storytelling especially taking account the quantum or story arcs that are implemented
IMHO, the Angel path had my favourite story, theme, roleplay, and gameplay mechanics/power
Can you please make a video of CRPG list from easiest to hardest to get into, kinda like learning curve, which I think WOTR will be on top
hey man, tnx for awsome videos as always, i think i have watched every single video u have posted :D mind if i ask what mythic path did u go with in your first playthrough? im really conflicted between angel and demon?
First was demon I think? Been a few years.
Still waiting for Gold Dragon reworked, need quest and ability buff seriously. if ...there's still possibility.
I wish it was reworked but I think they're done with the game after this dlc
@@Idlemage free patching maybe? I remember the dev mentioned something about GD back in months.
They did said GD is up for a mechanical rework, if it will come out or get canceled we don't know
What annoys me the most is that you basically set up everything you need in Act 3, then wait until 5 to be able to actually play the path. It's like they thought of making it an earlier mythic (considering how little variety that is, that would've been preferable), then changed their mind without doing much to pad the holes left. I frankly hate the idea of "late game Mythic Paths" in general. It's a worthless gimmick. Where's the logic in switching from Trickster to Gold Dragon, theme/narrative-wise? Azata to Devil? Lich to Legend?
@@Herr_Affe Agree. Gold Dragon is one of the paths added by reaching goal in Kickstarter, so I think they fail to make it a whole path in the end. Kind of sad, since I've been hyped to GD even before the game is released.
I'd say that Swarm, Trickster and Legend are all like a player in a tabletop game that wants to go against the story.
Swarm is the MurderHobo, Trickster is the Troll who is just doing whatever, and the Legend is the one who takes the game seriously, but doesn't want to follow the story you have planned (but still makes an interesting story.)
Azata is like your kid sibling playing.
I'm pretty sure its lore-accurate that Azata generally style all over Angels when it comes to having a good fun time. They're pure and uncomplicated Ideals, dreams and hopes made real.
My top 3 I have to say are: 1. Demon. 2. Angel 3. Lich. The first two by far are the most involved with the most content. As for Lich, I really like the thematics of it and the Urgathoa dialouge you get is pretty unique.
I don't really think any of the paths are bad either. But some are alot better than others imo.
As someone who haven't played yet and a bit overwhelmed by the choices for builds already, this mostly-spoiler-free video is real useful to get a rough idea what to expect.
But to be honest I'm probably gonna pick gold dragon anyway because my 1st playthrough is always good-aligned and I love me some dragons...
17:59 The guitar they put in for the theme for this one is amazing
I picked Azata in my first playthrough and will also pick it as my last, meant to be the fun mythic ideal and it is.
Aeon is my favourite and fufills a fantasy that no other game does. I also love playing a rage filled Demon, then having a redemption arc into overly self righteous Golden Dragon.
From what I heard before I played I thought I would hate Azata during my first playthrough but it was the only decent arcane option for good aligned people. It turned out to be one of my favorite runs outside of dealing with the free crusaders.
I actually really love swarm myself. It is just such a fun and unique path. It is a very rewarding experience for me. I have to figure out the one guy build x6 and get to be super OP in late game
Angel is super OP for divine casters. Azata gets me a cute baby dragon. Both of these things are great. The other nice thing about Azata is that the powers work with a wide varieties of builds.
Story wise, I think Demon is most interesting. Its mythic powers are also more versatile and can be used for many different builds, unlike lich or angel due to the merged spellbooks.
As a person who has 300+ hours in WotR and have yet to finish chapter 3, I tend to go Azata myself. Problem is I keep seeing a new build and I restart the game. For real, this time, I am going to play all the way through as the Azata because I want to see how the story differs when I play as a lich my 2nd time through.
I absolutely loved Aeon. the ending made me tear up. I started an Azata playthrough yesterday. hope it can live up to aeon
Is it living up to Aeon?
Angel and Lich top 2 for me. Book merging and buffs to strong to ignore.
Would love to see a video on how the updates have impacted character creation/leveling. I'm thinking of trying a playthrough again and it would be a big help.
Hi there, Morty. I've gotten into Divinity Original Sin series and have been following you ever since you started making videos about these games.
I also got the Pathfinder games but so far Ive spent only a couple of hours in WOTR. I wanted to ask you how do you feel about the non-combat related content of these games. You pay a lot of attention to the character developement in relation to the combat abillities of each mythic path, but i wanted to ask you how do you assess the story and its branching? For me in RPG games combat is fine, but I absolutely love the non combat stuff, the relations, the character dynamics, the decisions you can make that are not related to killing other beings.
Kind regards,
I REALLY love the trickster... it's just so much fun and playing as a SKALD (14 lvl Herald of horn +1lvl Arcane Trickster, +1Level Rogue (Rowdy) +4lvl Dragon Disciple(Red)) I ended up with Estoc specialization, and a crit chance of 50% with x5 multiplier ! (attack: 26, DMG: 17-28, even better if I land a sneak attack: +6d6 +1d6 mythic sneak attack) It's kinda ridiculous.
Imagine starting a fight, most enemies die by your mere presence and then whiping the floor of what is left with your first hit by dealing a critical hit with such ridiculous damage that even most bosses are loosing HP like nothing (if they don't outright die from it) ...My "headcanon" for my character is fencing through the enemies while doing "insult duels" like in Monkey Island XD
Feasting on WotR content just in time for my first run of the game!
My favourite part about Trickster is that you will give Regill a few extra centuries to live because he can't believe the stupid shit you just did.
the aeon time travel stuff is what makes it awesome honestly. Obvious spoiler: saving staunton and the dragon feels amazing and by saving her you get a cameo enemy from kingmaker!
Alright, mate, you do sound convincing, Azata it is then.
Still not sure if it will be more thematic and fun than my first playthrough as human-cavalier/Angel.
I called it Winded Hussar.
Always great content ❤
As an olded guy who grew up on ttrpgs and lots of gaming i love this game and your channel. Youd be welcome in my roll20 games anytime !
cRPG bro did one of these, ranked Azata much lower - and failed to even mention Life Bonding Friendship in his mechanical assessment. While it might not be important for every party - it can be an exceptionally powerful superpower - freeing up tons of teamwork feat slots for your party. It was at this point that I pretty much wrote off cRPG bro as probably just another TH-cam copy pasting stuff into video format that he likely doesn’t fully understand.
Thanks for putting out great WoTR content!
When I tried Devil, I went into it via Azata due to gameplay reasons (Zippy Hellfire Rays are one hell of a drug) and tried to basically justify it as my character being extremely incompetent. I guess you could say its like Azata but with all the power of friendship stuff getting a really harsh reality check maybe? I remember hearing it described as "being so bad at being Chaotic Good that you loop around to being Lawful Evil" once, so mixing that with a low Int or Wis character can have an effect similar to playing low Int in Fallout 1 or 2.
Mortim brings out video. I click video. 2 easy steps for succes.
Demon was my first genuinely suprised me that it isn't gonna force you to go Evil.
I'm going legend with my next run just because I've always wanted to play a mystic theurge but I've never wanted to give up the spells needed to do so
Everything is clear to me now
Azata is my favorite too. The adventure is so much better with Aivu along for the ride!
You know so much about this game you should do a walkthrough guide
Went Aeon Path, then switched to devil😈. Both rock.
Azata, , Angel, Aeon for me. Triple A for the win.
Your videos helped me a lot when I first started the game. Really interested in your new recap videos. Since I'm about to finish my first play through and want to try out other mythic path stories, do you have any advice on how or when to set up save files during the game to make the replay process more easier?
Right before the mythic path choices & the start of each act with each path
Love your content!
In the future, will you make a video about the story of each mythic path?
Im doing a story video for the whole thing soon
We have similar rankings. The idea of the trickster put me off from even attempting it along with the swarm. Demon is my fav but it would've been Devil if you had the chance to get it earlier in the game like Aeon and other Mythic Paths
Good stuff, thank you!