The funniest thing is the first killteam box in 2018, is still the best according to value. The terrain alone cost around 130 bucks and the box cost 130 bucks so pretty much all the units and books were free at that point.
@@quickdiy8127 the purpose to have a printer is to constantly print shit, not only that, resin is dangerous to handle and a single mess up can be pretty bad. That being said the price value is entirely different for different countries, so the saying the printer is cheap is a absolute fucking lie. I'm not saying the box is any better. But both are pricey as shit.
You can include Reivers in a Phobos kill team, you just can't build them from the kits supplied in this box. Their rules are in the Moroch book, but they don't get mentioned in the build instructions. Also traitor guard were in Blackstone Fortress so this is not their first outing since Forge World discontinued their range, but the second. The Blackstone Fortress models even got 40k rules but only as part of a Servants of the Abyss force, not as a dedicated traitor guard one.
biggest shame with the marines team is that they dont have access to eliminators.... those guys could fit the sniper archetype perfectly (and most importantly they are phobos team
It really does seem like the Traitor Guard left the space marines in the “Tan Sand” little disappointing but there’s only so much you can do with them.
One thing I did really like in the 2018 KT was that the books were for everyone, and they got you excited about trying a new faction. The problem with the books of course, was that they didn't properly mesh together (Commanders can't be used in Arena etc.). That aside though, Kill Team 2021 has the interesting factions initially wrapped up in expensive box sets. It's like... who _are_ these big boxes _for?_
@@JorgeLopez-iv4wh Yeah hmm. For someone just starting in the hobby, or let's say you were suggesting someone to start, telling them they have to buy a $350AUD box, plus another $84AUD book with the core rules in it, plus the $55AUD KT Essentials, plus tools and glue and likely paints... that's not exactly the easiest "in" to the tabletop wargaming hobby, right? It's a huge investment.
@@darkowl9 I mean I have gotten the starter set and the past kill team boxes , I almost spent a lot of money on Age of sigmar or 40k but killteam was a better starter for me
I think a big missed opportunity for the space marines could’ve been a unique upgrade spru for a non ultramarine chapter to have the Phobos marines become a unique unit with its own flavor
Kill team always seemed like just a new way to charge more for fewer models. Over the last couple of years their price per model on boxed games has increased an unbelievable amount. Love the continuation of traitor guard though. Can't wait to add them to my display alongside my Blackstone fortress traitors
Thanks for the review, I was almost tempted by The Blooded but the space marines really turned me off - I am glad I got Octarius, I have no FOMO over the rest of the boxes so far. ...that may change if a bespoke Necron kill team box is released however!
@@GreenBlueWalkthrough True, if you're prepared to wait...which I am as I have only just yesterday fully painted my Kommandos! On top of which I still have 14 more Krieg veterans and all the Octarius terrain to paint...yeah no more big boxes for me for now (unless Necrons...maybe Leagues of Votann...).
I bought the basic starter set and am waiting for one of the “next step” sets to catch my eye, none of them have checked all the boxes but this one gets close, probably still gonna wait but it’s definitely a good kit
Games Workshop did have a sprue of bunker ruins that came with the original Killzone Kill Team: Sector Fronteris box from a few years ago. Unfortunately, it was one of those kits that was produced in China, so they may not have made a mold for those ruins back in the UK. Which is a shame because 3-4 sprues of that would have been way more useful than the landing pad.
It’s funny because I was disappointed in the Phobos Strike Team from all the promo material until I started building them. I kind of fell in love with the bits from the upgrade sprue and I had personally never built the Infiltrator/Incursor set and that’s honestly a great kit. I had a ton of fun building them.
GW missed a huge opportunity to lure Kill Team players into trying big 40K, and 40K players into buying the Kill Team boxes, by mis-matching the tan sand. I'd have been more than happy if one side of each Kill Team board in a given year was 1/4 of a single, large, semi-generic 40K board, and each reverse side was some very different terrain, appropriate to the teams and the terrain in its particular box. To give us tan sand after tan sand, and *not* have it match up into a larger board wasn't even the kind of shady, exploitive stuff GW usually does. It was just a careless oversight, resulting in a lost opportunity. Sigh.
Hi, I got the 40k starter recruit edition to see if the game(s) were something that I would like. I started putting the base paint on the marines and then just forgot about it. Do I need to paint them to play? That part kind of made me lose interest
No, painted models are not necessary. It is recommended because a painted mini looks better than gray plastic but it is not mandatory to play, unless you want to play in competitive tournaments. In the end, it is a hobby and it is your journey, so you decide how to do it and what to skip.
It feels like that buiilding and fence belong with the old Sector Fronteris Terrain and that new bunker belongs with some nice trenchline and other terrain that's not itself vantaga points.
210 Dollar?! I feel sorry for you Guys over there. I bought mine on Saturday and paid 136€ at my local Gamingstore. Even at the GW Store its "only" 160€ here.
The starter set was far and away the best... both Ork and Krieg were awesome and the terrain was cool. All three subsequent sets had one cool team (Sisters, Eldar, Guard) and one meh. The terrain here will be cheaper than on its own, and for really wanting that and Guard, it may be better to get the box and save than separately since the Marine sprues are useless.
Question. Currently all of the space marine kill teams that you can make using the compendium have 4-6 models but this team has 10, so are these marines half as strong? Or did they change all space marines to be weaker with new rules?
Nope. To elaborate, each compendium astartes team gets 6 models, and thats it. Instead bespoken teams, such as the phobos, have a rooster of 20 models from which the operatives are selected before the battle, up to the maximum number of members and respecting the construction rules (no more than 1 specialist can be selected more than once except the basic warrior guys) Hope to have been of help
Since this doesn’t have enough terrain. Can I use more? Like add terrain in the middle? Sorry if this might be a stupid question. I’m new to table top WH40k.
I really like the terrain, while it should not be seen as a complete board it adds a really nice variance to a pre-existing board with a vantage point that isn't as high as others, creating a kind of 3-stage height system. I hope I can find someone selling the terrain as I don't really care for the minis in this one
I picked up this box and two more Blooded sprues off ebay because I was expecting the Traitor Guard to be playable with my Chaos Space Marines. With the Codex leaks that seems not the case. I'm still excited to put together my Blooded (12 guard and the Ogryn will probably be my main force) and getting both extra sprues will guarantee I get to make every variation of model very easily... Probably only needed one for that though, but I have plans for anything spare left over.
Watching this after purchasing the box... As my first Kill Team experience. Thankfully I have a Resin Printer, so I'll just print some extra terrain. But it still stings a bit.
Yeah, they're a solid team if you know how to use them right. Each model is a nice mountain of wounds with some decent damage output. Just gotta remember they're not like other marines and deploy guerilla style.
Noob question: are datacards included in the individual kill team boxes? (E.G. Like if I had the core rules and picked up the Adepta Sororitas Novatiates, would I have all the rules needed to run that killteam?
I am new to kill team and Warhammer universe. I am able to buy moroch box for 102 EUR in my local store. I also still can buy Octarius for 105 EUR. I mean big bulky boxes with all the terrain etc. Do you think it is worth to grab both of them or is any of them better than another? I like commandos more though
the thing i wished they did was broke them into smaller fire teams to make it to where you could bring like 3 assault intercessors and 3 intercessors to kinda make list building more interesting. the game doesn't really need terminator units, or other such units like that for the matter. i just wish that the marines were a little more versatile in the picking fire teams part of kill team instead of it just being the roster building only. like i feel like the army that has that much versatility needs to reflect that a little better. the fact that phobos allows for 3 different types on the roster and the field is actually really nice, and shows marines really can work well off their versatility when allowed to do so. they aren't broke as a faction and can kinda keep up with the rest of the teams out there. just wishing the compendium was just as versatile.
My opinion on the different types of terrain is that maybe GW expected people to buy all boxes, so later people can mix n' match the terrains. And each of the box is just a starting point that you can supplement, by going to your nearest GW and getting more things. But yeah, that could've been done slightly differently
you mean they made squads of space marines act as squads. This makes perfect sense and gives the ability to make death watch unique and powerful again.
The old school traitor guardsman have reappeared in the new 40k Darktide videogame, I used to have those models from Forge World,kinda wish I never sold them now because I'd love them in Kill Team
Hello was interested in the squid mage from May but I only see the non activated form, will the activated form be coming back in stock? Or was it in shop for May then done for good?
I hope to see a whole box that I find worth buying. All I have is a box of Ork Kommandos. I need the books and other supplies needed to play though lol. Might end up being more expensive than buying the Octarius box huh?
I wouldn’t say that space marines got no KillTeam attention in recent years. I still see the pariah nexus box for sale in one of my local gaming stores(talk about lame terrain!). Ooh, that box has the rare gravis captain with master crafted bolt rifle!(must … not … impulse buy! 😱)
I think I'm still going to get this box, as a new comer to 40K overall, I want to jump into Kill Team first since it takes less units to play, I'll probably just hunt down some scatter terrain to add to this map
I really hope to see my best friend in spain soon and get him to the warhammer store in madrid Althou hes playing dmc so he has a fair point Also I think they shoud paint the phobos marines as raven guard raptors or even the retributors from astartes
The GW shop in Madrid is very cool, but I would recommend buying stuff at any other Hobby Store, they usually have every GW products at 10 to 15% discount!
I understand why they don’t but a Killteam with one of each type of Primaris Marine would be really cool. Personally I’ll probably make a Deathwatch kill team and just use primaris models.
Kill team newbie here. I have the starter kill team box (krieg, Kommandos + a terrain covers). With this terrain, would it be enough to build a good battlefield? Cheers!
If you’re talking Kill Team - most likely. The basic starter (it’s the one you’ve got, right?) provides a decent amount of scatter terrain. These terrain sets are quite different in terms of the visual style though and will clash heavily. A set of GW containers will fit this box much better both in terms of gameplay (better obscuring, possible vantage points, barrels and boxes can be stacked together to serve as a decent light cover) and visuals. There’s also that old killzone box with four containers and a crane. Though both kits are a bit pricey for my taste.
Solid overview, thanks a lot. This mirrors my thoughts, and this box in particular suffers from what you called "if it doesn't click all your jams". I love the Traitors, I think the terrain is cool... and then there is the Marines. Those are just boring. So yeah, another pass for me I guess.
Honestly I’m ok with space marines not being an A tier army, it would feel mean spirited if they were always amazing. The only thing I want is to just fold the assault intercessors with the normal ones. Just so there is some flexibility, I didn’t think they needed a 6th model.
Ah yes the 40k points sytem like the unique no one else has 40k dice... That said on to my point the reason why most games have a points system is customiztion and flexablity which is why I have a points sytem in my Universal Wargame RPG... Which is oddly more like battle tech then 40k... I do use a dD6pool like 40k though, For Kill team it's importaint to be able to use any model in 40k so you can have a massive back log nnot the current drip feed and hope your favoite models get added... Like can you use Space marine supperessers/ the hundred speical luetents in Kill team 2? But I do agree on the rule should be differnt for the scale but I Woukd like to take any 40k model and use it on this scale.
Yeah. More variation of the gaming boards would be nice. The old kill team boxes had a city layout, some trading post/loading bay layout, etc. And “tan sand” ofc. Now it’s just “tan sand” after “tan sand”. Come on GW!
So I bought a big ol mierce miniatures demon and I was feeling all cool. Then I remembered, I can't paint. So yea if you could go ahead and start a khorne daemon army and make paint videos that would be great. Thank you
You mentioned @9:50 how if this was your first entry into Kill Team, you're kinda stuck. Indeed this box was my first foray into KILL TEAM. Not only am I 'kind of stuck' but the game is unplayable, since you need the core rules to play. It doesn't seem to mention that fact ANYWHERE on the box. I guess you're just supposed to know that this is only an expansion, and you need rules, dice, and counters. Of course all the models and components are fantastic GW quality, like always, but I was a bit bummed on reading the MOROCH book that I'll need the 'Core rules' to play the game.
...Yeah how did they come to $210 again? Each team is like $50-$60 and their is 2 teams... you get a card board, terain and a thin book... How is this More expensive then octarus which was fairly priced if not even a good deal compaired to other TT wragames? Like what was GW thinking with that price?
Here is my conundrum with kill team. The "old" kill team was amazing for building fluffy interesting lists while the gameplay was rather unfriendly to "lore". The new kill team seems to have great rules to represent different units in the game (havn't played myself but I watched some battle reports) but the list building is somewhat flat. They changed it with the kill team boxes and white dwarf articles (mostly those imo) to some degree and I hope more articles and rules for more mixed kill teams (like the genestealer cults one) will come out but right now I am still sad about my Black Templar crusader squat (first born) with scouts being unplayable.
Having played kill team a bit, I'm done taking kill teams that go strictly by the rules. I play with my friends anyway and we can just house rule stuff up. Like taking mixed primaris kill teams. You can take an equal amount of them anyway so it's not a big deal to take different dudes but the same amount as total. I also created rules for an eliminator and will try it out in place of two other marines. If someone wants to try it out just use a phobos marine statline, take the gun of a necron deathmark and add the silent special rule, and take the camo cloak special rule from the scouts.
@@EonsOfBattle As also a space marine player, KT21 is absolutely amazing. I was disappointed with not having the option to mix and match, but this Phobos team is addressing that perfectly. I think Phobos marines together, the rest of Primaris (Intercessor fun. Normals, assaults and heavies), and then Firstborn being 3 different teams would be the ideal. But im still having a significant amount of fun as is. I'm fine with not being able to take Sergeant Soup, but reasonable mix and match like this phobos team is all I want. (Also, Terminators have no place in KT rn)
I´m not a big fan of the terrain kit in this box. Seems to have a lack of cover and very rigid. I would like an Octarius terrain kit but maybe a different theme of xenos or imperial city.
Most expensive Kill Team box ever, doesn't even come with enough terrain for a proper match. Games Workshop, classy as ever.
Did not expect to find our gnome overlord here
...the crossover I never expected.
The funniest thing is the first killteam box in 2018, is still the best according to value. The terrain alone cost around 130 bucks and the box cost 130 bucks so pretty much all the units and books were free at that point.
One 3d printer or one box of figures hmm
@@quickdiy8127 the purpose to have a printer is to constantly print shit, not only that, resin is dangerous to handle and a single mess up can be pretty bad. That being said the price value is entirely different for different countries, so the saying the printer is cheap is a absolute fucking lie. I'm not saying the box is any better. But both are pricey as shit.
You can include Reivers in a Phobos kill team, you just can't build them from the kits supplied in this box. Their rules are in the Moroch book, but they don't get mentioned in the build instructions.
Also traitor guard were in Blackstone Fortress so this is not their first outing since Forge World discontinued their range, but the second. The Blackstone Fortress models even got 40k rules but only as part of a Servants of the Abyss force, not as a dedicated traitor guard one.
you also can't use the grapple it's actually outrageous
Yes, you can take grapnel launcher with Reivers
@@egnaroelprup You can take the Grapnel but you have to pay 3EP for it now.
@@Questioningbasics 3???
That slipped out of my eye
But still gonna get one for rieverserg
biggest shame with the marines team is that they dont have access to eliminators.... those guys could fit the sniper archetype perfectly (and most importantly they are phobos team
Eliminators have 40mm bases compared to the 32 of all other phobos units so you can't even just put it down as a proxy
@@bagel_guy9495 Try me XD
@@bagel_guy9495 That's exactly what i did for the Incursor Sniper !
Maybe they too strong
It really does seem like the Traitor Guard left the space marines in the “Tan Sand” little disappointing but there’s only so much you can do with them.
I might grab the Blooded when they come out separately, but if I wanted big, boxy terrain I would call upon the Adeptus Kleenexus.
Every time you say "tan sand" I keep expecting Dana Howl to pop up and say " nono it's called PALE sand" hahaha great video as always Jay
Every painter (even bad ones) needs to have some pale sand. I think a good argument could be made that it may be the most versatile paint out there.
I like that you told people not to compromise. If it doesn’t tick all your boxes, there’s other stuff!
The most expensive kill team box YET!
There's always a bigger fish
Waiting for the blooded kill team to be sold separately.
Laughs in Starstriders and Gellarpox
There may be some pirates sailing the digital sea that could help out. 😉
I'm still waiting for the corsairs to release separately.
Guys the vetern Guadrdsmen/ TaciOrks are sold seperatly so why not this?
One thing I did really like in the 2018 KT was that the books were for everyone, and they got you excited about trying a new faction. The problem with the books of course, was that they didn't properly mesh together (Commanders can't be used in Arena etc.). That aside though, Kill Team 2021 has the interesting factions initially wrapped up in expensive box sets. It's like... who _are_ these big boxes _for?_
For people like me who just started the hobby
@@JorgeLopez-iv4wh Yeah hmm. For someone just starting in the hobby, or let's say you were suggesting someone to start, telling them they have to buy a $350AUD box, plus another $84AUD book with the core rules in it, plus the $55AUD KT Essentials, plus tools and glue and likely paints... that's not exactly the easiest "in" to the tabletop wargaming hobby, right? It's a huge investment.
@@darkowl9 I mean I have gotten the starter set and the past kill team boxes , I almost spent a lot of money on Age of sigmar or 40k but killteam was a better starter for me
I think a big missed opportunity for the space marines could’ve been a unique upgrade spru for a non ultramarine chapter to have the Phobos marines become a unique unit with its own flavor
Kill team always seemed like just a new way to charge more for fewer models. Over the last couple of years their price per model on boxed games has increased an unbelievable amount.
Love the continuation of traitor guard though. Can't wait to add them to my display alongside my Blackstone fortress traitors
Thanks for the review, I was almost tempted by The Blooded but the space marines really turned me off - I am glad I got Octarius, I have no FOMO over the rest of the boxes so far.
...that may change if a bespoke Necron kill team box is released however!
Oh you can buy the box conetnts in seperated so these boxs are more as a discount fun starter box then a limited edtion box.
@@GreenBlueWalkthrough True, if you're prepared to wait...which I am as I have only just yesterday fully painted my Kommandos! On top of which I still have 14 more Krieg veterans and all the Octarius terrain to paint...yeah no more big boxes for me for now (unless Necrons...maybe Leagues of Votann...).
@@GreenBlueWalkthrough you currently can't buy the blooded from GW, and who knows how long it will take when there's only 4 KT squad boxes so far?
Great video. You really packed a lot of insight into the descriptions. Something you don't see everywhere.
I bought the basic starter set and am waiting for one of the “next step” sets to catch my eye, none of them have checked all the boxes but this one gets close, probably still gonna wait but it’s definitely a good kit
Games Workshop did have a sprue of bunker ruins that came with the original Killzone Kill Team: Sector Fronteris box from a few years ago. Unfortunately, it was one of those kits that was produced in China, so they may not have made a mold for those ruins back in the UK. Which is a shame because 3-4 sprues of that would have been way more useful than the landing pad.
It’s funny because I was disappointed in the Phobos Strike Team from all the promo material until I started building them. I kind of fell in love with the bits from the upgrade sprue and I had personally never built the Infiltrator/Incursor set and that’s honestly a great kit. I had a ton of fun building them.
GW missed a huge opportunity to lure Kill Team players into trying big 40K, and 40K players into buying the Kill Team boxes, by mis-matching the tan sand. I'd have been more than happy if one side of each Kill Team board in a given year was 1/4 of a single, large, semi-generic 40K board, and each reverse side was some very different terrain, appropriate to the teams and the terrain in its particular box. To give us tan sand after tan sand, and *not* have it match up into a larger board wasn't even the kind of shady, exploitive stuff GW usually does. It was just a careless oversight, resulting in a lost opportunity. Sigh.
This is way to smart for GW
@@pavma7 GW never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity.
@@jeffreygeorge8884 I hate how accurate that is
But it’s unsurprising and true
I doubt many kill team players want to play 40k.... We play Kill Team to avoid alpha strikes tabling us turn 1...
I use the lid to put my army in before a game and use that fantastic black box for scenery.
Kill Team is great, played more of it than 40k in the last couple months.
I've played 15 Kill Team games this year. Barely played 5 games of 40k.
Reivers actually are in the list of options. They're not included in the kill team box, but you can use them. The Reiver Sargent is my go-to leader.
I can't wait to see what you do with Heresy my guy
He already said he wont play it
@@axcel9128 why?
@@axcel9128 that will last about 7 mins, man also said he wanted to play every tabletop game in the world
"Space marines not getting the game to evolve around the faction"
A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.
Hi, I got the 40k starter recruit edition to see if the game(s) were something that I would like. I started putting the base paint on the marines and then just forgot about it. Do I need to paint them to play? That part kind of made me lose interest
No, painted models are not necessary.
It is recommended because a painted mini looks better than gray plastic but it is not mandatory to play, unless you want to play in competitive tournaments.
In the end, it is a hobby and it is your journey, so you decide how to do it and what to skip.
@@eneaceribelli8023 thanks!
It feels like that buiilding and fence belong with the old Sector Fronteris Terrain and that new bunker belongs with some nice trenchline and other terrain that's not itself vantaga points.
Dude congrats on 100k subs amazing channel love the enthusiasm u have for our hobby keep smashing it brother
210 Dollar?! I feel sorry for you Guys over there. I bought mine on Saturday and paid 136€ at my local Gamingstore. Even at the GW Store its "only" 160€ here.
The starter set was far and away the best... both Ork and Krieg were awesome and the terrain was cool. All three subsequent sets had one cool team (Sisters, Eldar, Guard) and one meh. The terrain here will be cheaper than on its own, and for really wanting that and Guard, it may be better to get the box and save than separately since the Marine sprues are useless.
Jay if you're reading the comments sometime could you make a video about the starship troopers game?
I have been wondering what they will do with necrons, im not sure what kind of new minis they could give other than like immortals or deathmarks
Why do we always get the scout marines in kill team box set. Or combat patrols and not primaris
Question. Currently all of the space marine kill teams that you can make using the compendium have 4-6 models but this team has 10, so are these marines half as strong? Or did they change all space marines to be weaker with new rules?
To elaborate, each compendium astartes team gets 6 models, and thats it.
Instead bespoken teams, such as the phobos, have a rooster of 20 models from which the operatives are selected before the battle, up to the maximum number of members and respecting the construction rules (no more than 1 specialist can be selected more than once except the basic warrior guys)
Hope to have been of help
@@eneaceribelli8023 thanks a lot
I always said the best fix for SM would be a white dwarf team. The WD teams have a habit of "pick several from this list"
Since this doesn’t have enough terrain. Can I use more? Like add terrain in the middle? Sorry if this might be a stupid question. I’m new to table top WH40k.
I really like the terrain, while it should not be seen as a complete board it adds a really nice variance to a pre-existing board with a vantage point that isn't as high as others, creating a kind of 3-stage height system.
I hope I can find someone selling the terrain as I don't really care for the minis in this one
I picked up this box and two more Blooded sprues off ebay because I was expecting the Traitor Guard to be playable with my Chaos Space Marines. With the Codex leaks that seems not the case. I'm still excited to put together my Blooded (12 guard and the Ogryn will probably be my main force) and getting both extra sprues will guarantee I get to make every variation of model very easily... Probably only needed one for that though, but I have plans for anything spare left over.
In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only sand.
Sounds like you’d like more tan sand boards
Watching this after purchasing the box... As my first Kill Team experience. Thankfully I have a Resin Printer, so I'll just print some extra terrain. But it still stings a bit.
Phobos actually did a remarcable entrance this week-end in the tournaments, looks like a really great team ans people will need to adapt a lot to them
Yeah, they're a solid team if you know how to use them right. Each model is a nice mountain of wounds with some decent damage output. Just gotta remember they're not like other marines and deploy guerilla style.
Noob question: are datacards included in the individual kill team boxes? (E.G. Like if I had the core rules and picked up the Adepta Sororitas Novatiates, would I have all the rules needed to run that killteam?
I am new to kill team and Warhammer universe.
I am able to buy moroch box for 102 EUR in my local store. I also still can buy Octarius for 105 EUR. I mean big bulky boxes with all the terrain etc. Do you think it is worth to grab both of them or is any of them better than another? I like commandos more though
Octarius has the better terrain, in my opinion.
@@kglguy yeah I also like that more. At least aesthetically
I love new Kill Team, the scale feels great.
You got the knowledge bro... Love your channel!
I really wish you could take different kinds of space marines I a kill team, like a squad of assault and a squad of regular intercessors
the thing i wished they did was broke them into smaller fire teams to make it to where you could bring like 3 assault intercessors and 3 intercessors to kinda make list building more interesting. the game doesn't really need terminator units, or other such units like that for the matter. i just wish that the marines were a little more versatile in the picking fire teams part of kill team instead of it just being the roster building only. like i feel like the army that has that much versatility needs to reflect that a little better. the fact that phobos allows for 3 different types on the roster and the field is actually really nice, and shows marines really can work well off their versatility when allowed to do so. they aren't broke as a faction and can kinda keep up with the rest of the teams out there. just wishing the compendium was just as versatile.
My opinion on the different types of terrain is that maybe GW expected people to buy all boxes, so later people can mix n' match the terrains. And each of the box is just a starting point that you can supplement, by going to your nearest GW and getting more things. But yeah, that could've been done slightly differently
you mean they made squads of space marines act as squads. This makes perfect sense and gives the ability to make death watch unique and powerful again.
You can actually bring Reivers in the Killteam but they are not in the box
biggest crime of all you can't use the grapple hook
@@egnaroelprup you can its equipment : grapple launcher for 1ep
The old school traitor guardsman have reappeared in the new 40k Darktide videogame, I used to have those models from Forge World,kinda wish I never sold them now because I'd love them in Kill Team
Kill Team: Great game, and great for reps!
You could develop some serious muscles (or a joint strain) just lifting that box!
Hello was interested in the squid mage from May but I only see the non activated form, will the activated form be coming back in stock? Or was it in shop for May then done for good?
I really want the traitor guard to add to my Blackstone Fortress rabble.
I hope to see a whole box that I find worth buying. All I have is a box of Ork Kommandos. I need the books and other supplies needed to play though lol. Might end up being more expensive than buying the Octarius box huh?
New kill team is the best gw game currently supported!!!!
Tied with Underworlds (WU) for me, but WU is a boardgame so it is comparing apples to pears.
@@henryrodriguez6260 I've actually only heard good things about underworld! I might have to give it a try
I almost bought this, but then I heard I'd also need to buy the basic rules separately...
i just wish marines would be able to use melters and a plasma gun or at least a plasmapistol for the sargent .
Dude your tan sand rant was so funny!!! Keep preaching, sir!
I like the Phobos as a base from which to kitbash
"One of them is very interesting... and the other one is space marines". That's my usual sentiment with GW.
To be fair, gameplay-wise, the Phobos team is quite interesting to play. Lots of deep decisions to make on team selection, ploy and ability choices.
I wouldn’t say that space marines got no KillTeam attention in recent years. I still see the pariah nexus box for sale in one of my local gaming stores(talk about lame terrain!). Ooh, that box has the rare gravis captain with master crafted bolt rifle!(must … not … impulse buy! 😱)
I think I'm still going to get this box, as a new comer to 40K overall, I want to jump into Kill Team first since it takes less units to play, I'll probably just hunt down some scatter terrain to add to this map
I will never ever again play a compendium team against a team from the boxes... :D
I want the traitor guard just for the dude with sawed off shot gun
The Phobos team should have the option to take Eliminators. I may proxy one in as the marksman but it's not a great fit.
hope u gonna make a battle report with that starship trooper game :p
Dude I’d kill for anything other than the sand boards. It got old real quick. Hopefully the next rotation that leaked as Spacehulk has better boards
I really hope to see my best friend in spain soon and get him to the warhammer store in madrid
Althou hes playing dmc so he has a fair point
Also I think they shoud paint the phobos marines as raven guard raptors or even the retributors from astartes
The GW shop in Madrid is very cool, but I would recommend buying stuff at any other Hobby Store, they usually have every GW products at 10 to 15% discount!
I live close to madrid, and kingdom wargames is an awesome store
@@lucasfernandez5362 sweet
Il keep it in mind
I understand why they don’t but a Killteam with one of each type of Primaris Marine would be really cool. Personally I’ll probably make a Deathwatch kill team and just use primaris models.
Kill team newbie here. I have the starter kill team box (krieg, Kommandos + a terrain covers). With this terrain, would it be enough to build a good battlefield? Cheers!
Probably not. You probably need at least double what you get in one of these kill team boxes for a full 40k game.
If you’re talking Kill Team - most likely. The basic starter (it’s the one you’ve got, right?) provides a decent amount of scatter terrain. These terrain sets are quite different in terms of the visual style though and will clash heavily. A set of GW containers will fit this box much better both in terms of gameplay (better obscuring, possible vantage points, barrels and boxes can be stacked together to serve as a decent light cover) and visuals. There’s also that old killzone box with four containers and a crane. Though both kits are a bit pricey for my taste.
I dare you to build and paint the intire box in 7 days
Solid overview, thanks a lot. This mirrors my thoughts, and this box in particular suffers from what you called "if it doesn't click all your jams". I love the Traitors, I think the terrain is cool... and then there is the Marines. Those are just boring. So yeah, another pass for me I guess.
You can bring reivers
If you buy 1 set of Pegasus sandbag terrain to go with this terrain, you will have enough terrain to get you by.
Jay : says the words "Games Workshop"
Auto subtitles : fuck this shit i'm out
Honestly I’m ok with space marines not being an A tier army, it would feel mean spirited if they were always amazing. The only thing I want is to just fold the assault intercessors with the normal ones. Just so there is some flexibility, I didn’t think they needed a 6th model.
Cheers for the vid, now hurry up and do a vid of you painting traitor guards, pretty please
Dude, squats came back. Nothing is off the table for coming back from the dead.
There’s a green map on the other side
It isn’t. It’s more tan sand and concrete on the other side.
@@EonsOfBattle oh I’m sorry to hear that. My nachmund has an entire jungle grass side
Ah yes the 40k points sytem like the unique no one else has 40k dice... That said on to my point the reason why most games have a points system is customiztion and flexablity which is why I have a points sytem in my Universal Wargame RPG... Which is oddly more like battle tech then 40k... I do use a dD6pool like 40k though, For Kill team it's importaint to be able to use any model in 40k so you can have a massive back log nnot the current drip feed and hope your favoite models get added... Like can you use Space marine supperessers/ the hundred speical luetents in Kill team 2? But I do agree on the rule should be differnt for the scale but I Woukd like to take any 40k model and use it on this scale.
I want those Phobos upgraded sprus.
Yeah. More variation of the gaming boards would be nice.
The old kill team boxes had a city layout, some trading post/loading bay layout, etc. And “tan sand” ofc.
Now it’s just “tan sand” after “tan sand”. Come on GW!
So I bought a big ol mierce miniatures demon and I was feeling all cool. Then I remembered, I can't paint. So yea if you could go ahead and start a khorne daemon army and make paint videos that would be great. Thank you
Kill Team is amazing…
How does this cost 210 Dollars? I bought it for 130 Euros, why is that stuff so expensive in america
For some reason that rant about sand reminds me of Anikan
I really want an Inquisition kill team
You mentioned @9:50 how if this was your first entry into Kill Team, you're kinda stuck. Indeed this box was my first foray into KILL TEAM. Not only am I 'kind of stuck' but the game is unplayable, since you need the core rules to play. It doesn't seem to mention that fact ANYWHERE on the box. I guess you're just supposed to know that this is only an expansion, and you need rules, dice, and counters. Of course all the models and components are fantastic GW quality, like always, but I was a bit bummed on reading the MOROCH book that I'll need the 'Core rules' to play the game.
...Yeah how did they come to $210 again? Each team is like $50-$60 and their is 2 teams... you get a card board, terain and a thin book... How is this More expensive then octarus which was fairly priced if not even a good deal compaired to other TT wragames? Like what was GW thinking with that price?
Here is my conundrum with kill team. The "old" kill team was amazing for building fluffy interesting lists while the gameplay was rather unfriendly to "lore". The new kill team seems to have great rules to represent different units in the game (havn't played myself but I watched some battle reports) but the list building is somewhat flat. They changed it with the kill team boxes and white dwarf articles (mostly those imo) to some degree and I hope more articles and rules for more mixed kill teams (like the genestealer cults one) will come out but right now I am still sad about my Black Templar crusader squat (first born) with scouts being unplayable.
Meanwhile TT Combat has a similar terrain for quite less. Not that detailed but it is the same terrain
I love listening to you talk about tan sand
You actually can mix and match with Incursors, Infiltrators, and Reivers.
Since when were Space Marines strong in current Kill Team? In my experience they are terrible...
Drunk Game with Ten Sand :D
You should do a one week challenge with the 30k box.
Having played kill team a bit, I'm done taking kill teams that go strictly by the rules. I play with my friends anyway and we can just house rule stuff up. Like taking mixed primaris kill teams. You can take an equal amount of them anyway so it's not a big deal to take different dudes but the same amount as total. I also created rules for an eliminator and will try it out in place of two other marines. If someone wants to try it out just use a phobos marine statline, take the gun of a necron deathmark and add the silent special rule, and take the camo cloak special rule from the scouts.
I feel like you're significantly missing the frustrations that a lot of Space Marine Kill Team players had with KT21..
I know I know you can't take anything you want, but as a space marine player from KT 18, I like the gameplay of KT 21 way more
@@EonsOfBattle As also a space marine player, KT21 is absolutely amazing. I was disappointed with not having the option to mix and match, but this Phobos team is addressing that perfectly. I think Phobos marines together, the rest of Primaris (Intercessor fun. Normals, assaults and heavies), and then Firstborn being 3 different teams would be the ideal. But im still having a significant amount of fun as is.
I'm fine with not being able to take Sergeant Soup, but reasonable mix and match like this phobos team is all I want. (Also, Terminators have no place in KT rn)
I´m not a big fan of the terrain kit in this box. Seems to have a lack of cover and very rigid. I would like an Octarius terrain kit but maybe a different theme of xenos or imperial city.