Thanks for the tips Mr nato cleared floor 200 wasn't even going to try this season. Cleared it with 3 minutes to spare and no durability lost. The ammo will ice worked great. Keep up the good work and tips love your videos
sniper don't have em core, that's not fair.. i use frost n burn core n no prob for gardener n ice boss.. but king spider, hm.. that's so hard.. maybe i'll try tomorrow with basic em core,
I'm manor 27 and there's something wrong with my armor and gear they break up so easily can't even defeat the first boss on floor 200 like tf
Thanks for the tips Mr nato cleared floor 200 wasn't even going to try this season. Cleared it with 3 minutes to spare and no durability lost. The ammo will ice worked great.
Keep up the good work and tips love your videos
Congrats! 🥰💖
Ur videos always helps ty 😊
My pleasure 😊
Bro you're just too OP
Thanks 😁✌
3:43 please can anyone teach me how to climb like this i tried alot i always stuck on that part
Hello Apex! for that one I used my heavy weapon attachment skill - allows you to jump back a good distance
@@mrnato.o thank you sooooo much man
What gun are you using ?
BioT rifle on this one - but definitely use the strongest gun available to your level
I failed flr 200 last night. 🥲
I'll try to do it again later.
Thank you for this Lolo!!
Good luck Elle!
@@mrnato.o Lolo!! I finished flr 200 😭
@@_Elle23 Nicesuuu! 😍😍🔥🔥
@@mrnato.o but lolo i can't finished flr 204. 😢
@@_Elle23 Ooh surprise floor is a tough one.. not enough damage anymore?
Did u finish f200 within diamond knight time limit ?
nope didn't do a speed run for f200
Mr nato what happens at the last floor???????
Last floor of DH?
@@mrnato.o yepppp
icicles on 200th floor .. hell no i think 198 is my limit.. those guys would destroy me in just a second
🤭 don't you wanna try first?
sniper don't have em core, that's not fair..
i use frost n burn core n no prob for gardener n ice boss..
but king spider, hm.. that's so hard.. maybe i'll try tomorrow with basic em core,
Good luck!
can you do death high level 10 pls i am stuck at that level
You can refer to this video for tips on floors 1-10 🙂👍
@@mrnato.o thank you :D
Alamak floor 200 i fail, i too slow to jump to the window, chainsaw boss knock me down
If you're a revenant - you can use the revenant jump skill
Senpai. is it possible if manor 25 can be LV 127 like me to pass this F200? XDXD
yes definitely
I hope so too.. okay otw haha
Im manot 24, LV 122 122 123, sniper job pass this floor
@@kodelrawi6829 can bro manor 23 can pass i piloted someone who’s only manor 23 and pass btw 225AP
Ahhh failed jump. 😥
Floor 200 the dmg is painful but I sucess bug 2 bos at beginning but Iast boss is hard to bug, so I go gather and pass onlt 10 s left ❤❤
Nice 😁👍