Lean In

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 ก.ย. 2024
    Recently, I was in 1st Corinthians 13, no not the parts that everyone quotes (side-challenge to review the entire context of a popular verse or passage you know).
    It was the part where it talks about putting the childish nature away.
    When I got to the end, I had such a realization. Here is the verse (very popular, but also very important). Once again, I saw something I had never "heard" before.
    "And now belief, expectation, and love remain - these three. But the greatest of these is love."
    I had been focused on the "greatest of these" (as most do), but I had completely missed the other two things mentioned in this verse. That's 2/3rds of the 3 most important things in the world, according to the Word of God.
    Personally, I have been focusing on both belief and love, but I hadn't even considered "expectation". That's the 3rd string in a cord not easily broken! Another Scripture.
    It's something I have rather failed at.
    I am grateful when the Holy Spirit through the spirits of wisdom, truth, understanding & knowledge shows us our blind spot, to help us go forward.
    It's a choice!!
    If I live a submitted life, I don't make my own plans. I find the steps God has already laid out for me, I do my best to be obedient and in alignment! And in the right Spirit. I don't need to figure anything out, I just need to heed the call.
    If I don't know a single thing else in life, my guiding light through everything: is KNOWING beyond a shadow of a doubt that GOD IS GOOD!!! And act like I actually believe that is true - to live in a manner that proves that, as my core belief. Sometimes, in the hardest moments, that's the only thing I can believe is true!
    If I didn't truly BELIEVE that, I could be swayed. I could cave to what I see. I could cave to what I'm feeling. BUT I KNOW FEELINGS LIE, AND I WALK BY BELIEF‼️‼️‼️ NOT BY SIGHT.
    This is why it's important to get into the Word of God. When times get rough, what do you have, to stand on?
    Love and Joy,

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