Day In The Life of a Naturopathic Doctor

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 3 ก.พ. 2025

ความคิดเห็น • 401

  • @petetong9725
    @petetong9725 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Naturopathic therapies are complimentary one doubts the wonderful work of modern medicine especially in cases of trauma etc....but i think its a great way to maintain health...use nature as an integral part if your lifestyle.. there is not an enough emphasis placed on using nutrition to prevent and treat some diseases...
    A sensible person uses both conventional healthcare and naturopathic professionals to lead a healthy life

  • @rogueranger7989
    @rogueranger7989 6 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    The Body Is Designed To Heal Itself! When was the Last Time a Traditional Doctor Promoted Something Other Than Drugs? Don't Be Afraid To Think Outside The Box..

    • @scarred10
      @scarred10 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      disregarding evidence isnt thinking outside the box,its stupidity.

  • @TxNursePatti
    @TxNursePatti 8 ปีที่แล้ว +23

    I think some of those watching this are missing the point. This woman has met the requirements in her area (country, province, what have you...) to practice alternative health concepts. To call her a "witch doctor" or a "quack" is a bit unfair. She has completed the course load required to do what she does. These requirements will vary from place to place.
    It IS scientifically provable that nutritional, environmental, and emotional components play a key role in a person's physical health. These, rather than basic physiological data as preferred by traditional medical doctors, are aspects that a Naturopathic Practitioner will focus on when consulting with a patient/client in determining their plan of care. For example, a traditional MD may prescribe a narcotic sleep aid for a person who complains of insomnia. The Naturopath will inquire as to the person's personal habits or lifestyle... and simply suggest that changes be made. OR, recommend an herbal supplement.
    The bottom line is this: You must respect this type of health practice as you would a religious practice. It is a very personal choice. There are pros and cons, benefits and dangers to both. If it is not your preference, fine. But it is unfair, immature, and unnecessary to berate someone for their choice, either to provide or to receive this type of care.

  • @lisabarnes8292
    @lisabarnes8292 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Keep up the wonderful work! Your passion and enthusiasm for wellness is truly special. Thank you for being such a healer ♡

  • @anastasia8717
    @anastasia8717 9 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    Thanks for the info. My dream is to become a naturopathic doctor.

    • @panicp2000
      @panicp2000 9 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      +Anastasia Titov-Kupriyan Unless you want to spend your life duping people on the basis of no medical evidence, I wouldn't bother.
      What I find really frightening is that advocates of naturopathic medicine think that somehow conventional medicine is NOT rooted in the very basic natural sciences.
      For example, when you go to medical school, you learn about the natural anatomy and physiology of the human form and how it interacts with the natural world - particularly in illness and disease and how naturally occurring organisms such as bacteria, fungi and viruses affect us and cause significant morbidity and mortality.
      Microbiology, like biology, is a provable natural science which studies the very basics of how microorganisms affect humans every single day - not only that, but how they adapt (evolve) to evade destruction AND in many cases how we live together in a symbiotic relationship.
      Before the advent of penicillin, (eg in world war 1), millions died who could have been saved. Now having developed multiple different antibiotics, virtually NOBODY who is treated promptly and efficiently with appropriate antibiotics will die.
      Is that medical advance wrong?
      Similarly, HIV used to be a death sentence. Since the 1980's, medical science has developed drugs which inhibit the HIV retrovirus, and although will not clear it from the body of an infected person, will render it effectively useless. In 2016, HIV sufferers who are on appropriate therapy will have the same life expectancy as anyone else.
      Is that medical advance wrong?
      If a member of your family had a serious pneumonia, which could be simply cured by antibiotics, wouldn't you take that treatment? I'm sure you would.
      If a member of your family contracted HIV through an infected blood transfusion and was offered PEP (post exposure prophylaxis) which would almost immediately eradicate the virus from their body, would you not advocate that?
      Of would you suggest a "naturopathic" "medicine" which was neither tested nor shown to work?
      Any person who valued the life of their relative would choose a treatment which had been proven to work. Unless perhaps, as some people are, they are so paranoid that there is an international conspiracy to "poison the world" that even a course of penicillin is regarded as poison. Well - it would be ironic if such a conspiracy existed that so many billions of dollars went into medical research if they just wanted to kill everyone. They could just release one of those nasty viruses they have stored. Would save an awful lot of money.
      But this goes to prove a point - some advocates of "naturopathic" "medicine" are just plain brainwashed.
      So lets take the example of a relative who is ill with pneumonia and could be simply cured with antibiotics (developed WELL before big pharma came along).
      Perhaps you might say "Ah, but if he took a), b), and C) "naturopathic" cures, then he would either be healed or not even NEED antibiotics?
      Well tell that to the BILLIONS of people over the world that succumbed to simple bacterial infections before the advent of penicillin. The medical evidence is overwhelming. And back then, there was no "big pharma", just scientists doing their level best to save lives.
      Sadly, as this horrific thread has demonstrated, some people have swung so far the other way, that they truly believe no other medicine is required than naturopathic medicine. And that is a blatent untruth.
      Just so you know I am not suggesting conventional medicine has all the answers - it totally doesn't. It is a million miles away from being able to save every life, but naturopathic medicine, is, by comparison, infinity miles away - essentially because it is a misplaced, non-evidence based, quack therapy.
      Trust me on this, if you can PROVE, unequivocally, that eating (for example), nettle tea, prevents bowel cancer or puts it into remission, there is not a doctor or scientist on this planet who would not rush to test it (and yes, sadly, many a big pharma company who would like to exploit it..... I certainly will never defend those unscrupulous companies who overcharge for basic medicine, just like pharmacies overcharge for basic drugs like paracetamol any more than I utterly castigate "health" "food" shops for peddling placebo tablets with no evidence of benefit other than money going into the coffers of the alternative healthcare industry.
      And if you think big pharma are unscrupulous (and excepting dedicated research and design of novel therapies which are proved and shown to work - then the complementary medical industry is about as corrupt and outrageous as any other business on the planet.
      in fact, they make my sick with their hypocrisy.
      If you REALLY want to help people, study medicine, and use evidence based treatments. Do not be lured by quack therapies because they sound "natural". It's a myth.

    • @javierchile88
      @javierchile88 9 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      +panicp2000 So botanical medicine is not evidence based? Go see the evidence before you state wrong facts.
      And the reason alternative medicine exists is purely because of the failure of conventional medicine to heal people.
      An elderly person should not be in 10 + medications and expect that to be a cure to their illnesses.

    • @javierchile88
      @javierchile88 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      +Anastasia Titov-Kupriyan I wish you the best!

    • @anastasia8717
      @anastasia8717 9 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      +Javier Palacios
      Thank you! I am taking Nutrition & Dietetics now and after I get my bachelors in this field, I plan to move to West Coast USA to study N.D.
      My husband suffered from auto immune disorder which resulted in psoriasis on his scalp, shins, and elbows. Sometimes it would get so itchy, he scratched until he would bleed which left behind scabs. He was using prescription steroid creams and UVB light therapy. However, we cured it by stopping to eat processed and packaged foods, sticking to plant based diet. No dermatologist has ever helped him the way proper diet has.
      There is a time for drugs and prescription medication but this country is so over prescribed and over medicated, that we fail to see the common sense solutions. How sad, so many laugh at holistic and ayurvedic medicine when it is the true medicine. Plants and botanicals heal people and are the reason we have pharmaceutical drugs in the first place; as many drugs are synthetic versions of chemicals found in medicinal plants. However, a chemical created by humans will never fully mimic the biological and chemical prowess of nature that works in synergy with so many organic and chemical components, especially in plant matter, that we to this day have not completely discovered.

    • @javierchile88
      @javierchile88 9 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Thank you for sharing your story, and as you can see, simple lifestyle changes can do major improvements in your life.
      As you move forward to learn more about lifestyle changes and natural medicine protocols, you will learn most of it is evidence based... whether it is available or hidden from mainstream media is another question; but literature exists for how nutritional supplements, water therapy and even energy medicine work.
      I am a third year naturopathic student at Bridgeport University in CT, the only school in the East coast and I'd love to answer any questions you'd have if you ever wish to know more about our profession.
      And never get discouraged, because there are no incurable diseases... something conventional medicine will never understand.

  • @Balancinglife
    @Balancinglife 10 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Awesome Video! I really love the information and your passion for prevention of disease and natural healing.

    • @panicp2000
      @panicp2000 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      +Balancing Life Oh good god... you actually think because you saw a video on youtube that this woman can somehow prevent disease and heal people "naturally".... when not even highly trained specialists in the medical profession can?
      Perhaps she's a magical being from another planet with special powers?
      Or perhaps you really need to broaden your research criteria.

  • @marissaparker2470
    @marissaparker2470 7 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I am sorry for all the disrespect you have received in the comments. I have utter most respect for you and see you just as much as a DOCTOR as any. Thank you for treating patients the way you feel it should be done.

    • @barrieND
      @barrieND  7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Marissa Parker thank you for the kind comment, much appreciated!

  • @MissLionRose
    @MissLionRose 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    "One of the biggest challenges in Naturopathic Medicine is constantly having to fight for your profession. And that comes I think from a
    lack of awareness and understanding about what it is that we do."

  • @73jandersen
    @73jandersen 10 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    Good for you Dr Anna, for going against the grain so to speak, and doing what you believe is the correct form of long term healthcare. Allopathic Emergency medicine saves lives, but it seems to do the opposite for sufferers of long term chronic illness, which comprises the majority of patient doctor visits. People are seeking a more effective and natural approach to these chronic disorders, and Naturopathic medicine is the answer.

    • @ogdocvato
      @ogdocvato 10 ปีที่แล้ว

      +Jeff Andersen What qualifies you to offer a meaningful assessment of allopathic treatments for chronic illnesses? What do you know about chronic diseases? It amazes me how you pretend to be knowledgeable without doing the work of learning anything rigorous.
      Naturopathic philosophy is based on a belief in vitalism and self-healing, and practitioners often prefer methods of treatment that are not compatible with evidence based medicine.
      Vitalism is the doctrine that "living organisms are fundamentally different from non-living entities because they contain some non-physical element or are governed by different principles than are inanimate things" Where vitalism explicitly invokes a vital principle, that element is often referred to as the "vital spark", "energy" or "elan vital", which some equate with the soul.
      Naturopaths deride allopathic medicine with terms that they do not understand such as "reductionism", which implies that naturopaths have a profound inability to understand physics and chemistry beyond the elementary school level, and "linear" which implies that naturopaths have no grasp of mathematics because living systems are obviously chaotic and stochastic.
      The superstitious notion of vitalism has been rigorously proven to be false by the 20th century understanding of quantum mechanics, physical chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry, cellular biophysics, molecular genetics, bioinformatics, histology, histopathology, pharmacology, gross anatomy, pathophysiology, radiology, immunology, neurophysiology, neuroanatomy, botany, ecology, anthropology and evolution. Unfortunately, nobody can learn or understand these things for the simple-minds of naturopaths and their devotees. Remember Jean Piaget? Until you learn and understand all of these aforementioned things you cannot be a competent and trusted healer. You can only be an ignorant, false healer - a bamboozling charlatan. A quack. Naturopathic thinking, like shamanism. may have been alright during the stone age but it has no place in the 21st century nor in the future. Why don't these people try to become someone useful like a registered dietician or a nurse?
      Much of the ideology and methodological underpinnings of naturopathy are in conflict with the paradigm of evidence based medicine, a.k.a. "the scientific method" that raised humanity out of the quagmire of disease and death and along with improved farming allowed the human population to grow to more than 7 billion individuals by the late 20th century.
      Naturopathic medicine is replete with pseudo-scientific ineffective, unethical, and dangerous practices.
      If you want clear, scientifically based information about how to optimize your health through diet and natural supplements FOR FREE then go to:

    • @73jandersen
      @73jandersen 10 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Currently in Med school. Allopathic Med school. But one simply can observe friends and relatives dealing with chronic illness to realize the failings of Western medicine with respect to these lifestyle disorders. It's a fundamental failing of Western medicine to address lifestyle related illness with chemicals, instead of looking at cause. The cause is the cure. Results speak for themselves, and if one believes that Western medicine is currently producing successful results in reversing chronic illness, they aren't paying close enough attention. "Doing the same things over and over expecting different results- insanity" Albert Einstein

    • @ogdocvato
      @ogdocvato 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Jeff Andersen Dear Dr. Anderson. I apologize for my arrogant presumption. You are indeed very rigorously educated. Congratulation on getting into medical school. Please continue to put forth maximum effort (I know how difficult it is) because your upcoming participation in the National Residency Matching Program will be very competitive. Please get good faculty advice about the relative competitiveness of the residency programs to which you will apply. I am open to alternative healthcare as long as it subjects itself to the scientific method and does not try to exploit the sick for money. There are good naturopaths, good chiropractors and great acupuncture therapists. I don't know if you have studied pathophysiology and histopathology yet. And you may have yet to do your clinical clerkships. After 16 years of clinical practice in Family Practice, I have found one encompassing problem in the American healthcare system - the profit motive. The health insurance industry are the greatest culprits, but since they are the #1 lobbying consortium in the USA they control both political parties through donations to political campaigns. Of the $1.5 trillion that the USA spend on healthcare for 316 million people, the health insurance industry takes an ungodly amount of $ in shareholder profit, executive compensation and perks, and political contributions. Big Pharma is similar because profits come before patients. Last but not least, too many physicians put money before patients. This dysfunction is created entirely by human greed and lack of concern for the welfare of patients. This has little to do with rigorous science based medicine (I hate the term evidence-based medicine because it is an unnecessary and obvious rephrasing of the scientific method which was created by marketing departments for health plans during the 1990s - what do business majors know of science?). A good naturopath works as part of a multi-disciplinary team. A bad naturopath will claim to be able to treat serious chronic diseases, (i.e. arterial hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, auto-immune diseases) without the supervision of an M.D. or a D.O.

    • @73jandersen
      @73jandersen 10 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Thanks. A 'for profit' healthcare system seems to be the main problem. Too much conflict of interest and profit motive. #1 cause of bankruptcy in the US is medical bills. Believe it's the only country in the world where people go bankrupt from medical bills. We should learn from the countries who's healthcare systems rate better than ours, such as Switzerland, Denmark, & France.

    • @ogdocvato
      @ogdocvato 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Jeff Andersen I could not agree with you more. While laissez faire Capitalism works beautifully in consumer electronics, automobiles, apparel, etc., Capitalism is grossly immoral when dealing with the sick and the suffering.

  • @mdougf
    @mdougf 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you!

  • @PhysiquePro
    @PhysiquePro 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you Dr. Falkowski for your information. For the annual tuition fees, Do most of the students have the funds already to attend or is their a financial plan involved. $23,000X 4 years plus books etc.. is looking at 100k not including living.

  • @simonegoncalves5009
    @simonegoncalves5009 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    There is a Naturopathic School at Univ. Of Bridgeport. Dr. Christine Kontomerkos-Ferreira was an alumni there.

  • @NancyBerryTV
    @NancyBerryTV 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Love this, very clear. Naturopathic is beautiful. I would like to know how can I send you a sample of my botanic medicine, one a botanical ear wax removal that dissolve wax on contact :).. blesses!

  • @nichu4940
    @nichu4940 10 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    Your videos are very informative and helpful. just found out about naturopathic medicine yesterday and I'm hoping and praying to be a ND..

    • @barrieND
      @barrieND  10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      If it's what you want to do then just go for it! Believe me, you can make anything happen that you set your mind to and that you work hard to accomplish! Best of luck:)

    • @aaronfrank85
      @aaronfrank85 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Anna Falkowski Im sixteen and I live in Toronto. I'm interested in being ND one day. Any advice,

    • @redfox1123
      @redfox1123 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      Aaron Frank There's a college in Toronto Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. Check it out.

    • @dr.jamesspurgeon784
      @dr.jamesspurgeon784 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      +Krystine Charisse To-ong I'm a naturopathic student. Follow my page Optimal Health on facebook and message me for any questions.

    • @dr.jamesspurgeon784
      @dr.jamesspurgeon784 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      +Aaron Frank I'm a student in naturopathic medical school. Like my page Optimal Health on facebook and message me for any questions

  • @masubhashini9768
    @masubhashini9768 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thankyou so much ❤️

  • @flamingmonkays
    @flamingmonkays 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Love the video! I'm trying to turn my life around after being released from prison, and I want to find a way to give back and help people.
    Then, I stumbled upon your video, and decided that I want to be a naturopath. I can continue conning people, and it's legal! Fuck giving back!

  • @321admin123
    @321admin123 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Id like to weigh-in. I have studied Acupuncture and now Naturopathic Medicine- I can safely say I have seen a huge number of patients from the Western Medical world and they get relief. Id say you should be smart and goto both. If your smart you can understand sometimes you need a symptom Synthetic approach and sometimes its good to address it in a softer way in a holistic way. If you were building a house don't you think you need different people to build it a wood worker a foundation worker a glass installer a painter a land scaper ....... that's an analogy to keeping and maintaining a home. Retaining any one of those workers is about as good as retaining only a Naturopath or Chiropath or Allopath etc.... only for you health.

    • @peterwhite5769
      @peterwhite5769 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Acupuncture?? NO scientific backing AT ALL! Total pseudoscience relying on "natural medicine's" typically weird concept of meridians and other quackery. Claims that it releases endorphins are entirely anecdotal. Again, no scientific backing. As for people getting relief from Naturopathy (oops, I gave it an upper case, which it doesn't deserve), have you ever heard the term PLACEBO during your years of extensive study? And with your poor grasp of English and disjointed rambling I'd guess you'd have had no hope of getting into a REAL medical school anyway. Bet you didn't fare too well in your SAT's, did you? And I'll also bet your application to Mensa was soundly rejected.

  • @DC-dl8lj
    @DC-dl8lj 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    "think I'm gonna live?" that was cute

  • @ftan197
    @ftan197 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Great video Dr. Anna! :) Thanks for the ND intro. I would love to know whether there is any job shadowing or work attachment at ND clinics so that students like us could know more about ND.

  • @urbanbackyardfarmer9159
    @urbanbackyardfarmer9159 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Wish you lived in Chicago. Can you recommend a fellow doctor in Chicago?

  • @wallacegrommet9343
    @wallacegrommet9343 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Green tea bath salts? What’s your markup on those nostrums?

  • @mewi1997
    @mewi1997 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    Do you have to get your undergraduate degree at a university or can you get it at a college?

    • @wanderlust342
      @wanderlust342 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      +Meika Wilbur In general, as long as you take the required courses you should be able to attend either a college or university. You'd have to try contacting schools first to see if they accept credits from other schools and if they will transfer over. :)

    • @barrieND
      @barrieND  9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      +Meika Wilbur I have an undergraduate degree (Honors Physiology) from the University of Western Ontario, which was a 4 yr. program. You do need an undergrad degree before entering Naturopathic Medical School. Hope that helps!

    • @birdies8397
      @birdies8397 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +Anna Falkowski Legit question (and before you think that I'm trying to gain any advice, I fiercely believe that naturopathic medicine is a highly immoral practice based on outdated beliefs and pseudoscience; I'm just curious: what are the prerequisites for ND school? Also, what do you think is the problem with allopathic medicine? It's not the practice of allopathic medicine in and of itself that's the problem, it's crony capitalism. The for-profit insurance companies, the state of our economy where the rich control everything to protect their bottom line. THIS is the problem that prevents allopathic doctors from prescribing certain medications that could be more beneficial for patients, and why income disparities are huge indicators of health outcomes (poorer people tend to work longer hours for lower wages, live in food deserts without access to healthy food, and live in crime-ridden areas where going outside for a run can literally mean life or death).

    • @birdies8397
      @birdies8397 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      +Anna Falkowski (Part 2). So, based on that, why are you blaming the scientists and the doctors who go through extensive training to learn how to save lives when the REAL problem is our crony capitalist society. You're putting your marbles in the wrong basket, as is every naturopath who blames allopathic medicine for why people aren't getting the nutrition that they need. We get rid of this for-profit system and switch to a universal healthcare system, and we raise the minimum wage to $15/hour, and make laws to prevent overworking people, then everything becomes more equitable, and more people are able to look out for themselves better and you won't have insurance companies gouging doctors' throats if they want to prescribe something that's more beneficial for the patient.

    • @birdies8397
      @birdies8397 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +Anna Falkowski There's a reason why over 40,000 allopathic doctors support universal healthcare and want to get rid of these greedy insurance companies. Again, by blaming the doctors, you're putting your eggs into the wrong basket.

  • @caaanyoudigit
    @caaanyoudigit 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    is it possible for a pre-nursing student to become a ND?

    • @wanderlust342
      @wanderlust342 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      +Thesearchcontinued. I've been looking into this as well. I definitely recommend contacting schools. It depends what classes you need to take and if certain schools accept the credits. Any pre-med university/college program should be transferable though.

    • @dr.jamesspurgeon784
      @dr.jamesspurgeon784 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      +Thesearchcontinued. You need a bachelors degree and the prerequisites the school requires. My degree (biology) included all the required courses to apply to ND school

    • @panicp2000
      @panicp2000 9 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      +Jimmy Spurgeon Unless you want to spend your life duping people on the basis of no medical evidence, I wouldn't bother.
      As a fellow biologist, I'm shocked.
      What I find really frightening is that advocates of naturopathic medicine think that somehow conventional medicine is NOT rooted in the very basic natural sciences. You above all people ought to know this.
      For example, when you go to medical school, you learn about the natural anatomy and physiology of the human form and how it interacts with the natural world - particularly in illness and disease and how naturally occurring organisms such as bacteria, fungi and viruses affect us and cause significant morbidity and mortality.
      Microbiology, like biology, is a provable natural science which studies the very basics of how microorganisms affect humans every single day - not only that, but how they adapt (evolve) to evade destruction AND in many cases how we live together in a symbiotic relationship.
      Before the advent of penicillin, (eg in world war 1), millions died who could have been saved. Now having developed multiple different antibiotics, virtually NOBODY who is treated promptly and efficiently with appropriate antibiotics will die.
      Is that medical advance wrong?
      Similarly, HIV used to be a death sentence. Since the 1980's, medical science has developed drugs which inhibit the HIV retrovirus, and although will not clear it from the body of an infected person, will render it effectively useless. In 2016, HIV sufferers who are on appropriate therapy will have the same life expectancy as anyone else.
      Is that medical advance wrong?
      If a member of your family had a serious pneumonia, which could be simply cured by antibiotics, wouldn't you take that treatment? I'm sure you would.
      If a member of your family contracted HIV through an infected blood transfusion and was offered PEP (post exposure prophylaxis) which would almost immediately eradicate the virus from their body, would you not advocate that?
      Of would you suggest a "naturopathic" "medicine" which was neither tested nor shown to work?
      Any person who valued the life of their relative would choose a treatment which had been proven to work. Unless perhaps, as some people are, they are so paranoid that there is an international conspiracy to "poison the world" that even a course of penicillin is regarded as poison. Well - it would be ironic if such a conspiracy existed that so many billions of dollars went into medical research if they just wanted to kill everyone. They could just release one of those nasty viruses they have stored. Would save an awful lot of money.
      But this goes to prove a point - some advocates of "naturopathic" "medicine" are just plain brainwashed.
      So lets take the example of a relative who is ill with pneumonia and could be simply cured with antibiotics (developed WELL before big pharma came along).
      Perhaps you might say "Ah, but if he took a), b), and C) "naturopathic" cures, then he would either be healed or not even NEED antibiotics?
      Well tell that to the BILLIONS of people over the world that succumbed to simple bacterial infections before the advent of penicillin. The medical evidence is overwhelming. And back then, there was no "big pharma", just scientists doing their level best to save lives.
      Sadly, as this horrific thread has demonstrated, some people have swung so far the other way, that they truly believe no other medicine is required than naturopathic medicine. And that is a blatent untruth.
      Just so you know I am not suggesting conventional medicine has all the answers - it totally doesn't. It is a million miles away from being able to save every life, but naturopathic medicine, is, by comparison, infinity miles away - essentially because it is a misplaced, non-evidence based, quack therapy.
      Trust me on this, if you can PROVE, unequivocally, that eating (for example), nettle tea, prevents bowel cancer or puts it into remission, there is not a doctor or scientist on this planet who would not rush to test it (and yes, sadly, many a big pharma company who would like to exploit it..... I certainly will never defend those unscrupulous companies who overcharge for basic medicine, just like pharmacies overcharge for basic drugs like paracetamol any more than I utterly castigate "health" "food" shops for peddling placebo tablets with no evidence of benefit other than money going into the coffers of the alternative healthcare industry.
      And if you think big pharma are unscrupulous (and excepting dedicated research and design of novel therapies which are proved and shown to work - then the complementary medical industry is about as corrupt and outrageous as any other business on the planet.
      in fact, they make my sick with their hypocrisy.
      If you REALLY want to help people, study medicine, and use evidence based treatments. Do not be lured by quack therapies because they sound "natural". It's a myth.

    • @ashleyashleym2969
      @ashleyashleym2969 8 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @cheryllewis3059
      @cheryllewis3059 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      but there is evidence which is proof - do your own research - our minds rule our bodies and that is a naturopath ideology - not medical pharmacy drugs - they inhibit natural reactions/hormones/enzymes etc within our electric light being bodies - yes all drugs are poison especially antibiotics they have been abused for way too many years and now its causing disease! there is proof - do your research!

  • @organicchemistry6357
    @organicchemistry6357 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    The naturopathic way has evolved for years, today it applies technologies, yet doesn't rely on it.
    For acupuncture, it has innovated with electricity and laser (for people fearing needles)

  • @cheryllewis3059
    @cheryllewis3059 8 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    My 2 cents about MD vs ND - there is good and bad in anything - anywhere - the issue with MD's is they were educated to learn symptoms to determine which drug is required - the diagnosis. The benefit of a ND or homeopathic DR is that they treat the cause of the symptoms through natural remedies to trigger an individuals body to heal itself and that's what us humans can do, if the body parts are working properly in order to heal - we are all bio-individuals, light beings - just another creature on this planet basically - what works for one, may not work for someone else… the issue with the MD medical world is they take the same natural remedy as a ND but bastardize it by adding chemicals-synthetics, etc - literally KNOWN SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN POISONS known to man kind; so they can patent it and call it "their drug" for Profit=Money! Again, scientifically proven by the pharma companies themselves STATE ALL DRUGS CAUSE SIDE EFFECTS - even an aspirin, a Tylenol causes side effects - then an MD will give you another drug to counter-act those drugs side effects and it goes on and on - the MD Dr’s were purposely NOT EDUCATED in nutrition for the simple fact - if no one could STAY SICK there would be no need for big pharma industry or the dairy industry or the sugar factories - k I’m going off topic, but its all related! We have all been brainwashed for many centuries - some of us are sheep and follow, some of us have open minds to understand the differences. To me its common sense, why would I choose to poison myself over providing myself with beneficial nutrition? Compare your body with a car - what happens when you feed a gasoline engine with diesel - hmm the motor dies - what happens if you don't change your oil (the blood of the engine) - well the viscosity/chemical composition of that fluid starts to break down - correct?- well the human body runs on those same principles and if you cannot understand that concept then I feel sorry for you closed minded people; you are what you eat - I proved it to myself - my cholesterol was at 8.05 and should be under 5.02 - i changed my diet - It took one year ... i started juicing kale, avocado, collard greens - basically things i never chose to eat prior- i started eating tons of coconut oil that the medical world clearly tells you to stay clear of (says Pfizer on the Dr’s pamphlets hmm???) - i cut out red meat and all dairy - i was a dairy-holic - especially for cheese - LOVE CHEESE, LOVE MILK - Humans don’t require milk after infancy - i ate more fish and started supplements - within a year my cholesterol reads were 4.65 - i have since fallen off the real healthy diet - nibbling cheese again etc and my cholesterol is back up again - not near as high but still - PROOF IS IN THE PUDDING - and I proved it to myself - i also experimented with supplements to see if i was absorbing them just by the way i would feel or by my bowel movements a good indicator if your gut is working ok or not and I find the best way to feel is by grounding when i sleep - by the way i have been fortunate to never have a weight or sleeping issue - but i have other ailments advanced disk degenerating disease, fatty tissue in my liver - the cholesterol issues - a skin condition where i was biopsied by a dermatologist its called granuloma annulare named in 1902 - the medical world has no idea what it is or how to treat it - so the typical MD world they name symptoms and when they don’t know how to treat it with their drugs they call it an AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE - thankfully its not cancer - but if you learn and research as I have you will find that scientists from the 1920's claimed there would be a cancer epidemic and this is it - the govts created biochemical war fare - creating cancer named SV-40 - lately aids, lyme disease, etc., not to mention vaccines - i could go on & on - but this is my 2 cents about the medical world vs naturopathy. Dont get me wrong - thank god for doctors - they are only good for life or death situations thats it IMHO - I refuse to take your drugs! And should I die well that’s what was meant to be! I am not a believer in mad science - messing around with genetics specifically in our food chain - this is clearly the cause to our diseases today - we are what we eat - so we eat poison daily - its in all our food - it creates inflammation in the body - when the body can’t calm/heal the lasting inflammation - it creates disease - we are all different - therefore we are all affected differently - but we are all being affected one way or another - we are the experiment - believe it or not!

    • @peterwhite5769
      @peterwhite5769 8 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Excuse me, using CHEMICALS is bad? Such as Dihydrogen Monoxide, I
      suppose? Should that too, in your learned opinion, be regulated, banned
      or labeled as hazardous? Because that chemical accelerates corrosion and
      can cause severe burns! Yeah, that fine example of a harmful CHEMICAL
      is water. It clearly illustrates how the lack of scientific literacy
      and an exaggerated analysis can lead to misplaced fears. And you seem to
      be unaware of the fact that not only do numerous "natural" remedies
      display toxicity in unregulated doses but countless "natural" chemicals,
      whether animal, plant or mineral, are deadly poisons in even tiny
      doses. Your simple-minded inferences and illogical medical conclusions
      would make Aristotle and Hippocrates turn in their graves. Furthermore,
      your disjointed rambling, poor grammar, and abysmal punctuation and
      sentence structure not only display a lack of scientific acumen, but
      also a lack of common literacy. Get an education in medicine before you
      write your next Magnum Opus on illness.

    • @peterwhite5769
      @peterwhite5769 8 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Anyways Woodster, I've wasted enough time today on this shit. If these idiots want to be NDs, let them kill themselves with acupuncture, iridology, homeopathy, kinesiology and colonic enemas. It'll be one less
      bunch of idiots to clutter up the universe. But hell, those enemas sound particularly enjoyable, and I'm not even gay.

    • @canadianhaitian
      @canadianhaitian 7 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾. I couldn't have said it better myself. I just dropped out of allopathic medical school to naturopathic medical school and I couldn't be happier!!!!!

    • @kylelaney2900
      @kylelaney2900 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      You're totally right. For whatever problems there are with the state of western medicine, adding in fake medical schools with fake doctors will just make it worse, not better.

    • @delilahluvsyou8421
      @delilahluvsyou8421 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Cheryl Lewis 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Couldn’t had explained it better myself

  • @cheyannestark3423
    @cheyannestark3423 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    A lot of you are very rude in your commentary. I'm studying to be a naturopath. The preventative is often, if not always, better than the cure. It's not for everyone but it worked just fine back then. Naturopaths don't disagree with conventional medicine, as scientific advancements can be more effective as well. Pharmeceutical medicines are reactive as well and can cause ulcers and they pollute our water through excretion. Nothing is fool proof, however, if you let your body have tools to heal itself you'll be less likely to need to go back for the same or a similar health issue because your body will learn how to fight it.

    • @corinthians-L
      @corinthians-L 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      how long does it take to receive your degree? Do you rec a school? im thinking about Toronto school. this career is so beautiful

  • @StayInYourLane77
    @StayInYourLane77 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Anna how would one shadow a naturopath?

    • @barrieND
      @barrieND  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Christian Alonzo contact one in your area and ask! Usually we do it for ND students, but accomodations can be made.

  • @jeremydejong6451
    @jeremydejong6451 8 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Scientific approach you say? Can you post some scholarly articles supporting homeopathy and Chinese medicine? I want to educate myself.

    • @C3yl0
      @C3yl0 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Jeremy de Jong before the ama existed people cured themselves with herbs. Before pharma were even a topic people used to cure themselves. Ignorance isn’t a great idea

    • @adenosinetriphosphate6167
      @adenosinetriphosphate6167 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@C3yl0 source?

    • @lawman3966
      @lawman3966 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Adenosine: Her source is that she _believes_ it. Once something is based on belief, facts don't matter anymore.

  • @peterwhite5769
    @peterwhite5769 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I would NEVER say that exercise and good nutrition don't play a very significant part in one's health. Any doctor who suggested such a thing should be struck off. These things are, even to a moron, among the most significant contributors to health that are within our control.

  • @ashleyashleym2969
    @ashleyashleym2969 8 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Regular doctor also educate their patients and promote prevention, although of course most patients don't care about prevention because it's work. I agree with the healthy diet and that sort of thing but it's the exact same thing a GP and a GP can actually treat, a natropathic doctor can't, hell if you really want to do it like that why hire someone you can just do it yourself, going to a natropathic doctor is the equivalent of being your own doctor, which nothing wrong with that as long as it's benign conditions.

    • @me-hk4rl
      @me-hk4rl 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      that's false. they are there to move product for their sponsors.

  • @Soldier979
    @Soldier979 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Everything is curable
    Healing holistically is the way

    • @scarred10
      @scarred10 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      so,if i amputated your leg,thats curable.

  • @me-hk4rl
    @me-hk4rl 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    i saw someone who said they saw a naturopath in beverly hills for thyroid and other issues. their problems weren't going away, but after getting their upper neck adjusted properly, their thyroid nodule and finally went away, so they stopped seeing them. i am sure naturopaths do some good, but like practitioners of medicine in general, they know nothing of the root cause of most problems, nerve interference, or if they do, they are unable to correct it. the duration of education is irrelevant, it isn't how much, but what you learn, specifically what you learn that is of use toward getting sick well that matters. this means that much of medical education, overall, is a waste of time aside from that relevant to trauma/first aid related care.

    • @moremi5192
      @moremi5192 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Naturopaths are not the same as lisenced Naturopathic doctors. Did they see a doctor with 4 years of medical school or a naturopath with a certificate?

  • @wallacegrommet9343
    @wallacegrommet9343 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Time tested but not double blind study validated

    • @me-hk4rl
      @me-hk4rl 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      there is no proof to those who are willfully blind and refuse to see it.

  • @wallacegrommet9343
    @wallacegrommet9343 7 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Amazing how Naturopathic colleges will take almost anyone’s money. No SAT, no MCAT, no pre-req’s and entirely self regulated.

    • @barrieND
      @barrieND  7 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      You may want to get your facts straight. We are regulated under the same body as Doctor's, Nurses and Dentists for several years now under the Regulated Health Professions Act. And I had to have the same courses (pre-med sciences) as you would for 'Medical School' and amazing marks. Maybe it's different where you live! Don't assume it's the same across the board, people living in Ontario get to see legitimate Naturopathic Doctors.

    • @wallacegrommet9343
      @wallacegrommet9343 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Do you prescribe homeopathic concoctions? Acupuncture? Sell supplements directly to your patients?

    • @aventurasenfamilia8802
      @aventurasenfamilia8802 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      That is a lie. They must pass the same tests as doctor do for the basis sciences and then another one for clinics

    • @addiej5497
      @addiej5497 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      You sound jealous.. lol you could become one of us too

    • @C3yl0
      @C3yl0 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Wallace Grommet did you applied for it? Cause last time I checked they are regulated and accredited. Please stop saying things you even have knowledge

  • @ashleyashleym2969
    @ashleyashleym2969 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I've tried natropathic medicine and it doesn't work. I'm someone who placebos don't work on and yes they aren't placebos, but they're so weak they just don't work on me, a better bet for me would to just be to let my immune system take care of it.

    • @scarred10
      @scarred10 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      placebos work on everyone,all treatments regardless of origin have a placebo effect.

  • @C3yl0
    @C3yl0 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The ignorance that some people have it is really alarming. Stop repeating like parrots. As a “developed” country some of you act like you never went to school 🤦🏻‍♀️

  • @serenaespada5098
    @serenaespada5098 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    Does anyone have any info on the debate of Naturopathic medicine? Some say its quackery. Some say its scientifically proven. Writing a paper on this. Help!

    • @jwicks100
      @jwicks100 9 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      +Serena Espada I can only give my experience, but my life was a living hell, severe stomach pain for 1 1/2 years 24/7, 365 (this is no overstatement my life was literal hell). I went from Cleveland Clinic to Mass. General and no one would or could help me. Some doctors, specialists I may add treatments only made me worse. I was about to give up, then I heard of a person practicing Naturopathic Medicine around my area, I though it would be quackery but why not give it one last shot. Total different experience I felt like a person instead of a money, from day one she explained what she thought I had and why, and how to treat it and how the supplements effect my body. It was a rough ride but in 2 months I was back working, not depressed, and able to just live. It took 2 full years to fully recover but now I am healthier than I have ever been. Now is every Naturopathic Doctor going to be good, simple answer, no. The pool size for "Modern Medicine" is much larger leading to a larger number of better doctors. However I would take a top ND over a top MD (although a lot of doctors really do both).

    • @panicp2000
      @panicp2000 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      +Serena Espada
      You're writing a paper on this and you're asking that question on here? Wow.
      Erm. Try PUBMED for starters and seek out 1) Large clinical trials 2) unequivocal evidence of efficacy 3) Difficulty with Bias (particularly observer bias, selection bias, reporting bias).
      Look for metaanalyses as they usually have best evidence.
      Homeopathy is one of the best studied of the completementary therapies and has consistently shown in multiple trials no evidence of effect above placebo (which in itself might be important).
      Good luck.

    • @panicp2000
      @panicp2000 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      +Dr. Taylor de Marcken, ND, Pharm.D agree absolutely. evidence talks, quackery walks. the problem with this "industry" is the water is extremely muddy and vulnerable people are often left at the mercy of true quacks who really shouldn't be able to sleep at night were it not for the fact they believe their own bullshit.

  • @woodywoodlstein9519
    @woodywoodlstein9519 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Lol. Drs don't say "modalities". Half of their curriculum is spent on how to run their business. Their textbook is from the 1800s

    • @peterwhite5769
      @peterwhite5769 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      But Woody, what's wrong with 200-year-old textbooks? It's not as if mankind's made any technological progress in the last 2 centuries. I still use my Abacus instead of stupid computer Spreadsheets.

  • @chuckiepeoples
    @chuckiepeoples 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Exercise, intermittent fasting, helmets and seatbelts will take you far.
    So, can I now call myself an ND?

  • @hmphy621
    @hmphy621 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    i want to be a naturopath

    • @panicp2000
      @panicp2000 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      ffs.... WHY?

    • @peterwhite5769
      @peterwhite5769 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      Becozz, Mr. panicp2000, he'z not a il-iterratte fukwit like yu obveeusly ar. He haz dremes of serving his comyunity and improoving peeple'z helth.

  • @hmphy621
    @hmphy621 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    because i like to be

    • @peterwhite5769
      @peterwhite5769 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      For fuck's sake, Hm Phy, finish a goddamned sentence for once in your life. You'd like to be what?

  • @vilemaxim
    @vilemaxim 8 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Day in the life of a Naturopath: know little to nothing about medicine; prescribe things that do not work.

    • @kylelaney2900
      @kylelaney2900 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Totally right. And then think you're better than MD's and DO's because you lack real scientific knowledge and clinical experience. Everybody knows the best clinicians are the least prepared.

    • @kylelaney2900
      @kylelaney2900 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Have any evidence for that?

    • @addiej5497
      @addiej5497 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      You sound threatened. This is a real doctor. Someone who prevents not just waits until it gets really bad

    • @organicchemistry6357
      @organicchemistry6357 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Still believe in what MDs say?
      A lot they say is true, but even some between these are bad.
      Same with ND, but what you do is creating just another strawman fallacy that defames them. Typical reductionist argument

    • @woodywoodlstein9519
      @woodywoodlstein9519 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      And sell things out of your own office.
      A practice that would end with A medical doctor losing his or her license.

  • @wallacegrommet9343
    @wallacegrommet9343 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    How many hours of residency at a hospital, who was your preceptor during your clinical rotations, and could you pass a family practice board exam? Jesus, you ended your video with acupuncture!!! Please tell me the energy frequency of chi, the amplitude, voltage, and the primary organs of chi generation, ascribing mode of action to the specific chemical processes, and state for the record optimal vs suboptimal chi levels, and how you measure aforesaid.

    • @barrieND
      @barrieND  7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Wallace Grommet I'm not sure why you're trying to compare a Naturopath to a Medical Doctor? I obviously chose not to go that route? We do our Residency for a year in Canada's largest Naturopathic clinic the Robert Schadd Clinic under the supervision of experienced Naturopath, some of which are also Medical doctors. We have our own Board exams and our Continuing Education requirements are very demanding - im not aware that Medical doctors need to obtain a certain number of Continuing education hours so i won't comment (but I sure hope they do). You're trying to compare Apples to Oranges!

    • @me-hk4rl
      @me-hk4rl 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      prove it doesn't work. you can't. conventional medicine, despite it's self-acclaimed scientific basis, fails to get sick well, proving it isn't scientific.

    • @arturtoth3185
      @arturtoth3185 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Acupuncture is based on ancient wisdom and is corroborated by modern research as to its efficacy.
      Nitric Oxide (NO), discovered in 1998 to be a facilitator of microcirculation and a cardiovascular signalling molecule in humans, is upregulated at acupoints to significantly promote local circulation and stimulate specific and repeatably observable locations in the brain. The efficacy of acupuncture and its associated acupoints can be seen not only via the theory of Qi as a bioelectrical stimulator in semiconductive collagenous tissues, but further as a means of upregulating various local metabolic pathways presupposed as acupoints in the improvement of circulation, neurogenesis and analgesia. Furthermore, acupuncture is proven to modulate various chemicals in the brain, such as Interleukin-10, Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase, and Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein, among others. As such acupunture, electroacupuncture, and acupoint therapy are modalities on the cutting-edge of research with proven efficacy regarding the treatment of depression, algesia, dysmenorrhea, osteoarthritis and other conditions.
      Evidently, acupuncture has a contemporary scientific backing in addition to its often anecdotal application and ancient wisdom and it would be foolish to dismiss it as pseudoscientific before even looking at the current state of research!

  • @wayneblake3186
    @wayneblake3186 6 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @briang8663
    @briang8663 8 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    It doesn't matter how passionate they are. They are not practicing evidence-based medicine.

    • @dakshankrishnapalan6231
      @dakshankrishnapalan6231 8 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Clinical nutrition and exercise isn't evidence-based medicine... since when?

    • @peterwhite5769
      @peterwhite5769 8 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Dashan Krishnapalan, no-one, and I mean NO-ONE is arguing here about the benefits of good nutrition and adequate exercise. Haven't you been paying attention? You'd be a moron to argue with those precepts. What we're arguing about is the use of pseudoscience in naturopathic so-called medicine. Check out pseudoscience in Wikipedia as a starting point.

    • @dorceindustriesinc
      @dorceindustriesinc 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Peter White I see where you are coming from, but with experience of having MY OWN family suffering from allopathic medicine, even two dying from it, I've had to open my eyes. Yes, there are good doctors. But, if Naturopathy is given the same research and funding as MD, we might not be having this discussion. Now, i've had a family member being looked at by Cuban Doctors and they do not agree with the medicine that family member was taking. Everyone knows that Cuba has a better Medical program that the U.S. What do you say Peter White?

    • @briang8663
      @briang8663 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      How is your family suffering FROM allopathic medicine. When the term "allopathic" is used, it is generally done as an insult by someone from the alternative medicine community. So again, how are you harmed by going to a physician? That's a strange claim to make.

    • @dorceindustriesinc
      @dorceindustriesinc 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Well, Mickey Maus, this is the real world. The wrong medicine do kill people. 2 family members are dead. There are bad doctors who give the wrong medicine. Now REAL doctors, not alternative doctors, did a real test and determined that by their own testing on them. Not all MDs are bad, but MDs and NDs should be working together. My honest assessment.

  • @CyrillDave
    @CyrillDave 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey Anna, MARRY ME!

  • @unconventionalme8048
    @unconventionalme8048 7 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    A naturopath with botox? Lol nice....

    • @barrieND
      @barrieND  7 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Botox? that's funny! Maybe in another 10 years though:)

  • @calebraphaelgd1462
    @calebraphaelgd1462 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Is a shame.

  • @hmphy621
    @hmphy621 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    became i am a homeopathic doctor and i would like to be

    • @peterwhite5769
      @peterwhite5769 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hm Phy, well if you want a REAL job in medicine, you're gonna be shit out of luck if you're going into homeopathy. TOTAL pseudoscience and quackery. Entirely unfounded and irrational teachings completely at odds with REAL science, which you might like to take a look at some time.

    • @lyubomirgizdarski8191
      @lyubomirgizdarski8191 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Peter White
      Paid shill?

  • @copperwopper
    @copperwopper 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    The way this woman said Costa Rica actually made me click out of the video. How do u actually spend time in the country and pronounce it Cahstuh Rica?

    • @barrieND
      @barrieND  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      I apologize that POLISH is my native language....just wow

    • @copperwopper
      @copperwopper 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Well then I apologize for my previous comment. I was just thrown off by the fact that you seemed to pronounce every other word perfectly. Learning another language is hard and I commend you for that.

    • @C3yl0
      @C3yl0 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Maya Carmona Alejandro muchas veces decir lo que nos viene a la mente no es bueno. Aprende un poco a tener más tacto cuando te refieres a las personas.