For those who are new to Malaysia. Desa Parkcity is for the 10% elite group. Average Malaysian couldn't afford to stay there. In fact our average income is only RM3k per month. Not 3k pound per month. So please compare apple to apple and don't convert. A RM30 meal for us considered expensive whereas for you is nothing. Hopefully all youtubers understands these and don't mislead others. And not all places has such amazing facilities as Desa Parkcity. Average rental in reasonable locations is RM2-3k per month only. RM6k is super luxury for a Condo. Not to criticise anyone but just give facts. Thanks
Median household income of Klang valley is RM 10k according to Department of Statistics Malaysia early of the year. The median household income of Malaysia top 20 is RM 16,000 per month and most of them are in Klang valley, Penang and JB. So you need to be objective when talking about income.
@@hhc9013 the OP is spot on with what he said. I am Irish and my wife is Malaysian, we know from speaking with out family members as well. Personally when we move to Malaysia our plan is to live like a medium income local not elite level but we could afford it but just dont want that life.
Hey! She is a Chinese woman coming from Communist China where the vast of majority of people simply keep pretty low living standards. Chinese citizens in rural areas rarely earn monthly wage higher than 700 USD. I think over 95% of Chinese living in rural areas can't make that amount of money. People like her into a new place ALWAYS want to prove they are decent people although they are from Communist China, a median level developing country. Communist China has never been better off than Malaysia in terms of REAL and OVERALL living standards so those Chinese WEALTHY people are willing to move into Malaysia. Malaysia may NOT be their first choice but their first choices like US, UK, Canada, Australia, etc. are getting more and more harder to touch. Their first choices are closing their borders and keep Chinese outside their borderlines on virtually permanent basis. I hope Malaysian government will eventually adopt the same measures. Why? Chinese people as an ethnic group are collectively liars and thefts. Take this lady as an example. She says she can afford to study in UK, and move to one of the Malaysia's most wealthy residential areas, then she can afford to pay monthly rent up to 6K RM. One meal cost 30 RM doesn't matter that much. It is important to note these are simply her stories and stories can be made and edited pretty easily. It is important to note Chinese from Communist China tend to lie and are happy to lie. They have been taught to lie since they were born; therefore, they are natural liars and theft.
这么贴心的 agent 在马来西亚也是不常见的,真的遇到好人了,而且也有可能习惯服务中上层人群,所以服务做得特别到位,像评论区其他人所说的,6k-8k 的租金对我们这里许多打工族来说是想都不敢想的。说真的,如果能力允许的话,来马来西亚退休是个很好的选择,没有天灾、治安不是最好但相较一些国家还是挺安全的,物价对外国人来说也很便宜,虽然对我们本地人来说还是会抱怨百物涨价、东西贵。这过去的一周天气算非常好了,还会下雨,也不太热,要是早几周来,真的热到阿妈都不认得,所以你们是幸运之人呢!不过 desa park city 那边绿化做得那么好,气温相对来说应该也会比吉隆坡其他地方低个几度。
Welcome to Malaysia, I'm so glad you're liking what you find here. I think you will really like the local food, the best stuff is often found in very unassuming coffee shops scattered all over the Klang Valley, there are loads of food vloggers to give you ideas.
This is Malaysian hospitality but only from exclusive agents. Try exploring the adjacent Bandar Menjarala, just 10 minutes away by Grab, to enjoy a variety of Chinese restaurants. My wife and I enjoy walking around the route you took.
i must say KL property in Malaysia is much undervalued as compared to other countries in value of money for the kind of quality and space u will get here..! Be grateful as a Malaysian.......
Take your time but first you need to learn to download the local apps which will help you to make your everyday life easier.. When you get your car then you can start exploring the neighboring districts and states..
Live here everything also expensive. Neighbour all also close doors. Down to the earth people will be at living in cheras, puchong, seri kembangan, kajang & kuchai lama. All these place no fancy atas people where food is cheap, neighbour is good no lanci. Pasar Borong/NSK also nearby. Find renmin food also easy around those area. No fine dining/expensive hotpot thingy like in arkadia/waterfront..
I’m suggesting u pickup Bahasa Malaysia whenever u hv free time! It will make your life in Malaysia more comfortable & satisfying! BM is not a difficult language to learn compared to other languages! Just imagine thousand of foreign workers from Bangladesh, Nepal,, Burma, Vietnam etc, they can pickup BM within weeks & after a few months, they are so fluent in it already! Enjoy your stay & u soon will realize u hv made a right decision & investment! In this hidden Gem!
需要你们的advice,我们打算去看车,在马来西亚是直接去4S 店买车吗?还是去Dealer会比较好?买车有哪些需要注意的地方?需要你们的tips~ 谢谢😃
对于每个品牌,通常都有几家经销商。只需前往该品牌的任何一家经销商门店即可。至于定价,每个品牌和型号的定价都相同 - 由政府和公司确定
要买 Alphard 或 Vellfire , 建议先去 Toyota PJ Sales Gallery 看了新车和它们的价钱,询问销售,心里有个底才去看 Recon 车做对比。Recon 车五花八门,每个车商都会有不同年份和 Spec的车 , 会比较 Tricky。
@@hhc9013 谢谢你!recon车到底是什么意思哇,就是被改装和翻新过的?那还有warranty吗
@@A-Nomad-Life 建议博主买辆中国车就行了,chery tiggo 8就不错了,马币16万左右,性价比贼高
For those who are new to Malaysia. Desa Parkcity is for the 10% elite group. Average Malaysian couldn't afford to stay there. In fact our average income is only RM3k per month. Not 3k pound per month. So please compare apple to apple and don't convert. A RM30 meal for us considered expensive whereas for you is nothing. Hopefully all youtubers understands these and don't mislead others. And not all places has such amazing facilities as Desa Parkcity. Average rental in reasonable locations is RM2-3k per month only. RM6k is super luxury for a Condo. Not to criticise anyone but just give facts. Thanks
Median household income of Klang valley is RM 10k according to Department of Statistics Malaysia early of the year. The median household income of Malaysia top 20 is RM 16,000 per month and most of them are in Klang valley, Penang and JB. So you need to be objective when talking about income.
@@hhc9013 the OP is spot on with what he said. I am Irish and my wife is Malaysian, we know from speaking with out family members as well. Personally when we move to Malaysia our plan is to live like a medium income local not elite level but we could afford it but just dont want that life.
Maybe her target audience is not Malaysian but expats like her
Hey! She is a Chinese woman coming from Communist China where the vast of majority of people simply keep pretty low living standards. Chinese citizens in rural areas rarely earn monthly wage higher than 700 USD. I think over 95% of Chinese living in rural areas can't make that amount of money. People like her into a new place ALWAYS want to prove they are decent people although they are from Communist China, a median level developing country. Communist China has never been better off than Malaysia in terms of REAL and OVERALL living standards so those Chinese WEALTHY people are willing to move into Malaysia. Malaysia may NOT be their first choice but their first choices like US, UK, Canada, Australia, etc. are getting more and more harder to touch. Their first choices are closing their borders and keep Chinese outside their borderlines on virtually permanent basis. I hope Malaysian government will eventually adopt the same measures. Why? Chinese people as an ethnic group are collectively liars and thefts. Take this lady as an example. She says she can afford to study in UK, and move to one of the Malaysia's most wealthy residential areas, then she can afford to pay monthly rent up to 6K RM. One meal cost 30 RM doesn't matter that much. It is important to note these are simply her stories and stories can be made and edited pretty easily. It is important to note Chinese from Communist China tend to lie and are happy to lie. They have been taught to lie since they were born; therefore, they are natural liars and theft.
这么贴心的 agent 在马来西亚也是不常见的,真的遇到好人了,而且也有可能习惯服务中上层人群,所以服务做得特别到位,像评论区其他人所说的,6k-8k 的租金对我们这里许多打工族来说是想都不敢想的。说真的,如果能力允许的话,来马来西亚退休是个很好的选择,没有天灾、治安不是最好但相较一些国家还是挺安全的,物价对外国人来说也很便宜,虽然对我们本地人来说还是会抱怨百物涨价、东西贵。这过去的一周天气算非常好了,还会下雨,也不太热,要是早几周来,真的热到阿妈都不认得,所以你们是幸运之人呢!不过 desa park city 那边绿化做得那么好,气温相对来说应该也会比吉隆坡其他地方低个几度。
@@威-r5q 跟 8k 的比当然是便宜,但我说的是普遍大马打工族的生活水平,大多数人的生活水平,是想都不敢想租这种价位的住宅的,这样很好懂吧?
@@tallibethau7713 我是以park regent的房价来算
@@威-r5q 对呀,就没有人要跟你比这个的,看来你还是不明白我说的。你比较的只是那一区,但广大马来西亚人不住在那啊,那一区的住户人数跟马来西亚人口能比吗?不需要说得这么明白吧,很多人都能理解我所说的,就你不能,又或者你是为了杠而杠?说的都是打不着重点的事
@@tallibethau7713 哦!你很聪明,我很笨太高深的理论我无法理解 😄
我遇到的agent也很nice,顾客至上。我的condo出租,我连屋子都没去过,全是他们负责搞定。我的niece也是property agent, 她有时还帮屋主把窗帘给送出去洗。
@@8963-sss你的身份跟我和她不一樣。我是租戶 ,博主也是租戶,分別不同的是agent的佣金在博主那間比普通平民多很多很多。就算是房東身份也會得到agent(大部份)不同的待遇的,這是很現實的社會,一個是佣金rm6000跟Rm1000 或更少,怎麼比? 我還沒听過我弟妹經過agent 出租產業得到過agent的貼心。
你的这一番话让我沉思良久。说真的我平时看desa park city 不会有太大的感受。对公寓的设备,security guard 的友善也觉得理所当然。看来自己是身在福中不知福。你让我开始要感恩所拥有的一切。
KL Desapark City living standard considered one of the highest tier in Malaysia.
TTDI will higher
哇靠,真的欸。他现在应该退休在家抱孙了 😄
是 马华前任总会长
CD 懂的都懂
管理费由业主支付,租户不必付。一般物业费是每平方呎0.35, 0.40,或0.50 乘与单位总面积,由物业管理制定。
我能生在马来西亚,而且我是penang lang,真的觉得自己前世应该是个还不错的人吧😂😂
Penang lang都有的优越感。。哈哈。。没什么只是羡慕你们。。我们砂拉越也有很好的地方哦
汇率问题,赚英镑来这里生活当然觉得好。本地人在这里苦不堪言了。尤其 Ron 95 subsidy 取消以后
在这里做工,赚ringgit, 花ringgit 就不一样😂
Agent 钱到位了就很贴心了!😁
知道就好,rm6000 commision大单啊。。😂你租rm500单房看看鸟你吗
Alphand 和velfire 都是受欢迎的车也比较容易被偷窃,建议拿Lexus,harrier 的SUV🎉
Desa park city 是高档住宅区 , 周围生活成本比较高, 当熟习这里生活后, 再扩大生活范围, 更多 " 平, 靓 , 正 " 的生活方式等着你啊 😊
你们租的是desa parkcity里的楼王,住的很舒服。
你的租金6-8k 马币其实在我们这里, 算是人上人了。 我们这里平常可以负担的租金都是1-3k. 现在你是享受到了很好的 facilities. 但你再呆久一点的话, 你就会感觉到这里的人情世故是非常非常好的。友善的。
吉隆坡市中心,5k~10k 是基本租金,你不要拿郊外来比较😂😅
哈哈哈 全部人留言都關注去蔡CD了😂
我曾经在香港、澳门渡过夏天,确实不同。港澳区的建筑物密度高,那种闷热几乎让人窒息,而马来西亚虽处于赤道旁,但这热带雨林常年都算是风调雨顺,虽热 但有风。太热时可以上去云顶避暑呀~
六千租金, 好惊喜
我身为马来西亚人代表马来政府和商家谢谢您, 给我们带来GDP。因为这么久以来交税,交多了返还款好难, 今年第一次,交多了可以拿回,对商家来说实在真的太好了。 哈哈
Great 👍 place Malaysia 🇲🇾 to start small biz, not so great 😀 to start big biz !
回想刚来大马前也是通过i property找到中介租房,也是租了partially furnished 公寓。一到大马,华人中介就陪着去Homepro 买电器和生活用品,还是非常感谢。大马的天气今年上半年热到离谱,室外感觉每天都在蒸桑拿。暑假跑回上海又是战高温。8月回来确实凉快了很多,主播好运气,一来就是凉爽天气。大马公寓的泳池,gym, 球馆,儿童乐园, 烧烤区,24小时保安,停车库,这些都是标配。
还有大马最新政策,现在陪读家长可以申请双陪读长签了,哪怕暂时没有MM2H, 一家三口都可以安心居住了。
@@zm6496 要有两个孩子才可以申请两位家长陪读签,一个孩子不可以😅
赶紧生吧! 😂
@@A-Nomad-Life 刚去学校问了一下一娃双陪读的政策,说在等移民局最后的信息和确认,你多跟进一下,会有惊喜的。
Perfect environment!! 也替你高兴找到这样好的agent。现在很多公司有training是reinforce relationship with clients。就把客人可以成为朋友的顾客这样的。
@@看看看看 相比起来云顶还是比较靠近KL去一个小时罢了,来回方便不需要住hotel
@@frederickhii6325 深夜发帖,应该是在倒时差🤣
@@mingleechia 哈哈bingo!发完视频准备去睡了🤣
有了车带小朋友去玩就方便了,sunway langoo,飞禽公园,云顶都不错
房产代理人員 服务多数都中上水平 这种行业是以服务耒招客
离开英国是最理智的决定, 大马不错的选择, 学马来话融入社会。
People had enough of MASS immigration in Europe. 👳👳
不错!在国外待过 不会占他人便宜 懂得感恩👍
Welcome to Malaysia, I'm so glad you're liking what you find here. I think you will really like the local food, the best stuff is often found in very unassuming coffee shops scattered all over the Klang Valley, there are loads of food vloggers to give you ideas.
This is Malaysian hospitality but only from exclusive agents. Try exploring the adjacent Bandar Menjarala, just 10 minutes away by Grab, to enjoy a variety of Chinese restaurants. My wife and I enjoy walking around the route you took.
I'm so glad you are happy here. Keep us updated ok?
买花花草草种植的话, 可以搜附近的nursery. 价格比较便宜,款式也比较多。 泥土,肥料,花盆什么的都可以一起买。
@@小马-q4u 这就请你自己分析做出结论了啊😎
Welcome to Malaysia and glad that you and your family enjoy the life here.
基本上,马来西亚人普遍上比较热心。只有遇上不太计较的客户,就会多送一些东西。例如:巴剎/菜市场送多你几条葱。我们以上不错的顾客,有时候会多个一些小礼物或服务配套。遇上麻烦,要求多多多顾客就不会那么热心😅 我想你的agent也是秉持这种原则,你应该是一个比较大方的客户。所以、agent能做到的就做给你。
KL 很多nursery.
54 挺不錯的
Sungai buloh 的前麻瘋病院是全馬最大的花圃,可以走一个下午. 地點就在sungai buloh hospital 旁邊
Nearby here a place name Sg Buruh where local will go shop for plant , flower n furniture
Malaysian always very friendly and responsible to our guests.
There is a nice hiking trail just next to Desa Park, Sri Bintang
很欣赏你对大马人民努力工作提供的舒适环境心存感激。英国的乡村生活及风景其实应该不错, 不过大城市生活对孩子是便利一些。
Great to see you and your family adapting to Malaysia environment.Need time to adapt to a new country , environment,food and culture.
It's been raining quite a lot recently so the temperature has been lower than usual.
欢迎你们居住在馬來西亞。 希望你全家生活愉快,幸福快乐 😊
setia eco hill is similar to desa parkcity, gated and guarded with a really nice park with a lake, but it's landed houses
UK Riot. Malaysia Peaceful.
Welcome to 🇲🇾 👏👏👏😍
welcome to Malaysia!
可以到附近的Bamboo Hill及Selayang大草场走走,除了Desa Park City, 还有更多妳意想不到的,希望有缘遇到妳全家。
路遥知马力 日久见人心.
Nice place, feel like moving there for retirement.
i must say KL property in Malaysia is much undervalued as compared to other countries in value of money for the kind of quality and space u will get here..! Be grateful as a Malaysian.......
Take your time but first you need to learn to download the local apps which will help you to make your everyday life easier.. When you get your car then you can start exploring the neighboring districts and states..
8000 RM is a lot of rental. normal rental is like 2-3k for furnished.
Welcome to Malaysia and happy staying in DPC.
Live here everything also expensive. Neighbour all also close doors. Down to the earth people will be at living in cheras, puchong, seri kembangan, kajang & kuchai lama. All these place no fancy atas people where food is cheap, neighbour is good no lanci. Pasar Borong/NSK also nearby. Find renmin food also easy around those area. No fine dining/expensive hotpot thingy like in arkadia/waterfront..
Big breakfast RM28 还不错因为外面很多西餐厅和Cafe的big breakfast 都RM30以上了。
DPC附近有一个地方是Sri Bintang,从Amelia那边走出去转右就到了,但通常我是开车。那边很多不错的华人茶室 (kopitiam),最有名的是孖七。星期六旁晚五点后这边也有夜市 (pasar malam)可以走走。
It is very good that you walk alot. That's a healthy lifestyles.
推荐带小朋友去KL BIRD PARK蝴蝶公园和附近的公园溜达溜达。😊
欢迎 datang to 馬來西亞
$66 ringgit = $20 Canadian dollars. 在加拿大两个人一共$20可以吃到很好吃的午餐包括餐饮, 午餐比马来西亚大份很多。但是这个價钱不包括 13% taxes and tips.
@@BigTao 大學學費還是會比台灣貴,除非國立。
I’m suggesting u pickup Bahasa Malaysia whenever u hv free time! It will make your life in Malaysia more comfortable & satisfying! BM is not a difficult language to learn compared to other languages! Just imagine thousand of foreign workers from Bangladesh, Nepal,, Burma, Vietnam etc, they can pickup BM within weeks & after a few months, they are so fluent in it already! Enjoy your stay & u soon will realize u hv made a right decision & investment! In this hidden Gem!
3:17分钟直走在那个mall那边有一家叫kenny hill baker的西餐很不错,他们家最有名的甜品是peach struddel
I liked the look of that English breakfast.😋 And the grounds where you walked around are lovely and clean. It's fun to explore new surroundings.
没想到 在你这个视频当中的 7:28 从你面前走过的 一位老伯伯 , 短发白发,身穿褐色有collar的衣服, 是我们 马来西亚华人公会(马华) 前任总会长 蔡细历。巧了 😂
@@alanhew2207能住Desa Park City还会可怜咩?
Bandar Menjalara and Kepong would be nice places looking for delicious food.
Nice Vlog !🎉🎉🎉❤