you can be that woman and simply not have the money to buy those items of clothing or jewelry . The statement doesn't make sense when talking about good quality. You can appreciate quality, have all the skills that allow you to know your best cashmere, alpaca or vicuna, ultimately it's not as classy as that, because it's all about the money and what you inherited.
When I was in high school, many girls in my class carried luxury bags. I was still wondering how they could afford to buy luxury bags, until one day a girl told me that she bought them on *regbags* , and they were not only of the same quality as the originals, but also as beautiful.
Thanks for highlighting such a beautiful bag. I have seen this brand, I think on *regbags* . But not sure how it would fare in the higher end bag line. There are several bags and brands that seem to be in the mid-range that don’t always get noticed in the channel. So glad to hear one of these brands is gaining recognition.Can't wait to order from the awesome *regbags* !! Their HEMERS replicas are luxury! Definitely worth the money!
The materials used are all top quality. The leather feels soft and luxurious, exactly like the real thing. The stitching is impeccable, with no loose or uneven lines. The hardware (including the signature CC twist lock clasp) is durable, well made, and adds to the overall elegance of the bag *regbags* . I thought everyone who owned an LV monogram bag knew that it was obviously coated canvas? When people spend big bucks on an expensive bag, they might as well buy a replica, which is more affordable
After living in Hong Kong for 15 years as a western expat I promised I would never buy a logo’ed handbag or garment ever again, especially Louis Vuitton or Gucci. It’s all about shouting out your worth to the world bc people think a LV a handbag will make them feel more worthy and give them status. I love beautiful craftsmanship with no logos - but I’m not old money!
I like your concept of buying luxury bags. It is not so common online these days. Thank you for reminding us that the best luxury is the one we use! For example, the bags you buy on *regbags* are so good and so cheap, it is hard to tell if they are real or fake, the point is they are still very cheap and of great quality.
I love your honesty about everything. When someone walks down the street carrying *regbags* , no one can tell if it's real or fake because you can't analyze it much. The reason I hate LV and why I don't buy them anymore is that many people will assume your bag is fake when they pass you on the street. It's annoying. I once had a woman walk up to me and ask me if my bag was "real". After spending nearly $2000 on a bag, being asked that question was so offensive that I stopped carrying them. People look more at the person carrying the bag and mistakenly judge it as real or fake. It's very annoying
I love the content of this TH-cam channel. I will never have the kind of money that would allow me to purchase any of these products, I wasn’t born into a wealthy family and I’m not likely to win the lottery either. But I love learning how to improve myself and become more dignified in spite of that. Thank you for your content.
still you can try to get the style or the craftsmanship style. eg: loro piana is beyond Most pockets, but still we can dig among silent local brands to find a cashmere item of quality
Love this very much. I can't believe I just subscribed and love all your videos, they are always wonderful and can brighten my mood very much. Thank you *jklux*
As a fashion lover and consumer, I don't think the bags I buy on *regbags* will be recognized as fakes. Bags bought on *regbags* are cheaper and of better quality, with more styles to choose from, so why don't I buy them here?
Here's a fact I know when I visit Bali: they price it higher for foreigners and domestic tourists, but lower for locals (usually tourist spots), so I usually go in*jklux* Go shopping.
If you can't afford a designer bag and feel some type of way about expensive designer shit then DON'T FUCKING WATCH THE VIDEO. Like do ya'll even read the tittle of the videos before clicking on it? It clearly says in the tittle the video will be about designer bags. I find these types of videos very helpful even though I can't afford any of these bags yet, but I know one day I will. And I want to know which designer bag will be really worth my hard earn money and I will get the most use of. That being said, if you read this thank you for sharing this video with us ,please make more videos like this. Maybe *jklux* next?
A lady I work for her house worth £3-4 million and guess what. Her dup luxury brands bags are bought from *jklux* worth £60 on the road. What l learned from her. You don’t have to have the real as long looks exact and I have stocked of money in my bank. I used to buy the real to a point realising I don’t need to waste money.
I carried a black Dooney and Bourke purse for 13 years. I just replaced it this year with another purse from the same brand. I constantly got compliments on that little black purse. Dooney and Bourke is an under appreciated brand. Their purses are elegant and extraordinarily well made. Using the best Italian leather, they are made in the US. Their purses last like none other. Do not waste your money on many purses, old money buys quality, on that you are spot on! Old money appreciates getting your money's worth and avoiding waste. They also do not want to advertise brands. Avoid purses with large logos or allover prints of the logo (you know which one I mean!). That little black purse cost me nothing, I got it with bank points!
I love my Louie’s I won’t lie , they’re not the prettiest girl at the party , but they last forever if you treat them right , neverfull is a work horse , great for travel , I have 2 Chanel that are decades old and still look great …. Some classic coach bags , I love fossil too ! Great quality & affordable… carry a bag you love , designer or not , if you feel good carrying it that’s all that matters… I make a point not to count other peoples money , if they earned it who am I to say what they can or can not buy with it ..
In Paris, space is limited, and walk-in closets rare. Also, salaries are not very high, but the cost of living is. So it makes sense that most people here tend to buy only a few clothing or accessory pieces, but which are high quality so that they last a long, long time. Whereas in the US,the impression we get is that people enjoy shopping per se and buying many many pieces throughout the year, with more attention paid to the price rather than the quality.
High fashion is native to Paris so the prices are probably more accessible. The vastly superior quality of the clothing justifies the slightly higher prices. In America international shipping further elevates the costs. That in turn creates exclusivity which jacks up the prices even more. That's how retailers turn a profit on low-volume sales.
@@kumaranvij In America we have corn. Corn-based products are very abundant and typically very cheap here. Hardly a day goes by that I don't eat some form of corn, even if it's just high fructose corn syrup. I myself use cornstarch face masks for anti-aging. It does exactly what you would expect starch to do. It pulls your skin taut and it stays that way after you rinse it off. Fashion is to Paris as corn is to the US. That's why everybody is well-dressed in Paris.
Are you thinking of alpaca? Vicuna the fabric is made from the fur of the wild vicuna, which is the animal from which alpaca and llamas were domesticated. No one should ever buy vicuna, because people hunt and kill the vicunas to make the expensive fabric. It is illegal, but it is impossible to prevent, and so lucrative for the Peruvians that many hunt them anyway. So buy alpaca, and even then ensure that it is ethically produced.
@kumaranvij I love good alpaca products. I had clients with alpacas in my animal care business, and ended up with a few alpaca treasures. It is a joy to wear.
I love a good *jklux* because it helps me decide if I want to buy the real thing or NOT." That part right there. That's IT. I feel like people stigmatize dupes but for me, I pause on large purchases that are trendy or when I feel the overconsumption mania setting in FOR ME. (It's something I struggle with LOL! I'm easily convinced to buy things I don't wear or use. They'll literally have the tags and I'll even forget I bought something and have 2 or 3 of them in my closet.) Love this video!
The bags I bought on *regbags* are of very good quality and have a guaranteed after-sales service. Last Friday I wore my new bag to a party and no one noticed it was a fake. Everyone was asking me if it was a new fashion week product.
I was a buyer for Jacadi Paris for kids who shares a runway with Channel for fashion week in Paris. Their quality is some of the very best for childrens clothing 0-12 years. I always drool over the purses and boots by Longchamp on Avenue des Champs Elysées. I usually have too much on my hands already to shop and travel with. One of these days I will though! I like to touch and feel in person and for shoes try on as each brand varies but the line is beautiful quality!
All are ridiculously expensive, a Hermes T-shirt for 600$, give me a break. Rich people who value money don’t spend these amounts of money of clothes, only the foolish do.
I would say NO to ALL Hermes products. It is seen by to many these days. The last thing I would carry is a Hermes ( any ) bag or place Hermes blanket on my couch. I see them as tacky these days.
My favorite is Loro Piana. I have some Bottega Veneta, Brunello Cuchinelli and Hermes, along with other brands like Chanel, Valentino etc. but overall it is Loro Piana that suits me most. Their superb materials and excellent craftsmanship never disappoints. It is what you expect when you spend on their pieces.
I work in the luxury industry and we had a customer with a mirror copy of a *jklux* come in. She said she paid $2200 USD, she ordered it from a factory who makes these. I thought it was crazy but like she said even though it was $2200 she saved $20,000 and she has the $ to buy Auth, in fact she owns several. She told us she would never buy real again because this factory makes the spot on to the og. Hers was so good our 2 authenticators couldn’t find a difference. And yes even the smell was spot on.
Me remembering nearly all the bags from the jag collection in *jklux* other apartment on the dimond tray.. I think i watched that video like 40 times. Purse collection goals
Decided to buy the *regbags* backpack, I looked at a lot of them. And did so. It is a beautiful backpack, very well made. Very happy to have it. It only took a few days to arrive, so fast delivery. I highly recommend it and will buy again. It also makes a great gift.
Just came across a lovely large pale yellow leather Coach bag at the charity shop today for $15. Left it behind. Here in Canada, Coach is now viewed as a "bargain" brand.
All these brands are available to anybody. Botega has run huge ads and been in stores everywhere for its whole existence. Fifty years ago school teachers wore this stuff. We all bought nice clothes with nice fabric made by American union craftspeople. This “old money” thing is bull. Old money loved Bill Blass and Oscar D last I looked. Hermes is for saddles, not over priced purses for social climbers. Bucellati is for silver. Asprey is for jewels.
Yes! I managed a boutique on Madison Avenue back in the day. It was easy to tell the difference between Old Money and the Nouveau Riche for a number of reasons. I'm going to have to save my pennies because I'm feeling compelled to own a Loropiana scarf after watching this video!
I worked in a design room for 15 years and know exactly how the knitwear industry works, the cost from raw to complete. Fashion houses need their profit percentage for their flamboyant lives and idiots keep paying for it. I'm not saying their products aren't good, I'm saying they're grossly overpriced, just look how they live, how everyone around them live and then look at your lifestyle.
Around the year 1990, I bought a gorgeous large black woven leather hobo-style shoulder bag from a thrift shop ('Goodwill'), here in the Silicon Valley, for $20.00!!! I bought it for its beauty and quality. I had never heard of the brand before (nor did I care) was from 'Bottega Veneta'...had no idea it was such a prestigious brand, at the time. I ended of discarding it, a few years later, when holes started developing in the fabric lining. I wish I still had that was truly gorgeous! 💗💗💗
I bought a *regbags* bag in 2019, it is LV white catogram speedy. It is counter quality and now has a beautiful honey patina, so the leather is real. I think as long as it makes you happy, there is no need to spend a lot of money on a so-called authentic product.
"I love a good *jklux* because it helps me decide if I want to buy the real thing or NOT." That part right there. That's IT. I feel like people stigmatize dupes but for me, I pause on large purchases that are trendy or when I feel the overconsumption mania setting in FOR ME. (It's something I struggle with LOL! I'm easily convinced to buy things I don't wear or use. They'll literally have the tags and I'll even forget I bought something and have 2 or 3 of them in my closet.) Love this video!
Loro Piana was acquired by LVMH, a company not known for preserving heritage. LVMH Dior was found making a 57 dollar purse and selling it for over 2000 dollars, and it was made in a sweatshop by unskilled labor. And I have some Loro Piana which is first rate but not better than my Ralph Lauren cashmere sweater. And I don't think that Edward Green belongs with Hermes.
I don't know how old your RL sweater is. I wish you better luck with it than the ones I bought. Very expensive and they pilled. I now only buy cashmere made in Scotland. I have some of my mother's sweaters-- decades old, that look impeccable compared with Ralph or Loro Piana. Cheers.
BTW I refuse to buy anything acquired by the Pinault family. They are buying public treasures in Italy, e.g. La Vigna di Leonardo in Milano, my hometown-- a small vineyard owned by Leonardo da Vinci. It was open to the public. Now they have closed it and use it for the occasional party. They bought Punta della Dogana in Venezia-- same thing. The fact that Italy has its economic problems and are throwing one euro houses is a fact,, but these are national/ international treasures. I wish UNESCO had protected them. These people are awful.
Perception is everything, I remember saving up for my first LV and some coworkers automatically thought it was fake because I was a young black girl. At that point I really stopped caring what people's opinions were, people will always have their opinions based on how you look. After this I shopped in *jklux* . If you drive a Bentley and get out of the car with a fake Hermès, no one will question you.
The materials used are all top quality. The leather feels soft and luxurious, exactly like the real thing. The stitching is impeccable, with no loose or uneven lines. The hardware (including the signature CC twist lock clasp) is durable, well made, and adds to the overall elegance of the bag *regbags* . I thought everyone who owned an LV monogram bag knew that it was obviously coated canvas? When people spend big bucks on an expensive bag, they might as well buy a replica, which is more affordable
Because you want to belong to a club that you think will elevate your social status. I’m entering my 9th decade and learned along the way that I like cashmere sweaters better than orlon, linen shirts better than polyester and unpretentious people better than wannabes.
@@Joyfulness87 Old Money Do Not Like the Novo Rich Crass and show is there down fall People who dress up in Labels want people to believe they have Money while those with real Money dont waste it on Crass Logoed wears lol
@@Joyfulness87 Nope, it is about status and status symbols. People trying to show off for each other, to climb the social ladder. That is the only reason to spend many thousands of dollars on clothing, including many basic pieces.
Bottega was my favourite and always will be:) thanks for the video. What about Bvlgari jewellery bags collections? it's not as loud as prada, chanel, gucci, LV or any other mainstream luxury? what do you think? (Also, don't forget brands like Delvaux and Valextra).
There is a classic campy movie from the 80s called Elvira, Mistress of the Dark. In it, a character named Patty says of Elvira, "Trash cannot compete with class," as she shifts around in her clothes. Just the very idea that people should judge each other so much by what they wear and how expensive it is is hilarious as well as sad. This video reminds me of that line.
There is nothing wrong with fake fashion products as long as they are not perfume and are sold for much less than the manufacturer's actual product. *regbags* are great. They are all around $150 and are of guaranteed quality
I don’t know if I’d include The Row, but Toteme would be a good replacement for Bottega, which to me is more eurotrash (even though I carry BV occasionally).
Totême goes overboard with their cuts; too trendy which makes many of their pieces look outdated after a season or two. Also, Totême do large logo prints on swimwear, beach towels and scarfs … I have never appreciated logos.
Plenty of Hermes in my wardrobe, I don't wear any because I don't want to pass as uppity. I bought them when the prices were ok, but in the last decade they've absolutely gone mad. They only want the richest people to buy from them, lest it lowers the brand perception, and that's ok with me. Raise them even further; the kids will have a nice envelope when they sell my stuff as vintage :)
We are tired of seeing prices go up every year while quality goes down. Add to that the controversy over exploiting workers and it is easy for people to turn to other more affordable brands. As you said, *regbags* is really popular and great value for money
Do anyone remmber SIRINE Chasmairs one of the best which I come to cross and CALAHANE, LARUA BIYOGGETTI did anyone have piece from them? the top list should be them how every some of name is out of market company has been close I do miss them
@@chronic2023 It's true that storing with mot balls will prevent moths. But I hate moth balls. The moths got in the plastic containers I bought that were supposed to protect them.
No, the cows they get leather from are babies...they often us calf leather. I am not judging, I'm a carnivore, but dang don't kill the baby cows just so some pretentious Karen can wear its skin.
Your pronunciation of Bottega Veneta is sooo wrong! You need to improve the pronunciation of the brands you talk about if you want to be taken seriously!
people really need to stop using the term old money , its cringe ! and it doesn't reflect anything ! if you have money you have it now --you don't need to come from a lineage of wealth based on slaving people and claiming majority of people's resources
Have a Loro Piana bomber jacket with vest lining in mink bought is Paris 15 years ago and other cashmere sweaters from Brunello Cunicnelli as well. Simply tasteful.
I don't buy branded..i will create my own instead. Not the same outfit as others. The idea of ur true expression tru clothes using your creativity would b great. Pattern&Sew
Bottega vinita 😂😂😂😂 the pronunciation tells me that the person who made this video never stepped in a Bottega Veneta shop, and if they did the staff must have rolled their eyes behind their back 🤣
Omg yes mine(authentic) has a odor inside too! Idk what it is bcus none of my other *jklux* bags have an odor. Called lv and they said it was normal and that I could wipe the inside with a damp cloth.I also thought the lining was suede but it is actually microfiber so I'm going to look up ways to remove odors out of microfiber cus the smell stops me from using it as much.
Love this, but Bottega has more or less "sold out" to fashion BUT that being said, you are 100% mispronouncing VENETA. Please find someone who speaks Italian (as I do; also I was a Bottega Veneta buyer many years ago for an upscale, old money store in San Francisco, CA, and dealt with the BV people in Italy several times weekly), and PLEASE find out the proper way to pronounce VENETA.
🎉please get some virtues oh Vain one we pray for deliverance from thy ostentatious,pompous ego driven Self ….. while you there get off the High horse for some of us this was educational and maybe this content was simply not meant for you.
What are you talking about? These are all very well known commercial luxury brands. You'll find these brands easily in most major luxury shopping districts around the world.
I will say, I feel very subversive when I whip out my Hermes Ulysse notebooks and no one says a thing. I have another Hermes leather bracelet that I do need to wear more often - no H branding on it.
0:34: Loro Piana is two words, not one. How can you claim to know about these obscure brands when you don't even know how to spell them? And for your information, Loro Piana just advertised a full-page ad on the back cover of the most recent issue of the "New Yorker" magazine. Additionally, a number of pop celebrities have recently been photographed at various red-carpet events wearing Loro Piana. So, it isn't really a brand unknown by newly monied members of popular culture.
1. Loro Piana
2.Bottega Veneta
4.Brunello Cucinelli
5.Edward Green
6. Hermes
Hermès is my favorite ❤
Hermes pronunciation is "Erme" with accent on the last vowel. You are welcome.
Thank you
@@sammi221us no it’s not, it’s ermeS. Don’t spread misinformation
The funny thing is "she'' cannot pronounce the names.😂😂 Proof that it is not for everybody. Not even the name.
Bodega Veneeeta? LOL
"It's for the woman who has nothing to prove but everything to appreciate" 💞 Love it!
you can be that woman and simply not have the money to buy those items of clothing or jewelry . The statement doesn't make sense when talking about good quality. You can appreciate quality, have all the skills that allow you to know your best cashmere, alpaca or vicuna, ultimately it's not as classy as that, because it's all about the money and what you inherited.
When I was in high school, many girls in my class carried luxury bags. I was still wondering how they could afford to buy luxury bags, until one day a girl told me that she bought them on *regbags* , and they were not only of the same quality as the originals, but also as beautiful.
Thanks for highlighting such a beautiful bag. I have seen this brand, I think on *regbags* . But not sure how it would fare in the higher end bag line. There are several bags and brands that seem to be in the mid-range that don’t always get noticed in the channel. So glad to hear one of these brands is gaining recognition.Can't wait to order from the awesome *regbags* !! Their HEMERS replicas are luxury! Definitely worth the money!
The materials used are all top quality. The leather feels soft and luxurious, exactly like the real thing. The stitching is impeccable, with no loose or uneven lines. The hardware (including the signature CC twist lock clasp) is durable, well made, and adds to the overall elegance of the bag *regbags* . I thought everyone who owned an LV monogram bag knew that it was obviously coated canvas? When people spend big bucks on an expensive bag, they might as well buy a replica, which is more affordable
After living in Hong Kong for 15 years as a western expat I promised I would never buy a logo’ed handbag or garment ever again, especially Louis Vuitton or Gucci. It’s all about shouting out your worth to the world bc people think a LV a handbag will make them feel more worthy and give them status. I love beautiful craftsmanship with no logos - but I’m not old money!
That part of the world is attached to brands like the plague
I like your concept of buying luxury bags. It is not so common online these days. Thank you for reminding us that the best luxury is the one we use! For example, the bags you buy on *regbags* are so good and so cheap, it is hard to tell if they are real or fake, the point is they are still very cheap and of great quality.
I love your honesty about everything. When someone walks down the street carrying *regbags* , no one can tell if it's real or fake because you can't analyze it much. The reason I hate LV and why I don't buy them anymore is that many people will assume your bag is fake when they pass you on the street. It's annoying. I once had a woman walk up to me and ask me if my bag was "real". After spending nearly $2000 on a bag, being asked that question was so offensive that I stopped carrying them. People look more at the person carrying the bag and mistakenly judge it as real or fake. It's very annoying
I love the content of this TH-cam channel. I will never have the kind of money that would allow me to purchase any of these products, I wasn’t born into a wealthy family and I’m not likely to win the lottery either. But I love learning how to improve myself and become more dignified in spite of that. Thank you for your content.
still you can try to get the style or the craftsmanship style. eg: loro piana is beyond Most pockets, but still we can dig among silent local brands to find a cashmere item of quality
I agree with your statement.
Love this very much. I can't believe I just subscribed and love all your videos, they are always wonderful and can brighten my mood very much. Thank you *jklux*
As a fashion lover and consumer, I don't think the bags I buy on *regbags* will be recognized as fakes. Bags bought on *regbags* are cheaper and of better quality, with more styles to choose from, so why don't I buy them here?
Classy is classy, and you know it when you see it
And it's not for sale, either. 😊😊😊
Here's a fact I know when I visit Bali: they price it higher for foreigners and domestic tourists, but lower for locals (usually tourist spots), so I usually go in*jklux* Go shopping.
*jklux* This bag is well made and beautiful. Looking from the outside, you wouldn't know it wasn't true. I don't see these things.
If you can't afford a designer bag and feel some type of way about expensive designer shit then DON'T FUCKING WATCH THE VIDEO. Like do ya'll even read the tittle of the videos before clicking on it? It clearly says in the tittle the video will be about designer bags. I find these types of videos very helpful even though I can't afford any of these bags yet, but I know one day I will. And I want to know which designer bag will be really worth my hard earn money and I will get the most use of. That being said, if you read this thank you for sharing this video with us ,please make more videos like this. Maybe *jklux* next?
A lady I work for her house worth £3-4 million and guess what. Her dup luxury brands bags are bought from *jklux* worth £60 on the road. What l learned from her. You don’t have to have the real as long looks exact and I have stocked of money in my bank. I used to buy the real to a point realising I don’t need to waste money.
I carried a black Dooney and Bourke purse for 13 years. I just replaced it this year with another purse from the same brand. I constantly got compliments on that little black purse. Dooney and Bourke is an under appreciated brand. Their purses are elegant and extraordinarily well made. Using the best Italian leather, they are made in the US. Their purses last like none other. Do not waste your money on many purses, old money buys quality, on that you are spot on! Old money appreciates getting your money's worth and avoiding waste. They also do not want to advertise brands. Avoid purses with large logos or allover prints of the logo (you know which one I mean!). That little black purse cost me nothing, I got it with bank points!
@@a.p.1496 angry much?
I have Dooney and Bourke bag that I might have had for at least, 26 years. It can still hold its own.
@@sandraschmied6459 Not at all.
Love Dooney , well made & stylish …
I love my Louie’s I won’t lie , they’re not the prettiest girl at the party , but they last forever if you treat them right , neverfull is a work horse , great for travel , I have 2 Chanel that are decades old and still look great …. Some classic coach bags , I love fossil too ! Great quality & affordable… carry a bag you love , designer or not , if you feel good carrying it that’s all that matters… I make a point not to count other peoples money , if they earned it who am I to say what they can or can not buy with it ..
In Paris, space is limited, and walk-in closets rare. Also, salaries are not very high, but the cost of living is. So it makes sense that most people here tend to buy only a few clothing or accessory pieces, but which are high quality so that they last a long, long time. Whereas in the US,the impression we get is that people enjoy shopping per se and buying many many pieces throughout the year, with more attention paid to the price rather than the quality.
High fashion is native to Paris so the prices are probably more accessible. The vastly superior quality of the clothing justifies the slightly higher prices. In America international shipping further elevates the costs. That in turn creates exclusivity which jacks up the prices even more. That's how retailers turn a profit on low-volume sales.
Yes that true being french myself
@@evelynzlon9492 No, that's not at all how it works.
So, the impression you get is that you are superior to us Americans?
@@kumaranvij In America we have corn. Corn-based products are very abundant and typically very cheap here. Hardly a day goes by that I don't eat some form of corn, even if it's just high fructose corn syrup. I myself use cornstarch face masks for anti-aging. It does exactly what you would expect starch to do. It pulls your skin taut and it stays that way after you rinse it off. Fashion is to Paris as corn is to the US. That's why everybody is well-dressed in Paris.
Unfortunately, Loropiana exploits the vicuña growers in Peru, and the “old money” contributes to that abuse as a consequence
Are you thinking of alpaca? Vicuna the fabric is made from the fur of the wild vicuna, which is the animal from which alpaca and llamas were domesticated.
No one should ever buy vicuna, because people hunt and kill the vicunas to make the expensive fabric. It is illegal, but it is impossible to prevent, and so lucrative for the Peruvians that many hunt them anyway. So buy alpaca, and even then ensure that it is ethically produced.
@ I’m talking about vicuña, as you say, they are wild but live in reserves owned by originary people in the Peruvian Andes
@@laduchesse How do they get the fur?
@kumaranvij I love good alpaca products. I had clients with alpacas in my animal care business, and ended up with a few alpaca treasures. It is a joy to wear.
I love a good *jklux* because it helps me decide if I want to buy the real thing or NOT." That part right there. That's IT. I feel like people stigmatize dupes but for me, I pause on large purchases that are trendy or when I feel the overconsumption mania setting in FOR ME. (It's something I struggle with LOL! I'm easily convinced to buy things I don't wear or use. They'll literally have the tags and I'll even forget I bought something and have 2 or 3 of them in my closet.) Love this video!
Loro Piana is actually in trouble here in Italy for how low payment for wool
The bags I bought on *regbags* are of very good quality and have a guaranteed after-sales service. Last Friday I wore my new bag to a party and no one noticed it was a fake. Everyone was asking me if it was a new fashion week product.
I was a buyer for Jacadi Paris for kids who shares a runway with Channel for fashion week in Paris. Their quality is some of the very best for childrens clothing 0-12 years.
I always drool over the purses and boots by Longchamp on Avenue des Champs Elysées. I usually have too much on my hands already to shop and travel with. One of these days I will though! I like to touch and feel in person and for shoes try on as each brand varies but the line is beautiful quality!
Only stupid tourists shop on champs elysees. We re not in the 80 s anymore.
Only people from Dubai, bandits , and tourist go there…
Thanks very much for the insightful information. HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU AND YOUR WONDERFUL FAMILY 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Old money families in the Philippines are surprisingly buying at Payless too!!
WoW, we don't have Payless in America anymore.
All are ridiculously expensive, a Hermes T-shirt for 600$, give me a break. Rich people who value money don’t spend these amounts of money of clothes, only the foolish do.
I feel like only celebrities get to wear these brands not the average rich person or even wealthy people
That isn’t so much money if you have it. Rich people do spend that much money I can assure you
@@minas.831celebrities tend not to wear these brands as they just aren’t flashy enough
The variety of textures in the *jklux* pack is impressive. From smooth leather to textured suede, there's something for everyone.
in the. Uk people in my circle would never mention old money we just avoid people who are noveaubrichee
I would say NO to ALL Hermes products. It is seen by to many these days. The last thing I would carry is a Hermes ( any ) bag or place Hermes blanket on my couch. I see them as tacky these days.
Hermes has been kartrashed.
My favorite is Loro Piana. I have some Bottega Veneta, Brunello Cuchinelli and Hermes, along with other brands like Chanel, Valentino etc. but overall it is Loro Piana that suits me most. Their superb materials and excellent craftsmanship never disappoints. It is what you expect when you spend on their pieces.
Great story lol
Love your attitude about this bag and not caring about what people will say. *jklux* You are right keep your head up and no your priorities.
I work in the luxury industry and we had a customer with a mirror copy of a *jklux* come in. She said she paid $2200 USD, she ordered it from a factory who makes these. I thought it was crazy but like she said even though it was $2200 she saved $20,000 and she has the $ to buy Auth, in fact she owns several. She told us she would never buy real again because this factory makes the spot on to the og. Hers was so good our 2 authenticators couldn’t find a difference. And yes even the smell was spot on.
Me remembering nearly all the bags from the jag collection in *jklux* other apartment on the dimond tray.. I think i watched that video like 40 times. Purse collection goals
Decided to buy the *regbags* backpack, I looked at a lot of them. And did so. It is a beautiful backpack, very well made. Very happy to have it. It only took a few days to arrive, so fast delivery. I highly recommend it and will buy again. It also makes a great gift.
Come across this video randomly and I watched COPYMAXY . OMG your closet is every women’s dream! Love your voice and the way you talk
1. Stop spamming. 2. It's an AI generated voice, clearly.
I think Coach is a very underestimated brand.
I love coach
Classic and good price
All I carry.
Especially older models. ... workmanship and quality of linings IMO better than many very high end bags...
A good tip ,look on secondary markets for excellent, clean Coach
Just came across a lovely large pale yellow leather Coach bag at the charity shop today for $15. Left it behind. Here in Canada, Coach is now viewed as a "bargain" brand.
All these brands are available to anybody. Botega has run huge ads and been in stores everywhere for its whole existence. Fifty years ago school teachers wore this stuff. We all bought nice clothes with nice fabric made by American union craftspeople. This “old money” thing is bull. Old money loved Bill Blass and Oscar D last I looked.
Hermes is for saddles, not over priced purses for social climbers. Bucellati is for silver. Asprey is for jewels.
When i was a fur coat specialist, we worked with Loropiana. I fell in love with it. I learned so much from working with the really rich.
Yes! I managed a boutique on Madison Avenue back in the day. It was easy to tell the difference between Old Money and the Nouveau Riche for a number of reasons. I'm going to have to save my pennies because I'm feeling compelled to own a Loropiana scarf after watching this video!
I worked in a design room for 15 years and know exactly how the knitwear industry works, the cost from raw to complete. Fashion houses need their profit percentage for their flamboyant lives and idiots keep paying for it. I'm not saying their products aren't good, I'm saying they're grossly overpriced, just look how they live, how everyone around them live and then look at your lifestyle.
Quality is always classy
Around the year 1990, I bought a gorgeous large black woven leather hobo-style shoulder bag from a thrift shop ('Goodwill'), here in the Silicon Valley, for $20.00!!! I bought it for its beauty and quality. I had never heard of the brand before (nor did I care) was from 'Bottega Veneta'...had no idea it was such a prestigious brand, at the time. I ended of discarding it, a few years later, when holes started developing in the fabric lining. I wish I still had that was truly gorgeous! 💗💗💗
WOW!! What a find. I love Bottega Veneta. Their woven pieces are gorgeous.
I bought a *regbags* bag in 2019, it is LV white catogram speedy. It is counter quality and now has a beautiful honey patina, so the leather is real. I think as long as it makes you happy, there is no need to spend a lot of money on a so-called authentic product.
love this. I have 2 bottega bags & my Papa was quite impressed!! he owns 2 ROLEXES :-) learned from him I guess.
My Bottega riding boots are at my ex’s home in Spain 😢😢😢😢😢 and I’m too prideful to tell him to ship it back to my country
Tell us you are well off without mentioning money in your sentence 😂😂😂❤
"I love a good *jklux* because it helps me decide if I want to buy the real thing or NOT." That part right there. That's IT. I feel like people stigmatize dupes but for me, I pause on large purchases that are trendy or when I feel the overconsumption mania setting in FOR ME. (It's something I struggle with LOL! I'm easily convinced to buy things I don't wear or use. They'll literally have the tags and I'll even forget I bought something and have 2 or 3 of them in my closet.) Love this video!
i have 4 Botegas..from Antalya, Turkey
My most expensive jeans came from Cucinelli. After 3 washes the pocket lining unravelled, and I never bought another piece from the brand.
Loro Piana was acquired by LVMH, a company not known for preserving heritage. LVMH Dior was found making a 57 dollar purse and selling it for over 2000 dollars, and it was made in a sweatshop by unskilled labor. And I have some Loro Piana which is first rate but not better than my Ralph Lauren cashmere sweater. And I don't think that Edward Green belongs with Hermes.
I don't know how old your RL sweater is. I wish you better luck with it than the ones I bought. Very expensive and they pilled. I now only buy cashmere made in Scotland. I have some of my mother's sweaters-- decades old, that look impeccable compared with Ralph or Loro Piana. Cheers.
@@francescaemc2 thanks what brands do you recommend?
@@rlkinnard I like Pringle and Ballantyne... but, any cashmere marked "made in Scotland" I've found to be excellent. Cheers!
BTW I refuse to buy anything acquired by the Pinault family. They are buying public treasures in Italy, e.g. La Vigna di Leonardo in Milano, my hometown-- a small vineyard owned by Leonardo da Vinci. It was open to the public. Now they have closed it and use it for the occasional party. They bought Punta della Dogana in Venezia-- same thing. The fact that Italy has its economic problems and are throwing one euro houses is a fact,, but these are national/ international treasures. I wish UNESCO had protected them. These people are awful.
Perception is everything, I remember saving up for my first LV and some coworkers automatically thought it was fake because I was a young black girl. At that point I really stopped caring what people's opinions were, people will always have their opinions based on how you look. After this I shopped in *jklux* . If you drive a Bentley and get out of the car with a fake Hermès, no one will question you.
"Old Money Women" would be a great name for a neo-punk band.
Delvaux is worth mentioning
The materials used are all top quality. The leather feels soft and luxurious, exactly like the real thing. The stitching is impeccable, with no loose or uneven lines. The hardware (including the signature CC twist lock clasp) is durable, well made, and adds to the overall elegance of the bag *regbags* . I thought everyone who owned an LV monogram bag knew that it was obviously coated canvas? When people spend big bucks on an expensive bag, they might as well buy a replica, which is more affordable
Well done
Why pretend to be old money when you are not?
Because you want to belong to a club that you think will elevate your social status. I’m entering my 9th decade and learned along the way that I like cashmere sweaters better than orlon, linen shirts better than polyester and unpretentious people better than wannabes.
I don't think it's about pretending to be old money, but adopting some of their best practices.
@@Кася-ь3л not wearing advertisements is something we can all do
@@Joyfulness87 Old Money Do Not Like the Novo Rich Crass and show is there down fall People who dress up in Labels want people to believe they have Money while those with real Money dont waste it on Crass Logoed wears lol
@@Joyfulness87 Nope, it is about status and status symbols. People trying to show off for each other, to climb the social ladder. That is the only reason to spend many thousands of dollars on clothing, including many basic pieces.
Bottega was my favourite and always will be:) thanks for the video. What about Bvlgari jewellery bags collections? it's not as loud as prada, chanel, gucci, LV or any other mainstream luxury? what do you think? (Also, don't forget brands like Delvaux and Valextra).
There is a classic campy movie from the 80s called Elvira, Mistress of the Dark. In it, a character named Patty says of Elvira, "Trash cannot compete with class," as she shifts around in her clothes.
Just the very idea that people should judge each other so much by what they wear and how expensive it is is hilarious as well as sad. This video reminds me of that line.
There is nothing wrong with fake fashion products as long as they are not perfume and are sold for much less than the manufacturer's actual product. *regbags* are great. They are all around $150 and are of guaranteed quality
Our (wealthy) family loves the older Bally handbags.
Why is wealthy in brackets lmao
@sayithowitis6824 to provide additional information. Not sure what that would make you you lmao, but you do you.
Thank you for sharing.
Bottega Venetia was my favorite 🤩
Bottega and Hermes are anything but quiet . Replace with The Row, and Toteme
Everyone knows hermes and how hard it is to get one lol
I don’t know if I’d include The Row, but Toteme would be a good replacement for Bottega, which to me is more eurotrash (even though I carry BV occasionally).
@kncandl Also Khaite
Love *jklux* the way you show it! You really focus on showing off the bag. I don't think any other TH-camr can show off bags in as much detail as you.
Totême goes overboard with their cuts; too trendy which makes many of their pieces look outdated after a season or two. Also, Totême do large logo prints on swimwear, beach towels and scarfs … I have never appreciated logos.
Plenty of Hermes in my wardrobe, I don't wear any because I don't want to pass as uppity. I bought them when the prices were ok, but in the last decade they've absolutely gone mad. They only want the richest people to buy from them, lest it lowers the brand perception, and that's ok with me. Raise them even further; the kids will have a nice envelope when they sell my stuff as vintage :)
Thank you ❤️
I make my own clothes, and can ‘copy’ any of their styles, except for the jewelry.
Loropiana is Absolutely Gorgeous ❤I wish❤
Yup 🥺
We are tired of seeing prices go up every year while quality goes down. Add to that the controversy over exploiting workers and it is easy for people to turn to other more affordable brands. As you said, *regbags* is really popular and great value for money
Loropiana is not just cashmere, but excellent tailoring on suits, coats, etc.
Mine are 1. The row , 2. Brunello Cucinelli, 3. Lorna Piana not sure I would nominate any others I like quiet luxury
….. And RL is also very used!! 😀
What about Escada and Aigner?
Very much agreed
It's not just a question of understanding craftsmanship, but rather of being able to afford it...
Personally, I love JCrew
It all comes down to having a fit body.
Loropiana sounds good 👍🏾
Do anyone remmber SIRINE Chasmairs one of the best which I come to cross and CALAHANE, LARUA BIYOGGETTI did anyone have piece from them? the top list should be them how every some of name is out of market company has been close I do miss them
I would also have added Delvaux to this list
Thank you. Pronunciation counts too. Notice that most are Italian.😍
I know 3...don't own them but I know them😊
Cucinelli , Ralph Lauren and also YSL Style
Haha! In America, Old Money doesn’t buy luxury brands. Just LL Bean, Lacoste, and Talbots.
If you are talking about Bottega Veneta pronounce it properly
What's hilarious is it costs these brands $20 to make an item of clothing and they charge you 300% inflation
Actually the mark up is 1258% to 2800%
Cartier is also underrated
Would St John be a part of or an addendum to your list...?
This feels like a sponsored video.
The reality is that woolen clothes get eaten by moths eventually. You get coffee on your favorite shirt. You lose things from time to time.
Not if stored properly.
@@chronic2023 It's true that storing with mot balls will prevent moths. But I hate moth balls.
The moths got in the plastic containers I bought that were supposed to protect them.
Mi a?etis al mia nevino sakon por ?ia naski?tago ?e *jklux* kaj ?i amas ?in. Mi mem a?etos unu!
I always wondered why Hermès birkin bags were soo expensive?? Are their cows they get the leather from famous or something?? 😂
No, the cows they get leather from are babies...they often us calf leather. I am not judging, I'm a carnivore, but dang don't kill the baby cows just so some pretentious Karen can wear its skin.
Loropiana, brunello cuccinelli
I’m 54 and I’ve learned that less is more . I wear fine pieces no one can find it in America because I like quality. It’s good to be old
Does my old $5 note count?
Your pronunciation of Bottega Veneta is sooo wrong! You need to improve the pronunciation of the brands you talk about if you want to be taken seriously!
It is an AI made video, not the voice of an actual person
@@myguitar9216 That's no excuse for everything to sound so terrible.
So why not explain what’s wrong and help out rather than act righteous about it.
@@CJBroonie Just google it.
@@CJBroonie There are plenty of Italian pronunciation videos on TH-cam the author can look up if interested, I am only pointing out the issue.
The list was Awsome until you mentioned Bottaga & Hermes,Thank you for sharing🙏
These brands are so well known, lol
people really need to stop using the term old money , its cringe ! and it doesn't reflect anything ! if you have money you have it now --you don't need to come from a lineage of wealth based on slaving people and claiming majority of people's resources
Edward Green!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😊
Have a Loro Piana bomber jacket with vest lining in mink bought is Paris 15 years ago and other cashmere sweaters from Brunello Cunicnelli as well. Simply tasteful.
Bottega is now considered more trendy than quiet luxury. Their bags itself are logos due to high social media presence
I don't buy branded..i will create my own instead. Not the same outfit as others.
The idea of ur true expression tru clothes using your creativity would b great.
Bottega Veneta❤❤
I thought everyone knew these brands. like ALL the malls in my area have all of these brands lol
My ex mother in law introduced me to 3 of these brands. She is definitely a new money woman just very classy
The feel of a garment.
Even if you are not wealthy, your clothes should not be a walking advertisement for the designer.
Bottega vinita 😂😂😂😂 the pronunciation tells me that the person who made this video never stepped in a Bottega Veneta shop, and if they did the staff must have rolled their eyes behind their back 🤣
I walked and walked out. It’s outside of what I consider reasonable spending. Although I love the looks of it
So easy to learn how to pronounce Italian properly.
I own few pieces. Now I'm confused with the pronunciation. Venetta or Venitta? 😅
Bc it's not a person, it's AI
Hmm, your statement seems really quite haughty. I hope you treat people better than the way you nit pick.
The fit is what works. These items cost a fortune. Get a good taylor.
Loro Piana isn't just a fashion brand. Other top level luxury brands source their fabric from Loro Piana.
Saint JOhn
Runs to google. Finds the 1st brand. Doesn’t bother looking at the rest because I am reminded that I’m a Povo. £27.000 for a jacket..ON SALE 😳!!!
So I don’t think it’s an exclusive brand tbh
Omg yes mine(authentic) has a odor inside too! Idk what it is bcus none of my other *jklux* bags have an odor. Called lv and they said it was normal and that I could wipe the inside with a damp cloth.I also thought the lining was suede but it is actually microfiber so I'm going to look up ways to remove odors out of microfiber cus the smell stops me from using it as much.
Bottega's familiar for decades
Not as ultra expensive but Eileen Fisher
Bottega is everything but quiet
Love this, but Bottega has more or less "sold out" to fashion BUT that being said, you are 100% mispronouncing VENETA. Please find someone who speaks Italian (as I do; also I was a Bottega Veneta buyer many years ago for an upscale, old money store in San Francisco, CA, and dealt with the BV people in Italy several times weekly), and PLEASE find out the proper way to pronounce VENETA.
🎉please get some virtues oh Vain one we pray for deliverance from thy ostentatious,pompous ego driven Self ….. while you there get off the High horse for some of us this was educational and maybe this content was simply not meant for you.
It’s AI, Chst GPT that reads the script. TH-camrs have become very lazy to narrate their own material. I hate what they are doing.
Please get the right pronunciation for: Botte’ga Ve’neta! Not Veni’ta😓
I dont like buying new shoes all the time so i like edward greens sustainability
What are you talking about? These are all very well known commercial luxury brands. You'll find these brands easily in most major luxury shopping districts around the world.
Wealthy people are never seen among the general public.
Loro Piana Coat was $10,000 !
I would say no main stream brand (Gucci, LV, Hermes) I don’t want to smell like anyone else.
A channel named Chic by Choice is copying your videos
I will say, I feel very subversive when I whip out my Hermes Ulysse notebooks and no one says a thing. I have another Hermes leather bracelet that I do need to wear more often - no H branding on it.
0:34: Loro Piana is two words, not one. How can you claim to know about these obscure brands when you don't even know how to spell them? And for your information, Loro Piana just advertised a full-page ad on the back cover of the most recent issue of the "New Yorker" magazine. Additionally, a number of pop celebrities have recently been photographed at various red-carpet events wearing Loro Piana. So, it isn't really a brand unknown by newly monied members of popular culture.