Is Buying From Non-Collectors... Ethical?


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  • @johnscamardo2145
    @johnscamardo2145 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

    I did hear some years ago when a kid went to a comic shop in a town nearby. his father had passed and the family needed money. He showed the owner 1-30 Amazing Spiderman in nr-mt condition. the owner which was an honest person told the kid he couldn't purchase them at that time and called someone that would buy them at a decent price. He contacted the mother and the comics were sold and the owner said he didn't want any money for helping the kid since his father had passed away and not robbing the family.

    • @sabersaw5611
      @sabersaw5611 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Nm mt? 😮

  • @stumbler10462
    @stumbler10462 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +36

    in1985 i found a street vendor selling comics .. he had a bunch of old marvels and he was selling them at cover price... i came across one book for 50 cents and asked him a few times if it was only that much.. he said yes.. so i gave him a dollar and he gave me my change and that is how i got my copy of giant size X-men number 1

    • @trolltimateoffender2134
      @trolltimateoffender2134 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I call bs

    • @markvandervlist8967
      @markvandervlist8967 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@trolltimateoffender2134 And I call jealous. If you have been in the hobby for as long as I have, if you go to garage sales, flea markets, and such, inevitably you will find something similar.

  • @GOTAisMe
    @GOTAisMe 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +30

    I'll give you an example of an unethical purchase. In the 90s I was the manager of a comic store that was one in a chain of 6. 3 guys came in who were obviously in construction with bags full of silver age Action and Superman books. They were working on a house for an older woman and found them in the attic. They told me she didn't even know they were there and wouldn't miss them. They were willing to sell them cheap. I refused to buy stolen books. They went to the next store in our chain and the manager there bought them. The owner of the chain then chewed me out and said that the other manager did the smart thing and who was I to turn down that opportunity. After I left the chain it was around for about 2 years and went out of business. I guess unethical opportunities like that weren't enough to keep them solvent.

    • @metsrus
      @metsrus 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      bravo, but I wonder if you would've pass up on Action Comics#1 or Superman#1 had it been offered to you in a stolen form

    • @DukeCityExplorer
      @DukeCityExplorer หลายเดือนก่อน

      Sounds like something Noble Comics here in Albuquerque, NM would've done. I've encountered some shady employees at that local comic chain.

    • @inklingboi08
      @inklingboi08 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I kinda agree. They didn't even ask her if they could take them.

  • @tyrannicaltoad6884
    @tyrannicaltoad6884 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +42

    If im being completely honest, for someone in my position finding a multi-thousand dollar grail at a yard sale for dollars would probably be the only way id own a book like that. Telling them might lose me that opportunity. In that moment im not so sure id have the self control to be honest and i think this goes for a lot of collectors despite what they say on the internet.

    • @tompernis4375
      @tompernis4375 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Your right, telling them is gambling I wouldn’t either it would get complicated trying to explain, but I would definitely go back and give them something fair.

    • @agentmobius8458
      @agentmobius8458 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Go on take the money and run! 🏃🏻‍♂️

    • @MrOldboy360
      @MrOldboy360 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I'd ask for a discount.

    • @metsrus
      @metsrus 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@tompernis4375 I like the attention to details. you wouldn't give them something fair on the spot since it would also be a gamble.

  • @hansgruber377
    @hansgruber377 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +46

    Whenever I'm at a yard sale and let the people know that their comic books are worth more than what they're asking they decide to keep them. So now I pay what they are asking, put the books in my car and then give them more money after the deal is done.

    • @PunguinYoga
      @PunguinYoga 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      Good compromise.

    • @kurtbrown2706
      @kurtbrown2706 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Perfect answer.

    • @kitescuriosities7717
      @kitescuriosities7717 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      I really like that thinking.👍

    • @charlesmardanes7028
      @charlesmardanes7028 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      I would do the same

    • @wlnorris75
      @wlnorris75 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      That's what I do!

  • @cowyeow
    @cowyeow 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

    I picked up a small collection of low grade silver age from a neighbor, was his brother’s who passed away a few years ago. Said he just wanted them to go to another collector. Was worth a couple thousand. He said he wanted $200, I gave him $500 and he was happy. Most will stay in my collection.

  • @whatsonehteshaamgulamsmind2885
    @whatsonehteshaamgulamsmind2885 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +27

    I was at a comic book show and got an Xmen 101 for $5. I told him its worth way more than $5. He said i dont care i am old and want to get rid of it. Is it ethical to take advantage like this? I think so because a lot of those people just dont care and want to get rid of it for a few bucks. I dont see anything wrong with that tbh.

    • @robertt9342
      @robertt9342 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      1) you told its worth way more
      2) you re not taking advantage, see above, you are just realizing an opportunity.

    • @ProfessorEchoMedia
      @ProfessorEchoMedia 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      There is northing wrong with that situation at all. You both did your job the way you saw fit. It's a perfect scenario when buying something worth far more than your paying. Good on you for letting the seller know!

  • @ascorvinus
    @ascorvinus 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

    In my experience, it’s way more common to find a seller charging ridiculous prices for mid-nineties junk than it is to scoop up a grail for a buck. I’ve gotten some good deals over the years, (and some bad ones), but nothing remotely unethical.

    • @ijonrice9120
      @ijonrice9120 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      You can always say no and not buy overpriced books.

    • @Cyril-1973
      @Cyril-1973 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@ijonrice9120 You can always shut your mouth when you have nothing useful to say.

    • @seanmorrow6282
      @seanmorrow6282 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      That is my experience too. Sure, don't buy the books -- TBO, no collector would buy most of that crap -- but the point is, these sellers are massively ripping off the know nothings. This ASM 335 is 35 years old and in great condition, $45 is a steal right?

  • @ComicsCurated
    @ComicsCurated 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +66

    It's up to a seller to know what they're selling. As a seller who was too lazy to properly research something in the past and lose out on money as a result, I didn't blame anyone but myself for not knowing what I had. In this day and age of the internet, there's no excuse not to research before selling. Same goes for a buyer. Know what you're buying!

    • @stephenbarone4053
      @stephenbarone4053 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yes, if you’re talking tens, maybe a hundred dollars that’s a white lie. Thousands, then you’re just rationalize evil. There’s a reason certain individuals in our society can’t consent to certain acts.

    • @BrooklynAvenue
      @BrooklynAvenue 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You are unethical.

    • @rocketfighter8
      @rocketfighter8 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      What if the seller is an old widow who is selling her husband's collection? She is not computer savvy and selling to help make ends meet?

    • @ComicsCurated
      @ComicsCurated 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      @rocketfighter8 they made the choice to sell without researching what they had. If they really needed to make ends meet, they would find a way to get them valued before selling.

    • @faceless3658
      @faceless3658 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I don't know this is a really hard question but I can't say i wouldn't take it if I'm being honest.

  • @chriscorcione8104
    @chriscorcione8104 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    First appearance of The Punisher for a buck?!?! That is the very reason why I stop at garage sales to see if they have any books for sale. What a find!

  • @diehardtv8079
    @diehardtv8079 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Got a Batman 121 1st Mr Freeze in a box of comics someone was going to donate to Goodwill but gave to me as a gift instead bc I told them I collected. I did inform them of this and that it likely had some real value, but they responded it was her husband's junk that was in the attic for decades and she wanted rid of it and if she hadnt given it to me it would have been at Goodwill anyway. So instead of Goodwill taking it and selling it themselves for a couple thousand, its framed on my wall in a CGC 4.5 OW/W!

  • @wlnorris75
    @wlnorris75 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I don't think it is necessarily unethical, it really depends on the situation. I can give you an example from personal experience. I was 17 years old (1992) a lady had a box of comics that belonged to her son; 200-250 bronze age all Marvel books. I had to get them out of her attic for her.
    She asked $.25 each and without even looking through them I asked how much she wanted for all of them. She said $25 and I bought the box. When I got home, the box had Marvel Spotlight 5, Ghost Rider 1-10, Giant Size X-Men 1, X-Men 94-104, Hulk 181, ASM 129, Werewolf by Night 32, and a bunch of other great non-key and minor key books. There may even have been a few more keys I'm forgetting off the top of my head. Even in 1992, it was thousands of dollars of books in the box.
    Did I feel bad? Not a bit. I was 17. The only way I was going to own those books at that time was with a grail find like this. 15 years later, I started sending them off to CGC. In the key books, the lowest grade I received was a 7.5 and the highest was a 9.2. Mostly 8's and 8.5's. Probably with pressing today, I could turn most of them into 9's or higher.
    I don't think there was a thing unetheical about it, given the situation. I paid what I could afford and didn't know those key books were in there, even though I knew the books were worth much more than what she was asking (VF bronze age books weren't $.25 each anywhere, and certainly not $.10 each in 1992). I couldn't have even given her $100 if I had wanted to.
    And as a dealer today, I might not treat that situation much different. And here is why.
    If you tell the lady that you want to be fair, and you will give her $4,000 for the box of comics she just offered up for $25, some people will just take your offer. But about half of people will started to question "if he will give me $4000 for them, would someone else give me $5000?" Then suddenly they won't sell them at all, and you shot yourself in the foot.
    Just buy them, and then later, mail them a cashier's check or MO. Don't say what it is about. Don't say it was for the comics (they could come back and try to sue). Just put a note that says Thank You for What You Did. Send it certified so they have to sign for it and you know they got it. But it's anonymous, and you didn't screw them over, and you still got the deal for what you were willing to pay. They aren't going to be repeat customers, bringing in items over and over, so you don't need to build that relationship.
    I am fair with people. Will usually show them the market research that sets the retail price. And I am upfront about the percentage of retail I pay. But that is when you are bringing items to me to sell. When I go out into the field, the rules change, but I usually try to find a way to make it fair, even if it is on the backend.
    And some situations, paying a low price is totally fair. I bought a 1986 Fleer Jordan RC for $800. Had it graded and sold it for $10,000, and I didn't give the seller a penny more. I bought it at a local auction. Only one guy was bidding against me, and he just didn't have any more money than that. The other people in the auction thought we were crazy paying that much for a card.
    I didn't pay a penny more, because the auctioneer refused to pass my offer to buy for cash outside of the auction on to the seller. I had offered substantially more to the auctioneer to buy it outright before it was auctioned. I tell all the auctioneers in my area what I will pay as a percentage if they give me the chance to buy upfront before an item is acutioned. Sometimes they call me in and make a deal. Sometimes they insist on running it through the auction, and I get a substantially better deal (and sometimes they get a better deal). So you want to reject my offer, then you get what you get. I slept like a baby with the profit on that Jordan card.

  • @Bo_on_the_Go
    @Bo_on_the_Go 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    It’s so funny that your video came out today because for the first time ever today I found comics at a garage sale. Seller had two long boxes of comics for 3$ each. A lot of it was 90’s junk, image and valiant but I got two voltron #1’s, two tmnt #7 variant covers, one masters of the universe #1 and a bunch of 5-20$ books all newsstands. Best garage sale find I’ve ever had. I paid my money thanked the lady and went on my merry way. It wasn’t my job to educate her at a garage sale just give her my money and get some great books.

    • @franciscomarquez3678
      @franciscomarquez3678 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Congrats on the haul brother!

    • @Bo_on_the_Go
      @Bo_on_the_Go 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @ thanks man I hope everyone gets one of those

  • @missinglynks
    @missinglynks 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    2 weeks into the pandemic I was on ebay looking for Ultimate Spider-Man fillers. I came across a lot that was selling # 150-162, and an Ultimate Comics All-New Spider-Man #1. They were asking a buy now price of $29.99. I bought it immidiately cause i thought it was an immensly fair asking price for the lot. When I got the books in I discovered the Ult All-New Spider-Man #1 was a newsstand. I messaged the seller asking why they had ended up selling the books? They had responded that the books were their sons old comics that he didnt want anymore, as he'd gone off to college. I thanked them for helping me complete my run of comics and said its been a pleasure doing business with them.

  • @JohnOrr-o4h
    @JohnOrr-o4h 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    About three years ago a woman around me inherited her aunt's stuff and there was 18-20 thousand comics. Her and her husband didn't wanna take the time to research and price all those comics .so she had a yard sale and said .50c a comic and a dollar for magazine sized books . That's how I ended up with infinity gauntlet #1, first appearance of she venom and a pile of other books .

  • @johnnycalderon9951
    @johnnycalderon9951 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    My ex girlfriend had an amazing fantasy 15 in her garage. With a crap load of other comics. She had no idea what she had. I remembered telling ppl and some where like just offer to by the whole box for $20. But I couldn't. I got it pressed and clean for her never graded and it's probably sitting in her closet still.

    • @_vixen_4504
      @_vixen_4504 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Ohh, that book probably reeks of mold.

    • @johnnycalderon9951
      @johnnycalderon9951 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @_vixen_4504 it doesn't its at least a 2

    • @_vixen_4504
      @_vixen_4504 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@johnnycalderon9951 well in that case, you have to save them before they actually start smelling of mold.

  • @gregv7193
    @gregv7193 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I have found a giant size xmen 1 high grade for $2 bucks I attempted to explain is value and the lady told me she didn’t care and god bless

    • @metsrus
      @metsrus 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      looks like an angel rewarded you

  • @chenowethfamily8044
    @chenowethfamily8044 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    About 30 years ago I was surfing Ebay and came across an AF 15 listing for $10k. This was back when you could contact the seller directly and I setup a meeting, 7 hour drive 1 way, to look at the book. At best the comic was worth $3500 and she would not come off her $10k price tag. 2 days later after my drive back, she called me and informed that she had 2 more long boxes from the 40's, 50's and 60's and wanted to know if I would be interested in adding them to the deal? I drove back and bought all the comics giving her a total of $13K. It was a fair deal for both of us. I had the book graded, along with a JIM 83 in late 2000 and got a 6.0 and 3.5 respectively. I still have all the books from that transaction today.

  • @rocketfighter8
    @rocketfighter8 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    This is simple: Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.

    • @ProfessorEchoMedia
      @ProfessorEchoMedia 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That says it all. But sadly the world forgets that 24/7.

  • @johnmonahan4377
    @johnmonahan4377 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I once bought a box of comics at a yard sale for $5 that had Hero for Hire #1 in it, but that was back in the 80's when that book was selling for $5.

  • @paperchasecomics
    @paperchasecomics 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +17

    When a competent adult enters a space of commerce, they have a responsibility to do their due diligence when pricing inventory. ESPECIALLY nowadays, where research is made extremely easy due to smart phones. eBay search will allow you to take a simple photo of any comics or collectible for that matter and pull up listings that match closest.
    I’ve always believed it was never a collectors responsibility to educate people on the hobby that don’t care to know it themselves.
    That being said each situation should be treated uniquely and you have to use a good judge of character.
    Two examples. An old lady has an AF 15 does not seem tech savvy and could really use the money, I’m gonna tell her that she’s got a gold line on her hand.
    But if I see a young capable person, unloading a bunch of comics that he found and wants to make a quick buck but too lazy to look up the books he’s going to get taken.

    • @MintHunterComics
      @MintHunterComics  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      I think that’s the general consensus

  • @gabag00lgangsta
    @gabag00lgangsta 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    8:30 lol I paid two dollars for an Asm 300 newsstand at a chain thrift store it’s an 8.whatever at best. best find ever and got me back into collecting

  • @macorourke2222
    @macorourke2222 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Good video Brother. Back in 1990's when I was a Young adult. I bought a short box full marvel 12 and 15 cent books for $54 Canadian. Giant-Size X-Men #1 was in there. At the time I was going to go to an ATM and get out several hundred dollars to offer the seller. But before I could say anything to Him. He said what do You have in Your pocket. So I gave Him all the money I had. $54. Then went back home with the comic's. I wish I still had them. Lol❤

  • @pattongilbert
    @pattongilbert 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    My best two are definitely *Star Wars 42* (Boba Fett and others, mid-grade), *Star Wars 107* (last issue of the original run), *Jimmy Olsen 134* (Darkseid, low grade), and *Batman 6* (Court of Owls, high-mid grade). Somehow, a used book store in my area had all three in a comics box that no one ever bothered to look through. I ended up getting all four for like $8, even after telling the owner what they had. No way I ever get that lucky again. Insanity.😂

  • @jeffstanley6013
    @jeffstanley6013 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    My wife and I have held several garage sales over the last few years. We don't put anything out for sale without first checking to see what it might be worth on Ebay ("sold", not just "listed"). If we can do it, so can everyone else. And if they DON'T do it, that's on them.
    And my best finds have been, believe it or not, at comic-cons. LOL Got a mid-grade Adventure Comics 283 (1st Zod and Phantom Zone) for only $45 from a dealer who clearly didn't know what it was (stuffed into an Adventure run in a long box and priced similarly to the books before and after it); the book was about $150 at the time. More recently, I got a CGC 9.2 Tomb Of Dracula 1 for $200; the seller's handwritten price tag was so illegible (determined later that it probably should have read $1,200) that both I and even he misread it as $200 ("200" plain as day with a small squiggle at an angle in front of it that we both took to be a "$" but was more likely intended to be a "1" based on the then-current value).

  • @dennisvaughan8456
    @dennisvaughan8456 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Last year at a garage sale I took your advice and asked if they had any comics. The woman there said yeah and brought out a box of about 50ish comics in a cardboard box looking like trash...most coverless asking for 30 bucks. I laughed said their not worh anything but gave her a fiver....once thinking if your show about coverless gems. They sat in my comic cave for almost a year before I went through them and lo and behold a guaranteed 6+ on the Pearl Necklace innuendo Archie comic. Wahooo.

  • @agentmobius8458
    @agentmobius8458 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    What goes around...
    In 2010 I sold my prized NM collection to a cherry picking LCS and the rest went for a quarter at my yard sale bc I was desperate for cash and I'm a buyer not a seller.
    Now I'm back into comics again and I'm not about to commit fraud but if I find a key book for cheap, it's my rare good luck!

  • @TheRickHoward
    @TheRickHoward 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Everyone is their own judge, but karma doesnt care.
    I always make sure if a deal is too good whether I am buying it or not to make sure people know what they got. I have priced 3 collections for random facebook marketplace people just because I knew some "schmo" was going to lowball them.
    My best find was at a relatively newly opened general store by my house that had all comics marked as a dollar, I grabbed an old vampirella, paid for it. Sold it on ebay for $70 before fees. I the took $30 of that back to the shop owner. We now have a good relationship and I get first look at things and discount cups of coffee. Totally worth it.
    Id rather feel good about then think about it later or have karma come run over my dogma at the worst time.

  • @battling_murdock
    @battling_murdock 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I got a first appearance of Fantomex for $3 and a first appearance of Black Cat for $10 at a comic book store's sidewalk sale. I think nowadays, with so much access to the internet, it's up to the seller to know the value of what they have

  • @ksmurray86
    @ksmurray86 หลายเดือนก่อน

    great video glad to see you growing the channel

  • @mentaldiversions
    @mentaldiversions 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I feel ya. i recently made a purchase (of legos) and the guy was offering $20 for a box. The pictures showed some parts I needed to complete a project so I bit. When I arrived and saw the extent of what was in the box I gave him an extra 15 because I told him this was too much stuff for just $20. On the reverse, I had a guy selling a box of legos and it was half knock-off legos which had little to no value. It wasn't too much of a loss since i gave all the knockoffs to a friend who had two boys and they didn't care they were knockoffs.

  • @archstanton8126
    @archstanton8126 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I got a first Guy Gardner Green Lantern from a comic shop dollar bin. That shop didn't want to deal with back issues. I mentioned it's valuable and the owner didn't care, so win for me.

  • @zazenbo
    @zazenbo 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I see this a lot in comic shops, and second hand shops with manga. People don't have a good scope on the prices of manga right now. I bought a set of Basara for 90 bucks. Now: if that were at a regular fella's yardsale, I would walk up to him and tell him to post it on ebay, that it's worth around 1000 bucks.

  • @thurstonfaulkner4
    @thurstonfaulkner4 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I must not be very lucky, the comics I find at yardsales are pretty much worth what I pay. It would be nice to be put into that situation every once in a while

  • @FireflyComics
    @FireflyComics 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Also even outside of comics and in everything, people benefit from superior knowledge. If you put in the effort and labor and get up early to visit countless yard sales, flea markets and estate sales, it’s not so you can educate the public about comic values. It’s to get a great deal.

  • @DeusExAstra
    @DeusExAstra 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +36

    It's ethical. Both parties agree to the price, no cheating or law breaking going on.

    • @jamiepike6909
      @jamiepike6909 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      If your mum sold your collection nor realising you probably change your mind.

    • @jeffstanley6013
      @jeffstanley6013 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

      @@jamiepike6909 Sounds to me like a different scenario; that's mom selling something that isn't hers to sell in the first place.

    • @donaldvonglitchenberger4108
      @donaldvonglitchenberger4108 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      @@jamiepike6909i don’t live with my mom. So why would she sell my grails lol

    • @jamiepike6909
      @jamiepike6909 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@jeffstanley6013 it could happen!

    • @jamiepike6909
      @jamiepike6909 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@donaldvonglitchenberger4108 hope you never left anything in the attic😱🤣

  • @havok33777
    @havok33777 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Great topic for a video. So many interesting comments and stories on this one.

  • @read.your.comics
    @read.your.comics 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Karma can be a bitch.

  • @iceman2796
    @iceman2796 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Great question and topic. I don't hunt at flea markets, yard sales, or garage sales. I have bought items at shows that were like a flea market. I've never gotten a grail of any kind for pennies on the dollar. The worst thing I've ever seen was a guy I work with who co owns a Comic Shop as a side business. He bought a collection of ASM 1 thru 150 all in 8.0 or better. He gave that person 10% of the Overstreet value (this was over 5 years ago). He sold ASM #1 in less than a week for what he paid for the entire collection. He robbed that person blind!!!! There is more to the story but he should have turned that person away or gave them at least 33% IMO. He offered me a couple of the books that were nicer than mine (I was looking for upgrades) for fair market value. That is the kind of business I despise. Lowlives and collecting go hand and hand.

  • @hazorgalindo8545
    @hazorgalindo8545 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Excellent topic, love the video. Thanks for not wearing your blasted eagles hat. 🙏🏽 lol!!!

  • @punyhuman67
    @punyhuman67 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Never have I been in that position, however, I like to think that I would let them know.

  • @ImagineeringTheCog
    @ImagineeringTheCog 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    If I know there is a grail there that is drastically off on pricing, I find it is just worth it to be honest. Share that you think it is worth a certain amount, but maybe you can offer a better price. By sharing information and avoiding that guilt moment, it opens up opportunities to pick up other comics, and welcome chances to network and be trusted.

  • @RPRsChannel
    @RPRsChannel 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    *_Is it ethical to buy 10 longboxes for $100 each, set them in storage so you can process them in a few weeks when you have time, but that turns out to be months, and when you start going over them books over the next weeks they turn into months, and you find some books that are in very good shape for the age. So you just add them to your CGC submission, the covers are cool after all._*
    *_1 year later CGC finally graded them and shipped them to you---now it's close to 1year 6months since you bought the 10 longboxes from....who was it again? Anyhow, those old books that looked so good, the ones you didn't collect but had cool sci-fi covers; they've gone up in price and are worth a total of $50,000 now. That's after your CPR, CGC submission._*
    *_Sure, sounds good, ethical even?_*
    *_What if it's the day after you discover the old Sci-Fi books? You don't know their worth in 1.5years from now._*
    *_But what if you did know their worth, but didn't know they were in one of the longboxes?_*
    *_What if you knew they were in one of the longboxes, knew their worth, but haggled down the price?_*
    *_Books have also popped in price from $10 to a few thousand in very short time? Should you then contact the seller and give him 80%?_*
    *_Where is the line?_*
    *_They guy is selling comic books, not watches and jewelry, he's selling the books because he know people will buy them. If he can't find out what they are worth; too bad for him. Comic books have been valuable for 4 decades._*
    *_If he was selling watches and jewelry; he'd check the prices._*
    *_Caveat venditor._*

    • @MintHunterComics
      @MintHunterComics  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Holy smokes you put some time into that one!

  • @ernienicholson7464
    @ernienicholson7464 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I had a person once about 5 years ago who was selling early JIMs 83-up, TTA 35-up and TOS 35 - up(only one that had a few pre-hero books in the lot. The person wanted next to nothing. I educated him on the value of them and he was very happy I did. He had no clue. I lost the sale on them because of doing that, but I believe I saved my soul. There are some flea market people who don't care, I wouldn't lose sleep over them. They bought it for 10 cents and are flipping them for a dollar. The person who really lost out was the one who sold at 10 cents.

  • @HotZone_Collects
    @HotZone_Collects 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I found a Marvel Spotlight 5 at a yard sale recently. I told the guy what it was. Short version of the story, it was missing pages. I made a post in a facebook group about it and was shocked that one commenter said "why would you tell him what it's worth? Why would you shoot yourself in the foot like that?" um, because I'm not a sh**ty person

  • @Daleyay2814
    @Daleyay2814 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    They should do their research!

  • @GrungeMadman
    @GrungeMadman หลายเดือนก่อน

    It's tricky for sure. Even selling to people who are collectors, but not as into it or informed as I am and I try to do the right thing and price appropriately.

  • @ijonrice9120
    @ijonrice9120 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I would 90% of the time just take the score and move on. I mean if it's a sad, poor family yard sale I would buy it, sell it and share the profit. I got a Stray Dogs Preview comic for a buck at a flea market. ($800 value)

  • @dawsonparadise7132
    @dawsonparadise7132 28 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I sold a lot of my keys without realizing they were keys, just part of my runs. I’m still happy to have more room and glad some guy got some major scores. I’ve also bought collections in bulk and late found some gems in the coal mine, it all cuts both ways.

  • @jamesontorres3317
    @jamesontorres3317 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    I go back and forth. I think it’s totally okay to buy a book for a dollar if that’s what they’re offering but I’d feel really weird if it was the first Superman or something

  • @nicholaspreston4417
    @nicholaspreston4417 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    So if you did fess up and told them what the retail rate is on the book, is it OK for them to then try to sell it at full price and not cut you a deal for letting them know? This can go both ways.

    • @clickmyvid
      @clickmyvid 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      So a reverse “right to update” price at checkout?

    • @artisfu9
      @artisfu9 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Now that's a VERY GOOD point!!! Lets see if they would be ETHICAL in return!

  • @Nyarlahotep
    @Nyarlahotep 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I've had fantastic luck on whatnot this year, but I recently made a big purchase, about $3k worth of books, and an empty bubble wrapper showed up with my address label attached to it. The seller is trustworthy but sometimes theft happens. We have yet to work something out but it seriously broke my heart and made me question why I'm even collecting.

  • @TheDukeofMadness
    @TheDukeofMadness 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The movie Comic Book Villains encapsulated this perfectly.

  • @jamiepike6909
    @jamiepike6909 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    If it’s a few bucks that’s fine, but I think you do the right thing even if it’s after the fact. Ie. If you sell something for a few grand, you can pop round with some extra cash for them.

    • @Rasdock
      @Rasdock 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That’s asking for trouble. You give a person extra money and they’re going to want more. You might even end up getting sued. Be honest with them before the sale or just let it go.

  • @acegoodheart9590
    @acegoodheart9590 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I've never actually found a comic book at a yard sale, but I do however buy from Hibid from time to time. Most of them are just estate sale auction houses and don't know what they have when it comes to comic books. I have picked up a fair amount of good keys and lots on there for way under fmv but I don't feel bad for them, they getting a high buyer premium on everything. Part of the reason i love this hobby is going out into the wild and finding big books in weird places with the best deals.

  • @coley9594
    @coley9594 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    my best find was a facebook marketplace listing where there was a video of a bunch of 🗑️, and then out of the corner of my eye i saw the first scooby doo in comics from the 1970s. Zoomed down there and bought it for $1. it might not be ethical to you, but the way i see it is if you’re paying the price they’re asking then you’re perfectly fine. It’s not our job to educate people on what they have and what they are SELLING.

  • @billyrod1980
    @billyrod1980 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I had a a friend who had a Rolled up Hulk 181 in the trunk of his car. I immediately grabbed it and put it in a comic loader and informed him what it was. Haven’t found anything crazy at a yard sale but I did find 1st winter solider at a goodwill for a buck. At the time it was a $100 buck.

  • @BowlerBP
    @BowlerBP 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Its definitely a hard question. Most times educating someone on something valuable they have will instantly make them keep it or then ask for its full value. I think someone in the comments already mentioned it, giving someone more after the purchase seems to be an avenue where everyone wins in some way.
    For Ive done was a mid grade but complete 1st Iron Fist for $5. Guy was selling books for $1 mostly, but his "keys" were $5. Assumed he knew enough to price the book as a key 🤷

  • @ryankeith4322
    @ryankeith4322 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I got an ASM 194 for $50 and it graded to a 9.2, from a comic store near my house. I was floored by the price! That was probably my biggest win!

  • @J-Russ
    @J-Russ 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    When I was a kid in the 80s I’d regularly buy silver age for $0.25-$0.50, got some great books, and back then that was a regular offering at yard sales around me.

  • @lindsayschultz8106
    @lindsayschultz8106 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    One of my best finds was in a comic shop. I seen a first appearance of Ahsoka Tano (clone wars 1) behind the counter, that came from a trade in. I asked how much, they looked in the overstreet (not sure what they saw) but they charged me 3 dollars. Couple days later went back to the same store and there was another one there and a different employee. I asked again, and again they looked un in the overstreet and charged me 3 dollars. I felt zero guilt ever, and I still have them both in my collection

  • @dinkthinks3958
    @dinkthinks3958 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Bought a bunch of McFarlane’s Amazing Spider-Man’s for $1 each at an antique shop about 15 years ago. When I got to the register, the shop owner told be I get 25% off for buying more than 10. So…I bought Amazing #300 for half of cover price. Still have it and not getting rid of it EVER. In my book, she didn’t want the books because her shop really didn’t cater to that market and I was able to secure a personal grail and more. Not to mention rescue them from being thrown loose in an old wooden box! My best find ever at the age of 48.

  • @maartenbouw
    @maartenbouw 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I bought a bulk lot from a news agency. I paid $240 for 180 comics and in there was an Ultimate Fallout 4. I then paid $1,000 for over 2,000 from a hoarder which had a bunch of Batman and X-Men key issues.

  • @knobles2010
    @knobles2010 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    My 2 best scores have been a Vengeance of Bane #1 1st print NM condition for $1.50 and a Fantastic Four #52 that was in a comic lot I picked up on Ebay that if you divided the price equally for all the books made it $4.40. That was about 2 years ago. I was extremely happy with both.

  • @ShawnMcGinnis
    @ShawnMcGinnis 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I had a full run of Batman Adventures except for #12. I didn't know at the time it was a key book and bought it for $1 at a flea market around 1999. A couple of years ago I did buy a Vengeance of Bane #1 for $1 at a garage sale knowing what it was. I do find it skeezy when you know a key book is way underpriced and then try to get them to lower the price.

  • @CosmicRobb
    @CosmicRobb 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The thrill of the hunt is a big part of the hobby. Putting in the work to find buried treasure makes it worth it. Putting in “work” can also bring entitlement tho so moments have to be discernible. $100 book for a $1, great find. $1000 book for a $1, offer half. Most sellers will be happy to get that much more than what they were expecting, and if they say no, they’re at least educated about what they have 👌🏼

  • @hgc7000
    @hgc7000 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I had the opportunity to acquire a collection of an in-law, and the folks holding them were ready to sell EVERYTHING at just ridiculously low prices. I ended up asking to assist them with bagging and giving some grading tips (worked in a comic store in college, so I have a bit of clue here) to maximize the prophets for them. I got a "naw, we've sold some already, do you want the rest for X amount" So, I paid the amount asked. Bagged and boarded them, and I've been holding onto them since to sell to help my kids out for whatever type of school they want in later on.
    I know this a very narrow type of situation, but in the end, the in-law's collection is helping family.

  • @stingersplash
    @stingersplash 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    On the scam front I know a guy who bought a 9.8 slab on Ebay and when it arrived it was very badly cracked. When he tried to return it the buyer had closed their account so they obviously sold it damaged without telling him. I then bought his collection on Ebay and he clearly mentioned the problem but it was extremely cheap (like the cost of a raw 9.8). So yeah always ask for more pictures if a buyer is conveniently hiding something.

  • @bwprimal1
    @bwprimal1 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I recently watched a video where someone got a major grail in a collection where the person paid 2 bucks a book. I thought it was kinda cringy but then they mentioned selling everything on a service at 4 bucks a book starting. Lost C adding in me and came across as scummy. To take advantage of a seller is cringy but then to not bc even try to pass on a deal to others to balance that karma out. My moniker is collectors help collectors. Seeing that just was sickening.

  • @dcc091364
    @dcc091364 หลายเดือนก่อน

    In the age of the internet and eBay, it’s pretty simple to find out what your books are worth.

  • @karlburkhardt9902
    @karlburkhardt9902 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I've gotten minor keys at yard sales but my best find I found at a Renningers in Kutztown. Full disclosure I did tell rhe vendor what they had and she sold it to me for what she had it marked at anyway. It was the 1:25 variant of Ultimate Fallout 4. I paid $4 for it.

  • @chrislong3086
    @chrislong3086 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I've found a few keys at flea market but nothing crazy. Bought a bag full of 8 comics with a Hulk 340 in it (the rest of the comics were fillers at best) for $5.00 in about 6.0 shape and a Amazing Spider-Man 252 for $1.00, about a 8.0. Both of these instances I was buying other books and spent $20+ with the seller so they were more than happy to get rid of comics at that price. It was tough not "tipping my hand" that I had found a winner in the bunch.

  • @vintiquesokc
    @vintiquesokc 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    For those of us that hunt at garage sales on the regular as part of our sourcing you have to have those kinds of wins to make up for the hundreds or thousands of sales you stop at during the course of a year. Recently picked up a collection with hulk 180-182 and while I did not get typical garage sale type pricing on it the deal was still phenomenal.

    • @MintHunterComics
      @MintHunterComics  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You have to get those wins to keep going!

  • @martezdetroit3164
    @martezdetroit3164 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    James, u looking slimmed down, good job.... I got marvel age 41 for 50 cents in comics bin . But at a comicCon. It went up after Stan passed away.... But to answer question: a deal is a deal , but we would hate it if it happened to ourselves, lol 😆

  • @duelist57
    @duelist57 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I’m in the share the “good fortune” camp. I’d follow up with the person I got the book from and give them a percentage of the profit if/when the book sells.

  • @charlielarson2407
    @charlielarson2407 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Best find I found was ASM 24 paid 30 bucks for it at a antique store and my second best friend was marvel team-ups 141 paid $3 for it like 3-4 years ago

  • @Scott.B.Chapin
    @Scott.B.Chapin 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    I cleaned out a used book store going out of business and bought several long boxes of silver/bronze age books for cover price (granted, this was 20-ish years ago) and have zero regrets. I'll buy something for what it's being sold for.

  • @theobsessedcollector
    @theobsessedcollector 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    The answer to would you tell a seller their $5 price for something I know is a $300 item, for me is a clear yes. It's not worth the cost of my conscience to take advantage of a situation just because, in that instance, I know more than the other person. What if it was a kid, a grandmother, or an adult with a learning disability. When do you draw your personal line as to when it's OK to take advantage of a person? Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself, and it will all come back to you in some way down life's road. 😊

    • @patwilliams7362
      @patwilliams7362 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I appreciate your post. Honesty is the best policy. Give yourself a little bit room if you will resell it. But don't just rip Joyce off. Couldn't sleep at night with that kind of deal.

    • @MediaBrainwashDOTcom
      @MediaBrainwashDOTcom 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I was just at an older's guy's living estate sale. He was in the garage basically giving away all his stuff before he moved south. I was talking to him out in the garage and started digging in some cabinets under the work bench and pulled out an old guitar amp from the early 90's. I saw it had mini tubes in it and I know from another repair tech that tube amps are very desirable to many. So I gambled and offered him 10 bux for it (he said he thought it worked, but he only used it as a pre-amp in a band for a short while back when it was new) . He took the $10 and when I got home, I found out it was desirable... and sold it for a grand. After you have speculated on resale and thrown enough junk away, you stop having guilt for a winning gamble. Also, once you have had people screw you out of a sale because you told them they were asking too little, you stop doing that pretty quickly. My record is about 1 in 20 "sales" of different types being profitable. You have to put up with stinky jerks and crowds of resellers to play this game. That deserves some compensation.

  • @Socrates1973
    @Socrates1973 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Picked up DC sampler #2 (cameo and preview of John Constantine) in a .50 bin, also Ultimate Comics: Spider-Man #2, & 3 in the .50 bin all from my LCS.

    @WOLVERINE25TH 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Saw a situation like this on Facebook yesterday--dude got a decent haul that included a Romita signature for a low-balled $80. Originally offered $50, guy asked for $100, he talked him down to the $80. The seller wasn't a collector and just wanted to be rid of the books. The buyer isn't even a reader, just a flipper.
    Here's my view of it: If you're dealing with someone knowledgeable--like a comic shop--who's giving you the bargain, then I say it's all fair game. If you're dealing with a normie that somehow got comics in their possession, knows nothing about them, just wants to be rid of them, I think it's an ethical responsibility that we, as informed buyers, either offer as fair a price as we can afford, or barring that at least alert them to what they might have and suggest they ask for a bit more. If they still don't care and don't adjust the price, then that's another matter and feel free to buy away (although I'd still say throw them some extra cash as a "tip").
    I love bargains. We all do. It's the only way that most of us will ever get some books. But taking advantage of someone's obvious lack of knowledge? That's a dick move. And if you're okay with being a dick, then you're the kinda person the hobby DOESN'T need.

  • @richardbehrle1496
    @richardbehrle1496 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    40 years ago, a friend sold me a box of books, I probably paid around $20. In there was X-men 94, Giant Sized X-men 1, a bunch of Spideys, Ghost comics 1, dc stuff. Over all, I paid about .20 cents per book. At the time they were just comics. I kept most of them to this day. Around that time, another friend and I would periodically trade books and a few times Hulk 181 was in a trade, back and forth it went until i finally decided to keep that one. It was worth around $60. I kept it till 2014 and sold it for a lot more than $60.

  • @donsolo96
    @donsolo96 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Bought a couple books on eBay. Cheap stuff, but it was NM in pics. Seller with 100% feedback with nearly 1000 sales sent the two books in a paper envelope, no padding. Dude. Asked for refund and he gave it after I sent numerous pictures, but I was like, how the heck does this dude have 100% feedback?

  • @sixarms
    @sixarms 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Last year I was at a yard sale, and I picked up a mint Highlander Season One Tv Series Vhsboxset for only $50
    I did advise the person this was priced low, but they thanked me and let me have it for $50.

  • @garethtrevorsson
    @garethtrevorsson 12 วันที่ผ่านมา

    At my local antique store, I found a fair conditioned copy of Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #1 (4th appearance of Shang-Chi and 1st appearance of Sons of the Tiger) for only $3...I don't feel bad as they try and sell worthless books for $10+

  • @johnmonachelli9292
    @johnmonachelli9292 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I've been on both ends of this. Bought ASM 129 at an antique shop for $7. You're right about the rush. I was shaking when I left. And sold a bunch of old stamps (that I know nothing about) at a yard sale only to read in the paper 2 wks later that someone bought a $10k stamp at a yard sale. Coincidence? IDK.

  • @panteraJTM
    @panteraJTM 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I got my ASM #129 for less than a dollar and the seller knew exactly what he had. It was his collection of books he had as a kid and he just wasnt into them any more. I got 165 books, all Spiderman titles from 70s, 80s, and early 90s for $150. And that was also the very first collection I ever bought, it was crazy

    • @panteraJTM
      @panteraJTM 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Also a couple months ago I was on marketplace and found the Xmen board game with all the pieces and it also had the Pressman Xmen #11 inside. I got that for $15 lol

  • @TheJohno95
    @TheJohno95 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I feel like it can go both ways. On the one hand, I've warned people that they're selling books for way to cheap and told them how to do their research. In that case, it is usually individual people that need the money or that have been out of the hobby and don't know how much the prices on Silver and Bronze Age books have jumped.
    On the other hand...I've probably watched Pawn Stars too much, but there is some truth that if you try to do someone a favor and make them aware that something they have is worth more than they think, they usually try to turn around and try to ask the maximum price for it. I've had this happen at a flea market I was selling comics at. Some old timers that sold jelly came and asked me if I would look at their son's books that had been sitting under the kitchen sink. I say sure, expecting them to be utter water damaged rubbish. Surprisingly, they were two stacks in a boot box. No water damage, just well-read and a little beat up. Most were westerns, though. So, I really didn't want to mess with them because I was already sitting on plenty and hadn't sold a one. It's nice to have inventory, but there comes a time where you just have too much you're buying and you're not moving enough. The only thing they had that I thought I could move was a Daredevil #7 in probably 2.5 or 3.0 condition. I told them that a couple of the books were worth some money, but as a whole it was just stuff that nobody was interested in. The guy insists that I make him an offer and I tell him that he could probably get more if he took the time to parcel them out himself or go to a store, but that I would give him a hundred bucks for the lot. He comes back in about an hour with a price guide someone sold him and starts ranting and raving that he has a thousand dollars worth of books and I tried to take him. I proceed to explain that if the books were in better condition, they would probably book for about that, but most were in the 3.0-6.0 condition and that very few people are interested in Bronze Age westerns. He rants and raves some more and I tell him to be my guest and sell his books on his own. Some competition never hurts at the flea market. If word gets out there are multiple comic sellers, more collectors show up. But I did take a trick from the Old Man on Pawn Stars and told him if he ever showed up with his hat in his hand trying to sell them again, the price would be $75. Never saw him again. No worries.
    I guess it all comes down to the situation, who's doing the selling, and what the item is. If it's a modern book that's not worth a fortune, whatever. If some poor old lady is trying to sell her kid's collection for rent money, don't rip her off. Just do what you can do and still go to sleep at night. Don't take anybody, but also don't get took. God knows it's a buyers market out there right now, so don't be paying crazy prices for crap right now. It's just like after the 90's bubble burst, there are still a lot of jokers out there that think their variant cover of Gwen Stacy is worth a million dollars, so it can make you jaded dealing with it.

  • @matthewinman4376
    @matthewinman4376 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    That's a double-edged sword my friend. I once drove a couple hours to buy a collection. Old dude who does clean-outs and grabs any baseball cards and comics and whatnot. We talked and talked and I was told they were old books from the 70's and some were encased in plastic. I get there with a wad of cash and what I was shown was a bunch of banana boxes and printing paper boxes filled with late 80's and 90's shit. Then he says for me to go through them all and see what I think. Ugh. I was ready to drive home empty handed. What I like is to buy a collection of any size and then go through it. The joy of discovery and the anticipation, hoping to find a Hulk 181 is almost as much fun as finding the book itself. So I went through them all and was very disappointed. I offered him $300. He asked for $400. Ugh. Fine dude. Here's your cash. And to be honest, he said he still had all his comics from the 60's, so I bought this crap in hopes of establishing a relationship with him so I could buy any clean out comics he found, but I was *really* interested in his collection. Long story short, he would reach out every now and again and tell me he's "getting ready to have his big sale" where he sells off all the accumulated crap he gets from cleanouts. This is after he had me on the hook, chasing him for his personal stuff, which I eventually gave up on. Yet HE was the one reaching out to me about more comics. I never ended up doing business with him again despite every couple months him reaching out telling me I can come down and look at everything. Waste of my flippin' time. I did get my money back and another $200 or so more when all was said and done, but it left a bad taste in my mouth.
    I'd like to think I would take the high road, but more often than not, I am just looking for a box of old stuff and if you want $100 and I can see there is some 70's stuff in there, then yeah. I'll give it to you and hope there is an Action Comics #1 in there.
    For every person like the guy above, there is someone who is trying to sell a bunch of random comics they found and want $100 because the comics are 20 years old.

  • @dinkthinks3958
    @dinkthinks3958 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Bought a bunch of McFarlane’s Amazing Spider-Man’s for $1 each at an antique shop about 15 years ago. When I got to the register, the shop owner told be I get 25% off for buying more than 10. So…I bought Amazing #300 for half of cover price. Still have it and not getting rid of it EVER. In my book, she didn’t want the books because her shop really didn’t cater to that market and I was able to secure a personal grail and more. Not to mention rescue them from being thrown loose in an old wooden box! Decades of Antique Mall hunting and that’s by far my best “big fish” story.

    • @dinkthinks3958
      @dinkthinks3958 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      If someone asked me, hey I’d like to sell these, can you help me with how much to ask? I would be (and have been) totally honest even though it would price me out. However, if they have decided what they would ask and it’s a “steal” I pay them what they ask. Like my example above, some people don’t want to mess with them and want to get them out of their store, house etc.

  • @capnyoda
    @capnyoda 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The first lot I bought in the wild was like this. It was a couple just looking to unload stuff from a recently deceased relative. Looking through the lot, all the books were in excellent condition with a few immediately recognizable keys. I only had like $200 cash on hand because they only advertised like 20 books on Marketplace. I ended up coming away with everything.
    Later looking through the books I discovered 2 copies of New Mutants 98 in there I missed before. I contacted them back asking if they wanted more money but they refused saying they were just happy to have the space. Lucky me I guess.
    Since then I do let people know if they missed a key while pricing stuff. I think it's only fair.

  • @stevenschaller1672
    @stevenschaller1672 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Their loss! Its the situation that we as collectors dream of!!👍🏼

  • @NumeroBruno
    @NumeroBruno 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I bought a manga volume at a garage sale for a quarter, traded it for a couple $2 matchbooks at an antique shop, and then gave them to my girlfriend's mom since she collects them.
    Sometimes an item's value isn't intrinsic and just needs to be presented in the right circumstance

  • @nivekwons7545
    @nivekwons7545 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I usually ask if they are theirs or selling for someone else. Then I can try to figure out how much they care for the books or value. Some sell them because their child moved and said just get rid of the stuff so they do. Some care but need them gone for various reasons. I don't think it's unethical as you agree to the price but I may offer to show them the values if there are several high dollar books in there. As someone else stated, finding one this way would probably be the only way I'd own it so I definitely be a little torn in the moment. The best yard sale find isn't huge but I found a NM copy of Alias 1 a few weeks back for $1. As she's rumored for Daredevil it could jump so I'm excited for that!

  • @VandelayIndustry
    @VandelayIndustry 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Such a gray area with no defined parameters. I think it depends on the person and price. I’ve told my LCS about underpriced books and I’ve bought keys for $1. Recently I picked up a high grade X-Men 221 for $1 at a flea market.

  • @brokecuzofcomics
    @brokecuzofcomics 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This is a tough question. If I hit a yard sale an buy a box without looking for an agreed price, get home to find ASM 129 or House of Secrets 92 that’s one thing, but if I buy the box after I look and see a 1st Venom, or 1st John Stewart them it becomes a different story because I know what’s in there.

  • @jpl484
    @jpl484 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    my wife runs a successful resale business (no comics) we come across this issue alot particularly when its comes old collectibles, like pottery, we will often pay up for things when its not asked because it is good karma. we once found a piece of Tiffany Pottery with $5 price tag that we knew should be worth a lot more..we told them so and gave them $150, they acted like they won the lottery. ..we put in the work and time and got the big pay out months later. fair deal

    • @PunguinYoga
      @PunguinYoga 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Sounds good.

  • @jmourgos55
    @jmourgos55 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I bought an Action 300 but did not know there was a missing page. Bought a Thor silver age with a missing torn out page

  • @johndavis48076
    @johndavis48076 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I got Walking Dead 1 2 and 3 at a yard sale for free when consider the other items that were bundled in with the purchase. I had no idea they would go for $4000 graded. I just knew I had something and bought them.

  • @albertdale5101
    @albertdale5101 หลายเดือนก่อน

    There is a totally equal opportunity that a casual buyer might find some funny books for Little Johnny and not even have a notion of value or even would think of taking advantage!

  • @clintmann1692
    @clintmann1692 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Found a Wolverine 88 at an antique shop for $50 had it grade came back a 9.8 and traded it for my asm 300 newstand!

    • @MintHunterComics
      @MintHunterComics  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That's actually about the raw price for it honestly!